Understanding Seller Concessions_780x440

Understanding Seller Concessions

Buying a new home requires managing a lot of moving parts, from mortgage preapproval to closing. Even after an offer is accepted, buyers and sellers are still at the negotiating table. If closing costs or surprise expenses become too much for the buyer, a seller concession could help seal the deal.

Although seller concessions can work to a buyer’s advantage, they are neither a guaranteed outcome nor a one-size-fits-all solution for every real estate transaction.

To determine if seller concessions are the right move from a buyer’s perspective, here are some key things to know, including what costs they can cover and when to consider asking for them.

Recommended: How Much Are Closing Costs on a New Home?

What Are Seller Concessions?

Seller concessions represent a seller’s contribution toward the buyer’s closing costs, which include certain prepaid expenses and discount points. A seller concession is not the equivalent of a price reduction; nor is it received as cash or a loan discount.

Closing costs usually range from 3% to 6% of the loan principal on your mortgage. When combined with a down payment, the upfront expense of buying a home can be burdensome, especially for first-time homebuyers.

Buyers can ask for concessions on the initial purchase offer or later if the home inspection reveals problems that require repairs.

Although this can be a helpful tool to negotiate a house price, there are rules for eligible costs and limits to how much buyers can ask for.

Recommended: Home Buyer’s Guide

What Costs Can Seller Concessions Cover?

A buyer’s closing costs can vary case by case. Generally, buyers incur fees related to the mortgage loan and other expenses to complete the real estate transaction.

There are also types of prepaid expenses and home repairs that can be requested as a seller concession.

Some common examples of eligible costs include the following:

•   Property taxes: If the sellers have paid their taxes for the year, the buyer may be required to reimburse the sellers for their prorated share.

•   Appraisal fees: Determining the estimated home value may be required by a lender to obtain a mortgage. Appraisal costs can vary by geography and home size but generally run between $300 and $500.

•   Loan origination fees: Money paid to a lender to process a mortgage, origination fees, can be bundled into seller concessions.

•   Homeowners insurance costs: Prepaid components of closing costs like homeowners insurance premiums can be included in seller concessions.

•   Title insurance costs: A title insurance company will search if there are any liens or claims against the property. This verification, which averages $1,000 but varies widely, protects both the homeowner and lender.

•   Funding fees: One-time funding fees for federally guaranteed mortgages, such as FHA and VA loans, can be paid through seller contributions. Rates vary based on down payment and loan type.

•   Attorney fees: Many states require a lawyer to handle real estate closings. Associated fees can run $500 to $1,500 or more, based on location.

•   Recording fees: Some local governments may charge a fee to document the purchase of a home.

•   HOA fees: If a home is in a neighborhood with a homeowners association, there will likely be monthly dues to pay for maintenance and services. A portion of these fees may be covered by the seller.

•   Discount points: Buyers may pay an upfront fee, known as discount points, to lower the interest rate they pay over the life of the mortgage loan. (The cost of one point is 1% of the loan amount.)

•   Home repairs: If any issues emerge during a home inspection, the repair costs can be requested as a seller concession.

Closing costs can also be influenced by the mortgage lender. When shopping for a mortgage, evaluating expected fees and closing costs is a useful way to compare lenders. Factoring in these costs early on can give buyers a more accurate idea of what they can afford and better inform their negotiations with a seller.

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Rules and Limits for Seller Concessions

Determining how much to ask for in seller concessions isn’t just about negotiating power. For starters, the seller’s contributions can’t exceed the buyer’s closing costs.

Other factors can affect the allowable amount of seller concessions, including the type of mortgage loan and whether the home will serve as a primary residence, vacation home, or investment property.

Here’s a breakdown of how concessions work for common types of loans.

Conventional Loans

Guidance on seller concessions for conventional loans is set by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These federally sponsored enterprises buy and guarantee mortgages issued through lenders in the secondary mortgage market.

With conventional loans, the limit on seller concessions is calculated as a percentage of the home sale price based on the down payment and occupancy type.

If it’s an investment property, buyers can only request up to 2% of the sale price in seller concessions.

For a primary or secondary residence, seller concessions can add up to the following percentages of the home sale price:

•   Up to 3% when the down payment is less than 10%
•   Up to 6% when the down payment is 10-25%
•   Up to 9% when the down payment is greater than 25%

FHA Loans

FHA loans, which are insured by the Federal Housing Administration, are a popular financing choice because down payments may be as low as 3.5%, depending on a borrower’s credit score.

For this type of mortgage, seller concessions are limited to 6% of the home sale price.

VA Loans

Active service members, veterans, and surviving spouses may qualify for a mortgage loan guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. For buyers with this type of mortgage, seller concessions are capped at 4% of the home sale price.

VA loans also dictate what types of costs may qualify as a seller concession. Some eligible examples: paying property taxes and VA loan fees or gifting home furnishings, such as a television.

Seller Concession Advantages

There are a few key ways seller concessions can benefit a homebuyer. For starters, they can reduce the amount paid out of pocket for closing costs. This can make the upfront costs of a home purchase more affordable and avoid depleting savings.

Reducing closing costs could help a buyer make a higher offer on a home, too. If it’s a seller’s market, this could be an option to be a more competitive buyer.

Buyers planning significant home remodeling may want to request seller concessions to keep more cash on hand for their projects.

Seller Concession Disadvantages

Seller concessions can also come with some drawbacks. If sellers are looking for a quick deal, they may view concessions as time-consuming and decline an offer.

When sellers agree to contribute to a buyer’s closing costs, the purchase price can go up accordingly. The deal could go awry if the home is appraised at a value less than the agreed-upon sale price. Unless the seller agrees to lower the asking price to align with the appraised value, the buyer may have to increase their down payment to qualify for their original financing.

Another potential downside is that buyers could ultimately pay more over the loan’s term if they receive seller concessions than they would otherwise. If a buyer offers, say, $350,000 and requests $3,000 in concessions, the seller may counteroffer with a purchase price of $353,000, with $3,000 in concessions.

Recommended: Guide to Buying, Selling, and Updating Your Home

The Takeaway

Seller concessions can make a home purchase more affordable for buyers by reducing closing costs and expenses, but whether it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market will affect a buyer’s potential to negotiate. A real estate agent can offer guidance on asking for seller concessions.

The vast majority of homebuyers finance their purchase. So for most buyers, finding the right mortgage is an important step in landing their dream home.

SoFi offers home mortgages with competitive rates and down payments as low as 5%. And prequalifying takes just a few minutes.

Buying a home? Find out how SoFi can help you with a mortgage that fits your needs.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See SoFi.com/eligibility-criteria for more information.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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What Are Mortgage Reserves and How Much Do You Need?

You’ve saved for a down payment, and you’re ready to cover closing costs. But do you have enough cash and assets to cover your mortgage reserves?

Lenders sometimes require mortgage reserves from home buyers in order for the loan to be approved at application and then funded on the day of closing. But what are mortgage reserves, and how much might you need to have set aside? Below, we’ll review what assets qualify as mortgage reserves and when you might need them.

What Are Mortgage Reserves?

Mortgage reserves are the cash and other assets that home buyers can access in the event they need help covering their mortgage payments for a set number of months. Such reserves are a kind of fail-safe in the event a buyer is laid off or otherwise loses a revenue stream.

In some cases, lenders require you to prove you have such reserves before funding your home mortgage loan. Requirements can range from as little as one month of reserves (i.e., all your mandatory housing costs for a month) to six months or more.

Luckily for home buyers, lenders consider more than just the money in your checking and savings accounts as mortgage reserves. Cash and assets that can be classified as mortgage reserves include:

•   Money in a deposit account (not only checking and savings, but also money market accounts and certificates of deposit)

•   Stocks and bonds

•   Trust accounts

•   Cash value in a life insurance policy

•   Vested retirement funds, such as money in 401(k)s and IRAs

Keep in mind that money in your savings account that you’ll use for the down payment and closing costs does not count toward your mortgage reserves. Mortgage reserves are money and assets that you will have access to after closing.

Still crunching the numbers on your dream home? Use our mortgage calculator to understand just how much you might spend.

First-time homebuyers can
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with as little as 3% down.

Questions? Call (888)-541-0398.

Recommended: What Is a Bank Reserve?

Do All Types of Mortgages Require a Reserve?

Not every borrower will need mortgage reserves when buying a home. Requirements depend on the type of mortgage you’re applying for, as well as your overall financial picture (credit score, debt-to-income ratio, and size of your down payment, for instance).

The table below breaks down potential mortgage reserve requirements by loan type:

Type of Mortgage

Mortgage Reserve Requirements

Conventional 0 to 6 months
FHA (Federal Housing Administration) 0 to 2 months for one- and two-unit properties
3 months for three- and four-unit properties
VA (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs) N/A for one- and two-unit properties
Variable for three- and four-unit properties
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) N/A

Why do these requirements vary? Lenders may have different rules depending on whether a government agency is guaranteeing the loan, or whether the home will be your primary residence or if it’s an investment property.

Lenders may also have stricter mortgage reserve requirements if you’re making a small down payment, you have a high debt-to-income ratio, or if your credit score is too low (typically anything below a 700 credit score can warrant larger reserves if the borrower is making a down payment of less than 20 percent).

Recommended: Tips to Qualify for a Mortgage

Tips for Building Your Mortgage Reserves

Saving up for a down payment can be challenging on its own, but cobbling together enough cash reserves for a mortgage loan can make it even tougher. Here are some tips for building your home loan reserves:

Decrease Spending

Take a good, hard look at your budget to figure out how to stop spending money that you could be saving. Common culprits include dining out, streaming services, cups of coffee on your way to work, and memberships and subscriptions. Determine what you can cut out of your life — just for now — to reduce your monthly spending.

You may also be able to lower your utility bills by making some simple, eco-friendly updates in your current home. Also consider carpooling or using public transportation to reduce fuel costs, and raise your deductible on your car insurance to get a lower monthly premium. Finally, clip coupons and look for deals when shopping for groceries.

Use a Certificate of Deposit

If you know you’ll be buying a home within a few years, store some savings in a certificate of deposit (CD). Though the money is less liquid than funds in a savings account, it still counts toward your mortgage reserves and a CD may offer a higher interest rate, so your money will grow faster.

Set Aside a Chunk of Your Income

When you get each paycheck, intentionally move some into a high-yield savings account that’s earmarked for your mortgage reserves. (You can also do this when saving for the down payment on your home.)

Automatically setting aside some of your income for a specific purpose can make it a lot easier to resist the temptation to spend it on other things, like clothes and vacations.

Take Up a Side Gig

If you’ve cut all the expenses you can and you’re still coming up short, think about how you can earn more money. You can always ask for a raise at work, but you may have more luck taking on a side hustle to earn extra income. That doesn’t always mean getting a second job — there are passive income ways to build wealth.

Boost Your Retirement Contributions

Mortgage reserves don’t have to be money in your bank account. Retirement contributions to IRAs and 401(k)s (if vested) also count toward your reserves, and these may grow faster than money in a high-yield savings account, depending on how the market is doing.

Even better, if your employer matches contributions to a 401(k), that’s an easy way to quickly increase your mortgage reserves. And it’s free money!

What Happens If You Don’t Meet the Mortgage Reserve Requirements?

Mortgage reserve requirements are called that for a reason: They’re required. Just like the down payment and closing costs, you will absolutely need your mortgage reserves if your lender asks for them in order to have your mortgage loan funded. You’ll be asked to note these assets on a mortgage application.

If the lender discovers prior to the closing that you don’t have the reserve for the mortgage, the lender can back out.

The Takeaway

Depending on your credit score, down payment, the type of property you’re purchasing, and the type of mortgage loan you’re looking for, you may need to have mortgage reserves set aside to get approved. Mortgage reserves are cash and assets you can use to cover your housing costs for a set number of months if something happens and you suddenly can’t afford your mortgage.

Looking for an affordable option for a home mortgage loan? SoFi can help: We offer low down payments (as little as 3% - 5%*) with our competitive and flexible home mortgage loans. Plus, applying is extra convenient: It's online, with access to one-on-one help.

SoFi Mortgages: simple, smart, and so affordable.


What is the difference between cash reserves and mortgage reserves?

Mortgage reserves are a type of cash reserves. Cash reserves broadly refers to money set aside for short-term needs and emergencies, like sudden job loss; cash reserves can get you through a set number of months’ worth of expenses.

Mortgage reserves are specifically money set aside to cover housing costs for a set number of months and may be required for some home loans.

Can I use retirement savings as mortgage reserves?

Retirement savings can count toward your mortgage reserves. If you’re using 401(k) funds in the total calculation, they must be vested.

How long do I need to maintain mortgage reserves?

How long you need to maintain mortgage reserves depends on the type of mortgage loan you’re using and factors like your credit score and debt-to-income ratio. Typical conventional loan reserve requirements are two months of mortgage reserves after closing, but it’s possible to need up to six months of reserves for a conventional mortgage.

Can I use gift funds for mortgage reserves?

You can use gift funds for mortgage reserves for an FHA loan, as well as certain other loans with some restrictions. Gift funds refers to money or assets donated to a home buyer, usually from a loved one, without the expectation of repayment.

Photo credit: iStock/FilippoBacci

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See SoFi.com/eligibility-criteria for more information.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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What Is a Home Inspection and How Does It Work?

A home inspection is an examination of the home’s structure and mechanical systems. It’s typically performed during the escrow period of a real estate transaction so that buyers can gather information about the condition of the property. This information can help them decide if they want to complete the transaction or cancel the contract.

Many real estate professionals advise homebuyers to purchase a home inspection to protect their money and investment. While a home inspection can reveal many pitfalls associated with buying a particular piece of property, it also has limitations buyers should be aware of.

Note: SoFi does not offer home inspections at this time. However, SoFi does offer conventional mortgage loan options.

What Is a Home Inspection?

A home inspection is a visual assessment of a property’s condition, including the major mechanical, structural, and visual elements of a home. This includes things like the electrical, plumbing, foundation, walls, ceiling, heating and cooling systems, leaks, mold, and structural elements.

Getting a home inspection is one way that borrowers can protect their money when taking on a home mortgage loan. Because home inspection reports can reveal potentially expensive problems with a home, homebuyers may be able to renegotiate the contract, ask home sellers to fix problems, or withdraw from the contract entirely.

First-time homebuyers can
prequalify for a SoFi mortgage loan,
with as little as 3% down.

Questions? Call (888)-541-0398.

What Does a Home Inspection Include?

If you’ve been looking at properties, you probably already know some basics of what to look for when buying a house. But a home inspection delves more deeply than you could in your initial examination. It includes information about the home’s condition, including mechanical systems such as the HVAC, roof, electrical, plumbing, walls, ceiling, floor, windows, doors, foundation, and other structural components.

It’s important to note that inspectors have some limitations. If the electricity isn’t on, they can’t do an inspection of it. There are other systems that are not usually included in a standard home inspection, such as an inspection of a well or septic system.

💡 Quick Tip: A major home purchase may mean a jumbo loan, but it doesn’t have to mean a jumbo down payment. Apply for a jumbo mortgage with SoFi, and you could put as little as 10% down.

When Should You Get a Home Inspection?

Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or have bought multiple properties, if you’re in a real estate transaction, you should get a home inspection when you want to feel more comfortable with your purchase. You’ll want to make an appointment with the home inspector as soon as your contract is signed. (A seller might also want to get an inspection before putting a home on the market, so that any big issues can be fixed before they hurt the home appraisal value.)

Home Inspection Checklist

Not quite sure what is checked on a home inspection? It’s helpful to know what the home inspection may include in a home inspection checklist.


•   Is there proper grading and drainage away from the home or is standing water visible?

•   Are the walkways, yard, trees, and landscaping in good condition? Do branches or trees hang over the house?

•   Is there evidence of termite or water damage on exterior structures?

•   Are the railings secure and stable?


•   Are the sides of the house straight, without sagging or bowing?

•   Do windows and door frames appear square?

•   Do the roof ridge and fascia (the lower beam supporting the gutters) appear straight?

•   Is the foundation straight with no major cracks?

Exterior surfaces

•   Is the siding or stucco in good condition?

•   Do masonry veneers have cracks or flakes?

•   Is there any wood in contact with the ground?

•   Is the paint peeling or chipping?

•   Are there any vines covering the exterior surfaces of the home?

•   Are there stains on exterior surfaces?

Windows, door, and trim

•   Are door frames cracked or rotting?

•   Are windows in working order with no breaks?

•   Are the joints of windows and doors caulked?


•   Are shingles cracked, rotting, missing, or curling? Are there more than two layers?

•   Are there obvious patches, cracks, splits, or wrinkling on a flat roof?

•   Are the flashing and soffit in good shape?

•   Is there exterior venting for eave areas?

•   Are the gutters in good shape?

•   Are the chimneys straight, properly flashed, with no evidence of cracked joints?


•   Are there stains on the underside of the roof?

•   Is there damage or rot to the structure?

•   Is there sufficient insulation and ventilation?

•   Is there plumbing, exhaust or plumbing terminating in the attic?

•   Are there open electrical splices?

Interior rooms

•   Do floors, walls, and ceilings seem plumb and level?

•   Are there stains or cracks in the walls or ceiling?

•   Are the paint or wall covering, flooring, and trim in good condition?

•   Do the lights and switches operate correctly?

•   Are there enough electrical outlets? Do they work properly?

•   Is there heating and cooling in each room?

•   Is there cracked or broken masonry around the fireplace? Is there evidence of backdrafting? Does the damper operate properly?


•   Is there a working exhaust fan venting to the outside?

•   Are there GFCI outlets within 6 feet of the sink?

•   Does the dishwasher operate and drain properly?

•   Are there leaks in the pipes under the sink?

•   Does the floor under the sink have evidence of water?

•   Is the water flow adequate?

•   Are the cabinets in good condition?

•   Do built-in appliances operate properly?


•   Is there a working exhaust fan that doesn’t terminate in the attic?

•   Is there adequate pressure and flow at all fixtures?

•   Is the toilet stable and working properly?

•   Are metal elements free of rust?

•   Is the caulking on the tub, toilet, and shower in good condition?

•   Are there stains or evidence of past leaking?

Basement or mechanical room

•   Is there evidence of moisture?

•   Are there stains or cracks on exposed foundation?

•   Is there visible sagging, stains, or damage from insects in exposed wood elements?

•   Is there insulation at rim/band joists?

Crawl space

•   Is the crawl space adequately vented to the exterior?

•   Is there insulation on exposed water supply, waste, and vent lines?

•   Is there insulation between the crawl space and the heated areas of the home?

•   Is there evidence of moisture or pest damage?


•   Is there evidence of leaking or cracked pipes?

•   Are there signs of rust on the water heater? Is it vented properly? Is it the correct size to produce enough water for the home?

•   Does the water pump short cycle?

•   Do the galvanized pipes restrict water flow?

•   Is the well water test acceptable?

•   Is the hot water temperature between 118 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit?


•   Are there exposed splices? Knob and tube wiring?

•   Does the service panel have adequate capacity?

•   Is there aluminum cable for branch circuits?

Heating and cooling systems

•   Is there good air flow from all vents?

•   Are there open seams in the flues?

•   Is there rust around the cooling unit?

•   Is there a combustion gas odor?

•   Is the air filter clean?

•   Is the ductwork in good condition?

•   Is there asbestos on the components?

•   Are there separate flues for oil/gas/propane and wood/coal?


•   Are smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in place?

•   Are stair risers and treads in good shape?

•   Are stair handrails in good condition?

•   Does the garage door opener work properly?

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What Are Problems That May Fail a Home Inspection?

The most common problem areas that cause a home inspection to fail (meaning, the buyer pulls out of the transaction because of the severity of the issues) include:

•   Faulty roof or foundation

•   Pests

•   Low water pressure

•   Failing windows

•   Electrical issues

•   Drainage issues

•   Failing heating system

•   Wood rot

•   Leaks

•   Mold

•   Building code violations

•   Toxic building materials (like asbestos or lead-based paint)

What Happens if a House Fails Inspection?

If there’s an issue that’s too big to ignore, you have options.

1.    Ask the seller to make repairs. Sellers may be able to make the necessary repairs to get the property up to par.

2.    Ask for a credit from the seller at closing. If you’d rather have money to fix the problem yourself, you can negotiate for a credit from the seller.

3.    Resubmit a counteroffer with a lower price. You can submit an addendum to the contract that lowers the purchase price to reflect the condition of the property and remediation cost.

4.    Abandon ship. If the problems are too big and it doesn’t make financial sense to buy the property, you may just want to walk away.

5.    Buy it anyway. In a competitive real estate market, you may need to decide if the problems found during the inspection are worth bringing up. Sellers often have multiple offers or can sell the property “as is,” meaning, the property may be able to sell even with the problems found. This is dependent on the lender, of course, because lenders may not fund your mortgage if the problems found are severe. (Lenders find out this information in the home appraisal, not the home inspection. The home inspection is for you.)

What Are Home Inspectors Not Allowed to Do?

Home inspectors have some limits. The inspection may not include a close look at:

•   Outbuildings or fences

•   Pests

•   Mold

•   Sprinkler systems

•   Wells

•   Septic systems

•   Ducting

•   Vegetation and drainage

•   Swimming pools

Additionally, home inspectors may not climb on the roof, advise on the cost of repairs, or advise on the purchase of the property.

How Much Does a Home Inspection Cost?

According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the typical home inspection costs between $300 and $500. This will vary, of course, depending on the size of the home, region, age of the home, and other optional services you may want to opt for.

How to Find a Reputable Home Inspector

A good home inspector is invaluable and they’re not all created equal. If you want someone that will take a good look at your home, take these steps:

•   Ask for recommendations from family and friends. If someone you know had a great experience with a home inspector, get their number.

•   Ask your real estate agent for ideas. They’re in the business and likely have a good idea of which home inspectors are thorough and knowledgeable when it comes to a home inspection.

•   Read reviews. There are many sites that offer to connect service professionals with homeowners, and they usually have reviews of past work that you can see.

Pros and Cons of a Home Inspection

When it comes to a home inspection, there are a few pros and cons you’ll want to consider.


•   A trained professional can find issues you cannot. Even if you’re experienced in home construction, a professional has the advantage when it comes to thousands of potential issues the home could have.

•   It helps protect your money. A home inspection can help you determine if purchasing a certain property is right for you or not and can help you ensure that the home is fairly priced.

•   The report can be used as a negotiation tool. A home inspection that reveals an issue can be used to negotiate repairs, price reduction, or money to repair the issue.


•   It’s possible to miss major issues. Getting a home inspection doesn’t guarantee that there’s nothing wrong with the home you’re buying. The inspector can’t open up walls. And if the home doesn’t have all of its systems operational, the home inspector cannot inspect them.

•   You may need additional inspectors for specialized systems. If the property you’re buying has a well or a septic system, for example, you’ll likely need an additional inspection from someone qualified to inspect those systems.

💡 Quick Tip: If you refinance your mortgage and shorten your loan term, you could save a substantial amount in interest over the lifetime of the loan.

Do the Homebuyers Have to Be There?

Home inspectors generally do not require potential purchasers to be present when they complete the home inspection. However, it can be very helpful if the buyers make time to be there. The inspector can point out issues, address the severity of them, or make recommendations that are hard to express in a report.

How Long Does a Home Inspection Take?

On the day of the home inspection, how long a home inspection takes depends on the size of the home. Generally, the home inspection takes between two and four hours. After the inspection is complete, the report is usually sent within 24 to 48 hours.

Home Inspection Tips

After you receive your home inspection, you may see some unexpected things. These tips can help.

•   Don’t panic. Every house has something wrong with it. Most things are fixable and you just need to find out what it costs to fix.

•   Get estimates. The home inspection is usually just a starting point. You’ll need to find professionals to determine how much it will cost to fix.

•   Negotiate for fixes. Your real estate agent can ask the seller to fix items found in the home inspection. The estimates you get can come in handy.

•   Make a decision by the deadline. In your contract, you’ll likely have a date that you need to cancel to ensure you don’t lose your deposit. If something in the home inspection is upsetting enough for you to cancel the contract, you need to do it by the deadline.

The Takeaway

Home inspections are recommended because they can help buyers make an informed decision when it comes to purchasing property. When there’s a sizable amount of money at stake, it’s usually worth it to pay a few hundred dollars to uncover potential problems.

However, sometimes even a home inspection doesn’t catch everything wrong with a property. Keep in mind that once your home inspection is finished, you may need to hire a specialist to get to the root of the problem identified by the home inspector. With better information in your hands, you can be prepared to commit your money to a mortgage.

Looking for an affordable option for a home mortgage loan? SoFi can help: We offer low down payments (as little as 3% - 5%*) with our competitive and flexible home mortgage loans. Plus, applying is extra convenient: It's online, with access to one-on-one help.

SoFi Mortgages: simple, smart, and so affordable.


What things are big red flags in a home inspection?

Some big red flags to look for in a home inspection are potential issues related to the safety and strength of its construction and systems, such as foundation issues, electrical hazards, drainage issues, and leaks.

What is the importance of an inspection?

A home inspection can reveal potential problems or defects in a property. It can help buyers make better decisions and help protect their money.

What does an inspection agreement typically include?

If you see a home inspection agreement, it may include the scope of work, exclusions, date and fee for the inspection, extras that can be performed for a fee, dispute resolution process, limitations of liability, and statement of no guarantee or warranty of the inspection.

Photo credit: iStock/LSOphoto

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See SoFi.com/eligibility-criteria for more information.

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

OPEC is the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, an intergovernmental organization of 12 nations focused on coordinating and unifying the oil production policies of its member countries. The organization was founded in 1960 and is headquartered in Vienna, Austria.

OPEC’s primary goal is to regulate the supply of oil to stabilize the market and ensure that member countries receive an ideal price for their oil. To achieve this, the organization holds regular meetings where member countries discuss current market conditions and decide on production levels for each country. By controlling the oil supply, OPEC can influence the price of oil on the global market, which affects the global economy and, thus, investors.

Key Points

•   OPEC aims to coordinate and unify oil policies among member countries.

•   Stabilizing the international oil market is a core objective of OPEC.

•   Ensuring fair prices for oil producers is crucial for OPEC.

•   OPEC’s actions impact global oil supply and demand dynamics.

•   Member countries work together to manage oil production levels.

What Is OPEC?

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a cartel of oil-producing countries founded in 1960 in Baghdad, Iraq. The founding members of OPEC were Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. Since then, the group has expanded to include as many as 16 countries, but currently has 12 member countries.

As noted above, the main function of OPEC is to regulate the oil supply that its member countries produce to manage the price of the global oil market. The organization achieves this by setting production levels, conducting research, and promoting cooperation among member countries.

Despite its power, OPEC has faced criticism over the years for its production policies. Some critics claim that OPEC’s decisions to limit oil production have led to higher oil prices and gas prices that benefit member countries while harming the global economy and consumers. Others argue that the cartel’s power has diminished in recent years due to increased competition from non-OPEC countries such as the United States and Canada.

Which Countries Are Members of OPEC?

OPEC currently has 12 member countries. At its height, OPEC had 16 member countries, but Qatar, Ecuador, and Indonesia withdrew membership in recent years.

The current member countries of OPEC are:

•   Algeria

•   Congo

•   Equatorial Guinea

•   Gabon

•   Iran

•   Iraq

•   Kuwait

•   Libya

•   Nigeria

•   Saudi Arabia

•   United Arab Emirates

•   Venezuela

These countries are major producers and exporters of oil, and they play a significant role in the global oil market. Together, they account for about 80% of the world’s crude oil reserves and produce about 40% of the world’s oil. This makes OPEC a major player in the global energy market and allows it to wield significant power in setting the price of oil.

However, several large oil-producing countries that are not a part of OPEC, including:

•   The United States is the world’s largest oil producer and consumer.

•   Canada is the world’s fourth-largest oil producer.

•   China is the world’s fifth-largest oil producer and the second-largest oil-consuming country.

•   Brazil is the eighth-largest oil-producing country.

The decisions of oil producers in these countries may counteract OPEC policies.


OPEC Plus (commonly written as OPEC+) is an extension of OPEC that includes a number of non-OPEC countries that have significant oil industries. These countries have joined forces with OPEC in an effort to collectively manage the global oil market and stabilize oil prices. OPEC+ was formed in 2016 and currently includes Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mexico, Malaysia, Oman, South Sudan, and Sudan.

The main difference between OPEC and OPEC+ is that the latter is a broader group that includes both OPEC and non-OPEC countries, and was formed more recently in response to changing market conditions. Both groups have the same goal of regulating the supply of oil to stabilize the global oil market.

What Is the Purpose of OPEC?

The main purpose of OPEC is to coordinate and unify the oil, gas, and energy policies of its member countries. This is done to stabilize the international oil market and secure fair and stable prices for energy producers in the member countries. By working together, OPEC member countries can ensure that they are able to influence the supply of oil in the global market, which in turn can help to maintain stable prices.

Pros and Cons of OPEC

The pros of OPEC include:

•   Stabilizing the market: By regulating the supply of oil, OPEC can help to stabilize the global oil market and prevent prices from fluctuating wildly. This can provide a degree of predictability and reliability for both producers and consumers.

•   Ensuring fair prices: OPEC’s goal is to ensure that member countries receive fair prices for their oil. By controlling the supply of oil, the organization can influence the price of oil on the global market and help to ensure that member countries are not exploited by outside parties.

•   Providing economic benefits: The oil industry is a major source of revenue for many of the member countries of OPEC. By controlling the supply of oil, OPEC can help to maximize the economic benefits for its member countries.

The cons of OPEC include:

•   Harming the global economy: Critics argue that OPEC’s decisions to limit oil production can lead to higher oil prices, which can harm the global economy and consumers. High oil prices can lead to inflation and reduce the purchasing power of consumers, which can slow economic growth.

•   Diminishing power: Some argue that the power of OPEC has diminished in recent years as a result of increased competition from non-OPEC countries such as the United States and Canada. This has led to a more fragmented and complex global oil market, which has reduced OPEC’s ability to influence the price of oil.

•   Facilitating corruption: Because OPEC is a cartel of oil-producing countries, it has been criticized for facilitating corruption and non-transparent practices. This can lead to abuses of power and mismanagement of oil revenues, which can have negative consequences for both the member countries and the global market.

How Does OPEC Affect Oil Prices?

OPEC’s decisions about production levels can have a significant impact on the price of oil. If OPEC decides to reduce production levels, it can lead to a decrease in the global supply of oil, which can cause the price of oil to increase. On the other hand, if OPEC decides to raise production levels, it can increase the global supply of oil, which can cause the price of oil to decrease.

Therefore, OPEC’s decisions about production levels can significantly impact the price of oil on the global market, as well as global investments. By controlling the oil supply, the organization can influence the price of oil and help ensure that member countries receive fair prices for their oil.

However, OPEC’s influence on oil prices has arguably waned in recent years, largely because the United States has become the world’s largest producer and one of the largest exporters of oil. Because the U.S. has grown its oil-production market share, it has lessened the influence of OPEC on the markets.

OPEC is also facing challenges to its oil hegemony because of the rise of renewable energy sources, like solar energy, which may lessen the demand for oil in the future.

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Does OPEC Affect Investing in the Oil Sector?

The decisions made by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) may affect investors. Because OPEC members control a large portion of the world’s oil supply, its decisions about production levels can affect the global supply of oil and, ultimately, the price of oil on the market.

If OPEC decides to reduce production levels, it can lead to a decrease in the global supply of oil, which can cause the price of oil to increase. This can be beneficial for investors who have invested in energy stocks or oil-related assets, as they may see an increase in the value of their investments. However, higher oil prices could also harm the global economy, which may be a drag on an investor’s overall portfolio.

On the other hand, if OPEC decides to boost production levels, it can increase the global oil supply, which can cause the price of oil to decrease. This can be detrimental for investors who have invested in oil companies or oil-related assets, as they may see a decrease in the value of their investments.

Therefore, it is essential for investors to monitor OPEC’s decisions and how they may affect the global oil market. By understanding the organization and its role in the market, investors can make more informed decisions about their investments in the oil industry.

💡 Recommended: How and Why to Invest in Oil

The Takeaway

meets and makes production decisions, it can ultimately affect consumers at the gas pump and investors’ portfolios. Thus, staying up to speed with OPEC and its decisions can help you understand how the organization affects your wallet.
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2024 VA Loan Closing Costs Calculator Table With Examples

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a mortgage financing program known as VA loans. This is designed to help veterans, active-duty service members, and surviving spouses get financing for a home loan.

When applying for any mortgage, there are additional costs on top of the purchase price of the property. These costs can be complex to figure out for first-time homebuyers, so there are calculators available to help.

A loan closing costs calculator is used to estimate the closing expenses associated with a mortgage loan such as a VA loan. These costs can include appraisal fees, loan origination fees, title and homeowner’s insurance, lawyer’s fees, and property taxes. The calculator takes into account the amount of the loan, the term of the loan, the interest rate, and the purchase price.

This guide will help you understand these costs and also calculate what these expenses might look like for your loan.

Key Points

•   VA loans offer mortgage financing for veterans, active-duty service members, and surviving spouses.

•   Closing costs for VA loans can include fees for appraisal, origination, and title insurance.

•   A VA loan closing costs calculator helps estimate these expenses, aiding in financial planning.

•   The VA funding fee varies and can be financed into the loan; some may be exempt from this fee.

•   VA loans do not require private mortgage insurance, potentially lowering overall borrowing costs.

Why Use a VA Loan Closing Costs Calculator Table?

A VA loan closing costs calculator is a useful tool for anyone looking into applying for a VA loan. Because, yes, you do pay closing costs with a VA loan.

Although calculators only provide an estimate and not the final closing costs, you can enter the property and loan details and immediately get an idea about the total closing expenses you will be paying if you go through with the loan.

This helps with budgeting, comparing the cost of living in different locations, looking at different properties and loan options, and negotiation. It also helps educate borrowers about the loan process.

💡 Quick Tip: When house hunting, don’t forget to lock in your home mortgage loan rate so there are no surprises if your offer is accepted.

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How to Calculate Your VA Loan Closing Costs

Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or have been through the process before, it can be a good idea to acquaint yourself in advance with the fees you’ll pay when you get a home mortgage. The following are some of the common costs associated with VA loans:

•   VA funding fee: This is a required fee calculated as a percentage of the loan amount. The amount of this fee depends on factors such as the down payment amount and the type of service member applying. Worth noting: This is the one fee that you may be able to roll into the loan vs. pay separately.

Also, some people may be exempt from paying a funding fee, such as those who receive compensation for a service-related disability, among other scenarios.

•   Loan origination fee: This is a fee for processing the loan application (it’s charged by the lender, not the VA) and is generally a percentage of the loan amount. With a VA loan, it typically has a maximum and will not exceed 1% of the loan value.

•   Discount points: These are upfront payments that can be made to reduce the loan’s interest rate. Each percent of the loan amount is equal to one point.

•   Credit report: This is a fee for obtaining a credit report, which is used to determine the borrower’s creditworthiness. Having good credit is just one important part of qualifying for a home loan.

•   Appraisal fee: There is a fee for hiring an appraiser, who determines the value of the property being purchased.

•   Homeowners insurance: This is to secure the property against damage and losses. Borrowers generally pay the first year upfront.

•   Real estate taxes: If there are any unpaid property taxes, some or all may need to be paid at closing.

•   State and local taxes: Some states or cities may impose taxes or property transfer fees.

•   Title insurance: Title insurance protects against issues with the property’s title and is generally required by lenders.

•   Recording fee: This fee covers the cost of recording the mortgage and any related documents with the government.

Worth noting: With VA loans, you can save big because private mortgage insurance (PMI) isn’t required for those putting down less than 20%, as it might be with other kinds of home loans.

💡 Quick Tip: A VA loan can make home buying simple for qualified borrowers. Because the VA guarantees a portion of the loan, you could skip a down payment. Plus, you could qualify for lower interest rates, enjoy lower closing costs, and even bypass mortgage insurance.†

2024 VA Loan Funding Fee Calculator Table

Now that you understand the different fees that may be assessed when you take out a mortgage, take a closer look at what some of these fees look like for a typical VA loan. (Rates may differ for other types of VA loans, such as those for manufactured homes or that are part of the Native American Direct Loan program.)

Down Payment (%) Funding Fee (1st Time) Subsequent Funding Fee Other Closing Costs
0-5% 2.15% 3.30% $3,500 to $6,000
5-10% 1.50% 1.5% $2,500 to $5,000
>10% 1.25% 1.25% $2,000 to $4,000

Examples of VA Loan Closing Costs Calculations

Below are a few examples of closing costs for a VA loan in 2023:

Example 1: First-time homebuyer with no down payment

Loan Amount: $250,000
Down Payment: 0% (No down payment)
Funding Fee: 2.15% (First-time user)
Other Closing Costs: $5,000

Closing Costs Calculation:

Funding fee: $250,000 x 2.15% (0.0215) = $5,375
Other closing costs: $5,000
Total closing costs: $5,375 (funding fee) + $5,000 (other closing costs) = $10,375

Example 2: First-time homebuyer with a 5% down payment

Loan amount: $300,000
Down payment: 5% ($15,000)
Funding fee: 1.50% (first-time user)
Other closing costs: $6,500

Closing Costs Calculation:

Funding fee: ($300,000 – $15,000) x 1.50% (0.0165) = $4,275
Other closing costs: $6,500
Total closing costs: $4,275 (funding fee) + $6,500 (other closing costs) = $10,775

Example 3: Subsequent homebuyer with a 15% down payment

Loan amount: $400,000
Down payment: 15% ($60,000)
Funding fee: 1.25% (subsequent user)
Other closing costs: $7,000

Closing Costs Calculation:

Funding fee: ($400,000 – $60,000) x 1.25% = $4,250
Other closing costs: $7,000
Total closing costs: $4,250 (funding fee) + $7,000 (other closing costs) = $11,250

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Reasons to Calculate Your VA Loan Closing Costs First

Calculating VA loan closing costs is beneficial for a few reasons:

1.    Financial planning: Calculating closing costs for a VA loan upfront helps with planning finances and budgeting to make sure you have enough money to afford purchasing a home. It prevents unforeseen expenses and reduces stress throughout the buying process.

2.    Analyze affordability: Knowing closing costs can help you determine whether you can afford a property.

3.    Comparison shopping: Calculating closing expenses also helps with comparing various home mortgage loans so you can choose the terms that work best for you and potentially save money. While VA loans are one option, there are many types of mortgage loan choices that may be a good choice depending on your individual circumstances.

4.    Negotiation: Understanding closing costs provides a starting point for negotiation. Certain fees or terms may be negotiable, and having the knowledge of the starting points provides you, the borrower, with the information needed to get the best deal.

5.    Avoid surprises: Planning ahead can help prevent unforeseen costs that may arise during the closing process. It also allows you to compare the estimate to the final closing costs to make sure they are all accurate.

Recommended: How Long Does It Take to Close on a House?

Tips on How to Save on Your VA Loan Closing Costs

Here are some tips for how to save on VA loan closing costs:

•   Shop around for lenders: Compare closing cost estimates from various lenders by requesting quotations from them all. It’s important to shop around for a mortgage and look into different options to find the best rates and terms.

•   Negotiate with the lender: Don’t hesitate to ask for lower fees and discuss terms. Eligible borrowers with good credit may be able to negotiate loan conditions.

•   Consider seller concessions: In some cases it may be possible to persuade the seller of the home to cover some of the closing costs. Consult with the real estate agent during the negotiation process about this possibility to reduce costs.

•   Utilize VA loan programs and benefits: Take advantage of the benefits offered by the VA loan program. For instance, the VA funding fee can be rolled into the loan amount, and the VA has restrictions on fees which can help keep closing costs down.

•   Consider rate options: Evaluate different interest rate options and the impact they have on closing costs. For instance, a higher interest rate may offer lender credits that can be applied to closing costs. If one intends to live in the house for a long time, this may be a good option.

•   Read the Closing Disclosure (CD) carefully: The final closing costs are listed in the Closing Disclosure document. It’s important to carefully review this document to make sure there are no errors or unforeseen closing costs.

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The Takeaway

VA loan closing costs include the financing fee, credit report fees, appraisal fees, title insurance, and other expenses associated with obtaining a VA loan. It’s important for borrowers to calculate their estimated closing costs in advance to compare loan options, negotiate fees, and prepare themselves financially for buying a home.

It’s also wise to consider a variety of loan options, from the VA or not, to make sure you are getting the right fit for your financial needs.

SoFi offers VA loans with competitive interest rates, no private mortgage insurance, and down payments as low as 0%. Eligible service members, veterans, and survivors may use the benefit multiple times.

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What is the VA funding fee for 2023?

The VA funding fees for 2023 are, for first use, dependent on your down payment amount: less than 5%, 2.15%; 5% to 10%, 1.5%; and over 10%, 1.25%. After first use, the rates shift to: less than 5%, 3.3%; 5% to 10%, 1.5 %; and move than 10%, 1.25%.

What percentage of closing costs can be included in a VA loan?

There is no specific limit on the percentage of closing costs that can be included in the loan amount, but the VA restricts the types of fees that can be charged. The VA has a “4% rule,” which states that the total allowable closing costs and certain fees paid by the borrower cannot exceed 4% of the loan amount.

What is an example of a VA funding fee?

The VA funding fee is a one-time fee paid by borrowers using a VA loan, and the amount is calculated based on factors such as the loan amount, down payment, and the borrower’s service category. For example, a first-time borrower with a $300,000 loan amount and no down payment may have a funding fee of 2.15%, resulting in a fee of $6,450.

Photo credit: iStock/Ole Schwander

Veterans, Service members, and members of the National Guard or Reserve may be eligible for a loan guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. VA loans are subject to unique terms and conditions established by VA and SoFi. Ask your SoFi loan officer for details about eligibility, documentation, and other requirements. VA loans typically require a one-time funding fee except as may be exempted by VA guidelines. The fee may be financed or paid at closing. The amount of the fee depends on the type of loan, the total amount of the loan, and, depending on loan type, prior use of VA eligibility and down payment amount. The VA funding fee is typically non-refundable. SoFi is not affiliated with any government agency.
SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See SoFi.com/eligibility-criteria for more information.

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SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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