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What Is a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)?

If you own a home, you may be interested in tapping into your available home equity. One popular way to do that is with a home equity line of credit. This is different from a home equity loan, and can help you finance a major renovation or many other expenses.

Homeowners sitting on at least 20% equity — the home’s market value minus what is owed — may be able to secure a HELOC.

Here, you’ll take a closer look at this loan product, including:

•   What is a HELOC loan?

•   How does a HELOC loan work?

•   What are the pros and cons of a HELOC?

•   What are alternatives to a HELOC?

How Does a HELOC Work?

The purpose of a HELOC is to tap your home equity to get some cash to use on a variety of expenses. Home equity lines of credit offer what’s known as a revolving line of credit, similar to a credit card, and usually have low or no closing costs. The interest rate is likely to be variable (more on that in a minute), and the amount available is typically 75% to 85% of your home’s value.

Once you secure a HELOC with a lender, you can draw against your approved credit line as needed until your draw period ends, which is usually 10 years. You then repay the balance, typically over 20 years, or refinance to a new loan. Worth noting: Payments may be low during the draw period; you might be paying interest only, and then face steeper monthly payments during the repayment phase. Carefully review the details when applying for a HELOC to understand what kind of debt you will be taking on.

Here’s a look at possible HELOC uses:

•   HELOCs can be used for anything but are commonly used to cover big home expenses, like a home remodeling costs or building an addition. These expenditures have been rising steeply: The number of home-improvement projects grew 17% to almost 135 million and spending ticked up 20% to $624 billion, according to recent American Housing Survey data.

•   Personal spending: If, for example, you are laid off, you could tap your HELOC for cash to pay bills. Or you might dip into the line of credit to pay for a wedding (you only pay interest on the funds you are using, not the approved limit).

•   A HELOC can also be used to consolidate high-interest debt. Whatever homeowners use a home equity line or loan for — investing in a new business, taking a dream vacation, funding a college education — they need to remember that they are using their home as collateral. That means if they can’t keep up with payments, the lender may force the sale of the home to satisfy the debt.

HELOC Options

Most HELOCs offer a variable interest rate, but you may have a choice. Here are the two main options:

•   Fixed Rate With fixed-rate home equity lines of credit, the interest rate is set and does not change. That means your monthly payments won’t vary either.

•   Variable Rate Most HELOCs have a variable rate, which is frequently tied to the prime rate, a benchmark index that closely follows the economy. Even if your rate starts out low, it could go up. Or, in these inflationary times, it might go down in the future. A margin is added to the index to determine the interest you are charged. In some cases, you may be able to lock a variable-rate HELOC into a fixed rate.

•   Hybrid fixed-rate HELOCs are not the norm but have gained attention. They allow a borrower to withdraw money from the credit line and convert it to a fixed rate.

HELOC Requirements

Now that you know what a HELOC is, think about what is involved in getting one. If you do decide to apply for a home equity line of credit, you will likely be evaluated on the basis of these criteria:

•   Home equity percentage: Lenders typically look for at least 15% or more commonly 20%.

•   A good credit score: Usually, a score of 680 will help you qualify, though many lenders prefer 700+. If you have a credit score between 621 and 679, you may be approved by some lenders.

•   Low debt-to-income (DTI) ratio: Here, a lender will see how your total housing costs and other debt (say, student loans) compare to your income. The lower your DTI percentage, the better you look to a lender. Your DTI will be calculated by your total debt divided by your monthly gross income. A lender might look for a figure in which debt accounts for anywhere between 36% to 50% of your total monthly income.

Other angles that lenders may look for is a specific income level that makes them feel comfortable that you can repay the debt, as well as a solid, dependable payment history. These are aspects of the factors mentioned above, but some lenders look more closely at these as independent factors.

Example of a HELOC

Here’s an example of how a HELOC might work. Let’s say your home is worth $300,000 and you currently have a mortgage of $200,000. If you seek a HELOC, the lender might allow you allows you to borrow up to 80% of your home’s value:

   $300,000 x 0.8 = $240,000

Next, you would subtract the amount you owe on your mortgage ($200,000) from the qualifying amount noted above ($240,000) to find how big a HELOC you qualify for:

   $240,000 – $200,000 = $40,000.

One other aspect to note is a HELOC will be repaid in two distinct phases:

•   The first part is the draw period, which typically lasts 10 years. At this time, you can borrow money from your line of credit. Your minimum payment may be interest-only, though you can pay down the principal as well, if you like.

•   The next part of the HELOC is known as the repayment period, which is often also 10 years, but may vary. At this point, you will no longer be able to draw funds from the line of credit, and you will likely have monthly payments due that include both principal and interest. For this reason, the amount you pay is likely to rise considerably.

Difference Between a HELOC and a Home Equity Loan

Here’s a comparison of a home equity line of credit and a home equity loan.

•   A HELOC is a revolving line of credit that lets you borrow money as needed, up to your approved credit limit, pay back all or part of the balance, and then borrow up to the limit again through your draw period, typically 10 years.

   The interest rate is usually variable. You pay interest only on the amount of credit you actually use. It can be good for people who want flexibility in terms of how much they borrow and how they use it.

•   A home equity loan is a lump sum with a fixed rate on the loan. This can be a good option when you have a clear use for the funds in mind and you want to lock into a fixed rate that won’t vary.

Borrowing limits and repayment terms may also differ, but both use your home as collateral. That means if you were unable to make payments, you could lose your home.

Recommended: What are the Different Types of Home Equity Loans?

What Is the Process of Applying for a HELOC?

If you’re ready to apply for a home equity line of credit, follow these steps:

•   First, it’s wise to shop around with different lenders to reveal minimum credit score ranges required for HELOC approval. You can also check and compare terms, such as periodic and lifetime rate caps. You might also look into which index is used to determine rates and how much and how often it can change.

•   Then, you can get specific offers from a few lenders to see the best option for you. Banks (online and traditional) as well as credit unions often offer HELOCs.

•   When you’ve selected the offer you want to go with, you can submit your application. This usually is similar to a mortgage application. It will involve gathering documentation that reflects your home’s value, your income, your assets, and your credit score. You may or may not need a home appraisal.

•   Lastly, you’ll hopefully hear that you are approved from your lender. After that, it can take approximately 30 to 60 days for the funds to become available. Usually, the money will be accessible via a credit card or a checkbook.

How Much Can You Borrow With a HELOC?

Depending on your creditworthiness and debt-to-income ratio, you may be able to borrow up to 85% of the value of your home (or, in some cases, even more), less the amount owed on your first mortgage.

Thought of another way, most lenders require your combined loan-to-value ratio (CLTV) to be 85% or less for a home equity line of credit.

Here’s an example. Say your home is worth $500,000, you owe $300,000 on your mortgage, and you hope to tap $120,000 of home equity.

Combined loan balance (mortgage plus HELOC, $420,000) ÷ current appraised value (500,000) = CLTV (0.84)

Convert this to a percentage, and you arrive at 84%, just under many lenders’ CLTV threshold for approval.

In this example, the liens on your home would be a first mortgage with its existing terms at $300,000 and a second mortgage (the HELOC) with its own terms at $120,000.

Turn your home equity into cash with a HELOC brokered by SoFi.

Access up to 95% or $500k of your home’s equity to finance almost anything.

How Do Payments On a HELOC Work?

During the first stage of your HELOC loan (what is called the draw period), you may be required to make minimum payments toward your HELOC. These are often interest-only payments.

Once the draw period ends, your regular HELOC repayment period begins, when payments must be made toward both the interest and the principal.

Remember that if you have a variable-rate HELOC, your monthly payment could fluctuate over time. And it’s important to check the terms so you know whether you’ll be expected to make one final balloon payment at the end of the repayment period.

Pros of Taking Out a HELOC

Here are some of the benefits of a HELOC:

Initial Interest Rate and Acquisition Cost

A HELOC, secured by your home, may have a lower interest rate than unsecured loans and lines of credit. What is the interest rate on a HELOC? The average HELOC loan rate as of December 15, 2022, was 7.31%.

Lenders often offer a low introductory rate, or teaser rate. After that period ends, your rate (and payments) increase to the true market level (the index plus the margin). Lenders normally place periodic and lifetime rate caps on HELOCs.

The closing costs may be lower than those of a home equity loan. Some lenders waive HELOC closing costs entirely if you meet a minimum credit line and keep the line open for a few years.

Taking Out Money as You Need It

Instead of receiving a lump-sum loan, a HELOC gives you the option to draw on the money over time as needed. That way, you don’t borrow more than you actually use, and you don’t have to go back to the lender to apply for more loans if you end up requiring additional money.

Only Paying Interest on the Amount You’ve Withdrawn

Paying interest only on the amount plucked from the credit line is beneficial when you are not sure how much will be needed for a project or if you need to pay in intervals.

Also, you can pay the line off and let it sit open at a zero balance during the draw period in case you need to pull from it again later.

Cons of Taking Out a HELOC

Now, here are some downsides of HELOCs to consider:

Variable Interest Rate

Even though your initial interest rate may be low, if it’s variable and tied to the prime rate, it will likely go up and down with the federal funds rate. This means that over time, your monthly payment may fluctuate and become less (or more!) affordable.

Variable-rate HELOCs come with annual and lifetime rate caps, so check the details to know just how high your interest rate might go.

Potential Cost

Taking out a HELOC is placing a second mortgage lien on your home. You may have to deal with closing costs on the loan amount, though some HELOCs come with low or zero fees. Sometimes loans with no or low fees have an early closure fee.

Your Home Is on the Line

If you aren’t able to make payments and go into loan default, the lender could foreclose on your home. And if the HELOC is in second lien position, the lender could work with the first lienholder on your property to recover the borrowed money.

Adjustable-rate loans like HELOCs can be riskier than others because fluctuating rates can change your expected repayment amount.

It Could Affect Your Ability to Take On Other Debt

Just like other liabilities, adding on to your debt with a HELOC could affect your ability to take out other loans in the future. That’s because lenders consider your existing debt load before agreeing to offer you more.

Lenders will qualify borrowers based on the full line of credit draw even if the line has a zero balance. This may be something to consider if you expect to take on another home mortgage loan, a car loan, or other debts in the near future.

What Are Some Alternatives to HELOCs

If you’re looking to access cash, here are HELOC options.

Cash-Out Refi

With a cash-out refinance, you replace your existing mortgage with a new mortgage given your home’s current value, with a goal of a lower interest rate, and cash out some of the equity that you have in the home. So if your current mortgage is $150,000 on a $250,000 value home, you might aim for a cash-out refinance that is $175,000 and use the $25,000 additional funds as needed.

Lenders typically require you to maintain at least 20% equity in your home (although there are exceptions). Be prepared to pay closing costs.

Generally, cash-out refinance guidelines may require more equity in the home vs. a HELOC.

Recommended: Cash Out Refi vs. Home Equity Line of Credit: Key Differences to Know

Home Equity Loan

What is a home equity loan again? It’s a lump-sum loan secured by your home. These loans almost always come with a fixed interest rate, which allows for consistent monthly payments.

Some lenders will reduce or waive the closing costs if you don’t pay off the loan within a particular period.

Personal Loan

If you’re looking to finance a big-but-not-that-big project for personal reasons and you have a good estimate of how much money you’ll need, a low-rate personal loan that is not secured by your home could be a better fit.

With possibly few to zero upfront costs and minimal paperwork, a fixed-rate personal loan could be a quick way to access the money you need. Just know that an unsecured loan usually has a higher interest rate than a secured loan.

A personal loan might also be a better alternative to a HELOC if you bought your home recently and don’t have much equity built up yet.

The Takeaway

If you are looking to tap the equity of your home, a HELOC can give you money as needed, up to their approved limit, during a typical 10-year draw period. The rate is usually variable. Sometimes closing costs are waived. It can be an affordable way to get cash to use on anything from a home renovation to college costs.

If a home equity line of credit sounds right for you, see what SoFi offers. We have HELOC options that allow you to access up to 95% or $500,000 of your home’s value at competitively low rates. Plus, the application process is quick and convenient.

Unlock your home’s value with a home equity line of credit brokered by SoFi.


What can you use a HELOC for?

It’s up to you what you want to use the cash from a HELOC for. You could use it for a home renovation or addition, or for other expenses, such as college costs or a wedding.

How can you find out how much you can borrow?

Lenders typically require 20% equity in your home and then offer up to 85% or even more of your home’s value, minus the amount owed on your mortgage. There are online tools you can use to determine the exact amount, or contact your bank or credit union.

How long do you have to pay back a HELOC?

Typically, home equity lines of credit have 20-year terms. The first 10 years are considered the draw period and the second 10 years are the repayment phase.

How much does a HELOC cost?

When evaluating HELOC offers, check interest rates, the interest-rate cap, closing costs (which may or may not be billed), and other fees to see just how much you would be paying.

Can you sell your house if you have a HELOC?

Yes, you can sell a house if you have a HELOC. The home equity line of credit balance will typically be repaid from the proceeds of the sales when you close, along with your mortgage.

Does a HELOC hurt your credit?

A HELOC can hurt your credit for a short period of time. Applying for a home equity line can temporarily lower your credit score because a hard credit pull is part of the process when you seek funding. This typically takes your score down a bit.

How do you apply for a HELOC?

First, you’ll shop around and collect a few offers. Once you select the one that suits you best, applying for a HELOC involves sharing much of the same information as you did when you applied for a mortgage. You need to pull together information on your income and assets. You will also need documentation of your home’s value and possibly an appraisal.

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SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How Income and Salary Affect Your Credit Score

How Income and Salary Affect Your Credit Score

While your income doesn’t have a direct impact on your credit score, it can have indirect effects. A loss in income, a gap in cash flow, or a sudden layoff could put you in a financial pinch. This reduction in the size of your paycheck could hinder your ability to pay your bills, which can ding your credit. Additionally, your income can impact your ability to open a credit card or take out a loan.

Let’s take a closer look at how your income and salary could affect your credit, as well as what factors do directly determine your credit score.

Does Income Affect Credit Score?

Wondering if your salary impacts your credit score? Put simply, your income does not directly affect your credit.

That’s because the financial information that’s found on your credit report is primarily related to debt. As such, information like savings or checking account balances, investments, and income do not appear on your credit report.

Beyond that, there is quite a bit of information that a credit report explicitly cannot include. These exclusions are made in an effort to prevent lenders from potentially being biased or discriminating based on race, religious affiliation, and other personal details. The following information — including income — is not included on credit reports:

•   Income

•   Employment status

•   Marital status

•   Religious affiliation

•   Race or ethnicity

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What Then Impacts Your Credit Score?

While income doesn’t affect your credit score, what does impact your score has to do with your ability to be responsible with credit. Different credit scoring models vary slightly in the way they calculate credit scores. However, they generally look for signs of creditworthiness, which is your reliability in paying back money based on past behavior and financial habits.

Here’s a closer look at what affects your credit score.

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Payment History

Payment history makes up the lion’s share of your FICO Score, accounting for 35% of your credit score. Making timely payments on your bills and debt, such as your credit card balances, car loan, or personal loan, is crucial to establishing credit.

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Credit Utilization

Your credit usage, or credit utilization ratio, is also a major player in your credit score. How much does credit utilization ratio affect credit score? Specifically, this makes up 30% of your FICO Score.

Your credit usage is your total outstanding balance among all your credit cards against your total credit limit. This is expressed as a percentage. For instance, if you have a $500 credit card balance, and the total limit on all of your cards is $5,000, then your credit usage is 10%.

You’ll want to aim to keep your credit utilization ratio under 30%. Credit usage over 30% can negatively impact your credit, as it indicates to lenders that you might be stretched too thin financially.

Age of Accounts

How long you’ve had and managed debt also impacts your credit score. This makes up 15% of your FICO Score. Keeping your old lines of credit open can help boost your score by extending the age of your credit accounts.

Credit Mix

Having a healthy mix of different types of credit — think installment loans like a car or personal loan, a mortgage, credit cards, and other accounts — can also help with building credit. Your credit mix makes up a smaller portion of our FICO Score at 10%.

New Credit

If you’ve recently opened several new lines of credits, or had a bunch of different hard credit pulls from applying for credit, this could negatively impact your credit. This is because it can suggest to lenders you’re desperate for funds and thus a potentially higher risk. New credit accounts for 10% of your FICO Score.

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How Your Income Can Indirectly Affect Your Credit Score

While income doesn’t have a direct impact on your credit score, it can still affect your score in a couple of ways.

First, if you’re tight on money due to a recent job loss, reduced hours at your work, or a gap in cash flow, your reduced income could impact your ability to stay on top of your debt payments. As payment history makes up 35% of your FICO score, falling behind or missing payments altogether could result in your credit score taking a hit. In turn, a regular paycheck helps your credit score because it can help you to more easily make on-time payments.

Your income can also impact your credit score because income is something that lenders typically look at when you apply for a line of credit. Because your income can affect your odds of getting approved for a loan or credit card, it can indirectly impact your credit mix and length of credit, which both play into your credit score.

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How Your Income and Debt Impact Credit Approval

When lenders evaluate your application, one factor they may consider is your debt-to-income ratio, which is the percentage of your monthly income that goes toward paying down debts. The lower your income, the more easily you can have a higher debt-to-income ratio, which could affect your odds of approval.

Additionally, when you apply for a loan or credit card, lenders will typically request proof of income, such as a paystub or a tax return. Having a low income could affect your odds of approval, as well as the amount of the loan or credit limit you’re approved for.

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The Takeaway

While the size of your paycheck doesn’t directly affect your credit score, it can impact your ability to stay on top of your debt payments. This in turn can influence your score. Understanding exactly what financial factors do impact your credit can help you to be mindful of financial behaviors and patterns that will keep your score in tip-top shape.

In the market for a credit card? The SoFi Credit Card charges no foreign transaction fees and offers competitive cash-back rewards.


How much does your debt-to-income ratio affect your credit score?

While your debt-to-income ratio doesn’t directly impact your credit score, it can affect your odds of getting approved for credit. If your debt-to-income ratio is too high, it’s a sign that you might be stretched thin moneywise. In turn, lenders might be less likely to extend credit to you.

Why do credit cards ask for income on applications?

Credit card issuers request your income on applications to gauge whether to extend you credit, and to determine how much of a credit limit to offer you.

How much annual income do you need to be approved for a credit card?

While there’s no set number, and credit card companies rarely post whether they have a minimum annual income requirement, they do take into account your income when looking over your application. Note that your annual income isn’t the only factor that credit card issuers look at when determining whether to approve your application though. Other factors like your debt load and credit score are also taken into account.

Will my income show up on my credit card?

Your income will not show up on your credit card, nor will it show up on your credit report. Personal information such as income isn’t permitted on your credit report to avoid the possibility for discrimination or bias.

How does my income affect my credit limit?

If you have a higher income, you could get approved for a higher line of credit. This is because you’ll have more available funds to pay off any debt you incur.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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Does Leasing a Car Build Credit? How Leasing a Car Can Affect Your Credit

Does Leasing a Car Build Credit? How Leasing a Car Can Affect Your Credit

When you’re in the market for a new car, you have several options for how to finance the vehicle. Leasing a car, getting an auto loan, or paying for your car in cash are all possibilities, depending on your specific situation. If you’re unsure about your credit situation, you might wonder if leasing a car is possible for you, or how leasing a car affects your credit.

In most cases, you’ll need to have good credit to qualify for a lease on a car. If you have poor or no credit, you may have better luck getting an auto loan, although your interest rate may be high. Should you opt to lease a car or buy one with an auto loan, your payment history is usually reported to the major credit bureaus. As such, making on-time and regular payments can help build your credit.

Leasing vs Buying a Car

When you buy a car, you agree on a purchase price with the seller. You then can either pay for the full amount of the car at the time of purchase, or use an auto loan for some or all of the purchase amount.

With a lease, you may put some money down, and then you will pay a fixed amount each month for the duration of the lease. Your monthly lease amount will be based on how much the car is worth at the end of the lease period. At the end of your lease, you can either return your vehicle to the lessor or buy your leased car.

It’s also important to keep in mind that leasing a car often comes with some restrictions on how you use your car, which is not the case with buying a car. If you lease, you might have limits on the number of miles you can drive during the lease term, for instance.

Both buying and leasing a car can impact your credit score, since your monthly debt obligation and payment history (positive or negative) shows up on your credit report.

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Pros and Cons of Leasing a Car

Beyond knowing whether leasing a car builds credit, it’s important to be aware of the pros and cons of leasing a car. By understanding the upsides as well as the drawbacks, you’ll be better able to choose between leasing or buying a car.

Here’s an overview of the major pros and cons of leasing a car to consider:



Leasing can often offer lower monthly payments than buying the car outright. There may be restrictions on how you use the vehicle, such as the number of miles you can drive during the lease.
You can potentially upgrade your car every few years. You don’t actually own the car, so you won’t build any equity to show for your monthly payments.
The lease may include coverage for maintenance and some repairs. You may get charged for excessive wear and tear on the vehicle.

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Ways Leasing a Car Builds Credit

In most cases, your lessor will report the payments you make on a leased car to the major credit bureaus. This means that a car lease will show up on your credit report as an installment loan, and your payment history will be recorded. This can help your credit if you make on-time payments, but it may have a negative impact if you miss a payment or the lease becomes delinquent.

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Can You Lease a Car With Bad Credit?

The exact credit score needed to lease a car will depend on the lender or lessor that you use, but you generally will need to have good or excellent credit (meaning 670+) to qualify for a lease. If you don’t have a good credit history or are still working on improving your credit, leasing a car may not be the right fit for you.

Alternatives to Leasing a Car

If you’re not able to or don’t want to lease a car, you do have some other alternatives.

Buying a Car With an Auto Loan

It is more realistic that you might be able to qualify for a car loan rather than a lease if your credit isn’t great. While your monthly payment may be higher with a purchase as compared to a lease (since you’re buying the car rather than just leasing it for a short period of time), that may still end up being the right option for you.

You will want to keep in mind that auto loan interest rates often vary depending on your credit score. That means that someone with fair credit will likely have a higher interest rate than someone with good or excellent credit.

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Using a Cosigner

Another possibility if you can’t qualify for a lease is to use a cosigner. If you have a trusted friend or family member with good or excellent credit who is willing to cosign on your auto lease, you may stand a better chance of getting approved.

When you use a cosigner, the potential lessor can use the credit score and profile of both the primary applicant and the cosigner in determining whether to approve the lease.

Making a Large Down Payment

If you’re able to, you might consider making a large down payment as part of your auto lease. While you still may not be approved, providing a large down payment shows the potential lessor that you are serious and committed. Making a large down payment also will lower your required monthly lease payment, which may help you get approved as well.

Tips for Building Your Credit for the Next Lease

If you want to build up your credit to prepare for your next car lease, there are a couple of things you can do:

•   Improve your overall financial situation. For one, you can work on solidifying your finances overall, including by setting up a budget and paying down debt. Remember that owning a car means you have to pay not only for your monthly car payment but also auto-related expenses like repairs, gas, and car insurance.

•   Use credit cards responsibly. Responsibly using credit cards is another way to improve your credit profile. Make sure you’re paying off your monthly statement in full each and every month.

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The Takeaway

Leasing a car can build credit in much the same way as taking out an auto loan. When you lease a car, it is reported as an installment loan on your credit report. Your payments (either on-time or late) are also reported to the major credit bureaus, and can have a positive or negative impact on your credit score.

If you’re looking to build your credit profile, another path to consider might be a credit card, where you can show you’re responsible by paying off your statement in full, each and every month. One option to look at might be a cash-back rewards credit card like SoFi’s credit card. You can earn unlimited cash-back rewards if you’re approved for a credit card with SoFi. You can apply those rewards as a statement credit, invest them in fractional shares, or put them toward other financial goals, like paying down eligible SoFi debt.

Apply for a SoFi credit card today!


Does leasing affect your credit score?

Yes, leasing can affect your credit score, since activity is usually reported to the major credit bureaus in a very similar way to an auto loan. A lease will be reported as an installment loan, and your payment history will be included on your credit report. That means that regular and on-time payments can help improve your credit score, while late payments or delinquencies can hurt your credit score.

Can I lease a car with a low credit score?

Generally, potential lessors are looking for lessees with good or excellent credit. There are a variety of reasons for this, including a higher rate of delinquencies or car repossessions associated with less favorable credit. If you have a low credit score, you may not be able to qualify for a lease and may need to consider alternatives.

What is the minimum credit score I can lease a car with?

The exact minimum credit score that you’ll need to lease a car will depend on a variety of different factors. These include the specific lessor you’re working with, the car you’re considering leasing, and your overall financial situation. Many lessors are looking for people with good or excellent credit. If your credit is below that, you may not be able to qualify for a lease.

Photo credit: iStock/EmirMemedovski

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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Can a Personal Loan Hurt Your Credit?

If you’re considering a personal loan, you might wonder what kind of impact it may have on your credit. It’s true that the application process can cause your credit score to dip temporarily, but a loan can potentially help it too.

We’ll run through all the ways a personal loan can affect your credit score, as well as when you might consider a personal loan for your financial life.

How Is Your Credit Score Calculated?

What makes up your credit score?

To understand how a personal loan can affect your credit, it helps to know the basics of how your credit score is calculated. According to FICO®, a company that generates credit scores, five principal components are used to calculate your FICO Score:

•   Payment History (35%): Your history of making on-time payments to lenders is a key factor, accounting for more than a third of your score.

•   Amounts Owed (30%): The amount of credit you are currently using is the second-most important factor.

•   Length of Credit History (15%): The length of time you’ve had credit accounts open, and in good standing, is also a factor. Opening new lines of credit will bring down the average age of your credit history.

•   New Credit (10%): This component considers the amount of new credit recently taken out.

•   Credit Mix (10%): This final factor takes into account the different types of credit you hold: credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, etc.

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How Do Personal Loans Work?

A personal loan is a borrowed sum of money that is paid back in installments, with interest. Loan amounts typically range from $5K to $100K.

Common uses for personal loans include consolidating high-interest credit card debt, and funding large purchases such as home improvements, weddings, unexpected medical expenses, moving expenses, and funerals.

Recommended: Types of Personal Loans

Do Personal Loans Hurt Your Credit?

Any debts you have can impact your credit, so taking out a personal loan might lead to a drop in your credit score over the short term. On the flip side, there are ways for your personal loan to positively affect your credit score.

Here’s how a personal loan can impact your credit score, negatively or positively:

A Personal Loan’s Impact on Credit Score

Pros Cons

•   Can add to your credit mix

•   Could improve your payment history if you pay on time

•   May help keep your credit utilization ratio in check

•   No collateral required

•   Requires a hard credit inquiry

•   May increase amounts owed

•   Could negatively impact your payment history if you miss payments

•   Fees can drive up the cost of the loan

Con: Requires a hard credit inquiry

Taking out a loan often requires a hard credit inquiry, which can adversely impact your credit score. Hard inquiries remain on your credit report for two years, though their negative effect on your score is minor (typically 5 points or less) and lasts only a year.

Con: May increase amounts owed

The “amounts owed” on your credit score may increase because you are taking on new debt. However, if you’re consolidating credit card debt, you will reduce that debt by paying it down with the personal loan — your amount owed doesn’t change.

Con: Can impact your payment history if you miss a payment

If you miss a payment on your personal loan, that can negatively impact the “payment history” component of your credit score. That factor specifically looks at whether you make your debt payments on time.

Con: Some lenders charge fees

Fees can drive up the cost of a loan, beyond what you’re paying in interest. For example, an origination fee, which lenders charge upfront, is typically a percentage of the principal. And prepayment penalties discourage borrowers from paying off their loan early. (SoFi never charges any fees.)

Pro: Can add to your credit mix

Having a new loan type (and paying it back on-time) can positively impact the “new credit” and “credit mix” components of your score.

Pro: Can improve your payment history if you pay on time

Making on-time payments and showing responsible management of a personal loan is a nice checkmark for the “payment history” part of your credit score.

Pro: May help you keep your credit utilization ratio in check

If you’re using a personal loan to reduce credit card debt, it replaces revolving debt (your credit card debt) with an installment loan. Revolving debt is one you can continue adding to even when paying it down. An installment loan involves borrowing one specific amount and repaying it in — wait for it — installments. Because you won’t be able to add further debt to your installment loan, it may help you keep your credit utilization ratio under control, which can be a good thing for your credit score.

Pro: No collateral required

Loans can be either secured or unsecured. A secured loan is one that requires the borrower to put up collateral, such as a car or home. An unsecured loan requires no collateral.

When To Consider Taking Out a Personal Loan

There’s not a clearcut answer to whether a personal loan can hurt your credit, because everyone’s financial situation is different. But here are some instances when a personal loan may be appropriate:

•   You’re consolidating high-interest debt

•   You have an emergency expense you can’t otherwise afford

•   You’re paying for a home improvement project that will add value to your home

•   It’s your least expensive borrowing option

•   You don’t have any collateral to offer

Before you take on any debt, it’s always important to consider whether it’s really necessary and what other ways you might cover your costs. For instance, it’s often not recommended to take out a personal loan to pay for a vacation when you can scale back on your travel plans or simply wait until you’ve saved up enough money. It’s obviously a very different story if you have to cover the cost of a medical emergency.

Consider whether you can afford to make the payments on time. And make sure you understand the total cost of the loan, with interest and any fees added in. Also think about whether your credit score is high enough to qualify for competitive rates and terms, and whether it can withstand any dips applying for a loan might cause.

Recommended: How To Get Approved for a Personal Loan

The Takeaway

Applying for a personal loan requires a hard credit inquiry, which typically dings your credit score by around 5 points. But overall, as long as you don’t borrow more than you can pay back, and you make all scheduled payments on time, a personal loan can have a positive impact on your credit score over the long term. A personal loan can add to your credit mix, and will improve your available credit if you’re using it to pay off high-interest credit cards.

Shop around for the best personal loan offers for you. SoFi’s personal loan calculator can show you what your monthly payment might be in different scenarios. SoFi can give you a rate quote in minutes.

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Is a personal loan bad for your credit?

There’s no clearcut answer because personal loans can have a positive or negative impact on your credit score. The loan itself has less of an impact than how you manage your loan. If you never miss a payment, a personal loan can help your credit score over time. But if you can’t afford to make your monthly payments on time, that can hurt your score.

Will a personal loan affect my credit card application?

It can. If you applied for the loan recently, you may want to wait and see how your credit score is affected before applying for a credit card. A personal loan can have a positive or negative impact on your credit score, depending on your financial situation and how you manage the loan.

Will a personal loan affect my car loan application?

It can. A personal loan affects your “credit utilization,” which impacts your credit score. How much impact it has depends on your financial situation. If the personal loan is your only debt, for instance, your credit utilization might be able to accommodate both loans.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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What Credit Score Do You Need to Buy a House

What’s your number? That’s not a pickup line; it’s the digits a mortgage lender will want to know. In the range of 300 to 850, a score as low as 500 may open the door to a home.

But the credit score needed to buy a house is at least 620 for most types of mortgage loans. The lowest rates usually go to borrowers with scores of 740 and above whose finances are in good order.

Why Does a Credit Score Matter?

Just as you need a résumé listing your work history to interview for a job, lenders want to see your borrowing history, through credit reports, and a snapshot of it, expressed as a score on the credit rating scale, to help predict your ability to repay a debt.

A great credit score vs. a bad credit score can translate to money in your pocket: Even a small reduction in interest rate can save a borrower thousands of dollars over time.

Do I Have One Credit Score?

You have many different credit scores based on information collected by Experian, Transunion, and Equifax, the three main credit bureaus, and calculated using scoring models usually designed by FICO® or a competitor, VantageScore®.

To complicate things, there are often multiple versions of each scoring model available from its developer at any given time, but most credit scores fall within the 300 to 850 range.

Mortgage lenders predominantly consider FICO scores. Here are the categories:

•   Exceptional: 800-850

•   Very good: 740-799

•   Good: 670-739

•   Fair: 580-669

•   Poor: 300-579

Here’s how FICO weighs the information:

•   Payment history: 35%

•   Amounts owed: 30%

•   Length of credit history: 15%

•   New credit: 10%

•   Credit mix: 10%

Mortgage lenders will pull an applicant’s credit score from all three credit bureaus. If the scores differ, they will use the middle number when making a decision.

If you’re buying a home with a non-spouse or a marriage partner, each borrower’s credit scores will be pulled. The lender will home in on the middle score for both and use the lower of the final two scores (except for a Fannie Mae loan, when a lender will average the middle credit scores of the applicants).

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A Look at the Numbers

What credit score do you need to buy a house? If you are trying to acquire a conventional mortgage loan, a loan not insured by a government agency, you’ll likely need a credit score of at least 620.

With an FHA loan, 580 is the minimum credit score to qualify for the 3.5% down payment advantage. Applicants with a score as low as 500 will have to put down 10%.

Lenders like to see a minimum credit score of 620 for a VA loan.

A score of at least 640 is usually required for a USDA loan.

A first-time homebuyer with good credit will likely qualify for an FHA loan, but a conventional mortgage will probably save them money over time. One reason is that an FHA loan requires upfront and ongoing mortgage insurance that lasts for the life of the loan if the down payment is less than 10%.

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Credit Scores Are Just Part of the Pie

Credit scores aren’t the only factor that lenders consider when reviewing a mortgage application. They will also require information on your employment, income, and bank accounts.

A lender facing someone with a lower credit score may increase expectations in other areas like down payment size or income requirements.

Other typical conventional loan requirements a lender will consider include:

Your down payment. Putting 20% down is desirable since it often means you can avoid paying PMI, private mortgage insurance that covers the lender in case of loan default.

Debt-to-income ratio. Your debt-to-income ratio is a percentage that compares your ongoing monthly debts to your monthly gross income.

Most lenders require a DTI of 43% or lower to qualify for a conforming loan.

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How to Increase Your Credit Scores Before Buying a House

Working to improve or build credit over time before applying for a home loan could save a borrower a lot of money in interest. A lower rate will keep monthly payments lower or even provide the ability to pay back the loan faster.

Working on your credit scores may take weeks or longer, but it can be done. Here are some ideas to try:

1. Pay all of your bills on time. If you haven’t been doing so, it could take up to six months of on-time payments to see a significant improvement.

2. Check for errors on credit reports. Be sure that your credit history doesn’t report a missed payment in error or show a debt that’s not yours. You can get free credit reports from the three main reporting agencies.

To dispute a credit report, start by contacting the credit bureau whose report shows the error. The bureau has 30 days to investigate and respond.

3. Pay down debt. Installment loans (student loans and auto loans, for instance) affect your DTI ratio, and revolving debt (think: credit cards and lines of credit) plays a starring role in your credit utilization ratio. Credit utilization falls under FICO’s heavily weighted “amounts owed” category. A general rule of thumb is to keep your credit utilization below 30%.

4. Ask to increase the credit limit on one or all of your credit cards. This may improve your credit utilization ratio by showing that you have lots of available credit that you don’t use.

5. Don’t close credit cards once you’ve paid them off. You might want to keep them open by charging a few items to the cards every month (and paying the balance). If you have two credit cards, each has a credit limit of $5,000, and you have a $2,000 balance on each, you currently have a 40% credit utilization ratio. If you were to pay one of the two cards off and keep it open, your credit utilization would drop to 20%.

6. Add to your credit mix. An additional account may help your credit, especially if it is a kind of credit you don’t currently have. If you have only credit cards, you might consider applying for a personal loan.

💡Recommended: 31 Ways to Save for a House

The Takeaway

What credit score is needed to buy a house? The number depends on the lender and type of loan. An awesome credit score is not always necessary to buy a house, but it helps in securing a lower rate.

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SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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