What is a PPO plan?

What Is a PPO Plan?

A preferred provider organization (PPO) is a type of health care plan that offers lower out-of-pocket costs to members who use doctors and other providers who are part of the plan’s network.

These preferred providers have signed onto the network at a lower negotiated rate than they might charge outside of the network.

PPOs also offer members the flexibility to see providers outside of the plan’s network, although they will most likely pay more in out-of-pocket costs to do so.

To learn more about PPOs, and how this type of plan compares to other health insurance options, read on.

How Does PPO Insurance Work?

When you join a PPO health plan, you’re joining a managed care network that includes primary care doctors, specialists, hospitals, labs, and other healthcare professionals. PPO networks tend to be large and geographically diverse.

If you see a preferred provider, you will likely pay a copay, or you might be responsible for a coinsurance payment (after you meet the plan’s deductible).

While you are free to see any health care provider whether or not they are in the PPO network, if you see a provider outside of the network, you may pay significantly more in out-of-pocket costs. In return for flexibility, large networks, and low in-network cost sharing, PPO plans typically charge higher premiums than many other types of plans.

PPOs are a common, and often a popular, choice for employer-sponsored health insurance.

Recommended: Common Health Insurance Terms & Definitions

What Are the Costs of Going Out of the PPO’s Network?

If you see a provider who is not part of the plan’s network, you will likely be expected to bear more of the cost. PPOs typically use what’s called a “usual, customary and reasonable” (UCR) fee schedule for out-of-network services.

Insurers calculate UCR fees based on what doctors in the area are charging for the same service you were provided.

If your doctor charges more than what your insurance company determines to be usual, customary, and reasonable, you most likely will be charged for the difference between the amount charged for the service and the amount covered by your insurer.

Depending on where you live and the service you received, this difference could be significant. It may also come as a surprise to policyholders who assume their medical costs will be covered and don’t fully understand the distinction between in-network and out-of-network providers.

A good way to avoid surprise charges with a PPO (or any health plan) is to talk to your provider and your insurer before you receive treatment about the total cost and what will be covered.

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How PPOs Compare to Other Types of Health Care Plans

PPO plans are most often compared with health maintenance organizations (HMOs), another common type of managed care health plan.

HMOs typically offer lower premiums and out-of-pocket costs than PPOs in exchange for less flexibility.

Unlike a PPO, HMO members typically must choose a primary care physician from the plan’s network of providers. Care from providers out of the HMO network is generally not covered, except in the case of an emergency.

Also unlike a PPO, an HMO’s network of providers is usually confined to a specific local geographic area.

Another key difference between these two types of plans: HMO members typically must first see their primary care doctor to get a referral to a specialist. With PPOs, referrals are not usually required.

PPOs are also often compared to point of service (POS) plans.

POS plans are generally a cross between an HMO and a PPO. As with a PPO, POS members generally pay less for care from network providers, but may also go out of network if they desire (and potentially pay more).

Like an HMO, POS plans require a referral from your primary care doctor to see a specialist.

PPOs (as well as HMOs and POS plans) are very different from high deductible health plans, or HDHPs.

HDHPs charge a high deductible (what you would have to pay for health care costs before insurance coverage kicks in).

This means that you would need to pay for all of your doctor visits and other medical services out of pocket until you meet this high deductible. In return for higher deductibles, these plans usually charge lower premiums than other insurance plans.

You can combine a HDHP with a tax-advantaged health savings account (HSA). Money saved in an HSA can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses.

HDHPs are generally best for relatively healthy people who don’t see doctors frequently or anticipate high medical costs for the coming year.

Recommended: Beginner’s Guide to Health Insurance

What Are the Pros and Cons of PPO Insurance?

As with all health insurance options, PPOs have both advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few to consider.

Advantages of PPOs

•   Flexibility. PPO members typically do not have to see a primary care physician for referrals to other health care providers, and they may see any doctor they choose (though they may pay more for out-of-network providers).

•   Lower costs for in-network care. Out-of-pocket costs, such as copays and coinsurance, for care from in-network providers can be lower than some other types of plans.

•   Large provider networks. PPOs usually include a large number of doctors, specialists, hospitals, labs, and other providers in their networks, spanning across cities and states. As a result, network coverage while traveling or for college student dependents can be easier to access than with more restricted plans.

Disadvantages of PPOs

•   High premiums. In return for flexibility, PPO members can expect to pay higher monthly premiums than they may find with other types of plans.

•   High out-of-pocket costs for out-of-network care. Depending on where you live, the treatment you receive, and how your insurer calculates “usual, customary, and reasonable” fees, you may find you are responsible for a large portion of the bill when you receive care outside of the PPOs network.

•   Might be more insurance than you need. If you rarely see doctors and wouldn’t mind potentially switching doctors, you may be able to save money by going with an HMO or a HDHP.

💡 Quick Tip: Income, expenses, and life circumstances can change. Consider reviewing your budget a few times a year and making any adjustments if needed.

The Takeaway

PPOs are a popular type of health plan because of the flexibility, ease of use, and wide range of provider choices they offer. PPO networks tend to be large and varied enough to include a patient’s existing doctors. If not, members still have the option of going out-of-network and receiving at least some coverage from a PPO. PPO members pay for this flexibility, however.

PPOs typically come with higher premiums, along with extra costs associated with out-of-network care. That can be prohibitive for many consumers.

Your employer’s benefits department or an experienced insurance agent or broker can help you compare PPOs to other types of health care plans and determine which choice is right for your health care needs and your budget.

Before choosing a plan, it can also be helpful to track your spending for a few months to see how much you are currently spending on medical care. This can help you ballpark costs for the coming year and make it easier to compare plans.

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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old alarm clock

Basics of the Time Value of Money (TVM)

If you’ve ever heard the expression, “A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow,” then you know the basic definition of the time value of money. Essentially, having $1,000 today is more valuable than having $1,000 a year from now because of the potential for growth over that time period.

Other factors can also influence the time value of money, or TVM. For example, inflation naturally increases over time, and that can lower the purchasing power of future dollars. In short: Money you can put to work now is usually worth more than the same amount down the line.

Investors and business owners use TVM as a way to compare values of certain sums of money over different time periods.

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What Is the Time Value of Money?

The time value of money is the relationship between a dollar at one point in time and the value of that same dollar at another point in time. For example, $50 today likely won’t have the same value as $50 a year from now, just as $1 million now is not the same as $1 million 20 years ago (when a million dollars bought more than it does now).

You don’t need to know the formula for time value of money to understand the basic forces at play here. First, there is the potential for a present sum of money to earn a profit (if you invest it) or to gain interest (if you save it or buy debt instruments like bonds) over time.

Inflation is also an important consideration when calculating the time value of money. As goods get more expensive, each dollar will purchase less than it did the year before. For example, the historic rate of inflation is about 2% per year. If you consider how much $10,000 can buy today, it would buy roughly 2% less in a year — about $9,800 worth of goods.

So the time value of money is a framework for comparing lump sums of money and/or payments across different time periods. Dollars can be future, present, or past — almost like different currencies.

The definition of the time value of money may seem like a purely academic concept, but has many real-world applications. Time value of money is used in personal finance, real estate, and investing decisions.

💡 Quick Tip: Did you know that opening a brokerage account typically doesn’t come with any setup costs? Often, the only requirement to open a brokerage account — aside from providing personal details — is making an initial deposit.

How Does Time Value Work?

The time value of money can look at both the present and future value of money and the value of cash flows. It allows both institutional and retail investors to compare payments or sums of money over different time frames.

Within a business context, calculating the time value of money using a TVM formula is important because it can help with decision making, e.g. about acquiring a new business or developing a new product. If you put $X amount of cash into a new line of business, what is the future value of that amount? And would the new investment equal or exceed it — or not (in which case it might not be a good use of your capital)?

To determine the value of money over periods of time, investors can use a formula that takes into account the present value and future value of a specific amount, and how it will change over time.

How to Calculate TVM for a Future Value

Quite often, investors are called upon to evaluate the future value (FV) of a present dollar amount. That formula is:

FV = PV x [1 + (i / n)](n x t)


•   PV – Present value of money

•   FV – Future value of money

•   i – interest rate or other amount that can be earned on the money

•   t – number of years being considered

•   n – number of compounding periods of interest per year

Let’s say you have $2,000 that’s earning 5% per year in interest payments. You could keep your money where it is, or you could consider another investment opportunity. In order to decide, it helps to know what the future value of your cash will be, given current parameters.

In this case, the calculation would look like this, employing the FV formula above:

FV = $2,000 x [1 + (5% / 1) ](1 x 2)

FV = $2,000 x [1 + 0.05](2)

FV = $2,205

This calculation tells you that your money is likely to be worth $2,205 in two years, assuming nothing changes. This could help you gauge whether the new opportunity would be likely to deliver a higher or a lower return.

How to Calculate TVM for a Present Value

It’s also possible to consider a future sum that’s being offered, and what that translates to in present dollars. Let’s say you could earn $2,000 now or be given $2,200 in a year. You’d need to calculate what the present value of $2,200 is.

To determine whether it makes sense to wait one year for an extra $200, here’s how to calculate the present value of that future amount, assuming you could earn 5% in the coming year.

PV = FV / (1 + (i / n)(n x t)

PV = $2,200 / 1 + ( 5% / 1)(1 x 1)

PV = $2,095

In this case, the present value of the $2,200 being offered in one year is higher than taking just $2,000 now ($2,095). Which suggests that waiting to take the $2,200 payment might be a better move.

If there are multiple times per year when interest compounds, the result can be quite different. If interest compounds daily, monthly, quarterly or yearly can have a big effect on the TMV calculation (see below for more on compounding).

Why Is the Time Value of Money Important?

Time changes the value of money. Being able to calculate the present vs. the future value of money enables you to make better choices about how to invest and spend your money.

Therefore, TVM is inherently important in both an investing and a business context because it can help you gauge the value of different opportunities, and assess which makes the most sense financially.

Time Value of Money and Compound Returns

For the individual investor, there is perhaps no way in which the time value of money is more important than with the potential for earning compound returns.

To earn compound returns is to earn a rate of return on both the initial principal invested and all subsequent profits. As profits grow, so does the potential to earn more — and all that this exponential growth requires is that you stay invested.

The key to harnessing the raw power of compound returns is to spend as much time invested as possible — another example of the time value of money. Each year of positive returns is fuel for greater future returns.

This can be hard for investors to wrap their heads around because the results can take decades to reveal themselves. To understand compound returns, and the phenomenon of compounding in general, it helps to start with a comparison of simple and compound interest.

💡 Quick Tip: When you’re actively investing in stocks, it’s important to ask what types of fees you might have to pay. For example, brokers may charge a flat fee for trading stocks, or require some commission for every trade. Taking the time to manage investment costs can be beneficial over the long term.

Comparing Simple Interest to Compound Interest

With simple returns, a rate of return is produced on the principal investment in each period. An example is a basic Treasury note or bond that pays a 5% rate of return on $1,000 each year for five years. Each year the bondholder receives a $50 payment ($1,000 x 5%). The amount is not reinvested (i.e. there is no compounding), and at the end of five years the investor gets back the principal, and makes a profit of $250 (5 x $50) for a total of $1,250.

The time value of money has a bigger impact when you have a savings bond that pays 5% that compounds semi-annually. At the end of the five years, the investor’s initial $1,000 investment has grown to approximately $1,276. This is a total profit of $276, compared to simple interest’s $250. While this might not seem like much, this gap will continue to grow as compound return growth increases.

Likewise, the more frequent the compounding is, the greater the potential for growth would be. Thus compounding is an important factor in the time value of money as well.

Factors Affecting Compound Returns

There are four variables at play when calculating compound returns: the rate of return, the principal invested, the duration, and the frequency of compounding (e.g. monthly, quarterly, annually).

Check out a compound returns calculator for a better understanding of how these variables interplay. What you’ll find is that all factors can have a powerful impact on the time value of money.

Investors should also consider inflation. Inflation, or rising prices over time, also has a compounding effect. Investors can consider using a time value of money formula for inflation, and think about ways to hedge against inflation.

How Does Inflation Impact the Time Value of Money?

Inflation is another reason that money is typically worth more in the present than in the future. As time goes on, inflation erodes the purchasing power of money. So the same amount of money can’t buy as many goods in the future as it can today.

This is sometimes called inflation risk, and it refers to the need for investors to factor in the potential gains of an investment over time vs the impact of inflation, so they can protect their money. Invested money that gains more than the rate of inflation won’t lose value over time.

Recommended: Is Inflation a Good or Bad Thing for Consumers?

Working With the Time Value of Money

Investors use the time value of money to understand the worth of money in relation to time, which helps them understand the value of their funds in the present and the future and how to invest them.

As noted above, factors such as interest rates, inflation, and risk all affect investments over time, so having formulas to help make decisions is a useful tool. Here are some other factors to consider.

Discount Rate

To decide whether the future cash flows from an investment will be worth more than the money required to fund the project now, in the present, you can use something called the discount rate. The discount rate is the rate of interest used to assess the present value (PV) of those future dollars.

For example, if you put $1,000 into an account or investment with a guaranteed 5% annual return, the future value of that money will be $1,050 in a year. So the discount rate in this case is 5%; you would discount $1,050 by 5% to arrive at its PV.

Sinking Funds

There is also the option to use the TVM calculation for so-called sinking funds, which is actually a savings strategy.

If you’re saving up for something in the future and know how much you need to save, you can figure out how much you need to save each month or year to reach that goal if you are earning interest on those savings.

Real Estate Investments

An investor might look at a property in a high-growth neighborhood and predict that it will be worth a certain amount in five years, but they want to calculate whether it is actually a good investment. They can use the TVM calculation to discount that estimated future value to find out the current value and see how the two compare.

Investing With SoFi

The time value of money (TVM) is an important concept for investors. It underscores the notion that time affects the value of money, along with other factors, and being able to calculate TVM in different scenarios, from investing to business, can help you decide whether one choice is likely to be more profitable over time.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

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Why use the time value of money concept?

A dollar now is almost always worth more than that same dollar in the future, owing to that dollar’s potential for growth (and the diminishing effect of inflation) over time. Using TVM formulas, it’s possible to gauge the long-term impact of different choices so you can make the more profitable one.

Is the time value of money concept always true?

Yes, for the simple reason that it’s always possible to invest your money now and gain some interest over time, even a minor amount.

What are some factors that may affect the time value of money?

The main factors that can impact the time value of money are the rate of interest, the number of years the money will earn that rate, and how often interest compounds.

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering: What's the Difference?

Computer Science vs Computer Engineering: What’s the Difference?

While the terms “computer science” and “computer engineering” are often used interchangeably, they are actually separate fields that focus on different aspects of computer technology. Simply put, computer science is the study of all aspects of computers with an emphasis on software systems, while computer engineering focuses more on designing and building hardware systems.

Whether you choose to major in computer science or computer engineering, some — but not all — of the coursework will be the same. However, the types of jobs you will be best-suited for will differ. Which path is best for you will depend on your skill set and career interests. Here’s what you need to know about computer science vs. computer engineering.

What Is Computer Science?

Those working in computer science focus mainly on computing theory, programming algorithms and models to develop software or computer systems that people utilize around the globe. A computer science program will typically cover topics like design and analysis of algorithms, data analysis, an introduction to operating systems, and different programming languages. Computer scientists generally focus on software and are typically the ones to create algorithms that make programs like artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, and even video games work.

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What Is Computer Engineering?

Computer engineers generally focus on creating, testing, and evaluating the technology for hardware and software interfaces. If you choose computer engineering as your major, the program will likely cover topics like computer architecture, computer networks, and physics. It is a computer engineer’s job to develop new processors, microchips, and other components that physically go into computers and smartphones to make them work each and every time someone clicks the “on” button. This field may often require a combination of electrical engineering skills and computer science knowledge.

Similarities and Differences Between Computer Science and Computer Engineering

While computer science and computer engineering are two distinct areas of study, there are similarities between the two. Both professions, for example, involve working with computers. Both also involve data and math and work to advance the field of computing. Because of these similarities, both areas of study could share prerequisites and coursework at your chosen college or university.

Computer Science vs Computer Engineering Job Outlook

Individuals with a computer science or computer engineering degree may be qualified for a variety of different types of tech positions in a wide range of industries. Here’s a closer look.

Computer Science Job Outlook

There’s some good news for those looking at becoming computer scientists in the near future. According to the most recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) , the employment of computer and information research scientists is projected to grow 21% from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations.

What’s more, computer and information research scientists earned a median of $131,490 per year in 2021.

The types of jobs you may be able to get with a computer science degree include: software developer, database administrator, web developer, project manager, full-stack developer, engineering manager, user interface designer, information security analyst, information technology specialist, mobile application designer or developer, and more.

Computer Engineering Job Outlook

According to the BLS, the employment rate for computer hardware engineers is projected to grow much more slowly over the same timeframe. From 2021 to 2031, the job market for computer hardware engineers is expected to grow 5%, which is as fast as average as the average occupation.

The positive? The average salary for computer hardware engineers is still comparatively high, sitting at a comfortable $128,170 per year in 2021. And while many entry level jobs in computer science require a master’s degree, entry-level computer engineering positions generally only require a bachelor’s degree, which can save both time and money.

As computer scientists, those with a computer engineering degree could qualify for roles under a variety of job titles. These include: telecommunications engineer, computer architect, communication engineer, network systems engineer, systems architect, and simply, computer engineer.

Recommended: Return on Education for Bachelor’s Degrees

Computer Science vs Computer Engineering — Which One Is Better?

The question of “which is better, computer science or computer engineering?” really comes down to personal choice. To make this decision for yourself, it may be a good idea to consider what your dream computing job looks like.

Computer scientists can typically specialize in the following areas:

•   Artificial Intelligence

•   Human-Computer Interaction

•   Software Engineering

•   Mobile and Web Computing

•   Game Design

•   Computer Graphics

•   Data Science

•   Programming languages

Computer engineers can typically specialize in the following areas:

•   Hardware systems

•   Robotics and Cybernetics

•   Computer and Network Security

•   Distributed Computing

•   Embedded Systems

As you can see, both computer science and computer engineering are related. However, each comes with unique and exciting specialty areas. Which one is better will depend on your skills, interests, and goals.

The First Step to Becoming A Computer Scientist or Computer Engineer

While computer science is expected to experience more growth in the coming years than computer engineering, both fields can lead to a varied, lengthy, and well-paid career. Both also generally require at least a four-year college degree, which can be a significant financial investment. Once you pinpoint some schools and programs that interest you, you’ll likely need to figure out how you’ll manage the financial side of getting a computer science or computer engineering degree.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to cover your college costs. A great place to start is by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This form puts you in the running for grants, scholarships, work-study positions, and federal student loans.

If financial aid and savings aren’t enough to cover the full cost of attendance (COA) for college, you might next look into getting a private student loan. Unlike federal student loans, which are provided by the government, private student loans are available through banks, credit unions, and online lenders. Rates tend to be higher than federal student loans, but borrowing limits are typically higher. These loans are not need-based and generally require a credit check. Borrowers (or cosigners) with excellent credit tend to qualify for the lowest rates.

Keep in mind that private student loans may not offer the same borrower protections that federal student loans offer, such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness or income-driven repayment plans.

💡 Quick Tip: Need a private student loan to cover your school bills? Because approval for a private student loan is based on creditworthiness, a cosigner may help a student get loan approval and a lower rate.

The Takeaway

While there is some overlap between computer science and computer engineering, the terms refer to two different majors and tech specialties that lead to different types of jobs after you graduate. Computer science tends to focus on computer theory and software, whereas computer engineering is more focused on computer design and hardware.

A career in either field can be rewarding, both financially and intellectually, though job growth is expected to be higher in computer science than computer engineering over the next eight years.

If you’ve exhausted all federal student aid options, no-fee private student loans from SoFi can help you pay for school. The online application process is easy, and you can see rates and terms in just minutes. Repayment plans are flexible, so you can find an option that works for your financial plan and budget.

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Photo credit: iStock/SeventyFour

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SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

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Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student Loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. You should exhaust all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs. SoFi Private Student Loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, and applicants must meet SoFi’s eligibility and underwriting requirements. See SoFi.com/eligibility-criteria for more information. To view payment examples, click here. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change.

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Advance/Decline Line: Definition, Formula, Examples

Advance/Decline Line: Definition, Formula, Examples

The Advance/Decline line, or A/D line, is a technical stock market indicator used by traders to measure the overall health of the stock market. This measurement tells market participants whether there are more stocks rising or falling on a trading day, and whether a majority of stocks are pushing the market in either direction.

For traders who are looking for greater insight into market trend analysis, the A/D line may be a suitable indicator to help determine where the market is trending, how strong that trend is, and the direction the market could be going in the short-term.

What Is the Advance/Decline Line (A/D)?

The advance/decline line (A/D) is a market indicator that traders use during stock technical analysis to estimate the breadth, or the overall strength or weakness of the stock market. The A/D line monitors how many stocks are currently trading above or below the previous day’s close. Traders may follow these changes over time to try to forecast the direction of the market.

In a particular index, like the S&P 500, Nasdaq, or Dow Jones Industrial Average, stocks go up and down. But just because some stocks move in one direction, it doesn’t mean that all stocks move in that same direction. Sometimes it can be difficult for investors to discern whether the direction of the market is being influenced by larger stocks that hold more weight in an index, or by a majority of stocks that are pushing the markets in a particular direction.

The purpose of the A/D line is to see how it correlates with the price movement of the index it’s being compared to. Traders and investors can use the A/D line to see how many stocks are rising or declining to form an estimate on market direction.

Where Is the Advance/Decline Line on a Chart?

Market participants can find the advance/decline line above or below a stock index chart. Investors can reference the A/D line and compare it to the chart stock market indexes to better understand the strength of the market and to help gauge the direction of where the market might be headed.

Advance/Decline Line vs the Arms Index

The Arms Index — also known as the story-term trading index (TRIN) — is another technical analysis indicator used to estimate market sentiment and measure volatility. It’s a ratio between advancing and declining stocks versus the volume of stocks whose price increases or decreases. In other words, the TRIN compares advancing and declining stocks to their volume and shows whether the volume is flowing toward advancing or declining stocks.

If more volume is trending toward declining stocks, the TRIN for that day will be greater than one. If more A/D volume correlates with advancing stocks, then the TRIN will be below one for that day. A high TRIN reading could signal to traders that stock selling may be on the horizon. A TRIN reading below one could indicate a buying opportunity.

Traders may use the TRIN ratio as a short-term market gauge to measure overbought or oversold market levels, while the A/D line can be used to gauge longer term market sentiment by measuring the rise and fall of stock over a period of time.

💡 Quick Tip: How to manage potential risk factors in a self-directed investment account? Doing your research and employing strategies like dollar-cost averaging and diversification may help mitigate financial risk when trading stocks.

Advance/Decline Line Formula

The A/D Line is calculated by taking the difference between the number of stocks that advance and the number of stocks that decline, compared to the prior close. This value is added to the previous day’s A/D Line value. If there are more declining stocks versus advancing stocks on a particular day, then traders will see the A/D line start to move downward. If there are more stocks that are advancing, the A/D number is going to be increasing. Here is the formula:

Advance/Decline Line = Number of advancing stocks – Number of declining stocks + Previous A/D Line value

Calculating the Advance/Decline Line (A/D)

The A/D line is a cumulative, daily calculation that is plotted each day so market participants can see the direction of where stocks are moving. When reading the A/D line, it’s important for traders to look at the direction of the line and not its value.

Traders may use the A/D line to help decide which trades to place next. For example, if the market shows more declining stocks than advancing stocks, this means a majority of stocks closed at a lesser value than their previous day close. As a result, traders may anticipate that the market will fall in the near term, and may choose to sell because the market trend is moving in a bearish direction.

Some indexes, like the S&P 500, are market-cap weighted, which means the larger companies hosted in the index influence the direction of the index. The A/D line allows investors to look at stocks on a level playing field. When a market rises, for example, the A/D line shows investors whether this rise was driven by a majority of stocks increasing or if the rise was caused by a select few of stocks that hold a larger weight in the index.

What Does the Advance/Decline Line Show?

The advance/decline line shows traders the degree of participation of stocks in a market that is either rising or falling and whether the majority of stocks are moving in a similar direction of the market.

The line is a representation of stocks that are ticking up or down cumulatively, adding stock movements each day to see the trend of advancing stocks vs. declining stocks. If there were more declining stocks than advancing stocks on a particular day, the A/D line would start to slope downward. If there were more advancing stocks than declining stocks on the day, then the A/D line would slope upwards.

Sometimes there might be a difference in direction between the index and the A/D line. This is called a divergence, and it can happen in one of two ways.

Bearish Divergence: Declining Line

If the index is on an upward trend but the A/D line has a negative slope, this is known as a bearish divergence. The increase in the index may be driven by some stocks, but this scenario signals to traders the market may reverse and trend downward in the short term.

Bullish Divergence: Rising Line

If the index is on a downward trend but the A/D line has a positive slope, this is called a bullish divergence. The index seems to be bearish, but the A/D line tells market participants there are more advancing than declining stocks during the period that the index is declining. This may signal a trend reversal in market prices and indicate the market has more strength than meets the eye.

Example of Using the A/D Line

Traders use the A/D line to compare it to the price movement of the index.

For example, when an index you’re monitoring is moving to new highs, you want to see the A/D line moving new highs to confirm the index’s direction.

If the index and the A/D line are both hitting new highs, the market is hitting a bullish trend. If the stock market reaches a new peak but the A/D line reaches a lower peak than the previous rally, that means fewer stocks are participating in a higher move and the rally could be coming to an end. This could suggest that the strength of the market is driven by a few names with larger market caps.

Is the A/D Line a Good Indicator?

The A/D line is considered a reputable and popular measurement for traders to gather reliable insight into the strength of a market trend. Note that there are many market indicators out there, and each will have good and bad use cases. But generally, the A/D line may be a good choice for many investors to utilize.

When the price of an asset changes, traders will want to know whether it’s best to buy or sell. With the A/D line, traders can estimate price trends of assets and potential reversals by reviewing the direction of the A/D line, which is considered to be a reasonably reliable indicator in predicting trends since it shows market participants how the market is behaving.

Pros of the A/D Line

Traders can find the A/D Line indicator either above or below a stock chart on a trading platform and may use it as a tool to try to time the market and potentially catch a particular stock price.

By gauging the direction of where markets are headed, the A/D Line can help traders forecast stock price movements on the upside or downside. This may help market participants position their trades favorably.

Cons of the A/D Line

It’s important for market participants to be careful to not rely on the A/D Line as their only market indicator. While the A/D Line offers insight into overall market direction, it may not be able to capture minor market changes.

The A/D Line does not capture price changes between trading gaps, or when a stock’s price moves higher or lower throughout the trading day even though there’s not much trading going on.

Another limitation is that even though the line shows the general direction of where the market is trending, either a positive or negative slope, the A/D line doesn’t show the precise percentage the stock moved.

How Investors Can Use the Advance/Decline Line

The A/D line is positioned against an index to help spot market trends and reversals. Traders who trade on the major indexes can use the A/D line to gauge overall market sentiment. Market participants can look at a historical A/D line to see how the market performed in different periods of time.

💡 Quick Tip: How do you decide if a certain trading platform or app is right for you? Ideally, the investment platform you choose offers the features that you need for your investment goals or strategy, e.g., an easy-to-use interface, data analysis, educational tools.

The Takeaway

The Advance/Decline Line is a tool used by traders and investors to forecast the direction of where the overall stock market is headed. The A/D Line is a well-known market indicator used to predict and confirm trends and forecast market reversals.

The A/D Line offers a great visual guide that may help traders make decisions on market strategies and positions in the short term. But while there are benefits of using this metric, it’s important for market participants to know the A/D line’s drawbacks as well.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.


What is considered a good Advance/Decline ratio?

An advance/decline ratio of one or more is generally considered to be good, as it’s a signal that a stock is in a stable or on an upward trend. Conversely, a ratio of less than one is a sign that it could be declining.

What is the 10-day Advance/Decline line?

The 10-day advance/decline line is a technical indicator that allows investors to get a measure of the average number of daily advancers minus decliners within an index or specific sector over the previous ten trading days.

What does a period of decline in investment mean?

A period of decline in investment is a broad description of a period of deflation in the investment market. It could take the form of an overall drop in the value of investments.

Photo credit: iStock/utah778

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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What Is Asset Turnover Ratio?

Asset turnover ratio is a calculation used to measure the value of a company’s assets relative to its sales or revenue. It’s used to evaluate how well a company is doing at using its assets to generate revenue.

Similar to cash flow, the asset turnover ratio compares the company’s total assets over the course of a year to its sales. In simpler terms, it shows the dollar amount the company is earning in sales compared to the dollar amount of its assets. It can be calculated annually or over a shorter or longer period of time.

Why Is Asset Turnover Ratio Important?

Although having cash on hand is important for growing and maintaining a business, other types of business assets are also important, as is how a company chooses to use them. Liquid assets can include cash, stock, and anything else the company owns that could be easily liquidated into cash. Fixed assets are things the company owns that are not as easily turned into cash. This could include real estate, copyrights, equipment, etc.

For business owners, asset turnover ratio can be important when applying for loans and learning about their company’s cash flow. A higher asset turnover ratio indicates that a company is efficiently generating sales from its assets, while a low ratio indicates that it isn’t. A higher asset turnover ratio also shows that a company’s assets don’t need to be replaced or discarded, that they are still in good condition.

A higher ratio is preferable for investors, as well. Investors can look at the asset turnover ratio when evaluating the risk of investing in a company, or when comparing similar companies to one another. Each industry has different norms for asset turnover ratios, so it’s best to only compare companies within the same sector. For instance, a utility company or construction company is more likely to have a higher number of assets than a retail company.

Know, too, that asset turnover ratio is only one of many calculations that comprise the list of financial ratios that investors can employ.

💡 Quick Tip: How do you decide if a certain trading platform or app is right for you? Ideally, the investment platform you choose offers the features that you need for your investment goals or strategy, e.g., an easy-to-use interface, data analysis, educational tools.

Formula for Calculating Asset Turnover Ratio

It’s fairly simple to calculate asset turnover ratio, which is one reason it’s such a useful tool for investors. Asset turnover ratio can be calculated using the following formula, which divides total (net) sales or revenue by average total assets:

Asset turnover = Net Sales / Average Total Assets

Which can also be shown as:

Asset turnover = Net Sales / ((Beginning Assets + Ending Assets) / 2 )


Net Sales = Gross annual sales minus returns, allowances, and discounts. Total sales can be found on a company’s income statement (typically part of an earnings report).

Beginning Assets = Assets at the beginning of the year

Ending Assets = Assets at the end of the year

Total Assets = Generally a company will include calculated average total assets on their balance sheet. However, sometimes additional calculations will need to be made.

Calculating Total Assets

The value of a company’s total assets includes the value of its fixed assets, current assets, accounts receivable, and liquid assets (cash).

•   Accounts receivable are accounts that hold expected revenues that come from when customers use credit to buy goods and services.

•   Fixed assets are generally physical items such as equipment or real estate.

•   Current assets are things that the company predicts will be converted into cash within the next year, such as inventory or accounts receivable that will be liquidated.

The formula for calculating total assets is:

Total Assets = Cash + Accounts Receivable + Fixed Assets + Current Assets

Example of Calculating Asset Turnover Ratio

To give an example of the ratio calculation, if a company has $2,000,000 in average assets and $500,000 in sales over the course of a year, the calculation of its asset turnover would be:

500,000 / 2,000,000 = 0.25 = 25% asset turnover ratio

Interpreting Asset Turnover

Sticking with the example above, we’ve calculated a 25% asset turnover ratio. What that means, exactly, is that the company’s assets generated 25% of net sales over the course of the year. In other words, every $1 in assets that the company owns generated $0.25 in net sales revenue. Again, this can be helpful when using various business valuation methods and trying to determine whether an investment fits your overall strategy.

Factors that can Cause Low Asset Turnover

There are several reasons why a company might have a low asset turnover. These include:

•   More production capacity than is needed

•   Inadequate inventory management

•   Poor methods of customer money transaction

•   Poor use of fixed assets

The ratio can also change significantly from year to year, so just because it’s low one year doesn’t mean it will remain low over time.

What Is a Good Asset Turnover Ratio?

Investors can use the asset turnover ratio as part of comparing and evaluating stocks. But what is considered a good number for asset turnover?

In general, the higher the number the better — and a number higher than 1 is ideal. This is because a value greater than 1 means the dollar value generated by assets is greater than the dollar amount that the assets cost. A higher number means a company is generating sales efficiently and not wasting assets.

Conversely, a number less than 1 means that assets are generating less than the amount of their dollar value. If a company isn’t effective at generating sales with its assets, it most likely wouldn’t be a great investment — which, again, is important to know if you’re building an investment portfolio.

Since each industry has its own standards for a “good” asset turnover ratio, there isn’t one specific number to look for. For companies in the utilities industry, ratios are generally lower than companies in retail.

Companies can work on improving their asset turnover ratio by increasing sales, decreasing manufacturing costs, and improving their inventory management. Other ways they can improve include adding new products and services that don’t require the use of assets, and selling any unsold inventory still on hand.

What Does a High Ratio Imply About a Company?

If you’re using technical analysis techniques to get some clarity around a company as a possible investment target, you’ll want to get down to brass tacks: What, exactly, is a high ratio telling you?

The answer is that a high ratio implies that a company is in good standing. It’s generating value with its assets, which can signal that it may be a solid investment. But, again, there are no guarantees.

Limitations of Using Asset Turnover Ratio

While asset turnover ratio is a useful tool for evaluating companies, like any calculation, it has its limitations. It is useful for comparing similar companies, but isn’t a sufficient tool for doing a complete stock analysis of any particular company.

Also, a company’s asset turnover ratio could vary widely from year to year, making it an unreliable measure for potential long-term investments. Even if the ratio has been similar in years past, this doesn’t mean it will continue to remain consistent. However, investors can look at the long term trendline of the ratio to get a general indication of whether it’s improving or not.

Since asset turnover is typically calculated once a year, if a company made even a few large purchases this could skew their ratio. This is fairly common, as companies might have certain monthly expenses but occasionally need to invest large sums of money into equipment, office renovations, or other common business needs.

💡 Quick Tip: The best stock trading app? That’s a personal preference, of course. Generally speaking, though, a great app is one with an intuitive interface and powerful features to help make trades quickly and easily.

Drawbacks of Asset Turnover Ratio in Stock Analysis

The limitations outlined above play into some of the potential drawbacks of the asset turnover ratio when analyzing stocks, too. Mostly, it comes down to the fact that as a single ratio, which doesn’t reveal the total health or financial picture for a single company. For that reason, it’s probably a good idea to use the ratio in tandem with other analysis tools and methods.

For instance, other ratios that can be used to gain an understanding of a company’s financials are the debt-to-equity ratio, its P/E ratio, and even looking at its net asset value.

The Difference Between Asset Turnover and Fixed Asset Turnover

Fixed asset turnover and asset turnover are two different ratios that can tell you about a company, and for investors, it’s important to understand the difference between the two.

In short, and to recap, asset turnover ratio looks at average total assets of a company — “total,” in this case, being the important qualifier. On the other hand, fixed asset turnover ratio looks at a company’s fixed assets to measure performance.

Investing With SoFi

Knowing how to calculate asset turnover ratio can be useful for investors who are evaluating companies as they start building an investment portfolio. While the formula is simple — Asset turnover = Net Sales / Average Total Assets — it’s important to remember that the calculations work best when comparing companies within one industry, rather than across various industries.

Additionally, there are other metrics by which to evaluate a company or value its stock. The asset turnover ratio can be helpful, but it has its limitations. As always, speak with a financial professional if you feel like you’d benefit from more guidance.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.


How can you improve asset turnover ratio?

Some ways that a company can improve its asset turnover ratio include increasing its revenues, selling some of its assets, renting or leasing assets rather than purchasing them, and optimizing its inventory and ordering systems.

Is an asset turnover of 1.5 good?

Yes, an asset turnover ratio of 1.5 is a sign that a company is on solid financial footing. It indicates that a company’s total assets are generating enough revenue from its current assets.

Can asset turnover ratio be negative?

Yes, and a negative asset turnover ratio would be a signal that a company lost money during the year, rather than earned it. A negative number represents that its liabilities or expenditures exceeded its assets.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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