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How To Lower Credit Card Debt Without Ruining Your Credit

While paying off your credit cards often helps improve your credit, this isn’t always the case. Depending on the strategy you use to wipe away your debt, you could (inadvertently) do some damage to your scores. This could make it harder to get a mortgage, car loan, or even a rental agreement in the future. Here’s what you need to know to pay down your credit obligations while protecting your credit.

What Not to Do: Ignoring Credit Card Debt

When it comes to credit card debt, the consequences of avoidance and procrastination are steep, both to your financial well-being and to your credit scores. Here’s a look at the potential fallout.

•   Interest charges will pile up: Generally, the longer you avoid paying down your debt, the more interest will accrue. The average interest rate on credit cards as of September 2024 is 27.64%. This means that even if your debt isn’t growing through new purchases, interest alone can make your balance balloon over time.

•   Late fees and credit damage: Credit card issuers usually charge fees if you don’t make the minimum payment by the due date. After 30 days of no payment, your issuer will likely report the missed payment to the credit bureaus, which can do significant damage to your credit scores. Maintaining a balance also keeps your credit utilization (how much of your available credit you’re using) high. Credit utilization plays a large role in your credit rating. As your balance grows, your credit score will generally decline.

•   Debt collection and legal consequences: Ignoring credit card debt for too long could lead to the debt being sold to a collection agency, who can be aggressive in pursuing repayment. In extreme cases, your creditors might sue you, potentially leading to wage garnishment or seizure of personal assets.

What You Should Consider: Paying off Credit Card Debt Using a Planned Approach

If you have a significant amount of credit card debt, it may be tempting to bury your head in the sand. But you’ll be far better off coming up with a clear, actionable plan to start whittling down what you owe. The following steps can help you feel more in control over your debt, as well as your overall financial situation.

•   Assess your debt. A good place to start is to list out all of your credit card balances, along with their interest rates and minimum payments. This will give you a full picture of what you owe.

•   Create a basic budget. You don’t have to come up with a detailed line-item spending plan. Simply go through your last few months of financial statements and assess what’s coming in and going out, on average, each month. Then comb through your discretionary (unnecessary) monthly spending and look for places where you can cut back. Any money you free up can go toward credit card payments. 

•   Pick a debt payoff strategy. Here’s a look at two popular approaches that can help you gradually pay down your balances.

•   Avalanche method: Here, you make extra payments on the credit card with the highest interest rate first, while making minimum payments on the others. Once the highest-rate card is paid off, you funnel those extra funds toward the card with the next-highest rate, and so on. This strategy minimizes the amount of interest you’ll pay over time.

•   Snowball method: With this method, you put extra payments toward the card with the smallest balance first, while making minimum payments on the others. When that card is cleared, you focus on paying off the next-smallest balance, and so on. This gives you quick wins and a psychological boost, which can help you stay motivated. 

•   Take advantage of windfalls: If you get a bonus, tax refund, or any extra income, consider applying it toward your credit card debt. This can help you reduce your balance faster and lower the total amount of interest you’ll pay.

•   Automate your payments: It’s a good idea to set up automatic payments for at least the minimum payment due each month. You may be able to pay more, but having this set up in advance helps you avoid missed payments, which can harm your credit score, as well as late fees.

•   Keep paid-off accounts open. As you pay off your cards, you may think it’s a good idea to close those accounts — but not so fast. When you close a credit card, you lose that account’s available credit limit. That means any balances remaining on other credit cards will then account for a higher percentage of your total available credit. This increases your credit utilization, which can hurt credit scores.

Negotiating and Settling Credit Card Debt

If you’ve been struggling to make payments on your credit cards, there’s a good chance your credit score has been negatively affected. Before the debt is sent to collections, you may be able to negotiate with the credit card company.

Like any business, the primary goal of a credit card company is to make a profit. When it becomes apparent that a cardholder is unable to pay their bills, companies are sometimes willing to find an arrangement that will enable the customer to make payments based on their situation. Here’s a look at some options a credit company may be able to offer.

•   Workout agreement: With this arrangement, the credit card company may agree to lower your interest rate or temporarily waive interest altogether. They may also be willing to take additional steps to make it easier for you to repay your debt, such as waiving past late fees or lowering your minimum payment. 

•   Debt settlement: In a debt settlement, the credit card company agrees to accept less than the full amount you owe, forgive the rest, and close the account. While this might seem appealing, a debt settlement can negatively affect your credit scores and stay on your credit reports for seven years. As a result, it’s generally considered a last-resort option for those facing severe financial difficulties.

•   Hardship agreement: Some card issuers offer a hardship or forbearance program for borrowers who are experiencing a temporary financial setback, such as a job loss, illness, or injury. Under these programs, the company may agree to lower your interest rate, even temporarily suspend payments. However, your credit can be negatively affected, since the issuer may report negative information to the credit bureaus during the forbearance period.

What Is the Statute of Limitations on Credit Card Debt?

The statute of limitations governs how long a creditor or collection agency can sue you for nonpayment of a debt. The statute of limitations on credit card debt varies from state to state, but is typically between three and six years. Once the statute of limitations has passed, debt collectors can’t win a court order for repayment.

Even if your credit card debt is past the statute of limitations, however, it doesn’t magically disappear. Unpaid debts can remain on your credit report for up to seven to 10 years from the date of your last payment. That negative mark can lower your credit scores, making it hard to qualify for new credit cards and loans with attractive rates and terms in the future. 

Say Goodbye to Credit Card Debt with a Personal Loan

Consolidating credit card debt with a personal loan (often referred to as a debt consolidation loan) can be an effective way to lower your debt and simplify repayment.

To do this, you essentially take out an unsecured personal loan, ideally with a lower interest rate than you’re paying on your cards, then use it to pay off your balances. Moving forward, you only have one payment (on your new loan). An online personal loan calculator can show you exactly how much interest you could save by paying off your existing credit card (or cards) with a personal loan.

Initially, debt consolidation can negatively impact your credit score. This is because the lender will do a hard pull on your credit, which can decrease your score by a few points. However, this decline is temporary. Making consistent, on-time payments on your personal loan can help boost your credit profile over time. Payment history makes up 35% of your overall FICO® credit score.

If, on the other hand, you make any of your loan payments late, or miss a payment entirely, credit consolidation can end up having a damaging impact on your credit.

Recommended: FICO Score vs Credit Score 

The Takeaway

Credit card debt can be a major financial burden, but it doesn’t have to ruin your credit or your financial future. By avoiding the temptation to ignore your debt and adopting a planned approach, you can gradually reduce what you owe. Whether you choose to use a paydown strategy (like avalanche or snowball), negotiate with creditors, or explore a consolidation loan, there are various strategies to help you regain control of your finances while protecting — and ultimately building — your credit.

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SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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Understanding the Credit Rating Scale

It’s common knowledge that a person’s credit score can have a significant impact on their ability to get the best deals on loans and credit cards. And those opportunities can potentially save borrowers many thousands of dollars over a lifetime. But exactly what the credit rating scale involves is a mystery to many people. That’s a problem for potential applicants who’d like to build their score before shopping around for a loan.

Read on to gain insights into how credit scores are calculated, what the different credit ranges mean, and what you can do to qualify for the best interest rates.

The Three Major Credit Bureaus

Credit bureaus are independent agencies that collect and maintain consumer credit information and then resell it to businesses in the form of a credit report. The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows the government to oversee and regulate the industry.

There are three major credit bureaus that most lenders pull data from:

•   Equifax®

•   Experian®

•   TransUnion®

Commonly used credit scoring systems are FICO® and VantageScore, each of which ranges from 300 to 850.

What Actually Factors into Your Credit Score?

Here’s a closer look at the popular FICO Score system, which uses a scoring model that sources data from credit bureaus to calculate your score. Elements used in the FICO scoring model (as of this writing, the latest version is FICO Score 10) include:

•   Payment history: 35%

•   Credit utilization: 30%

•   Length of credit history: 15%

•   Credit mix: 10%

•   New credit: 10%

Wondering what those terms mean? Here’s a closer look:

Payment History

Payment history looks at whether you pay your bills in a timely manner. Do you have a history of paying bills a couple weeks late, or are you the type who always pays your cable bill even before it is due? That’s the kind of thing that will come into play here.

Credit Utilization

“Amount owed” is pretty self-explanatory — it’s how much total debt you’re currently carrying. Your “credit utilization ratio” may not be quite so clear. That’s the amount of credit you actually use compared to the amount of credit available to you. Lenders generally like to see a credit utilization ratio of 30% or lower. Some even recommend no more than 10%.

Here’s an example: Say you owe $500 on each of two credit cards, and one has a credit limit of $1,000 and the other has a limit of $3,000. The amount you owe is $1,000 out of a credit limit of $4,000. So you are using 25% of your available credit. Your credit utilization is therefore 25%. 

Length of Credit History

This factor looks at the age of your oldest and newest accounts and the average age of all your accounts. To lenders, longer is better.

Credit Mix

Credit mix considers the variety of your debt — is it primarily credit card debt? Do you carry student loan debt or have a mortgage? A desirable mix is a combination of revolving debt (lines of credit, credit cards) and installment debt (loans with fixed repayment terms like student loans and car loans).

New Credit

New credit looks at what accounts have recently been opened in your name, or if you’ve taken out any new debts. Trying to access a considerable amount of credit in a short period of time can have a negative impact on your credit score.

Recommended: Credit Card Utilization: Everything You Need To Know

How’s Your Credit?

Where your credit score falls on the scoring table determines how “good” your credit is. Here’s a breakdown of the credit rating scale according to FICO standards.

•   Excellent or Exceptional: 800-850

•   Very Good: 740-799

•   Good: 670-739

•   Fair: 580-669

•     Poor: 300-579

Ready for a plot twist? Your credit score may not be consistent. Some reasons why:

•   There are different scoring systems, and variations in how various lenders and creditors report information. 

•   Also, FICO can tweak their algorithm depending on the type of loan you’re applying for. If you’re looking to get an auto loan, your industry-specific FICO Score may emphasize your payment history with auto loans and deemphasize your credit card history. In effect, each consumer has multiple credit scores.

•   You may also hear the phrase “educational credit score.” This can refer to the proprietary scoring models used by TransUnion and Equifax, not necessarily to be used by lenders, which can help educate consumers about their credit scores. Since they may or may not reflect the credit score that potential lenders use, it can be wise to make sure you know what kind of credit score you are viewing.

You are probably curious how your credit score stacks up to the national average. The average three-digit number in the U.S. is currently 714. 


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Trying to Build Your Credit Score With Credit Card Debt

You’ll notice that a lot of information around improving your credit scores focuses on debt reduction. After all, 30% of your FICO Score is based upon outstanding debt. By paying that down on time, you may be able to build your credit score. For this reason, one potential action item for those trying to have a positive impact on their credit history is to work on paying down credit card debt.

Credit card debt may be the highest-interest debt you’re carrying. Compare these numbers:

•   The average credit card interest rate on interest-accruing accounts with balances was 22.76% mid-2024, according to the Federal Reserve. 

•   A rate of 6.53% was established for federal undergraduate student loans for the 2024-2025 school year.

•   The average mortgage rate was 6.37% in September 2024 for fixed-rate, 30-year conforming loans. 

That means if you have credit card debt, it could be your fastest growing debt. By getting rid of it, you may be able to significantly reduce your outstanding debt. Here are a few techniques:

•   One way to get out of credit card debt is to consolidate it into a lower-interest option. With a balance transfer credit card, you can move your high-interest debt to a 0% interest card. The catch is that the 0% interest is temporary, and after a given amount of time (typically 12 to 21 months), the interest rate shoots up.

•   Another option is to take out a personal loan, which can consolidate multiple high-interest credit card debts into one monthly payment, often at a lower interest rate. For example, in September 2024, the average personal loan rate was 12.38% vs. almost 23% for credit cards, as noted above. Personal loans are typically unsecured loans with a fixed interest rate and terms of two to seven years. This could help you pay off your debt more quickly, which might help build your score. 

•   One other tip for potentially building your credit score: Thoroughly review your credit report for errors. Mistakes happen, and some of them can bring down your score. You can file a dispute online to correct or remove the information.

Recommended: Using a Personal Loan to Pay Off a Credit Card

The Takeaway

Credit scores, calculated based on information in your credit report, influence the interest rates you qualify for on loans and credit cards. The higher your score, the less you’ll likely pay in interest. The factors that determine your score include your history of on-time payments, your total debt compared to the amount of credit available to you, the types of debt you have managed, how much credit you have recently sought, and the age of your accounts. 

One of the best ways to build your credit score is to pay down credit card debt. A common way to consolidate high-interest credit card debt is with a low-interest personal loan

Think twice before turning to high-interest credit cards. Consider a SoFi personal loan instead. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.


What are the levels of credit ratings?

The levels of credit ratings are typically:

•   Excellent (or Exceptional): 800-850

•   Very good: 740-799

•   Good: 670-739

•   Fair: 580-669

•   Poor: 300-579

How does the credit rating scale work?

Credit rating scales typically work by factoring in various indicators of an individual’s creditworthiness. For example, common components of your credit score will be your history of on-time payments, your credit utilization ratio, the length of your credit history, your credit mix, and how many new accounts you have applied for and how recently. These can indicate how well you have managed debt in the past and how likely you are to be responsible with credit in the future. 

How rare is a 700 credit score?

The current average credit score in the U.S. is 714, so a score of 700 or higher is not that rare. To be more specific, recent reports indicate that 17% of Americans have a score between 700-749, 24% are between 750-799, and 23% are between 800-850. In addition, credit scores tend to be higher among older generations.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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Is It Illegal To Check Someone Else’s Credit Report?

Is It Illegal To Check Someone Else’s Credit Report?

Yes, in most cases it’s illegal to check someone else’s credit report. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal statute that defines and limits who can receive credit-related information. The act lists legal reasons why someone’s credit can be checked; therefore, it is illegal for an individual or organization to check someone’s credit report for any other purpose.

We’ll do a deep dive into when it’s OK to run a credit check on someone, and what to do if you suspect someone has pulled your credit report without permission.

Can Anyone Check Your Credit?

The short answer is no. Legally speaking, a person or organization can check your credit only under certain circumstances. Someone either needs to have what’s called “permissible purpose” or have your permission and cooperation in the process for the credit check to be considered legal.

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Who Can Access Your Credit Report?

People and organizations that can legally access your credit report under certain circumstances include the following:

•   Banks and other lenders

•   Utility companies

•   Insurance companies

•   Landlords

•   Employers

Here’s more about each

Banks and Other Lenders

A financial institute can check someone’s credit in connection with credit-related transactions, such as when they apply for a mortgage or car loan. Note that section 609(g) of the FCRA requires financial institutions that arrange mortgage loans and use credit scores in their decision-making to provide the credit score and additional information to the applicant.

Utility Companies

Although it may not be commonly thought of in this way, applying for utility service is a form of credit. So when someone requests service from an electric company, the utility will likely check the person’s credit history. If the individual doesn’t have at least a fair credit score, the company can request a deposit or even deny service.

Insurance Companies

Insurance companies have permission to review an applicant’s credit information. Note that companies must also comply with state laws as they use the credit data to underwrite policies.


The Federal Trade Commission notes that landlords have the right to review consumer credit reports when someone applies to rent from them or renews a lease. A landlord must certify to the credit bureau (such as Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion) that they will only use this information for rental purposes.


A potential employer can check an applicant’s credit report, although the company must give the applicant notice of their intent and get written permission. State laws vary regarding an employer’s ability to use this information as part of a hiring decision.

When Is It Legal to Run a Credit Report on Someone?

There are a handful of legal reasons to run a credit report on someone.

Permissible Purpose

This umbrella term used in the FCRA describes when a credit reporting agency can provide a credit report.

Proxy Ordering

“Proxy” is a legal term for someone with the authority to represent someone else. The only instance that isn’t proxy ordering is when a consumer requests their own credit report.

To pull your report, a proxy will need to get answers to questions that only you should know — information that comes directly from your credit report. This provides an extra layer of protection to ensure that your permission is freely being given.

Deceased Spouse

An individual can send a letter to a credit agency requesting the credit report of a deceased spouse. The surviving spouse will need to provide information about both parties so that the agency can verify identities and ensure that it’s OK to provide the credit report.

During Mortgage Underwriting

The FCRA notes that a financial institution can obtain a credit report for “extending, reviewing, and collecting credit.” This applies to mortgage underwriting as well as other types of loans.

Screening Job Applicants

With permission, an employer can request and review a credit report for the purpose of “evaluating a consumer for employment, promotion, reassignment or retention as an employee.”

During Insurance Underwriting

An insurance company can check a person’s credit report, with permission, as part of the underwriting process for a policy. The FCRA delves into specifics for different types of insurance: life, health, homeowners, etc.

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Evaluating Prospective Tenants

The FCRA states that a potential landlord can pull a credit report with the prospective tenant’s permission.

Court-Appointed Guardians

Court-appointed guardians can request a copy of their ward’s credit report by mail. They must provide information about themselves as well as the ward.

What to Do if Someone Pulls Your Credit Without Permission

Contact the organization that pulled your credit to rule out that it was done in error. Then contact the three credit bureaus and request that any hard credit inquiries be deleted from your credit report.

You can also submit a complaint to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (visit, and ask for any problems associated with the inquiry to be resolved.

Who Can Check Your Credit Without Permission?

Government agencies may check your credit report to process an application for a license, to determine if you qualify for public assistance, or to calculate what a person can pay in child support, among other reasons.

If you already receive credit from a company, it may periodically check your credit report. Language giving them permission is likely in their terms and conditions. Debt collectors may also get access to information on credit reports.

Recommended: What Is a Tri-Merge Credit Report?

How to Know if Your Credit Was Checked

All hard inquiries will appear on your credit report for two years, so you can find the information there. Soft checks may or may not appear. Each year, you can get a free copy of your credit report — and find out your credit score for free — via

If you’re concerned about credit checks, consider signing up for a credit monitoring service.

What qualifies as credit monitoring varies from service to service; look for one that sends out alerts for new hard inquiries.

How a Credit Check Affects Your Credit Score

A soft inquiry will not hurt your credit score even if it appears on your report. A hard inquiry can lower the score by up to five points. Although the inquiry will remain on your credit report for two years, it will stop affecting your credit score after 12 months. Applying for several credit accounts in a relatively short amount of time may pose a greater risk. (Find out more about what affects your credit score.)

Can You Stop Someone From Getting Your Credit Report?

You can freeze your credit at all three bureaus, which will prevent them from sharing information with businesses that make inquiries. However, if you want to apply for a loan or otherwise conduct a transaction that requires a credit check, you will need to unfreeze your credit.

The Takeaway

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) provides legal guidelines on who can and can’t check consumer credit reports. Certain individuals can check your credit with your permission, including landlords and employers. Banks, insurers, lenders, and utility companies may also pull a credit report if you’ve applied for credit or service with them. In some circumstances, government agencies may request your credit report without your permission. In general, an average citizen cannot check someone else’s credit report unless they are serving as a legal proxy.

Want to keep an eye on changes in your credit report? Consider downloading a money tracker app, which can alert you to fluctuations.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

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Can I sue for an unauthorized credit check?

Consult an attorney to discuss potential legal remedies. If you discover that your credit was run inappropriately without your permission, contact all three credit bureaus to ask them to remove the inquiry so that it doesn’t harm your credit score. You can also file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at

What is a violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act?

There are multiple types of FCRA violations. They include instances when a credit bureau provides your information to someone who is not authorized to receive it, didn’t demonstrate a valid need for the data, or didn’t get your written permission in advance.

How do I find out who ran my credit?

You can get a free copy of your credit report from each of the three bureaus at Your credit report lists all hard credit inquiries from the past two years, and potentially some soft inquiries.

Photo credit: iStock/vitapix

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Does a Background Check for Employment Affect Your Credit Score?

Does a Background Check for Employment Affect Your Credit Score?

You’ve been offered a job and everything is falling nicely into place — until your potential employer tells you they need to do a background screening, which will include running a credit check. Your credit score isn’t where you want it to be, and suddenly you’re very concerned. Will they rescind the offer based on your finances?

For positions outside the banking and finance world, your credit report will likely have zero effect on whether you get the position. And background checks for employment don’t affect your credit score.

Read on to learn the common types of background checks employers run and why they may want to look at your creditworthiness.

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What Is a Background Check?

Not all job applicants are completely honest during the interview process. For that reason, many companies run some type of background check on prospective employees. Research from SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management, found that 92% of companies in the U.S. conduct some type of background screening as part of the hiring process.

Employers order background checks not only to verify your identity, but also to confirm you’re telling the truth about certain things, including your past employment, academic credentials, and whether you have a criminal record. (Similarly, banks run credit checks for new checking accounts mainly to verify your identity and rule out identity theft and fraud. This shouldn’t usually affect your credit score.)

Pre-employment screening is typically conducted by a professional background check company hired by the employer. These third-party firms have access to resources and tools the average employer doesn’t, so they can deliver a more comprehensive report in a shorter amount of time.

Recommended: Does Opening a Checking Account Affect Your Credit Score?

What Are Employers Looking Out For?

Hiring managers are looking to avoid bringing someone onboard who is unqualified or poses any kind of risk to their business. Without any official vetting, the wrong candidate could result in financial damage to the company or make the workplace less safe for other employees.

By doing a background check, companies can reduce property damage, employee theft, and liability and legal costs incurred by hiring unqualified, uncredentialed people. Companies also hope to avoid employees who have exhibited threatening behavior toward coworkers in the past.

When companies order a credit check for employment, it’s to get an idea of whether the candidate might show signs of financial problems.

Having excessive debt and using a lot of your available credit could signal financial hardship and distress. An employer may see candidates with high outstanding debt or maxed out credit cards as having an increased likelihood of committing theft or fraud.

How a Background Check Affects Your Credit Score

The good news is an employer background credit check won’t affect your credit or FICO score at all. Why? It’s considered a soft inquiry, which pulls most of your financial information for data purposes as opposed to a hard inquiry, which can take points off your score. That’s because hard checks generally take place when a financial institution looks at your score to determine whether or not to issue you a loan or a credit card.

As mentioned earlier, an employer-requested credit report will be modified, listing your credit utilization rate, any past or current bankruptcy, available lines of credit, auto or student loans, and credit card payment history.

The credit report the employer sees won’t show other soft inquiries, so they can’t see if other employers have checked on you.

You, however, can see the soft inquiries if you request your own credit report. You could even sign up for a free credit-monitoring service to keep tabs on your credit on an ongoing basis. A money-tracker app can give you ongoing insights into your financial health.

7 Types of Background Checks

There are many different types of background screenings employers use to vet job candidates. The employer may use one or a combination of checks depending on their needs and concerns. Here are seven kinds of background checks a company may use to screen a new hire:

Identity Verification

This type of check is usually one of the first stages of a background check because an employer wants to first know that the person is who they claim to be. An ID verification confirms the candidate’s name, age, address, and Social Security number, to rule out any aliases or stolen identity.

Criminal Screening

A criminal record check enables the employer to make an informed decision about whether or not the employee will pose a threat to their company, clients, and employees. It’s especially important if the person will have access to financial information, security responsibilities, or work alongside vulnerable populations such as the elderly and children.

Criminal background checks typically include county, state, or federal records of any arrests, convictions for felonies and misdemeanors, outstanding arrest warrants, sex offenses, incarceration records, and any acquittals, pending, or dismissed charges.

Recommended: What is The Difference Between Transunion and Equifax

Credit Check

It may not be relevant to run a credit check for every potential new hire. An employer may feel it’s necessary for positions involving a security clearance, proximity to money, sensitive customer data, or confidential company information. And they’re not really interested in knowing whether you have a fair credit score.

A credit check may raise certain red flags that employers want to avoid, especially if it’s a job in the banking or finance sector. Many late payments can indicate you have trouble managing your money, aren’t responsible and organized, or can’t live up to agreements. As mentioned previously, these credit checks will not affect your credit score, nor will the employer be able to see your score.

You may want to see if your state or city allows employer credit checks. Currently, 11 states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, Washington), and the District of Columbia have passed laws restricting these types of credit checks. New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia have similar laws.

By the way, credit-monitoring services can alert you when someone has run a hard inquiry on your credit.

Motor Vehicle Records

When an employee may be expected to drive company vehicles or transport clients and customers, the employer will want to review the candidate’s driving record to ensure they’re hiring safe and responsible people.

A driving record check will show the person’s driving history, including any past license suspensions or revocations, vehicular crimes, accident record, DUI convictions and any car insurance lapses. The motor vehicle report will also reveal the number of points someone has on their license.

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Professional License and Education

Some people may exaggerate or even give false professional credentials, claim they’re licensed by an official agency, attended a certain school, or have a specific academic degree, certain training, or certifications, thinking no one will really bother to check. But not so fast. Employers can and, in many cases, do fact check these claims.

Not verifying stated qualifications could lead to hiring a candidate who isn’t professionally qualified for the job. And hiring someone without the skills and education needed can make the company vulnerable to lawsuits and other problems. Education verification checks universities, colleges, vocational schools, and high schools to confirm enrollment, dates of attendance, type of degree obtained, and graduation date, among other details.

With professional licenses, background screening companies generally contact organizations to check if the person is licensed and is a bonafide member. They will make sure the membership is in good standing and hasn’t lapsed or expired.

Fingerprint Check

Along with the criminal check, fingerprint checks are used to reveal any criminal arrests, charges, or details about prior case results. Unlike other screenings, fingerprint checks require the potential employee to actively participate in the process by having their fingerprints scanned.

Fingerprint checks are often required in regulated industries such as financial services; government or criminal justice agencies; jobs requiring security clearance; and healthcare, where a candidate may be responsible for someone who is vulnerable such as a child or the elderly.


E-Verify is a government-run, web-based system through which employers can confirm an individual’s employment eligibility. Verification is based on data taken from an employee’s Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification and compared to records available to the Social Security Administration and U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

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How to Prepare for a Background Check by a Potential Employer

First, be honest on your job application and resume, and during the interview process. Bring up anything you think might concern your employer before they do a background check. You can also do a background check on yourself to see if there are any discrepancies or mistakes in your records you can clear up. You can order one from a provider such as

In terms of your credit report, if you’re concerned an employer may have some issues, it’s a good idea to review yours in case there’s something you need to correct or resolve. The three main credit-reporting bureaus are Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. You can access your credit report for free by going to, a federally mandated site. (Banks sometimes rely on a tri-merge credit report to see a round up of all three but consumers usually do not have access to this type of report.)

What Are Your Legal Rights as a Job Applicant?

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), employers must obtain your written permission before they can run a background check. You have the right to say no, but bear in mind, this could result in your not getting hired.

When employers use a third party to conduct a background check including credit, criminal record, and past employment, the background check is covered by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Under this law, employees have the right to:

•   Be informed of the background check

•   Provide consent for the background check

•   Review information pertaining to their personal and financial information

•   Correct any inaccuracies the report may contain

•   Appeal decisions if the applicant feels the decision was made unfairly

Laws in your city or state may impact whether, or when, employers can ask about and run a background check for your criminal or credit history. Before you fill out an application, check the laws in your state.

Can You Get a Copy of the Background Check?

Yes, the Fair Credit Reporting Act states you have the right to a copy of the background check from the company that prepared it. The name of the agency was likely on the consent form you signed, but if you can’t remember it, ask the employer to supply it. The screening agency should be able to provide you with a complimentary copy in a timely manner.

The Takeaway

Background checks have become a pretty routine part of the hiring process. These screenings can include a simple ID verification, driving or criminal record check, and pulling your credit report. Although it can be worrisome to know your employer’s checking on your credit, they’ll see an overview of your financial picture but not your actual credit score. Since it’s a “soft pull,” your credit score number will not change.

By knowing where you might be most vulnerable, you can prepare yourself by maintaining good records, being honest about your work and education history, and conducting your own background check to clear up any inaccuracies or potential problems.

Getting your finances on track starts with your credit score. Free credit monitoring is available with SoFi’s money tracker app. All you have to do is sign up (it takes just minutes) and start getting insights into your financial health.

SoFi gives you the tools to monitor and impact your credit score.


Can a job offer be rescinded due to bad credit?

Yes, an employer can withdraw the job offer for almost any reason, including your credit report. They can’t, however, rescind the offer due to discrimination based on gender, race, or disability. If you think this could be a reason, consider talking to an attorney. Otherwise, you can express your disappointment to the hiring manager and request more details on why they made their decision. This provides an opportunity to get a clear explanation.

What does an employer check show?

Employment background checks are typically performed to see an employee’s job history, if they have a criminal record, and to verify their identity. A screening may also include validating education and/or professional qualifications, driving records, and/or credit history.

Do background checks show up on a credit report?

When a company requests a credit check as part of employment screening, it’s considered a soft inquiry. Since soft inquiries aren’t linked to an application for new credit, they’re only visible to you when you view your credit reports.

Photo credit: iStock/MissTuni

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

This article is not intended to be legal advice. Please consult an attorney for advice.


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Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud Statistics: 33 Eye-Openers

Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud Statistics: 33 Eye-Openers

Judging from the latest statistics, the most lucrative work-from-home job in America may be Con Artist. Fraudsters are utilizing texts, social media, fake websites, apps, emails, and old-fashioned voice calls to separate Americans from their money — billions every year. They play on our greed, or charity, or desperation. And they take all forms of payment.

The best way to fight back against fraud is to be aware of current schemes so you don’t fall victim in the first place. Below we share the top financial shakedowns, with enough details to help you recognize red flags, and statistics that will blow your mind. Read on to learn how to avoid getting fleeced (and how to report it if you are).

Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud Trends

If you’ve been the victim of identity theft or credit card fraud, you’re hardly alone.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), there were 552,000 reported cases of identity theft through the first half of 2024. At this rate, the year is on track to surpass the number of reported cases in 2023.

Meanwhile, there were 214,607 reported cases of credit card fraud by mid-year, up 6% from the previous six months.
The impact of both crimes can be substantial. In 2023 alone, some 2.6 million consumers collectively lost more than $10 billion to fraud — a 14% increase from 2022.

There are several potential reasons for the surge. More people are turning to digital tools to handle everyday tasks, like shopping and banking. At the same time, scam email messages — no, that’s not the U.S. Post Office — have also spiked in recent years. And finally, the rise of crypto seems to play a role: The FTC has warned consumers that no reputable utility or creditor will demand payment only in crypto.

If you’re a victim of credit card fraud, it’s important to report it ASAP. You can get your credit report and find out your credit score for free at®.

You can also enlist the help of a money tracker app, which allows you to manage all of your finances from one convenient dashboard.

Recommended: What Credit Score Is Needed to Buy a Car?

Check your score with SoFi

Track your credit score for free. Sign up and get $10.*

33 Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud Stats

Below we do a deep dive into the most common types of fraud: imposters, online shopping scams, fake prizes and sweepstakes, false job opportunities, fictional charities, investment swindles, and more. All numbers quoted below are from 2023 FTC data.

1 Imposters: Reports Filed

The total reports filed in this one category came to 853,935, with 21% of filers admitting losses. An imposter is a person who pretends to be someone else to steal your personal information or money. They might call, text, or email you and may pose as someone you know. (“I’m on vacation in London and lost my wallet! Can you send me some cash?”).

2 Imposters: Losses

The median loss suffered by victims was $800. The total dollar amount of imposter scam losses was $2.668 billion.

3 Imposters: Scenarios

The most common way imposters approached targets was via email, and victims often paid via credit card.

4 Imposters: Top States Affected

Oregon led with 2,640.7 reports per million people. Washington and Colorado followed close behind.

Recommended: What Is a Tri-Merge Credit Report?

5 Online Shopping: Reports Filed

Total reports filed came to 369,469, with 53% claiming losses. In an online shopping scam, someone pretends to have a legitimate business by creating a phony website or posting fake ads on a real retailer’s site.

(Another form of this fraud is when scammers create and post fake negative reviews of small businesses and then tell owners that they’ll remove the reviews in exchange for digital gift cards.)

6 Online Shopping: Losses

The median loss suffered by victims was $125. The total dollar amount of online shopping scam losses totaled $392 million.

7 Online Shopping: Scenarios

Victims are most often taken in by websites or apps — not surprising, given the nature of this fraud — and are asked to pay via gift card.

8 Online Shopping: Top States Affected

Delaware led with 1,183.4 reports. New Hampshire and Colorado placed second and third.

9 Prizes & Sweepstakes: Reports Filed

Total reports filed came to 157,520, with 13% reporting losses. “Great news!,” a voice over the phone gushes. “You’ve won money or valuable prizes!” All the winner needs to do is provide their bank account information or pay a processing fee.

10 Prizes & Sweepstakes: Losses

The median loss suffered by victims was $878. Total losses equaled $338 million.

11 Prizes & Sweepstakes: Scenarios

Phone calls, texts, and emails are the most common contact method. Gift cards were of the top payment types.

12 Prizes & Sweepstakes: Top States Affected

West Virginia topped the list with 781.2 reports. Delaware and Alabama placed and showed.

13 Internet Services: Reports Filed

Total reports filed equaled 125,118, with 7% admitting losses. This category includes the use of fake messages or copycat sites — ostensibly from someone’s internet service provider — as part of a phishing or spoofing scam used to commit identity theft. It also includes theft of personal information: debit card PINs, credit card and bank account numbers, and passwords.

14 Internet Services: Losses

The median loss suffered was $250. Total losses came to $36 million.

15 Internet Services: Scenarios

Typically, individuals are contacted via social media and send money via payment app.

16 Internet Services: Top States Affected

Delaware was first in line with 418.6 reports per million people. Nevada and Florida came close on its heels.

17 Job Opportunities: Reports Filed

Total reports filed were 110,364, with 32% reporting a loss. Scammers post genuine-looking want ads and business opportunities in print and online. The catch? There is no job. They just want your personal information and your money. As just one example, a “work-from-home career” starts after the target pays for training, certifications, and/or starter kits.

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18 Job Opportunities: Losses

Consumers experienced a median loss of $2,137. Total losses reached $491 million.

19 Job Opportunities: Scenarios

People are most often connected by text and pay the scammers via cryptocurrency.

20 Job Opportunities: Top States Affected

Nevada was again the top contender, with 408.3 reports per million people. Arizona and Georgia achieved second and third place.

21 Advance Payments: Reports Filed

Total reports came to 29,878, with 35% of them suffering a financial loss. Advance payments, as the name implies, refer to a consumer pre-paying for a service. Credit service businesses purport to sell information that will allow the consumer to create a new credit file — perhaps after an identity theft occurred.

22 Advance Payments: Losses

The median loss of each victim was $638. The total amount lost was $75 million.

23 Advance Payments: Scenarios

Fraudsters typically communicate with potential victims via websites and apps for this kind of scam, and request wire transfers to collect the money.

24 Advance Payments: Top States Affected

Mississippi is number one this time, with 152.3 reports per million people. Georgia and Florida follow as numbers two and three.

25 Fake Charities: Reports Files

Total reports came to 9,809, with 27% reporting a monetary loss. Scammers pretend to be from a real or fake charity and ask you to make a donation right then for, say, a natural disaster that just occurred.

26 Fake Charities: Losses

The median loss was $392. The total amount lost was $22.5 million. Asking people to support a heartwarming cause has, unfortunately, been quite successful.

27 Fake Charities: Scenarios

Messages go out via social media, and have the potential to go viral. Scammers most often collect their money through a payment app.

28 Fake Charities: Top States Affected

Alaska led the way with 38.0 reports per million people. Georgia and Nebraska came in second and third place.

29 Investments: Reports Filed

Total reports came to 107,699, with 75% claiming a financial loss. With investment fraud, a scammer tries to get you to invest: in stocks, bonds, real estate, whatever. They may provide false information about a real investment or make something up entirely.

30 Investments: Losses

The median loss was $7,768. Total losses equaled $4.642 billion.

31 Investments: Scenarios

These so-called investment opportunities are described on social media platforms, with cryptocurrency being the top payment method.

32 Investments: Top States Affected

Nevada (again!) leads the way, with 289.9 reports per million people. Florida and Arizona trail behind in terms of percentage of population, but are way ahead in absolute numbers: Washingtonians filed 1,074 reports; Californians, 5,349 reports.

33 Bonus Stat: Tax Prep

A missing refund is one sign that someone else may have filed a fake tax return in your name. Here’s more information about what to do when you don’t receive a tax refund.

The FTC notes that 5,949 reports about tax preparation fraud were filed in 2023, with 10% of people reporting a monetary loss. The total loss was $1.9 million with a median loss of $500.

How to Avoid Credit Card Fraud

As these numbers show, there are plenty of scammers out there. Here are some ways to protect yourself against money scammers:

•   Avoid using debit cards, which are directly connected to your bank account. Credit cards and payment apps tend to be safer. Check your banking and credit card statements regularly, watching for errors and suspicious charges.

•   If your bank offers free transaction alerts, sign up now. For example, you can get an alert whenever a large payment (you choose the number) hits your account. Find out more about different types of bank fraud.

•   If you get a call from a company asking for payment data or other personal information, hang up. If it’s a company you normally deal with, call them back directly to see if the call was genuine.

•   Use password protection on your smartphone and computer devices. Keep your browsers up-to-date, and use reputable anti-virus software downloaded from the app store (not an ad, email or website). Avoid using public WiFi.

•   Shop at reputable retailers only, including but not limited to the ones you use online. If you have questions about a store, check them out on the Better Business Bureau website.

•   When pumping gas or using an ATM, watch out for skimmers: devices that capture your account information for fraudulent purposes. If anything looks odd, let the establishment know.

•   Be cautious about clicking on links from unknown sources, checking to make sure that an email or text message really came from the place it claims and is a reputable organization.

•   Monitor your credit report and watch for inaccuracies. What qualifies as credit monitoring varies, so look for services that send alerts whenever something new hits your report. You may also be able to sign up for free credit monitoring.

How to Report Credit Card Fraud

The first step is to file a dispute with your credit card company. Then you can contact your police station or sheriff’s office. You can also report the fraud to your state’s attorney general (get their contact info from You can also submit an online claim with the FTC at

The Takeaway

Scammers are reaching out via text, social media, fake websites, apps, emails, and old-fashioned voice calls to separate you from your money. Their stories play on your greed, or charity, or desperation. And they take all forms of payment — but they especially like gift cards and crypto. By learning to recognize the top schemes, you can help protect yourself from getting swindled. More pro tips: Monitor your transactions, avoid using debit cards for purchases, and don’t ever give out your personal or financial info unless you’re 100% sure of who you’re dealing with.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

SoFi helps you stay on top of your finances.


What are some common credit card scams?

Scammers can be pretty creative. Phishing is when a con artist tries to get you to share personal info or credit card information on the phone, by email, or text. Fake online websites can be built to steal credit card info. Skimmers can be set up on ATMs and credit card readers. And people with ill intent can monitor public WiFi for credit card info. And these are just some of the types of financial fraud out there.

How do credit card scams happen?

Sometimes, your physical credit card can be stolen. More often, someone gets your credit card data without having the actual card. Identity thieves can also steal personal information, set up credit cards in your name, and start spending.

How can you spot credit card fraud?

As you monitor bank statements, credit card statements, and your credit report, you may spot information that just isn’t right. Although this isn’t always because of credit card fraud, that’s a common cause. Proactively investigate when something looks suspicious. You can also set up alerts with your bank to flag certain kinds of transactions.

Photo credit: iStock/SaskiaAcht

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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