couple in kitchen

Should You Open a Joint Brokerage Account?

Determining whether to open a joint brokerage account with another person, whether a romantic partner, business associate, or relative, can be a difficult decision. Couples often use joint brokerage accounts to simplify household finances and build wealth together. However, this doesn’t mean they are suitable for everyone.

Two or more people may own and manage joint brokerage accounts. These accounts are used to combine investment activities with multiple people. But before investing together using a joint brokerage account with a spouse or partner, it’s essential to understand how joint ownership works and its potential impacts on your finances.

Investing Together

The reason many couples decide to invest together is fairly simple: they live together, manage a household, and are planning a future together. It can make sense then, not just from a financial perspective but for a healthy relationship, to invest together to build wealth for future goals.

If you’re planning for these long-term financial goals together, like retirement or buying a house, then that might mean having a joint brokerage account in order to plan for your shared desires. But that doesn’t mean couples have to invest together; it could make sense for you to share some accounts as a couple and to keep some separate.

But opening a joint brokerage account to buy and sell stocks or other securities may also be practical in terms of financial returns. Combining your money to invest can potentially help your money grow faster than if investing individually, as you invest a larger initial pool of funds.

What Is a Joint Brokerage Account?

A joint brokerage account is a brokerage account shared by two or more people. Couples, relatives, and business partners typically use joint brokerage accounts to manage investments and finances together. However, any two adults can open a joint brokerage account.

Joint brokerage accounts typically allow anyone named on the account to access and manage its investments. There are multiple ways people can establish joint brokerage accounts, each with specific rules for how account owners can access funds or how the account contents are handled after one of the joint holders passes away.

In contrast, retirement accounts like 401(k)s or individual retirement accounts (IRAs) do not allow joint ownership, unlike many taxable brokerage accounts.

Advantages of Joint Brokerage Accounts for Couples

There are several advantages that couples may benefit from by establishing and using joint brokerage accounts.

Single Investment Manager

One person can be responsible for all of the investment decisions and transactions within the account. This can be useful when only one member of a couple has interest in managing financial affairs.

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Combined Resources

As mentioned above, combining resources can be beneficial as investment decisions are made with a larger pool of money that can be used to increase compounding returns. Additionally, combining resources into a single account may help reduce costs and investment fees, as opposed to managing multiple brokerage accounts.

Simplified Estate Planning

A joint brokerage account can also help simplify estate planning. With certain types of joint brokerage accounts, the surviving account owner will automatically receive the proceeds of the account if one account holder dies. This significantly simplifies estate planning and may allow the surviving account holder to avoid a costly legal battle to maintain ownership.

Challenges of Joint Brokerage Accounts for Couples

There are a few challenges that come with joint brokerage accounts for couples.

Transparency and Trust

Both parties who own a joint brokerage account need to be comfortable with the level of transparency that comes with shared ownership. This means that both partners need to be comfortable with sharing information about their investment objectives, financial goals, and risk tolerance.

Additionally, owners of a joint brokerage account must trust one another. Because the other account holder is an equal owner of the assets and can make changes to the account without your permission, they can make unadvised investment decisions or even empty out the account without the other’s consent.

Breaking Up

It’s important to remember that a joint brokerage account is a joint asset. This means that if the relationship between the account holders sours, the account will need to be divided between the two parties. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, so it’s important to be sure that both partners are prepared for this possibility.

Tax Issues

If you open a joint brokerage account with someone other than a spouse, any deposits you make into the joint account could be deemed a gift to the other account holder, which could trigger gift tax liabilities.

Recommended: A Guide to Tax-Efficient Investing

Things to Know About Joint Brokerage Accounts

Before opening a brokerage account with a partner, business associate, or relative, it’s important to understand the differences between the types of accounts.

There are several types of joint brokerage accounts, each with specific nuances regarding ownership. If you are planning on opening a joint brokerage account, pay close attention to these different types of ownership so you can open one that fits your particular circumstances.

Type of Account


Death of Owner

Probate Treatment

Tenancy by Entirety Only married couples can utilize this type of account. Each spouse has equal ownership rights to the account. If one spouse dies, the other spouse gets full ownership of the account. Avoids probate.
Joint Tenants With Rights of Survivorship Each owner has equal rights to the account. If one owner dies, the ownership interest is passed to surviving owners. Avoids probate.
Tenancy in Common Owners may have different ownership shares of account. If one owner dies, the ownership share passes to their estate or a beneficiary. May be subject to probate court.


How the ownership of a joint brokerage account is divided up depends on the type of account a couple opens.

•   Tenancy by Entirety: If the couple is married, they can benefit from opening an account with tenancy by the entirety. Each spouse has an equal and undivided interest in the account. It is not a 50/50 split; the spouses own 100% of the account.

•   Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship: This type of joint account gives each owner an equal financial stake in the account.

•   Tenancy in Common: A joint brokerage account with tenancy in common allows owners to have different ownership stakes in the account. For example, a couple may open a joint account with tenancy in common and establish a 70/30 ownership split of the account.

Death of Owner

When an owner of a joint brokerage account passes away, their share of the account may pass on to the surviving owners or a beneficiary, depending on the type of account.

•   Tenancy by Entirety: If a spouse dies, their ownership stake passes on to the surviving spouse.

•   Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship: If one owner dies, the ownership interest is passed onto surviving owners.

•   Tenancy in Common: If one owner dies, the ownership share passes to their estate or a beneficiary.

Probate Court

In many financial dealings, it can be challenging to determine who owns what when someone passes away. These questions are often brought into the legal system, with probate courts often resolving issues of ownership for financial accounts and property. This can also occur with joint brokerage accounts, depending on the type of account a couple may open.

•   Tenancy by Entirety: This type of account avoids the need for probate court, as ownership stays with one spouse if the other spouse passes away.

•   Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship: This type of account avoids the need for probate court, as ownership interest is passed to the surviving owners when one owner dies.

•   Tenancy in Common: In this type of account, if one owner passes away without a will or a state beneficiary, their ownership share will likely have to pass through probate court.

However, regardless of the type of joint brokerage account, if all owners of an account pass away at the same time, the assets in the account may still be subject to probate court if a will does not clearly state beneficiaries.

Tips for Opening a Joint Brokerage Account

Here are some tips that couples may consider before opening a joint brokerage account with a spouse or partner. These tips apply to almost everything; in the end, it’s all about communication and compromise.

•   Decide on your investment goals for your joint brokerage account upfront. That means deciding what you want to build wealth for, like a house, vacation, or retirement. This can also mean determining how much money you may be willing to set aside for investing.

•   Having goals for your joint brokerage accounts is advisable, but it’s also acceptable to have individual financial goals as long as you’re on the same page. You can set aside some of your discretionary income, like 1%, for each of you to spend as individual fun money. Some couples may also maintain smaller separate accounts in addition to your joint accounts.

•   Take a long view of your joint financial goals. While you may disagree about buying a new couch or how to remodel a kitchen, you should agree on when you want to retire.

•   Establish a system for resolving disputes before you get started investing. Even in the healthiest of relationships, there are bound to be disagreements. Before you open a joint brokerage account, decide how you will resolve disputes about whether to invest in one asset or rebalance your portfolio.

The Takeaway

Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to open a joint brokerage account with a partner. For some couples, combining finances to build wealth for shared goals makes sense, while other couples may benefit from keeping money issues separate from one another. What matters most is determining what’s best for you and your partner, whatever that may look like for your specific financial needs.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.


Can couples open a joint brokerage account?

Yes, couples can open a joint brokerage account. However, couples are not the only people who can open a joint brokerage account. Any two people, like relatives or business partners, can open joint accounts.

What are the benefits for couples opening a joint brokerage account?

The benefits of opening a joint brokerage account for couples are that they can pool their money and resources to make investments, and they can also make joint decisions about how to manage the account.

How can you start a joint brokerage account?

There are a few ways to start a joint brokerage account. The most common way is to go to a broker and open an account together. Another way is to open an account online.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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Trend Trading: A Comprehensive Strategy Guide

Trend trading is when traders identify a price pattern in the market, and then buy or sell in order to profit from either an uptrend or a downtrend. Trend traders often rely on technical analysis, e.g. momentum indicators and moving averages (MA) and other tools, to find trend patterns. They also analyze charts to find areas of support and resistance.

Depending on the direction of the trend, traders may take a long position (if prices show an upward trend) or a short position (if they’re moving downward).

Trend trading is a sophisticated strategy that comes with its own risks, as there are no guarantees a trend will hold, and trends frequently reverse.

What Is Trend Trading?

Trend trading, sometimes called trend following, is an offshoot of technical analysis: using a set of tools and metrics to assess stock price movements over time. Technical analysis helps traders identify patterns to help them decide when it’s potentially a good time to buy or sell.

Traders may follow a trend over any period of time, including short- , medium-, and long-term trends.

A trend may go upward (a bullish trend), downward (a bearish trend), or sideways (a neutral or range-bound trend). Traders typically combine different types of analysis and technical tools to decide how best to profit from a trend, and how to manage the inevitable risk factors.

Trend Trading Tools

Trend-traders leverage technical analysis tools in an attempt to identify whether stock prices are moving up or down, and how fast — then use that information to decide when to enter and exit stock positions.

Generally there is an assumption that prices will continue to move in one direction unless acted upon by an event or outside influence.

Think of it a bit like the laws of inertia in physics. In physical science, an object in motion or at rest will stay in motion or at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. The same theory is applied in trend trading, and when an outside force causes a change in a stock, this moment is called a pivot.

A trend trader will analyze price movement and trends to identify key factors influencing price movements, and to know which types of trading strategies may be most useful.

For example, if a trader believes that a stock price is on a downward trend, they might take a short position (a strategy known as short-selling), selling stock and potentially rebuying later at a lower price.

On the other hand, if a trader believes that a stock is on an upward trend, they might take a long position. In other words, they would buy a stock with the belief that it might increase in value over a certain period, and that they would be able to sell it at a higher price.

Technical Analysis and Trend Trading

Technical analysis uses price patterns to forecast future movement. It’s quite different from fundamental analysis, which examines a company’s financials, like its earnings and revenue. Professional technical analysts are called Chartered Market Technicians or CMTs.

Although the time-honored market adage holds that past performance never guarantees future results, technical analysts often take into account how market psychology, and sentiments like fear and greed, may influence trends or cause them to repeat over time.

Investor Behavior

That’s why traders, then, may consider not only price movements, but how investor behavior can have big effects on price patterns. Investors may react under certain conditions in ways that are similar to how they’ve reacted to them in the past.

Stock Charts

Trend traders typically organize their data with stock charts, including candlestick charts. These charts can cover a range of time frames, and show the patterns within the trader’s chosen period.

Momentum Indicators

Analysts can measure the strength of trends and movement in price by taking a look at momentum indicators. This indicator compares the most recent closing price to previous closing prices. The momentum indicator helps investors know whether the price of a stock is moving up or down, but, more importantly, it helps them know how fast it’s moving, which may provide insight into the strength of a trend.

In a stock chart, the momentum indicator is represented as a separate line from the price line.


Stock volume is a measure of the number of shares that are being bought and sold during a given period. Another way to look at volume is that it represents investor interest in a stock. The more stock being traded, the heavier the volume and the greater the interest.

Investors can look at volume as an indicator that prices are changing, and rising volume can be a sign that stock price is starting to move in a significant way.

That said, it is also possible that high volume can represent the end of a trend. For example, investors hoping to take advantage of a rise in a stock price may pile on just as the stock price is reaching its peak and about to fall.

Support and Resistance Levels

One of the patterns that analysts will look out for when looking at stock charts are certain thresholds at which stock prices tend to rise or fall. The support level is a point to which a stock will sink but won’t usually fall any further before rising again. It is essentially the level at which demand is strong enough to bolster the price.

Conversely, there is also frequently a price ceiling that stocks will hit that may cause prices to fall back down. This is the resistance level, the level at which selling is strong enough to prevent prices from rising. Investors may pay attention to these levels, choosing to buy when prices are near the support level or sell as prices meet the resistance level.

Moving Averages

Price movement over a given period of time can make a stock chart overwhelming to look at. The ups and downs of the line can be visually confusing and messy to look at. A way to simplify and show trends more clearly is by using a moving average.

This indicator focuses less on day-to-day movement and more on average price over time. A simple moving average (SMA) takes the sum of the closing prices over a given period of time and divides by the number of prices used. So if you were looking at a three-month period, you would add all the closing prices up over that period and divide by 90.

Recommended: Support and Resistance: A Beginner’s Guide

Types of Trend Trading

You might also notice that asset prices during rising and falling trends tend to move in waves. For example, a stock price during a rising trend might rise a little, then make a brief dip before rising again, and so on. The inverse would be true for falling trends.

The end of a rising wave is known as swing high. It’s the price peak before a downturn. The end of a falling wave is called a swing low — the low point before prices rise. Traders will often zero in on these moments, using them to their advantage, helping them make buy or sell decisions, or using them as key data points for other types of analysis.

Importance of Trend Identification

Trend lines are dynamic and frequently need adjusting. That’s because stock prices don’t move in a predictable fashion. Therefore, it’s important for investors to keep in mind that stock prices may move up and down away from the trend line and that doesn’t necessarily mean that the trend has ended. Often, additional analysis is needed.

Bullish Trends

You might hear rising trends described as “bullish” because of the way they’re moving forward. Typically during these periods, there is relatively low volatility. These periods are characterized by short pullbacks on stock price, which are also known as countertrends.

In general, however, the rising trend is a series of higher swing lows and higher swing highs, meaning the price is rising over time, despite the dips in price along the way.

Because of their low volatility, rising trends may be relatively easy for the average investor to trade in. That said, the countertrends tend to be short and shallow, which can mean it’s not always easy to know when to jump on board.

Bearish Trends

“Bearish” or falling trends are characterized by a series of lower swing lows and lower swing highs. In other words the wave pattern starts to reverse itself. The falling trend markedly differs from a rising trend because there is more volatility, and highs and lows are quick to follow each other.

Falling trends can be tricky for the average investor to negotiate due to their inherent volatility. Price movements and countertrends can be big, which can make them exciting to investors, but can also make it difficult to profit off the trend.

Neutral Trends

Neutral trends tend to represent a break between rising or falling trends during which stock price moves up and down in small increments during an extended period of time. This occurs as the price bounces back and forth between levels of support and resistance, with the range between the two possibly being more narrow than in a rising or falling trend.

Think of it a bit like ping-ponging between the floor and ceiling of supply and demand. At this point the price is moving “sideways,” and if you plot the trend lines they will look horizontal and flat.

Trend-Trading Strategies, Indicators, and Techniques

Here are a few of the most common trend-trading factors, strategies, and indicators that help traders take advantage of trends.

Essential Strategies and Indicators

•   Breakout trading: In a market that’s displaying strong trends, either up or down, traders may look to see signs of a breakout, i.e. a change in the trend direction. One signal of a potential breakout is when previously known indicators of support and resistance now show a reversal. Depending on the momentum of the trend, this could signal a breakout.

•   Retracement trading: Retracement trading occurs when there are temporary reversals in price that nonetheless present traders with an opportunity to place a trade, and take advantage of the price change when the trend resumes. Fibonacci retracements are a type of tool that some traders use to gauge the support and resistance levels for a certain stock price.

•   Support and resistance trading: Trading within the bounds of known support and resistance lines is another common strategy. Support, as noted earlier, is where the price of an asset tends to stop falling and resistance is where the price tends to stop climbing.

For traders who want to take a long position, they might enter a position near a known level of support and exit within a known level of resistance. Traders interested in taking a short position, would do the opposite.

Real-World Examples of Trend Trading

Traders use trend lines plotted against a stock price chart as a sort of map to help them know when to make trades. Trend lines either connect swing lows or swing highs. The lines connecting swing lows represent uptrends, and the lines connecting swing highs represent downtrends.

As we’ve already mentioned, there can also be neutral trend lines that move sideways.

A typical chart might have multiple trend lines plotted against it, which can help traders identify opportunities to buy and sell. For example, there might be a long ascending trend line representing an upward trend in stock price.

A trader may look for short downward trends over the same period, and the points at which those short trend lines meet the long upward line could represent opportunities to buy.

The opposite may also be true — during a long downward trend, short upward trends may provide an opportunity to sell the stock position.

Important Technical Analysis Tools

As mentioned, it’s essential to employ more than one type of tool to support whatever trend trading strategy you’re using.

Stop-Loss Order

A stop-loss order is a tool investors use to help manage the risk that prices will fall. They work when you place a stop-loss order with a stockbroker, who will then automatically sell a stock when its price falls to a certain predetermined level.

For example, say you bought a stock during an uptrend at a swing low. You might then set a stop-loss order at that price — your purchase price — in case the stock price begins to fall. (A stop-loss order may execute at a price lower than the purchase price, even if it is set at the purchase price, so it is not a guarantee against losses.)

For longer-term trend trading, investors may set the stop-loss order further away from the purchase price to allow for some of the natural ups and downs that can occur during an uptrend.

Stop-loss orders help investors lower their risk by hedging against decreases in the prices of their holdings.

Momentum Indicators

One of the most important factors traders often try to identify within a trend is how strong the trend is, which helps them answer the question: Is it likely to continue? This factor is known as momentum.

Momentum indicators compare a recent closing price with a closing price from the past. The time span between the two closing prices can be any length, and the momentum indicator can be calculated using one of two methods.

The first way to calculate momentum is simply by taking the difference between the current closing price and the closing price from a previous period. When the resulting number is positive, the current closing price is higher than the previous price, and when it’s negative the current closing price is lower.

How far the difference is above or below zero is the indicator of how fast the price is moving. So a difference of 0.75 represents greater upward momentum than a difference of 0.45. Conversely, a difference of –1.50 would indicate greater downward momentum than a difference of –1.00.

The second way to calculate momentum gives you a rate of change. You divide current closing price by past closing price and multiply by 100. When the resulting percentage is above 100, the current closing price is higher than past closing price, and when it’s below 100, the current closing price is lower. How far above or below 100 is the indicator of momentum. A rate of 90%, for example, is falling faster than a rate of 95%.

Increasing or decreasing momentum can provide buy or sell signals to investors. When looking at a momentum chart, these signals may occur when the momentum line crosses above or below the zero line. Momentum can also be used to help validate trades based on other price movements.

Moving Averages

When you look at a stock price chart it can be a bit messy, and the jagged lines can be hard to read. A moving average provides a way to organize that data more smoothly by taking the average of past closing prices over a given period of time. This much simpler line can help investors spot trends more easily.

When a stock price is above its moving average, it can indicate upward trends. When it’s below the moving average, it can indicate downward movements.

Investors may encounter two different types of moving averages: simple moving averages (SMAs) and exponential moving averages (EMAs). SMAs are the basic average of closing prices, whereas EMAs give more weight to more recent closing prices and adapt more quickly to recent price changes.

Neither method is necessarily better than the other, though depending on the other strategies you’re using, one may work better.

Benefits and Risks of Trend Trading

The relative simplicity of trend trading may seem appealing to investors, but it’s always important to know the risks involved when using any strategy.


At its best, trend trading offers traders a time-tested system for anticipating price movements. As such, it can help guide traders to enter or exit certain positions, perhaps helping to manage risk or maximize certain outcomes.

Trend analysis is somewhat adaptable as well. Traders, as well as investors, can base their trend trading strategy on a range of applicable data points. This may include market data, fundamental analysis, economic indicators, and more. In short, there’s no one way to do trend trading; it’s a matter of experience and skill.

Potential Risks

That said, trend trading offers no guarantees of success. Traders have to be disciplined in their analysis, and resist the impulse to make decisions based on sudden price movements.

In addition, trend trading as a methodology cannot possibly take into account all market movements, never mind external factors. For that reason, experienced trend traders must learn to use a combination of tools when looking for trend confirmation, and accept a certain degree of risk.

Last, trend trading is based on historical data, i.e., past performance. While many traders believe that insights into an asset’s future movements can be gleaned this way, others debate the merits of this strategy.

Getting Started With Trend Trading: 5 Steps

It’s relatively easy to start trend trading, and many platforms provide a learning environment that simulates actual trend trading in order to help you get the hang of it. Here are a few steps to help get you started:

1.    Start by opening an account that enables DIY trading.

2.    Identify what you want to trade. It’s possible to take positions in a range of markets, but less experienced investors may want to start by mastering one.

3.    Decide how you want to manage risk. Commonly, trend traders might use a combination of stop-loss and different types of limit orders to minimize losses.

4.    Take advantage of demo testing where available. This enables you to build skills and confidence before investing in the markets.

5.    Start trading, and be sure to monitor your positions and adjust as needed.

The Takeaway

Which strategy you use when buying stocks or other securities ultimately depends on your experience and understanding of different tools and techniques. If you’re a hands-on investor, trend trading is a strategy that might help you identify when to buy and sell individual stocks. Other investors may be interested in a more hands-off approach, buying mutual funds or index funds that hold large portfolios of securities that don’t require active trading strategies or technical analysis.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

Invest with as little as $5 with a SoFi Active Investing account.


Is trend trading a good strategy?

Trend trading can be an effective strategy, especially for experienced traders who are skilled at using various technical analysis tools. While there is always risk involved in trend trading, it might be more risky for investors who don’t understand all that’s required to anticipate price movements of various assets.

Can trend trading be profitable?

It’s possible that trend trading might be profitable, and that the careful use of technical analysis could provide an advantage when making trades. But trend trading is a high-risk endeavor, and it’s not guaranteed to deliver a profit.

What is the key to trend trading?

The key to trend trading is to use a range of technical analysis tools that give you more confidence in identifying trends and executing trades.

How do I become a trend trader?

Study the markets and assets that you want to trade, learn to read price charts, and begin trading slowly in order to master the tools you need for the types of trades you plan to make. A good trend trader also knows how to manage risk, and is familiar with different types of stop-loss and limit orders that can help minimize losses.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Investment Risk: Diversification can help reduce some investment risk. It cannot guarantee profit, or fully protect in a down market.

Disclaimer: The projections or other information regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results.
Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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What Are Penny Stocks & How Do They Work?

Penny stocks are shares of companies that usually trade for less than $5 per share. They are highly speculative investments, meaning they carry a high degree of risk. Usually, traders looking for short-term gains use penny stocks, rather than long-term investors looking to build wealth.

But investors are often allured by penny stocks because they are relatively cheap and offer the prospect of high returns – but there are significant risks associated with penny stocks, too. Before trying to use penny stocks to make quick gains, investors must know how they work and the risks involved.

What Are Penny Stocks?

Penny stocks are low-priced financial securities that trade for less than $5 a share, though they often trade for less than $1.

Penny stocks are generally considered to be highly speculative, or relatively higher-risk investments. This is because most penny stocks are issued by small, unknown companies with little or no operating history. In addition, these companies often lack the financial resources to continue operating for very long and are susceptible to fraud.

​​Despite the risks, some investors are attracted to penny stocks because they offer the potential for significant returns over a short period of time. For example, if a penny stock’s price doubles from $0.30 per share to $0.60 per share, that’s a 100% return on investment on just a $0.30 price increase. Of course, the flip side is that you could possibly also lose all of your investment just as quickly.

Exploring Penny Stocks & How They Work

Although some penny stocks trade on major exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq, most penny stocks trade on the over-the-counter (OTC) market, through the OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB) or on the pink sheets.

Penny stocks that trade on the OTC market do not have the same regulatory requirements as companies listed on major exchanges. Companies that list their shares on the major exchanges are subject to a high degree of regulatory scrutiny; these publicly traded companies must meet minimum listing standards and provide regular financial reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

In contrast, over-the-counter stocks have fewer hoops to jump through, as they do not have to meet minimum listing requirements. However, penny stocks that trade on the OTCBB must file financial statements with the SEC, while penny stocks listed on the pink sheet are not required to do so.

Because many penny stocks do not have to report periodic financial statements to a regulatory agency, it can be difficult for investors to find adequate information to make informed investment decisions on these securities. This lack of knowledge is one of the reasons penny stocks tend to be higher-risk investments.

Penny Stocks Are Highly Speculative

As noted above, penny stocks are highly speculative investments often bought and sold by traders who want to make short-term gains. Because of this potential for significant, short-term gains, many people view penny stocks as a way to generate outsized returns quickly. However, this is far from the case; penny stocks tend to carry a high degree of risk and, as such, may be better investment options for investors with the time, money, and risk tolerance to dabble in this market.

Recommended: The Difference Between Speculation vs. Investing

Who Can Buy Penny Stocks?

Anyone can buy and sell penny stocks, though it is recommended that they have the appropriate risk tolerance before investing in these speculative securities.

To trade penny stocks, you’ll need to open an account with a brokerage that offers OTC trading. Many online brokers offer this service, but do your research before selecting one, including what kind of fees they charge. Once you have an account, you can start buying and selling penny stocks.

Pros of Penny Stocks

Penny stocks may be attractive to investors for a couple of key reasons.

High Reward Potential

There is a belief by some penny stock traders that these small securities have more room to grow than large stocks, thus resulting in significant, short-term price appreciation. The potential for short-term gains means that penny stocks may provide high rewards, despite their risks, especially if traders utilize buying on margin to make their trades.


Just as some people like to gamble, others like to trade stocks and other securities for fun. Plenty of people would consider analyzing stock charts, reading up on unknown companies, and making bets as one of their hobbies. Traders like this might consider penny stocks as “fun spending,” not necessarily a part of a long-term investing strategy.

Cons of Penny Stocks

Penny stocks also have some drawbacks that investors should be aware of.

Small Likelihood of Success

Making money on a penny stock can be a rare occurrence. Investors should be aware of this, despite the tales of sudden wealth they may hear. Also, finding success trading penny stocks may often take longer than some investors expect or anticipate.

Possibility of Losing it All

A small likelihood of success means that there will inevitably be many failures. It is common for small, unestablished businesses to fold and go under, flounder, or have unsuccessful stock. When stocks become worthless, investors effectively lose all of their investment.

Lack of Liquidity

Penny stocks usually do not have a lot of liquidity, meaning it can be challenging to find buyers when you want to sell. This can make it hard to get out of a position if the stock price declines.


Penny stocks tend to be highly volatile, which means that their prices can change a lot, rapidly. This can happen in either direction, making them a difficult tool for building long-term wealth.


The penny stock segment of the market is often rife with scammers and fraudsters. Numerous penny stock newsletters promise big wins, and penny stock “investors” manipulate both the market and potential customers.

Researching Penny Stocks to Buy

It’s often difficult for investors to adequately research what penny stocks to buy and sell. Because many penny stock companies do not have to file reports to regulators, investors do not always have great information about the company’s finances, management, and operations.

One of the first things investors should do is check online resources like the OTC Markets website to search for company information on the penny stocks you’re interested in. Once you’ve done that, you can see if the companies have filed reports with the SEC through its EDGAR database. Using this company and financial information, you can develop a sense of the company’s finances and business practices.

Also, it may help to look at penny stocks that trade on exchanges such as the NYSE or NASDAQ. Because these stocks are required to file regular financial reports to the SEC, there is more easily accessible research investors can use to make investment decisions. Additionally, these companies are usually more stable and have more liquidity than penny stocks trading on the pink sheets or OTCBB.

Overall, you’d want to review as much public information as possible when researching penny stocks to buy and sell. When you make investment decisions with inadequate public information, you may open yourself up to relying on shady information that could come from paid promoters or fraudsters looking to pump and dump a stock.

The Takeaway

The allure of making significant, short-term gains by trading penny stocks draws many people into the market. But with the potential of high rewards comes the increased risk and a probability that gains will be hard to come by. Before diving into penny stock trading, assessing your risk tolerance is essential to see if this strategy is right for you.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.


Can you make money with penny stocks?

While making money with penny stocks is possible, it is also possible to lose money. Penny stocks are generally considered a high-risk investment, and as such, they may not be suitable for all investors.

Are penny stocks good for beginners?

Trading penny stocks is likely not advisable for beginners, as they are often very volatile, difficult to research, and can be challenging to trade. It may be best to consult with a financial professional before trading penny stocks.

Are penny stocks popular investments?

Penny stocks are sometimes popular investments for traders looking for high-risk, high-reward investments. These stocks are typically very volatile, which can lead to significant profits or losses.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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How to Calculate Stock Profit

To calculate stock profit, it’s a relatively simple calculation that involves taking the original price you paid for the stock and subtracting it from the price at which you sold it. So, if you paid $50 per share and the stock is now worth $55, your profit would be $5 per share, minus applicable fees or commissions. If the stock price has dropped since you bought it, you would subtract the current price from the original price, to arrive at the amount of your loss.

Understanding the implications of those gains (or losses) in terms of dollar amounts as well as percentages — and what to do next — is another matter. In most cases you’ll owe taxes on your gains, and/or you can use losses to offset gains. But when and how is where investors need to pay attention.

How Do You Calculate Stock Profit?

As noted, calculating stock profit involves a simple calculation to find the difference between the current share price and the price you initially purchased it – often called the “cost basis.”

Given the history of the stock market, and the constant price fluctuations of almost every stock, most investors should expect the price of the shares they buy to change over time. The question for investors, however, is whether the change is positive (a profit) or negative (a loss).

Realized Gains vs Unrealized Gains

Another question that’s critical for investors: Are those gains or losses realized or unrealized?

When a stock in your portfolio gains or loses value, but you hold onto it, that is considered an unrealized gain or loss. Your asset has appreciated in value, but you haven’t sold it to reap the benefits, or “realized” the gain. As such, you wouldn’t pay additional trading fees and you wouldn’t (yet) face any tax implications because you haven’t actually sold the shares.

If you sell the shares through an online brokerage account or other means, that’s when you realize (or take) the actual cash profit or loss in your account. At that point, trading fees and taxes would likely come into play.

Formula to Calculate Percentage Gain or Loss of Stocks

Calculating stock profit can be done as a dollar amount or as a percentage change. The same is true of losses. While knowing the dollar amount that you’ve gained or lost is relevant for long-term planning and tax purposes, calculating the percentage change will help investors gauge whether one stock had good return when compared with another.

Percentage change = (Price sold – Purchase price) / (Purchase price) x 100

The important thing to remember about this formula is to always keep the purchase price (cost basis) in the denominator. That way the percentage change in the shares is always divided by what an investor paid for them.

Calculating Stock Profit Example

Here’s a hypothetical example using the formula above, but incorporating the number of shares an investor may hold. This will give the total dollar profit as well as the percentage move.

1.    Let’s say an investor owns 100 shares of Stock A, which they bought at $20 a share for a total of $2,000.

2.    The investor sells all of their shares when the stock is trading at $23, for $2,300.

3.    Ignoring any potential investment fees, commissions, or taxes in this hypothetical example, the investor would see a gain of $3 per share or $300 in profit.

4.    What’s the percentage gain? ($23 – $20) / $20 = 0.15 x 100 = 15 or a 15% gain.

Calculating Stock Loss Example

Now let’s look at an example where Stock A declines.

1.    Here, an investor owns 100 shares of Stock B, which they bought at $20.

2.    This time, the investor sells all 100 shares at $18.

3.    This means, the investor has to subtract $18 from $20 to get a $2 loss per share.

4.    What’s the percentage loss? ($20 – $18) / $20 = 0.10 x 100 = 10, or a 10% loss.

As an investor, you can also compare your stock profit with the average historical stock return, that number has historically hovered around 9%.

And if you’re wondering about how to calculate stock profit when shorting stocks, note that that is a more complex investing strategy that requires a more careful and detailed understanding and calculation.

Calculating Percentage Change in Index Funds and Indices

Index funds are mutual funds that track a specific market index, which means they include the companies or securities in that index. An S&P 500 index fund mirrors the performance of the companies in the S&P 500 Index.

To calculate the percentage change of your shares in an index fund, you can approach it the same way you would when you calculate profit or loss from a stock.

You can also calculate the difference between the percentage change of the index itself, between the date you purchased shares of the related index fund and sold them. Here’s an example, using the S&P 500 Index.

Let’s say the index was at 4,500 when you bought shares of a related index fund, and at 4,650 when you sold your shares. The same formula applies:

4,650 – 4,500 / 4,650 = 0.032 x 100 equals a 3.2% gain in the index, and therefore the gain in your share price would be similar. But because you cannot invest in an index, only in funds that track the index, it’s important to calculate index fund returns separately.

Importance of Calculating Stock Profit

Calculating stock profits (and losses) is important because it can help inform you of how successful your overall strategy has been. That can have a downstream effect in numerous areas:

•   Taxes owed

•   Your overall tax strategy (more on that below)

•   Your asset allocation

•   Your long-term financial picture

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*Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.

How Are You Taxed on Profit From a Stock?

To determine any tax liability resulting from a stock-trade profit, you would start by subtracting the cost basis from the total proceeds to calculate what you’ve earned from a sale. If the proceeds are greater than the cost basis, you’ve made a profit, also known as a capital gain. At this point, the government will take a slice of the pie — you’ll owe taxes on any capital gains you make.

Capital gains tax rates are the rates at which you’re taxed on the profit from selling your stock (in addition to other investments you may hold such as bonds and real estate). You are only taxed on a stock when you sell and realize a gain, and then you are taxed on net gain, which is the difference between your gains and losses.

You can deduct capital losses from your gains every year. So if some stocks sell for a profit, while others sell for an equal loss, your net gain could be zero, and you’ll owe no taxes on these stocks.

Short-Term vs Long-Term Capital Gains Tax

There are two types of capital gains tax that might apply to you: short-term and long-term investment capital gains tax. If you sell a stock you’ve held for less than a year for a profit, you realize a short-term capital gain.

If you sell a stock you’ve held for more than a year and profit on the sale, you realize a long-term capital gain. Short-term capital gain tax rates can be significantly higher than long-term rates. These rates are pegged to your tax bracket, and they are taxed as regular income.

So, if your income lands you in the highest tax bracket, you will likely pay a short-term capital gains rate equal to the highest income tax rate — which is higher than the highest long-term capital gains rate.

Long-term capital gains, on the other hand, are given preferential tax treatment. Depending on your income and your filing status, you could pay 0%, 15%, or a maximum of 20% on gains from investments you’ve held for more than a year.

Investors may choose to hold onto stocks for a year or more to take advantage of these preferential rates and avoid the higher taxes that may result from the buying and selling of stocks inside a year.

When Capital Gains Tax Doesn’t Apply

There are a few instances when you don’t have to pay capital gains tax on the profits you make from selling stock, namely inside of retirement accounts.

The government wants to incentivize people to save for retirement, so it encourages people to set up certain tax-advantaged investment accounts, including 401(k)s and/or an individual retirement account, or IRA.

You fund tax-deferred accounts such as 401(k)s and traditional IRAs with pre-tax dollars, which may help lower your taxable income in the year you make a contribution. You can then buy and sell stocks inside the accounts without incurring any capital gains tax.

Tax-deferred accounts don’t allow you to avoid taxes entirely, however, when you make qualified withdrawals after age 59 ½, you are taxed at your regular income tax rate. Roth accounts, such as Roth IRAs function slightly differently. You don’t avoid taxes with these types of accounts, either, since you fund these accounts with after-tax dollars.

Then you can also buy and sell stocks inside a Roth account where any gains grow tax free. Once again, you won’t owe capital gains on profit you make inside the account. And in the case of a Roth, when you make withdrawals at age 59 ½ you won’t owe any income tax either.

Understanding Capital Losses

Though it seems counterintuitive, capital losses may help investors manage their tax liabilities, thanks to a strategy called tax-loss harvesting.

Capital losses can be used to offset gains from the sale of other stocks. Say you sold Stock A for a profit of $15 and Stock C from another company for a loss of $10. The resulting taxable amount is now $5, or $15 minus $10.

In some cases, total losses will be greater than total gains (i.e. a net capital loss). When this happens, you may be able to deduct excess capital losses against other income. If an investor has an overall net capital loss for the year, they can deduct up to $3,000 against other kinds of income — including ordinary and interest income.

The amount of losses you can deduct in a given year is limited to $3,000. However, additional losses can be rolled over and deducted on the following year’s taxes.

There are other limitations with claiming capital losses. The wash-sale rule, for example, prohibits claiming a full capital loss after selling securities at a loss and then buying “substantially identical” stocks within a 30-day period.

The rule essentially closes a loophole, preventing investors from selling a stock at a loss only to immediately buy the same security again, leaving their portfolio essentially unchanged while claiming a tax benefit.

Another way investors try to defer taxes is through automated tax-loss harvesting, or strategically taking some losses in order to offset taxable profits from another investment.

Other Income From Stocks

You may receive income from some stock holdings in the form of dividends, which are unrelated to the sale of the stock. A dividend is a distribution of a portion of a company’s profits to a certain class of its shareholders. Dividends may be issued in the form of cash or additional shares of stock.

While dividends represent profit from a stock, they are not capital gains and therefore fall into a different tax category. (Different types of investment income are taxed in different ways.) Dividends can be classified as either qualified or ordinary dividends, which are taxed at different rates. Ordinary dividends are taxed at regular income tax rates.

Qualified dividends that meet certain requirements are subject to the preferential capital gains tax rates. Taxpayers are responsible for identifying the type of dividends they receive and reporting that income on Form 1099-DIV.

Brokerage Fees or Commissions

Investors need to remember that there are brokerage account fees or commissions that you might have paid when you bought the stock. You may have overlooked these costs, but they do have an effect on your investment’s profitability and, depending on the amounts involved, these fees could make a profitable trade unprofitable.

Tally all the fees you paid and subtract that sum from your profit to find out what your net gain was. Note that your brokerage account may do these calculations for you, but you might want to know how to do them yourself to have a better understanding of how the process works.

Some brokerage firms offer zero commission trading, but they may be engaging in a practice called payment for order flow, where your orders are sent to third parties in order to be executed.

When to Consider Selling a Stock

There are a number of reasons investors may choose to sell their stocks, especially when they may generate a positive return. First, they may need the money to meet a personal goal, like making a down payment on a home or buying a new car. Investors with retirement accounts may start to liquidate assets in their accounts once they retire and need to make withdrawals.

Investors may also choose to sell stocks that have appreciated considerably. Stocks that have made significant gains can shift the asset allocation inside an investor’s portfolio. The investor may want to sell stocks and buy other investments to rebalance the portfolio, bringing it back in line with their goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

This strategy may give investors the opportunity to sell high and buy low, using appreciated stock to buy new, potentially cheaper, investments. That said, investors might want to avoid trying to time the market, buying and selling based on an attempt to predict future price movements. It’s hard to know what the market or any given stock will do in the future.

Sometimes investors may decide that buying a certain stock was a mistake. It may not be the right match for their goals or risk tolerance, for example. In this case, they may decide to sell it, even if it means incurring a loss.

The Takeaway

Assuming a stock’s price is higher when you sell it versus when you bought it, learning how to calculate stock profit is pretty easy. You simply subtract the original purchase price from the price at which you sold it. (If the selling price is lower than the purchase price, of course, you’d see a loss.)

It’s important to calculate stock profits and losses because it can impact your taxes. If you realize a gain, you may owe capital gains tax; if you realize a loss, you may be able to use the loss to offset your gains. Of course, if you’re trading stocks within an IRA, Roth IRA, or 401(k), you avoid any tax consequences.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.


Why is it important to calculate stock profit?

Investing in stocks comes with a certain amount of risk. It may help you to know what your gains and losses are so that you can gauge the winners and losers in your portfolio. Calculating stock profit also helps with tax planning and portfolio rebalancing.

How can you calculate stock profit?

Calculating the dollar amount is relatively simple (you subtract the final selling price from the original purchase price, or vice versa). The formula for determining the percentage change is also straightforward:

(Price sold – Purchase price) / (Purchase price) x 100 = Percentage change

What is an example of calculating stock profit?

An investor owns 100 shares of Stock X, which they bought at $50 a share for a total of $5,000. The price rises to $55, a gain of $5, and the investor sells all their shares for a $500 profit ($5,500 total), excluding commissions, taxes, fees.

What’s the percentage gain? ($55 – $50) / $50 = 0.10 x 100 = 10 or a 10% gain.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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Creating an Investment Plan for Your Child

From saving for college to getting a leg up on retirement, creating an investment plan for your child just makes sense. Why? Because when your kids are young, time is on their side in a really big way and it’s only smart to take advantage of it.

In addition, there are several different avenues to consider when setting up an investment plan for your kids. Each one potentially can help set them up for a stronger financial future.

Why Invest for Your Child?

There’s a reason for the cliché, “Time is money.” The power of time combined with money may help generate growth over time.

The technical name for the advantageous combination of time + money is known as compound interest or compound growth. That means: when money earns a bit of interest or investment gains over time, that additional money also grows and the investment can slowly snowball.

Example of Compounding

Here is a simple example: If you invest $1,000, and it earns 5% per year, that’s $50 ($1,000 x 0.05 = $50). So at the end of one year you’d have $1,050.

That’s when the snowball slowly starts to grow: Now that $1,050 also earns 5%, which means the following year you’d have $1,152.50 ($1,050 x 0.05 = $52.50 + $1,050).

And that $1,152.50 would earn 5% the following year… and so on. You get the idea. It’s money earning more money.

That said, there are no guarantees any investment will grow. It’s also possible an investment can lose money. But given enough time, an investment plan you make for your child has time to recover if there are any losses or volatility over the years.

Benefits of Investing for Your Child Early On

There are other benefits to investing for your kids when they’re young. In addition to the potential snowball effect of compounding, you have the ability to set up different types of investment plans for your child to capture that potential long-term growth.

Each type of investment plan or savings account can help provide resources your child may need down the road.

•   You can fund a college or educational savings plan.

•   You can open an IRA for your child (individual retirement account).

•   You can set up a high-yield savings account, or certificate of deposit (CD).

Even small deposits in these accounts can benefit from potential growth over time, helping to secure your child’s financial future in more than one area. And what parent doesn’t want that?

Are Gifts to Children Taxed?

The IRS does have rules about how much money you can give away before you’re subject to something called the gift tax. But before you start worrying if you’ll have to pay a gift tax on the $100 bill you slipped into your niece’s graduation card, it’s important to know that the gift tax generally only affects large gifts.

This is because there is an “annual exclusion” for the gift tax, which means that gifts up to a certain amount are not subject to the gift tax. For 2024, it’s $18,000. If you and your spouse both give money to your child (or anyone), the annual exclusion is $36,000 in 2024.

That means if you’re married you can give financial gifts up to $36,000 in 2024, without needing to report that gift to the IRS and file a gift tax return.

Also, the recipient of the gift, in this case your child, will not owe any tax.

Are There Investment Plans for Children?

Yes, there are a number of investment plans parents can open for kids these days. Depending on your child’s age, you may want to open different accounts at different times. If you have a minor child or children, you would open custodial accounts that you hold in their name until they are legally able to take over the account.

Investing for Younger Kids

One way to seed your child’s investing plan is by opening a custodial brokerage account, established through the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA) or the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA).

While the assets belong to the minor child until they come of age (18 to 21, depending on the state), they’re managed by a custodian, often the parent. But opening and funding a custodial account can be a way to teach your child the basics of investing and money management.

There are no limits on how much money parents or other relatives can deposit in a custodial account, though contributions over $18,000 per year ($36,000 for married couples) would exceed the gift tax exclusion, and need to be reported to the IRS.

UGMA and UTMA custodial accounts have different rules than, say, 529 plans. Be sure to understand how these accounts work before setting one up.

Investing for Teens

Teenagers who are interested in learning more about money management as well as investing have a couple of options.

•   Some brokerages also offer accounts for minor teens. The money in the account is considered theirs, but these are custodial accounts and the teenager doesn’t take control of the account until they reach the age of majority in their state (either 18 or 21).

These accounts can be supervised by the custodian, who can help the child make trades and learn about investing in a hands-on environment.

•   If your teenager has earned income, from babysitting or lawn mowing, you can also set up a custodial Roth IRA for your child. (If a younger child has earned income, say, from work as a performer, they can also fund a Roth IRA.)

Opening a Roth IRA offers a number of potential benefits for kids: top of the list is that the money they save and invest within the IRA has years to grow, and can provide a tax-free income stream in retirement.

Recommended: Paying for College: A Parents’ Guide

Starting a 529 Savings Plan

Saving for a child’s college education is often top of mind when parents think about planning for their kids’ futures.

A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged savings plan that encourages saving for education costs by offering a few key benefits. In some states you can deduct the amount you contribute to a 529 plan. But even if your state doesn’t allow the tax deduction, the money within a 529 plan grows tax free, and qualified withdrawals are also tax free.

That includes money used to pay for tuition, room and board, lab fees, textbooks, and more. Qualified withdrawals can be used to pay for elementary, secondary, and higher education expenses, as well as qualified loan repayments, and some apprenticeship expenses. (Withdrawals that are used for non-qualified expenses may be subject to taxes and a penalty.)

Though all 50 states sponsor 529 plans you’re not required to invest in the plan that’s offered in your home state — you can shop around to find the plan that’s the best fit for you. You and your child will be able to use the funds to pay for education-related expenses in whichever state they choose.

Recommended: Benefits of Using a 529 College Savings Plan

Other Ways to Invest for Education

Given the benefits of investing for your child’s education, there are additional options to consider.

Prepaid Tuition Plans

A prepaid tuition plan allows you to prepay tuition and fees at certain colleges and universities at today’s prices. Such plans are usually available only at public schools and for in-state students, but some can be converted for use at out-of-state or private colleges.

The main benefit of this plan is that you could save big on the price of college by prepaying before prices go up. One of the main disadvantages is that, with some exceptions, these funds only cover tuition costs (not room and board, for example).

Education Savings Plans

An education savings plan or ESA is similar to a 529 plan, in that the money saved grows tax free and can be withdrawn tax free to pay for qualified educational expenses for elementary, secondary, and higher education.

ESAs, however, come with income caps. Single filers with a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) over $110,000, and married couples filing jointly who have a MAGI over $220,000 cannot contribute to an ESA.
ESAs also come with contribution limits: You can only contribute up to $2,000 per year, per child, and ESA contributions are only allowed up to the beneficiary’s 18th birthday, unless they’re a special needs student.

And while many states offer a tax deduction for contributing to a 529 plan, that’s not the case with ESA contributions; they are not tax deductible at the federal or the state level.

Investing Your Education Funds

Once you make contributions to an educational account, you can invest your funds. You will likely have a range of investment options to choose from, including mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which vary from state to state.

Many plans also offer the equivalent of age-based target-date funds, which start out with a more aggressive allocation (e.g. more in stocks), and gradually dial back to become more conservative as college approaches.

Depending on your child’s level of interest, this could be an opportunity to have them learn more about the investing process.

Thinking Ahead to Retirement Accounts

It’s worth knowing that as soon as your child is working, you are able to open a custodial Roth IRA, as discussed above. The assets inside the IRA belong to your child, but you have control over investing them until they become an adult.

While it’s possible to open a custodial account for a traditional IRA, most minor children won’t reap the tax benefits of this type of IRA. Most children don’t need tax-deductible contributions to lower their taxable income.

For that reason, it may make more sense to set up a custodial Roth IRA for your child, assuming the child has earned income. A Roth can offer tax-free income in retirement, assuming the withdrawals are qualified.

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When to Choose a Savings Account for Your Child

Investing is a long-term proposition. Investing for long periods allows you to take advantage of compounding, and may help you ride out the volatility may occur in the stock market. But sometimes you want a safer place to keep some cash for your child — and that’s when opening a savings account is appropriate.

If you think you’ll need the money you’re saving for your child in the next three to five years, consider putting it in a high-yield savings account, which offers higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts.

You might also want to consider a certificate of deposit (CD), which also offers higher interest rates than traditional saving vehicles. The only catch with CDs is that in exchange for this higher interest rate, you essentially agree to keep your money in the CD for a set amount of time, from a few months to a few years.

While these savings vehicles don’t offer the same high rates of return you might find in the market, they are a less risky option and offer a steady rate of return.

The Takeaway

When considering your long-term goals for your child, having an investing plan might make sense. Whether you want to save for college, help your child get ahead on retirement, or just set up a savings account for your kids, now is the time to start. In fact, the sooner the better, as time can help money grow (just as it helps children grow!).

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

Invest with as little as $5 with a SoFi Active Investing account.


Can a child have an investment account?

A parent or other adult can open a custodial brokerage account for a minor child or a teenager. While the custodian manages the account, the funds belong to the child, who gains control over the account when they reach the age of majority in their state (18 or 21).

What is the best way to invest money for a child?

The best way is to get started sooner rather than later. Perhaps start with one goal — i.e. saving for college — and open a 529 plan. Or, if your child has earned income from a side job, you can open a custodial Roth IRA for them.

What is a good age to start investing as a kid?

When your child shows an interest in investing, or when they have a specific goal, whether that’s at age 7 or 17, that’s when you’ll have a willing participant. Ideally you want to invest when they’re younger, so time can work in your favor.

SoFi Invest®


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Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): Investors should carefully consider the information contained in the prospectus, which contains the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other relevant information. You may obtain a prospectus from the Fund company’s website or by email customer service at [email protected]. Please read the prospectus carefully prior to investing.
Shares of ETFs must be bought and sold at market price, which can vary significantly from the Fund’s net asset value (NAV). Investment returns are subject to market volatility and shares may be worth more or less their original value when redeemed. The diversification of an ETF will not protect against loss. An ETF may not achieve its stated investment objective. Rebalancing and other activities within the fund may be subject to tax consequences.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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