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Should I Pay Off Debt Before Buying a House?

Ready to buy your own home? There’s a lot to consider, especially if this is your first time applying for a mortgage and you’re carrying debt. While having debt is not necessarily a deal-breaker when you’re applying for a mortgage, it can be a factor when it comes to how much you’ll be able to borrow, the interest rate you might pay, and other terms of the loan.

Understanding how the home loan process works can help you decide whether it’s better to pay off debt or save up for a downpayment on a home. Here’s what you need to know.

How to Manage Debt before Buying a Home

Understand Your Debt-to-Income Ratio

When lenders want to be sure borrowers can responsibly manage a mortgage payment along with the debt they’re carrying, they typically use a formula called the debt-to-income ratio (DTI).

The DTI ratio is calculated by dividing a borrower’s recurring monthly debt payments (future mortgage, credit cards, student loans, car loans, etc.) by gross monthly income.

The lower the DTI, the less risky borrowers may appear to lenders, who traditionally have hoped to see that all debts combined do not exceed 43% of gross earnings.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say a couple pays $600 combined each month for their auto loans, $240 for a student loan, and $200 toward credit card debt, and they want to have a $2,000 mortgage payment. If their combined gross monthly income is $8,000, their DTI ratio would be 38% ($3,040 is 38% of $8,000).

The couple in our example is on track to get their loan. But if they wanted to qualify for a higher loan amount, they might decide to reduce their credit card balances before applying.

That 43% threshold isn’t set in stone, by the way. Some mortgage lenders will have their own preferred number, and some may make exceptions based on individual circumstances. Still, it can be helpful to know where you stand before you start the homebuying process.

Recommended: How to Prepare for Buying a New Home

Consider How Debt Affects Your Credit Score

A mediocre credit score doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t be able to get a mortgage loan. Lenders also look at employment history, income, and other factors when making their decisions. But your credit score and the information on your credit reports will likely play a major role in determining whether you’ll qualify for the mortgage you want and the interest rate you want to pay.

Typically, a FICO® Score of 620 will be enough to get a conventional mortgage, but someone with a lower score still may be able to qualify. Or they might be eligible for an FHA or VA backed loan. The bottom line: The higher your score, the more options you can expect to have when applying for a loan.

A few factors go into determining a credit score, but payment history and credit usage are the categories that typically hold the most weight. Payment history takes into account your record of making on-time or late payments, or if you’ve filed for bankruptcy.

Credit usage looks at how much you owe in loans and on your credit cards. An important consideration in this category is your credit utilization rate, which is the amount of revolving credit you’re currently using divided by the total amount of revolving credit you have available. Put more simply, it’s how much you currently owe divided by your credit limit. It is generally expressed as a percent. The lower your rate, the better. Many lenders prefer a utilization rate under 30%.

Does that mean you should pay off all credit card debt before buying a house?

Not necessarily. Debt isn’t the devil when it comes to your credit score. Borrowers who show that they can responsibly manage some debt and make timely payments can expect to maintain a good score. Meanwhile, not having any credit history at all could be a problem when applying for a loan.

The key is in consistency — so borrowers may want to avoid making big payments, big purchases, or balance transfers as they go through the loan process. Mortgage underwriters may question any noticeable changes in your credit score during this time.

Recommended: What Credit Score is Required to Buy a House?

Don’t Forget, You May Need Ready Cash

Making big debt payments also could cause problems if it leaves you short of cash for other things you might need as you move through the homebuying process, including the following.

Down Payment

Whether your goal is to put down 20% or a smaller amount, you’ll want to have that money ready when you find the home you hope to buy.

Closing Costs

The cost of home appraisals, inspections, title searches, etc., can add up quickly. Average closing costs are 3% to 6% of the full loan amount.

Moving Expenses

Even a local move can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars, so you’ll want to factor relocation expenses into your budget. If you’re moving for work, your employer could offer to cover some or all of those costs, but you may have to pay upfront and wait to be reimbursed.

Remodeling and Redecorating Costs

You may want to leave yourself a little cash to cover any new furniture, paint, renovation projects, or other things you require to move into your home.

Trends in the housing market may help you with prioritizing saving or paying down debt. So it’s a good idea to pay attention to what’s going on with the overall economy, your local real estate market, and real estate trends in general.

Here are some things to watch for.

Interest Rates

When interest rates are low, homeownership is more affordable. A lower interest rate keeps the monthly payment down and reduces the long-term cost of owning a home.

Rising interest rates aren’t necessarily a bad thing, though, especially if you’ve been struggling to find a home in a seller’s market. If higher rates thin the herd of potential buyers, a seller may be more open to negotiating and lowering a home’s listing price.

Either way, it’s good to be aware of where rates are and where they might be going.


When you start your home search, you may want to check on the average amount of time homes in your desired location sit on the market. This can be a good indicator of how many houses are for sale in your area and how many buyers are out there looking. (A local real estate agent can help you get this information.)

If inventory is low and buyers are snapping up houses, you may have trouble finding a house at the price you want to pay. If inventory is high, it’s considered a buyer’s market and you may be able to get a lower price on your dream home.


If you pay too much and then decide to sell, you could have a hard time recouping your money.

The goal, of course, is to find the right home at the right price, with the right mortgage and interest rate, when you have your financial ducks in a row.

If the trends are telling you to wait, you may decide to prioritize paying off your debts and working on your credit score.

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Remember, You Can Modify Your Mortgage Terms

If you already have a mortgage, you may be able to make some adjustments to the original loan by refinancing to different terms.

Refinancing can help borrowers who are looking for a lower interest rate, a shorter loan term, or the opportunity to stop paying for private mortgage insurance or a mortgage insurance premium.

Consider a Debt Payoff Plan

If you decide to make paying down your debt your goal, it can be useful to come up with a plan that gets you where you want to be. Many of the financial changes would-be buyers make to save money for a home will also work to help you pay down debt. In an April 2024 SiFi survey of 500 prospective homeowners, cutting back on nonessential expenses was the most popular step — 49% of people had tried it. Almost as many (41%) had taken on an additional job or side hustle. And more than one in four people (26%) had downsized their current living situation to cut costs.

As you think about saving to pay down debt, remember that not all debt is not created equal. Credit card debt interest rates are typically higher than other types of borrowed money, so those balances can be more expensive to carry over time. Also, loans for education are often considered “good debt,” while credit card debt is often viewed as “bad debt.” As a result, lenders may be more understanding about your student loan debt when you apply for a mortgage.

As long as you’re making the required payments on all your obligations, it may make sense to focus on dumping some credit card debt.

Recommended: Beginners Guide to Good and Bad Debt

The Takeaway

Should you pay off debt before buying a house? Not necessarily, but you can expect lenders to take into consideration how much debt you have and what kind it is. Considering a solution that might reduce your payments or lower your interest rate could improve your chances of getting the home loan you want.

When you consolidate your credit card debt, you typically take out a personal loan, ideally with a lower rate than you’re paying your credit cards, and use it to pay off all of your credit cards. You then end up with one balance and one payment to make each month. This simplified the debt repayment process and can also help you save money on interest.

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SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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How to Afford a Down Payment on Your First Home, Step by Step

How to Afford a Down Payment on Your First Home

If you’re dreaming of a home of your own, pulling together a down payment is probably on your financial to-do list. That sum can seem hard to wrangle, but take heart: First-time homebuyers with good credit have an edge. They often can put just 3% down, and they have access to a host of down payment assistance programs. What’s more, there are other ways to gather cash for your property purchase.

In this guide, you’ll learn more about down payments and how to afford one for your first home.

What Is a Down Payment?

Simply put, a down payment is a sum of money, often a percentage of the purchase price, that a buyer pays upfront when purchasing a home or a car.

When talking about buying a home, many people believe that 20% in cash is required, but that’s not the case. Twenty percent is the figure needed to avoid paying PMI, or private mortgage insurance, but there are mortgages available with 3% or even 0% down payments in some situations.

💡 Quick Tip: When house hunting, don’t forget to lock in your home mortgage loan rate so there are no surprises if your offer is accepted.

How to Afford a Down Payment on Your First Home

There are many ways to afford a down payment on your first home. Below, you’ll learn some ways to save up and find low down payment options as well.

But first, consider some general ways to raise cash:

•   Start a side hustle to bring in more income. That could mean driving a rideshare, selling your ceramics on Etsy, walking dogs, or any number of other pursuits. This is a popular strategy: In an April 2024 SoFi survey of 500 would-be homeowners, 41% of people said they had taken on more work or started a side hustle to increase their income.

•   Sell your stuff. If you have gently used items, such as clothing, housewares, electronics, and jewelry, you might get cash by selling them.

•   Automate your finances. Have some money direct-deposited into savings with every paycheck. That can build your down payment, and the money doesn’t go into your checking account, where you might be tempted to spend it.

•   Make a better budget. If you’re not saving at all or as much as you’d like, evaluate your earnings, spending, and saving to optimize that. The 50/30/20 budget rule is one popular budgeting method.

Smart Ways to Save Up for a Down Payment

Here’s the lowdown on how to afford a down payment on a house. Read on before you go shopping for a mortgage.

1. Get a Low Down Payment Conventional Mortgages

Conventional loans, the most common type of mortgage, are offered by private mortgage lenders, such as banks, credit unions, and mortgage companies. If you can find one with a low down payment requirement, that can take some of the pressure off of accumulating a large down payment. Getting prequalified or preapproved by a lender can help you determine your home-buying budget (in SoFi’s survey, more than one in four homebuyers based their budget off a lender’s assessment).

Some points to note:

•   Many lenders allow a down payment of 3% for a fixed-rate conventional conforming loan.

•   To qualify, borrowers usually will need to have a credit score of at least 620 and a debt-to-income ratio of 46% or less, though you might get approved with a DTI of 50%. Income limits may apply.

•   Putting 20% down, however, will allow a borrower to avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI) on a conventional loan.

2. Focus on Government-Backed Loans

If you are a low- to moderate-income borrower or have a lower credit score, you might want to pursue a government-backed loan, like an FHA, VA, or USDA mortgage. These also can have lower down payment requirements.

•   An FHA loan requires as little as 3.5% down on one- to four-unit owner-occupied properties as long as the borrower occupies the building for at least one year. To qualify for 3.5% down, your credit score must be 580 or higher. Someone with a credit score between 500 and 579 may qualify to put 10% down.

•   A VA loan, for veterans, active-duty military personnel, National Guard and Selected Reserve members, and some surviving spouses, requires no down payment. Borrowers can buy a property with up to four units, as long as the borrower occupies the property throughout the ownership. There is no stated minimum credit score, but generally speaking, lenders require a minimum credit score in the low- to mid-600s to qualify.

•   A USDA loan, for properties in eligible rural and suburban areas, also requires no down payment. Lenders typically want to see a credit score of at least 640, and household income can’t exceed 115% of the area’s median household income.

USDA and VA loans typically come with lower interest rates than conventional or FHA loans, but a USDA loan requires a guarantee fee, a VA loan requires a funding fee, and an FHA loan, upfront and annual mortgage insurance premiums (MIP). It pays to understand PMI vs. MIP to gain more insight onto the total costs of your loan.

💡 Quick Tip: A VA loan can make home buying simple for qualified borrowers. Because the VA guarantees a portion of the loan, you could skip a down payment. Plus, you could qualify for lower interest rates, enjoy lower closing costs, and even bypass mortgage insurance.†

3. Down Payment Gifts

“Hey, Mom and Dad (or Great-Aunt Beth), I’d love it if you gave me a large cash infusion to help me buy a house.” It just rolls off the tongue, right? But in fact, one or more loved ones may be willing to pitch in toward your down payment or closing costs. In fact, almost one in four homebuyers (24%) in SoFi’s April 2024 survey had sought financial assistance from family or friends to buy a home.

Some details to know:

•   Under conventional loan guidelines, gift money for a principal or second home is allowed from someone related by blood, marriage, adoption, or legal guardianship, or from a domestic partner or fiance. There’s no limit to the gift, but conventional loans may require borrowers to come up with a portion of the down payment.

•   FHA guidelines allow gift money from relatives, an employer, a close friend, a charitable organization, or a government agency that provides homeownership assistance.

•   With USDA or VA loans, the only people who cannot provide gift funds are those who would benefit from the sale, such as the seller, lender, real estate agent, or developer. A mortgage gift letter signed by donor and recipient will be required, verifying that the down payment funds are not expected to be repaid. A lender may also want to track the gift money.

•   There are also gifts of equity, when a seller gives part of the home’s equity to the buyer to fund all or part of the down payment on principal or second homes. For FHA loans, only equity gifts from family members are acceptable. A signed gift letter will be required.

4. Crowdfunding a Down Payment

Crowdfunding to help buy a house? It’s possible with sites like GoFundMe, Feather the Nest, HomeFundIt, and even Honeyfund (which is set up as a crowdfunder for honeymoons). A couple of details to consider, because fees are often involved when you use these platforms:

•   GoFundMe charges 2.9% plus 30 cents per gift.

•   Feather the Nest isn’t associated with a mortgage lender, so donation seekers can decide where to go for a loan. It charges a fee of 5% for every contribution.

•   HomeFundIt charges no fees, but you must pre-qualify and then use CMG Financial for your home purchase. The site shows a money match toward closing costs for first-time buyers.

•   For Honeyfund, U.S. residents receiving U.S. dollars via PayPal are charged 3.5% plus 59 cents per transaction.

First-time homebuyers can
prequalify for a SoFi mortgage loan,
with as little as 3% down.

5. Retirement Account Withdrawals or Loans

It might be a good idea to explore all options for getting cash before tapping your 401(k) savings account.

As you probably know, taking money out of your 401k before age 59 ½, or before you turn 55 and have left or lost your job, is met with a 10% early withdrawal penalty and income tax on the amount. So withdrawing money early from this tax-deferred account has a painful cost and impairs long-term growth.

Here are other options if you want to tap retirement savings:

•   Borrowing from a 401k may be possible. Your employer’s plan might let you borrow money from your 401k and pay it back to your account over time, with interest, within five years, in most cases. You don’t have to pay taxes and penalties when you take a 401k loan, but if you leave your current job, you might have to repay the loan in full fairly quickly. If you can’t repay the loan for any reason, you’ll owe taxes and a 10% penalty if you’re under 59 ½.

•   A traditional IRA allows first-time homebuyers to take an early withdrawal up to $10,000 (the lifetime limit) to use as a down payment (or to help build a home) without having to pay the 10% early withdrawal penalty. They still will have to pay regular income tax on the withdrawal.

•   With a Roth IRA, if you take a distribution of its earnings before age 59 ½ and before the account is less than 5 years old, the withdrawal may be subject to taxes and penalties. You may be able to avoid penalties but not taxes if you use the withdrawal (up to a $10,000 lifetime maximum) to pay for a first-time home purchase.

If you’re under age 59 ½ and your Roth IRA has been open for five years or more, a withdrawal of earnings will not be subject to taxes if you use the withdrawal to pay for a first-time home purchase.

Recommended: First-Time Homebuyers Guide

First-Time Homebuyer Assistance Programs

Here’s another way to help make your home-buying dreams come true: State, county, and city governments and nonprofit organizations offer down payment assistance programs to help get first-time homebuyers into homes. (By the way, the definition of who qualifies as a first-time homebuyer is more expansive than it may seem.)

Down payment assistance may come in the form of grants or second mortgage loans with various repayment or loan forgiveness provisions.

HUD steers buyers to state and local programs, and the National Council of State Housing Agencies has a state-by-state list of housing finance agencies; each offers a wealth of information designed to boost housing affordability and accessibility.

First-Time Homebuyer Tips

As you save for your down payment, follow this advice to get ready to become a property owner:

•   Figure out how much house you can afford with a home affordability calculator. You want to budget appropriately. SoFi’s survey showed that 37% of prospective homebuyers used a home affordability calculator to help set their budget.

•   Don’t forget to account for closing costs, which are typically 3% to 6% of your loan amount.

Check your credit score and credit report. Building your credit and eliminating any errors on your report can help you qualify for favorable rates.

Recommended: Most Affordable Places to Live in the US

The Takeaway

How to afford a down payment on your first house? Saving is, of course, part of the equation. But you may not need to accrue that 20% of the purchase price that so many people aim for. There can be mortgages available with as little as 3% or even 0% down. Also, first-time homebuyers may benefit from assistance programs, down payment gifts, and other forms of funding.

Looking for an affordable option for a home mortgage loan? SoFi can help: We offer low down payments (as little as 3% - 5%*) with our competitive and flexible home mortgage loans. Plus, applying is extra convenient: It's online, with access to one-on-one help.

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How much should I save for a down payment on my first house?

While many people aim for a 20% down payment to avoid paying PMI, there are mortgages available to qualified buyers with as little as 3% or even 0% down.

Can I borrow money for a down payment on a house?

You might be able to find a personal loan to use for a down payment, or you could see if a relative or significant other has funds to lend you. Check with your lender to see if this source of cash is acceptable, though.

What credit score do I need to buy a house with no money down?

You’ll typically need a credit score of at least 640 for the 0% USDA loan program. VA loans with no money down (and low down payment FHA and conforming loans) usually require a minimum credit score of 580 to 620.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See SoFi.com/eligibility for more information.

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

Veterans, Service members, and members of the National Guard or Reserve may be eligible for a loan guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. VA loans are subject to unique terms and conditions established by VA and SoFi. Ask your SoFi loan officer for details about eligibility, documentation, and other requirements. VA loans typically require a one-time funding fee except as may be exempted by VA guidelines. The fee may be financed or paid at closing. The amount of the fee depends on the type of loan, the total amount of the loan, and, depending on loan type, prior use of VA eligibility and down payment amount. The VA funding fee is typically non-refundable. SoFi is not affiliated with any government agency.
Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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10 First-Time Homebuyer Mistakes to Avoid & 6 Smart Moves to Make

Buying a house for the first time is a major life moment, both emotionally and financially. For many people, it’s the biggest investment they will ever make. With the median price of a house hitting $436,800 in 2023 (ka-ching), it’s not a purchase to be made lightly.

If you’re buying your first home, you may expect it to be the same as those quick, fun-and-done experiences portrayed on reality TV shows. In truth, however, it’s a process with a steep learning curve and many moving parts, from figuring out your home-shopping budget to satisfying your final mortgage contingencies. There can be minor hiccups and major missteps along the way.

There are so many things to know as a first-time homebuyer, it’s better to educate yourself in advance rather than learn as you go. To that end, this guide will cover the 10 most common first-time homebuyer mistakes to avoid, including:

•   Not knowing how much house you can afford

•   Failing to include other factors, like insurance and repairs, in your budget

•   Waiving an inspection because you’ve found your dream house

10 Home-Buying Mistakes to Avoid

Home-buying mistakes are easy to make, especially when buying a house for the first time. Review these 10 common first-time homebuyer mistakes before searching for your dream home — so you can ensure you’ll avoid them.

Home-Buying Mistakes to Avoid

1. Forgetting to Check Your Credit

When’s the last time you checked your credit? It’s absolutely crucial to know your credit score when buying a house.

Why? You may not qualify for a mortgage if your credit score is too low. For most types of mortgage loans, you’ll need a 620, though lenders also consider other factors, like your down payment and your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. You’ll get better rates if you wait to apply for a mortgage until your score is 740 or above.

The lesson? Don’t let a low credit score rule out buying your first home, but if it’s on the lower side, maybe consider taking some time to build your credit score before shopping for a house.

Recommended: Tips for Buying a House with Bad Credit

2. Not Being Realistic About What You Can Afford

Before you start looking at listings online or working with a real estate agent — and certainly before you try to get preapproved for a mortgage — calculate how much house you can afford.

Once you know the number, avoid looking at houses above your limit. In an April 2024 SoFi survey of 500 potential homebuyers, 54% of those whose home budget was $500,000 or more had a household income of less than $100,000 — hinting that at least some buyers have unrealistic expectations of what they can afford.

So how do you calculate how much house you can afford? There are a few easy methods:

•   DTI: Think about your debt-to-income ratio (your debts divided by your gross income). When adding a monthly mortgage payment into your current DTI calculation, the percentage shouldn’t pass 43%. That’s typically the highest ratio mortgage lenders will accept.

•   28/36 rule: With this method, your max mortgage payment should be 28% of your gross income, and your total debts — mortgage and otherwise — should be no more than 36% of your gross income.

•   35/45 rule: Spend no more than 35% of your gross income on debt and no more than 45% of your after-tax income on debt.

•   25% after-tax rule: After adjusting for taxes, your mortgage should not account for more than 25% of your income.

💡 Quick Tip: You deserve a more zen mortgage. SoFi Mortgage Loan Officers are dedicated to closing your loan on time — backed by a $5,000 guarantee offer.‡

3. Putting Too Much or Too Little Down

In their eagerness to become homeowners, many first-time buyers make the mistake of going overboard and directing every bit of money they have to the purchase. (A notable 14% of potential homebuyers in SoFi’s survey said not having saved enough for a down payment was the biggest challenge they are facing.)

If you have to drain your emergency savings to manage the down payment on a home, you might want to dial down the amount or wait and save up a bit more. Consider what could happen if the home needs a costly repair or, worse, if you or someone in your family suddenly has an expensive medical bill. That’s a good example of when to use an emergency fund.

Conventional wisdom says to put 20% down (and it does help you to avoid paying private mortgage insurance (PMI). But with housing costs so high, that’s all but impossible for most homebuyers. Instead, focus on the minimum down payments required for the type of loan you’re considering:

•   Conventional loan: As low as 3%

•   FHA loan: As low as 3.5%

•   VA loan: As low as 0%

Remember, though, that if you put down very little, you’ll need to borrow more. Your monthly payments will be higher, and you could pay more interest over the life of the loan.

4. Forgetting About Homeowners Insurance and Property Taxes

Your monthly mortgage loan payment is more than just the cost of your home. You’ll also need to cover the cost of homeowners insurance and property taxes, which are often paid into an escrow account. Depending on the type of mortgage and how much you’ve paid, you may also have to pay for PMI. Together, these all increase your monthly payment — sometimes substantially. (Indeed, in SoFi’s survey of potential homeowners, 46% of respondents were concerned about property tax costs.)

When you look at a home, the real estate agent should be able to show you property tax history so you can get an idea of what you’d pay each year. You can also work with an insurance agent to simulate insurance quotes for various homes you’re considering.

Property taxes will change from year to year, and you can always change your homeowners insurance to lower the cost, even if you pay for it through the escrow account. It may be a good idea to bundle home and auto policies together to take advantage of a discount.

Recommended: How Much Homeowners Insurance Do You Need?

First-time homebuyers can
prequalify for a SoFi mortgage loan,
with as little as 3% down.

5. Failing to Budget for Home Repairs and Maintenance

Forgetting to budget for homeowners insurance and property taxes is one of the most common first-time homebuyer mistakes — but those expenses aren’t the only ones people forget to budget for when buying a house for the first time.

If you’ve been accustomed to calling a landlord whenever something breaks in a rental, reset your expectations. Now, you’ll have to take care of basic home maintenance — like replacing air filters, cleaning the gutter, resealing wood decks, and cleaning the chimney — and repairs. When the air conditioner is blowing hot air, the oven stops working, or your roof starts leaking, you’re on the hook for the repairs.

Some issues may be covered by homeowners insurance (but there’s still a deductible!), but other issues caused by general wear and tear are solely your responsibility. And then there are other possible costs, like higher utility bills and homeowners association fees, that can eat into your budget.

6. Not Hiring a Qualified Home Inspector

It may be tempting to waive the home inspection when you’re trying to buy the home of your dreams — especially if you have some stiff competition to be the winning bidder for an in-demand property.

Sorry to say, this is a risky strategy. A home inspection might reveal critical information about the condition of a home and its systems, from electrical problems to hidden mold; from a failing septic system to a leaky roof. What you learn in an inspection could reveal that your dream home is actually a money pit.

What’s more, your inspection report might serve as a useful negotiating tool: You could use it to ask for repairs or to work out a better price from the seller. And if you really aren’t happy with the inspection results, you may be able to use it to cancel the offer to buy.

And in the grand scheme of things, an inspection isn’t too expensive. The average home inspection costs $300 to $500.

Recommended: The Ultimate Home Inspection Checklist

7. Overlooking the Neighborhood and Surrounding Area

You may have fallen in love with a specific home, but when you buy a house, you’re also buying the neighborhood that comes with it, so to speak.

How are the surrounding properties maintained? Do the people seem friendly? If you have kids or are planning on having them, do you see other families with young children? How are the schools in the area? What’s the traffic like? How’s the noise level? What restaurants and stores are nearby?

Think about your ideal community — and then try to find a dream home in that type of community.

8. Letting Your Emotions Get the Best of You

Buying your first home or any home thereafter can be a roller coaster, so it’s important to prepare yourself psychologically as well as financially. If you’ve ever talked to someone buying a house, you know there are potential pitfalls all through the purchasing process.

You might fall in love with the perfect house and find it’s way over your budget. You might get annoyed with the sellers or their real estate agent, especially during the negotiation process. You might disagree with your partner about priorities.

All of these scenarios can cause a person to behave emotionally. It might make you want to walk away from a great deal. It might lead you to barrel ahead with a purchase, even when warning lights are flashing.

Our advice to a first-time homebuyer? Recognizing that this will be a challenging and, at times, stressful process (especially because you are new to it), take a deep breath, and proceed calmly. Find tools that help you move ahead with patience and a sense of calm, best as you can. With your eye on the prize — namely, your first home — you’ll get there.

Recommended: Improving Your Relationship With Money

9. Not Considering Future Resale Value

Houses are more than a place to live — they’re an investment. While you certainly want to prioritize buying a home you’ll be happy in, it’s also a good idea to think about how much the property might be worth in five, 10, 15 years and beyond.

It’s impossible to predict the market, but you can feel more confident about strong future resale value by choosing a house with multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, a well-appointed kitchen, and a yard. Other features, like a finished basement or a garage, may also make it easier to sell the home in the future.

10. Not Having an Emergency Fund

One of the basic tenets of personal finance is building an emergency fund. And here’s some blunt advice for first-time homebuyers: You’re going to need an emergency fund.

House emergencies can happen at any time: A tree falls on your roof, a toilet starts to leak, your dog destroys the carpet, you name it. Having money socked away to cover these expenses is crucial when buying a home.

Dream Home Quiz

6 Smart Moves for First-Time Homebuyers

We’ve covered some of the most common first-time homebuyer mistakes, so let’s shift gear to smart moves you can make when buying your first home.

1. Get Paperwork Moving ASAP

What do first-time homebuyers need when getting a mortgage? Here are some of the most common docs to start putting together:

•   Proof of income: Lenders will often want to see two months’ worth of pay stubs or bank statements that confirm your income. They’ll also want your tax returns from the previous two years.

•   Proof of funds: To take you seriously, lenders want to know you have enough money to cover a down payment and closing costs.

•   Proof of identification: This could include a government ID, a passport, or your driver’s license.

Early in the process, you can furnish this basic information to get prequalified at various lenders. They’ll also run a credit check during the prequalification process.

Being prequalified simply allows lenders to give you an idea of what types of mortgages (fixed rate vs. variable rate, 15-year vs. 30-year, etc.) you might get approved for. It’s not a promise of approval, but it does help set expectations as you start to browse listings.

💡 Quick Tip: Your parents or grandparents probably got mortgages for 30 years. But these days, you can get them for 20, 15, or 10 years — and pay less interest over the life of the loan.

2. Check Out First-Time Homebuyer Programs

It’s wise to shop around for a few different mortgage quotes, but it would be a rookie mistake to overlook some great, government-sponsored programs that make buying a house more affordable. These include:

•   FHA loans: These mortgages are designed for those with low to moderate incomes. They typically offer low down-payment requirements, low interest rates, and the ability to get approval even if you have a fair credit score.

•   USDA loans: These provide affordable mortgages to those with a lower income who are planning on buying a home in a qualifying rural area.

•   VA loans: These mortgages help those on active military duty, veterans, and eligible surviving spouses become homeowners. If you can check one of those boxes, you may be eligible for a home loan with no down payment requirement and no PMI.

3. Consider Additional Costs Beyond the Mortgage

As we’ve discussed above, the actual monthly house payment is not your only cost. Your full mortgage payment includes property taxes, homeowners insurance, and, potentially, PMI.

But before you even get to the point of making monthly payments, consider these upfront costs of buying a house:

•   Closing costs, which are traditionally paid for by the buyer.

•   Home inspections, which we highly recommend.

•   Moving costs, whether just renting a truck or hiring movers.

4. Get Preapproved

Mortgage prequalification isn’t a commitment for the lender or buyer — it’s just a first step. If you appear to meet a lender’s standards, you could move on to the preapproval stage.

Getting preapproved for a home loan involves submitting additional income and asset documentation for a more in-depth review of your finances.

Once the lender approves these aspects of your loan application, you’ll receive a conditional commitment for a designated loan amount — called a preapproval letter — and have a better idea of what your loan terms will be.

Mortgage preapproval can help demonstrate to sellers that you’ve completed the first step in getting a mortgage because your credit, income, and assets have already been reviewed by an underwriter. This can smooth the bidding process and could give you an edge over others in a competitive situation with multiple offers.

Recommended: How Long is a Mortgage Preapproval Good For?

5. Choose the Right Type of Mortgage

You may qualify for various types of mortgage loans. Spend some time researching the different types so you have a better understanding of how they’ll impact your payments for the next several decades.

For instance, you’ll want to know the difference between a fixed-rate mortgage and an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM). You’ll also want to understand how a 15-year term affects your monthly payments when compared to a 30-year term — but also how a longer term increases the amount you’ll pay in interest.

Other mortgage types to understand include:

•   Conventional loans vs. government-issued loans

•   Conforming vs. nonconforming loans

•   Reverse mortgages, jumbo mortgages, and interest-only mortgages

6. Shop Around for the Best Mortgage Rates

Finally, remember that you don’t have to go with the first mortgage offer you get. It’s worth your while to get multiple offers so you can compare interest rates, down payment requirements, terms, and more.

The Takeaway

Buying a house for the first time can be a stressful experience, but remember: At the end of it all, you’ll have a place you can call yours. You’ll build equity over time, and the house may increase in value. Just make sure you research the most common first-time homebuyer mistakes so you know how to avoid them.

Looking for an affordable option for a home mortgage loan? SoFi can help: We offer low down payments (as little as 3% - 5%*) with our competitive and flexible home mortgage loans. Plus, applying is extra convenient: It's online, with access to one-on-one help.

SoFi Mortgages: simple, smart, and so affordable.


What are some common mistakes first-time homebuyers make?

Some common home-buying mistakes for first-time homebuyers include forgetting to check (and improve) their credit, not calculating how much home they can actually afford, and forgetting to consider additional expenses, like inspections, homeowners insurance, property taxes, closing costs, and increased utilities. First-timers may also forget to consider the neighborhood as a whole or the future resale of the home.

What are the two largest obstacles for first-time homebuyers?

Two large obstacles for first-time homebuyers include rising housing prices and credit score requirements. Those who don’t already have equity in a current home may have more trouble coming up with a down payment on a new home. First-time homebuyers may also lack the credit score needed to get the best possible rate on a new mortgage.

What are three common mortgage mistakes?

Three common mortgage mistakes are 1) buying up to the limit you’re approved for rather than calculating how much you’re comfortable paying; 2) skipping the home inspection to expedite the process or make your offer more appealing to buyers; and 3) not considering related expenses you’ll have to budget for, including homeowners insurance, property taxes, and repairs and maintenance.

What are the most common mistakes that homebuyers make?

Homebuyers make a number of common mistakes, such as making an unnecessarily large down payment, forgetting to budget for related costs, buying more house than they can afford, and not shopping around for the best mortgage loans.

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

SoFi On-Time Close Guarantee: If all conditions of the Guarantee are met, and your loan does not close on or before the closing date on your purchase contract accepted by SoFi, and the delay is due to SoFi, SoFi will give you a credit toward closing costs or additional expenses caused by the delay in closing of up to $10,000.^ The following terms and conditions apply. This Guarantee is available only for loan applications submitted after 04/01/2024. Please discuss terms of this Guarantee with your loan officer. The mortgage must be a purchase transaction that is approved and funded by SoFi. This Guarantee does not apply to loans to purchase bank-owned properties or short-sale transactions. To qualify for the Guarantee, you must: (1) Sign up for access to SoFi’s online portal and upload all requested documents, (2) Submit documents requested by SoFi within 5 business days of the initial request and all additional doc requests within 2 business days (3) Submit an executed purchase contract on an eligible property with the closing date at least 25 calendar days from the receipt of executed Intent to Proceed and receipt of credit card deposit for an appraisal (30 days for VA loans; 40 days for Jumbo loans), (4) Lock your loan rate and satisfy all loan requirements and conditions at least 5 business days prior to your closing date as confirmed with your loan officer, and (5) Pay for and schedule an appraisal within 48 hours of the appraiser first contacting you by phone or email. This Guarantee will not be paid if any delays to closing are attributable to: a) the borrower(s), a third party, the seller or any other factors outside of SoFi control; b) if the information provided by the borrower(s) on the loan application could not be verified or was inaccurate or insufficient; c) attempting to fulfill federal/state regulatory requirements and/or agency guidelines; d) or the closing date is missed due to acts of God outside the control of SoFi. SoFi may change or terminate this offer at any time without notice to you. *To redeem the Guarantee if conditions met, see documentation provided by loan officer.
Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See SoFi.com/eligibility for more information.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Buying a House Sight Unseen

6 Tips for Buying a House Sight Unseen

Whether relocating for a new job or competing in a seller’s market, many buyers need to move quickly. When time is of the essence, some may make an offer on a home without touring it in person.

Although this sounds complex, it’s nothing new, and the practice saw a resurgence during the COVID-19 pandemic. But even now that we have returned to the days of live open houses, 40% of home-shoppers say they’re willing to buy a home sight unseen if it meets their criteria and budget, according to an April 2024 SoFi survey of 500 people. (More than a third, 39%, said they wouldn’t buy sight unseen, and another 21% weren’t sure.)

Thinking about buying a house sight unseen? Here are six tips for navigating risk in the remote real estate market.

1. Get Preapproved for a Home Loan

Before making an offer, prospective buyers can do some front-end work to expedite the purchase process if they need financing. Becoming prequalified for a home loan is a quick first step to get an estimate of how large a mortgage a buyer would likely qualify for. This helps house hunters focus their search on homes they can reasonably expect to obtain financing for.

Lenders determine prequalification according to basic financial information, such as income, debt, and assets. Often buyers simply self-report their finances at this stage.

Then there’s mortgage preapproval, a much deeper dive into qualifying for a mortgage. Becoming preapproved often requires bank statements, proof of assets, and a look at credit history.

When buying a house sight unseen, especially in a hot market, getting preapproved can reasonably assure sellers that buyers can get financing for the amount they’ve offered.

In a superheated market, with bidding wars, cash offers, and skipped inspections, some agents suggest going through full underwriting, with only the appraisal left in order to close the deal.

If you’re buying a vacation home or investment property, you’ll be evaluated by lenders in a similar fashion to your first home loan.

💡 Quick Tip: You deserve a more zen mortgage loan. When you buy a home, SoFi offers a guarantee that your loan will close on time. Backed by a $5,000 credit.‡

2. Research the Neighborhood

Whether you’re looking to buy in your favorite vacation destination or have never set foot in the area, there are resources available to better inform your search.

While listings can do a good job of capturing a house in its best light, they do not give buyers the full picture of the property’s curb appeal and neighborhood. To get the lay of the land, Google Maps and Google Earth are easy tools for exploring the property and neighborhood via street view and satellite imagery. Walk Score is useful to determine a home’s proximity to amenities like grocery stores, restaurants, and coffee shops.

Other apps can give insight into community characteristics and local happenings. NeighborhoodScout provides localized information on crime, school rankings, and real estate prices. Another option is Nextdoor, which lets users connect with neighbors, local businesses, and other resources.

A look at housing market trends in select cities can help you home in popular neighborhoods, home prices, demographics, and more.

3. Find a Trusted Real Estate Agent

Once you’ve taken care of financing and focused your search geographically, finding a reputable real estate agent can help take the guesswork out of buying a house sight unseen.

Since you won’t be able to tour the house in person, a buyer’s agent can act as your eyes and ears on the ground. Without their assistance, the sight-unseen house cost could rise significantly, thanks to unforeseen repairs and upgrades.

Finding a real estate agent who is familiar with the area can be advantageous for evaluating sight-unseen house prices. Their experience in the local market makes it easier to find comparable listings and weigh options.

When interviewing potential agents, you can ask if they’ve helped clients buy sight unseen before. Because your relationship will be virtual leading up to inspection or move-in day, it’s important to consider communication skills and style.

In SoFi’s survey, among people willing to buy a home sight unseen, getting additional information and thorough documentation from the seller (usually via the real estate agent) was the top way buyers planned to mitigate risk.

4. Take a Virtual Tour

Starting with online listing photos and virtual walk-throughs is helpful to determine if a house is worth a closer look. What’s more, photo editing and wide-angle shots can misrepresent a space, so organizing a guided virtual tour with a friend, relative, or real estate agent onsite may serve a buyer well. In SoFi’s survey of potential homebuyers, 39% of people had used a virtual tour to evaluate a property.

Using FaceTime, Zoom, or similar video chat apps can let buyers ask questions in real-time and get a more intimate sense of the property. Seeing the space firsthand (albeit virtually) may give a more realistic impression than measurements and square footage alone can convey.

💡 Quick Tip: If you refinance your mortgage and shorten your loan term, you could save a substantial amount in interest over the lifetime of the loan.

5. Touch Base After the Inspection, If You Have One

A home inspection is common with most real estate transactions.

A home inspector examines a house’s physical and interior structure, as well as major systems like plumbing, HVAC, and electrical. The resulting inspection report highlights any visible problems, necessary repairs, and potential risks.

When buying a house sight unseen, it can be beneficial to have your real estate agent attend and video call to walk you through any notable issues that arise.

A home inspection contingency in an offer generally allows buyers to pull out of the purchase if major issues are found. It may also be possible to negotiate with the seller to have repairs addressed or costs deducted from the purchase price.

In a supercharged market, buyers may choose to waive the home inspection contingency to improve their candidacy in a multiple-offer situation. Those who take this path may still be able to arrange a pre-offer home inspection. The results won’t be negotiable or permit backing out without losing the deposit.

Waiving the home inspection is a risk that may be best reserved for buyers with sufficient cash for repairs.

6. Arrange a Virtual Closing

If you have to buy sight unseen and can’t attend the closing in person, there are options for closing remotely, depending on the state and lender.

Certain documents, such as the deed and affidavit of title, need to be notarized to finalize the home purchase. Remote online notarization allows buyers to sign closing documents with an electronic signature and allows all parties to meet virtually.

The process is authorized in most states, but certain documents, including promissory notes, may need to be signed in person. Also, be sure to check if your state requires a lawyer to be physically present at the closing.

Lenders will usually need an appraisal of the property to finalize a home loan. This process can be arranged from afar or coordinated through your real estate agent.

At a virtual closing, closing costs can be paid electronically with a bank-to-bank or wire transfer.

Giving your lender, real estate agent, and the title company ample notice that you intend to close virtually can help seal the deal without a hitch.

The Takeaway

Do people put offers on homes without seeing them? Some do, yes. Having your mortgage financing in order, working with a knowledgeable real estate agent, and doing virtual research can be helpful when buying a house sight unseen.

Looking for an affordable option for a home mortgage loan? SoFi can help: We offer low down payments (as little as 3% - 5%*) with our competitive and flexible home mortgage loans. Plus, applying is extra convenient: It's online, with access to one-on-one help.

SoFi Mortgages: simple, smart, and so affordable.

Photo credit: iStock/MicroStockHub

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See SoFi.com/eligibility for more information.

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

SoFi On-Time Close Guarantee: If all conditions of the Guarantee are met, and your loan does not close on or before the closing date on your purchase contract accepted by SoFi, and the delay is due to SoFi, SoFi will give you a credit toward closing costs or additional expenses caused by the delay in closing of up to $10,000.^ The following terms and conditions apply. This Guarantee is available only for loan applications submitted after 04/01/2024. Please discuss terms of this Guarantee with your loan officer. The mortgage must be a purchase transaction that is approved and funded by SoFi. This Guarantee does not apply to loans to purchase bank-owned properties or short-sale transactions. To qualify for the Guarantee, you must: (1) Sign up for access to SoFi’s online portal and upload all requested documents, (2) Submit documents requested by SoFi within 5 business days of the initial request and all additional doc requests within 2 business days (3) Submit an executed purchase contract on an eligible property with the closing date at least 25 calendar days from the receipt of executed Intent to Proceed and receipt of credit card deposit for an appraisal (30 days for VA loans; 40 days for Jumbo loans), (4) Lock your loan rate and satisfy all loan requirements and conditions at least 5 business days prior to your closing date as confirmed with your loan officer, and (5) Pay for and schedule an appraisal within 48 hours of the appraiser first contacting you by phone or email. This Guarantee will not be paid if any delays to closing are attributable to: a) the borrower(s), a third party, the seller or any other factors outside of SoFi control; b) if the information provided by the borrower(s) on the loan application could not be verified or was inaccurate or insufficient; c) attempting to fulfill federal/state regulatory requirements and/or agency guidelines; d) or the closing date is missed due to acts of God outside the control of SoFi. SoFi may change or terminate this offer at any time without notice to you. *To redeem the Guarantee if conditions met, see documentation provided by loan officer.
Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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Guide to Student Loans from Credit Unions

Credit union student loans are offered by member-owned financial institutions to help you cover college costs. While banks and online lenders also offer private student loans, credit unions often stand out by providing no-fee loans with competitive interest rates.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how credit union student loans work, explore your options, weigh the pros and cons, and explain how to apply.

What Are Credit Union Student Loans?

Credit union student loans are private loans offered by credit unions to help students pay for college or other educational costs. Depending on your situation, they can be a good alternative to loans from big banks or once federal student loans have been exhausted.

Advantages of Credit Union Student Loans

Credit unions are all about putting their members first. Because they prioritize people over profits, they can offer perks like lower interest rates and fewer fees. Some credit unions even team up with others to share resources, making things more convenient and affordable for you.

Advantages include:

Lower costs: As nonprofits, credit unions don’t focus on making money for investors. This allows them to pass savings on to you through lower interest rates and fewer fees, helping you save on loans.

Member-focused: Credit unions are dedicated to helping their members. You’re likely to receive personalized attention and support from representatives who take the time to understand your needs and recommend the best services for you.

Flexibility: Credit unions may be more flexible with loan eligibility requirements for members. They might be more willing to work with students who are considered high-risk or don’t have a cosigner.

Eligibility Requirements

To get a student loan from a credit union, you typically need to be a member. Each credit union usually has its own membership guidelines, which might require you to work in a specific industry, belong to a certain group, live in a particular area, or attend a specific school.

If you have a family member who’s already a member, you might be able to join through them. Many credit unions allow immediate family members to become members, which could give you access to a student loan.

Keep in mind, though, there might be a membership fee, typically between $5 and $25.

When it comes to getting a student loan, each credit union has its own criteria, just like banks and online lenders. While private lenders often look for a credit score of 670 or higher, you might still qualify even if your score is lower.

Recommended: Do Credit Unions Help You Build Your Credit Score?

Types of Credit Union Student Loans

Here’s a look at the types of student loans offered by credit unions. Keep in mind, though, that options vary by credit union.

Private Student Loans

Private student loans from credit unions are a way to help cover college costs. While it’s recommended to use federal financial aid first, a private student loan from a credit union may help bridge the gap. These loans often have competitive interest rates and flexible terms, making them an appealing option to finance higher education costs.

Unlike federal student loans, though, how much you can borrow and the interest rate you get usually depend on your credit and income.

Student Loan Refinancing

Some credit unions offer student loan refinancing options, which may help you streamline your student debt and potentially save you money. When you refinance with a credit union, you’re essentially getting a new loan to pay off your existing ones, whether your loans are federal or private.

In other words, credit union refinancing for student loans lets you consolidate your loans into one payment, potentially with a lower interest rate and better terms if you qualify. And with just one monthly payment to manage, handling your debt could become much less stressful.

Keep in mind, though, that refinancing federal student loans into private student loans makes it so you’re no longer eligible for federal benefits, such as student loan forgiveness programs and income-driven repayment plans.

Recommended: Pros and Cons of Student Loan Refinancing

How to Apply for a Credit Union Student Loan

Applying for a student loan from a credit union is a straightforward process, but it’s important to understand the eligibility requirements, necessary documentation, and application process.

Step 1: Check Eligibility

Before applying for a student loan from a credit union, you’ll typically need to become a member. Some credit unions will let nonmembers apply, but to receive a loan you must be a member. If you’re already a member, make sure you meet their lending requirements — like being enrolled at least half-time.

Also, double-check to see if your school qualifies for private student loans. If you’re attending a community college or trade school, not all schools may be eligible, so it’s important to confirm.

Step 2: Gather Required Documents

If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can typically apply online, by visiting a branch, or by reaching out to the credit union directly.

When you’re ready to apply, you’ll typically need to share some basic information, like your name, Social Security number, and proof of income. It’s a good idea to check your credit score first, as lenders typically look for borrowers with a solid credit history, a good credit score (670-739), and a certain level of income.

If you’re concerned you might not qualify on your own, think about getting a cosigner. A student loan cosigner could increase your chances of getting approved and might even help you get a lower interest rate and better terms.

Step 3: Compare Loan Options

You may want to compare lenders in order to get the best rate and terms for your situation. Some lenders let you get prequalified, which helps you explore your options. Since prequalifying only involves a soft credit check, it won’t affect your credit score and you can see potential rates and terms without any worries.

In addition to exploring credit unions, it’s worth checking out other lenders that might offer competitive rates and terms.

Step 4: Submit Your Application

Once you choose your credit union or another lender, you can submit your official application. The lender will then usually do a hard credit check, and you’ll get the final approval decision.

Repaying Your Credit Union Student Loan

With some private student loans, you’ll need to make payments during school, while others let you hold off until you’ve graduated. To find out which one applies to your loan, check with your loan servicer or take a look at your loan documents.

It’s also a good idea to ask if the interest that builds up during the time you’re in school will be added to your principal balance when repayment starts.

When it comes time to make your payments, where you pay depends on your loan servicer. Most servicers let you pay online, but it’s smart to confirm this before your payments begin.

Many servicers also offer automatic payments, which automatically deduct your monthly payment from your bank account. This can help you avoid missing payments or getting hit with late fees.

Recommended: 6 Strategies to Pay Off Student Loans Quickly

Tips for Managing Credit Union Student Loans

Here are a few tips for managing your credit union private student loans.

Make a budget. Knowing where your money goes each month is key to setting aside funds for loan payments. Review your income and expenses to see where you can cut back, and try to allocate more toward paying off your loans.

Compare repayment options. Unlike federal loans, repayment options with credit unions and other private lenders can vary. If you’re struggling to keep up with payments, check if your lender offers plans like interest-only repayments, which allow you to defer the principal.

Make extra payments. Whether it’s biweekly payments instead of monthly or tossing in extra cash when you can, paying a bit more here and there can help you pay off your loans faster. Just be sure to request that any extra funds go directly toward the principal balance.

Sign up for autopay. Many private lenders offer an automatic payment option. By enrolling in autopay, you can ensure you never miss a payment.

Focus on high-interest debt. If you have multiple student loans, paying off the one with the highest interest rate first could save you money in the long run.

Consider refinancing your loans. If managing your payments feels overwhelming, you can refinance your student loans. This allows you to combine multiple student loans into one, ideally with a lower interest rate or more favorable terms.

The Takeaway

Credit unions offer private student loans to help cover college expenses like tuition and books. Unlike federal student loans, these private loans don’t offer the same flexible repayment options or borrower protections. It’s best to use your federal aid first, and then turn to private student loans if needed.

If you’ve exhausted all federal student aid options, no-fee private student loans from SoFi can help you pay for school. The online application process is easy, and you can see rates and terms in just minutes. Repayment plans are flexible, so you can find an option that works for your financial plan and budget.

Cover up to 100% of school-certified costs including tuition, books, supplies, room and board, and transportation with a private student loan from SoFi.


Can you use a credit union for a student loan?

Yes, some credit unions offer private student loans to their members. These loans work similarly to those provided by banks or online lenders, often with competitive interest rates and additional member perks.

Are student loans from credit unions considered private?

Yes, student loans from credit unions are considered private since they’re funded by the credit union, not the government. While they don’t offer the same federal benefits and protections, they often come with competitive rates and special perks for members.

Is it more difficult to get a student loan from a credit union?

Getting a student loan from a credit union usually depends on your credit history and being a member. Membership might require living in a certain area or belonging to a specific group. But once you’re in, you could benefit from more personalized service and potentially better rates than what you may find with other lenders.

Photo credit: iStock/hobo_018

SoFi Private Student Loans
Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student Loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. You should exhaust all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs. SoFi Private Student Loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, and applicants must meet SoFi’s eligibility and underwriting requirements. See SoFi.com/eligibility-criteria for more information. To view payment examples, click here. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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