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How to Achieve Financial Freedom

Ever dream of leaving your job to pursue a project you’ve always been passionate about, like starting your own business? Or going back to school without taking out student loans? What about the option to retire at age 50 instead of 65 without having to worry about money?

Any of these opportunities could happen if you’re able to achieve financial freedom — having the money and resources to afford the lifestyle you want.

Intrigued by the idea of being financially free? Read on to find out what financial freedom means and how it works, plus 12 ways to help make it a reality.

Key Points

•   Financial freedom means having enough income, savings, or investments to afford the lifestyle you want without financial stress.

•   Strategies to achieve financial freedom include budgeting, reducing debt, setting up an emergency fund, seeking higher wages, and exploring new income streams.

•   Opening a high-yield savings account, contributing to a 401(k), and considering other investments are important steps towards financial freedom.

•   Staying informed about financial issues, reducing expenses, and living within your means are key to achieving and maintaining financial freedom.

•   Avoiding lifestyle creep and making smart financial decisions can help you reach your financial goals and live the life you desire.

What Is Financial Freedom?

Financial freedom is being in a financial position that allows you to afford the lifestyle you want. It’s typically achieved by having enough income, savings, or investments so you can live comfortably without the constant stress of having to earn a certain amount of money.

For instance, you might attain financial freedom by saving and investing in such a way that allows you to build wealth, or by growing your income so you’re able to save more for the future. Eventually, you may become financially independent and live off your savings and investments.

There are a number of different ways to work toward financial freedom so that you can stop living paycheck-to-paycheck, get out of debt, save and invest, and prepare for retirement.

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12 Ways to Help You Reach Financial Freedom

The following strategies can help start you on the path to financial freedom.

1. Determine Your Needs

A good first step toward financial freedom is figuring out what kind of lifestyle you want to have once you reach financial independence, and how much it will cost you to sustain it. Think about what will make you happy in your post-work life and then create a budget to help you get there.

As a bonus, living on — and sticking to — a budget now will allow you to meet your current expenses, pay your bills, and save for the future.

2. Reduce Debt

Debt can make it very hard, if not impossible, to become financially free. Debt not only reduces your overall net worth by the amount you’ve got in loans or lines of outstanding credit, but it increases your monthly expenses.

To pay off debt, you may want to focus on the avalanche method, which prioritizes the payment of high-interest debt like credit cards.

You might also try to see if you can get a lower interest rate on some of your debts. For instance, with credit card debt, it may be possible to lower your interest rate by calling your credit card company and negotiating better terms.

And be sure to pay all your other bills on time, including loan payments, to avoid going into even more debt.

3. Set Up an Emergency Fund

Having an emergency fund in place to cover at least three to six months’ worth of expenses when something unexpected happens can help prevent you from taking on more debt.

With an emergency fund, if you lose your job, or your car breaks down and needs expensive repairs, you’ll have the funds on hand to cover it, rather than having to put it on your credit card. That emergency cushion is a type of financial freedom in itself.

4. Seek Higher Wages

If you’re not earning enough to cover your bills, you aren’t going to be able to save enough to retire early and pursue your passions. For many people, figuring out how to make more money in order to increase savings is another crucial step in the journey toward financial freedom.

There are different ways to increase your income. First, think about ways to get paid more for the job that you’re already doing.

For instance, ask for a raise at work, or have a conversation with your manager about establishing a path toward a higher salary. Earning more now can help you save more for your future needs.

5. Consider a Side Gig

Another way to increase your earnings is to take on a side hustle outside of your full-time job. For instance, you could do pet-sitting or tutoring on evenings and weekends to generate supplemental income. You could then save or invest the extra money.

6. Explore New Income Streams

You can get creative and brainstorm opportunities to create new sources of income. One idea: Any property you own, including real estate, cars, and tools, might potentially serve as money-making assets. You may sell these items, or explore opportunities to rent them out.

7. Open a High-Yield Savings Account

A savings account gives you a designated place to put your money so that it can grow as you keep adding to it. And a high-yield savings account typically allows you to earn a lot more in interest than a traditional savings account. As of February 2024, some high-yield savings accounts offered annual percentage yields (APYs) of 4.5% compared to the 0.46% APY of traditional savings accounts.

You can even automate your savings by having your paychecks directly deposited into your account. That makes it even easier to save.

8. Make Contributions to Your 401(k)

At work, contribute to your 401(k) if such a plan is offered. Contribute the maximum amount to this tax-deferred retirement account if you can — in 2024, that’s $23,000, or $30,500 if you’re age 50 or older — to help build a nest egg.

If you can’t max out your 401(k), contribute at least enough to get matching funds (if applicable) from your employer. This is essentially “free” or extra money that will go toward your retirement.

9. Consider Other Investments

After contributing to your workplace retirement plan, you may want to consider opening another investment retirement account, such as an IRA, or an investment account like a brokerage account. You might choose to explore different investment asset classes, such as mutual funds, stocks, bonds, or rate of return, stocks are notoriously volatile. If you’re thinking about investing, be sure to learn about the stock market first, and do research to find what kind of investments might work best for you.

It’s also extremely important to determine your risk tolerance to help settle on an investment strategy and asset type you’re comfortable with. For instance, you may be more comfortable investing in mutual funds rather than individual stocks.

10. Stay Up to Date on Financial Issues

Practicing “financial literacy,” which means being knowledgeable about financial topics, can help you manage your money. Keep tabs on financial news and changes in the tax laws or requirements that might pertain to you. Reassess your investment portfolio at regular intervals to make sure it continues to be in line with your goals and priorities. And go over your budget and expenses frequently to check that they accurately reflect your current situation.

11. Reduce Your Expenses

Maximize your savings by minimizing your costs. Analyze what you spend monthly and look for things to trim or cut. Bring lunch from home instead of buying it out during the work week. Cancel the gym membership you’re not using. Eat out less frequently. These things won’t impact your quality of life, and they will help you save more.

12. Live Within Your Means

And finally, avoid lifestyle creep: Don’t buy expensive things you don’t need. A luxury car or fancy vacation may sound appealing, but these “wants” can set back your savings goals and lead to new debt if you have to finance them. Borrowing money makes sense when it advances your goals, but if it doesn’t, skip it and save your money instead.

The Takeaway

Financial freedom can allow you to live the kind of life you’ve always wanted without the stress of having to earn a certain amount of money. To help achieve financial freedom, follow strategies like making a budget, paying your bills on time, paying down debt, living within your means, and contributing to your 401(k).

Saving and investing your money are other ways to potentially help build wealth over time. Do your research to find the best types of accounts and investments for your current situation and future aspirations.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

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How can I get financial freedom before 30?

Achieving financial freedom before age 30 is an ambitious goal that will require discipline and careful planning. To pursue it, you may want to follow strategies of the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement. This approach entails setting a budget, living below your means in order to save a significant portion of your money, and establishing multiple streams of income, such as having a second job in addition to your primary job.

What is the most important first step towards achieving financial freedom?

The most important first step to achieving financial freedom is to figure out what kind of lifestyle you want to have and how much money you will need to sustain it. Once you know what your goals are, you can create a budget to help reach them.

What’s the difference between financial freedom and financial independence?

Financial freedom is being able to live the kind of lifestyle you want without financial strain or stress. Financial independence is having enough income, savings, or investments, to cover your needs without having to rely on a job or paycheck.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

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Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): Investors should carefully consider the information contained in the prospectus, which contains the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other relevant information. You may obtain a prospectus from the Fund company’s website or by email customer service at [email protected]. Please read the prospectus carefully prior to investing.
Shares of ETFs must be bought and sold at market price, which can vary significantly from the Fund’s net asset value (NAV). Investment returns are subject to market volatility and shares may be worth more or less their original value when redeemed. The diversification of an ETF will not protect against loss. An ETF may not achieve its stated investment objective. Rebalancing and other activities within the fund may be subject to tax consequences.

Investment Risk: Diversification can help reduce some investment risk. It cannot guarantee profit, or fully protect in a down market.


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Guide to Maxing Out Your 401(k)

Maxing out your 401(k) involves contributing the maximum allowable to your workplace retirement account to increase the benefit of compounding and appreciating assets over time.

All retirement plans come with contribution caps, and when you hit that limit it means you’ve maxed out that particular account.

There are a lot of things to consider when figuring out how to max out your 401(k) account. And if you’re a step ahead, you may also wonder what to do after you max out your 401(k).

Key Points

•   Maxing out your 401(k) contributions can help you save more for retirement and take advantage of tax benefits.

•   Strategies to maximize your 401(k) include contributing enough to get the full employer match, increasing contributions over time, and utilizing catch-up contributions if eligible.

•   Automating contributions and adjusting your budget can help you free up funds to maximize your 401(k) contributions.

•   Diversifying your investments within your 401(k) and regularly reviewing and rebalancing your portfolio can optimize your returns.

•   Seeking professional advice and staying informed about changes in contribution limits and regulations can help you make the most of your 401(k).

What Does It Mean to Max Out Your 401(k)?

Maxing out your 401(k) means that you contribute the maximum amount allowed by law in a given year, as specified by the established 401(k) contribution limits. But it can also mean that you’re maxing out your contributions up to an employer’s percentage match, too.

If you want to max out your 401(k) in 2024, you’ll need to contribute $23,000 annually. If you’re 50 or older, you can contribute an additional $7,500, for an annual total of $30,500. If you want to max out your 401(k) in 2023, you’ll need to contribute $22,500 annually. If you’re 50 or older, you can contribute an additional $7,500, for an annual total of $30,000.

For some quick background, 401(k) plans are one of the most common types of retirement plans in the U.S. They are employer-sponsored accounts that allow both you and your employer to make contributions.

When you set up a 401(k), you can opt to have a certain amount or percentage of your paycheck go directly to your 401(k), and sometimes an employer will match your own contributions up to a certain percentage or dollar amount. For example, you might contribute 3%, and your employer might match your 3% dollar for dollar, for a total of 6%. If your employer’s maximum match is 3%, and you contribute up to that matching amount, then in this case, you’re “maxing out” your 401(k).

If you were contributing less than 3%, you might want to make changes to your 401(k) contributions to “max” it out.

But on a broader scale, and what we’ll stick with for the purposes of this piece, maxing out a 401(k) primarily refers to contributing as much as legally possible during a given year.

So, to max out a 401(k) for tax year 2023, an employee would need to contribute $22,500 in salary deferrals — or $30,000 if they’re over age 50. Some investors might think about maxing out their 401(k) as a way of getting the most out of their retirement savings strategy.

Is It Good to Max Out Your 401(k)?

4 Goals to Meet Before Maxing Out Your 401(k)

Generally speaking, yes, it’s a good thing to max out your 401(k) so long as you’re not sacrificing your overall financial stability to do it. Saving for retirement is important, which is why many financial experts would likely suggest maxing out any employer match contributions first.

But while you may want to take full advantage of any tax and employer benefits that come with your 401(k), you also want to consider any other financial goals and obligations you have before maxing out your 401(k).

That doesn’t mean you should put other goals first, and not contribute to your retirement plan at all. That’s not wise. Maintaining a baseline contribution rate for your future is crucial, even as you continue to save for shorter-term aims or put money toward debt repayment.

Other goals could include:

•   Is all high-interest debt paid off? High-interest debt like credit card debt should be paid off first, so it doesn’t accrue additional interest and fees.

•   Do you have an emergency fund? Life can throw curveballs—it’s smart to be prepared for job loss or other emergency expenses.

•   Is there enough money in your budget for other expenses? You should have plenty of funds to ensure you can pay for additional bills, like student loans, health insurance, and rent.

•   Are there other big-ticket expenses to save for? If you’re saving for a large purchase, such as a home or going back to school, you may want to put extra money toward this saving goal rather than completely maxing out your 401(k), at least for the time being.

Once you can comfortably say that you’re meeting your spending and savings goals, it might be time to explore maxing out your 401(k). There are many reasons to do so — it’s a way to take advantage of tax-deferred savings, employer matching (often referred to as “free money”), and it’s a relatively easy and automatic way to invest and save, since the money gets deducted from your paycheck once you’ve set up your contribution amount.

Brian Walsh, CFP® at SoFi, says not to overthink it. “Generally speaking, you should invest money when you have it … When you have money to save, you save it.”

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6 Steps to Maxing Out Your 401(k)

For 2023, the IRS has set the 401(k) contribution limit as $22,500 in salary deferrals. Individuals over the age of 50 can contribute an additional $7,500 in catch-up contributions. Only a relatively small percentage of people actually do max out their 401(k)s, however. Here are some strategies for how to max out your 401(k).

1. Max Out 401(k) Employer Contributions

Your employer may offer matching contributions, and if so, there are typically rules you will need to follow to take advantage of their match.

An employer may require a minimum contribution from you before they’ll match it, or they might match only up to a certain amount. They might even stipulate a combination of those two requirements. Each company will have its own rules for matching contributions, so review your company’s policy for specifics.

For example, suppose your employer will match your contribution up to 3%. So, if you contribute 3% to your 401(k), your employer will contribute 3% as well. Therefore, instead of only saving 3% of your salary, you’re now saving 6%. With the employer match, your contribution just doubled. Note that employer contributions can range from nothing at all to upwards of 15%. It depends.

Since saving for retirement is one of the best investments you can make, it’s wise to take advantage of your employer’s match. Every penny helps when saving for retirement, and you don’t want to miss out on this “free money” from your employer.

If you’re not already maxing out the matching contribution and wish to, you can speak with your employer (or HR department, or plan administrator) to increase your contribution amount, you may be able to do it yourself online.

2. Max Out Salary-Deferred Contributions

While it’s smart to make sure you’re not leaving free money on the table, maxing out your employer match on a 401(k) is only part of the equation.

In order to make sure you’re setting aside an adequate amount for retirement, consider contributing as much as your budget will allow. Again, individuals younger than age 50 can contribute up to $22,500 in salary deferrals per year — and if you’re over age 50, you can max out at $30,000 in 2023.

It’s called a “salary deferral” because you aren’t losing any of the money you earn; you’re putting it in the 401(k) account and deferring it until later in life.

Those contributions aren’t just an investment in your future lifestyle in retirement. Because they are made with pre-tax dollars, they lower your taxable income for the year in which you contribute. For some, the immediate tax benefit is as appealing as the future savings benefit.

3. Take Advantage of Catch-Up Contributions

As mentioned, 401(k) catch-up contributions allow investors over age 50 to increase their retirement savings — which is especially helpful if they’re behind in reaching their retirement goals. Individuals over age 50 can contribute an additional $7,500 for a total of $30,000 for the year. Putting all of that money toward retirement savings can help you truly max out your 401(k).

As you draw closer to retirement, catch-up contributions can make a difference, especially as you start to calculate when you can retire. Whether you have been saving your entire career or just started, this benefit is available to everyone who qualifies.

And of course, this extra contribution will lower taxable income even more than regular contributions. Although using catch-up contributions may not push everyone to a lower tax bracket, it will certainly minimize the tax burden during the next filing season.

4. Reset Your Automatic 401(k) Contributions

When was the last time you reviewed your 401(k)? It may be time to check in and make sure your retirement savings goals are still on track. Is the amount you originally set to contribute each paycheck still the correct amount to help you reach those goals?

With the increase in contribution limits most years, it may be worth reviewing your budget to see if you can up your contribution amount to max out your 401(k). If you don’t have automatic payroll contributions set up, you could set them up.

It’s generally easier to save money when it’s automatically deducted; a person is less likely to spend the cash (or miss it) when it never hits their checking account in the first place.

If you’re able to max out the full 401(k) limit, but fear the sting of a large decrease in take-home pay, consider a gradual, annual increase such as 1% — how often you increase it will depend on your plan rules as well as your budget.

5. Put Bonus Money Toward Retirement

Unless your employer allows you to make a change, your 401(k) contribution will likely be deducted from any bonus you might receive at work. Many employers allow you to determine a certain percentage of your bonus check to contribute to your 401(k).

Consider possibly redirecting a large portion of a bonus to 401k contributions, or into another retirement account, like an individual retirement account (IRA). Because this money might not have been expected, you won’t miss it if you contribute most of it toward your retirement.

You could also do the same thing with a raise. If your employer gives you a raise, consider putting it directly toward your 401(k). Putting this money directly toward your retirement can help you inch closer to maxing out your 401(k) contributions.

6. Maximize Your 401(k) Returns and Fees

Many people may not know what they’re paying in investment fees or management fees for their 401(k) plans. By some estimates, the average fees for 401(k) plans are between 1% and 2%, but some plans can have up to 3.5%.

Fees add up — even if your employer is paying the fees now, you’ll have to pay them if you leave the job and keep the 401(k).

Essentially, if an investor has $100,000 in a 401(k) and pays $1,000 or 1% (or more) in fees per year, the fees could add up to thousands of dollars over time. Any fees you have to pay can chip away at your retirement savings and reduce your returns.

It’s important to ensure you’re getting the most for your money in order to maximize your retirement savings. If you are currently working for the company, you could discuss high fees with your HR team. One of the easiest ways to lower your costs is to find more affordable investment options. Typically, the biggest bargains can be index funds, which often charge lower fees than other investments.

If your employer’s plan offers an assortment of low-cost index funds or institutional funds, you can invest in these funds to build a diversified portfolio.

If you have a 401(k) account from a previous employer, you might consider moving your old 401(k) into a lower-fee plan. It’s also worth examining what kind of funds you’re invested in and if it’s meeting your financial goals and risk tolerance.

What Happens If You Contribute Too Much to Your 401(k)?

After you’ve maxed out your 401(k) for the year — meaning you’ve hit the contribution limit corresponding to your age range — then you’ll need to stop making contributions or risk paying additional taxes on your overcontributions.

In the event that you do make an overcontribution, you’ll need to take some additional steps such as letting your plan manager or administrator know, and perhaps withdrawing the excess amount. If you leave the excess in the account, it’ll be taxed twice — once when it was contributed initially, and again when you take it out.

What to Do After Maxing Out a 401(k)?

If you max out your 401(k) this year, pat yourself on the back. Maxing out your 401(k) is a financial accomplishment. But now you might be wondering, what’s next? Here are some additional retirement savings options to consider if you have already maxed out your 401(k).

Open an IRA

An individual retirement account (IRA) can be a good complement to your employer’s retirement plans. The pre-tax guidelines of this plan are pretty straightforward.

You can save up to $7,000 pre-tax dollars in an IRA if you meet individual IRS requirements for tax year 2024, and $6,500 for tax year 2023. If you’re 50 or older, you can contribute an extra $1,000, totaling $8,000 for 2024 and $7,500 for 2023, to an IRA.

You may also choose to consider a Roth IRA. Roth IRA accounts have income limits, but if you’re eligible, you can contribute with after-tax dollars, which means you won’t have to pay taxes on earnings withdrawals in retirement as you do with traditional IRAs.

You can open an IRA at a brokerage, mutual fund company, or other financial institution. If you ever leave your job, you can roll your employer’s 401(k) into your IRA without facing any tax consequences as long as they are both traditional accounts and it’s a direct rollover – where funds are transferred directly from one plan to the other. Doing a rollover may allow you to invest in a broader range of investments with lower fees.

Boost an Emergency Fund

Experts often advise establishing an emergency fund with at least six months of living expenses before contributing to a retirement savings plan. Perhaps you’ve already done that — but haven’t updated that account in a while. As your living expenses increase, it’s a good idea to make sure your emergency fund grows, too. This will cover you financially in case of life’s little curveballs: new brake pads, a new roof, or unforeseen medical expenses.

The money in an emergency fund should be accessible at a moment’s notice, which means it needs to comprise liquid assets such as cash. You’ll also want to make sure the account is FDIC insured, so that your money is protected if something happens to the bank or financial institution.

Save for Health Care Costs

Contributing to a health savings account (HSA) can reduce out-of-pocket costs for expected and unexpected health care expenses. For tax year 2023, eligible individuals can contribute up to $3,850 pre-tax dollars for an individual plan or up to $7,750 for a family plan.

The money in this account can be used for qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses such as copays for doctor visits and prescriptions. Another option is to leave the money in the account and let it grow for retirement. Once you reach age 65, you can take out money from your HSA without a penalty for any purpose. However, to be exempt from taxes, the money must be used for a qualified medical expense. Any other reasons for withdrawing the funds will be subject to regular income taxes.

Increase College Savings

If you’re feeling good about maxing out your 401(k), consider increasing contributions to your child’s 529 college savings plan (a tax-advantaged account meant specifically for education costs, sponsored by states and educational institutions).

College costs continue to creep up every year. Helping your children pay for college helps minimize the burden of college expenses, so they hopefully don’t have to take on many student loans.

Open a Brokerage Account

After you max out your 401(k), you may also consider opening a brokerage account. Brokerage firms offer various types of investment account brokerage accounts, each with different services and fees. A full-service brokerage firm may provide different financial services, which include allowing you to trade securities.

Many brokerage firms require you to have a certain amount of cash to open their accounts and have enough funds to account for trading fees and commissions. While there are no limits on how much you can contribute to the account, earned dividends are taxable in the year they are received. Therefore, if you earn a profit or sell an asset, you must pay a capital gains tax. On the other hand, if you sell a stock at a loss, that becomes a capital loss. This means that the transaction may yield a tax break by lowering your taxable income.

Will You Have Enough to Retire After Maxing Out 401(k)?

There are many factors that need to be considered, however, start by getting a sense of how much you’ll need to retire by using a retirement expense calculator. Then you can decide whether maxing out your 401(k) for many years will be enough to get you there, even assuming an average stock market return and compounding built in.

First and foremost, you’ll need to consider your lifestyle and where you plan on living after retirement. If you want to spend a lot in your later years, you’ll need more money. As such, a 401(k) may not be enough to get you through retirement all on its own, and you may need additional savings and investments to make sure you’ll have enough.

Pros and Cons of Maxing Out Your 401(k)

There are some pros and cons to maxing out your 401(k).

Pros of 401(k) Max Out

The most obvious advantage to maxing out your 401(k) is that your retirement savings account will be bigger, which can lead to more growth over time. That’s critical if you hope to indeed retire some day, and by maxing out your 401(k) every year, you might be able to hit your goals sooner.

Maxing out your 401(k) can also make your saving and investing relatively easy, as long as you’re taking a no-lift approach to setting your money aside thanks to automatic contributions.

Cons of 401(k) Max Out

The downsides of maxing out a 401(k) include the fact that not everyone is in a financial position to do so. Depending on your specific financial situation, you simply may not be able to afford to contribute the maximum amount per year, especially if you’re also tackling debt and taking aim at other savings goals.

There are also opportunity costs to consider, which boil down to the fact that you may be able to do something else with your money besides put it in your retirement plan. For instance, during years when the stock market realizes substantial returns, your money could be more immediately accessible if invested in these assets via a non-retirement account, rather than being tied up in a retirement fund.

That said, putting money away — no matter how you do it — isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and it’s likely always better than frittering it away on unnecessary expenditures.

The Takeaway

Maxing out your 401(k) involves matching your employer’s maximum contribution match, and also, contributing as much as legally allowed to your retirement plan in a given year. For 2024, that limit is $23,000, or $30,500 if you’re over age 50. For 2023, that limit is $22,500, or $30,000 if you’re over age 50. If you have the flexibility in your budget to do so, maxing out a 401(k) can be an effective way to build retirement savings.

And once you max out your 401(k)? There are other smart ways to direct your money. You can open an IRA, contribute more to an HSA, or to a child’s 529 plan. If you’re looking to roll over an old 401(k) into an IRA, or open a new one, SoFi Invest® can help. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions (the full fee schedule is here), and you can access complimentary professional advice.

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.


What happens if I max out my 401(k) every year?

Assuming you don’t overcontribute, you may see your retirement savings increase if you max out your 401(k) every year, and hopefully, be able to reach your retirement and savings goals sooner.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.


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How Much Money Should I Have Saved by 30?

As you near 30, you probably have lots of different financial goals. Maybe you’re planning to buy a house. Or perhaps you’re considering starting a family. And while retirement may seem a long way off, it’s never too early to start saving and planning for your future.

You might know you want to save money for all these different things, but you don’t know exactly how much you should be saving. Chances are, you may have been wondering, how much money should I have saved by 30?

The good news is, money you save now can add up. And if you invest that money in a retirement account or an investment portfolio, you can get longer-term growth on your money.

First, though, it helps to know how much you should be saving by age 30 to see if you’re on track. Learn how much you should have saved — plus tips to help you reach your savings goals.

Average/Median Savings by Age 30

The average savings for individuals by age 30 is approximately $20,540, and their median savings is $5,400, according to the Federal Reserve’s most recent Survey of Consumer Finances. It’s important to note that the Fed’s survey doesn’t look specifically at people who are age 30. Instead, it divides them into groups, including 25 to 34 year olds.

These savings amounts are in what the Fed calls “Transaction Accounts.” This includes checking and savings accounts and money market accounts.

💡 Quick Tip: Did you know that opening a brokerage account typically doesn’t come with any setup costs? Often, the only requirement to open a brokerage account — aside from providing personal details — is making an initial deposit.

How Much Should a 30-Year-Old Have in Savings?

If you’re still asking yourself, how much money should I have saved by 30?, know this: By age 30, you should have the equivalent of your annual salary in savings, according to one rule of thumb. That means if you’re earning $54,000 a year, you should have $54,000 saved.

This number — $54,000 — is based on the average annual salary for those 25 to 34 years old, which is $54,080, according to 2023 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Strategies to Help You Reach Your Savings Goals by 30

If you don’t have $54,000 saved by age 30, you can still catch up and reach your financial goals.

Here are some techniques that can help you get there.

Set Up an Emergency Fund

Having an emergency savings fund to pay for sudden expenses is vital. That way you’ll have money to pay for emergencies like unexpected medical bills or to help cover your expenses if you lose your job, rather than having to resort to using a credit card or taking out a loan. Put three to six months’ worth of expenses in your emergency fund and keep the money in a savings account where you can quickly and easily access it if you need it.

Pay Down Debt

Debt, especially high-interest debt like credit card debt, can drain your income so that you don’t have much, if anything, left to put in savings. Make a plan to pay it off.

For example, you might want to try the debt avalanche method. List your debts in order of those with the highest interest to those with the lowest interest. Then, make extra payments on your debt with the highest interest, while paying at least the minimum payments on all your other debts. Once you pay the highest interest debt off, move on to the debt with the second highest interest rate and continue the pattern.

With the debt avalanche technique, you eliminate your most expensive debts first, which can help you save money. You may also get debt-free sooner because, as you pay the debt off, less interest accumulates each month.

If the avalanche method isn’t right for you, you could try the debt snowball method, in which you pay off the smallest debts first and work your way up to the largest, or the fireball method, which is a combination of the avalanche and snowball methods.

Start Investing

Retirement probably feels like a long way off for you. But the sooner you can start saving for retirement, the better, since it will give your savings time to grow.

If you have access to a 401(k) plan at work, take advantage of it. Once you open an account, the money will be automatically deducted from your paycheck each pay period, which can make it easier to save since you don’t have to think about it.

If your employer doesn’t offer a 401(k), or even if they do and you want to save even more for retirement, consider opening an IRA account. There are two types of IRAs to choose from: a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA. At this point in your life, when you’re likely to be earning less than you will be later on, a Roth IRA might be a good choice because you pay the taxes on it now, when your income is lower. And in retirement, you withdraw your money tax-free.

However, if you expect that your income will be less in retirement than it is now, a traditional IRA is typically your best choice. You’ll get the tax break now, in the year you open the account, and pay taxes on the money you withdraw in retirement, when you expect to be in a lower tax bracket.

Contribute the full amount to your IRA if you can. In 2024, those under age 50 can contribute up to $7,000 a year.

Take Advantage of 401(k) Matching

When choosing how much to contribute to your 401(k), be sure to contribute at least enough to get your employer’s matching funds if such a benefit is offered by your company.

An employer match is, essentially, free money that can help you grow your retirement savings even more. With an employer match, an employer contributes a certain amount to their employees’ 401(k) plans. The match may be based on a percentage of an employee’s contribution up to a certain portion of their total salary, or it may be a set dollar amount, depending on the plan.

Save More as Your Salary Increases

When you get a raise, instead of using that extra money to buy more things, put it into savings instead. That will help you reach your financial goals faster and avoid the kind of lifestyle creep in which your spending outpaces your earnings.

Though it’s tempting to celebrate a pay raise by buying a fancier car or taking an expensive vacation, consider the fact that you’ll have a bigger car payment to make every month moving forward, which can result in even more spending, or that you may be paying off high interest credit card debt that you used to finance your vacation fun.

Instead, make your celebration a little smaller, like dinner with a few best friends, and put the rest of the money into a savings or investment account for your future.

The Takeaway

By age 30, you should have saved the equivalent of your annual salary, according to a popular rule of thumb. For the average 30 year old, that works out to about $54,000.

But don’t fret if you haven’t saved that much. It’s not too late to start. By taking such steps as paying down high-interest debt, creating an emergency fund, saving more from your salary, and saving for retirement with a 401(k), IRA, or other investment account, you still have time to reach your financial goals.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

Invest with as little as $5 with a SoFi Active Investing account.


Is $50k saved at 30 good?

Yes, saving $50,000 by age 30 is quite good. According to one rule of thumb, you should save the equivalent of your annual salary by age 30. The latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the annual average salary of a 30 year-old is approximately $54,080. So you are basically on target with your savings.

Plus, when you consider the fact that the average individual’s savings by age 30 is approximately $20,540, according to the Federal Reserve’s most recent Survey of Consumer Finances, you are ahead of many of your peers.

Is $100k savings good for a 30 year old?

Yes, $100,000 in savings for a 30 year old is good. It’s almost double the amount recommended by a popular rule of thumb, which is to save about $54,000, or the equivalent of the average annual salary of a 30 year old, based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Where should I be financially at 35?

By age 35, you should save more than three times your annual salary, according to conventional wisdom. The average salary of those ages 35 to 44 is $65,676, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That means by 35 you should have saved approximately $197,000.

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Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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How to Automate Savings

Who doesn’t want to save more money? But as common a goal as this may be, it’s hard to achieve. Lack of time, focus, and funds can all play a role. Which is why automating your savings — meaning the endeavor is taken off your plate and happens like clockwork — can be a very helpful tactic.

Saving money is important on so many levels, from building up a healthy emergency fund to having a retirement nest egg. And it seems as if Americans could use some help in this pursuit. The personal savings rate in the U.S. was 4.10% at the end of 2023, which is less than half what it was a couple of years prior.

Automating your savings could help change that. Read on to learn:

•   Why automating savings can be such a good idea

•   How to automate savings nine different ways

Why Automating Savings Makes Sense

When people say one thing and then do another, it’s called the value-action gap or intentional-behavior gap. Psychologists have lots of theories about why this disconnect exists.

When it comes to saving money, lots of things can get in the way: routine bills, an unexpected big night out with friends, a shopping splurge, or simply forgetting to move money into savings.

But by taking some of the human element out of saving money and using an automatic savings technique, it may be possible to overcome some of the obstacles that make it hard for people to save.

Automating your finances also reduces the amount of time you have to spend each month on tasks like paying bills and other aspects of routine cash management. And it helps you sidestep procrastination and instant gratification, which can be powerful forces to overcome — and often stand in the way of growing savings.

💡 Quick Tip: Banish bank fees. Open a new bank account with SoFi and you’ll pay no overdraft, minimum balance, or any monthly fees.

Earn up to 4.60% APY with a high-yield savings account from SoFi.

Open a SoFi Checking and Savings account and earn up to 4.60% APY - with no minimum balance and no account fees.

9 Ways to Automate Savings

How to automate savings? Simply decide which actions to automate and set them up with a lender (if they offer automated services).

Here are some good ways to get started.

1. Set Up Direct Deposit

A good first step to automating savings is setting up direct deposit for paychecks. This means that on payday, your paycheck goes directly into the bank account. People often plunk their full paycheck into their checking account, but a smart move can be to send some of those funds into a savings vehicle.

•   Whether you fund a dedicated savings account or investment fund, this process will ensure a regular, ongoing flow of money to help you build a nest egg.

•   If your employer doesn’t have a way for you to divide your automatic deposit, there’s a simple workaround: Have your paycheck go into your checking account and then have a sum automatically transferred to savings on the next day.

2. Earmark Money for Each Goal

There are a lot of things people can choose to do with their money. Most people have more than one savings goal, from accumulating cash for a vacation, a new car, or the down payment on a home.

If all of your money goes into a single savings account, it can be difficult to determine how effectively they are tracking for each individual goal. You can gain financial clarity by setting up separate savings accounts for each goal and then making regular automated deposits into each.

How much should go into each savings account? That depends on your goals and the immediacy of each. If you’re saving for a vacation a year from now, figure out the price tag for your trip, divide by 12, and that’s how much to stash away each month.

Recommended: How to Calculate Savings Account Interest

3. Choose a High-Interest Account

Saving can be hard work. But without the right savings account, those hard-earned dollars may not go as far as they potentially could. Instead of putting money in just any account, look for a high-interest savings account to increase the returns of your automated savings.

There are different ways to earn more interest on your money.

•   Some lenders may reward automatic savers, helping them to reach their goals faster. For example, a recurring automated deposit of $100 may earn interest at a lower starting rate, but increasing that deposit to $500 each month may trigger a higher rate.

•   Or look for an online bank which, since they don’t have to pay for brick-and-mortar locations and in-person staff, typically pay higher rates than traditional banks.

4. Take Advantage of Employer Programs

For those who have savings for retirement among their financial goals, employers can be a great savings partner. Those with a 401(k) may want to arrange automatic paycheck deductions, so the contribution comes out of your pay before it even lands in their bank account.

Some companies will also match 401(k) contributions up to a certain level each year. Aim to earmark at least enough to get that match; otherwise, it’s akin to leaving money on the table. It’s an easy way to increase retirement savings.

Recommended: 15 Creative Ways to Save Money

5. Pay Bills Automatically

The late fees associated with missing a bill payment needlessly take a bite out of savings. So if you’re trying to save money, ensuring that all payments go out on time is an easy way to reduce losses that can derail a savings plan. A few pointers:

•   Organizing your bills is important, but you don’t need a great memory to stay on top of rent, car, and utility payments — these can usually be done automatically. It makes sense to automate predictable billings that don’t fluctuate each month. Set them up in the payment system, and rest assured they’ll be paid by the due date as long as adequate funds are available.

•   For credit card bills, it’s good to ensure that spending habits don’t exceed the amount flowing into the account from paychecks and other sources.

•   If you spend more in a particular month, it’s wise to check in advance of the payment date that there are sufficient funds to cover the automatic payment.

•   Setting up a calendar alert each month several days before the credit card payment date is a good reminder to make sure there’s enough money to cover the amount owed, particularly if your credit card spending habits are irregular.

6. Monitor Financial Insights

Setting — and sticking to — a budget is an important part of successful financial management. But it can be a lot of work to monitor spending in each category and to stay on the right side of all targets.

Here’s where technology can definitely give you a boost. Instead of crunching the numbers week after week and month after month, apps and other digital tools can improve the ease of fulfilling this important, but arguably boring, mathematical task.

Your bank may well offer an automated tool or dashboard that shows in real-time your spending and saving. This means you can see account balances and itemized spending category breakdowns to have a clear picture of where your money goes and where you might cut back.

Some banks also allow account holders to set up personal financial goals — such as monthly savings targets — and then automatically track their transactions against them. This can be helpful when you are trying to boost savings and your sense of financial security.

7. Increase Deposits Over Time

While learning how to automate savings can take the headache out of managing finances, it’s wise to revisit the amounts periodically. Cash flows change from time to time (you get a raise, you pay off a car loan, you have a baby), and there may be new opportunities to save.

Even if nothing of note has changed, some individuals may find that they have more room to contribute to savings than they estimated at the outset. Even increasing automated savings by 1% per paycheck can help savings grow faster.

Setting a periodic automatic calendar reminder to closely review finances (perhaps every quarter) can be a wise move.

8. Use a Cash-Back Card

If you have a cash-back credit card, you may typically use that 1% to 5% back on purchases to… purchase more. Instead, direct your cash-back rewards into a savings account. Whether you get $10, $100, or more in cash back per month, it will help your savings account grow.

9. Funnel Your Windfalls Wisely

If you get a tax refund or a bonus at work, send that money into savings (or at least some of it) versus checking. Sure, it’s fun to get an infusion of cash and go shopping or dining out, but you can hit those financial goals more quickly if you send the money straight to savings, where it can earn compound interest and grow.

The Takeaway

Automating your savings can help ease your path to reaching your financial goals, from saving for a wedding to nurturing a retirement nest egg. This process is quick and convenient, and doesn’t require you to remember regular money transfers nor break out the calculator to see where you stand financially. Finding a savings account with a competitive interest rate and low or no fees can help your savings grow even faster.

Interested in opening an online bank account? When you sign up for a SoFi Checking and Savings account with direct deposit, you’ll get a competitive annual percentage yield (APY), pay zero account fees, and enjoy an array of rewards, such as access to the Allpoint Network of 55,000+ fee-free ATMs globally. Qualifying accounts can even access their paycheck up to two days early.

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SoFi® Checking and Savings is offered through SoFi Bank, N.A. ©2023 SoFi Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
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SoFi members with direct deposit activity can earn 4.60% annual percentage yield (APY) on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Direct Deposit means a recurring deposit of regular income to an account holder’s SoFi Checking or Savings account, including payroll, pension, or government benefit payments (e.g., Social Security), made by the account holder’s employer, payroll or benefits provider or government agency (“Direct Deposit”) via the Automated Clearing House (“ACH”) Network during a 30-day Evaluation Period (as defined below). Deposits that are not from an employer or government agency, including but not limited to check deposits, peer-to-peer transfers (e.g., transfers from PayPal, Venmo, etc.), merchant transactions (e.g., transactions from PayPal, Stripe, Square, etc.), and bank ACH funds transfers and wire transfers from external accounts, or are non-recurring in nature (e.g., IRS tax refunds), do not constitute Direct Deposit activity. There is no minimum Direct Deposit amount required to qualify for the stated interest rate.

As an alternative to direct deposit, SoFi members with Qualifying Deposits can earn 4.60% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Qualifying Deposits means one or more deposits that, in the aggregate, are equal to or greater than $5,000 to an account holder’s SoFi Checking and Savings account (“Qualifying Deposits”) during a 30-day Evaluation Period (as defined below). Qualifying Deposits only include those deposits from the following eligible sources: (i) ACH transfers, (ii) inbound wire transfers, (iii) peer-to-peer transfers (i.e., external transfers from PayPal, Venmo, etc. and internal peer-to-peer transfers from a SoFi account belonging to another account holder), (iv) check deposits, (v) instant funding to your SoFi Bank Debit Card, (vi) push payments to your SoFi Bank Debit Card, and (vii) cash deposits. Qualifying Deposits do not include: (i) transfers between an account holder’s Checking account, Savings account, and/or Vaults; (ii) interest payments; (iii) bonuses issued by SoFi Bank or its affiliates; or (iv) credits, reversals, and refunds from SoFi Bank, N.A. (“SoFi Bank”) or from a merchant.

SoFi Bank shall, in its sole discretion, assess each account holder’s Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits throughout each 30-Day Evaluation Period to determine the applicability of rates and may request additional documentation for verification of eligibility. The 30-Day Evaluation Period refers to the “Start Date” and “End Date” set forth on the APY Details page of your account, which comprises a period of 30 calendar days (the “30-Day Evaluation Period”). You can access the APY Details page at any time by logging into your SoFi account on the SoFi mobile app or SoFi website and selecting either (i) Banking > Savings > Current APY or (ii) Banking > Checking > Current APY. Upon receiving a Direct Deposit or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits to your account, you will begin earning 4.60% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% on checking balances on or before the following calendar day. You will continue to earn these APYs for (i) the remainder of the current 30-Day Evaluation Period and through the end of the subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period and (ii) any following 30-day Evaluation Periods during which SoFi Bank determines you to have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits without interruption.

SoFi Bank reserves the right to grant a grace period to account holders following a change in Direct Deposit activity or Qualifying Deposits activity before adjusting rates. If SoFi Bank grants you a grace period, the dates for such grace period will be reflected on the APY Details page of your account. If SoFi Bank determines that you did not have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits during the current 30-day Evaluation Period and, if applicable, the grace period, then you will begin earning the rates earned by account holders without either Direct Deposit or Qualifying Deposits until you have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits in a subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period. For the avoidance of doubt, an account holder with both Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits will earn the rates earned by account holders with Direct Deposit.

Members without either Direct Deposit activity or Qualifying Deposits, as determined by SoFi Bank, during a 30-Day Evaluation Period and, if applicable, the grace period, will earn 1.20% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances.

Interest rates are variable and subject to change at any time. These rates are current as of 10/24/2023. There is no minimum balance requirement. Additional information can be found at https://www.sofi.com/legal/banking-rate-sheet.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How Much Retirement Money Should I Have at 40?

At some point or another, you’ve probably wondered if you have enough money for the future and asked yourself, “how much retirement should I have at 40?”

It’s an important question. Hopefully, you’re already saving some money for retirement. However, you might not be saving enough to retire when you want.

There are different ways to save money for retirement. The sooner, the better—so that it can start adding up. Here’s how to maximize your retirement savings at age 40 and beyond.

Understanding Your Retirement Savings at 40

Now, to answer the question: How much money should I have saved by 40? A general rule of thumb recommended by many financial advisors is to have about three times your annual salary saved in retirement money by the time you’re 40.

Knowing this general benchmark is helpful for your retirement planning.

What Does the Average 40-Year-Old Have Saved?

According to a recent study from Northwestern Mutual, people in their forties say they currently have $77,400 saved for retirement. However, that’s a long way from the amount they expect to need for retirement, which is $1.28 million.

How Your Retirement Savings Compare to National Averages

Compared to the guideline of having three times your annual salary saved by the time you’re 40, if you only have the amount reported by the respondents in the Northwestern study — $77,400 — you’ve got some work to do. The good news is, you’ve probably got around 20 years or more to help get where you need to be by the time you’re ready to retire.

Factors Influencing Your Retirement Savings So Far

As you reach your 40s, it’s likely that your income is increasing, but so are the obligations that are tied to your money.

You might be saving money for your kids’ college; you probably have mortgage payments and existing debt, including your own student loans; you may even be taking care of aging parents. It’s a lot of financial multitasking and you have to prioritize.

In addition to all that, inflation over the past couple of years has made many prices higher, which could increase your cost of living. Overall, prices are 13% higher than they were two years ago, according to Consumer Price Index data. You might also be dealing with unemployment or a job layoff. All these factors can make saving for retirement more challenging.

The Right Retirement Savings Path for You

To map out a savings plan that makes sense, you can start by estimating how much money you’ll need for retirement. It’s also a good idea to look at your goals. That includes figuring out when you might want to retire, what kind of lifestyle you want in retirement, and how much money you might have coming in during your golden years. That will help you determine how much you need to save.

Projecting Your Retirement Needs

Start by thinking about the kind of lifestyle you’d like to have in retirement. Will you move to a smaller home? If so, you may save money on housing costs. On the other hand, if you’d like to travel frequently, your expenses may increase.

Also, estimate what your budget as a retiree might be. Include housing, utilities, insurance, food, transportation, clothes, and so on. And don’t forget entertainment expenses like movies, concerts, and meals out.

Next, factor in healthcare expenses. Health-related costs can be significant in retirement, depending on your medical situation.

Retirement Savings Rate: How Much of Your Income to Save

While each person’s situation and needs are unique, there are some general guidelines that can help project your financial needs during retirement.

For instance, according to Fidelity, you should try to save 15% of your pre-tax income each year if you plan to retire at age 67.

Another rule, known as the 80% rule, says you should have enough money by the time you retire to cover 80% of your pre-retirement income.

Milestones for Retirement Savings By Decade

As discussed, when you plan to retire and what kind of lifestyle you’d like to have in retirement are two of the main factors that affect how much money you’ll need to save. The milestones below are general, but they will give you an idea about how much to save at various ages.

Retirement Savings By:

•  Age 30: 1x your annual income

•  Age 40: 3x your annual income

•  Age 50: 6x your annual income

•  Age 60: 8x your annual income

•  Age 67: 10x your annual income

Maximizing Your Retirement Savings in Your 40s

If you haven’t saved 3 times your annual income by your 40s, or even if you have, here are some ways to make the most of your retirement funds in this decade.

Benefits of a Roth 401(k) and When to Consider It

Some 401(k) plans give you the opportunity of choosing a Roth 401(k) to save for retirement. If your employer offers such a plan you may want to consider it.

The difference between a Roth 401(k) and a traditional 401(k) is that with a Roth 401(k), contributions are made using after-tax funds. That means they aren’t tax deductible, but the withdrawals you make in retirement are tax-free. In addition, you don’t pay taxes on your annual investment earnings in a Roth 401(k). With a traditional 401(k), the contributions you make are tax deductible, however, you will pay taxes on your retirement withdrawals. So a Roth 401(k) can be beneficial if you expect to be in a higher tax bracket by the time you retire.

The good news is, you can contribute to both a Roth 401(k) and a traditional 401(k) as long as your plan allows it. Just know that there are yearly limits on your contributions. Across both plans, individuals under age 50 can contribute $22,500 annually in 2023.

If you have a traditional 401(k), there are a number of strategies to max out your 401(k) that are worth looking into. For example, it makes sense to contribute at least enough to qualify for any employer matching that your company offers. Why lose out on the “free” money your employer is willing to contribute to your retirement savings?

Catch-Up Contributions: Leveraging Them When the Time Comes

Once you reach age 50, you can make catch-up contributions to your 401(k) plan, as long as your plan allows them, which could help you save even more for retirement. In 2023, the catch-up contribution is an additional $7,500. That means, in total, individuals 50 and older could contribute up to $30,000 to their 401(k) in 2023.

Knowing about catch-up contributions when you’re in your forties could help you plan and prepare for them when you reach 50. Catch-up contributions can help you make the most of your retirement plan.

Investment Strategies for Mid-Career Savers

There are many other ways to save for retirement, even beyond the employer-sponsored 401(k) and Roth 401(k).

Some people choose to put their retirement savings in more than one type of account. This is useful if you want to set aside more than the yearly contribution limits on 401(k) plans. In that case, it might make sense to open an IRA savings account to save beyond the 401(k) limits, as long as you meet the necessary criteria.

Recommended: A Look at Traditional IRAs vs Roth IRAs

The Role of Expenses in Retirement Planning

Figuring out how much your retirement living expenses will be is important for calculating how money you’ll need to save. These are some of the things you may want to consider and budget for.

Emergency Savings vs. Retirement Savings

Your retirement savings are extremely important. However, if you don’t have an emergency fund that can cover three to six months’ worth of living expenses, consider putting that at the top of your priority list.

Why? While retirement is still likely to be years away if you’re 40 now, an emergency could happen at any time. For instance, you may be faced with an unexpected medical procedure that you’ll need to pay for if insurance doesn’t cover it all. Or your heater might break in the middle of winter and need to be replaced. If you don’t have the emergency funds to cover these things, you risk taking on debt. And that could in turn limit your retirement savings as you work to pay off that debt.

Of course, if you can afford to contribute to both an emergency fund and your retirement savings, by all means, do so.

Planning for Healthcare Expenses in Retirement

As people grow older, their healthcare needs and costs typically increase. For many, healthcare can be one of the biggest retirement expenses.

Fidelity estimates that the average person may need $157,500 to cover healthcare costs in retirement. If you have a high-deductible health insurance plan, you might want to look into a Health Savings Account (HSA), which could potentially help you save money to cover some healthcare costs.

Incorporating Home Costs Into Retirement Savings

Housing costs are another major retirement expense. You may have mortgage payments, homeowner’s insurance, and home maintenance and repairs to pay for. If you rent, you’ll have to cover your monthly rental fee plus renters’ insurance.

Additionally, where you live — the city and state — can impact how much you pay for housing. In general, living on the coasts can be more expensive. You may want to take the cost of living into consideration when you’re thinking about where you want to live in retirement.

Family and Retirement: Balancing the Present and Future

Of course, along with saving for retirement, you have present-day expenses and events to pay for as well. This includes important family milestones, such as college and a child’s wedding. Fortunately, with proper budgeting and planning, it is possible to help cover these expenses and save for retirement at the same time.

Budgeting for College Savings While Prioritizing Retirement

To keep building a retirement nest egg while saving for college for your kids, consider some college-savings plans. One good option to consider: a 529 plan that you fund with after-tax dollars. You can contribute to the plan on a regular basis, or whenever you have extra money, and family members and friends can contribute as well. For instance, instead of birthday gifts, ask loved ones to contribute to your child’s 529 instead.

Virtually every state offers a 529 plan and you can shop around to find one that has the best tax benefits and lowest costs. Open the plan as early as you can when your child is young so that the money invested has more time to grow.

Weddings and Other Major Family Expenses

If you’d like to help pay for your child’s wedding, you could put some money in a savings or investment account so that it can grow over time. If the wedding is coming up relatively soon, you could put your money into a high-yield savings account, for instance, to get a higher interest rate than you’d get from a regular savings account. If the wedding is farther in the future, you might want to invest in mutual funds or a stock index fund, which could deliver more growth.

Expert Strategies to Increase Retirement Savings

There are a number of smart ways to maximize your savings and be on track for retirement. Here are a few strategies experts advise.

Salary Negotiations and Their Long-Term Impact on Savings

If it’s been a while since you’ve received a raise, this may be a good time to ask for one. By age 40, you’ve probably developed skills that make you valuable to your employer.

If you need some incentive for negotiating for a higher salary, consider this: Even an extra $100 a week invested for the next 20 years with a 10% annual return could give you approximately $300,000 more in retirement savings.

Building a Solid Financial Foundation with a Six-Month Emergency Fund

As we discussed earlier, having an emergency fund is critical for any unexpected expenses that arise. Ideally, it’s wise to have six months’ worth of expenses saved up. That can help tide you over in case of job loss or some other significant event that affects your income.

You can open a high-yield savings account for your emergency fund to help it grow. Consider automating your savings to make sure you’re contributing to your emergency fund regularly.

Then, once you’ve reached six month’s worth, you can allocate the money you had been contributing to the emergency fund to your retirement savings.

Why Prioritizing Roth Retirement Accounts Can Pay Off

Investing in a Roth IRA can be helpful if you want to withdraw money in retirement without paying taxes on it. After-tax accounts can be appealing to individuals who plan to achieve financial independence at a younger age and retire early. Unlike qualified plans, which place penalties on withdrawing funds before a certain age, an after-tax account is a pool of money that you can withdraw from without having to worry about penalties if you access the account before age 59 ½.

Even if you wait until age 67 to retire, if you expect to be in a higher tax bracket at retirement, a Roth IRA can make sense since you won’t have to pay taxes on retirement withdrawals.

For 2023, you can contribute up to $6,500 annually in a Roth IRA. Individuals 50 and older can contribute $7,500. That said, there are income limits on Roth IRAs. The amount you can contribute starts to phase out if you earn more than $138,000 as a single tax filer, or $218,000 for married couples who file jointly.

The Takeaway

While there are conventional rules of thumb as to how much money you should have saved by 40, the truth is everyone’s path to a comfortable retirement looks different. One piece of advice is universal, however: The sooner you start saving for retirement, the better your chances of being in a financially desirable position later in life.

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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