SoFi Blog

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for your financial moves.

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Signs of Expansion – Week of January 11, 2017

So far the world is living up to the hype of a post-election economic expansion. Economies are large, inertial systems and there is little doubt that the seeds of the current uptick in activity were laid several months ago. Regardless, the upward revisions in expected growth and inflation after the election of Donald Trump continue to be vindicated as the data fits the narrative. We are beginning to hear more about increased uncertainty surrounding Trump’s economic policies but our experience is that economic forecasters always view the world as “unusually” uncertain.

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Physician assistant Ashleigh Shepard on getting out of student debt

How Physician Assistant Ashleigh Shepard Fast-Tracked Her Way Out of $102K in Student Debt and Into Her Happily Ever After

In our latest member spotlight, we speak to Ashleigh Shepard and learn why she chose The University of Florida to pursue her graduate degree in Physician Assistant Studies, and how she tackled a monthly student loan payment that was more than her rent – all the while she and her fiancé save for their first home.

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3 people who refinanced their student loans and saving over $10K

3 People Close To Paying Off Student Debt Discuss Their Payoff Strategies and What They’ll Do Next

Life, interrupted. That’s what millennials with student loans are discovering as they try to meet their financial goals, such as buying a home.

But there’s a way to eliminate that debt faster. Refinancing your student loans to reduce interest rates is a strategic move savvy borrowers are making to save money over the life of their loans. Then they can turn their attention to saving for retirement and improving their quality of life.

We talked to three of our members, each with a different set of life circumstances, who were tired of putting their dreams on hold. For James Hilton Harrell, Melonia Bennett and Josh Grant, refinancing their student loans with SoFi has help put them on the path to a brighter financial future.

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Tips for buying life insurance

Should Life Insurance Be Part of My New Year’s Resolution?

It’s that time of the season when we start to set the list of New Year’s resolutions for ourselves: eating better, exercising more often, and saving some extra money. But what about those selfless resolutions that impact those around us and who we care about most? Being more kind is a start, and so is minding your “P’s” and “Q’s”; however, these types of actions often fall flat as the year rolls along.

It might be time to consider some steps you can take that protect those you love. As troublesome as it sounds, buying life insurance is one of the most selfless decisions you can make for protecting your family. Unlike other resolutions, purchasing life insurance isn’t about you; it’s about the ones you love. And there are a few important tips and tricks that can help in the search for the right kind of coverage.

So what is life insurance anyway?

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