SoFi Blog

Tips and news—
for your financial moves.

The 411 on FICO’s Credit Score Changes

Most people understand the importance of establishing and maintaining a good credit score.  For student loan borrowers, this means treating that debt responsibly – for example, paying on time, every time.  But that’s old news.

The new news is that FICO is making changes to the way it calculates credit scores. Because FICO’s credit scoring metric is by far the most widely used in consumer lending decisions, it’s worth exploring what this might mean for you.

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What’s the Difference Between Federal Student Loan Consolidation and a "Private Consolidation Loan"?


If there’s anything clear about student loans, it’s that the terminology associated with student loans is often far from clear.  Take the words “consolidate” and “refinance,” for example.  Both of these fall into the category of “things you can potentially do with your student loans” and as a result they’re often used interchangeably.  But the terms can have different implications based on the context in which they’re being used.

So here’s the scoop:

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5 Smart Career Moves to Make Before Labor Day

Whether you’re looking for a new job, angling for a promotion or just seeking more responsibility in your current role, most people would agree that summer is not the best time to accomplish big career moves.   People are out on vacation, attitudes are relaxed and things move slowly, making it difficult to schedule interviews and get exposure at work.

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