SoFi Blog

Tips and news—
for your financial moves.

Easy Home Improvement Projects for Beginners

If you’ve ever watched Chip and Joanna transform a Texas interior with their signature brand of minimalist, barnhouse chic (i.e. shiplap), you may have been struck with envy—and overwhelm. As beautiful as those HGTV homes look in their “after” shots, it usually takes a lot of work to get them there.

But even if you’ve never so much as cobbled together a piece of IKEA furniture, there are some easy home renovation techniques that will take your space from so-so to stunning, no heavy machinery required.

Here are some home remodeling ideas for beginners, whether you’re looking to spruce up your home for your own purposes or stage it for selling.

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Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

It’s no secret that today’s generation can have a hard time setting healthy boundaries between their work life and their personal life.

Whether it’s figuring out how to stop checking work emails late at night or how to develop a healthy relationship with work income and spending in the face of student loan debt, navigating the workplace in a sustainable way is often easier said than done.

The constant demands on today’s workers can sometimes make it feel like work doesn’t really have an “off” switch. Thanks to social media and email, it can sometimes start to feel like you’re losing control of your own time and life—working around the clock, even when you’re outside of your physical office.

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colorful peaks

Your September Monthly Market Commentary

The kids are back in school, football is on the tube, and many of us are scratching our heads as to how it’s already the last quarter of 2019. Even in the face of all the background noise of trade wars, political arguments, and interest rate cuts, the market ended the month higher.

Contrary to experts predicting the impending crash, the longest expansion in United States history kept chugging forward. As you get ready for your favorite TV shows to return from break, sit back and catch up on some highlights from September.

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skeleton costumes

Halloween Costumes on a Budget

Halloween is a sneakily expensive holiday. Because it doesn’t involve gifts, many of us may not remember to budget for it, but the fact of the matter is that between candy, costumes, and parties, establishing a Halloween budget is never a bad idea.

If you’re staring down October 31 with dread, wondering how you’re going to cover costs with what’s left in your bank account at the end of the month, there is hope. Halloween doesn’t have to break the bank, especially when it comes to costumes—frequently one of the most expensive parts of celebrating.

Instead of heading out to your local party store to drop a ton of cash on a costume that will just end up in the trash, you could get in touch with your inner DIY-er and plan out a costume you can make by reusing things you already own or picking up a few things from a dollar store.

These cheap costume ideas will ensure you’re the best dressed and the most financially savvy.

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wedding flowers

Average Cost of Wedding Flowers

Weddings are a rite of passage, but as any future bride and groom know, paying for them is a major headache. From the venue to the dress, wedding costs can be exorbitant, especially for couples dealing with other financial priorities.

Wedding flowers can be a pricey part of the big day, making up about 10% of a typical wedding budget . But what’s a wedding without a bouquet to toss?

Fortunately, there are ways to save on your wedding flowers without giving up your dream. Learn how you can find wedding flowers that fit both your budget and your vision board.

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