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The Strategic Guide to Early Retirement

An early retirement used to be considered a bit of a dream, but for many people it’s a reality — especially those who are willing to budget, save, and invest with this goal in mind.

If you’d like to retire early, there are concrete steps you can take to help reach your goal. Here’s what you need to know about how to retire early.

Key Points

•   Early retirement requires significant savings, often guided by the Rule of 25, which suggests saving 25 times annual expenses.

•   The FIRE movement encourages saving 50-75% of income to retire early.

•   Effective budgeting and reducing expenses are crucial for accumulating necessary retirement funds.

•   Investment strategies should balance growth and risk, adjusting as retirement nears.

•   Health insurance planning is essential when retiring before qualifying for Medicare at age 65.

Understanding Early Retirement

Early retirement typically refers to retiring before the age of 65, which is when eligibility for Medicare benefits begins. Some people may want to retire just a few years earlier, at age 60, for instance. But others dream of retiring in their 40s or 50s or even younger.

Clarifying Early Retirement Age and Goals

You’re probably wondering, how can I retire early? That’s an important question to ask. First, though, you have to decide at what age to retire.

Schedule a few check-ins with yourself, and/or a partner or loved ones, to discuss what “early retirement” means. Is it age 50? Age 55? And what might your early retirement look like? Will you stop working completely? Work part-time? Or maybe you want to switch to a different field or start a business? Perhaps you dream of going back to school, volunteering, or traveling.

Early retirement is different for everyone. So the clearer you can get about the details now, the smarter you can be about how much money you need to make your plan work.

Also, consider why you want to retire at a specific age. Is it because you’re financially prepared to take that step? Or are you feeling ready to spend more time with family and friends? Determining what’s motivating you can help you better prepare and plan for your retirement.

Reasons for Retiring

In a recent SoFi survey, respondents cite the following as the top factors influencing their reasons to retire:

•   Financial readiness: 54%

•   Enjoying more time with family and friends and pursuing hobbies: 50%

•   Health considerations: 46%

•   More travel and leisure: 43%

•   Eligibility for Social Security benefits: 41%

Source: SoFi Retirement Survey, April 2024

Insights into the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) Movement

There’s a movement of people who want to retire early. It’s called the FIRE movement, which stands for “financially independent, retire early.” FIRE has become a worldwide trend that’s inspiring people to work toward retiring in their 50s, 40s, and even their 30s. In the 2024 SoFi Retirement Survey, 12% of respondents say the retirement age they’re aiming for is 49 or younger.

Here’s how FIRE works: In order to retire at a young age, people who follow the movement allocate 50% to 75% of their income to savings. However, that can be challenging because it means they have to sacrifice certain lifestyle pleasures such as eating out or traveling. Of the SoFi survey respondents who said they want to retire at age 49, 18% are not using any strategies that might help them retire early.

Once they retire, FIRE proponents tend to use investments that pay dividends as passive income sources to help support themselves. However, dividend payments depend on company performance and they’re not guaranteed. So a FIRE adherent would likely need other sources of income in retirement as well.

💡 Quick Tip: Did you know that a traditional IRA, is a tax-deferred account? That means you don’t pay taxes on the money you put in it (up to an annual limit) or the gains you earn, until you retire and start making withdrawals.

Get a 1% IRA match on rollovers and contributions.

Double down on your retirement goals with a 1% match on every dollar you roll over and contribute to a SoFi IRA.1

1Terms and conditions apply. Roll over a minimum of $20K to receive the 1% match offer. Matches on contributions are made up to the annual limits.

Financial Planning for Early Retirement

In order to start planning to retire early, first ask yourself how confident you are about pulling it off. In the SoFi Retirement Survey, 68% of respondents say they are very or somewhat confident in their ability to retire at their target age, while 15% are very or somewhat doubtful they can do it.

Once you’ve assessed your confidence level, the next step is to calculate how much money you’ll need to live on once you stop working. How much would you have to save and invest to arrive at an amount that would allow you to retire early? Here’s how to help figure that out.

Many people wonder: How much do I need to retire early? There isn’t one answer to that question. The right answer for you is one that you must arrive at based on your unique needs and circumstances. That said, to learn whether you’re on track for retirement it helps to begin somewhere, and the Rule of 25 may provide a good ballpark estimate.

The Rule of 25 recommends saving 25 times your annual expenses in order to retire. Why? Because according to one rule of thumb, you should only spend 4% of your total nest egg every year. By limiting your spending to a small percentage of your savings, the logic goes, your money is more likely to last.

Here’s an example: if you spend $75,000 a year, you’ll need a nest egg of $1,875,000 in order to retire.

$75,000 x 25 = $1,875,000

With that amount saved, and assuming an annual withdrawal rate of 4%, you would have $75,000 per year in income.

Obviously, this is just an example. You might need less income in retirement or more — perhaps a lot less or a lot more, depending on your situation. If your desired income is $50,000, for example, you’d need to save $1,250,000.

The Benefits of Social Security

Once you reach the age of 62, which some consider a traditional retirement age, you are then able to claim Social Security benefits. (Age 67 is considered “full retirement” age for those born in 1960 and later, and you can wait to claim benefits until age 70.)

The longer you wait to claim Social Security, the higher your monthly payments will be. You could add those Social Security benefits to your income or consider reinvesting the money, depending on your circumstances as you get older.

Recommended: Typical Retirement Expenses to Prepare For

Effective Savings Strategies

How do you save the amount of money you’d need for your early retirement plan?

Having a budget you can live with is critical to making this plan a success. The essential word here isn’t budget, it’s the whole phrase: a budget you can live with.

There are countless ways to manage how you budget. There’s the 50-30-20 plan, the envelope method, the zero-based budget, and so on. You could test a couple of them for a couple of months each in order to find one you can live with.

Another strategy for saving more is to get a side hustle to bring in some extra income. You can put that money toward your early retirement goal.

Adjusting Your Financial Habits

As you consider how to retire early, one of the first things you’ll need to do is cut your expenses now so that you can save more money. These strategies can help you get started.

Lifestyle Changes to Accelerate Savings

Take a look at your current spending and expenses and determine where you could cut back. Maybe instead of a $4,000 vacation, you plan a $2,000 trip instead, and then save or invest the other $2,000 for retirement.

You may be able to live more of a minimalist lifestyle overall. Rather than buying new clothes, for instance, search through your closets for items you can wear. Eat out less and cook at home more. Cut back on some of the streaming services you use. Scrutinize all areas of your spending to see what you can eliminate or pare back.

Debt Management Before Retirement

Obviously, it’s very difficult to achieve a big goal like saving for an early retirement if you’re also trying to pay down debt. It’s wise to work to pay off any and all debts you might have (credit card, student loan, personal loan, car loan, etc.).

That’s not only because being debt-free feels better — it also saves you money. For example, the interest rate you’re paying on credit card or store cards can be quite high, often above 15% or even 20%. If you owe $6,000 on a credit card at 17% interest, for example, when you pay that off, you’re essentially saving the interest that debt was costing you each year.

Health Care Planning: A Critical Component of Early Retirement

When you retire early, you need to think about health insurance since you’ll no longer be getting it through your employer. Medicare doesn’t begin until age 65, so start researching the private insurance market now to understand the different plans available and what you might need.

It’s critical to have the right health insurance in place, so make sure you devote proper time and attention to this task.

Investment Management for Future Retirees

Next up, you’ll need to decide what to invest in and how much to invest in order to grow your savings without putting it at risk.

Understanding Your Investment Options

How do you invest to retire early? You can invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), target date funds, and more.

One major factor to consider is how aggressively you want to invest. That means: Are you ready to invest more in equities, say, taking on the potential for greater risk in order to possibly reap potential gains? Or would you feel more at ease if you invested using a more conservative strategy, with less exposure to risk (but potentially less reward)?

Whichever strategy you choose, you may want to invest on a regular cadence. This approach, called dollar-cost averaging, is one way to maximize potential market returns and mitigate the risk of loss.

Balancing Growth and Risk in Your Investment Portfolio

Because you have less time to save for retirement, you will likely want your investments to grow. But you also need to consider your risk tolerance, as mentioned above. Think about a balanced, diversified portfolio that has the potential to give you long-term growth without taking on more risk than you are comfortable with.

As you get closer to your early retirement date, you can move some of your savings into safer, more liquid assets so that you have enough money on hand for your living, housing, and healthcare expenses.

Retirement Accounts: 401(k)s, IRAs, and HSAs

If your employer offers a retirement plan like a 401(k) or 403(b), that’s the first thing you want to take advantage of — especially if your employer matches a percentage of your savings.

The other reason to save and invest in an employer-sponsored plan is that in most cases the money you save the plan reduces your taxable income. These accounts are considered tax deferred because the amount you save is deducted from your gross income. So the more you save, the less you might pay in taxes. You do pay ordinary income tax on the withdrawals in retirement, however.

The caveat here is that you can’t access those funds before you’re 59½ without paying a penalty. So if you plan to retire early at 50, you will need to tap other savings for roughly the first decade to avoid the withdrawal penalties you’d incur if you tapped your 401(k) or Individual Retirement Account (IRA) early.

Be sure to find out from HR if there are any other employee benefits you might qualify for, such as stock options or a pension, for instance.

Additionally, if your employer offers a Health Savings Account as part of your employee benefits, you might consider opening one.

A Health Savings Account allows you to save additional money: For tax year 2024, the HSA contribution caps are $4,150 for individuals and $8,300 for family coverage.

Your contributions are considered pre-tax, similar to 401(k) or IRA contributions, and the money you withdraw for qualified medical expenses is tax free (although you’ll pay taxes on money spent on non-medical expenses).

Finally, consider opening a Roth IRA. The advantage of saving in a Roth IRA vs. a regular IRA is that you’re contributing after-tax money that can be withdrawn penalty- and tax-free at any time.

To withdraw your earnings without paying taxes or a penalty, though, you must have had the account for at least five years (as per the Roth IRA 5-Year Rule), and you must be over 59 ½.

Recommended: How to Open an IRA in 5 Steps

The Pillars of Early Retirement

Retiring early means you’ll need to have income coming in to help support you. You may have a pension, which can also help. Once you’ve identified the income you’ll be generating, you’ll need to withdraw it in a manner that will help it last over the years of your retirement.

Establishing Multiple Income Streams

Having different streams of income is important so that you’re not just relying on one type of money coming in. For instance, your investments can be a source of potential income and growth, as mentioned. In addition, you may want to get a second job now in addition to your full-time job — perhaps a side hustle on evenings and weekends — to generate more money that you can put toward your retirement savings.

The Role of Social Security and Pensions in Early Retirement

Social Security can help supplement your retirement income. However, as covered above, the earliest you can collect it is at age 62. And if you take your benefits that early they will be reduced by as much as 30%. On the other hand, if you wait until full retirement age to collect them, you’ll receive full benefits. If you were born in 1960 or later, your full retirement age is 67. You can find out more information at

If your employer offers a pension, you should be able to collect that as another income stream for your retirement years. Generally, you need to be fully vested in the plan to collect the entire pension. The amount you are eligible for is typically based on what you earned, how long you worked for the company, and when you stop working there. Check with your HR department to learn more.

The Significance of Withdrawal Strategies: Rules of 55 and 4%

When it comes to withdrawing money from your investments after retirement, there are some rules and guidelines to be aware of. According to the Rule of 55, the IRS allows certain workers who leave their jobs to take penalty-free distributions from their current employer’s workplace retirement account, such as a 401(k) or 403(b), the year they turn 55.

The 4% rule is a general rule of thumb that recommends that you take 4% of your total retirement savings per year to cover your expenses.

To figure out what you would need, start with your desired yearly retirement income, subtract the annual amount of any pension or additional revenue stream you might have, and divide that number by 0.4. The resulting amount will be 4%, and you can aim to withdraw no more than that amount every year. The rest of your money would stay in your retirement portfolio.

Monitoring Your Progress Towards Early Retirement

To stay on course to reach your goal of early retirement, keep tabs on your progress at regular intervals. For instance, you may want to do a monthly or bi-monthly financial check-in to see where you’re at. Are you saving as much as you planned? If not, what could you do to save more?

Using an online retirement calculator can help you keep track of your goals. From there you can make any adjustments as needed to help make your dreams of early retirement come true.

How to Manage Early Retirement When You Get There

The budget you make in order to save for an early retirement is probably a good blueprint for how you should think about your spending habits after you retire. Unless your expenses will drop significantly after you retire (for instance, if you move or need one car instead of two, etc.), you can expect your spending to be about the same.

That said, you may be spending on different things. Whatever your retirement looks like, though, it’s wise to keep your spending as steady as you can, to keep your nest egg intact.

The Takeaway

An early retirement may appeal to many people, but it takes a real commitment to actually embrace it as your goal. These days, many people are using movements like FIRE (financial independence, retire early) to help them take the steps necessary to retire in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

You can also make progress toward an early retirement by determining how much money you’ll need for post-work life, budgeting, and cutting back on expenses . And by saving and investing wisely, you may be able to make your goal a reality.

Ready to invest for your retirement? It’s easy to get started when you open a traditional or Roth IRA with SoFi. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

Help grow your nest egg with a SoFi IRA.


How much do you need to save for early retirement?

There isn’t one right answer to the question of how much you need to save for early retirement. It depends on your specific needs and circumstances. However, as a starting point, the Rule of 25 may give you an estimate. This guideline recommends saving 25 times your annual expenses in order to retire, and then following the 4% rule, and withdrawing no more than 4% a year in retirement to cover your expenses.

Is early retirement a practical goal?

For some people, early retirement can be a practical goal if they plan properly. You’ll need to decide at what age you want to retire, and how much money you’ll need for your retirement years. Then, you will need to map out a budget and a concrete strategy to save enough. It will likely require adjusting your lifestyle now to cut back on spending and expenses to help save for the future, which can be challenging.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
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Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): Investors should carefully consider the information contained in the prospectus, which contains the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other relevant information. You may obtain a prospectus from the Fund company’s website or by email customer service at Please read the prospectus carefully prior to investing.
Shares of ETFs must be bought and sold at market price, which can vary significantly from the Fund’s net asset value (NAV). Investment returns are subject to market volatility and shares may be worth more or less their original value when redeemed. The diversification of an ETF will not protect against loss. An ETF may not achieve its stated investment objective. Rebalancing and other activities within the fund may be subject to tax consequences.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How Much Should I Contribute to My 401(k)?

Once you set up your retirement plan at work, the next natural question is: How much to contribute to a 401(k)? While there’s no ironclad answer for how much to save in your employer-sponsored plan, there are some important guidelines that can help you set aside the amount that’s right for you, such as the tax implications, your employer match (if there is one), the stage of your career, your own retirement goals, and more.

Here’s what you need to think about when deciding how much to contribute to your 401(k).

Key Points

•   Determining the right 401(k) contribution involves considering tax implications, employer matches, career stage, and personal retirement goals.

•   The 2024 contribution limit for a 401(k) is $23,000, with a $7,500 catch-up for those 50+.

•   Early career contributions might be lower, but capturing any employer match is beneficial.

•   Mid-career individuals should aim to increase their contributions annually, even by small percentages.

•   Approaching retirement, maximizing contributions and utilizing catch-up provisions can significantly impact savings.

401(k) Contribution Limits for 2024

Like most tax-advantaged retirement plans, 401(k) plans come with caps on how much you can contribute. The IRS puts restrictions on the amount that you, the employee, can save in your 401(k); plus there is a cap on total employee-plus-employer contributions.

For tax year 2024, the contribution limit is $23,000, with an additional $7,500 catch-up provision for those 50 and older, for a total of $30,500. The combined employer-plus-employee contribution limit for 2024 is $69,000 ($76,500 with the catch-up amount).

Those limits are up from tax year 2023. The 401(k) contribution limit in 2023 is $22,500, with an additional $7,500 catch-up provision for those 50 and older, for a total of $30,000. The combined employer-plus-employee contribution limit for 2023 is $66,000 ($73,500 with the catch-up amount).

401(k) Contribution Limits 2024 vs 2023



Basic contribution $23,000 $22,500
Catch-up contribution $7,500 $7,500
Total + catch-up $30,500 $30,000
Employer + Employee maximum contribution $69,000 $66,000
Employer + employee max + catch-up $76,500 $73,500

💡 Quick Tip: How much does it cost to set up an IRA account? Often there are no fees to open an IRA, but you typically pay investment costs for the securities in your portfolio.

How Much Should You Put Toward a 401(k)?

Next you may be thinking, now I know the retirement contribution limits, but how much should I contribute to my 401(k)? Here are some guidelines to keep in mind as you’re deciding on your contribution amount.

When You’re Starting Out in Your Career

At this stage, you may be starting out with a lower salary and you also likely have commitments to pay for, like rent, food, and maybe student loans. So you may decide to contribute a smaller amount to your 401(k). If you can, however, contribute enough to get the employer match, if your employer offers one.

Here’s how it works: Some employers offer a matching contribution, where they “match” part of the amount you’re saving and add that to your 401(k) account. A common employer match might be 50% up to the first 6% you save.

In that scenario, let’s say your salary is $100,000 and your employer matches 50% of the first 6% you contribute to your 401(k). If you contribute up to the matching amount, you get the full employer contribution. It’s essentially “free” money, as they say.

To give an example, if you contribute 6% of your $100,000 salary to your 401(k), that’s $6,000 per year. Your employer’s match of 50% of that first 6%, or $6,000, comes to $3,000 for a total of $9,000.

As You Move Up in Your Career

At this stage of life you likely have a lot of financial obligations such as a mortgage, car payments, and possibly child care. It may be tough to also save for retirement, but it’s important not to fall behind. Try to contribute a little more to your 401(k) each year if you can — even 1% more annually can make a difference.

That means if you’re contributing 6% this year, next year contribute 7%. And the year after that bump up your contribution to 8%, and so on until you reach the maximum amount you can contribute. Some 401(k) plans have an auto escalation option that will automate the extra savings for you, to make the process even easier and more seamless. Check your plan to see if it has such a feature.

As You Get Closer to Retirement

Once you reach age 50, you’ll likely want to figure out how much you might need for retirement so you have a specific goal to aim for. To help reach your goal, consider maxing out your 401(k) at this time and also make catch-up contributions if necessary.

Maxing out your 401(k) means contributing the full amount allowed. For 2024, that’s $23,000 for those 49 and under. If, at 50, you haven’t been contributing as much as you wish you had in previous years, you can also contribute the catch-up contribution of $7,500. So you’d be saving $30,500 for retirement in your 401(k) in 2024. With the potential of compounding returns, maxing out your 401(k) until you reach full retirement age of 67 could go a long way to helping you achieve financial security in retirement.

The Impact of Contributing More Over Time

The earlier you start saving for retirement, the more time your money will potentially have to grow, thanks to the power of compounding returns, as mentioned above.

In addition, by increasing your 401(k) contributions each year, even by just 1% annually, the savings could really add up. For instance, consider a 35-year-old making $60,000 who contributes 1% more each year until their full retirement age of 67. Assuming a 5.5% annual return and a modest regular increase in salary, they could potentially save more than an additional $85,000 for retirement.

That’s just an example, but you get the idea. Increasing your savings even by a modest amount over the years may be a powerful tool in helping you realize your retirement goals.

💡 Quick Tip: Did you know that opening a brokerage account typically doesn’t come with any setup costs? Often, the only requirement to open a brokerage account — aside from providing personal details — is making an initial deposit.

Factors That May Impact Your Decision

In addition to the general ideas above for the different stages of your life and career, it’s also wise to think about taxes, your employer contribution, your own goals, and more when deciding how much to contribute to your 401(k).

1. The Tax Effect

The key fact to remember about 401(k) plans is that they are tax-deferred accounts, and they are considered qualified retirement plans under ERISA (Employment Retirement Income Security Act) rules.

That means: The money you set aside is typically deducted from your paycheck pre-tax, and it grows in the account tax free — but you pay taxes on any money you withdraw. (In most cases, you’ll withdraw the money for retirement expenses, but there are some cases where you might have to take an early 401(k) withdrawal. In either case, you’ll owe taxes on those distributions.)

The tax implications are important here because the money you contribute effectively reduces your taxable income for that year, and potentially lowers your tax bill.

Let’s imagine that you’re earning $100,000 per year, and you’re able to save the full $23,000 allowed by the IRS for 2024. Your taxable income would be reduced from $100,000 to $77,000, thus putting you in a lower tax bracket.

2. Your Earning Situation

One rule-of-thumb is to save at least 10% of your annual income for retirement. So if you earn $100,000, you’d aim to set aside at least $10,000. But 10% is only a general guideline. In some cases, depending on your income and other factors, 10% may not be enough to get you on track for a secure retirement, and you may want to aim for more than that to make sure your savings will last given the cost of living longer.

For instance, consider the following:

•   Are you the sole or primary household earner?

•   Are you saving for your retirement alone, or for your spouse’s/partner’s retirement as well?

•   When do you and your spouse/partner want to retire?

If you are the primary earner, and the amount you’re saving is meant to cover retirement for two, that’s a different equation than if you were covering just your own retirement. In this case, you might want to save more than 10%.

However, if you’re not the primary earner and/or your spouse also has a retirement account, setting aside 10% might be adequate. For example, if the two of you are each saving 10%, for a combined 20% of your gross income, that may be sufficient for your retirement needs.

All of this should be considered in light of when you hope to retire, as that deadline would also impact how much you might save as well as how much you might need to spend.

3. Your Retirement Goals

What sort of retirement do you envision for yourself? Even if you’re years away from retirement, it’s a good idea to sit down and imagine what your later years might look like. These retirement dreams and goals can inform the amount you want to save.

Goals may include thoughts of travel, moving to another country, starting your own small business, offering financial help to your family, leaving a legacy, and more.

You may also want to consider health factors, as health costs and the need for long-term care can be a big expense as you age.

4. Do You Have Debt?

It can be hard to prioritize saving if you have debt. You may want to pay off your debt as quickly as possible, then turn your attention toward saving for the future.

The reality is, though, that debt and savings are both priorities and need to be balanced. It’s not ideal to put one above the other, but rather to find ways to keep saving even small amounts as you work to get out of debt.

Then, as you pay down the money you owe — whether from credit cards or student loans or another source — you can take the cash that frees up and add that to your savings.

The Takeaway

Many people wonder how much to contribute to a 401(k). There are a number of factors that will influence your decision. First, there are the contribution limits imposed by the IRS. In 2024, the maximum contribution you can make to your 401(k) is $23,000, plus an additional $7,500 catch-up contribution if you’re 50 and up.

While few people can start their 401(k) journey by saving quite that much, it’s wise, if possible, to contribute enough to get your employer’s match early in your career, then bump up your contribution amounts at the midpoint of your career, and max out your contributions as you draw closer to retirement, if you can.

Another option is follow a common guideline and save 10% of your income beginning as soon as you can swing it. From there, you can work up to saving the max. And remember, you don’t have to limit your savings to your 401(k). You may also be able to save in other retirement vehicles, like a traditional IRA or Roth IRA.

Of course, a main determination of the amount you need to save is what your goals are for the future. By contemplating what you want and need to spend money on now, and the quality of life you’d like when you’re older, you can make the decisions that are best for you.

Ready to invest for your retirement? It’s easy to get started when you open a traditional or Roth IRA with SoFi. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

Help grow your nest egg with a SoFi IRA.


How much should I contribute to my 401(k) per paycheck?

If you can, try to contribute at least enough of each paycheck to get your employer’s matching funds, if they offer a match. So if your employer matches 6% of your contributions, aim to contribute at least 6% of each paycheck.

What percent should I put in my 401(k)?

A common rule of thumb is to contribute at least 10% of your income to your 401(k) to help reach your retirement goals. Just keep in mind the annual 401(k) contribution limits so you don’t exceed them. For 2024, those limits are $23,000, plus an additional $7,500 for those 50 and up

Is 10% too much to contribute to 401(k)? What about 20%?

Contributing at least 10% to your 401(k) is a common rule of thumb to help save for retirement. If you are able to contribute 20%, it can make sense to do so. Just be sure not to exceed the annual 401(k) contribution limits of $23,000, plus an additional $7,500 for those 50 and older for 2024. The contribution limits may change each year, so be sure to check annually.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Investment Risk: Diversification can help reduce some investment risk. It cannot guarantee profit, or fully protect in a down market.


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Retirement Plan Options for the Self-Employed

Being your own boss is great, and the retirement plan options when you’re self-employed — like a SEP-IRA or solo 401(k) — can be surprisingly robust.

Not only do you have more options in terms of self-employed retirement plans than you might think, some of these plans come with higher contribution limits and greater tax benefits than traditional plans. That’s especially true since the passage of the SECURE 2.0 Act, which has favorably adjusted the rules of many retirement plans.

Key Points

•   Self-employed individuals have robust retirement plan options like SEP-IRA and solo 401(k) with high contribution limits and tax benefits.

•   These plans are similar to traditional ones, allowing long-term contributions and investment selections.

•   SEP-IRAs are ideal for business owners with employees, offering simplified contributions that are tax-deductible.

•   Solo 401(k) plans suit owner-only businesses, allowing substantial contributions as both employer and employee.

•   SIMPLE IRAs are designed for small businesses with fewer than 100 employees, enabling both employer and employee contributions.

What Are Self-Employed Retirement Plans?

In some ways, self-employed retirement plans aren’t so different from regular retirement plans. You can set aside money now, select investments within the account, and continue to contribute and invest for the long term.

Similar to traditional retirement plans, you have two main categories most self-employed plans fall into:

•   Tax-deferred retirement accounts (e.g traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRAs and solo 401(k) plans). The amount you can save varies by the type of account. The money you set aside is deductible, and you don’t pay tax on that portion of your income. You do pay taxes on the funds you withdraw in retirement.

•   After-tax retirement accounts (typically designated as Roth IRAs or Roth 401(k) accounts). Here you can also save up to the prescribed annual limit, but the money you save is after-tax income and cannot be deducted. That said, withdrawals in retirement are tax free.

A note about Roth eligibility: Roth IRAs come with income limits. If your income is higher than the prescribed limit, you may not be eligible. Roth 401(k) plans do not come with income restrictions. Details below.

Understanding Beneficiary Rules for Self-Employed Plans

The rules that apply to inherited retirement accounts are extremely complicated. If you’re the beneficiary of an IRA, solo 401(k) or other retirement account, you may want to consult a professional as terms vary widely, and penalties can apply.

Administrative Factors to Consider

When selecting a self-employed retirement plan, it’s important to weigh the set up, administrative, and IRS filing rules. Some plans are easier to establish and maintain than others.

Given that running a plan can add to your overall time and personnel costs, it’s important to do a cost-benefit analysis when choosing a retirement plan when you’re a freelancer, consultant, or small business owner.

💡 Quick Tip: Want to lower your taxable income? Start saving for retirement with a traditional IRA. The money you save each year is tax deductible (and you don’t owe any taxes until you withdraw the funds, usually in retirement).

Types of Self-Employed Retirement Plans

The IRS outlines a number of retirement plans for those who are freelance, self-employed, or who run their own businesses. Here are the basics.

Traditional and Roth IRAs

What they are: One of the most popular types of retirement plans is an IRA — or Individual Retirement Arrangement.

As noted above, there are traditional IRAs, which are tax deferred, as well as Roth IRAs, which are after-tax accounts.

Suited for: While anyone with earned income can open a traditional or Roth IRA, these accounts can also be used specifically as self-employed retirement plans. They are simple to set up; and most financial institutions offer IRAs.

That said, IRAs have the lowest contribution limits of any self-employed plans, and may be better suited to those who are starting out, or who have a side hustle, and can’t contribute large amounts to a retirement account.

Contribution limits. There is no age limit for contributing to a traditional or Roth IRA, but there are contribution limits (and for Roth IRAs there are income limits; see below).

For tax year 2024, you can contribute up to $7,000 annually to either type of IRA, with an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution allowed for people over 50 years old. (For tax year 2023, you may contribute $6,500 per year, $7,500 with the catch-up provision, until April 15, 2024.)

Note that your total annual combined contributions across all your IRA accounts cannot exceed those limits. So if you’re 35 and contribute $3,000 to a Roth IRA for 2024, you cannot contribute more than $4,000 to a traditional IRA in the same year, for a maximum total annual contribution of $7,000.

Income limits: There are no income limits for contributing to a traditional IRA, but Roth IRAs do come with income restrictions. In 2024, that limit is $146,000 for single people (people earning more than $146,000 but less than $161,000 can contribute a reduced amount). For those individuals who are married and file taxes jointly, the limit is $230,000 to make a full contribution, and between $230,000 to $240,000 for a reduced amount.

Tax benefits: The main difference between a traditional vs. Roth IRA is the tax treatment of the money you save.

•   With a traditional IRA, the contributions you make are tax-deductible when you make them (unless you’re covered by a retirement plan at work, in which case conditions apply). Withdrawals are taxed at ordinary income rates.

•   With a Roth IRA, there are no tax breaks for your contributions, but qualified withdrawals are tax free.

Withdrawal rules: You owe ordinary income tax on withdrawals from a traditional IRA after age 59 ½. You may owe a 10% penalty on early withdrawals, i.e. before age 59 ½. There are exceptions to this rule for medical and educational expenses, as well as other conditions, so be sure to check with a professional or on

The rules and restrictions for taking withdrawals from a Roth are more complex. Although your contributions to a Roth IRA (i.e. your principal) can be withdrawn at any time, investment earnings on those contributions can only be withdrawn tax-free and without penalty once the investor reaches the age of 59½ — and as long as the account has been open for at least five years (a.k.a. the 5-year rule).

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs): You are not required to take minimum distributions from a Roth IRA account. You are required to take minimum distributions from a traditional IRA starting at age 73. RMD rules can be complicated, so you may want to consult a professional to avoid making a mistake and potentially owing a penalty.

Solo 401(k)

What it is: A solo 401(k) is a self-employed retirement plan that the IRS also refers to as a one-participant 401(k) plan. It works a bit like a regular employer-backed 401(k), except that in this instance you’re the employer and the employee. There are contribution rules for each role, but this dual structure enables freelancers and solo business owners to save more than a standard 401(k) would allow.

Suited for: A solo 401(k) covers a business owner who has no employees, or employs only their spouse.

Contribution limits:

•   As the employee: For 2024, you can contribute up to $23,000 or 100% of compensation (whichever is less), with an additional $7,500 in catch-up contributions allowed if you’re over 50, for a total of $30,500.

•   As the employer: You can contribute up to 25% of your net earnings, with separate rules for single-member LLCs or sole proprietors.

Total contributions cannot exceed a total of $69,000, or $76,500 if you’re 50 and over.

You can not use a solo 401(k) if you have any employees, though you can hire your spouse so they can also contribute to the plan (and you can match their contributions as the employer), further reducing your taxable income.

Note that 401(k) contribution limits are per person, not per plan (similar to IRA rules), so if either you or your spouse are enrolled in another 401(k) plan, then the $69,000 limit per person must take into account any contributions to that other 401(k) plan.

Income limits: There is a limit on the amount of compensation that’s allowed for use in determining your contributions. For tax year 2024 it’s $345,000.

Tax benefits: A solo 401(k) has a similar tax setup as a traditional 401(k). Contributions can be deducted, thus reducing your taxable income and potentially the amount of tax you owe for the year you contribute. But you owe ordinary income tax on any withdrawals.

Withdrawal rules: You can take withdrawals from a solo 401(k) without penalty at age 59 ½ or older. Distributions may be allowed before that time in the case of certain “triggering events,” such as a disability (you can find a list of exceptions at, but you may owe a 10% penalty as well as income tax on the withdrawal.

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs): You are required to take minimum distributions from a solo 401(k) starting at age 73. RMD rules can be complicated, so you may want to consult a professional to avoid making a mistake and potentially owing a penalty.

Simplified Employee Pension (or a SEP-IRA)

What it is: A SEP-IRA, or Simplified Employee Pension plan, is similar to a traditional IRA with a streamlined way for an employer (in this case, you) to make contributions to their own and their employees’ retirement savings. Note that when using a SEP-IRA, the employer makes all contributions; employees do not contribute to the SEP.

Suited for: A key difference in a SEP-IRA vs. other self-employment retirement plans is that it’s designed for those who run a business with employees. Employers have to contribute an equal percentage of salary for every employee (and you are counted as an employee). Again, employees may not contribute to the SEP-IRA.

That means, as the employer, you can not contribute more to your retirement account than to your employees’ accounts (as a percentage, not in absolute dollars). On the plus side, it’s slightly simpler than a solo 401(k) to manage in terms of paperwork and annual reporting.

Contribution limits: For 2024, the SEP-IRA rules and limits are as follows: you can contribute up to $69,000 or 25% of an employee’s total compensation, whichever is less. Be sure to understand employee eligibility rules.

As the employer you can contribute up to 20% of your net compensation.

Note that SEP-IRAs are flexible: Contribution amounts can vary each year, and you can skip a year.

Income limits: For tax year 2024 there is an income cap of $345,000 on the compensation.

Tax benefits: Employer and employees can deduct contributions from their earnings, and withdrawals in retirement are taxed as income.

Withdrawal rules: You can take withdrawals from a SEP-IRA without penalty at age 59 ½ or older. Distributions may be allowed before that time in the case of certain “triggering events,” such as a disability (you can find a list of exceptions at, but you may owe a 10% penalty as well as income tax on the withdrawal.

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs): You are required to take minimum distributions from a SEP-IRA starting at age 73. RMD rules can be complicated, so you may want to consult a professional to avoid making a mistake and potentially owing a penalty.

New rules under SECURE 2.0: Starting in 2024, SEP-IRA plans can now include a designated Roth option. But not all plan providers offer the Roth option at this time.

💡 Quick Tip: All investments come with some degree of risk — and some are riskier than others. Before investing online, decide on your investment goals and how much risk you want to take.


What it is: A SIMPLE IRA (which stands for Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees) is similar to a SEP-IRA except it’s designed for larger businesses. Unlike a SEP plan, individual employees can also contribute to their own retirement as salary deferrals out of their paycheck.

Suited for: Small businesses that typically employ 100 people or less.

Contribution limits for employers: A small business owner who sets up a SIMPLE plan has two options.

•   Matching contributions. The employer can match employee contributions dollar for dollar, up to 3%.

•   Fixed contributions. The employer can contribute a fixed 2% of compensation for each employee.

Employer contributions are required every year (unlike a SEP-IRA plan), and similar to a SEP, contributions are based on a maximum compensation amount of $345,000 for 2024.

Contribution limits for employees: Employees can contribute up to $16,000 to a SIMPLE plan for 2023, and additional $3,500 for those 50 and up.

Tax benefits: Employer and employees can deduct contributions from their earnings, and withdrawals in retirement are taxed as income.

Withdrawal rules: Withdrawals are taxed as income. If you make an early withdrawal before the age of 59 ½ , you’ll likely incur a 10% penalty much like a regular 401(k); do so within the first two years of setting up the SIMPLE account and the penalty jumps to 25%.

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs): You are required to take minimum distributions from a SEP-IRA starting at age 73. RMD rules can be complicated, so you may want to consult a professional to avoid making a mistake and potentially owing a penalty.

New rules under SECURE 2.0: Starting in 2024, the federal law permits employers that provide a SIMPLE plan to make additional contributions on behalf of employees, as long as the amount doesn’t exceed 10% of compensation or $5,000, whichever is less. This amount will be indexed for inflation.

Under these new rules, student loan payments that employees make can be treated as elective deferrals (contributions) for the purpose of the employer’s matching contributions.

In addition, SIMPLE plans can now include a designated Roth option, but not all plan providers offer the Roth option at this time.

Defined-Benefit Retirement Plan

Another retirement option you’ve probably heard about is the defined-benefit plan, or pension plan. Typically, a defined benefit plan pays out set annual benefits upon retirement, usually based on salary and years of service.

Typically pension plans have been set up and run by very large entities, such as corporations and federal and local governments. But it is possible for a self-employed individual to set up a DB plan.

These plans do allow for very high contributions, but the downside of trying to set up and run your own pension plan is the cost and hassle. Because a pension provides fixed income payments in retirement (i.e. the defined benefit), actuarial oversight is required annually.

The Takeaway

When you’re an entrepreneur, freelance, or otherwise self-employed, it may feel as if you’re out on your own, and your options are limited in terms of retirement plans. But in fact there are a number of options to consider, including various types of IRAs and a solo 401(k).

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What Is the Average Salary by Age in California in 2024?

Thinking about job hunting in California? You may wonder how much you can expect to earn. While pay depends on a number of factors, the average annual salary in California is $73,220. That’s according to a 2024 analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data conducted by Forbes. By comparison, the average annual salary in the U.S. is $63,795 — nearly $10,000 less.

Let’s take a closer look at how pay in California varies by age, location, and profession.

Average Salary in California by Age in 2024

Average income by age in California tends to increase as you get older and gain more experience. For instance, workers age 24 and younger earn an average of $44,205 a year, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Pay jumps up to an average of $90,138 a year for workers aged 25 to 44, and $98,785 a year for those age 45 to 64. Employees who are 65 and older earn an average of $60,832 a year.

These numbers make sense, as many people reach their peak earning years in their late 40s to late 50s. And after turning 65, many Americans choose to either retire, work fewer hours, or switch to a less-demanding job. No matter where you are in your professional journey, a money tracker can help you monitor your spending and saving.

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Recommended: Average U.S. Salary by State

Average Salary in California by City in 2024

Income varies from state to state and even city by city. A budget planner app is one way to stay on top of your finances and make progress toward your financial goals. Knowing which areas tend to pay more can help, too. Just keep in mind those same places may also have a higher cost of living.

Here are the 10 cities in California with the highest average salaries, according to ZipRecruiter.


Average Salary

East San Gabriel $219,808
Foster City $103,522
Sunnyvale $103,006
California Pines $102,542
Santa Clara $99,308
Mountain View $98,739
Palo Alto $96,828
San Francisco $94,878
Menlo Park $93,629
Cupertino $93,212

Average Salary in California by County

Wages in California can change by county. Let’s see what an average salary is in 10 different counties in California, based on 2022 data from the BLS.


Average Salary

Alameda County $93,132
Los Angeles County $85,124
Contra Costa County $82,680
San Diego County $79,612
Orange County $77,428
Sacramento County $76,180
Santa Cruz County $64,480
San Bernardino County $59,748
Riverside County $57,096
Fresno County $56,628

Examples of the Highest-Paying Jobs in California

Depending on your line of work and your living expenses, you may find you can earn a comfortable salary in California. According to, the top 10 highest-paying jobs in California pay on average between $199,736 and over $235,100 per year.

Some of the most lucrative positions in the state are in health care, including hospital physician, primary care pediatrician, orthodontist, psychiatrist, and medical director.

Recommended: What Is a Six-Figure Salary?

The Takeaway

When it comes to earning potential, you may find you can make more in California than you would in some other states. A typical worker in the Golden State makes an average of $73,220 a year, which is nearly $10,000 more than the national average salary. But income can change based on such factors as your age and level of experience, where you live, and the type of work you do.

Remember that salary is just one piece of your overall financial situation. To get a more complete picture of your overall financial well-being, it helps to calculate your net worth.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

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What is a good average salary in California?

A “good” salary in California depends on several factors, including where you live and whether you’re supporting other people. For example, to live comfortably in any major city, including those in California, a single adult needs to earn $96,500 or more a year. Meanwhile, a family of four should earn at least $235,000 a year, according to SmartAsset.

What is the average gross salary in California?

The average yearly salary in California is $73,220. This is nearly $10,000 higher than the average salary for the entire country, which is $63,795.

What is the average income per person in California?

The average income per capita in California is $45,591, according to This is based on the most recent 2022 Census data. The average income per person will be lower than the average income because per capita income accounts for every person, even ones who are not working full time.

What is a livable wage in California?

In order to earn a livable wage in California, a single adult will need to make at least $56,825 a year, according to MIT’s Living Wage Calculator. The livable wage for a family of four with two working adults and two children is $138,357. A livable wage is the income needed to cover necessities, including food, housing, taxes, transportation, childcare, and healthcare.

Photo credit: iStock/milan2099

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Is 75K a Good Salary for a Single Person in 2024?

Have you just received a salary offer and now wonder, “Is $75K a good salary for a single person?”

In many cases, that salary can offer a comfortable lifestyle and plenty of opportunities to save. But if you live in an expensive area or have a lot of debt, you may find that living on $75,000 a year requires more careful planning and budgeting.

Let’s take a closer look.

Is $75K a Year a Good Salary?

If you make $75,000 a year, you’re earning more than half of all workers in the U.S. And in fact, many people would probably consider the salary as good pay.

After all, a $75,000 salary works out to around $6,250 per month, $1,442.31 per week, or $36.06 an hour. This may easily cover your expenses — depending on your situation. If you live in a high-cost area, you may find that you’d be more comfortable earning more.

Need help monitoring where your money is going each month? Online tools like a money tracker can help.

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Median Household Income in the US by State

When we talk about median household income, we’re referring to an income level that half of households earn more than and half earn less. As of 2022 — the most recent data available from the U.S. Census Bureau — the median annual salary in the U.S. is $74,580. Individuals may make more or less depending on where they live, their age, the type of work they do, and other factors. Here’s a look at the median household annual income in every state:

State Median Household Income
Alabama $59,910
Alaska $89,740
Arizona $73,450
Arkansas $53,980
California $85,300
Colorado $89,930
Connecticut $90,730
Delaware $80,750
Florida $65,370
Georgia $67,730
Hawaii $91,010
Idaho $72,580
Illinois $78,020
Indiana $70,030
Iowa $76,320
Kansas $73,040
Kentucky $55,880
Louisiana $58,330
Maine $75,160
Maryland $108,200
Massachusetts $93,550
Michigan $68,990
Minnesota $90,390
Mississippi $48,610
Missouri $71,520
Montana $72,980
Nebraska $78,360
Nevada $72,330
New Hampshire $84,970
New Jersey $92,340
New Mexico $56,420
New York $75,910
North Carolina $65,070
North Dakota $78,720
Ohio $67,520
Oklahoma $63,440
Oregon $86,780
Pennsylvania $72,210
Rhode Island $80,650
South Carolina $61,770
South Dakota $67,180
Tennessee $65,380
Texas $74,640
Utah $95,800
Vermont $72,190
Virginia $85,170
Washington $89,430
West Virginia $52,460
Wisconsin $73,330
Wyoming $73,090

Related: Average US Salary by State

Average Cost of Living in the US by State in 2024

The cost of living is the amount of money needed to cover basic living expenses, such as housing, food, taxes, and health care. Here’s what you need to know about the average cost of living in the U.S. by state:

State Average Cost of Living
Alabama $39,657
Alaska $54,331
Arizona $44,875
Arkansas $39,044
California $53,082
Colorado $53,374
Connecticut $55,803
Delaware $51,113
Florida $50,689
Georgia $43,482
Hawaii $49,155
Idaho $39,739
Illinois $49,558
Indiana $42,697
Iowa $41,758
Kansas $43,147
Kentucky $40,816
Louisiana $42,294
Maine $50,559
Maryland $48,650
Massachusetts $58,532
Michigan $45,591
Minnesota $48,615
Mississippi $36,445
Missouri $44,990
Montana $47,887
Nebraska $46,190
Nevada $44,831
New Hampshire $56,727
New Jersey $54,700
New Mexico $40,028
New York $53,255
North Carolina $43,959
North Dakota $48,182
Ohio $44,089
Oklahoma $38,650
Oregon $47,779
Pennsylvania $49,040
Rhode Island $46,909
South Carolina $43,305
South Dakota $47,740
Tennessee $42,469
Texas $45,114
Utah $42,653
Vermont $50,761
Virginia $48,249
Washington n/a
West Virginia $41,153
Wisconsin $45,165
Wyoming $47,832

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

Can You Live on $75K a Year?

While there’s an average pay in the U.S., there’s no one-size-fits-all salary needed for a single person to live comfortably. As the charts above show, $75,000 can go further in some areas than others. Regardless of what you make, it helps to understand how much money you’re taking home — and how much you’re spending — each month. Creating a budget and tracking all of your expenses can make it easier to keep tabs on your finances.

How Can You Budget for a $75K Salary?

There is no shortage of options when it comes to creating a budget. One of the most popular methods is the 50/30/20 budget. Essentially, this approach involves allocating:

•   50% of your after-tax dollars to necessities, including groceries, housing, utilities, transportation, insurance, child care expenses, minimum debt payments, and more.

•   30% to “wants,” such as going out to eat, gifts, travel, and entertainment.

•   20% on savings and additional debt payments (beyond the minimum payments).

Prefer something more straightforward? Consider a line-item budget, where you keep track of monthly expenditures so they don’t exceed spending targets. Another option: using an online budget planner to keep finances organized.

How Can You Maximize a $75K Salary?

Budgeting, putting every dollar you can into savings, and paying off debt can all help you get the most out of every paycheck. But those aren’t the only ways to maximize a $75,000 salary.

One strategy is to enroll in your company’s 401(k) plan. Some employers even offer matching contributions, meaning they’ll mirror your contribution to your retirement, often up to a certain percentage.

Another avenue to explore? Setting up autopay for recurring bills, which helps prevent missed payments and late fees. While you’re at it, you may also want to automate your savings so you don’t have to remember to move money between your accounts on payday.

What Kind of Quality of Life Can You Have With a $75K Salary?

Can you have a good quality of life with an annual salary of $75,000? For many people, the answer is yes. With that kind of income, you may find it easier to make ends meet and make progress toward your financial goals. But keep in mind that “quality of life” is subjective, and the amount needed to live comfortably can vary from person to person.

Recommended: 25 Highest-Paying Jobs in the U.S.

Is $75,000 a Year Considered Rich?

It depends on who you ask. A 2023 Bankrate survey showed that Americans do not feel rich with a salary of $75,000. Rather, respondents said they’d need to earn an average of $233,000 per year to feel financially secure and $483,000 per year to feel rich.

That said, a $75,000 salary can feel like a fortune to one person but not to the next. Whether you feel financially secure with that salary may also depend on your living expenses, whether you live within or below your means, and other factors.

Is $75K a Year Considered Middle Class?

There’s no single definition of “middle class.” According to the Pew Research Center, middle class households have an income that’s between two-thirds and twice the U.S. median household income of $70,784. (A $75,000 salary falls easily within this range.)

A 2023 Washington Post poll reported that Americans consider a $75,000 to $100,000 salary range as middle class. Respondents said being middle class involved such things as:

•   Having a secure job

•   Having health insurance

•   Ability to save money for the future

•   Affording an emergency $1,000 bill without incurring debt

•   Ability to pay all bills on time

•   Ability to retire comfortably

Recommended: What Is a Six-Figure Salary?

Examples of Jobs That Pay $75,000 a Year

There are plenty of jobs that pay $75,000 per year, and some don’t require a degree. Let’s take a look at examples of positions that typically pay $75,000 or more.

•   Network administrator: Network administrators manage technical systems and networks.

•   Broker: Brokers mediate sales processes, particularly in real estate.

•   Quality assurance manager: Quality assurance managers establish quality standards, resolve concerns, and identify system and procedural needs.

•   Junior software engineer: A junior software engineer assists in developing and deploying computer software.

•   Dental hygienist: Dental hygienists perform cleanings, inspect teeth and gums, and educate patients on oral health.

•   Radiation therapist: Radiation therapists run machinery, perform X-rays, counsel patients, and more.

•   Clinical nurse: Clinical nurses work with patients and medications, and manage medical records.

The Takeaway

Is $75,000 a year a good salary for an individual in 2024? How about as an entry-level salary? In general, yes. A $75k salary is more than what half of U.S. workers earn, and depending on where you live and your expenses, may be more than enough to live comfortably.

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Can I live comfortably making $75k a year?

Depending on your expenses, you should be able to comfortably make a $75,000 salary work in many areas of the country.

What can I afford with a $75k salary?

Many lenders use the 28/36 rule to help borrowers understand how much to use to repay a mortgage and other debts. Experts suggest spending no more than 28% of your income on housing expenses and no more than 36% on total debt payments. Consider using this rule as you make decisions about how large of a house to purchase or how much debt you’re willing to take on.

How much is $75k a year hourly?

A salary of $75,000 works out to $36.06 hourly.

How much is $75k a year monthly?

A salary of $75,000 is $6,250 per month.

How much is $75k a year daily?

A salary of $75,000 works out to $288.46 daily.

Photo credit: iStock/fizkes

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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