Getting your student loan application right can mean improving your credit score or taking a different approach. For instance, students with cosigners are 6 times more likely to be approved!
Let SoFi lead you through the process step by step. We’ll review the different types of student loans, their requirements, and tips and tricks that will give your application the best chance possible.
There are different types of student loans, either federal or private. Each has its own requirements. Brushing up on the differences can help you get the right loan for you.
Over 70% of student loan applicants have a cosigner. That’s someone with income and a good credit history (often a parent) who signs the loan agreement with you and is equally responsible for making sure the loan gets paid back. You are way more likely to get approved if you apply with a cosigner. And you can release your cosigner after 24 consecutive payments.*
Good credit helps you qualify for the best interest rate on student loans. And it allows you to get better deals on everything from auto insurance to credit cards. If your credit history is holding you back, there are steps you can start taking today to turn it around. Over time your credit score will get to where it needs to be.
To apply for financial aid, the first thing you’ll need to do is fill out the FAFSA®, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is how you apply for federal student loans. Colleges and universities may also require you to fill out the FAFSA to qualify for scholarships, grants, and other financial aid. The new FAFSA form for the 2024-2025 school year will be released December 31 — um, Happy New Year?
Scholarships are awarded to students for many reasons, including academic achievement, community service, financial need, athletic promise, and more. Applying takes time and effort, but it’s worth it: This is free money that doesn’t need to be paid back. We’ll walk you through the process of finding scholarships that match your qualifications.
Between tuition and fees, room and board, and books and supplies, college is an expensive endeavor. Every student has their own strategy for covering costs, including savings, scholarships and grants, and student loans, among others. Learn how families like yours make it work.
Besides SoFi college loans for parents, there are many federal loans, grants, scholarships, work-study programs, and other options to consider. Please borrow responsibly.
And hey, if that all sounds a little overwhelming, we’ve got your back—schedule a call with our Paying for College Hotline today.