What are the different types of debt?

What Are the Different Types of Debt?

Debt may seem like something you want to avoid. But having some debt can actually be a good thing, provided you can comfortably afford to make your payments each month.

A good payment history shows lenders that you can be responsible with borrowed money, and it will make them feel better about lending to you when the time comes for you to make a big purchase, like a home.

But not all debt is created equal. Consumer debt can generally be broken down into two main categories: secured and unsecured. Those two categories can then be subdivided into installment and revolving debt. Each type of debt is structured differently and can affect your credit score in a different way.

Here are some helpful things to know about the different types of debt, plus how you may want to prioritize paying down various balances you may already have accumulated.

Secured vs Unsecured Debt

The first distinction between types of debt is whether it’s secured or unsecured. This indicates your level of liability in the event you fall behind on payments and go into default on the loan or credit card.

Secured Debt

Secured debt means you’ve offered some type of collateral or asset to the lender or creditor in exchange for the ability to borrow funds. There are many types of secured debt. Auto loans and mortgages are common examples.

The benefit is that you improve your odds for approval by offering collateral, and you may also receive a better interest rate compared to unsecured debt. But if you go into default on the loan, the lender is typically allowed to seize the asset that’s securing the debt and sell it to offset the loan balance.

If that happens, not only is your property repossessed, your credit score can also be severely damaged. This could make it difficult to qualify for any type of financing in the near future.

A foreclosure, for instance, generally stays on your credit report for seven years, beginning with the first mortgage payment you skipped.

Unsecured Debt

Unsecured debt comes with much less personal risk than secured debt since you don’t have to use any property or assets as collateral.

Common types of unsecured debt include credit cards, student loans, some personal loans, and medical debt. Since you don’t have to put up any type of collateral, there may be stricter requirements in order to qualify. Your lender will likely check your credit score and potentially verify your income.

With unsecured debt, you are bound by a contractual agreement to repay the funds, and if there is a default, the lender can go to court to reclaim any money owed. However, doing so comes at a great cost to the lender. For this reason, unsecured debt generally comes with a higher interest rate than secured debt, which can pile up quickly if you’re not careful.

💡 Quick Tip: We love a good spreadsheet, but not everyone feels the same. An online budget planner can give you the same insight into your budgeting and spending at a glance, without the extra effort.

Installment vs Revolving Debt

The difference between secured and unsecured debt is one way to classify financing options, but it’s not the only way.

Both secured and unsecured debt can be broken down further into two additional categories: installment debt and revolving debt.

Installment Debt

Installment debt is usually a type of loan that gives you a lump sum payment at the beginning of the agreement. You then pay it back over time, or in installments, before a certain date.

Once you’ve paid the loan off, it’s gone, and you don’t get any more funds to spend. Examples of this type of debt include a car loan, student loan, or mortgage.

There are a number of ways an installment loan can be structured. In many cases, your regular payments are made each month, with money going towards both principal and interest.

Less frequently, an installment loan could be structured to only include interest payments throughout the term, then end with a large payment due at the end. This is called a balloon payment. Balloon payments are more frequently found with interest-only mortgages. Rather than actually making that large payment at the end of the loan term, borrowers typically refinance the loan to a more traditional mortgage.

Installment loans can have either a fixed or adjustable interest rate. If your loan has a fixed rate, your payments should stay the same over your entire term, as long as you pay your bill on time.

A loan with an adjustable rate will change based on the index rate it’s attached to. Your loan terms tell you how frequently your interest rate will adjust.

Provided you make your payments on time, having a mortgage, student loan, or auto loan can often help your credit scores because it shows you’re a responsible borrower. In addition, having some installment debt can help diversify your credit portfolio, which can also help your scores.

Revolving Debt

Unlike installment debt, revolving debt is an open line of credit. It gives you an amount of available credit that you can draw on and repay continually.

Both credit cards and lines of credit are common examples of revolving credit. Instead of getting a lump sum at one time (as you would with installment debt), you only use what you need — and you only pay interest on the amount you’ve drawn.

Your available credit decreases as you borrow funds, but it’s replenished once you pay off your balance.

Revolving debt can be unsecured, as in the instance of a credit card, or it can be secured, such as on a home equity line of credit.

One downside of revolving credit is that there’s no fixed payment schedule. You typically only have to make minimum payments on your revolving credit, but your interest continues to accrue.

That can result in a much higher balance than the original purchases you made with the funds. And if you miss a payment, you’ll likely owe late fees on top of everything else.

Because it’s easier to get caught in a cycle of debt, having large revolving debt balances can hurt your credit score. A balance of both revolving and installment debt can give you a healthier credit mix, and potentially a better credit score.

💡 Quick Tip: Check your credit report at least once a year to ensure there are no errors that can damage your credit score.

Debt Payoff Strategies

Whatever kind of debt you carry, the key to avoiding a negative debt spiral — and maintaining good credit — is to pay installment debt (such as your student loan and mortgage) on time, and try to avoid carrying high balances on your revolving debt.

While everyone’s financial circumstances are different, here are some debt payoff strategies that can help you prioritize your payments.

Paying off the Highest Interest Debt First

If your primary goal is to save money over the life of your loans, you may want to start by paying off your highest interest rate loan first, while making just the minimum payments on everything else.

You can then move on to the next highest and next highest until your debts are paid off. This payoff approach is often referred to as the “avalanche” approach.

Paying off the Debt with the Smallest Balance First

Paying down debt can feel never-ending, so it can be nice to feel like you’re making progress. By focusing on your smallest debts first (and paying the minimum on everything else), you can cross individual loans off your balance sheet, while quickly eliminating monthly payments from your budget.

Once paid off, you can then reroute those payments to make extra payments on larger loans, an approach often referred to as the “snowball” method.

Considering Debt Consolidation

If you don’t see a clear strategy for paying off your debt, you might consider debt consolidation. This involves taking out a single personal loan to consolidate your other balances. If your credit score has increased, this may be a good way to decrease your overall interest rate. But at a minimum, this move can help streamline your payments.

Being Wary of Debt Settlement Companies

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by debt, you may look for a shortcut with a debt settlement company.

Debt settlement is a service typically offered by third-party companies that allows you to pay a lump sum that’s typically less than the amount you owe to resolve, or “settle,” your debt. These companies claim to reduce your debt by negotiating a settlement with your creditor.

Paying off a debt for less than you owe may sound great at first, but debt settlement can be risky.

For one reason, there is no guarantee that the debt settlement company will be able to successfully reach a settlement for all your debts. And you may be charged fees even if your whole debt isn’t settled.

Also, if you stop making payments on a debt, you can end up paying late fees or interest, and even face collection efforts or a lawsuit filed by a creditor or debt collector.

The Takeaway

At some point in your life you may be juggling one or more of these different kinds of debt. Understanding the various types of debts and maintaining a varied mix of loans (including secured, unsecured, installment, and revolving) can help you increase your creditworthiness.

You can also improve your credit by making all of your debt payments on time, and keeping balances on revolving credit (like credit cards) low.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

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SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

Checking Your Rates: To check the rates and terms you may qualify for, SoFi conducts a soft credit pull that will not affect your credit score. However, if you choose a product and continue your application, we will request your full credit report from one or more consumer reporting agencies, which is considered a hard credit pull and may affect your credit.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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2024 Debt Snowball Payoff Calculator Table with Examples

When you carry large amounts of debt across different credit cards and loans, it’s easy to feel snowed under. Making the minimum payment on each leaves you paying a lot in interest and doesn’t make it easy to eliminate all that debt.

One debt repayment strategy you might want to consider is the debt snowball. Many find it to be an effective method of paying off outstanding debt, and it may help you get back to healthy financial practices faster.

Let’s look at what a debt snowball strategy looks like, including how to use a debt snowball calculator.

Debt Terms Defined

Before we go into creating a debt reduction plan, let’s make sure you’re up to speed on certain debt terms.

Interest Rate: The interest rate is the percent of the amount you borrow that you pay to the lender in addition to the principal.

Annual Percentage Rate: This is the interest rate charged per year for purchases you make with a credit card, and may include other fees.

Minimum Payment: Loans and credit cards have a minimum amount you must pay each month on the balance, though you certainly can pay more.

Bankruptcy: If you’re unable to pay off your debts, filing bankruptcy may be a last-ditch solution to consider. Essentially, it reduces or eliminates your debts. Know that it will negatively impact your credit for many years. That’s why it’s worth it to come up with a plan for the ultimate debt payoff strategy.

💡 Quick Tip: We love a good spreadsheet, but not everyone feels the same. An online budget planner can give you the same insight into your budgeting and spending at a glance, without the extra effort.

What Is the Debt Snowball?

Just like an actual snowball, the debt snowball method starts out small. You first tackle the smallest debt balances you have. Once those are paid off, you apply what you were paying on those to the next smallest debts. You continue to pay at least the minimum due on all your debts.

However, by focusing your attention on one debt at a time, you then free up more money to make larger payments on other debts until it’s all gone. Your snowball of debt repayment, so to speak, grows over time.

Benefits of the Snowball Method

The snowball method is one of the fastest ways to pay off debt. And over time, this method will help you have fewer payments as you pay off credit cards and loans and put more money to the remaining debt.

Drawbacks of the Snowball Method

The smallest debts you have may not be the ones with the highest interest. So while you’re paying off the little loans, the debts with higher interest continue to accumulate interest, which adds to your debt.

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Debt Snowball vs. Debt Avalanche

If you have larger loans with higher interest, the debt snowball method may not be your best option. You might also explore another popular way to pay off debt: debt payoff strategy, the debt avalanche method.

With the debt avalanche method, you start paying down the loans and credit cards with the highest interest first. By doing so, you reduce the amount of debt you have at those higher interest rates, which slows down the amount of interest that accumulates over time.

Just like with the snowball, you pay off one debt and then put the money you were paying on that debt toward the loan or card with the next highest interest rate until it’s all paid off.

💡 Quick Tip: Income, expenses, and life circumstances can change. Consider reviewing your budget a few times a year and making any adjustments if needed.

How Is Debt Snowball Payoff Calculated?

To use the debt snowball payoff method, you’ll need to gather information about all the debt you have. Let’s use the following example:

•   Personal loan 1 balance: $3,000

◦   12% interest

◦   Minimum payment: $100 per month

•   Credit card A balance: $2,000

◦   17% interest

◦   Minimum payment: $25 per month

•   Credit card B balance: $1,000

◦   22% interest

◦   Minimum payment: $30 per month

•   Personal loan 2 balance: $750

◦   8% interest

◦   Minimum payment: $20 per month

Even without a snowball debt payoff calculator, you can reorder these debts so that you focus on the one with the lowest balance first:

•   Personal loan 2: $750

•   Credit card B: $1,000

•   Credit card A: $2,000

•   Personal loan 1: $3,000

Now that you’ve ordered your debts from least to greatest, you can see how, once you pay off the $750 loan, that money can go toward the credit card with the $1,000 balance. Once that’s paid off, you put all that money toward paying off the $2,000 credit card balance, and then finally, to pay off the $3,000 loan.

Debt Snowball Payoff Examples

Let’s look at what the monthly payments for these reordered debts would look like, if you were able to set aside $400 a month toward paying them off.

# Payments Personal Loan 2 ($750) Credit Card B ($1,000) Credit Card A ($2,000) Personal Loan 1 ($3,000)
1 $245 $30 $25 $100
2 $245 $30 $25 $100
3 $245 $30 $25 $100
4 $25.19 $249.81 $25 $100
5 $275 $25 $100
6 $275 $25 $100
7 $300 $100
8 $300 $100
9 $300 $100
10 $300 $100
11 $300 $100
12 $300 $100
13 $300 $100
14 $260.72 $139.28
15 $400
16 $400
17 $400
18 $400
19 $400
20 $400
Total principal & interest $7,568 Total interest $829

As the chart shows, what might have taken you years to pay off can be paid off in under two years with the debt snowball method.

One way to keep your finances on track while you’re paying off debt is to create a budget. A money tracker app can help you come up with a spending and saving plan that works for you.

Is a Debt Snowball for You?

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to debt payoff strategies. But to determine whether the debt snowball method is right for you, consider how many different debts you have as well as their interest rates. If your larger debts have higher interest rates, you might consider the avalanche method.

But if your interest rates vary, or the smaller debts have higher interest, you might benefit from paying off those lower amounts first before snowballing those payments into the larger debts.

The Takeaway

If you’re trying to pay off outstanding debt, you have options. The debt snowball method has been proven effective for many people. If nothing else, it’s a way for you to focus your attention on whittling down debt and minimizing how much you pay in interest.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

See exactly how your money comes and goes at a glance.


How long to pay off debt using snowball?

The amount of time it takes to pay off your debt with the snowball method will depend on how much debt you have and how much you can budget to pay it down. However, you may be able to pay off your debt faster with this method.

What is the best way to pay off debt using the snowball method?

The debt snowball method pays off your smallest balances first, then rolls those payments up toward the larger debts until they are all paid off.

What are the 3 biggest strategies for paying down debt?

To pay down or pay off debt, you can consider the debt snowball method (which pays off the smallest balances first), the debt avalanche method (which pays off the balances with the highest interest first), or debt consolidation (which provides a new loan with a single payment and single interest rate).

Photo credit: iStock/Abu Hanifah

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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2024 Grocery Budget Calculator Table with Examples

Is your trip to the grocery more expensive these days? You’re not alone. Food prices have been steadily increasing since 2020 and jumped 3.7% between September 2022 and September 2023, according to the most recent consumer price index report.

One way to deal with rising food prices? Have a plan for how to manage the amount of money you spend on groceries.

Here, we’ll look at the average cost of groceries, provide a grocery budget calculator table to help you manage your food spending, and explore a few ways you can save.

Key Points

•   A grocery budget calculator helps you plan and track your grocery expenses.

•   It takes into account factors like household size, dietary restrictions, and preferred shopping frequency.

•   The calculator provides an estimate of how much you should budget for groceries each month.

•   It can help you identify areas where you can save money and make adjustments to your spending.

•   Using a grocery budget calculator can help you stay on track and manage your finances effectively.

What Is a Grocery Budget?

In order to manage what you spend on food, you have to know how much you can afford. That’s where having a grocery budget comes in handy.

A grocery budget is simply an allotted amount that you can use to buy food for your household. Ideally, you’d spend that amount or less, and anything left over can go toward other living expenses or savings.

💡 Quick Tip: Online tools make tracking your spending a breeze: You can easily set up budgets, then get instant updates on your progress, spot upcoming bills, analyze your spending habits, and more.

Pros and Cons of Grocery Budgets

Grocery shopping on a budget generally means being more mindful about your food purchases, which has a number of benefits.

One of the biggest perks of sticking to a grocery budget is that it helps you avoid overspending. It also ensures you still have money for other expenses.

Plus, having an idea of how much you should spend on food can help cut down on the amount of food that goes to waste.

On the other hand, creating a grocery budget means reigning in impulse buys and being stricter about what ends up in your cart. You may have to spend more time looking for the best prices on food items, and you might even need to visit multiple grocery stores to save money.

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Average Cost of Groceries by State

Curious about how your grocery bills stack up against others in the U.S.? Here’s the average monthly cost of groceries in the most populous city in each state, ranked from lowest to highest.

State City Monthly Food Costs
Wyoming Cheyenne $335.97
Arkansas Little Rock $343.15
West Virginia Charleston $347.40
Iowa Des Moines $351.80
New Hampshire Manchester $357.33
Utah Salt Lake City $359.65
Virginia Virginia Beach $362.00
Arizona Phoenix $367.15
Mississippi Jackson $367.52
Idaho Boise $371.54
Kansas Wichita $372.42
Missouri Kansas City $377.06
Nevada Las Vegas $382.16
Indiana Indianapolis $382.62
New Jersey Newark $390.89
Michigan Detroit $392.16
Ohio Columbus $392.59
Oklahoma Oklahoma City $401.48
Kentucky Louisville $406.95
Montana Billings $411.70
Minnesota Minneapolis $416.66
Alabama Huntsville $420.97
Texas Houston $424.71
South Carolina Charleston $427.57
Maryland Baltimore $429.38
Vermont Burlington $434.48
Florida Jacksonville $434.98
Nebraska Omaha $438.79
New Mexico Albuquerque $440.66
Louisiana New Orleans $443.34
Pennsylvania Philadelphia $444.29
Colorado Denver $452.45
California Los Angeles $458.71
South Dakota Sioux Falls $462.65
Oregon Portland $467.77
Tennessee Nashville $469.01
Illinois Chicago $470.65
North Dakota Fargo $474.01
North Carolina Charlotte $475.19
Georgia Atlanta $477.96
Rhode Island Providence $479.81
Alaska Anchorage $480.11
Maine Portland $486.53
Washington, DC $486.63
Connecticut Bridgeport $497.70
Massachusetts Boston $506.63
Washington Seattle $512.11
Delaware Wilmington $527.51
New York New York City $555.11
Hawaii Honolulu $638.57

Source: Move.org

Average Cost of Groceries by Age

It’s not just geography that can impact how much you spend on groceries. Your age and budget can also play a role. Let’s look at how spending can differ by age and budget sizes. Note that these figures are suggestions and reflect a grocery bill for two.

Age Group Low Budget Moderate Budget Liberal Budget
19-50 $512.50 51-70 $633.20
51-70 $490.10 $612.20 $740.40
71+ $474.50 $599.80 $731.60

Source: One Main Financial

Average Cost of Groceries by Household Size

Not surprisingly, the size of your household can have a major impact on how much you spend at the grocery store. But it’s worth noting that the more family members you have, the less your budget increases. In other words, you don’t have to double a single person’s budget for two and triple it for three.

Instead, add about 20% to your budget for one extra person, 10% for two extra people, and 5% for three extra people. So if your allocate $400 a month for yourself, you’d increase that to:

•   $480 for two people

•   $576 for three people

•   $605 for four people

This will, of course, vary depending on who’s in your household. Teenagers, as we know, eat a lot!

How to Calculate for a Grocery Budget

Generally, people spend about 12% of their household income on groceries. To get an idea of what you’ve been spending, gather receipts from past grocery shopping trips.

Pay attention to what you’ve bought. How much of it was necessary and how much was an impulse buy? Keep in mind that when you make your new monthly or weekly budget, you’ll likely need to curb some unnecessary spending.

💡 Quick Tip: Income, expenses, and life circumstances can change. Consider reviewing your budget a few times a year and making any adjustments if needed.

Grocery Budget Calculator Table

Let’s create a scenario to illustrate what a monthly grocery budget could look like. The example below is for a household of three.

Category Spending
Fruits and vegetables $50
Milk, yogurt, ice cream $30
Meat $90
Household items (toilet paper, paper towels, shampoo) $30
Snacks $40
Dry goods $40
Frozen foods $40
Breakfast foods $30
School lunches $50
Alcohol $70
Bread $20
Discretionary spending (impulse buys) $50
Total $800

This budget may be on the high end for a three-person household, depending on its monthly income. If $800 per month is too high for you, you might explore ways to cut down on spending in some of these categories.

Ways to Saving Money on Groceries

One effective way to save money on groceries is to track your spending. Categorize your spending so you can track your budgets and make sure you’re within the margin. A money tracker app or grocery budget calculator app can make the job easier.

It also helps to familiarize yourself with the grocery stores in your area so you know who has the best deal on which items. Check the weekly store flyers, and stock up on good deals. Many things, including meat, can be frozen, so consider buying in bulk.

Having a membership to a store like Costco or Sam’s can also be a smart economical move, especially if you’ve got a large family. Also consider cutting coupons the old-school way or downloading a coupon app.

Always make a game plan before you leave for the store. Look at your list and see which store is offering the best prices on the things you need. Check your coupons and plan to buy items that you can save on.

Finally, here’s a tried-and-true tip that’s very useful: Never go to the store hungry. If you’re shopping on an empty stomach, you’re more likely to buy what you want to eat, rather than what you need.

The Takeaway

If you’re looking to save money on food, consider making a grocery budget. The spending plan can ensure that you only buy what you can afford, and may leave you with extra money to put toward other expenses or financial goals.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

See exactly how your money comes and goes at a glance.


How do you calculate your grocery budget?

Begin by looking at how much on average you’ve been spending at the grocery store. If your current budget can’t accommodate that amount, look for items you can cut out.

What is a realistic budget for groceries?

Many American households spend about 12% of their monthly income on groceries. How much you spend will depend on the size of your household and how strict you want your budget to be.

How much should I budget for groceries for a week?

Once you work out a monthly budget for your groceries based on about 12% of your household income, you can break that amount down by the number of weeks in a month.

Photo credit: iStock/Candle Photo

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

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External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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7 Top Self-Employed Jobs for Parents in 2022

7 Top Self-Employed Jobs for Parents in 2024

Many busy parents find that a traditional 9-to-5 job isn’t the best option while they’re raising young children. Working for yourself can provide more flexibility and control, as well as better work-life balance. But there are trade-offs.

Let’s take a look at some of the best self-employed jobs in 2024. We’ll also provide tips on finding a self-employed job that helps support a family’s needs.

What Jobs Are Considered Self-Employed Jobs?

At one time, self-employed business people typically worked out of a storefront or office with a small staff. Today, many self-employed individuals work from home with no employees. They deliberately keep their operation small to maintain flexibility in their schedule (and keep overhead costs down). Solo entrepreneurs usually have a strong background in a specific service they can offer to clients, such as accounting, marketing, or graphic design.

There are a number of different ways self-employed workers get paid. For instance, they may identify as an independent contractor when they work for larger businesses. They can also start a sole proprietorship or a partnership with another entrepreneur.

Because of the amount of time spent attracting and communicating with clients, self-employment may not be the best choice of job for antisocial people.

💡 Quick Tip: Online tools make tracking your spending a breeze: You can easily set up budgets, then get instant updates on your progress, spot upcoming bills, analyze your spending habits, and more.

Examples of Self-Employed Jobs for Parents

Self-employed jobs can be logistical, analytical, creative, or involve a skilled trade. Parents may pursue self-employed work as a freelance writer or a lawyer. As long as the work can be done independently, there’s virtually no limit to the type of services someone can offer when working for themselves.

Recommended: Best On-Campus Jobs

Tips to Finding Self-Employed Jobs for Parents in 2024

Parents who are considering self-employment should first ask themselves these questions:

•   How much do I hope to make per hour?

•   How many hours per week do I want to work?

•   What is my strongest skill set?

•   What services can I offer based on that skill set?

Parents have two options for pursuing work. They can apply for posted contract or freelance roles that seem like a good fit for their skills and scheduling needs. Or they can advertise their services and work on attracting clients.

Difficulties Parents Can Encounter When Looking for Self-Employed Jobs

One element of self-employment that many people struggle with is making the transition to boss. Parents who have a lot of responsibilities on their plate may find it especially hard to create a structured workday, or to make time between projects to source new clients.

Many self-employed people find it tough to promote themselves or set appropriate rates. Another money challenge: budgeting with a fluctuating income.

All of these things get easier over time, but the early days of self-employment can be challenging. If money management is a concern for you, check out these financial planning tips for freelancers.

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Pros and Cons of Self-Employed Jobs for Parents

There are advantages and disadvantages to working for oneself.

Pros of Self-employment

Cons of Self-employment

•   Flexible schedule

•   Work from home — or wherever you work best

•   Choose clients you enjoy working with

•   Inconsistent income makes budget planning hard

•   Sourcing clients is time consuming

•   No paid sick days, vacation, bereavement, or parental leave

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7 Self-Employed Jobs for Parents

What are the best self-employed jobs? The fact is, what’s best for one parent may not be right for another. Consider a broad range of possibilities before you settle on one. The following jobs were chosen because they offer flexibility and high wages.

1. Business Consultant

Average hourly pay: $37

A business consultant helps other businesses improve a select area of their business (such as their marketing department) or their business as a whole. Consultants can provide support to sales, finance, operations, HR, IT, and other areas. While business consultants can book time to work with clients in a way that fits their schedule, they will often need to do so during business hours since so much of their work involves client communications.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree (preferred), or a certification from a business consultant association.

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 3


•   Advising clients

•   Creating business plans

•   Improving employee performance

2. Software Developer

Average hourly pay: $37

Software developers write and test code for clients when creating systems software, apps, video games, and other products. Many clients need temporary or ongoing support in this area, which can provide software developers with a lot of flexibility. Developer roles usually appear on lists of ideal jobs for introverts.

Requirements: Knowledge of programming languages.

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 4


•   Writing code

•   Testing code

•   Project planning

3. Virtual Assistant

Average hourly pay: $34

Supporting clients as an administrative assistant virtually. Because so much of this work can be done via email, and immediate responses aren’t expected, virtual assistants can often choose their own hours.

Requirements: Office skills

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 4


•   Scheduling calls

•   Providing email support

•   Booking travel plans

4. Editor

Average hourly pay: $31

Editors polish writing projects across a variety of industries and media formats. This work can be done independently from home, but may require virtual meetings during traditional office hours.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and industry experience.

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 4


•   Writing copy

•   Editing copy

•   Mentoring writers

5. Copywriter

Average hourly pay: $28

Similar to editors, copywriters can work from home and do their work independently. Many writers are hired on a freelance basis, which gives them the option of taking on more projects when they have the time.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and industry experience.

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 4


•   Crafting headlines

•   Writing technical guides

•   Creative writing

6. Web Designer

Average hourly pay: $35

Web designers create websites for clients from scratch, update existing website designs, and provide ongoing website support. This work can be done independently, but does require meeting with project stakeholders during business hours.

Requirements: Knowledge of design programs, and HTML and CSS programing languages.

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 3


•   Build and design websites

•   Enhance user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)

•   Bring client’s vision to life

7. Career Coach

Average hourly pay: $24

Working as a career coach can create really flexible working hours for parents because many clients want to book sessions on nights and weekends when they aren’t working.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or master’s degree (preferred)

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 5


•   Advising clients on job search process

•   Helping clients plan career trajectory

•   Resume consulting

💡 Quick Tip: Income, expenses, and life circumstances can change. Consider reviewing your budget a few times a year and making any adjustments if needed.

The Takeaway

Being self-employed can be very rewarding — especially for parents. Working for yourself can make it possible to have flexible working hours and to work from home. Almost any service can be offered on a freelance or consulting basis. The key is to evaluate your skills and give yourself time to build a client base.

Challenges may include creating your own workday structure, making time for administrative tasks that aren’t billable, no paid time off, and a fluctuating income. Before making the leap into self-employment, it can be helpful to take a good hard look at the family’s financial situation.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

SoFi helps you stay on top of your finances.


How can a stay-at-home mom make money in 2024?

There are plenty of ways a stay-at-home mom can earn an income from home in 2024. One popular option for busy moms who need a flexible schedule is working as a virtual assistant on a part-time basis. These roles make it possible to work from home during times when children are napping or at school.

What is the best job to have as a parent?

There is no one best job for a parent to have, but there are some very desirable traits that appeal to most parents. Moms and dads are likely to value job opportunities that have flexible schedules, are remote, and have a high enough wage to support a family.

What job can I do from home with a baby

Nowadays, many job opportunities are remote, which can make it possible for people to work from home with a baby. Some parents may choose to create their own job by going the self-employed route. Others may pursue careers as a virtual assistant, bookkeeper, copywriter, web designer, or another role that they can perform from home.

Photo credit: iStock/pixdeluxe

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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8 Great Flexible Part-time Jobs in 2022 for Gen Z and Millennials

8 Great Flexible Part-time Jobs in 2024 for Gen Z and Millennials

Flexibility can be a real asset in a career. Maybe you’re young and figuring out your post-graduation path. Or you’re busy balancing the demands of running a home and caring for a family. Or you’re an athlete who needs plenty of time for training and recovery.

There are lots of flexible-schedule jobs out there, if you know where to look. Let’s check out some part-time jobs with flexible schedules.

What It Means for a Job to Have a Flexible Schedule

Whether you’re in college or caring for children or pursuing an unpaid passion, there are many reasons why someone would want some flexibility in their career.

But what does a flexible schedule mean exactly? According to the U.S. Department of Labor, a flexible schedule is one that allows people to work outside traditional 9 to 5 office hours. Aside from that, situations vary depending on the role and employer.

Workers may be able to choose the time they arrive at and depart work, for instance. With certain flexible work policies, employees still have to work a set number of hours per pay period or be available during a daily “core time.” So while the employee may not have to show up at 9am on the dot and leave at exactly 5pm, they may need to at least show up by 11am and stay until after 3pm. However, this type of shortened schedule could work for many people, including parents who are self-employed.

💡 Quick Tip: We love a good spreadsheet, but not everyone feels the same. An online budget planner can give you the same insight into your budgeting and spending at a glance, without the extra effort.

Tips for Finding a Flexible Part-time Job in 2024

Flexible part-time jobs can be logistical, analytical, creative, or involve a skilled trade. When it comes time to search for flexible-schedule jobs, keep in mind these tips.

•   Stay focused. Job applicants who know what they’re looking for and what they can offer an employer can plan a more effective job search. If someone knows they have to have a flexible part-time schedule in order to accept a job, they can save a lot of time and energy by only applying for jobs that offer that. Trying to convince an employer to change their staffing plans is an uphill battle.

•   Prepare to hear No. Know that it will take a while to find the right fit, and that rejection is a normal part of any job search. Psychologically preparing yourself can help you persevere until the right job comes along.

•   Don’t be a square peg. If a flexible part-time schedule is what matters most, you may need to be flexible yourself in other areas. For example, accept that you may need to compromise on title, salary, or industry. Giving up the highest-paying job for one with a more relaxed schedule can be worth it.

•   Go remote. Work-from-home jobs with flexible schedules can often be easier to find than on-site jobs that have flexible schedules. When reviewing online job boards, look for flexible schedule remote jobs.

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Why It Can Be Difficult to Find Part-time Jobs With Flexible Schedules

It can be difficult to find flexible-schedule part-time jobs because many jobs require being in a certain location at a certain time. For example, a hairstylist has to show up for work when they have appointments scheduled. A restaurant has to know they have enough servers on hand during operating hours. Even a corporate job where some work can be done remotely and independently can require being online during set times so that it’s easy to communicate with coworkers.

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Great Part-Time Jobs With Flexible Schedules

Perhaps someone wants to take on a second job to help them pay down their debt or save for a dream vacation. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to see the appeal of a part-time job with a flexible schedule.

While there are countless part-time jobs on the market that can suit a variety of workers’ desired schedules, these are some of the best flexible schedule jobs for Gen Zers and Millennials. And if you’re in college, don’t miss our list of the best on-campus jobs.

1. Landscaper and Groundskeeper

Average hourly wage: $17.39

Job description: Landscapers and groundskeepers typically set their own schedules and plan which days they’ll tend to a client’s yard, but they don’t have to tell them exactly what hour they’ll show up to do their work.

Requirements: In some areas a license may be required to use pesticides and fertilizers.

Schedule flexibility: 4


•   Mowing lawns

•   Removing weeds

•   Planting and maintaining flowers, bushes, and trees

2. Recreation and Fitness Worker

Average hourly wage: $22

Job description: Running a fitness or recreation class can be fun and rewarding work that is often performed on a part-time basis. Many instructors can choose when they host their classes (like when their young child is in school), but they do have to stick to those times.

Requirements: Licensing or background checks may be required.

Schedule flexibility: 4


•   Plan programming

•   Run classes

•   Clean up post-class

3. Freelance Software Developer

Average hourly wage: $37

Job description: Many businesses hire freelance software developers to create computer programs and applications for business or consumer use. Some meetings during business hours may be required.

Requirements: Knowledge of select programming languages.

Schedule flexibility: 4


•   Write code

•   Test code

•   Meet with project stakeholders

4. Virtual Assistant

Average hourly wage: $34

Job description: Plenty of professionals can’t afford or don’t need a full-time assistant. Instead, they hire virtual assistants who can tackle administrative work for a few hours a week. Virtual assistance can be a rewarding job for introverts who are conscientious and organized.

Requirements: Office skills

Schedule flexibility: 4


•   Scheduling meetings

•   Managing clients’ inbox

•   Helping with administrative work

5. Freelance Copywriter

Average hourly wage: $28

Job description: A writer can work with many different brands as a freelance copywriter and can choose when they want to take on new projects and what hours of the week they work on them. Working as a freelance copywriter is also a great side hustle.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and industry experience

Schedule flexibility: 5


•   Research

•   Writing copy

•   Editing copy

6. Freelance Web Designer

Average hourly wage: $35

Job description: Freelance web designers work independently designing websites for a variety of clients, instead of a full-time job. Work-from-home web design can be a well-paying and fulfilling job for antisocial people.

Requirements: Knowledge of design programs, and HTML and CSS programing languages.

Schedule flexibility: 3


•   Design web pages and sites

•   Code designs

•   Present to clients and incorporate feedback

7. Freelance Editor

Average hourly wage: $31

Job description: Similar to copywriters, editors can work freelance for multiple clients.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and industry experience

Schedule flexibility: 4


•   Nurturing writers

•   Editing copy

•   Publishing content

8. Business Consultant

Average hourly wage: $37

Job description: A business consultant can offer services to multiple businesses who need support as a whole or who are looking to improve a certain area of their business, such as their marketing efforts, operations, or HR.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree (more advantageous), or a certification from a business consultant association.

Schedule flexibility: 3


•   Assess potential areas of improvement

•   Create improvement plans

•   Find ways to cut costs

💡 Quick Tip: Income, expenses, and life circumstances can change. Consider reviewing your budget a few times a year and making any adjustments if needed.

The Takeaway

There are plenty of great flexible-schedule jobs that millennials and Gen Zers can pursue to give them the time they need to attend school, start a business, or take care of young children. Some remote freelance roles can be entirely flexible — such as web designers, writers and editors — while other jobs require your presence during certain core hours.

Choose whether you prefer a more physically demanding job — such as landscaper or fitness worker — or an office job that requires a laptop (like virtual assistant). It may take time to find the right position, so be patient. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on how your money comes and goes to ensure you’re sticking to your savings goals.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

SoFi helps you stay on top of your finances.


What part-time job has the most flexible hours?

There is no single part-time job that has the most flexible hours. That said, jobs where work can be done independently and remotely usually have the most flexibility. Jobs like working as a freelance writer or graphic designer are good examples of jobs someone can usually do during times that work well for them.

What job gives you the most free time?

Flexible-schedule work-from-home jobs can give workers the most free time because they don’t have to worry about a commute. It’s also usually easier to control your work schedule when you work from home. As a bonus, you can use your breaks to be productive — by tackling household chores or working out — or enjoy down time.

What jobs can I make my own hours?

Some jobs with flexible schedules allow workers to set their own hours. The key is to look for a job where the hours someone works doesn’t matter as much as the type of work they produce.

Photo credit: iStock/Eva-Katalin

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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