Can I Retire at 62?

Can You Retire at 62? Should You Retire at 62?

Planning to retire at 62 is worth considering, but whether it’s a realistic goal depends on how much you’ve saved, your anticipated living expenses, and an educated estimate of your likely longevity.

If you choose to retire at 62, which is on the early side these days, it’s important to have a solid retirement strategy in place so that you don’t run out of money.

Should You Retire at 62?

Your answer will depend on your overall financial situation and how much preparation you’ve put into planning for early retirement. Retiring at 62 could make sense if:

•   You have little to no debt

•   Your overall living expenses are low

•   You’ll have multiple streams of income to draw on for retirement (e.g. Social Security as well as an IRA, 401(k), or pension)

•   Don’t anticipate any situations that could hinder your ability to meet your retirement expenses (e.g. medical expenses, dependent family members)

On the other hand, retiring at 62 could backfire if you have limited savings, extensive debt, or you think you might need long-term care later in life, which could substantially drain your nest egg.

Beyond financial considerations, it’s also important to think about how you’ll spend your time in retirement.

You might retire at 62 and find yourself with too much time on your hands, which could lead to boredom or dissatisfaction. While studies have shown that retirement, and in particular early retirement, can improve mental health for some individuals, it may worsen mental health for others.

💡 Recommended: Retirement Planning Guide for Beginners

Retiring at 62 With a Little Bit of Money

There is no single dollar amount that’s recommended for retirees, though financial experts might say that $1 million to $2 million is an optimal goal to aim for. If you haven’t saved close to those amounts, you might be wondering how to retire at 62 with little money.

Defining for you can help you decide if retiring at 62 is realistic. Asking these questions can help you clarify your retirement vision:

•   Will you continue to work in some capacity?

•   How much do you have saved and invested for retirement?

•   Will you take Social Security benefits right away or wait?

•   What does your monthly retirement budget look like?

•   What kind of lifestyle are you hoping to enjoy?

•   How much do you anticipate paying in taxes?

Retiring at 62 with little money could be workable if you plan to relocate to an area with a lower cost-of-living, and cut your expenses. It also helps if you have additional money from Social Security, a pension, or an annuity that you can count on.

Investing for Retirement at 62

The longer you have until retirement, the more time you have to invest and grow your money through the power of compounding interest. If you’re planning to retire at 62, adjusting your strategy to be aggressive might be necessary since you:

•   Have less time save

•   Need the money that you do save to last longer

Save and Invest More Aggressively

Instead of saving 15% of your income for retirement, for instance, you might need to set aside 30% or more to cover your living expenses. And rather than stick with a conservative asset allocation, you may want to lean toward a higher percentage of equities to add growth.

For example, if you plan to stop working completely, you’ll need to weigh the cost of health care until you become eligible for Medicare. You can’t apply for Medicare until the year you turn 65. If you have a health condition that requires regular care, you may need to increase your savings cushion to cover those expenses until you become eligible.

Where to Save Your Money

It’s also important to think about where to keep the money you’re investing for retirement at 62. There are different retirement plans that you can use to invest, starting with a 401(k).

A 401(k) plan is generally a workplace plan that allows for tax-advantaged investing. Contributions are deducted from your taxable income and grow tax-deferred. Once you retire, withdrawals are taxed at your ordinary income tax rate.

You can begin making withdrawals penalty-free at age 59 ½, or potentially earlier if you meet Rule of 55 guidelines. This IRS rule enables you to avoid early withdrawal penalties if you leave your job and withdraw from your 401(k) the year you turn 55.

A 457 plan is another option for saving in the workplace. These plans are offered by state and local governments as well as certain non-profits, and they work similarly to 401(k) plans. Whether you have a 401(k) or 457 retirement account, investing consistently matters if you’re planning to retire at age 62.

The good news is that you can fund a 401(k) or 457 plan automatically through salary deferrals. You can adjust the amount you save each year as you get raises to help you get closer to your goals. And if your employer matches contributions, that’s free money you can use to plan for early retirement.

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Benefits of Investing for Retirement at 62

The chief benefit of investing for retirement at 62 is that you can grow your money faster than you would by saving it.

When you put your money into the market, you can potentially earn higher returns than you would by keeping it in a savings account or a certificate of deposit (CD). The trade-off, of course, is that you’re also taking more risk by investing versus saving.

It’s important to choose a retirement plan that fits your investment goals. With a workplace plan, you’re typically offered a range of mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The investments you choose should reflect both your risk tolerance and your risk capacity, meaning how much risk you need to take to reach your financial goals. Take too much risk and you could lose money; take too little risk and your money won’t grow enough to fund an early retirement.

It’s also important to consider the fees you’re paying for those investments. Mutual funds and ETFs have expense ratios, which determine how much it will cost you to own them on a yearly basis. The higher the fees, the more they can eat into your returns.

Considerations for Retirement at 62

So, can you retire at 62? It can be a difficult question to answer if you’re not considering all the factors that affect your decision. If you have early retirement in your sights, then there are several things to weigh.

Health Care

Medicare eligibility doesn’t begin until the year you turn 65. So, you’ll need to consider how you’ll pay for medical care in the interim. You could purchase private insurance or continue COBRA coverage through your former employer, but either option could be expensive.

Long-term care is another consideration. The monthly median cost of long-term care ranges from $1,690 for adult day care to $9,034 for a private room in a nursing facility, according to Genworth. Long-term care insurance can help with some of those costs but if you don’t have this kind of coverage, and you or your spouse requires this type of care, it could eat into your savings.

Household Expenses

Some household expenses in retirement could be lower. For example, if you move to a smaller home, you might have a lower mortgage payment. Utility bills may also decrease with a smaller home. Or you might have no mortgage payment at all if you’re able to pay off your home loan when you retire.

On the other hand, your household expenses could increase if you move to a more expensive area. Buying a retirement home in southern Florida, for example, could easily be more expensive compared to living in the Midwest. And your expenses could also climb if your adult child or grandchild unexpectedly moves in with you.

Lack of Income

Retirement generally means that your regular paychecks go away. Instead, you live on savings, investments, Social Security, pensions, or some combination of those things.

If you want to retire at 62, you’ll have to think about how much of an impact a lack of steady income might have financially. You may not miss those regular paychecks if you’re able to draw enough from savings, investments, and other income sources in retirement.

But if you’re in a pinch, you may need to consider ways to make up for a shortfall, such as getting a part-time job or starting a business or side hustle.

Retirement Withdrawals

It’s also important to consider your savings withdrawal rate. This is the rate at which you draw down your savings and investments monthly and annually to fund your retirement lifestyle. The 4% rule is an often-used rule of thumb for determining retirement withdrawals.

For example, say that you’ve saved $500,000 for retirement by age 62. Following the 4% rule, you can withdraw 4% of your savings to live on each year. If you stick to that rule and your portfolio continues to generate a 3% annual rate of return, then $500,000 would be enough to last you until age 97.

That assumes a 3% inflation rate. If inflation is higher at 8%, your money would run out by age 82. So, inflation is another important consideration to factor in when deciding if you can retire at 62.

Social Security Benefits

Determining a day to retire matters if you’re planning to take Social Security benefits at 62. If you’ll be relying heavily on those benefits for income, it’s important to apply in a timely manner so they kick in when needed — but you get the maximum amount possible under the circumstances.

When deciding when to retire, remember that taking Social Security at 62, or any other time before your full retirement age, will reduce your benefit amount. Working part-time can also reduce your benefits if you’re earning income above certain thresholds. Meanwhile, you could increase your benefit amount by delaying benefits up to age 70. Think about how important Social Security is for completing your retirement income picture and when you’ll need to take it.

Investing for Retirement With SoFi

Whether you’re planning to retire at 62 (or any age), having a plan can work in your favor. Estimating your expenses, setting a target savings goal, and investing in your workplace retirement plan can all help you to get on the right track.

You can open a retirement account online and start building a diversified portfolio. And if you’re assessing your retirement savings, you may want to roll over your old 401(k) accounts to an IRA, so you can manage your money in one place.

SoFi makes the rollover process seamless. You don’t have to watch the mail for your 401(k) check because the transfer is handled automatically, and there are no rollover fees.

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Is it a good idea to retire at 62?

Retiring at 62 could be a good idea if you can afford it and you’ve planned for any what-if scenarios that could affect your ability to cover your expenses. If you have significant amounts of debt and minimal savings, however, retiring at 62 may do more harm than good.

How can you retire at 62 with little money?

Retiring at 62 with little money requires careful planning to understand what your expenses will be, how much money you’ve saved, and how long that money will last. Supplementing savings with Social Security benefits or a pension can help, though you may need to plan to live much leaner in order to stretch your dollars.

What are the benefits of retiring after 62?

The longer you wait to retire, the more time you have to invest and build wealth. Delaying retirement after 62 can also increase the amount of benefits you’re eligible to receive from Social Security.

Photo credit: iStock/kate_sept2004

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How Soon Can You Refinance a Mortgage?

Are you ruminating about a refi? How long you must wait to refinance depends on the kind of mortgage you have and whether you want cash out.

You can typically refinance a conventional loan as soon as you want to, but you’ll have to wait six months to apply for a cash-out refinance.

The wait to refinance an FHA, VA, or USDA loan ranges from six to 12 months.

Before any mortgage refinance, homeowners will want to ask themselves: What will the monthly and lifetime savings be? What are the closing costs, and how long will it take to recover them? If I’m pulling cash out, is the refinance worth it?

Refinance Wait Time Based on Mortgage Type

How soon can you refinance? The rules differ by loan type and whether you’re aiming for a rate-and-term refinance or a cash-out refinance.

A rate-and-term refi will change your current mortgage’s interest rate, repayment term, or both. Cash-out refinancing replaces your current mortgage with a larger home loan, allowing you to take advantage of the equity you’ve built up in your home through your monthly principal payments and appreciation.

Conventional Loan Refinance Rules

If you have a conventional loan, a mortgage that is not insured by the federal government, you may refinance right after a home purchase or a previous refinance — but likely with a different lender.

Many lenders have a six-month “seasoning” period before a borrower can refinance with them. So you’ll probably have to wait if you want to refi with your current lender.

Cash-Out Refinance Rules

If you’re aiming for a cash-out refinance, you normally have to wait six months before refinancing, regardless of the type of mortgage you have.

FHA Loan Refinance Rules

An FHA Streamline Refinance reduces the time and documentation associated with a refinance, so you can get a lower rate faster.

But you will have to wait 210 days before using a Streamline Refinance to replace your current mortgage.

VA Loan Refinance Rules

When it comes to VA loans, the Department of Veterans Affairs offers an interest rate reduction refinance loan (IRRRL), also known as a VA Streamline Refinance.

It also offers a cash-out refinance for up to a 100% loan-to-value ratio.

The VA requires you to wait 210 days between each refinance. Some lenders that issue VA loans have their own waiting period of up to 12 months. If so, another lender might let you refinance earlier.

USDA Loan Refinance Rules

The streamlined assist refinance program provides USDA direct and guaranteed home loan borrowers with low or no equity the opportunity to refinance for more affordable payment terms.

Borrowers of USDA loans typically need to have had the loan for at least a year before refinancing. But a refinance of a USDA loan to a conventional loan may happen sooner.

Jumbo Loan Refinance Rules

For a jumbo loan, even a rate change of 0.5% may result in significant savings and a shorter time to break even.

How soon can you refinance a jumbo loan? A borrower can refinance their jumbo mortgage at any time if they find a lender willing to do so.

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Top Reasons People Refinance a Mortgage

If you have sufficient equity in your home, typically at least 20%, you may apply for a refinance of your mortgage. Lenders will also look at your credit score, debt-to-income ratio, and employment.

If you have less than 20% equity but good credit — a minimum FICO® score of 670 — you may be able to refinance by accepting a higher interest rate or mortgage insurance.

Here are the main reasons borrowers look to refinance.

•   Reduce the interest rate. Refinancing to a loan with a lower rate is the point of refinancing for most homeowners. Just calculate your break-even point, when the closing costs will have been recouped: Divide the closing costs by the amount to be saved every month. If closing costs will be $5,000 and you’ll save $100 a month, it will take 50 months to break even and begin reaping the benefits of a refi.

•   Shorten the loan term. Refinancing from a 30-year mortgage to a 15-year loan usually results in a substantial amount of loan interest saved, as this mortgage calculator shows. Or you may refi to a 20-year term. If you’re years into your mortgage, resetting to a new 30-year term may not pay off.

•   Tap home equity. Here’s how cash-out refinancing works: You apply for a new mortgage that will pay off your existing mortgage and give you a lump sum. A lower interest rate may be available at the same time.

•   Shed FHA mortgage insurance. In many cases, the only way to get rid of mortgage insurance premiums on an FHA loan is to sell your home or refinance the mortgage to a conventional loan when you have 20% equity in the home — in other words, when your new loan balance would be at least 20% less than your current home value.

•   Switch to an adjustable-rate mortgage or from an ARM to a fixed-rate loan. Depending on the rate environment and how long you expect to keep the mortgage or home, refinancing a fixed-rate mortgage to an ARM that has a low introductory rate, or an ARM to a fixed-rate loan, may make sense.

Mortgage rates are no longer at record lows. But they’re still pretty low by historical mortgage rate standards.

And rates are not the be-all, end-all. Home equity increased for many homeowners as home values rose. That’s attractive if you want to tap your equity with a cash-out refinance.

Closing costs can often be rolled into the loan or exchanged for an increased interest rate with a no closing cost refinance.

Refinance Your Mortgage With SoFi

How soon can you refinance? If it’s a conventional loan, whenever you want to, although probably not with the same lender within six months. Otherwise, if you must bide your time before refinancing or you’re waiting for rates to abate, that gives you a lull to decide whether a traditional refinance or cash-out refi might suit your needs.

SoFi offers both at competitive rates. And SoFi refinances jumbo loans.

Whenever you’re ready to refi, SoFi is here to help.

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SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Guide to Improving Your Money Mindset

Guide to Improving Your Money Mindset

Achieving your financial goals in life isn’t just about how much you earn; it’s also about your money mindset. Some of our most deeply held beliefs are about money. Do you talk about money and seek to enhance your knowledge? Do you think of yourself as a spender or a saver? What does financial success look like to you? The answers to these questions all reflect our money mindset. Changing these ideas can be challenging but worth it.

To create a solid financial future, it’s essential to have a strong, positive money mindset. So, if your financial habits need a little (or a lot of) work, here’s how to change your money mindset. Read on to learn:

•   What is a money mindset?

•   What is a negative money mindset?

•   How can I change my money mindset?

•   Why is reshaping my money mindset important?

What Is a Money Mindset?

Your money mindset is your approach to handling money. It determines your spending and saving habits as well as your motivations for your financial management.

Whether you are aware of it or not, everyone has a money mindset — a collection of beliefs starting from childhood that shape what you do with your money. (Your money mindset could even be, “I never think or talk about money.”)

Your money mindset can lead to both positive and negative financial decisions.

For example, have you automated your savings, transferring cash out of your paycheck first and budgeting with the remainder? Or do you think saving isn’t something you need to or can focus on just yet? Do you use a budget? Can you treat yourself occasionally, or is buying a $5 coffee not a part of your financial plan? Your money mindset characterizes your relationship with money, and so it is essential to understand and possibly tweak it.

What Is a Negative Money Mindset?

A negative money mindset is a set of unhelpful financial beliefs that can lead to poor resource management. It often involves a constant feeling of stress or guilt regarding money or simply disorganization. It may also involve the belief that “if I just made more money, things would change or all my problems would be solved.” While a higher salary or inheritance might help you toward your financial goals, having more money won’t change your financial mindset.

While it may seem counterintuitive, your income level doesn’t automatically determine your sense of financial freedom. Additionally, it’s worth noting that your money mindset exists whether you’re conscious of how it influences your behavior or not.

Here are some examples of the ways in which a negative money mindset might have a bad influence on your life:

•   You might spend too much money due to comparison with others. You see a friend or colleague renting a pricey apartment and think you should too. That can be an aspect of lifestyle creep, in which your spending increases as your income grows, preventing you from saving and acquiring assets.

•   You might not save for long-term goals, like a house or retirement, because your parents never wanted to talk about money when you were growing up.

•   Because money stresses you out, you might fail to set financial goals, like paying off your student loans on time.

If it feels like you’re in this negative zone when it comes to your finances, know that you are not saddled with it for life. We’ll explore how to develop a money mindset that’s more positive and productive later in this article.

How Your Beliefs on Money Affect Your Finances

Your primary, most powerful beliefs about money most likely come from your parents and your childhood. Every child absorbs financial beliefs from the most influential people in their life. Then, as you grow older and begin handling money, they live out those financial beliefs, for better or worse.

For example, if your parents modeled money as a way to pamper yourself, you may find that you impulse-shop when life becomes challenging. Your money mindset is that spending equals financial self-care.

On the other hand, you may have a reputation among your friends as “cheap” because you grew up in a penny-pinching household that considered luxuries a waste of money. In both cases, your money mindset puts your financial habits into motion.

These examples underscore that children tend to mimic the behaviors of their parents and adopt their money habits in their own adult life.

Why Reshaping Your Money Mindset Is Important

It’s crucial to address negative money mindsets. Otherwise, you’ll likely continue to act on the same faulty beliefs. For example, you might realize that your parents’ approach to money made a lasting impact because you always feel uneasy when treating yourself. Conversely, you might struggle to control your spending because none of your family or friends ever follows a budget.

Recognizing an unproductive facet of your money mindset gives you the power to change it. By asking yourself questions about how you currently treat your money and how you’d like to change, you can reorient yourself and create a long-term financial plan. In fact, reshaping your money mindset may include setting financial goals for the first time in your life.

By changing your money mindset you can take full control of your finances, break bad spending habits, and reach your financial goals.

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How to Change Your Money Mindset

So, you might wonder, exactly how can you change your mindset about money? While your upbringing and core experiences impact you in significant ways, you have the ability to recast your money mindset or create an all-new one. When reshaping your money mindset, the following tips can help you transform unhelpful financial behaviors into life-changing, literally enriching habits.

Success With Money Is a Possibility

One key to changing your money mindset is to increase your confidence in your abilities. Don’t count yourself out because of your background or financial circumstances — it’s possible to change these patterns.

Whether you’re working up the courage to sit down and make a beginner’s budget, tackle lingering debts, or give yourself permission to make a fun but totally unnecessary purchase, believing it’s possible is crucial for your success. Perhaps saying affirmations will help you, or maybe reading about others who have attained what you are dreaming of will work best. The right technique is a personal decision.

Understanding Why You Feel This Way

Money is emotional for everyone. Feeling anxious, worried, or excited about your money is normal. Our emotions are rooted in beliefs; therefore, you might feel elated or stressed on payday depending on the beliefs you’re associating with your money. You might crave the feeling of going shopping or you might wake up in the middle of the night worried about your car payments.

Delving into how much money you have coming in and going out may help you better manage your funds. If you have a financial plan that allows you to sock money away and also treat yourself a few times a month, getting paid might create feelings of satisfaction or confidence. Hence, your money mindset is creating positive emotions for you. However, if your paycheck reminds you of your mounting bills, it’s probably time to identify where these feelings are coming from. This way, you can start shifting your money mindset to elevate the stress and anxiety.

Additionally, the more you avoid money, the more intimidating it can feel. Even people with plenty of income might run from figuring out their living expenses because it sparks negative emotions.

Avoid Comparing Yourself to Peers or Social Media Standards

Parent’s aren’t the only ones who influence your money mindset. Peers and mainstream culture send messages about what success looks like or how to best manage your money.

Seeing what others do or think as irrelevant to your money mindset. What works for someone else may or may not work for you, especially if you have different goals. Plenty of general financial principles are worth adhering to, but even those aren’t set in stone. For example, there are many different types of budgeting methods, including the 50/30/20 budget rule. Therefore, it’s wise to understand your own financial situation and find solutions that work for you to improve your money mindset. Even if your twin sibling swears by a certain tactic, it may not be right for you, and that’s okay.

Overcoming Your Financial Fears

Change can be scary, and so can money, so cut yourself some slack if you’re afraid of changing your money mindset. It can be comfortable to settle back into the familiar, even when it’s not working.

However, overcoming financial anxiety and developing a positive money mindset is possible. Forge ahead at your own pace, and explore your money mindset. What are the things that worry you about money? Where are your biggest fears coming from?

As you unpack that, remind yourself of your motivation to change. Keep your goals at the forefront, and encourage yourself to take a step in that direction. Taking a small but concrete action toward your goals is how to develop resilience, a key characteristic for succeeding in life.

Recommended: Should You Pay Off Student Loans or Invest?

Avoid Dwelling on the Past

As you attempt to change your money mindset, there may be errors from the past sticking in your mind, reinforcing the idea that you are bad at financial management. Dwelling on the past can stop you from creating a different future. The failures, mistakes, and traumas from the past are real — but they don’t have to define you. For example, if you’ve endured a romantic breakup, that doesn’t mean you can’t date again and find love. In the same way, just because you had too much credit debt recently doesn’t mean you can’t get that issue wrangled.

It’s a good idea to jettison this kind of looking-back viewpoint. Instead, try putting your effort toward what you can change in the present and strive to achieve in the future.

The Takeaway

Your money mindset is the attitude and beliefs that form your relationship with your personal finances and it drives your financial habits. Since most people pick up unhealthy financial habits along with healthy ones, it’s crucial to recognize the financial beliefs that aren’t serving you. Then you can set about changing your money mindset and shifting your behavior to better achieve your goals.

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How do I get rid of a money scarcity mindset?

The belief that you never have and never will have enough money is part of your money mindset. To change that belief, identify where the mindset came from and make a positive change, such as setting a small savings goal and achieving it.

What is a poor money mindset?

A poor money mindset consists of unproductive beliefs about money that lead to negative financial decisions and habits. An unhealthy relationship with money when growing up or having made past financial mistakes can create a poor money mindset.

How is a money mindset formed?

You form your money mindset through the financial beliefs you hold as true. Your childhood, peers, and financial successes and failures help define your money mindset.

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What Is a Carbon Tax?

What Is a Carbon Tax?

In countries where there is a carbon tax, businesses must pay a levy based on the amount of carbon emissions produced by their business operations. A carbon tax is designed to reduce the amount of carbon — also known as CO2 emissions.

There are two types of carbon taxes: a tax on quantities of greenhouse gases emitted, and a tax on carbon-intensive goods and services such as gasoline production.

In the United States, several carbon tax proposals have been introduced in Congress, but none have yet been implemented.

How Does a Carbon Tax Work?

When a government implements a carbon tax, a price per ton of greenhouse gas emissions is chosen, and a company gets taxed that amount for every ton they emit or are responsible for.

In some cases, the price per ton increases the more an entity emits, thereby incentivizing companies to reduce and prevent emissions.

What Type of Carbon Is Taxed?

Although it is called a carbon tax, usually the price is actually per ton of CO2 gas emitted. That’s because every fossil fuel has a particular amount of carbon content in it, and when burned each carbon molecule combines with two oxygen molecules and becomes CO2 gas which goes into the atmosphere.

So the amount of emissions associated with the fuel can be taxed at the point of extraction, refinement, import, or use.

As many ESG investors know, burning coal emits the highest amount of CO2, followed by diesel, gasoline, propane, and natural gas. Therefore, coal gets taxed higher than other fossil fuels. Once CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere, it remains there for a hundred years or more, creating a greenhouse effect which heats up the planet and leads to climate change.

Only products associated with the burning of fossil fuels get taxed. So products such as plastic that contain petroleum but don’t directly result in CO2 emissions don’t get taxed.

What Is the Economic Impact of Carbon Taxation?

Since a carbon tax increases costs across the entire supply chain, everyone from extractors to consumers are incentivized to reduce fossil fuel consumption — at least in theory.

Those being taxed can raise the prices of their goods and services, but only as much as the market is willing to pay while allowing them to remain competitive.

What Is the Social Impact of Carbon Emissions?

The theory around carbon pricing is that each ton of CO2 should have a price equal to the social cost of carbon. The social cost of carbon is the current amount of estimated damages over time that each ton of CO2 emitted causes today.

In addition to causing global warming, emissions and pollution typically lead to negative effects on human health and natural ecosystems. Thus investing in companies with lower carbon emissions can be considered a type of socially responsible investing.

Over time, the social cost of carbon increases, because each ton of emissions is more damaging as climate change worsens. Therefore, the price of carbon and the tax would increase over time.

Those producing emissions know that the tax will increase over time, and so investments into decarbonization are worth it to them today. For instance, a company can invest in solar energy and wind power, and while that might have a high upfront cost for them, over time it could be worth it could help them avoid a rising carbon tax.

Examples of Carbon Taxes

Understanding carbon taxes is an important facet of sustainable investing. Carbon taxes have been put into place in many countries around the world so far, and their popularity is rising. As of 2021, 35 countries had a form of carbon tax or energy tax.

•   Finland was the first country to implement a carbon tax in 1990, soon followed by Norway and Sweden in 1991. In 2021 Finland’s price per ton was $73.02. Norway is known to have one of the strictest carbon taxes.

•   The Canadian province of British Columbia implemented a carbon tax in 2008. In 2019, South Africa became the first African country to install a carbon tax.

•   Although there is not yet a federal carbon tax in the U.S., there are more than 50 regional ones. For instance, the city of Boulder, CO, implemented a carbon tax in 2006 after it passed a local vote. However, the average price per ton across these programs is very low: generally about $2.

Support for a U.S. federal carbon tax has been growing over time, but one of the things holding it back is debate about how the revenue from the tax would be used. A few ideas include: paying back consumers through a carbon dividend; using the money to fund infrastructure upgrades or low-emissions technologies, or reducing other taxes.

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*Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.

The Importance of Carbon Tax

Reducing global emissions is essential to stop the buildup of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere. The more CO2 gets emitted, the more the planet warms and the worse climate change becomes — including the frequency of climate-related disasters.

Global temperatures have already increased 1°C over pre-industrial levels, and if emissions are not reduced temperatures are projected to rise 4°C by the end of this century. The more temperatures rise the more the effects become irreversible and catastrophic.

A carbon tax is a powerful tool to discourage the use of fossil fuels and incentivize a shift to low- and zero-emission energy sources. This is why many people invest in green stocks.

Pros and Cons of Carbon Tax

There are several pros and cons to a carbon tax.

Some of the pros of a carbon tax include:

•   The carbon tax is a way to regulate emissions without having to actually mandate production and consumption limits directly.

•   Carbon taxes incentivize companies and individuals to reduce and avoid emissions.

•   Carbon taxes are easy to administer.

•   A carbon tax may help reduce the buildup of greenhouse gasses, which in turn may help reduce pollution, improve air and water quality, and more.

•   The revenue raised through a tax can be used to fund decarbonization efforts, environmental restoration, and other projects.

•   Other programs, such as an incentive using renewable energy, haven’t been as successful in reducing fossil-fuel use.

A few cons of a carbon tax include:

•   It can be challenging to figure out how the revenues should be spent.

•   A carbon tax can be put on any point of a supply chain and it’s hard to decide which is best.

•   It’s hard to predict how much emissions will be reduced as a result of the carbon tax.

•   If a carbon tax increases energy costs, this can have a big impact on lower-income households which tend to spend a higher percentage of their income on energy than higher-income households.

•   If one country implements a carbon tax and others don’t, then that puts local industries at a competitive disadvantage. If they have to raise prices, customers may start buying from the countries that don’t have the tax, resulting in the same or more emissions. For this reason carbon tax plans build in ways to prevent emissions leakage and issues with competition. Some of these include rebates, exemptions for particular industries, and taxation based on past emissions.

•   Companies can purchase carbon offsets or carbon credits to lower the amount they pay in taxes. They can also use those offsets to claim that they are carbon neutral or carbon negative. This isn’t exactly true, since they are still emitting carbon. The ability to purchase offsets reduces their incentive to decarbonize.

Who Regulates Carbon Taxes?

Carbon tax programs are regulated by federal, state, or local governments. Regulation involves setting the price per ton of carbon, deciding which entities get taxed, collecting the tax, and deciding how the revenues are spent.

There is an ongoing discussion about the international coordination of carbon pricing. If a minimum price per ton is set, this would eliminate issues around competition and guarantee a certain amount of effort towards emission reduction. Canada has already implemented national price coordination. The minimum price per ton in Canadian provinces and territories is CAD $50.

Which Countries Have the Highest Carbon Tax?

Below are a few of the countries that have the highest carbon tax rates. The rates are in USD price per ton:

•   Uruguay: $137

•   Sweden: $129.89

•   Switzerland: $129.86

•   Liechtenstein: $129.86

•   Norway: $87.61

The Takeaway

A carbon tax can be a powerful tool for reining in carbon emissions, and potentially helping reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Essentially, these taxes penalize companies by making them pay a fee for CO2 emissions relating to their products or operations.

While the U.S. doesn’t have a federally mandated carbon tax, there are state and local levies. Given concerns about climate change, it’s likely that more countries will continue to adopt and adjust carbon taxes.

If you’re interested in investing in sustainably focused businesses, you can explore your options using SoFi Invest, and start trading from your Active Invest account with as little as $5.

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.

Photo credit: iStock/Delmaine Donson

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glass piggyback mortgage house

How Are Primary and Secondary Mortgage Markets Different?

The U.S. mortgage market is massive, so it’s no surprise that it’s actually composed of a primary and a secondary market.

The primary market serves the home-buying public. The secondary serves investors but plays a big role in a borrower’s ability to get a mortgage and how much that home loan costs.

Primary vs Secondary Mortgage Market

The primary mortgage market links borrowers to home mortgage lenders.

The secondary mortgage market allows investors to invest in existing mortgage loans in hopes of earning a return.

What Is the Primary Mortgage Market?

Any time a homebuyer takes out a mortgage from a reputable lender, that is the primary mortgage market in action.

Homebuyers and mortgage refinancers can work with a mortgage broker or direct lender to find the right home loan.

Direct lenders include banks, credit unions, and online mortgage companies. They originate loans with their own money or borrowed funding. Many of them originate mortgages only to sell them to investors, though the lenders may retain the servicing rights.

What Is the Secondary Mortgage Market?

With the secondary mortgage market, investors such as pension funds, banks, and insurance companies buy mortgage-backed securities and try to earn a profit on them.

Why would lenders sell some of their home loans? Because they’re able to replenish their supply of mortgage funding and remove the risk they took on by making the loans.

The mortgages that Fannie Mae (the Federal National Mortgage Association) and Freddie Mac (the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.), the country’s biggest residential mortgage buyers, purchase are conforming loans. That means they conform to certain lending guidelines and loan limits. In 2022 the conforming loan limit for a single-family home was $647,200 in most housing markets.

Then there’s Ginnie Mae (the Government National Mortgage Association), which buys government-backed FHA, VA, and USDA loans and bundles them into securities to be sold on the bond market.

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Example of Both Markets in Action

Betty Borrower decides she wants to buy a home and needs help financing the purchase. She shops for a mortgage with a good interest rate and low costs. She finds a good fit, applies for the loan, and is approved.

She moves in; her loan moves on. Betty gets a letter from her lender saying that her mortgage has been sold to another financial entity.

The mortgage buyer, which may be an investor or mortgage loan aggregator like Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, can repackage home loans as mortgage-backed securities or hold them and collect the interest from borrowers.

Any investor who engages with the secondary mortgage market is buying Betty’s mortgage debt and many others’ and counts on the borrowers to pay the debt, with the investor pocketing a percentage of the profit.

Recommended: Guide to Buying, Selling, and Updating a Home

Why Are There Two Mortgage Markets?

They work hand in hand.

Congress created the secondary mortgage market in the 1930s to give lenders a larger, steadier stream of mortgage funding to stabilize the country’s residential mortgage markets and expand opportunities for homeownership.

Pros and Cons of the Primary Mortgage Market

The primary mortgage market has its upsides and downsides.

Advantages of the Primary Mortgage Market

Mortgage loans are plentiful: Homebuyers can choose from an array of different types of mortgage loans from banks, credit unions, savings and loans, mortgage brokers, and online financial institutions.

Borrowers have options: The most popular choice is a fixed-term loan of 30 years, but some borrowers may opt for an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), in which the introductory rate is fixed for a specified period of time. The 5/1 ARM has a five-year fixed rate.

Rates are reasonable: The demand for conforming loans helps rein in interest rates for borrowers who meet the lending criteria, which include down payment and credit requirements in addition to conforming loan limits. (Nonconforming loans — loans that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac cannot buy — include government-backed loans and jumbo loans. The rates may be even lower than conforming loan rates.)

Down Payment Can Be Low: A 3% down payment for a conventional loan may suffice.

Disadvantages of the Primary Mortgage Loan Market

Borrowers have to be vetted credit-wise: Mortgage lenders will review a potential borrower’s credit score in order to determine their eligibility for a loan. Applicants with a bad credit score may find it challenging to secure a mortgage other than an FHA loan.

Missed mortgage payments can have negative effects: Borrowers who miss payments may face a plummeting credit score or even foreclosure (but mortgage forbearance is an option).

First-time homebuyers can
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with as little as 3% down.

Pros and Cons of the Secondary Mortgage Market

Here are two ways to view the secondary loan market.

Advantages of the Secondary Mortgage Market

Replenishes lender funding: The secondary market keeps money flowing through the mortgage system in good economic times and bad.

Fuels lower mortgage costs: The secondary market can lead to lower costs for borrowers.

May be good for investors: Most mortgage-backed securities are issued or guaranteed by a government agency such as Ginnie Mae or by government-sponsored enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The securities carry the guarantee of the issuing organization to pay interest and principal payments on their mortgage-backed securities.

Disadvantages of the Secondary Mortgage Loan Market

Not for the average investor: Common buyers of mortgage-backed securities include deep-pocketed financial organizations like insurance companies, banks, and pension funds. Because of the complexity of mortgage-backed securities and the difficulty that can accompany assessing the creditworthiness of an issuer, individual investors should use caution.

Investors won’t see the properties attached to the mortgages: Secondary mortgage loan buyers usually won’t physically see and assess the properties attached to the mortgages they’re buying.

The Takeaway

The primary mortgage market and secondary mortgage market have a symbiotic relationship. Most mortgage seekers will only be interested in the primary market: getting a home loan that suits their needs.

If you’re in the market for a new mortgage or maybe a cash-out refinance, check out SoFi’s mortgage loan offerings and deals. The rates are competitive.

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SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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