401a vs 401k: What's the Difference?

401(a) vs 401(k) Compared

A 401(k) plan and a 401(a) plan may sound confusingly similar, but there are some differences between the two retirement accounts.

The biggest differences between 401(k) vs 401(a) plans are in the types of companies that offer them and their contribution requirements. While most private sector companies are eligible to offer 401(k) plans, only certain government and public organizations can offer their employees a 401(a) plan. Employers must contribute to 401(a) plans and can make it mandatory for employees to contribute a pre-set amount as well. By contrast, employers do not have to contribute to 401(k) plans and employees are free to choose whether they want to contribute.

Key Points

•   A 401(a) plan is an employer-sponsored retirement account typically available to government workers and employees at educational institutions and nonprofits. Employer contributions are mandatory, while employee contributions may be voluntary.

•   A 401(k) plan is offered by for-profit employers as part of the employee’s compensation package. Employers are permitted but not required to contribute to a 401(k) plan.

•   For 2023, the total contribution limit — from both employer and employee — is $66,000 for 401(a) and 401(k) plans, with an additional $7,500 catchup contribution allowed for employees age 50 or older.

•   Employee contributions to 401(a) or 401(k) plans in 2023 can amount to $22,500, or for people 50 or older the cap is $30,000. However, employee contributions cannot exceed their salary.

•   You can borrow from either a 401(a) or a 401(k) plan with restrictions. Withdrawals before age 59 1⁄2 may incur penalties. Employees can begin to withdraw money without penalty when they turn 59 1⁄2.

What Is a 401(a) Plan?

A 401(a) plan is an employer-sponsored type of retirement account that typically covers government workers and employees from specific education institutions and nonprofits. It is different from an IRA in that the employer sponsors the plan, determines the investment options that the employees can choose from, and sets the vesting schedule (the amount of time an employee will have had to have worked with the organization before all employer contributions become fully theirs, even if they leave the company).

With IRAs, the individual investor decides how much to contribute and if/when they want to make withdrawals from the account. With a 401(a) plan, employer contributions are mandatory; employee contributions are not. All contributions made to the plan accrue on a tax-deferred basis.

Recommended: IRAs vs 401(k) plans

However, withdrawing from either type of plan may incur penalties for withdrawing money before age 59 ½.

What Is a 401(k) Plan?

A 401(k) plan is a benefit offered by for-profit employers as part of the employee’s compensation package. The employer establishes the plan, along with the investment options the employee can choose from and the vesting schedule. As with 401(a) plans, funds contributed are tax-deferred and help employees save for retirement.

Some employers choose to offer a match program in which the company matches employee contributions up to a specific limit.

401(k) plans are also accessible to entrepreneurs and self-employed business owners.

Who Contributes to Each Plan?

Under a 401(a) plan, employer contributions are mandatory, though the employer can decide whether they’ll contribute a percentage of the employees’ income or a specific dollar amount. Employers can establish multiple 401(a) accounts for their employees with different eligibility requirements, vesting schedules, and contribution amounts.

Employee participation is voluntary, with contributions capped at 25% of their pre-tax income.

Under a 401(k) plan, employees can voluntarily choose to contribute a percentage of their pre-tax salary. Employees are not required to participate in a 401(k) plan.

Employers are permitted but not required to contribute to a 401(k) plan, and many will match up to a certain amount — say, 3% — of employees’s salaries.

401(a) vs 401(k) Contribution Limits

For 2023, the total 401(a) contribution limit — from both employer and employee — is $66,000. However, employees with 401(a) plans can also contribute to a 403(b) plan and a 457 plan simultaneously (more on those plans in the 401(a) vs Other Retirement Plan Options section).

Employee contributions for 401(k) plans have a $23,000 limit in 2024 and a $22,500 limit in 2023. Employees who are 50 or older may contribute up to an additional $7,500 for a total of $30,500 in 2024 and a total of $30,000 in 2023. An employee with a 401(k) plan can also have a Roth or traditional IRA. However, there are limits on how much they can contribute to an IRA account — $7,000 for a traditional IRA for 2024 and $6,500 for a traditional IRA for 2023, with an extra $1,000 for people over age 50.

401(a) vs 401(k) Investment Options

401(a) vs 401(k) plans often offer various investment options, which may include more conservative investments such as stable value funds to more aggressive investments such as stock funds. Some 401(a) plans may allow employees to simplify diversified portfolios or seek investment advice through the plan’s advisor.

Most 401(k) plans also offer various investment choices ranging from low-risk investments like annuities and municipal bonds to equity funds that invest in stocks and reap higher returns.

💡 Quick Tip: All investments come with some degree of risk — and some are riskier than others. Before investing online, decide on your investment goals and how much risk you want to take.

401(a) vs 401(k) Tax Rules

The tax rules in a 401(a) plan may be one difference between a 401(k) and 401(a).

With a 401(a), employees make pre-tax or after-tax contributions, depending on how their employer decides to structure the plan. Pre-tax means contributions are not taxed at the time of investment, but later upon withdrawal. After-tax means contributions are taxed before being deposited into the account

A 401(k), on the other hand, is a tax-deferred retirement plan, meaning all contributions are pre-tax. The wages employees choose to contribute to their plan are untaxed upon initial investment. Income taxes only kick in when the employee decides to withdraw funds from their account.

Can You Borrow from Each Plan?

You can borrow from either a 401(a) or a 401(k) plan if you have an immediate financial need, but there are some restrictions and it is possible to incur early withdrawal penalties.

An employer can limit the amount borrowed from a 401(a) plan — and may choose not to allow employees to borrow funds. If the employer does allow loans, the maximum amount an employee can borrow is the lesser of:

•   $10,000 or half of the vested account balance, whichever is greater OR

•   $50,000

Because the employee is borrowing money from their account, when the employee pays back the loan’s interest, they are paying it to themselves. However, the IRS requires employees to pay back the entire loan within five years . If they don’t pay the loan back, the IRS will consider the loan balance to be a withdrawal and will require taxation on the remaining loan amount as well as a 10% penalty if the employee is under age 59 ½.

Borrowing from a 401(k) plan is similar. Employees are limited to borrowing $50,000 or half of the vested balance — whichever is less. One big difference between borrowing from a 401(a) vs. a 401(k) plan is employees lose out on a tax break if they borrow from their 401(k) because they are repaying it with after-tax dollars. Because the money is taxed again when withdrawn during retirement, an investor is essentially being taxed twice on that money.

Can You Borrow Money from a 401(a) or 401(k) to Buy a Home?

You may be able to use the funds from a 401(a) or 401(k) account to purchase a home. Remember, with 401(a) plans, the employer ultimately decides if loans are permitted from the 401(k).

If you borrow money from your 401(a) or 401(k) to fund the purchase of a home, you have at least five years to repay what you’ve taken out.

The maximum amount you’re allowed to borrow follows the rules stated above:

•   $50,000 OR

•   The greater between $10,000 or half of what’s vested in your account,

Whichever is less.

When Can You Withdraw From Your Retirement Plan?

Employees can begin to withdraw money from their 401(a) plan without penalty when they turn 59 ½. If they make any withdrawals before 59 ½, they will need to pay a 10% early withdrawal penalty. Once they reach 70 ½, they’re required to make withdrawals if they haven’t already started to.

With a 401(k) plan, if an employee retires at age 55, they can start withdrawing money without penalty. However, to take advantage of this early-access provision, they need to have kept the money in the 401(k) plan and not have rolled it into a Roth IRA.

Employees also need to have ended their employment no earlier than the year in which they turn 55.

Otherwise, the restrictions are the same as with a 401(a) plan, and they can begin to withdraw money penalty-free once they turn 59 ½.

401(a) vs 401(k) Rollover Rules

Generally, 401(a) and 401(k) accounts have similar rollover rules. When an employee chooses to leave their job, they have the option to roll over funds. The employee can choose to roll the account into another retirement plan or take a lump-sum distribution. Generally, if the employee decides to roll over their plan to another plan, they have to do so within 60 days of moving the funds.

The rules for a 401(a) rollover dictate that funds can be transferred to another qualified plan like a 401(k) or an individual retirement account (IRA). The rules for 401(k)s are the same.

If the employee decides to take a lump-sum distribution from the account, they will have to pay income taxes on the full amount. If they are under 59 ½, they will also have to pay the 10% penalty.

Recommended: How To Roll Over a 401(k)

What Happens to Your 401(a) or 401(k) If You Quit Your Job?

If you quit your job, you can leave the money in your former employer’s plan, roll it into the plan of your new employer, transfer it to a Rollover IRA, or cash it out. If you are under age 59 ½ and cash out the plan, you will likely need to pay taxes and a 10% penalty.

However, if you quit your job before you are fully invested in the plan, you will not get your employer’s contributions. You will only get what you contributed to the plan.

What Is a 401(a) Profit Sharing Plan?

A 401(a) profit sharing plan is a tax-advantaged account used to save for retirement. Employees and employers contribute to the account based on a set formula determined by the employer. Unlike 401(a) plans, the employer’s contributions are discretionary, and they may not contribute to the plan every year.

All contributions from employees are fully vested. The ownership of the employer contributions may vary depending on the vesting schedule they create.

Like 401(a) plans, 401(a) profit sharing plans allow employees to select their investments and roll over the account to a new plan if the employee leaves the company. If an employee wants to take a distribution before reaching age 59 ½, they are subject to income taxation and a 10% penalty.

Summarizing the Differences Between 401(k) and 401(a) Plans

The main differences between a 401(k) and 401(a) are:

•   401(a) plans are typically offered by the government and nonprofit organizations, while 401(k) plans are offered by private employers.

•   Employees don’t have to participate in a 401(K), but they often must participate in a 401(a).

•   An employer decides how much employees contribute to a 401(a), while 401(k) participants can contribute what they like.

•   With a 401(a), employees make pre-tax or after-tax contributions, depending on how their employer decides to structure the plan. With a 401(k), all contributions are pre-tax.

Summarizing the Similarities Between 401(a) vs 401(k) Plans

A 401(k) vs. a 401(a) has similarities as well. These include:

•   Both types of plans are employer-sponsored retirement accounts.

•   Employees can borrow money from each plan, though certain restrictions apply.

•   There may be a 10% penalty for withdrawing funds before age 59 ½ for both plans.

401(a) vs Other Retirement Plan Options

401(a) vs 403b

A 403b is a tax-advantaged retirement plan offered by specific schools and nonprofits. Like 401(a) and 401(k) plans, employees can contribute with pre-tax dollars. Employers can choose to match contributions up to a certain amount. Unlike the 401(a) plan, employers don’t have mandatory contributions.

For 2024, the employee contributions limit is $23,000. For 2023, the employee contributions limit is $22,500. If the plan allows, 50 or older employees may contribute a catch-up amount of $6,500.

Generally, 403b plans are either invested in annuities through an insurance company, a custodian account invested in mutual funds, or a retirement income account for church employees.

Additionally, 403b plans allow for rollovers and distributions without a 10% penalty after age 59 ½. Like similar plans, employees may have to pay a 10% penalty if they take a distribution before reaching age 59 ½ unless the distribution meets other qualifying criteria.

401(a) vs 457

457 plans are retirement plans offered by certain employers such as public education institutions, colleges, universities, and some nonprofit organizations. 457 plans share similar features with 401(a) plans, including pre-tax contributions, tax-deferred investment growth, and a choice of investments that employees can select.

Employees can also roll over funds to a new plan or take a lump-sum distribution if they leave their job. However, unlike a 401(a) or 401(k) plan, the withdrawal is not subject to a 10% IRS penalty.

Another option offered through 457 plans is for employees to contribute to their account on either a pre-tax or post-tax basis.

401(a) vs Pension

A 401(a) is a defined contribution plan, where a pension is a defined benefit plan. With a pension, employees receive the benefit of a fixed monthly income in retirement; their employer pays them a fixed amount each month for the rest of their life. The monthly payment can be based on factors like salary and years of employment.

With a 401(a), employees have access to what they and their employer contributed to their 401(a) account. In contrast to a pension plan, retirees aren’t guaranteed a fixed amount and their contributions may not last through the end of their life.

Pros and Cons of 401(k) vs 401(a) Plans

Both 401(k) and 401(a) plans have pros and cons.

Pros of a 401(k):

•   Employers may match a portion of the employee’s contributions.

•   The plan is fairly easy to set up.

•   Employees generally have a wide range of investment options.

Pros of a 401(a):

•   Lower fees

•   Contributions are tax-deferred.

•   Both the employer and employee make monthly contributions.

Cons of a 401(k):

•   Fees may be high.

•   Need to wait until fully vested to keep employer matching contributions.

•   Penalty for withdrawing funds early.

Cons of a 401(a):

•   Investment choices may be limited.

•   Participation may be mandatory.

•   Penalty for withdrawing funds early.

💡 Quick Tip: How much does it cost to set up an IRA? Often there are no fees to open an IRA, but you typically pay investment costs for the securities in your portfolio.

Other Retirement Account Options

Roth IRAs

Roth IRAs are funded with after-tax contributions, which means they aren’t tax deductible. However, the withdrawals you take in retirement are tax-free.

You can withdraw the amount you contributed to an IRA at any time, without penalty.

The Roth IRA contribution limit for 2024 is $7,000 ($8,000 if you’re 50 or older) and for 2023 is $6,500 ($7,500 if you’re 50 or older).

Traditional IRAs

A traditional IRA is similar to a 401(k): both plans offer tax-deferred contributions that may lower your taxable income. However, in retirement, you will owe taxes on the money you withdraw from both accounts.

Unlike a 401(k), a traditional IRA is not an employer-sponsored plan. Anyone can set up an IRA to save money for retirement. And if you have a 401 k), you can also have a traditional IRA.

The IRA contribution limit for 2024 is $7,000 ($8,000 if you’re 50 or older) and for 2023 is $6,500 ($7,500 if you’re 50 or older).


An HSA, or Health Savings Account, allows you to cover healthcare costs using pre-tax dollars. But you can also use an HSA as a retirement account. At age 65, you can withdraw the money in your HSA and use it for any purpose. However, you will pay taxes on anything you withdraw that’s not used for medical expenses.

In 2024, you can contribute up to $4,150 in an HSA as an individual, or $8,300 for a family. In 2023, you can contribute up to $3,850 in an HSA as an individual, or $7,750 for a family.

Investing In Your Retirement

The largest difference between 401(a) and 401(k) plans is the type of employers offering the plans. Whereas 401(a) plans typically cover government workers and employees from specific education institutions and nonprofits, 401(k) plans are offered by for-profit organizations. Thus, a typical employee won’t get to choose which plan to invest in — the decision will be made based on what organization they work for.

Both 401(a) plans and 401(k) plans do have restrictions that might bother some investors. For example, an employee will be at the mercy of their employer’s choice when it comes to investing options.

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Is a 401(a) better than a 401(k)?

It’s not necessarily a matter of which plan is “better.” 401(k) plans are offered by private employers, while the government and nonprofits offer 401(a) plans. Both plans allow you to save for retirement in a tax-deferred way.

How are 401(a)s different from 401(k)s?

There are some differences between 401(k) and 401(a) plans. For instance, 401(a) plans are typically offered by the government and nonprofit organizations, while 401(k) plans are offered by private employers. In addition, employees don’t have to participate in a 401(k), but they often must participate in a 401(a). An employer decides how much employees contribute to a 401(a), while 401(k) participants can contribute what they like. And finally, those who have a 401(k) may have more investment options than those who have a 401(a).

Can you roll a 401(a) into a 401(k)?

Yes, you can roll a 401(a) into a 401(k) if you leave your job and then get a new job with a private company that offers a 401(k). You can also roll over a 401(a) into a traditional IRA.

Photo credit: iStock/solidcolours

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Roth IRA Conversion: Rules and Examples

A Roth IRA is a retirement savings account that offers tax-free withdrawals during retirement. You can convert a traditional IRA or a qualified distribution from a previous employer-sponsored plan, such as a 401(k), into a Roth IRA. This is known as a Roth IRA conversion.

A Roth IRA conversion may be worth considering for the potential tax benefits. Along with tax-free qualified withdrawals in retirement, the money in a Roth IRA has the potential to grow tax-free. Read on to learn how a conversion works, the Roth IRA conversion rules, and whether a Roth IRA conversion may make sense for you.

What Is a Roth IRA Conversion?

With a Roth IRA conversion, an individual moves the funds from another retirement plan into a Roth IRA. You pay taxes on the money in your existing account in order to move it to a Roth IRA.

Many retirement plans, such as 401(k)s and traditional IRAs are tax-deferred. The money is contributed to your account with pre-tax dollars. In retirement, you would pay taxes on your withdrawals. But by doing a Roth conversion, you pay taxes on the money you convert to a Roth IRA, and the money can then potentially grow tax-free. In retirement, you can make qualified withdrawals from the Roth IRA tax-free.

You can convert all or part of your money to a Roth IRA.

💡 Quick Tip: Look for an online brokerage with low trading commissions as well as no account minimum. Higher fees can cut into investment returns over time.

How Does a Roth IRA Conversion Work?

As mentioned, when converting to a Roth IRA, an individual must pay taxes on the contributions and gains in their current retirement plan because only after-tax contributions are allowed to a Roth IRA. They can typically convert their funds to a Roth IRA in one of three ways:

•   An indirect rollover: With this method, the owner of the account receives a distribution from a traditional IRA and can then contribute it to a Roth IRA within 60 days.

•   A trustee-to-trustee, or direct IRA rollover: The account owner tells the financial institution currently holding the traditional IRA assets to transfer an amount directly to the trustee of a new Roth IRA account at a different financial institution.

•   A same-trustee transfer: This is used when a traditional IRA is housed in the same financial institution as the new Roth IRA. The owner of the account alerts the institution to transfer an amount from the traditional IRA to the Roth IRA.

Roth IRA Conversion Rules

There are a number of rules that govern a Roth IRA conversion. Before you proceed with a conversion, it’s important to understand what;’s involved. Roth IRA conversion rules include:


You’ll pay taxes on a traditional IRA or 401(k) before you convert it to a Roth IRA. This includes the tax-deductible contributions you’ve made to the account as well as the tax-deferred earnings. They will be taxed as ordinary income in the year that you make the conversion. Because they’re considered additional income, they could put you into a higher marginal tax bracket. You’ll also need to make sure you have the money on hand to pay the taxes.


There are two types of limits to be aware of with a Roth IRA conversion. First, there is no limit to the number or size of Roth IRA conversions you can make. You might want to convert smaller amounts of money into a Roth IRA over a period of several years to help manage the amount of taxes you’ll need to pay in one year.

Second, Roth IRAs have contribution limits. For instance, in 2024, you can typically contribute up to $7,000, or up to $8,000 if you’re 50 or older.


The withdrawals you make from a Roth IRA are tax-free. However, with a Roth IRA conversion, if you are under age 59 ½, you will need to wait at least five years before withdrawing the money or you’ll be subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty (more on that below).

Backdoor Roth IRAs

A Roth IRA conversion may be an option to consider if you earn too much money to otherwise be eligible for a Roth IRA. Roth IRAs have contribution phase-out ranges, and individuals whose income exceeds those limits cannot contribute to a Roth fully or at all. For 2024, the income limits begin to phase out at $230,000 for those who are married and filing jointly, and $146,000 for those who are single.

However, if you have a traditional IRA and convert it to a Roth IRA — a process known as a backdoor Roth IRA — those income phase-out rules don’t apply. You can use a backdoor IRA as long as you pay taxes on any contributions to the traditional IRA that you deducted from your taxes, as well as any profits you earned.

5-Year Rule

According to the 5-year rule, if you are under age 59 ½, the funds that you convert to a Roth IRA must remain in your account for at least five years or you could be subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty.

The five years starts at the beginning of the calendar year in which you do the conversion. So even if you don’t do the conversion until, say, December 2024, the five years still begins in January 2024. That means you could withdraw your funds in January 2029.

Also, if you complete separate Roth IRA conversions in different years, the 5-year rule would apply to each of them, so keep this in mind.

💡 Quick Tip: How much does it cost to set up an IRA? Often there are no fees to open an IRA, but you typically pay investment costs for the securities in your portfolio.

Is Converting to a Roth IRA Right for You?

Doing a Roth IRA conversion means paying taxes now on the funds you are converting in order to withdraw money tax-free in retirement. Here’s how to decide if converting a Roth IRA may be right for you

Reasons For

If you anticipate being in a higher tax bracket in retirement than you’re in now, a Roth IRA conversion may make sense for you. That’s because you’ll pay taxes on the money now at a lower rate, rather than paying them when you retire, when you expect your tax rate will be higher.

In addition, with a Roth IRA, you won’t have to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) every year after the age of 73 as you would with a traditional IRA. Instead, the money can stay right in the account — where it may continue to grow — until it’s actually needed.

If your income is too high for you to be eligible for a Roth IRA, a Roth IRA conversion might be beneficial through a backdoor IRA. You will just need to put your funds into a traditional IRA first and pay the taxes on them.

Finally, if you won’t need the funds in your Roth IRA for at least five years, a conversion may also be worth considering.

Reasons Against

A Roth IRA conversion may not be the best fit for those who are nearing retirement and need their retirement savings to live on. In this case, you might not be able to recoup the taxes you’d need to pay for doing the conversion.

Additionally, if you receive Social Security or Medicare benefits, a Roth IRA conversion would increase your taxable income, which could increase the taxes you pay on Social Security. The cost of your Medicare benefits might also increase.

Those who don’t have the money readily available to pay the taxes required by the conversion should also think twice about an IRA conversion.

And if you expect to be in a lower tax bracket in retirement, a conversion also likely doesn’t make sense for you.

Finally, if you think you might need to withdraw funds from your account within five years, and you’re under age 59 ½, you could be subject to an early withdrawal penalty if you convert to a Roth IRA.

The Takeaway

A Roth IRA conversion may help individuals save on taxes because they can make qualified withdrawals tax-free withdrawals in retirement. For those who expect to be in a higher tax bracket in retirement, a Roth IRA may be worth considering.

It’s important to be aware of the tradeoffs involved, especially the amount of taxes you might have to pay in order to do the conversion. Making the right decisions now can help you reach your financial goals as you plan and save for retirement.

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How much tax do you pay on a Roth IRA conversion?

You pay tax on the money you convert, but the specific amount of tax you’ll pay depends on the marginal tax rate you’re in. Before doing a Roth IRA conversion, you may want to calculate to see if the funds you’re converting will put you into a higher tax bracket.

How many Roth iRA conversions are allowed per year?

There is no limit to the number of Roth conversions you can do in one year.

When is the deadline for Roth IRA conversions?

The deadline for a Roth IRA conversion is December 31 of the year you’re doing the conversion.

Is there a loophole for Roth IRA conversions?

A backdoor IRA might be considered a loophole for a Roth IRA conversion. Roth IRAs have contribution phase-out ranges, and individuals whose income exceeds those limits cannot contribute to a Roth fully or at all. However, a backdoor IRA may be a way to get around the income limits. To do it, you will need to have a traditional IRA that you convert to a Roth IRA.

How do I avoid taxes on Roth conversion?

You cannot avoid paying taxes on a Roth conversion. You must pay taxes on the money you convert.

How do you not lose money in a Roth IRA conversion?

To reduce the tax impact of a Roth IRA conversion, you may want to split the conversion into multiple conversions of smaller amounts over several years. If possible, try to do the conversions in years when your taxable income is lower.

Do you have to pay taxes immediately on Roth conversion?

Taxes on a Roth conversion are not due until the tax deadline of the following year.

Should a 65 year old do a Roth conversion?

It depends on an individual’s specific situation, but a Roth conversion may not make sense for a 65 year old if they need to live off their retirement savings or if they are receiving Social Security or Medicare benefits. A Roth IRA conversion could increase the taxes they pay on Social Security, and the cost of their Medicare benefits might rise.

Does a Roth conversion affect my Social Security?

It might. A Roth IRA conversion increases your taxable income, which could potentially increase the taxes you pay on Social Security.

Does a Roth conversion affect Medicare premiums?

A Roth IRA conversion may affect your Medicare premiums. Because it increases your taxable income, the cost of your Medicare benefits might increase as well.

What is the best Roth conversion strategy?

The best Roth conversion strategy depends on your particular situation, but in general, to help reduce your tax bill, you can aim to make the conversion in a year in which you expect your taxable income to be lower. You may also want to do multiple smaller conversions over several years, rather than one big conversion in one year, to help manage the taxes you owe.

Can you do Roth conversions after age 72?

Yes, you can do Roth conversions at any age. Some individuals may want to consider a Roth IRA conversion at 72 if they prefer to avoid paying the required minimum distributions (RMDs) for traditional IRAs that begin at age 73. If you convert before you turn 73, you will not be required to take RMDs.

How do I calculate my Roth conversion basis?

The concept of basis, or money that you’ve paid taxes on already, might be applicable if you’ve made non-deductible contributions to a tax-deferred retirement account. When you convert the money in that account, in order to calculate the percentage that’s tax-free, you need to divide your total nondeductible contributions by the end-of-year value of your IRA account plus the amount you’ve converting.

Do you have to wait 5 years for each Roth conversion?

No. There is no time limit for doing Roth conversions, and in fact, you can do as many as you like in one year. However, if you’re under age 59 ½, you do have to wait five years after each conversion to be able to withdraw money from the account without being subject to an early withdrawal penalty.

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Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
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Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.


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401(k) Taxes: Rules on Withdrawals and Contributions

Employer-sponsored retirement plans like a 401(k) are a common way for workers to save for retirement. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a little more than half of private industry employees participate in a retirement plan at work. So participants need to understand how 401(k) taxes work to take advantage of this popular retirement savings tool.

With a traditional 401(k) plan, employees can contribute a portion of their salary to an account with various investment options, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and cash.

There are two main types of workplace 401(k) plans: a traditional 401(k) plan and a Roth 401(k). The 401(k) tax rules depend on which plan an employee participates in.

Traditional 401(k) Tax Rules

When it comes to this employer-sponsored retirement savings plan, here are key things to know about 401(k) taxes and 401(k) withdrawal tax.

Recommended: Understanding the Different Types of Retirement Plans

401(k) Contributions are Made With Pre-tax Income

One of the biggest advantages of a 401(k) is its tax break on contributions. When you contribute to a 401(k), the money is deducted from your paycheck before taxes are taken out, which reduces your taxable income for the year. This means that you’ll pay less in income tax, which can save you a significant amount of money over time.

If you’re contributing to your company’s 401(k), each time you receive a paycheck, a self-determined portion of it is deposited into your 401(k) account before taxes are taken out, and the rest is taxed and paid to you.

For 2024, participants can contribute up to $23,000 to a 401(k) plan, plus $7,500 in catch-up contributions if they’re 50 or older. These contribution limits are up from 2023, when the limit was $22,500, plus the additional $7,500 for those aged 50 and up.

401(k) Contributions Lower Your Taxable Income

The more you contribute to your 401(k) account, the lower your taxable income is in that year. If you contribute 15% of your income to your 401(k), for instance, you’ll only owe taxes on 85% of your income.

Withdrawals From a 401(k) Account Are Taxable

When you take withdrawals from your 401(k) account in retirement, you’ll be taxed on your contributions and any earnings accrued over time.

The withdrawals count as taxable income, so during the years you withdraw funds from your 401(k) account, you will owe taxes in your retirement income tax bracket.

Early 401(k) Withdrawals Come With Taxes and Penalties

If you withdraw money from your 401(k) before age 59 ½, you’ll owe both income taxes and a 10% tax penalty on the distribution.

Although individual retirement accounts (IRAs) allow penalty-free early withdrawals for qualified first-time homebuyers and qualified higher education expenses, that is not true for 401(k) plans.

That said, if an employee leaves a company during or after the year they turn 55, they can start taking distributions from their 401(k) account without paying taxes or early withdrawal penalties.

Can you take out a loan or hardship withdrawal from your plan assets? Many plans do allow that up to a certain amount, but withdrawing money from a retirement account means you lose out on the compound growth from funds withdrawn. You will also have to pay interest (yes, to yourself) on the loan.

Roth 401(k) Tax Rules

Here are some tax rules for the Roth 401(k).

Your Roth 401(k) Contributions Are Made With After-Tax Income

When it comes to taxes, a Roth 401(k) works the opposite way of a traditional 401(k). Your contributions are post-tax, meaning you pay taxes on the money in the year you contribute.

If you have a Roth 401(k) and your company offers a 401(k) match, that matching contribution will go into a pre-tax account, which would be a traditional 401(k) account. So you would essentially have a Roth 401(k) made up of your own contributions and a traditional 401(k) of your employer’s contributions.

Recommended: How an Employer 401(k) Match Works

Roth 401(k) Contributions Do Not Lower Your Taxable Income

When you have Roth 401(k) contributions automatically deducted from your paycheck, your full paycheck amount will be taxed, and then money will be transferred to your Roth 401(k).

For instance, if you’re making $50,000 and contributing 10% to a Roth 401(k), $5,000 will be deposited into your Roth 401(k) annually, but you’ll still be taxed on the full $50,000.

Roth 401(k) Withdrawals Are Tax-Free

When you take money from your Roth 401(k) in retirement, the distributions are tax-free, including your contributions and any earnings that have accrued (as long as you’ve had the account for at least five years).

No matter what your tax bracket is in retirement, qualified withdrawals from your Roth 401(k) are not counted as taxable income.

There Are Limits on Roth 401(k) Withdrawals

In order for a withdrawal from a Roth 401(k) to count as a qualified distribution — meaning, it won’t be taxed — an employee must be age 59 ½ or older and have held the account for at least five years.

If you make a withdrawal before this point — even if you’re age 61 but have only held the account since age 58 — the withdrawal would be considered an early, or unqualified, withdrawal. If this happens, you would owe taxes on any earnings you withdraw and could pay a 10% penalty.

Early withdrawals are prorated according to the ratio of contributions to earnings in the account. For instance, if your Roth 401(k) had $100,000 in it, made up of $70,000 in contributions and $30,000 in earnings, your early withdrawals would be made up of 70% contributions and 30% earnings. Hence, you would owe taxes and potentially penalties on 30% of your early withdrawal.

If the plan allows it, you can take a loan from your Roth 401(k), just like a traditional 401(k), and the same rules and limits apply to how much you can borrow. Any Roth 401(k) loan amount will be combined with outstanding loans from that plan or any other plan your employer maintains to determine your loan limits.

You Can Roll Roth 401(k) Money Into a Roth IRA

Money in a Roth 401(k) account can be rolled into a Roth IRA. Like an employer-sponsored Roth 401(k), a Roth IRA is funded with after-tax dollars.

One of the significant differences between a Roth 401(k) and a Roth IRA is that the 401(k) requires participants to start taking required minimum distributions at age 72, but there is no such requirement for a Roth IRA.

It’s important to note, however, that there’s also a five-year rule for Roth IRAs: Earnings cannot be withdrawn tax- and penalty-free from a Roth IRA until five years after the account’s first contribution. If you roll a Roth 401(k) into a new Roth IRA, the five-year clock starts over at that time.

Do You Have to Pay Taxes on a 401(k) Rollover?

If you do a direct rollover of your 401(k) into an IRA or another eligible retirement account, you generally won’t have to pay taxes on the rollover. However, if you receive the funds from your 401(k) and then roll them over yourself within 60 days, you may have to pay taxes on the amount rolled over, as the IRS will treat it as a distribution from the 401(k).

Recommended: How to Roll Over Your 401(k)

Do You Have to Pay 401(k) Taxes after 59 ½?

If you have a traditional 401(k), you will generally have to pay taxes on withdrawals after age 59 ½. This is because the money you contributed to the 401(k) was not taxed when you earned it, so it’s considered income when you withdraw it in retirement.

However, if you have a Roth 401(k), you can withdraw your contributions and earnings tax-free in retirement as long as you meet certain requirements, such as being at least 59 ½ and having had the account for at least five years.

Do You Pay 401(k) Taxes on Employer Contributions?

The taxation of employer contributions to a 401(k) depends on whether the account is a traditional or Roth 401(k).

In the case of traditional 401(k) contributions, the employer contributions are not included in your taxable income for the year they are made, but you will pay taxes on them when you withdraw the funds from the 401(k) in retirement.

In the case of Roth contributions, the employer contributions are not included in a post-tax Roth 401(k) but rather in a pre-tax traditional 401(k) account. So, you do not pay taxes on the employer contributions in a Roth 401(k), but you do pay taxes on withdrawals.

How Can I Avoid 401(k) Taxes on My Withdrawal?

The only way to avoid taxes on 401(k) withdrawals is to take advantage of a Roth 401(k), as noted above. With a Roth 401(k), your contributions are made post-tax, but withdrawals are tax-free if you meet certain criteria to avoid the penalties mentioned above.

However, even if you have to pay taxes on your 401(k) withdrawals, you can take the following steps to minimize your taxes.

Consider Your Tax Bracket

Contributing to a traditional 401(k) is essentially a bet that you’ll be in a lower tax bracket in retirement — you’re choosing to forgo taxes now and pay taxes later.

Contributing to a Roth 401(k) takes the opposite approach: Pay taxes now, so you don’t have to pay taxes later. The best approach for you will depend on your income, your tax situation, and your future tax treatment expectations.

Strategize Your Account Mix

Having savings in different accounts — both pre-tax and post-tax — may offer more flexibility in retirement.

For instance, if you need to make a large purchase, such as a vacation home or a car, it may be helpful to be able to pull the income from a source that doesn’t trigger a taxable event. This might mean a retirement strategy that includes a traditional 401(k), a Roth IRA, and a taxable brokerage account.

Decide Where To Live

Eight U.S. states don’t charge individual income tax at all: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. And New Hampshire only taxes interest and dividend income.

This can affect your tax planning if you live in a tax-free state now or intend to live in a tax-free state in retirement.

The Takeaway

Saving for retirement is one of the best ways to prepare for a secure future. And understanding the tax rules for 401(k) withdrawals and contributions is essential for effective retirement planning. By educating yourself on the rules and regulations surrounding 401(k) taxes, you can optimize your retirement savings and minimize your tax burden.

Another strategy to help stay on top of your retirement savings is to roll over a previous 401(k) to a rollover IRA. Then you can manage your money in one place.

SoFi makes the rollover process seamless. The process is automated so there’s no need to watch the mail for your 401(k) check — and there are no rollover fees or taxes.

Easily manage your retirement savings with a SoFi IRA.


Do you get taxed on your 401(k)?

You either pay taxes on your 401(k) contributions — in the case of a Roth 401(k) — or on your traditional 401(k) withdrawals in retirement.

When can you withdraw from 401(k) tax free?

You can withdraw from a Roth 401(k) tax-free if you have had the account for at least five years and are over age 59 ½. With a traditional 401(k), withdrawals are generally subject to income tax.

How can I avoid paying taxes on my 401(k)?

You never truly avoid paying taxes on a 401(k), as you either have to pay taxes on contributions or withdrawals, depending on the type of 401(k) account. By contributing to a Roth 401(k) instead of a traditional 401(k), you can withdraw your contributions and earnings tax-free in retirement.

SoFi Invest®
SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Update: The deadline for making IRA contributions for tax year 2020 has been extended to May 17, 2021.

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401(k) Vesting: What Does Vested Balance Mean?

401(k) Vesting: What Does Vested Balance Mean?

Your vested 401(k) balance is the portion you fully own and can take with you when you leave your employer. This amount includes your employee contributions, which are always 100% vested, any investment earnings, and your employer’s contributions that have passed the required vesting period.

Here’s a deeper look at what being vested means and the effect it can have on your retirement savings.

Key Points

•   401(k) vesting refers to when ownership of an employer’s contributions to a 401(k) account shifts to the employee.

•   401(k) contributions made by employees are always 100% vested; they own them outright.

•   Vesting schedules vary, but employees become 100% vested after a specified number of years.

•   401(k) vesting incentivizes employees to stay with their current employer and to contribute to their 401(k).

•   Companies may use immediate, cliff, or graded vesting schedules for their 401(k) plans.

What Does Vested Balance Mean?

The vested balance is the amount of money that belongs to you and cannot be taken back by an employer when you leave your job — even if you are fired.

The contributions you personally make to your 401(k) are automatically 100% vested. Vesting of employer contributions typically occurs according to a set timeframe known as a vesting schedule. When employer contributions to a 401(k) become vested, it means that the money is now entirely yours.

Having a fully vested 401(k) means that employer contributions will remain in your account when you leave the company. It also means that you can decide to roll over your balance to a new account, start making withdrawals, or take out a loan against the account, if your plan allows it. However, keeping a vested 401(k) invested and letting it grow over time may be one of the best ways to save for retirement.

💡 Recommended: How Much Should I Contribute to My 401(k)?

How 401(k) Vesting Works

401(k) vesting refers to the process by which employees become entitled to keep the money that an employer may have contributed to their 401(k) account. Vesting schedules can vary, but most 401(k) plans have a vesting schedule that requires employees to stay with the company for a certain number of years before they are fully vested.

For example, an employer may have a vesting schedule requiring employees to stay with the company for five years before they are fully vested in their 401(k) account. If an employee were to leave the company before reaching that milestone, they could forfeit some or all of the employer-contributed money in the 401(k) account. The amount an employee gets to keep is the vested balance. Other qualified defined contribution plans, such as 401(a) or 403(b) plans, may also be subject to vesting schedules.

💡 Recommended: What Happens to Your 401(k) When You Leave a Job?

Importance of 401(k) Vesting

401(k) vesting is important because it determines when an employee can keep the employer’s matching contributions to their retirement account. Vesting schedules can vary, but typically after an employee has been with a company for a certain number of years, they will be 100% vested in the employer’s contributions.

401(k) Vesting Eligibility

401(k) vesting eligibility is the time an employee must work for their employer before they are eligible to receive the employer’s contribution to their 401(k) retirement account. The vesting period varies depending on the employer’s plan.

401(k) Contributions Basics

Before understanding vesting, it’s important to know how 401(k) contributions work. A 401(k) is a tax-advantaged, employer-sponsored retirement plan that allows employees to contribute a portion of their salary each pay period, usually on a pre-tax basis.

For tax year 2024, employees can contribute up to $23,000 annually in their 401(k) accounts, with an extra $7,500 in catch-up contributions allowed for those age 50 or older. For tax year 2023, employers can contribute up to $22,500, with an extra $7,500 in catch-up contributions allowed for those age 50 or older. Employees can then invest their contributions, often choosing from a menu of mutual funds, exchanged-traded funds (ETFs) or other investments offered by their employer.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) also allows employers to contribute to their employees’ plans. Often these contributions come in the form of an employer 401(k) match. For example, an employer might offer matching contributions of 3% or 6% if an employee chooses to contribute 6% of their salary to the 401(k).

In 2024, the total contributions that an employee and employer can make to a 401(k) is $69,000 ($76,500 including catch-up contributions). In 2023, the total contributions that an employee and employer can make to a 401(k) is $66,000 ($73,500 including catch-up contributions).

Employer contributions are a way for businesses to encourage employees to save for retirement. They’re also an important benefit that job seekers look for when searching for new jobs.

💡 Recommended: How To Make Changes to Your 401(k) Contributions

Benefits of 401(k) Vesting

There are several benefits of 401(k) vesting, including ensuring that employees are more likely to stay with a company for the long term because they know they will eventually vest and be able to keep the money they have contributed to their 401(k). Additionally, it incentivizes employees to contribute to a 401(k) because they know they will eventually be fully vested and be entitled to all the money in their account.

401(k) vesting also gives employees a sense of security, knowing they will not lose the money they have put into their retirement savings if they leave their job.

Drawbacks of 401(k) Vesting

While 401(k) vesting benefits employees, there are also some drawbacks. For one, vesting can incentivize employees to stay with their current employer, even if they want to leave their job. Employees may be staying in a job they’re unhappy with just to wait for their 401(k) to be fully vested.

Also, using a 401(k) for investing can create unwanted tax liability and fees. When you withdraw money from a 401(k) before age 59 ½, you’ll typically have to pay a 10% early withdrawal penalty and taxes. This can eat into the money you were hoping to use for retirement.

How Do I Know if I Am Fully Vested in my 401(k)?

If you’re unsure whether or when you will be fully vested, you can check their plan’s vesting schedule, usually on your online benefits portal.

Immediate Vesting

Immediate vesting is the simplest form of vesting schedule. Employees own 100% of contributions right away.

Cliff Vesting

Under a cliff vesting schedule, employer contributions are typically fully vested after a certain period of time following a job’s start date, usually three years.

Graded Vesting

Graded vesting is a bit more complicated. A percentage of contributions vest throughout a set period, and employees gain gradual ownership of their funds. Eventually, they will own 100% of the money in their account.

For example, a hypothetical six-year graded vesting schedule might look like this:

Years of Service

Percent Vested

1 0%
2 20%
3 40%
4 60%
5 80%
6 100%

Why Do Employers Use Vesting?What Happens If I Leave My Job Before I’m Fully Vested?

If you leave your job before being fully vested, you forfeit any unvested portion of their 401(k). The amount of money you’d lose depends on your vesting schedule, the amount of the contributions, and their performance. For example, if your employer uses cliff vesting after three years and you leave the company before then, you won’t receive any of the money your employer has contributed to their plan.

If, on the other hand, your employer uses a graded vesting schedule, you will receive any portion of the employer’s contributions that have vested by the time they leave. For example, if you are 20% vested each year over six years and leave the company shortly after year three, you’ll keep 40% of the employer’s contributions.

Other Common Types of Vesting

Aside from 401(k)s, employers may offer other forms of compensation that also follow vesting schedules, such as pensions and stock options. These tend to work slightly differently than vested contributions, but pensions and stock options may vest immediately or by following a cliff or graded vesting schedule.

Stock Option Vesting

Employee stock options give employees the right to buy company stock at a set price at a later date, regardless of the stock’s current value. The idea is that between the time an employee is hired and their stock options vest, the stock price will have risen. The employee can then buy and sell the stock to make a profit.

Pension Vesting

With a pension plan, vesting schedules determine when employees are eligible to receive their full benefits.

How Do I Find Out More About Vesting?

There are a few ways to learn more about vesting and your 401(k) vested balance. This information typically appears in the 401(k) summary plan description or the annual benefits statement.

Generally, a company’s plan administrator or human resources department can also explain the vesting schedule in detail and pinpoint where you are in your vesting schedule. Understanding this information can help you know the actual value of your 401(k) account.

The Takeaway

While any employee contributions to 401(k) plans are immediately fully vested, the same is not always true of employer contributions. The employee may gain access to employer contributions slowly over time or all at once after the company has employed them for several years.

Understanding vesting and your 401(k)’s vesting schedule is one more piece of information that can help you plan for your financial future. A 401(k) and other retirement accounts can be essential components of a retirement savings plan. Knowing when you are fully vested in a 401(k) can help you understand how much money might be available when you retire.

There are many ways to save for retirement, including opening a traditional or Roth IRA. To get started with those, you can open an online retirement account on the SoFi Invest® platform.

Find out more about investing with SoFi today.


What does 401(k) vesting mean?

401(k) vesting is when an employee becomes fully entitled to the employer’s matching contributions to the employee’s 401(k) account. Vesting typically occurs over a period of time, such as five years, and is often dependent on the employee remaining employed with the company.

What is the vesting period for a 401(k)?

The vesting period is the amount of time an employee must work for an employer before they are fully vested in the employer’s 401(k) plan. This period is different for each company, but generally, the vesting period is between three and five years.

How does 401(k) vesting work?

Vesting in a 401(k) plan means an employee has the right to keep the employer matching contributions made to their 401(k) account, even if they leave the company. Vesting schedules can vary, but most 401(k) plans have a vesting schedule of three to five years.

SoFi Invest®
SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.


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When to Start Saving for Retirement

When Should You Start Saving for Retirement?

If you ask any financial advisor when you should start saving for retirement, their answer would likely be simple: Now, or in your 20s if possible.

It’s not always easy to prioritize investing for retirement. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, you might have student loans or other goals that seem more “immediate,” such as a down payment on a house or your child’s tuition. But starting early is important because it can allow you to save much more. In fact, setting aside a little every year starting in your 20s could mean an additional hundreds of thousands of dollars of accumulated investment earnings by retirement age.

No matter what age you are, putting away money for the future is a good idea. Read on to learn more about when to start saving for retirement and how to do it.

This article is part of SoFi’s Retirement Planning Guide, our coverage of all the steps you need to create a successful retirement plan.

money management guide for beginners

What is the Ideal Age to Start Saving for Retirement?

Ideally, you should start saving for retirement in your 20s, if possible. By getting started early, you could reap the benefits of compound interest. That’s when money in savings accounts earns interest, that interest is added to the principal amount in the account, and then interest is earned on the new higher amount.

Starting to save for retirement in your 20s can allow you to save much more. In fact, setting aside a little every year starting in your 20s could mean an additional hundreds of thousands of dollars of accumulated investment earnings by retirement age.

That said, if you are older than your 20s, it’s not too late to start saving for retirement. The important thing is to get started, no matter what your age.

The #1 Reason to Start Early: Compound Interest

If you start saving early, you could reap the benefits of compound interest.

CFP®, Brian Walsh says, “Time can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you start saving early, you make it a habit, and you start building now, time becomes your best friend because of compounded growth. If you delay—say 5, 10, 15 years to save—then time becomes your worst enemy because you don’t have enough time to make up for the money that you didn’t save.”

Here’s how compound interest works and why it can be so valuable: The money in a savings account, money market account, or CD (certificate of deposit) earns interest. That interest is added to the balance or principle in the account, and then interest is earned on the new higher amount.

Depending on the type of account you have, interest might accrue daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, twice a year, or annually. The more frequently interest compounds on your savings, the greater the benefit for you.

And the sooner you start saving, the more time compound interest has to do its work.

💡 Quick Tip: If you’re opening a brokerage account for the first time, consider starting with an amount of money you’re prepared to lose. Investing always includes the risk of loss, and until you’ve gained some experience, it’s probably wise to start small.

Saving Early vs Saving Later

To understand the power of compound interest, consider this:

If you start investing $6,000 a year at age 25, by the time you reach age 67, you’d have a total of 1,055,703.27. However, if you waited until age 35 to start investing the same amount, and got the same annual return, you’d have $545,338.67.


Annual Return


25 6% $1,055,703.27
35 6% $545,338.67

As you can see, starting in your 20s means you’d save almost half a million dollars more than waiting until your 30s.

Starting Retirement Savings During Different Life Stages

Retirement is often considered the single biggest expense in many peoples’ lives. Think about it: You may be living for 20 or more years with no active income.

Plus, while your parents or grandparents likely had a pension plan that kicked off right at the age of 65, that may not be the case for many workers in younger generations. Instead, the 401(k) model of retirement that’s more common these days requires employees to do their own saving.

As you get started on your savings journey, do a quick assessment of your current financial situation and goals. Be sure to factor in such considerations as:

•   Age you are now

•   Age you’d like to retire

•   Your income

•   Your expenses

•   Where you’d like to live after retirement (location and type of home)

•   The kind of lifestyle you envision in retirement (hobbies, travel, etc.)

To see where you’re heading with your savings you could use a retirement savings calculator. But here are more basics on how to get started on your retirement savings strategy, at any age.

Starting in Your 20s

Starting to save for retirement in your 20s is something you’ll later be thanking yourself for.

As discussed, the earlier you start investing, the better off you’re likely to be. No matter how much or little you start with, having a longer time horizon till retirement means you’ll be able to handle the typical ups and downs of the markets.

Plus, the sooner you start saving, the more time you’ll be able to benefit from compound interest, as noted.

Start by setting a goal: At what age would you like to retire? Based on current life expectancy, how many years do you expect to be retired? What do you imagine your retirement lifestyle will look like, and what might that cost?

Then, create a budget, if you haven’t already. Document your income, expenses, and debt. Once you do that, determine how much you can save for retirement, and start saving that amount right now.

💡 Learn more: Savings for Retirement in Your 20s

Starting in Your 30s

If your 20s have come and gone and you haven’t started investing in your retirement, your 30s is the next-best time to start. While there may be other expenses competing for your budget right now — saving for a house, planning for kids or their college educations — the truth remains that the sooner you start retirement savings, the more time they’ll have to grow.

If you’re employed full-time, one easy way to start is to open an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan, like a 401(k). We’ll get into details on that below, but one benefit to note is that your savings will come out of your paycheck each month before you get taxed on that money. Not only does this automate retirement savings, but it means after a while you won’t even miss that part of your paycheck that you never really “had” to begin with. (And yes, Future You will thank you.)

💡 Learn more: Savings for Retirement in Your 30s

Starting in Your 40s

When it comes to how much you should have saved for retirement by 40, one general guideline is to have the equivalent of your two to three times your annual salary saved in retirement money.

Once you have high-interest debt (like debt from credit cards) paid off, and have a good chunk of emergency savings set aside, take a good look at your monthly budget and figure out how to reallocate some money to start building a retirement savings fund.

Not only will regular contributions get you on a good path to savings, but one-off sources of money (from a bonus, an inheritance, or the sale of a car or other big-ticket item) are another way to help catch up on retirement savings faster.

Starting in Your 50s

In your 50s, a good ballpark goal is to have six times your annual salary in your retirement savings by the end of the decade. But don’t panic if you’re not there yet — there are a few ways you can catch up.

Specifically, the government allows individuals over age 50 to make “catch-up contributions” to 401(k), traditional IRA, and Roth IRA plans. That’s an additional $7,500 in 401(k) savings, and an additional $1,000 in IRA savings for 2024 and 2023.

The opportunity is there, but only you can manage your budget to make it happen. Once you’ve earmarked regular contributions to a retirement savings account, make sure to review your asset allocation on your own or with a professional. A general rule of thumb is, the closer you get to retirement age, the larger the ratio of less risky investments (like bonds or bond funds) to more volatile ones (like stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs) you should have.

Starting in Your 60s

It’s never too late to start investing, especially if you’re still working and can contribute to an employer-sponsored retirement plan that may have matching contributions. If you’re contributing to a 401(k), or a Roth or traditional IRA, don’t forget about catch-up contributions (see the information above).

In general, when you’re this close to retirement it makes sense for your investments to be largely made up of bonds, cash, or cash equivalents. Having more fixed-income securities in your portfolio helps lower the odds of suffering losses as you get closer to your target retirement date.

💡 Learn more: Savings for Retirement in Your 60s

The Takeaway

Investing in retirement and wealth accounts is a great way to jump-start saving and investing for your golden years, whether you invest $10,000 or just $100 to get started.

The first step is to open an account or use the one that’s already open. You could also increase your contribution. If you’re opening an account, you may want to consider one without fees, to help maximize your bottom line.

Ready to invest for your retirement? It’s easy to get started when you open a traditional or Roth IRA with SoFi. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

Easily manage your retirement savings with a SoFi IRA.


Is 20 years enough to save for retirement?

It’s never too late to start investing for retirement. If you’re just starting in your 40s, consider contributing to an employer-sponsored plan if you can, so that you can take advantage of any employer matching contributions. In addition to regular bi-weekly or monthly contributions, make every effort to deposit any “windfall” lump sums (like a bonus, inheritance, or proceeds from the sale of a car or house) into a retirement savings vehicle in an effort to catch up faster.

Is 25 too late to start saving for retirement?

It’s not too late to start saving for retirement at 25. Take a look at your budget and determine the max you can contribute on a regular basis — whether through an employer-sponsored plan, an IRA, or a combination of them. Then start making contributions, and consider them as non-negotiable as rent, mortgage, or a utility bill.

Is 30 too old to start investing?

No age is too old to start investing for retirement, because the best time to start is today. The sooner you start investing, the more advantage you can take of compound interest, and potentially employer matching contributions if you open an employer-sponsored retirement plan.

Should I prioritize paying off debt over saving for retirement?

Whether you should prioritize paying off debt over saving for retirement depends on your personal situation and the type of debt you have. If your debt is the high-interest kind, such as credit card debt, for instance, it could make sense to pay off that debt first because the high interest is costing you extra money. The less you owe, the more you’ll be able to put into retirement savings.

And consider this: You may be able to pay off your debt and simultaneously. For instance, if your employer offers a 401(k) with a match, enroll in the plan and contribute enough so that the employer match kicks in. Otherwise, you are essentially forfeiting free money. At the same time, put a dedicated amount each week or month to repaying your debt so that you continue to chip away at it. That way you will be reducing your debt and working toward saving for your retirement.

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Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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