Guide to Using a Credit Card Like a Debit Card

Guide to Using a Credit Card Like a Debit Card

When making a cashless payment at checkout, you might be prompted to select whether you want the purchase processed as a credit or debit card transaction. Some debit cards with a credit card network logo can be processed as a credit payment, but the reverse — processing a credit card as a debit transaction — isn’t possible.

Still, it can make sense to use credit cards like a debit card. Understanding the difference between a credit card and debit card can help you to make strategic purchasing decisions with your credit card.

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Can You Use a Credit Card Like a Debit Card?

In terms of being a convenient, cashless payment method, a credit card can be used in-person or online in a similar way as a debit card. Credit cards require you to insert, swipe, or tap the card on a payment processing device to initiate a transaction. If used online, you can enter your credit card information into the payment field at checkout in the same way you would with a debit card payment.

However, there are also significant differences between a credit card and debit card. The most notable distinction is where the funds come from. When you use a credit card, the money is drawn from your card’s available credit line, and you might get charged additional fees and interest on your purchase.

In contrast, a debit card draws the funds you already have in an associated checking or savings account. Also, in certain situations where the final total amount might vary, such as at the gas pump, the processor might request that your card issuer place a temporary hold on your debit card funds to ensure you have enough funds to cover the transaction.

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Reasons You May Want to Use a Credit Card Like a Debit Card

Although credit cards offer numerous advantages when used responsibly, there are valid reasons to prefer using a credit card as a debit card. This may include:

•   To avoid overspending. Debit cards, particularly when you’ve opted out of overdraft protection, help you to avoid spending more than you can afford to pay back. With a debit card, you can only use the funds already in your associated account, which is a tactic you could try with a credit card as well.

•   To avoid finance charges or extra fees. Debit cards generally incur few charges. Additionally, they do not accrue interest since debit transactions are immediately pulled from your deposit account, in contrast to how credit cards work.

•   To amass rewards without debt. The potential to earn rewards is an appealing part of what credit cards are, but “chasing points” can be a risky game if you overspend. The ability to use a credit card like a debit card can help keep your spending in check while earning rewards.

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Tips for Using a Credit Card as a Debit Card

You can’t technically process a credit card payment as a debit card purchase. But if your purchasing strategy is to use a credit card as your go-to payment method instead of a debit card, remember the following tips and credit card rules:

•   Don’t spend more than you can afford.

•   Do pay your monthly credit card statement in full.

•   Don’t be late or skip a payment.

•   Do explore credit card rewards programs to earn incentives on purchases you already make.

•   Don’t forget to review annual percentage rates (APR) and fees associated with your card.

•   Do use a credit card for online payments for greater fraud protection.

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Pros and Cons of Using a Credit Card Like a Debit Card

The benefits of credit cards in comparison to debit cards vary since they’re two distinct banking products. However, each payment option has its own pros and cons.



Credit Card

•   Offers greater purchasing power

•   Can buy items now and pay for them later

•   Helps build your credit

•   Potentially zero liability for unauthorized charges

•   Can accumulate burdensome debt

•   Late and missed payments adversely affect your credit score

•   Can incur interest charges and fees

Debit Card

•   Avoids debt by using cash you already have

•   No additional interest charges on purchases

•   Can request cash back at checkout

•   Buying power is limited to the funds you have

•   Insufficient funds may lead to overdraft fees

•   Doesn’t help build credit

•   Fewer protections with fraudulent charges

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Alternatives to Using a Credit Card Like a Debit Card

If you’re averse to using a credit card in a traditional sense, there are a few alternatives payment options that are akin to a debit-style transaction:

•   Prepaid credit card. A prepaid credit card requires you to “load” the card with funds, which then becomes your card’s available credit line. It gives you the convenience of a credit card, but taps into cash you already have, which is similar to a debit card. Note that prepaid cards often incur fees for various types of activity.

•   Cash-back rewards debit cards. If you want the perks of a credit card, like cash-back incentives, but in the form of a debit card, a cash-back debit card might be an option. These limit you to spending the funds you already have on deposit, but let you earn cash back when you use the card.

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The Takeaway

Using a credit card like a debit card ultimately boils down to only spending on your card with funds you already have. Since a credit card is essentially a loan, it’s easy to accumulate overwhelming debt, plus interest charges, if you’re overspending. If you can comfortably afford to repay your credit card transactions in full each month, using your credit card in lieu of a debit card can provide access to valuable benefits, like earning rewards, enhancing fraud protection, and positively impacting your credit.

A great place to start is using a credit card that lets you earn rewards, like the SoFi credit card.


Can I transfer money from my credit card to my bank account?

No, you can’t transfer money from your credit card to your bank account. A bank account is a deposit vehicle for your available cash; this cash can be accessed using a debit card. Conversely, a credit card is a financial tool that lets you access a credit line that you need to repay.

Can I use my credit card like a debit card at an ATM?

Yes, you can use your credit card like a debit card to get a cash advance at an ATM. Be warned that this is a costly option. Credit card cash advances typically have a different limit compared to your purchase limit, and charge a higher APR with no grace period. Plus, you’ll owe a cash advance fee.

Can I use a credit card as a debit card with no interest?

Possibly. You might be able to use a credit card like a debit card for everyday transactions without incurring interest, if you pay every billing statement in full each month. Rolling over a balance month to month, however, will cause you to incur interest charges.

Is it better to use a debit or credit card?

Whether using a debit or credit card is a better option depends on the types of purchases you’re making and your borrowing habits. For example, credit cards are generally safer when shopping online, but buying on credit can get out of control quickly, if you’re not careful.

Photo credit: iStock/filadendron

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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What Is a Balance Transfer and Should I Make One?

What Is a Balance Transfer and Should I Make One?

When debt accumulates on a high-interest card, interest starts to add up as well, making it harder to pay off the total debt — which, in turn, can become a credit card debt spiral. If you end up with mounting debt on a high-interest credit card, a balance transfer is one possible way to get out from under the interest payments.

A balance transfer credit card allows you to transfer your existing credit card debt to a card that temporarily offers a lower interest rate, or even no interest. This can provide an opportunity to start paying down your debt and get out of the red zone. But before you make a balance transfer, it’s important that you fully understand what a balance transfer credit card is and have carefully read the fine print.

How Balance Transfers Work

The basics of balance transfer credit cards are fairly straightforward: First, you must open a new lower-interest or no-interest credit card. Then, you’ll transfer your credit card balance from the high-interest card to the new card. Once the transfer goes through, you’ll start paying down the balance on your new card.

Generally, when selecting to do a balance transfer to a new credit card, consumers will apply for a card that offers a lower interest rate than they currently have, or a card with an introductory 0% annual percentage rate (APR). Generally, you need a solid credit history to qualify for a balance transfer credit card.

This introductory period on a balance transfer credit card can last anywhere from six to 21 months, with the exact length varying by lender. By opening a new card that temporarily charges no interest, and then transferring your high-interest credit card debt to that card, you can save money because your balance temporarily will not accrue interest charges as you pay it down.

But you need to hear one crucial warning: After the introductory interest-free or low-APR period ends, the interest rate generally jumps up. That means if you don’t pay your balance off during the introductory period, it will start to accrue interest charges again, and your balance will grow.

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What to Look For in a Balance Transfer Card

There are a number of different balance transfer credit cards out there. They vary in terms of the length of no-interest introductory periods, credit limits, rewards, transfer fees, and APRs after the introductory period. You’ll want to shop around to see which card makes sense for you.

When researching balance transfer credit cards, try to find a card that offers a 0% introductory APR for balance transfers. Ideally, the promotional period will be on the longer side to give you more breathing room to pay off your debts before the standard APR kicks in — one of the key credit card rules to follow with a balance transfer card.

You’ll also want to keep in mind fees when comparing your options. Balance transfer fees can seriously eat into your savings, so see if you qualify for any cards with $0 balance transfer fees. If that’s not available, at least do the math to ensure your savings on interest will offset the fees you pay. Also watch out for annual fees.

Last but certainly not least, you’ll want to take the time to read the fine print and fully understand how a credit card works before moving forward. Sometimes, the 0% clause only applies when you’re purchasing something new, not when transferring balances. Plus, if you make a late payment, your promotional rate could get instantly revoked — perhaps raising your rate to a higher penalty APR.

Should I Do a Balance Transfer?

Sometimes, transferring your outstanding credit card balances to a no-interest or low-interest card makes good sense. For example, let’s say that you know you’re getting a bonus or tax refund soon, so you feel confident that you can pay off that debt within the introductory period on a balance transfer credit card.

Or, maybe you know that you need to use a credit card to cover a larger purchase or repair, but you’ve included those payments in your budget in a way that should ensure you can pay off that debt within the no-interest period on your balance transfer card. Again, depending upon the card terms and your personal goals, this move could prove to be logical and budget-savvy.

Having said that, plans don’t always work out as anticipated. Bonuses and refund checks can get delayed, and unexpected expenses can throw off your budget. If that happens, and you don’t pay off your outstanding balance on the balance transfer card within the introductory period, the credit card will shift to its regular interest rate, which could be even higher than the credit card you transferred from in the first place.

Plus, most balance transfer credit cards charge a balance transfer fee, typically around 3% — and sometimes as high as 5%. This can add up if you’re transferring a large amount of debt. Be sure to do the math on how much you’d be saving in interest payments compared to how much the balance transfer fee will cost.

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Balance Transfer Card vs Debt Consolidation Loan

Both a personal loan and a balance transfer credit card essentially help you pay off existing credit card debt by consolidating what you owe into one place — ideally at a better interest rate. The difference comes in how each works and how much you’ll ultimately end up paying (and saving).

A debt consolidation loan is an unsecured personal loan that allows you to consolidate a wider range of existing personal debt, including credit card debt and other types of debt. Basically, you use the personal loan to pay off your credit cards, and then you just have to pay back your personal loan in monthly installments.

Personal loans will have one monthly payment. Plus, they offer fixed interest rates and fixed terms (usually anywhere from one to seven years depending on the lender), which means they have a predetermined payoff date. Credit cards, on the other hand, typically come with variable rates, which can fluctuate based on a variety of factors.

Just like balance transfer fees with a credit card, you’ll want to look out for fees with personal loans, too. Personal loans can come with origination fees and prepayment penalties, so it’s a good idea to do your research.

How to Make a Balance Transfer

If, after weighing the pros and cons and considering your other options, you decide a balance transfer credit card is the right approach for you, here’s how you can go about initiating a balance transfer. Keep in mind that you’ll need to have applied for and gotten approved for the card before taking this step.

Balance-Transfer Checks

In some cases, your new card issuer will provide you with balance-transfer checks in order to request a transfer. You’ll need to make the check out to the credit card company you’d like to pay (i.e., your old card). Information that you’ll need to provide includes your account information and the amount of the debt, which you can determine by checking your credit card balance.

Online or Phone Transfers

Another way to initiate a balance transfer is to contact the new credit card company to which you’re transferring the balance either online or over the phone. You’ll need to provide your account information and specify the amount you’d like to transfer to the card. The credit card company will then handle transferring the funds to pay off the old account.

The Takeaway

Whether you should consider a balance transfer credit card largely depends on whether the math checks out. If you can secure a better interest rate, feel confident you can pay off the balance before the promotional period ends, and have checked that the balance transfer fees won’t cancel out your savings, then it may be worth it to make a balance transfer.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Guide To Paying a Credit Card in Full vs Over Time

Guide to Paying a Credit Card in Full vs Over Time

In a perfect world, you’d be able to zap away debt in a flash. But the reality is, sprinting through payments on high-interest debt isn’t exactly easy to do. That’s because you’ll still need to juggle staying on top of bills and covering daily expenses, among other financial obligations.

If you’re wondering whether it’s better to pay off your credit card or keep a balance, the answer largely depends on your particular set of circumstances. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of paying off credit cards in full vs. over time to help you determine if you should pay off your credit card in full or space payments out a bit.

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Does Paying Down Credit Cards Slowly Affect Your Credit Score?

Paying off credit cards slowly can impact your credit score because it can affect your credit utilization, which makes up 30% of your consumer credit score. When you’re slow to pay off your credit card balance, your credit utilization — or how much of your total credit you’re using — can be higher. A higher credit utilization rate can adversely affect your credit score.

What Is Credit Utilization?

Credit utilization measures how much credit you have against how much credit you’ve used. This ratio is expressed as a percentage. You can find your credit utilization ratio by dividing your total credit card balances by your total credit limits across all of your cards.

How Credit Utilization Works

As we discussed, credit utilization is expressed as a percentage, and you can find it by dividing your credit card balances by your credit limits. As an example, let’s say you have three credit cards, and your total credit limit across those cards is $30,000. The total of your credit card balances on all three cards is $9,000.

In that case, your credit utilization is 30%, as demonstrated by the math below:

Credit limit on Card 1: $8,000
Credit limit on Card 2: $12,000
Credit limit on Card 3: $10,000

Total credit limit: $8,000 + $12,000 + $8,000 = $30,000
Total balances across Cards 1, 2, and 3: $9,000

$9,000 / $30,000 = 0.30, or 30%

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How Credit Utilization Can Affect Your Score

The lower your credit utilization, the better it is for your credit score. It’s generally recommended to keep your credit utilization ratio under 30% to avoid negative effects on your score. Keeping your score below this threshold indicates to lenders and creditors that you aren’t stretched financially, are a responsible user of credit, and have available credit that you can tap in to.

If you’re wondering, do credit card companies like it when you pay in full? The answer is that it certainly helps with your credit score, as a low credit utilization ratio can positively impact your credit score, and credit card companies generally look more favorably upon higher credit scores.

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Differences Between Paying a Credit Card in Full vs Over Time

Trying to determine whether you should pay off your credit card in full? Here are some of the key differences between paying off credit cards in full compared to making payments over time:

Paying a Credit Card in Full

Paying a Credit Card Over Time

Might need to spend less or earn more to speed up payments Can make payments based on current income and budget
Can save money on interest charges Costs more in interest payments
Frees up money sooner for other financial goals Continue juggling debt payoff with other financial goals for longer
Can lower credit utilization, potentially improving your credit score Won’t make as much of an impact in lowering credit utilization

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Reasons to Always Pay Off Your Credit Card in Full

When it comes to paying off your credit card in full, there are a handful of reasons why it could be a good idea:

•   Helps with your credit score: As we talked about, paying off your card balance means keeping a lower credit utilization, which can help keep you maintain a solid score.

•   Frees up money for other goals: By paying off your credit card bill sooner than later, you’ll free up that money you were putting toward debt payments. In turn, you’ll have “extra” cash to put toward savings, retirement, and your short-term and long-term goals.

•   Allows you to save on interest: The longer you stretch out your payments, the more you’ll end up paying in interest. By paying off your credit card in full each statement cycle, you won’t owe interest, given how credit card payments work.

Reasons to Pay Down Your Credit Card Over Time

While it may be ideal to pay off your credit card all at once, credit card debt is hard to pay off — especially when you’re spinning a lot of plates money-wise. Let’s take a look at why you might opt to pay down your credit card over time instead:

•   Allows for a more manageable debt payment schedule: Paying down your credit card over time won’t put pressure on you to cut back on your living expenses, or find ways you earn more so you can pay off your credit card balance more quickly. Depending on your situation, gradually making payments might feel like the more reasonable route.

•   Frees up money now: By not focusing on aggressively paying off your credit cards, you can potentially work on other money goals, such as saving for retirement or creating an emergency fund. Still, you’ll want to at the very least make your credit card minimum payment to avoid the consequences of credit card late payment.

Strategies for Paying Off Credit Card Debt

If the idea of paying off your credit card debt feels overwhelming, here are a few popular strategies to consider for crushing your debt.

Debt Avalanche Method

With the debt avalanche method, you focus on paying off the card with the highest interest rate first. Meanwhile, you’ll continue making the minimum payments on all of your other accounts.

Once your account with the highest interest rate is paid off, you’ll move on to focusing on the account with the next highest rate, continuing to make minimum payments on the others. You’ll continue this cycle until all of your debt is paid off.

The major benefit of this method is that you’ll save on interest payments.

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Snowball Method

In this strategy, you make the minimum payments on all your cards by the credit card payment due date. Then, you put any remaining funds toward paying off the card with the lowest balance. Once that’s paid off, you move on to the card with the next lowest balance.

The main advantage of the snowball method is that it keeps you motivated to continue to pay off your debt. That’s because it feels good to get a card paid off, which is easier to do with a card that has a lower balance.

Debt Consolidation

With debt consolidation, you take out a new loan that you then use to pay off all of your outstanding debts. This effectively rolls all of your credit card payments into a single fixed payment each month.

In turn, debt consolidation can simplify your payments, and potentially lower your payments. However, depending on the new payment schedule and terms, you might end up paying more in interest over the course of the loan. Also keep in mind that you’ll generally need a decent credit score to qualify for debt consolidation.

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When Carrying a Balance Hurts Your Credit Score

Carrying a balance on your credit card hurts your score if it pushes your credit utilization too high. You’ll want to keep your credit utilization under 30% to avoid adverse effects.

Keeping a low balance, which decreases your credit utilization, can help your credit score. Besides paying off your cards, other ways to lower your credit utilization are to open a new credit card or request a credit limit increase. Both of these actions will increase your overall credit limit, thus potentially improving your credit utilization rate.

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The Takeaway

While paying a credit card in full can help with your credit utilization, which also can improve your score, it’s not always realistic. You’ll want to weigh the pros and cons of both paying off credit cards in full and making payments over time to see which one is right for your current situation.

While making credit card payments is one way to lower your credit utilization, another option is opening a new credit card.

If you’re looking for a new credit card, you might apply for a credit card with SoFi.


Is it better to pay off your credit card or carry a balance?

While paying off your credit card in full can help with your credit utilization ratio and save you on interest, spreading out your payments over time might make debt payoff more manageable. Which approach is best depends on your financial situation and preferences.

Does completely paying off a credit card raise your credit score?

Paying off a credit card can lower your credit utilization, which can positively affect your credit score.

Why did my credit score go down when I paid off my credit card?

Paying off your credit card doesn’t usually bring down your credit score. However, your credit score may drop if you closed your account after paying it off, as that can impact your credit mix or the average age of your accounts. It could also decrease your available credit, which can drive up your credit utilization.

Do credit card companies like it when you pay in full?

Paying in full shows creditors that you’re a responsible cardholder and that you have the financial means to pay off what you owe. It can also help to improve your credit score, which credit card companies look upon favorably.

Photo credit: iStock/Foxyburrow

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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Closing a Credit Card With a Balance: What to Know

Closing a Credit Card With a Balance: What to Know

Closing a credit card with a balance remaining is possible to do. However, keep in mind that even if your credit card account is closed, you’ll still have to pay off the remaining balance. Additionally, you’ll need to cover interest that’s accrued as well as any fees, and you could face other consequences, including losing out on rewards and seeing potential impacts to your credit score.

Still, there are instances when closing a credit card can be the right move. If you’re thinking about closing a credit card account with an outstanding balance, you’ll want to weigh these considerations — and also ensure you have a plan for paying off your remaining balance.

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What Happens If You Close a Credit Card Account With a Balance?

Once you’ve closed a credit card account with a balance, you’ll no longer be able to use that card to make purchases. Beyond that, here’s what else you can expect after your account closure.

Payment of Balance and Interest

Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind when a credit card is closed with balance is that you’re still liable for the credit card balance you’ve racked up. You’ll also owe any interest charges that have accrued on your outstanding balance.

As such, expect to continue receiving monthly statements from your credit card issuer detailing your balance, accrued interest, and minimum payment due. And until you’re absolutely positive your debt is paid off, keep on checking your credit card balance regularly.

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Loss of Promotional APR

If the card you closed offered a promotional interest rate, this offer will likely come to an end. If you’ve been carrying a balance on a credit card, your balance could start to accrue interest. Plus, you may have to pay the standard APR on the remaining balance rather than the lower promotional rate.

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Loss of Rewards

Before you move forward with canceling a credit card that offers rewards like points or airline miles, make sure you’ve redeemed any rewards you’ve earned. That’s because you may forfeit those rewards if you close your account.

Policies on this can vary from issuer to issuer though, so just make sure to check with your credit card company to be safe rather than sorry.

How Closing Credit Cards With Balances Can Impact Your Credit

There are a number of ways that closing credit card accounts with a balance can adversely affect your credit score given how credit cards work. Closed accounts in good standing will remain on your credit report for 10 years, whereas those with derogatory marks may fall off after seven years.

For starters, closing your account could drive up your credit utilization ratio, one of the factors that goes into calculating your score. This ratio is determined by dividing your total credit balances by the total of all of your credit limits. Losing the available credit on your closed account can drive up this ratio.

Further, closing your account can impact your credit mix, as you’ll have one fewer line of credit in the mix. It also could decrease your length of credit history if the card you closed was an old one.

That being said, the impacts can vary depending on your credit profile and the credit scoring model that’s being used. If, after closing your account, you pay off your account balance in a timely manner and uphold good credit behavior across other accounts, your score can likely bounce back.

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Is Keeping the Credit Card Account Open a Better Option?

In some scenarios, it may make sense to keep your credit card active, even if you don’t plan on spending on the card. Here’s when opting against closing your credit card account might be the right move:

•   When you can switch credit cards: If your card carrier allows it, you might be able to switch to a different credit card it offers rather than closing out your account entirely. This might make sense if you’re worried about your card’s annual fee, for instance. You’ll still owe any outstanding debt on the old credit card, which will get moved over to the new card (the same goes if you happen to have a negative balance on a credit card).

•   When you have unused credit card rewards: With a rewards credit card, closing the account may jeopardize the use of earned rewards. Avoid that scenario by keeping the credit card active until you’ve used up all the rewards earned on your current credit card, or at least until you’ve transferred them to a new credit card, if that’s an option.

•   When you don’t use the credit card: Even if you don’t use your credit card, or use it sparingly, keeping the card open can help your credit score. This is because creditors and lenders usually look more favorably on credit card users who don’t rack up significant credit card debt, which is why maintaining a low credit utilization ratio is one of the key credit card rules to follow.

That being said, there are certainly some scenarios when it can make sense to say goodbye to your credit card account. Here’s when to cancel your credit card, or at least consider it:

•   You want to avoid the temptation to spend.

•   You want to stop paying your card’s annual fee.

•   The card’s interest rate is rising.

•   You’d like to have fewer credit card accounts to manage.

Guide to Paying Off a Credit Card Balance

No matter what you do with your credit card account, you’re going to have to pay down your credit card debt. That scenario grows more important with a closed card account, which can easily be forgotten — along with the debt you owe.

To avoid making that mistake, here are some options you can explore to pay off your closed credit account with a balance as soon as possible.

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Debt Consolidation Loans

A personal loan at a decent interest rate can make it easier to curb and eliminate your card debt. Once the funds from the loan hit your bank account, you can use the cash to pay off all your credit card debts. Then, you’ll only have to keep track of paying off that one loan with fixed monthly payments, making it easier to manage.

Keep in mind that you’ll generally need good credit to secure a personal loan with competitive terms though.

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Balance Transfer Credit Cards

A balance transfer card with a 0% introductory interest rate can buy you some time when paying down debt. You can transfer your existing debt to the new card, allowing you to pay down credit card debt at a lower interest rate, without racking up any additional interest payments during the promotional period.

Just make sure to pay off the entire balance before the card’s introductory interest rate period ends, and the interest rate rises significantly. Otherwise, you may be right back where you started — with high credit card debt and a high interest rate. Also note that a ​​ balance transfer fee will likely apply.

Debt Avalanche or Snowball

For credit card debt repayment, consider the debt avalanche or snowball approach.

With the avalanche debt repayment method, you prioritize paying off your credit card with the highest interest rate first. Meanwhile, you’ll maintain minimum payments on all of your other debts. Once your highest-rate debt is paid off, you’ll roll those funds over to tackle your balance with the next highest interest rate.

The snowball method, on the other hand, is all about building up momentum toward debt payoff. Here, you pay as much as possible each month toward your credit card with the lowest outstanding balance, while making minimum payments on all of your other outstanding debts. When the smallest debt is paid off completely, repeat the process with the next smallest balance.

Debt Management Plan

If you’re still having trouble paying down your credit card either before or after you close the account, that could be a red flag signaling that you need help. In this case, consider reaching out to an accredited debt management counselor who can set you on the right path to credit debt insolvency.

In addition to helping you create a debt management plan, a credit counselor can help by negotiating a better deal on interest rates and lower monthly payments. That could result in paying down your credit card debt more quickly, which not only saves you money, but also helps protect your credit score.

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The Takeaway

If you decide to close your credit card account with a balance, it’s critical to do so in a way where your debt obligations are covered and your credit score is well-protected. The key to doing the job right is to work with your card company, keep a close eye on outstanding balances and payment deadlines, and work aggressively to pay your card debt down as quickly as possible.

Since closing a credit card can have consequences, it’s especially important to consider a credit card carefully before you apply.


Can you close a credit card with a balance?

Closing a credit card with a balance is possible. However, you’ll still be responsible for the outstanding balance on the card, as well as any interest charges and fees.

Does it hurt your credit to close a credit card with a balance?

Closing your credit card with a balance remaining has the potential to impact your credit score. However, the exact implications for your score can vary depending on your overall credit profile and which credit scoring model is being used.

Is it better to close a credit card or leave it open with a zero balance?

That depends on your personal situation. Closing a card for good may impact your credit score, but you also won’t be able to use the card again and risk racking up unwanted debt in the process.

What happens if you close a credit card with a negative balance?

If you close a credit card with a negative balance, that means the card issuer owes you money instead of vice versa. In this situation, the card issuer will typically refund you that money before closing out the account.

How do I close a credit card without hurting my credit score?

You can mitigate the impacts of closing your account by paying off the balance on that account and all other credit card accounts you have. If you have $0 balances, then closing your account and losing that available credit won’t affect your credit utilization rate.

Photo credit: iStock/staticnak1983

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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Everything You Need to Know About Credit Card Holds

Everything You Need to Know About Credit Card Holds

If you’re someone who swipes your credit card for pretty much anything and everything, you know just how disruptive it can feel when a hold has been placed on your card. This could happen at any time — when you fill up your tank at the gas station, or when you pay for hotel reservations during a weekend getaway — and it can feel like the cash flow equivalent of the water getting shut off in your home.

The good news is that credit card holds are only temporary. And chances are, you’ll be able to tap into your credit card in no time. Let’s shine a light on what a credit card hold is, the different types of credit card authorization holds, and how long a credit card company can hold your payment.

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What Is a Credit Card Hold?

A credit card hold is a two-part scenario during which the merchant and credit card issuer communicate to one another electronically. On one end, a merchant checks with your card issuer ahead of time if you’re good for a specific, preset amount. On the other end, the card issuer locks in that amount on your credit card balance. That way, the merchant ensures it is paid for the purchase.

In turn, due to how credit cards work, you won’t have access to that amount that’s set aside until either the transaction or the issue gets resolved and the hold is released.

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Types of Credit Cards Holds

Let’s take a closer look at the two main types of credit card holds: authorization holds and administrative holds.

Credit Card Authorization Hold

A credit card authorization hold is usually the more complex of the two types of holds. They’re also known as “pre-authorizations,” and you can think of them as a security deposit.

A credit card authorization usually happens when you’re using a credit card to make a larger purchase, or when the final amount of the transaction is unknown. Merchants in industries such as car rental companies, gas stations, and hotels commonly use authorization holds. Other industries where a card isn’t present may also make a request.

How Does An Authorization Credit Card Hold Work?

Here’s how it works: When an authorization hold on a credit card is requested, the card issuer makes a portion of your credit card balance unavailable until the transaction is finalized.

For example: Let’s say you book a hotel room and the grand total is $1,000. The hotel asks the card issuer for a hold. In that case, the issuer will make that $1,000 of your credit limit unavailable. Once the transaction goes through, the authorization hold will be lifted.

Depending on the situation, there might be two authorization holds placed on your credit card. For instance, if you used your credit card to pay for a hotel stay, the first hold would be for accommodations. The second might be for the tab at the mini-bar in your room or for the restaurant bill.

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How Long Does an Authorization Credit Card Hold Last?

An authorization credit card hold can typically last anywhere from one to 30 days. Some holds might be released the same day, while others last for a few days after the transaction is settled. For instance, a hotel hold is usually released a few days after you checkout, while a hold placed by a gas station might be lifted the day you spend money at the pump.

If the transaction doesn’t settle before a hold reaches its expiration, the hold will fall off, and the amount that was held will become available again.

Credit Card Administrative Hold

The other main type of credit card holds are administrative holds. Administrative holds can be broken down into two types:

•   Over-the-credit-limit administrative hold: As the name implies, if you go over your credit card limit, an administrative hold will be placed. And yes, you’ll be barred from using your card until you pay down your card so it falls below the credit limit. This is why it’s important to follow the credit card rule of spending within your limit.

•   Late-payment administrative hold: If you’re behind on your credit card payment, your credit card issuer may place a late-payment administrative hold on your card. In this case, one of two things can happen. If you have a solid credit history, the card issuer might only report the late payment to the credit bureaus, and allow you to continue using your card. But if you keep making late payments or your credit is less-than-stellar, a late-payment hold might be placed until you make several months of on-time credit card payments.

When to Use an Authorization Hold

As a cardholder, an authorization hold isn’t really something you have control over. That’s because the merchant is the party that reaches out to the credit card issuer and requests a hold. This is done as a form of security to ensure the merchant gets paid for a purchase.

That being said, there are things you can do to prevent an authorization hold from happening in the first place. (We’ll get into that in just a little bit.)

When Not to Use an Authorization Hold

It’s up to the merchant whether or not to use an authorization hold. This might be requested if there’s a big question mark hovering over the final amount of the transaction.

Such holds are also requested when it’s worthwhile for a merchant to request a hold, given what a credit card is and how they work. This could include if the purchase is for a larger amount, or if the merchant works in an industry where there’s a high rate of non-payment for purchases.

Tips to Avoid Credit Card Holds

You can avoid credit card holds by doing the following:

•   Use a card in-store. To avoid authorization holds, go inside the store and pay at the counter instead of paying online or at the pump.

•   Check the policy beforehand. If you’re concerned about a hold being placed on your account, reach out to the hotel or car rental company ahead of time. See what their authorization hold policy is, and what the typical amount and length of the hold is.

•   Check your credit card balance. If you plan on booking a hotel room or car rental, do a quick check of your credit card balance and your card limit. If you’ve already used a lot of your current balance and might go past your limit, consider using another card, or looking for less-expensive options so you can stay within your limit.

•   Pay your card balance. To keep your credit card limits low, aim to pay off your credit card balance. To stay out of late-payment territory and avoid late-payment holds, always make the credit card minimum payment.

Steps for Removing an Authorization Hold

While the merchant can release an authorization hold at any time, as the card holder you’ll need to jump through a few additional hoops to do so. Here’s what you need to do to lift an authorization hold:

•   Request that the hold get lifted right away. As some holds linger a few days after the bill is paid, ask the merchant if the hold can get released as soon as the bill is paid and the transaction settled.

•   Ask the credit card issuer if the hold can be removed. You can also reach out directly to the card issuer to see if a hold can be lifted. In this case, the issuer would contact the merchant and make the ask on your behalf.

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The Takeaway

A credit card hold can be a nuisance, but you can also avoid one by taking a few steps. This includes checking your available balance beforehand, and always making sure to make the minimum payments. And if a hold is lingering for longer than you’d like, you can always request that the hold is removed.

If you’re in the market for a credit card, consider the SoFi Credit Card.


How do I remove a credit card hold?

You can remove a credit card hold by reaching out directly to the credit card company or to the merchant.

How long does a pending authorization hold take?

It depends. If it’s an authorization hold from a gas station, the hold can get lifted the same day. If it’s a hold from a hotel or car rental, where the amount you’ll be putting on the card is unknown, it can take several days after you’ve settled the final bill for the hold to be lifted.

What can go wrong with an authorization hold?

There’s a chance that a hold can remain on your card after it’s been canceled or settled. In that case, the funds you have available through your line of credit will be limited. If this happens, you should reach out to the credit card issuer to have the hold released.

Can authorization holds prevent chargebacks?

A benefit of authorization holds is that they can prevent chargebacks for the merchant. (If you’re unfamiliar, a chargeback is when the consumer disputes a charge and requests a refund, in which case the credit card company would withhold the funds from the retailer until the dispute is resolved.) Placing a hold would allow the merchant to avoid this scenario because they can delay processing the transaction.

Photo credit: iStock/Alesmunt

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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