SoFi Blog

Tips and news—
for your financial moves.

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Community College vs. 4 Year University: What’s Right for You?

Community college used to get a bad rap. But with the skyrocketing costs of post-secondary education and the improvement of community college programs across the country, it’s now recognized as a meaningful—and even prestigious—step in your education and career. So community college vs university: Which do you choose?

Whether you’re planning to continue your education immediately after graduating from high school, or your goal is to go back to school as an adult, the type of education you choose can shape your future.

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desk with computer

Refreshing Your Dorm Room for Spring

Dorm life is exciting—as a college student it’s likely the first time you’ve lived on your own. But, there can certainly be pitfalls such as cramped space, noisy neighbors and those oh, so fun fluorescent lights.

Your dorm room is your home, but also your workspace, so you want to make sure it is equal parts comfort and productive. Thankfully there are all sorts of interior design inspiration, inexpensive decorations, and small dorm room ideas to help you create a homey space that you’ll love living in. Here are our best dorm room decorating ideas that can help you reinvent your dorm room this spring, all while sticking to a budget.

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woman writing at a desk

Spring Cleaning Your Finances: 6 Tips for Getting into Financial Shape This Year

If you like the idea of a good spring cleaning—clearing up the clutter and sprucing up your home to make a fresh start—why not do the same thing for your finances?

The end of tax season is a great time to reevaluate your saving and spending habits and organize your finances. You can even brag to your trendy friends that you went all Marie Kondo on your paperwork and “sparked joy” by getting a better grip on your budget.

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elderly man with sunglasses

Top Retiree Investment Regrets

If there’s an American Dream for retirement, it probably includes telling your boss to lose your number, unplugging the alarm clock, and moving somewhere that’s 72 and sunny year-round. It’s a worthy goal, but it doesn’t just magically happen when you turn 65. When you look more closely, you’ll find that retirement could also mean learning to live with more time—and less money.

It doesn’t mean you’ll never live on the beach in retired bliss. But retirement does require planning, foresight, and a solid grasp on your finances that needs to start long before you decide to leave your career.

To help you try to retire without regret, we put together a list of the top financial planning tactics that retirees wish they had done better, sooner, or longer. This is straight from retirees who’ve been there, done that, and wished they had done something differently.

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Millennials Are Stressed About Money: Here’s Why

It seems like millennials and student debt go together like avocados and toast. The millennial generation is cash-strapped , facing high amounts of student debt and high housing costs. The result is a generation that is constantly worried about money.

A majority of millennials are dealing with significant amounts of debt—and it’s keeping them up at night. A SoFi survey of its members found that 83% felt like their student loan debt kept them from relaxing.

Whether you’re waking up in a cold sweat after dreaming about your monthly balance or feeling wracked with guilt every time you swipe your credit card, looming loan payments can feel overwhelming.

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