Social Financial Inc. (“Sponsor” or “SoFi”) is solely responsible for all aspects of the SoFi x Watcher September 2023 $2,500 Sweepstakes (the “Sweepstakes”).   ENTRY PERIOD: Sweepstakes begins at 12:00:00 AM Pacific Time (“PT”) on September 29, 2023 and ends at 11:59:59 PM (PT) on October 13, 2023(“Entry Period”). All entries must be received by 11:59:59 PM (PT) on October 13, 2023.  

ELIGIBILITY:   To be eligible for this Sweepstakes, at the time of entry you must be: [1] a legal resident and physically located within, the 50 United States or the District of Columbia (collectively, “Territory”);  [2] 18 years of age or older; [3] A registered user of Youtube and its terms of use agreement; [4] not an employee of Sponsor or of its parent, subsidiary, affiliated or successor companies; the advertising, promotional or fulfillment agencies involved in this Sweepstakes (individually and collectively, “Sweepstakes Entities”); nor members of their households or immediate families and [5] willing to have your entry featured and/or published on social media or otherwise distributed, in connection with, or to promote, the Sweepstakes. “Household members” shall mean people who share the same residence at least three months a year. “Immediate family members” shall mean parents, stepparents, children, stepchildren, siblings, step-siblings, or spouses.  

HOW TO ENTER: Using the following methods, a person may submit an entry (“Entry”) to the Sweepstakes:  

Entry Method #1: Navigate to the Watcher YouTube Channel ( and locate the sweepstakes announcement post. Follow all onscreen instructions to enter the Sweepstakes (“Entry”), including “comment” on the Sweepstakes post (comments will not be judged), “Like” the Sweepstakes post, or follow the link provided in the post to create a free membership account if you are not a SoFi member.  

By entering the Sweepstakes, you agree to the Rules. All entries submitted in accordance with these Rules shall be hereinafter referred to as “Eligible Entries” and all such entries become the property of Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned. Any Facebook Account, Twitter Account, Instagram Account, and/or alternate social media account will be referred to hereafter as “Account.” If your Account has privacy settings activated, your posts/updates/responses may not be visible to the Sponsor and, therefore, may not be received by the Sponsor, resulting in your failure to enter the Sweepstakes.  

All Entries must be received during the Entry Period. Limit of one (1) Entry per person per social media Account (regardless of whether one person has more than one Account or more than one person use the same Account).  

Terms of Entry: By submitting an Entry, you grant Sponsor  a perpetual, fully-paid, irrevocable, non-exclusive license to use the Entry and all associated content provided (such as photographs or written content), including for Sponsor to publish, reproduce, prepare derivative works of, distribute, display, exhibit, transmit, broadcast, televise, digitize, otherwise use, and permit others to use it and perform throughout the world, in whole or in part, in any manner, form, or format now or hereinafter created, including on the Internet, and for any purpose, including, but not limited to, on websites and/or any other advertising or promotion of Sweepstakes Entities all without further consent from or compensation to any Entrant. By submitting an Entry, you agree that Sponsor has no obligation to post or publish your Entry, that all such postings or publications, if any, will be in Sponsor’s sole discretion, and that the posting or publication of an Entry does not have any bearing on whether the Entry will be selected as a winner. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Entrant agrees that the Entry may be posted and shared by others in various social media outlets. The Sweepstakes Entities are not responsible for any unauthorized use of Entries by third parties.  

If you do not have a Youtube account, visit or the associated social media account and register. You must have an electronic device or mobile phone or other wireless that supports the social media site or applications. Normal Internet access and data usage charges imposed by your online and cell phone service provider will apply. Please contact your participating mobile service provider for pricing plans, participation status and details.

LIMITATIONS: By submitting an Entry in the Sweepstakes, you represent and warrant to Sponsor that your Entry and everything depicted therein: [1] Does not infringe upon or otherwise violate any right of any person, firm or entity; [2] comply with the Rules; [3] do not contain any trademarks, logos, insignia, location signage, photographs, artwork or sculptures or other material (e.g., on props, costumes, background) that would infringe any third party’s copyrights or trademarks; [4] have not previously been submitted in a Sweepstakes or game of chance of any kind or exhibited or displayed publicly through any commercial means; [5] do not contain the likeness or photograph of any person other than you[1] and [6] do not contain material which is (or promotes activities which are) sexually explicit, obscene, pornographic, violent (e.g., relating to murder, the sales of weapons, cruelty, abuse, etc.), discriminatory (based on race, sex, religion, national origin, physical disability, sexual orientation or age), illegal (e.g. underage drinking, substance abuse, computer hacking, etc.), offensive, threatening, profane, harassing, defamatory, libelous, infringing or otherwise objectionable or unlawful as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion.  

You further represent and warrant to Sponsor that: [1] If you submit with any content (e.g., photograph, or written work), you attest that you have all rights, licenses, permissions and consents necessary to submit such content and you provide SoFi with permission to use and reuse (such as posting on social media) any such content you  submit;  [2] no person or entity other than you has any right, title or interest in and to any part of the Entry ; [3] you are not subject to any agreement or arrangement that would interfere with your entering this Sweepstakes and granting all the rights granted hereunder or that would conflict with any other documentation required. Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, disqualify any Entry that Sponsor deems to be in violation of these Limitations at any time. In event of a dispute regarding the identity of the person submitting an Entry, the Entry will be deemed to be submitted by the person whose name appears on Account. Entries by any method other than set forth in the “how to enter” section are void. Any use of automated or programmed methods of spamming Entry is prohibited. Neither the Sponsor, nor any of its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, artists or representatives (individually and collectively, “Releasees”) are responsible for Entries from persons residing, or physically located, outside the Territory; or Entries that are altered, , delayed, deleted, destroyed, forged, fraudulent, improperly accessed, inaccurate, incomplete, interrupted, irregular in any way, late, lost, misrouted, multiple, non-delivered, stolen, tampered with, unauthorized, unintelligible or otherwise not in compliance with these Rules; or for any printing, production, technical, electronic or other errors; or for lost, interrupted or unavailable network, server or other connections; miscommunications; failed phone or computer hardware or software or telephone transmissions; technical and/or any of the above social media channel’s failures; unauthorized human intervention; traffic congestion; garbled or jumbled transmissions; undeliverable emails resulting from any form of active or passive email filtering; insufficient space in entrant’s email account to receive email; or other errors of any kind, whether due to electronic, mechanical or human error or other causes; even if caused by the negligence of any of the Releasees.  

Winners may be required to show proof of account ownership of the Account associated with the Entry. Any Entrant who attempts to enter with multiple Accounts or under multiple identities will be disqualified. Sponsor is not obligated to communicate with any Entrant during the duration of the Sweepstakes. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable federal, state, local laws and regulations. In the event of a conflict between these Rules and the terms of any social media channel, these Rules will govern.  

PRIZE.   Grand Prize winner will receive: (“Prize”) of $2,500 deposited into a SoFi Checking and Savings Account. The Winner MUST open a SoFi Checking or Savings Account to claim the Prize. Maximum ARV of all prizes: $$2,500. Any depiction of prizes is for illustrative purposes only. Prizes are not redeemable for cash or transferable except to a surviving spouse residing in the same household. No substitution is allowed except at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. A prize of equal or greater value may be substituted. The sponsor will not replace any lost or stolen prizes. The prize cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion or offer. Prize elements may not be separated. Limit one (1) Prize per person. The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received during the Entry Period.  

WINNER SELECTION:  A Winner will be selected in a random drawing from all Eligible Entries received during the Entry Period. Random drawing will be conducted on or about 10/20/2023 by a representative from the Sponsor whose decisions are final.  

WINNER NOTIFICATION/VERIFICATION:  Potential winners will be notified by email. At the sole discretion of the Sponsor, disqualification, forfeiture and the selection of an alternate winner may result from any of the following: [1] potential winner’s failure to respond to notification within two (2) days after its mailing/transmission; [2] the return of an email notification or message as undeliverable; [3] the receipt of any other notice or an undeliverable prize; [4] potential winner’s failure to provide Sponsor with satisfactory proof that he/she is the authorized person of the Account associated with the winning Entry; [5] potential winner’s failure to provide Sponsor with satisfactory proof of age, identity and residency; [6] if applicable, potential winner’s failure to execute and return an Affidavit of Eligibility/Liability/Publicity Release within five  (2) days after its deployment or mailing; [7] potential winner’s failure to claim prize within three (3) days after s/he is confirmed a winner; and [8] any other non-compliance with Rules. In the event of prize forfeiture, the Sponsor may, award or not award the forfeited prize to an alternate winner.  

CONDITIONS:  By entering this Sweepstakes you agree, represent and warrant that: [1] you will be bound by the Rules,  and SoFi’s application of the Rules shall be final in all respects. [2] You hold SoFi harmless from any and all liability for claims, injuries, losses or damages of any kind.  [3] You will accept all reasonable application of rules related to the Entry, selection of a Winner, and delivery of the Prizes; [4] a Winner’s acceptance of a prize constitutes the grant to Sponsor and assigns of an unconditional right to use winner’s name, address (city and state only), voice, likeness, photograph, biographical and prize information and/or statements about the promotion for any programming. publicity, advertising and promotional purposes without additional compensation, except where prohibited by law; [5] in the event viruses, bugs, unauthorized human intervention, Acts of God, regulatory requirements,  or any other matters beyond the Sponsor’s reasonable control, corrupt, prevent or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play of the Sweepstakes, so that it cannot be conducted as originally planned, except where prohibited by law, Sponsor has the right, in its sole discretion, to modify the Rules or to cancel, modify, terminate or suspend the Sweepstakes; and in such event,  to select winners by such method as Sponsor in its sole discretion shall consider equitable; [6] Sponsor is not responsible for typographical or other errors in the offer or administration of the Sweepstakes, including but not limited to: errors in the advertising,  Rules, selection and announcement of the winners and distribution of the prizes; [7] any portion of any prize not accepted or used by any winner will be forfeited; [8] Sponsor is not responsible for any inability of any winner to accept or use any prize (or any portion thereof) for any reason; [9] the Sponsor has the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it suspects to be doing any of the following: (a) tampering or attempting to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Sweepstakes; (b) violating the Rules and/or the Sponsor’s Privacy Policy; (c) violating any other terms, conditions of use and/or general rules or guidelines of any Sweepstakes property or service or (d) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person; or for any other good cause as determined solely by the Sponsor; and [10] any attempt by any individual to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Sweepstakes is a violation of these Rules as well as criminal and civil laws; and should Sponsor believe or become aware that such an attempt has been, is being, or will be made, it has the right to seek remedies and damages from any responsible individuals to the fullest extent permitted by law, including without limitation criminal prosecution.  

By participating in this Sweepstakes, each Entrant expressively waives and relinquishes all rights and benefits afforded by California Civil Code 1542 and does so understanding and acknowledging the significance of this waiver. Section 1542 states as follows: “A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS THAT THE CREDITOR OR RELEASING PARTY DID NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE AND THAT, IF KNOWN, BY HIM OR HER, WOULD HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR OR THE RELEASED PARTIES.”  

ARBITRATION: This Sweepstakes shall be governed by and interpreted under the laws of the State of California, U.S.A., without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions. Entrant hereby agrees that any and all disputes, claims, causes of action, or controversies (“Claims”) arising out of or in connection with this Sweepstakes shall be resolved, upon the election by Entrant or Sponsor, by arbitration pursuant to this provision and the code of procedures of either the National Arbitration Forum (“NAF”) or the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”), as selected by the Entrant. IF ARBITRATION IS CHOSEN BY ANY PARTY WITH RESPECT TO A CLAIM, NEITHER PARTY WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO LITIGATE THAT CLAIM IN COURT OR HAVE A JURY TRIAL ON THAT CLAIM. FURTHER, NEITHER SPONSOR NOR ENTRANT WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN A REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY ON BEHALF OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC OR OTHER PERSONS SIMILARLY SITUATED, OR AS A MEMBER OF ANY CLASS OF CLAIMANTS PERTAINING TO ANY CLAIM SUBJECT TO ARBITRATION. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH BELOW, THE ARBITRATOR’S DECISION WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING. NOTE THAT OTHER RIGHTS THAT ENTRANT WOULD HAVE IF ENTRANT WENT TO COURT ALSO MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ARBITRATION. ANY CLAIMS, JUDGMENTS AND/OR AWARDS SHALL BE LIMITED TO ACTUAL OUT-OF-POCKET COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH ENTERING THIS SWEEPSTAKES. ENTRANT HEREBY WAIVES ANY RIGHTS OR CLAIMS TO ATTORNEY’S FEES, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ENTRANT, WHETHER FORESEEABLE OR NOT AND WHETHER BASED ON NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE. The arbitrator’s authority to resolve Claims is limited to Claims between Sponsor and Entrant alone, and the arbitrator’s authority to make awards is limited to awards to Sponsor and Entrant alone. Furthermore, claims brought by either party against the other may not be joined or consolidated in arbitration with Claims brought by or against any third party, unless agreed to in writing by all parties. No arbitration award or decision will have any preclusive effect as to issues or claims in any dispute with anyone who is not a named party to the arbitration. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement and without waiving either party’s right to appeal such decision, should any portion of this provision be deemed invalid or unenforceable, then the entire provision (other than this sentence) shall not apply.  

PRIVACY: By entering the Sweepstakes, the information Entrants provide may be sent to promotional partners. Entrants may be contacted by the Sponsor and/or any promotional partners with future promotional offers. Information provided by Entrants to participate in this Sweepstakes is subject to Sponsor’s privacy policy located at SPONSOR: Social Finance, LLC (“SoFi”), 234 1st Street, San Francisco, CA 94105.

WINNERS LIST:  For names of winners (available after October 13, 2023), send a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope to: 234 1st Street, San Francisco CA, 94501 with Attn: SoFi x Watcher September 2023 Sweepstakes by October 31, 2023.  

This Sweepstakes is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other site where promotions of it might appear. Any questions, comments or complaints regarding these Sweepstakes must be directed to the Sponsor. BY ENTERING THIS SWEEPSTAKES, YOU AGREE TO RELEASE AND HOLD FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER OR ANY SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNEL USED TO ENTER THE SWEEPSTAKES, HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITIES. [1] Delete this disclosure if entry can include more than one person.

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