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How to Win a Bidding War

In housing markets teeming with buyer demand, it’s not uncommon to put an offer on a home only to be outdone by a competing offer. If two or more potential buyers want a property badly enough, they may find themselves locked in a bidding war.

Some market watchers think that pent-up demand from homebuyers and increasing seller activity will make for a busy homebuying market in 2025. And let’s face it: Some markets are always competitive, and new “hot” markets are born regularly.

Here’s how to increase your chances of winning a bidding war so you don’t have to bid adieu to a home you really want.

Key Points

•   Bidding wars arise in seller’s markets with high demand and limited supply.

•   Prequalify and get preapproved for a mortgage to demonstrate serious buying intent.

•   Reduce contingencies to make offers more appealing to sellers.

•   Use an escalation clause to automatically increase offers against competing bids.

•   Accommodate seller’s needs, like flexible closing dates, to gain an advantage.

1. Know How a Bidding War Works

Bidding wars usually take place in a seller’s market, when demand outpaces housing inventory. They also typically occur when there are multiple interested parties and when there is some sort of constraint, like timing.

When a seller’s agent receives offers for a property that has attracted a lot of buzz, the agent may set a date by which would-be buyers should make their “highest and best” offer. Sellers can accept the best offer, counter one offer while putting the others to the side while awaiting a decision, or counter one offer and reject the others.

This brings up a salient point: It’s true that you can buy a house without a Realtor® or real estate agent, but an experienced agent can guide you through offers and counteroffers, contingency snags, and more.

2. Line Up Your Financing

One of the best things you can do to be prepared for a potential bidding war — or really any time — is to get your finances, and financing, in order.

Be sure to know how much house you can afford, including a down payment and monthly payments.

Determine if you qualify for a mortgage by going through the prequalification with several lenders. Familiarize yourself with the types of mortgage loans that are available: government-backed loan or conventional loan, fixed rate or adjustable rate.

Taking the next step beyond prequalification and go through the mortgage preapproval process. Getting preapproved for a mortgage will give you a specific amount that a lender is tentatively willing to let you borrow. A preapproval letter shows sellers that you are a serious candidate to buy a home. Many experts recommend getting at least three preapproval letters from three lenders.

And a preapproval letter shows sellers that you are a serious candidate to buy a home. Many experts recommend getting at least three preapproval letters from three lenders.

3. Lessen or Drop Contingencies

Contingencies are certain conditions that must be met before a real estate deal becomes binding. Potential buyers can back out of a deal without penalty if the contingencies aren’t met.

A clean offer, one with as few contingencies as possible, is attractive to sellers in a competitive market.

In a typical real estate market, a common contingency is the mortgage contingency, or financing contingency, which allows homebuyers to exit the deal and have their earnest money returned if they cannot secure financing by the agreed-upon deadline.

Another is the inspection contingency. Based on the findings of a professional inspection, the buyer may be able to negotiate repairs or the price, which are known as seller concessions if the sellers are agreeable, or cancel the contract.

Waiving contingencies shows your eagerness to triumph, but it comes with risk. The biggest is losing your earnest money deposit if you hit a snag.

4. Be Quick About Any Remaining Contingencies

Sellers want to avoid spending a lot of time with a potential buyer only to have the deal fall through. If you’re including appraisal and inspection contingencies, do what you can to expedite them.

The real estate purchase contract includes any contingencies, the sales price, the closing date, and the date of the title transfer and possession. The contract is considered a working document until both parties agree on the terms.

5. Use an Escalation Clause

Unsurprisingly, one of the best ways to win a bidding war is by offering more money.

You may want to include an escalation clause in the contract if you assume there will be multiple offers. The clause asserts that if another buyer makes a competing offer, your bid will automatically increase by a certain amount, up to a limit, to exceed the offer.

Say you put a $400,000 offer on a home, with an escalation amount of $10,000 and a ceiling of $430,000. If someone else bids $410,000, you will automatically bid $420,000, up to your ceiling.

6. Stay Flexible

A willingness to be flexible can give you a leg up in the eyes of a seller.

For example, a seller might be moving across the country for work and need to close by a specific date. So if you can get the appraisal and inspection done swiftly, that could be a huge plus.

Alternatively, sellers may need to stay in the house for a while. Working with them on their specific needs could give you an edge.

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7. Pay With Cash

If you are able to do it, buying a house with cash can be very attractive to sellers. The process is typically much faster than going through a lender, and sellers don’t want to worry about financing issues that might hold up the deal or cause it to fall through.

It’s even possible that a seller would choose a cash offer over a slightly higher offer backed by a mortgage.

8. Increase Your Deposit

There are timeless standards for how to make an offer on a house. One is determining the size of your earnest money deposit.

The deposit, held in escrow by the title company, secures the real estate contract. It tells the seller that you are serious about buying the house.

Earnest money is typically 1% to 3% of the purchase price but can be more in a competitive market. If you close on the home, the deposit will be applied to your closing costs.

9. Write a Personal Letter

When sellers are choosing a buyer during a bidding war, they’re often just looking at numbers on a page. Consider writing a offer letter, aka a love letter, to humanize the transaction.

You might want to make a case for why you’re the ideal candidate to buy the home, and note commonalities: You’re a ceramicist and noticed an artist’s studio in the backyard. You have dogs; they have a dog. That big elm reminds you of the one at your childhood home.

Be complimentary about the things you like about the house and how it has been maintained. And be concise.

The Takeaway

Whether you’re buying in a time of burgeoning bidding wars or not, it’s good to know how they work. The tactics help homebuyers understand the lay of the real estate land — contingencies, earnest money, escalation clauses, love letters — and use them to best effect.

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Can a homeowner refuse to sell a house to a particular buyer?

Yes, a seller can refuse to sell a home to a buyer without penalty as long as there is no purchase agreement in place, and as long as the refusal is not a violation of the Fair Housing Act. The act prohibits housing discrimination based on sex, race, color, familial status, or national origin.

When should you walk away from a bidding war?

You’ll know you should walk away from a bidding war when you run the numbers on a home mortgage calculator and determine that the monthly payments just aren’t feasible (or are doable but will keep you awake nights). Other reasons to walk away include: The home was pricey for the market or a stretch for your budget at its initial asking price; there are multiple bidders; or the house wasn’t your dream home to begin with.

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*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

This article is not intended to be legal advice. Please consult an attorney for advice.

This content is provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice.


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What Is a Money Purchase Pension Plan (MPPP)? How Is It Different From a 401k?

What Is a Money Purchase Pension Plan (MPPP)? How Is It Different From a 401(k)?

A money purchase pension plan or MPPP is an employer-sponsored retirement plan that requires employers to contribute money on behalf of employees each year. The plan itself defines the amount the employer must contribute. Employees may also have the option to make contributions from their pay.

Money purchase pension plans have some similarities to more commonly used retirement plans such as 401(k)s, pension plans, and corporate profit sharing plans. If you have access to a MPPP plan at work, it’s important to understand how it works and where it might fit into your overall retirement strategy.

What Is a Money Purchase Pension Plan?

Money purchase pension plans are a type of defined contribution plan. That means they don’t guarantee a set benefit amount at retirement. Instead, these retirement plans allow employers and/or employees to contribute money up to annual contribution limits.

Like other retirement accounts, participants can make withdrawals when they reach their retirement age. In the meantime, the account value can increase or decrease based on investment gains or losses.

Money purchase pension plans require the employer to make predetermined fixed contributions to the plan on behalf of all eligible employees. The company must make these contributions on an annual basis as long as the plan is maintained.

Contributions to a money purchase plan grow on a tax-deferred basis. Employees do not have to make contributions to the plan, but they may be allowed to do so, depending on the plan. The IRS does allow for loans from money purchase plans but it does not permit in-service withdrawals.

💡 Quick Tip: Before opening an investment account, know your investment objectives, time horizon, and risk tolerance. These fundamentals will help keep your strategy on track and with the aim of meeting your goals.

What Are the Money Purchase Pension Plan Contribution Limits?

Each money purchase plan determines what its own contribution limits are, though the amount can’t exceed maximum limits set by the IRS. For example, an employer’s plan may specify that they must contribute 5% or 10% of each employee’s pay into that employee’s MPPP plan account.

Annual money purchase plan contribution limits are similar to SEP IRA contribution limits. For 2024, the maximum contribution allowed is the lesser of:

•   25% of the employee’s compensation, OR

•   $69,000

For 2025, the maximum contribution amount allowed is the lesser of:

•   25% of the employee’s compensation, OR

•   $70,000

The IRS routinely adjusts the contribution limits for money purchase pension plans and other qualified retirement accounts based on inflation. The amount of money an employee will have in their money purchase plan upon retirement depends on the amount that their employer contributed on their behalf, the amount the employee contributed, and how their investments performed during their working years. Your account balance may be one factor in determining when you can retire.

Rules for money purchase plan distributions are the same as other qualified plans, in that you can begin withdrawing money penalty-free starting at age 59 ½. If you take out money before that, you may owe an early withdrawal penalty.

Like a pension plan, money purchase pension plans must offer the option to receive distributions as a lifetime annuity. Money purchase plans can also offer other distribution options, including a lump sum. Participants do not pay taxes on their accounts until they begin making withdrawals.

The Pros and Cons of Money Purchase Pension Plans

Money purchase pension plans have some benefits, but there are also some drawbacks that participants should keep in mind.

Pros of Money Purchase Plans

Here are some of the advantages for employees and employers who have a money purchase plan.

•   Tax benefits. For employers, contributions made on behalf of their workers are tax deductible. Contributions grow tax-free for employees, allowing them to put off taxes on investment growth until they begin withdrawing the money.

•   Loan access. Employees may be able to take loans against their account balances if the plan permits it.

•   Potential for large balances. Given the relatively high contribution limits, employees may be able to accumulate account balances higher than they would with a 401(k) retirement plan, depending on their pay and the percentage their employer contributes on their behalf.

•   Reliable income in retirement. When employees retire and begin drawing down their account, the regular monthly payments through a lifetime annuity can help with budgeting and planning.

Disadvantages of Money Purchase Pension Plan

Most of the disadvantages associated with money purchase pension plans impact employers rather than employees.

•   Expensive to maintain. The administrative and overhead costs of maintaining a money purchase plan can be higher than those associated with other types of defined contribution plans.

•   Heavy financial burden. Since contributions in a money purchase plan are required (unlike the optional employer contributions to a 401(k)), a company could run into issues in years when cash flow is lower.

•   Employees may not be able to contribute. Depending on the terms of a plan, employees may not be able to make contributions to the plan. However, if the employer offers both a money purchase plan and a 401(k), employees could still defer part of their salary for retirement.

💡 Quick Tip: Want to lower your taxable income? Start saving for retirement with a traditional IRA. The money you save each year is tax deductible (and you don’t owe any taxes until you withdraw the funds, usually in retirement).

Money Purchase Pension Plan vs 401(k)

The main differences between a pension vs 401(k) have to do with their funding and the way the distributions work. In a money purchase plan, the employer provides the funding with optional employee contribution.

With a 401(k), employees fund accounts with elective salary deferrals and option employer contributions. For both types of plans, the employer may implement a vesting schedule that determines when the employee can keep all of the employer’s contributions if they leave the company. Employee contributions always vest immediately.

The total annual contribution limits (including both employer and employee contributions) for these defined contribution plans are the same, at $69,000 for 2024. But 401(k) plans allow for catch-up contributions made by employees aged 50 or older. For 2024, the total employee contribution limit is $23,000, with an extra catch-up contribution of $7,500. In 2025, the total employee contribution limit is $23,500 with an extra catch-up contribution of $7,500, and for those aged 60 to 63, there’s a catch-up contribution of $11,250 (instead of $7,500), thanks to SECURE 2.0.

Both plans may or may not allow for loans, and it’s possible to roll amounts held in a money purchase pension plan or a 401(k) over into a new qualified plan or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) if you change jobs or retire.

Recommended: IRA vs 401(k)–What’s the Difference?

Employees may also be able to take hardship withdrawals from a 401(k) if they meet certain conditions, but the IRS does not allow hardship withdrawals from a money purchase pension plan.

Here’s a side-by-side comparison of a MPPP and a 401(k):


401(k) Plan

Funded by Employer contributions, with employee contributions optional Employee salary deferrals, with employer matching contributions optional
Tax status Contributions are tax-deductible for employers, growth is tax-deferred for employees Contributions are tax-deductible for employers and employees, growth is tax-deferred for employees
Contribution limits (2024 & 2025) For 2024, lesser of 25% of employee’s pay or $69,000

For 2025, lesser of 25% of employee’s pay or $70,000

For 2024, $23,000, with catch-up contribution of $7,500 for employees 50 or older

For 2025, $23,500, with catch-up contribution of $7,500 for employees 50 or older, and $11,250 SECURE 2.0 catch-up for those 60 to 63

Catch-up contributions allowed No Yes, for employers 50 and older
Loans permitted Yes, if the plan allows Yes, if the plan allows
Hardship withdrawals No Yes, if the plan allows
Vesting Determined by the employer Determined by the employer

The Takeaway

Money purchase pension plans are a valuable tool for employees to reach their retirement goals. They’re similar to 401(k)s, but there are some important differences.

Whether you save for retirement in a money purchase pension plan, a 401(k), or another type of account the most important thing is to get started. The sooner you begin saving for retirement, the more time your money will have to grow through the power of compounding returns.

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Here are answers to some additional questions you may have about money pension purchase plans.

What is a pension money purchase scheme?

A money purchase pension plan or money purchase plan is a defined contribution plan that allows employers to save money on behalf of their employees. These plans are similar to profit-sharing plans ,and companies may offer them alongside a 401(k) plan as part of an employee’s retirement benefits package.

Can I cash in my money purchase pension?

You can cash in a money purchase pension at retirement in place of receiving lifetime annuity payments. Otherwise, early withdrawals from a money purchase pension plan are typically not permitted, and if you do take money early, taxes and penalties may apply.

Is final salary pension for life?

A final salary pension is a defined benefit plan. Unlike a defined contribution plan, defined benefit plans pay out a set amount of money at retirement, typically based on your earnings and number of years of service. Final salary pensions can be paid as a lump sum or as a lifetime annuity, meaning you get paid for the remainder of your life.

About the author

Rebecca Lake

Rebecca Lake

Rebecca Lake has been a finance writer for nearly a decade, specializing in personal finance, investing, and small business. She is a contributor at Forbes Advisor, SmartAsset, Investopedia, The Balance, MyBankTracker, MoneyRates and Read full bio.

Photo credit: iStock/ferrantraite

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How Much Should I Contribute to My 401(k)?

Once you set up your retirement plan at work, the next natural question is: How much to contribute to a 401(k)? While there’s no ironclad answer for how much to save in your employer-sponsored plan, there are some important guidelines that can help you set aside the amount that’s right for you, such as the tax implications, your employer match (if there is one), the stage of your career, your own retirement goals, and more.

Here’s what you need to think about when deciding how much to contribute to your 401(k).

Key Points

•   Determining the right 401(k) contribution involves considering tax implications, employer matches, career stage, and personal retirement goals.

•   The contribution limits for a 401(k) are $23,000 in 2024 and $23,500 in 2025 for those under age 50. Those aged 50 and over can make an additional catch-up contribution.

•   Early career contributions might be lower, but capturing any employer match is beneficial.

•   Mid-career individuals should aim to increase their contributions annually, even by small percentages.

•   Approaching retirement, maximizing contributions and utilizing catch-up provisions can significantly impact savings.

401(k) Contribution Limits for 2024 and 2025

Like most tax-advantaged retirement plans, 401(k) plans come with caps on how much you can contribute. The IRS puts restrictions on the amount that you, the employee, can save in your 401(k); plus there is a cap on total employee-plus-employer contributions.

For tax year 2024, the contribution limit is $23,000, with an additional $7,500 catch-up provision for those 50 and older, for a total of $30,500. The combined employer-plus-employee contribution limit for 2024 is $69,000 ($76,500 with the catch-up amount).

The limits go up for tax year 2025. The 401(k) contribution limit in 2025 is $23,500, with an additional $7,500 catch-up provision for those 50 and older, for a total of $31,000. The combined employer-plus-employee contribution limit for 2025 is $70,000 ($77,500 with the catch-up amount).

Also in 2025, there is an extra 401(k) catch-up for those aged 60 to 63. Thanks to SECURE 2.0, these individuals can contribute $11,250 instead of the standard catch-up of $7,500, for a total of $81,250.

401(k) Contribution Limits 2024 vs 2025



Basic contribution $23,000 $23,500
Catch-up contribution $7,500

$7,500 (ages 50-59, 64+)

$11,250 (ages 60-63)

Total + catch-up $30,500 $31,000
Employer + Employee maximum contribution $69,000 $70,000
Employer + employee max + catch-up $76,500

$77,500 (ages 50-59, 64+)

$81,250 (ages 60-63)

💡 Quick Tip: How much does it cost to set up an IRA account? Often there are no fees to open an IRA, but you typically pay investment costs for the securities in your portfolio.

How Much Should You Put Toward a 401(k)?

Next you may be thinking, now I know the retirement contribution limits, but how much should I contribute to my 401(k)? Here are some guidelines to keep in mind as you’re deciding on your contribution amount.

When You’re Starting Out in Your Career

At this stage, you may be starting out with a lower salary and you also likely have commitments to pay for, like rent, food, and maybe student loans. So you may decide to contribute a smaller amount to your 401(k). If you can, however, contribute enough to get the employer match, if your employer offers one.

Here’s how it works: Some employers offer a matching contribution, where they “match” part of the amount you’re saving and add that to your 401(k) account. A common employer match might be 50% up to the first 6% you save.

In that scenario, let’s say your salary is $100,000 and your employer matches 50% of the first 6% you contribute to your 401(k). If you contribute up to the matching amount, you get the full employer contribution. It’s essentially “free” money, as they say.

To give an example, if you contribute 6% of your $100,000 salary to your 401(k), that’s $6,000 per year. Your employer’s match of 50% of that first 6%, or $6,000, comes to $3,000 for a total of $9,000.

As You Move Up in Your Career

At this stage of life you likely have a lot of financial obligations such as a mortgage, car payments, and possibly child care. It may be tough to also save for retirement, but it’s important not to fall behind. Try to contribute a little more to your 401(k) each year if you can — even 1% more annually can make a difference.

That means if you’re contributing 6% this year, next year contribute 7%. And the year after that bump up your contribution to 8%, and so on until you reach the maximum amount you can contribute. Some 401(k) plans have an auto escalation option that will automate the extra savings for you, to make the process even easier and more seamless. Check your plan to see if it has such a feature.

As You Get Closer to Retirement

Once you reach age 50, you’ll likely want to figure out how much you might need for retirement so you have a specific goal to aim for. To help reach your goal, consider maxing out your 401(k) at this time and also make catch-up contributions if necessary.

Maxing out your 401(k) means contributing the full amount allowed. For 2024, that’s $23,000 for those 49 and under, and in 2025, it’s $23,500 for those 49 and under. If, at 50, you haven’t been contributing as much as you wish you had in previous years, you can also contribute the catch-up contribution of $7,500 in 2024 and 2025. So you’d be saving $30,500 for retirement in your 401(k) in 2024, and $31,000 in 2025. And if you are aged 60 to 63, you can contribute an additional catch-up of $11,250 in 2025, instead of $7,500, for a total of $81,250. With the potential of compounding returns, maxing out your 401(k) until you reach full retirement age of 67 could go a long way to helping you achieve financial security in retirement.

The Impact of Contributing More Over Time

The earlier you start saving for retirement, the more time your money will potentially have to grow, thanks to the power of compounding returns, as mentioned above.

In addition, by increasing your 401(k) contributions each year, even by just 1% annually, the savings could really add up. For instance, consider a 35-year-old making $60,000 who contributes 1% more each year until their full retirement age of 67. Assuming a 5.5% annual return and a modest regular increase in salary, they could potentially save more than an additional $85,000 for retirement.

That’s just an example, but you get the idea. Increasing your savings even by a modest amount over the years may be a powerful tool in helping you realize your retirement goals.

💡 Quick Tip: Did you know that opening a brokerage account typically doesn’t come with any setup costs? Often, the only requirement to open a brokerage account — aside from providing personal details — is making an initial deposit.

Factors That May Impact Your Decision

In addition to the general ideas above for the different stages of your life and career, it’s also wise to think about taxes, your employer contribution, your own goals, and more when deciding how much to contribute to your 401(k).

1. The Tax Effect

The key fact to remember about 401(k) plans is that they are tax-deferred accounts, and they are considered qualified retirement plans under ERISA (Employment Retirement Income Security Act) rules.

That means: The money you set aside is typically deducted from your paycheck pre-tax, and it grows in the account tax free — but you pay taxes on any money you withdraw. (In most cases, you’ll withdraw the money for retirement expenses, but there are some cases where you might have to take an early 401(k) withdrawal. In either case, you’ll owe taxes on those distributions.)

The tax implications are important here because the money you contribute effectively reduces your taxable income for that year, and potentially lowers your tax bill.

Let’s imagine that you’re earning $120,000 per year, and you’re able to save the full $23,500 allowed by the IRS for 2025. Your taxable income would be reduced from $120,000 to $96,500, thus putting you in a lower tax bracket.

2. Your Earning Situation

One rule-of-thumb is to save at least 10% of your annual income for retirement. So if you earn $100,000, you’d aim to set aside at least $10,000. But 10% is only a general guideline. In some cases, depending on your income and other factors, 10% may not be enough to get you on track for a secure retirement, and you may want to aim for more than that to make sure your savings will last given the cost of living longer.

For instance, consider the following:

•   Are you the sole or primary household earner?

•   Are you saving for your retirement alone, or for your spouse’s/partner’s retirement as well?

•   When do you and your spouse/partner want to retire?

If you are the primary earner, and the amount you’re saving is meant to cover retirement for two, that’s a different equation than if you were covering just your own retirement. In this case, you might want to save more than 10%.

However, if you’re not the primary earner and/or your spouse also has a retirement account, setting aside 10% might be adequate. For example, if the two of you are each saving 10%, for a combined 20% of your gross income, that may be sufficient for your retirement needs.

All of this should be considered in light of when you hope to retire, as that deadline would also impact how much you might save as well as how much you might need to spend.

3. Your Retirement Goals

What sort of retirement do you envision for yourself? Even if you’re years away from retirement, it’s a good idea to sit down and imagine what your later years might look like. These retirement dreams and goals can inform the amount you want to save.

Goals may include thoughts of travel, moving to another country, starting your own small business, offering financial help to your family, leaving a legacy, and more.

You may also want to consider health factors, as health costs and the need for long-term care can be a big expense as you age.

4. Do You Have Debt?

It can be hard to prioritize saving if you have debt. You may want to pay off your debt as quickly as possible, then turn your attention toward saving for the future.

The reality is, though, that debt and savings are both priorities and need to be balanced. It’s not ideal to put one above the other, but rather to find ways to keep saving even small amounts as you work to get out of debt.

Then, as you pay down the money you owe — whether from credit cards or student loans or another source — you can take the cash that frees up and add that to your savings.

The Takeaway

Many people wonder how much to contribute to a 401(k). There are a number of factors that will influence your decision. First, there are the contribution limits imposed by the IRS. In 2024, the maximum contribution you can make to your 401(k) is $23,000, plus an additional $7,500 catch-up contribution if you’re 50 and up. In 2025, you can contribute a maximum of $23,500, plus an additional $7,500 catch-up contribution if you’re 50 or older. And if you are aged 60 to 63, in 2025, you can contribute $11,250 instead of $7,500, thanks to SECURE 2.0

While few people can start their 401(k) journey by saving quite that much, it’s wise, if possible, to contribute enough to get your employer’s match early in your career, then bump up your contribution amounts at the midpoint of your career, and max out your contributions as you draw closer to retirement, if you can.

Another option is follow a common guideline and save 10% of your income beginning as soon as you can swing it. From there, you can work up to saving the max. And remember, you don’t have to limit your savings to your 401(k). You may also be able to save in other retirement vehicles, like a traditional IRA or Roth IRA.

Of course, a main determination of the amount you need to save is what your goals are for the future. By contemplating what you want and need to spend money on now, and the quality of life you’d like when you’re older, you can make the decisions that are best for you.

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How much should I contribute to my 401(k) per paycheck?

If you can, try to contribute at least enough of each paycheck to get your employer’s matching funds, if they offer a match. So if your employer matches 6% of your contributions, aim to contribute at least 6% of each paycheck.

What percent should I put in my 401(k)?

A common rule of thumb is to contribute at least 10% of your income to your 401(k) to help reach your retirement goals. Just keep in mind the annual 401(k) contribution limits so you don’t exceed them. For 2025, those limits are $23,500, plus an additional $7,500 for those 50 and up. In 2025, those aged 60 to 63 may contribute an additional $11,250 (instead of $7,500).

Is 10% too much to contribute to 401(k)? What about 20%?

Contributing at least 10% to your 401(k) is a common rule of thumb to help save for retirement. If you are able to contribute 20%, it can make sense to do so. Just be sure not to exceed the annual 401(k) contribution limits. The contribution limits may change each year, so be sure to check annually.

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
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What Is a Non-Deductible IRA?

What Is a Non-Deductible IRA?

A non-deductible IRA is an IRA, or IRA contributions, that cannot be deducted from your income. While contributions to a traditional IRA are tax-deductible, non-deductible IRA contributions offer no immediate tax break.

In both cases, though, contributions grow tax free over time — and in the case of a non-deductible IRA, you wouldn’t owe taxes on the withdrawals in retirement.

Why would you open a non-deductible IRA? If you meet certain criteria, such as your income is too high to allow you to contribute to a traditional IRA or Roth IRA, a non-deductible IRA might help you increase your retirement savings.

It helps to understand how non-deductible contributions work, what the rules and restrictions are, as well as the potential advantages and drawbacks.

Who Is Eligible for a Non-Deductible IRA?

Several factors determine whether an individual is ineligible for a traditional IRA, and therefore if their contributions could fund a non-deductible IRA. These include an individual’s income level, tax-filing status, and access to employer-sponsored retirement plans (even if the individual or their spouse don’t participate in such a plan).

If you and your spouse do not have an employer plan like a 401(k) at work, there are no restrictions on fully funding a regular, aka deductible, IRA. You can contribute up to $7,000 in 2024; $8,000 if you’re 50 and older. In 2025, you can contribute up to $7,000; $8,000 if you’re 50 or older.

However, if you’re eligible to participate in an employer-sponsored plan, or if your spouse is, then the amount you can contribute to a deductible IRA phases out — in other words, the amount you can deduct gets smaller — based on your income:

•   For single filers/head of household: the 2024 contribution amount is reduced if you earn more than $77,000 and less than $87,000. If you earn $87,000 and above, you can only contribute to a non-deductible IRA. For 2025, the phaseout begins when you earn more than $79,000 and less than $89,000. If you earn $89,000 or more, you can’t contribute to a traditional IRA.)

•   For married, filing jointly:

◦   If you have access to a workplace plan, the phaseout for 2024 is when you earn more than $123,00 and less than $143,000. For 2025, the phaseout is when you earn more than $126,000, but less than $146,000.

◦   If your spouse has access to a workplace plan, the 2024 phaseout is when you earn more than $230,000 and less than $240,000. For 2025, the phaseout is when you earn more than $236,000 but less than $246,000.

💡 Quick Tip: Before opening any investment account, consider what level of risk you are comfortable with. If you’re not sure, start with more conservative investments, and then adjust your portfolio as you learn more.

Get a 1% IRA match on rollovers and contributions.

Double down on your retirement goals with a 1% match on every dollar you roll over and contribute to a SoFi IRA.1

1Terms and conditions apply. Roll over a minimum of $20K to receive the 1% match offer. Matches on contributions are made up to the annual limits.

Non-Deductible IRA Withdrawal Rules

The other big difference between an ordinary, deductible IRA and a non-deductible IRA is how withdrawals are taxed after age 59 ½. (IRA withdrawals prior to that may be subject to an early withdrawal penalty.)

•   Regular (deductible) IRA: Contributions are made pre-tax. Withdrawals after 59 ½ are taxed at the individual’s ordinary income rate.

•   Non-deductible IRA: Contributions are after tax (meaning you’ve already paid tax on the money). Withdrawals are therefore not taxed, because the IRS can’t tax you twice.

To make sure of this, you must report non-deductible IRA contributions on your tax return, and you use Form 8606 to do so. Form 8606 officially documents that some or all of the money in your IRA has already been taxed and is therefore non-deductible. Later on, when you take distributions, a portion of those withdrawals will not be subject to income tax.

If you have one single non-deductible IRA, then the process is similar to a Roth IRA. You deposit money you’ve paid taxes on, and your withdrawals are tax free.

It gets more complicated when you mix both types of contributions — deductible and non-deductible — in a single IRA account.

Here’s an example of different IRA withdrawal rules:

Let’s say you qualified to make deductible IRA contributions for 10 years, and now you have $50,000 in a regular IRA account. Then, your situation changed — perhaps your income increased — and now only 50% of the money you deposit is deductible; the other half is non-deductible.

You contribute another $50,000 in the next 10 years, but only $25,000 is deductible; $25,000 is non-deductible. You diligently record the different types of contributions using Form 8606, so the IRS knows what’s what.

When you’re ready to retire, the total balance in the IRA is $100,000, but only $25,000 of that was non-deductible (meaning, you already paid tax on it). So when you withdraw money in retirement, you’ll owe taxes on three-quarters of that money, but you won’t owe taxes on one quarter.

Contribution Limits and RMDs

There are limits on the amount that you can contribute to an IRA each year, and deductible and non-deductible IRA account contributions have the same contribution caps. People under 50 years old can contribute up to $7,000 for 2024, and those over 50 can contribute $8,000 per year. People under 50 years old can contribute up to $7,000 for 2023, and those over 50 can contribute $8,000 per year.

IRA account owners are required to start taking required minimum distributions (RMDs), similar to a 401(k), from their account once they turn 73 years old. Prior to that, account holders can take money out of their account between ages 59 ½ and 73 without any early withdrawal penalty.

Individuals can continue to contribute to their IRA at any age as long as they still meet the requirements.

Benefits and Risks of Non-Deductible IRA

While there are benefits to putting money into a non-deductible IRA, there are some risks that individuals should be aware of as well.


There are several reasons you might choose to open a non-deductible IRA. In some cases, you can’t make tax-deductible contributions to a traditional IRA, so you need another retirement savings account option. Though your contributions aren’t deductible in the tax year you make them, funds in the IRA that earn dividends or capital gains are not taxed, because the government doesn’t tax retirement savings twice.

Another reason people use non-deductible IRAs is as a stepping stone to a Roth IRA. Roth IRAs also have income limits, but they come with additional choices. High income earners can start by contributing funds to a non-deductible IRA, then convert that IRA into a Roth IRA. This is called a backdoor Roth IRA.

One thing to keep in mind with a backdoor Roth is that the conversion may not be entirely tax free. If an IRA account is made up of a combination of deductible and non-deductible contributions, when it gets converted into a Roth account some of those funds would be taxable.


The primary benefits of non-deductible IRAs come when used to later convert into a Roth IRA. It can be risky to keep a non-deductible IRA ongoing, especially if it’s made up of both deductible and non-deductible contributions, which can be tricky to keep track of for tax purposes. You can keep a blended IRA, it just takes more work to keep track of the amounts that are taxable.

As noted above, it requires dividing non-deductible contributions by the total contributions made to all IRAs one has in order to figure out the amount of after-tax contributions that have been made.

Non-Deductible IRA vs Roth IRA

With a non-deductible IRA, you contribute funds after you’ve paid taxes on that money, and therefore you’re not able to deduct the contributions from your income tax. The contributions that you make to the non-deductible IRA earn non-taxable interest while they are in the account. The money isn’t taxed when it is withdrawn later.

Roth IRA contributions are similarly made with after-tax money and one can’t get a tax deduction on them. Also, a Roth IRA allows an individual to take out tax-free distributions during retirement.

Unlike other types of retirement accounts, a Roth IRA doesn’t require the account holder to take out a minimum distribution amount.

There are income limits on Roth IRAs, so some high-income earners may not be able to open this type of account. The non-deductible IRA is one way to get around this rule, because an individual can start out with a non-deductible IRA and convert it into a Roth IRA.

How Can I Tell If a Non-Deductible IRA Is the Right Choice?

Non-deductible IRAs can be a way for high-income savers to make their way into a backdoor Roth account. This strategy can help them reduce the amount of taxes they owe on their savings. However, they may not be the best type of account for long-term savings or lower-income savers.

The Takeaway

For many people, contributing to an ordinary IRA is a clearcut proposition: You deposit pre-tax money, and the amount can be deducted from your income for that year. Things get more complicated, however, for higher earners who also have access (or their spouse has access) to an employer-sponsored plan like a 401(k) or 403(b). In that case, you may no longer qualify to deduct all your IRA contributions; some or all of that money may become non-deductible. That means you deposit funds post tax and you can’t deduct it from your income tax that year.

In either case, though, all the money in the IRA would grow tax free. And the upside, of course, is that with a non-deductible IRA the withdrawals are also tax free. With a regular IRA, because you haven’t paid taxes on your contributions, you owe tax when you withdraw money in retirement.

Ready to invest for your retirement? It’s easy to get started when you open a traditional or Roth IRA with SoFi. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

Help grow your nest egg with a SoFi IRA.

Photo credit: iStock/Drazen Zigic

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
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Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.


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SIMPLE IRA Contribution Limits for Employers & Employees

SIMPLE IRA Contribution Limits for Employers & Employees

A SIMPLE IRA, or Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees, is a way for self-employed individuals and small business employers to set up a retirement plan.

It’s one of a number of tax-advantaged retirement plans that may be available to those who are self-employed, along with solo 401(k)s, and traditional IRAs. These plans share a number of similarities. Like 401(k)s, SIMPLE IRAs are employer-sponsored (if you’re self-employed, you would be the employer in this case), and like other IRAs they give employees some flexibility in choosing their investments.

SIMPLE IRA contribution limits are one of the main differences between accounts: meaning, how much individuals can contribute themselves, and whether there’s an employer contribution component as well.

Here’s a look at the rules for SIMPLE IRAs.


SIMPLE IRAs are a type of employer-sponsored retirement account. Employers who want to offer one cannot have another retirement plan in place already, and they must typically have 100 employees or less.

Employers are required to contribute to SIMPLE IRA plans, while employees can elect to do so, as a way to save for retirement.

Employees can usually participate in a SIMPLE IRA if they have made $5,000 in any two calendar years before the current year, or if they expect to receive $5,000 in compensation in the current year.

An employee’s income doesn’t affect SIMPLE IRA contribution limits.

💡 Quick Tip: Investment fees are assessed in different ways, including trading costs, account management fees, and possibly broker commissions. When you set up an investment account, be sure to get the exact breakdown of your “all-in costs” so you know what you’re paying.

SIMPLE IRA Contribution Limits, 2024 and 2025

Employee contributions to SIMPLE IRAs are made with pre-tax dollars. They are typically taken directly from an employee’s paycheck, and they can reduce taxable income in the year the contributions are made, often reducing the amount of taxes owed.

Once deposited in the SIMPLE IRA account, contributions can be invested, and those investments can grow tax deferred until it comes time to make withdrawals in retirement. Individuals can start making withdrawals penalty free at age 59 ½. But withdrawals made before then may be subject to a 10% or 25% early withdrawal penalty.

Employee contributions are capped. For 2024, contributions cannot exceed $16,000 for most people. For 2025, it’s $16,500. Employees who are aged 50 and over can make additional catch-up contributions of $3,500 for 2024 and 2025, bringing their total contribution limit to $19,500 in 2024 and $20,000 in 2025. Beginning in 2025, those aged 60 to 63 can make a catch-up contribution of up to $5,250, instead of $3,500, for a total of $21,750 in 2025.

See the chart below for SIMPLE IRA contribution limits for 2024 and 2025.



Annual contribution limit $16,000 $16,500
Catch-up contribution for age 50 and older $3,500

$3,500 (ages 50-59, 64+)

$5,250 (ages 60-63)

Get a 1% IRA match on rollovers and contributions.

Double down on your retirement goals with a 1% match on every dollar you roll over and contribute to a SoFi IRA.1

1Terms and conditions apply. Roll over a minimum of $20K to receive the 1% match offer. Matches on contributions are made up to the annual limits.

Employer vs Employee Contribution Limits

Employers are required to contribute to each one of their employees’ SIMPLE plans each year, and each plan must be treated the same, including an employer’s own.

There are two options available for contributions: Employers may either make matching contributions of up to 3% of employee compensation — or they may make a 2% nonelective contribution for each eligible employee.

If an employer chooses the first option, call it option A, they have to make a dollar-for-dollar match of each employee’s contribution, up to 3% of employee compensation. (If the employer chooses option B, the nonelective contribution, this requirement doesn’t apply.) An employer can offer smaller matches, but they must match at least 1% for no more than two out of every five years.

In option A, if an employee doesn’t make a contribution to their SIMPLE account, the employer does not have to contribute either.

In the second option, option B: Employers can choose to make nonelective contributions of 2% of each individual employee’s compensation. If an employer chooses this option, they must make a contribution whether or not an employee makes one as well.

Contributions are limited. Employers may make a 2% contribution up to $345,000 in employee compensation for 2024, and up to $350,000 in employee compensation for 2025.

(The 3% matching contribution rule for option A is not subject to this same annual compensation limit.)

Whatever contributions employers make to their employees’ plans are tax deductible. And if you’re a sole proprietor you can deduct the employer contributions you make for yourself.

See the chart below for employer contribution limits for 2024 and 2025.



Matching contribution Up to 3% of employee contribution Up to 3% of employee contribution
Nonelective contribution 2% of employee compensation up to $345,000 2% of employee compensation up to $350,000

SIMPLE IRA vs 401(k) Contribution Limits

There are other options for employer-sponsored retirement plans, including the 401(k), which differs from an IRA in some significant ways.

Like SIMPLE IRAs, 401(k) contributions are made with pre-tax dollars, and money in the account grows tax deferred. Withdrawals are taxed at ordinary income tax rates, and individuals can begin making them penalty-free at age 59 ½.

For employees, contribution limits for 401(k)s are higher than those for SIMPLE IRAs. In 2024, individuals could contribute up to $23,000 to their 401(k) plans. Plan participants age 50 and older could make $7,500 in catch-up contributions for a total of $30,500 per year. In 2025, individuals can contribute $23,500 to their 401(k), and those 50 and older can make $7,500 in catch-up contributions for a total of $31,000. In addition, for 2025, those aged 60 to 63 may contribute an additional $11,250 instead of $7,500, thanks to SECURE 2.0, for a total of $34,750.

Employers may also choose to contribute to their employees’ 401(k) plans through matching contributions or non-elective contributions. Employees often use matching contributions to incentivize their employees to save, and individuals should try to save enough each year to meet their employer’s matching requirements.

Employers may also make nonelective contributions regardless of whether an employee has made contributions of their own. Total employee and employer contributions to a 401(k) could equal up to $69,000 in 2024, or 100% of an employee’s compensation, whichever is less. For those aged 50 and older, that figure jumps to $76,500. In 2025, total employee and employer contributions are $70,000, or $77,500 for those 50 and up, or $81,250 for those aged 60 to 63.

As a result of these higher contribution limits, 401(k)s can help individuals save quite a bit more than they could with a SIMPLE IRA. See chart below for a side-by-side comparison of 401(k) and SIMPLE IRA contribution limits.



401(k) 2024

401(k) 2025

Annual contribution limit $16,000 $16,500 $23,000


Catch-up contribution $3,500

$3,500 (ages 50-59, 64+)

$5,250 (ages 60-63)


$7,500 (ages 50-59, 64+)

$11,250 (ages 60-63)

Employer Contribution Up to 3% of employee contribution, or 2% of employee compensation up to $345,000 Up to 3% of employee contribution, or 2% of employee compensation up to $350,000 Matching and nonelective contributions up to $69,000

Matching and nonelective contributions up to $70,000.

💡 Quick Tip: The advantage of opening a Roth IRA and a tax-deferred account like a 401(k) or traditional IRA is that by the time you retire, you’ll have tax-free income from your Roth, and taxable income from the tax-deferred account. This can help with tax planning.

SIMPLE IRA vs Traditional IRA Contribution Limits

Individuals who want to save more in tax-deferred retirement accounts than they’re able to in a SIMPLE IRA alone can consider opening an IRA account. Regular IRAs come in two flavors: traditional and Roth IRA.

Traditional IRAs

When considering SIMPLE vs. traditional IRAs, the two actually work similarly. However, contribution limits for traditional accounts are quite a bit lower. For 2024, individuals could contribute $7,000, or $8,000 for those 50 and older. In 2025, as well, individuals can contribute $7,000, or $8,000 for those 50 and older.

That said, when paired with a SIMPLE IRA, individuals under 50 could make $23,000 in total contributions in 2024, which is the same as a 401(K) for that year. In 2025, they could make $23,500 in total contributions, which is the same as a 401(k) for that year, as well.

Roth IRAs

Roth IRAs work a little bit differently.

Contributions to Roths are made with after-tax dollars. Money inside the account grows-tax free and individuals pay no income tax when they make withdrawals after age 59 ½. Early withdrawals may be subject to penalty. Because individuals pay no income tax on withdrawals in retirement, Roth IRAs may be a consideration for those who anticipate being in a higher tax bracket when they retire.

Roth contributions limits are the same as traditional IRAs. Individuals are allowed to have both Roth and traditional accounts at the same time. However, total contributions are cumulative across accounts.

See the chart for a look at SIMPLE IRA vs. traditional and Roth IRA contribution limits.

SIMPLE IRA 2024 SIMPLE IRA 2025 Traditional and Roth IRA 2024 Traditional and Roth IRA 2025
Annual contribution limit $16,000 $16,500 $7,000 $7,000
Catch-up contribution $3,500

$3,500 (ages 50-59, 64+)

$5,250 (ages 60-63)

$1,000 $1,000
Employer Contribution Up to 3% of employee contribution, or 2% of employee compensation up to $345,000 Up to 3% of employee contribution, or 2% of employee compensation up to $350,000 None None

The Takeaway

SIMPLE IRAs are an easy way for employers and employees to save for retirement — especially those who are self-employed (or for companies with under 100 employees). In fact, a SIMPLE IRA gives employers two ways to help employees save for retirement — by a direct matching contribution of up to 3% (assuming the employee is also contributing to their SIMPLE IRA account), or by providing a basic 2% contribution for all employees, regardless of whether the employees themselves are contributing.

While SIMPLE IRAs don’t offer the same high contribution limits that 401(k)s do, individuals who want to save more can compensate by opening a traditional or Roth IRA on their own.

Ready to invest for your retirement? It’s easy to get started when you open a traditional or Roth IRA with SoFi. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

Help grow your nest egg with a SoFi IRA.

Photo credit: iStock/FatCamera

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
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Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.


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