What’s a Credit Bureau? Examining the Top 3 Bureaus

What’s a Credit Bureau? Examining the Top 3 Bureaus

Credit bureaus are companies that gather and store credit-related information on just about every adult in the United States. There are three major credit bureaus, or credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

The information collected by the credit bureaus is used to make financial decisions that have a major impact on the lives of many Americans. While credit bureaus themselves don’t make lending decisions, lenders rely on the information that credit bureaus provide to judge individuals’ creditworthiness.

What Is a Credit Bureau?

A credit bureau is a company that gathers credit and debt information about consumers. The three major credit bureaus in the U.S. — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — also sell credit reports and credit scores to creditors, such as credit card issuers and mortgage lenders.

Credit bureaus keep a database of historical financial records about consumers. This may include information like the total number of credit or loan accounts you have open, your current account balances, and your payment history.

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How Does a Credit Bureau Work?

Credit bureaus work by detailing and cataloging credit and loan transactions. The bureaus get their information from a variety of sources, including public records and information reported by lenders.

Not all third parties report to each of the three bureaus, which is why you may see different information on credit reports provided by different bureaus. If a lender wants one report that has information from all three major credit bureaus, they’ll need to get a tri-merge credit report.

Why Are Credit Bureaus Important?

Credit bureaus serve an important role in the overall financial markets. While credit bureaus do not make lending decisions themselves, they provide historical financial information on consumers to potential lenders and creditors. This information is used by potential lenders when deciding whether or not to issue you credit, which is why it’s important to regularly review your credit report and dispute a credit report if there’s any incorrect information.

Credit Bureau Regulations

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulates the credit bureaus and helps ensure that consumers are protected. One part of the FCRA states that information held by each credit bureau cannot be given to someone without authorization or a valid purpose. The FCRA also has a provision that gives every American the ability to see their credit report for free at least once per year.

The 3 Major Credit Bureaus

As previously mentioned, there are three major credit bureaus in the U.S. While not the only credit credit bureaus in the country, these are the three credit bureaus that dominate the collection and dispersal of information.


Equifax was founded in 1899 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. With 13,000 employees in total, Equifax operates in 25 countries.


Experian traces its roots back to 1826 and is currently a conglomeration of several different companies. Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, Experian currently has over 20,000 employees working in 43 countries around the world.


TransUnion was formed in 1968 by the Union Tank Car Company, a railcar leasing operation. Shortly afterward, they acquired the Credit Bureau of Cook County and got into the credit reporting business. TransUnion currently serves over 30 countries on five continents.

What Information Do the Credit Bureaus Monitor?

Generally speaking, credit bureaus monitor credit and debt information. For example, a credit card issuer might share the number of financial accounts you have, when you opened or closed them, your maximum credit line for each account, and/or your payment history. They may also collect information on debt collections and bankruptcies in your financial history.

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How Do Credit Bureaus Use Your Information?

The credit bureaus themselves do not use your information to make any lending or financial decisions. Instead, the credit bureaus simply store and catalog this information. Credit bureaus then sell access to the credit data, allowing lenders and other potential creditors to view information about borrowers for a fee.

When credit card companies report to credit bureaus, the information they provide is added to the credit report for that consumer. This is why credit reports are constantly changing and updating, leading to credit score updates. As such, companies often regularly purchase reports and scores for their current customers.

What Is a Credit Report?

A credit report shares information about how you as a consumer have handled your credit accounts. It contains identifying information about you, such as names you have used, places you have lived, and your birthdate or Social Security Number.

Additionally, a credit report shows information about the different types of credit accounts or credit tradelines that you have or have had. More specifically, this information can include details on payment history, account balances, and credit limits, as well as any derogatory marks, like late payments, civil lawsuits, or bankruptcies.

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Information Included in a Credit Report

Credit reports typically contain the following:

•   Identifying information: This includes your name, address, phone number, birthday, and Social Security number. You may also find information on your current and previous places of employment.

•   Credit summary: This portion of your credit report details any accounts you have, such as credit cards, mortgages, or other loans. Information will include the date the account was opened, the account balance, the highest balance, the credit limit or loan amount, the payment status, and the payment history.

•   Public records: Your credit report also contains information pulled from public records, such as bankruptcies or debt collections. You’ll also see payment defaults and late payments noted.

•   Credit inquiries: In your credit report, you can also see any party that’s requested access to your credit report in the last two years. This could come from a credit card or loan you applied for.

When reading a credit report, it’s important to make sure that the information on it is valid and accurate. Incorrect or inaccurate information on a credit report can lead to higher interest rates or being denied for credit.

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Who Uses Credit Reports?

Credit reports are primarily used by potential lenders or creditors. This might include banks, credit card issuers, or other lenders. Landlords and employers are two other groups that often pull credit reports.

Lenders and creditors use credit reports to assess how creditworthy you are, which may help them determine whether to extend you credit (and at what rate). In the case of landlords and employers, your credit report may help them determine whether to offer housing or an employment opportunity.

What Else Do Credit Bureaus Do?

The main role and responsibility of credit bureaus is to provide credit information to potential lenders and creditors, for a fee. In addition to this main business model, credit bureaus also provide access to credit reports to the consumers themselves. This is to remain in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

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Some Other Credit Bureaus

In the United States, the big three credit bureaus are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. These three companies do also maintain credit information in other countries. However, outside of the U.S., there are also country-specific credit bureaus. For example, there is SCHUFA in Germany and UC in Sweden.

Credit Bureaus vs Credit Rating Agencies

Confused on what credit bureaus vs. credit rating agencies are? While both credit bureaus and credit rating agencies provide information on creditworthiness, there are some key differences to be aware of:

Credit Bureaus

Credit Rating Agencies

Primarily focus on individual consumers Rate corporations
Credit ratings use a 3-digit credit score Credit ratings use letters, such as AAA or BB
The top three credit bureaus are Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion The major credit rating agencies are Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch Ratings

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The Takeaway

Credit bureaus gather, maintain, and collate credit information about millions of consumers throughout the United States and across the world. Lenders and potential creditors use this information to make decisions about whether to extend credit, as well as how much and at what rate. In the U.S., the three major credit bureaus are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Any new credit card that you open will appear on your credit report maintained by one or more of these credit bureaus.


Do you need all three credit scores from the major credit bureaus?

Because each of the major credit bureaus uses different sources of information, you may have slightly different information on each credit report. Also, each credit bureau uses the information they have differently in calculating an overall credit score. Because of this, some lenders prefer what is called a tri-merge credit report, which is one report that has information from all three major credit bureaus.

How many credit reporting agencies are there?

There are hundreds of credit reporting agencies throughout the world, each with a different focus. In the United States, there are three main credit reporting agencies or credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

Which credit bureau is used the most?

Although Experian is the largest credit reporting agency, Equifax and TransUnion are generally considered to be just as reliable and accurate. There is not one credit bureau that is necessarily used the most. Instead, it varies by geographical region and the preference of the lender or creditor asking for the credit report.

Why doesn’t my report show a credit score?

There may be a variety of reasons why your credit report doesn’t show a credit score. One of the most common reasons is that the credit bureau does not have enough financial information about you to make an accurate decision. When your credit information updates, your credit score updates as well.

Photo credit: iStock/damircudic

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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Understanding Taxes on Crypto Credit Card Rewards

Understanding Taxes on Crypto Credit Card Rewards

As crypto credit cards gain popularity, it’s becoming critical to understand how crypto credit card rewards are taxed. In some cases, crypto credit card rewards are considered a rebate on spending and therefore not taxable. But in other cases, the cryptocurrency you earn with a credit card may be taxable.

In either case, it’s important to keep in mind that you’ll also pay tax on any gains you make when selling the cryptocurrency you earned as credit card rewards. Keeping good records is important to ensure you accurately pay taxes associated with crypto credit card rewards.

What Is a Crypto Credit Card and How Does it Work?

There are several different kinds of crypto credit cards, and each one might work differently. The most common type of crypto credit card is one that will earn crypto rewards instead of cash back or travel rewards. You might earn cryptocurrency as part of a welcome offer, or on every purchase, or both.

Outside of the involvement of cryptocurrency, crypto credit cards otherwise don’t diverge from how credit cards work usually. Cardholders are extended a line of credit they can borrow against, and they’ll pay interest on balances that carry over from month to month.

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What Are Crypto Credit Card Rewards?

Crypto credit card rewards are a type of credit card reward that you can earn with a crypto credit card. Crypto credit card rewards are similar to cash-back rewards or airline miles that you might earn with a different type of credit card.

With many crypto credit cards, you earn a certain cash percentage with each transaction (e.g. 1.5% back). But instead of getting the actual cash back, the rewards you earn are converted to the applicable cryptocurrency.

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Are Crypto Credit Card Rewards Reported as Income?

The IRS has stated that income generated from any source must be reported on your tax return. That being said, the IRS has also given guidance that most credit card rewards are considered a rebate against spending rather than taxable income.

While most credit card issuers do not issue a 1099 form for credit card rewards, some may. If you receive a 1099 form, you will probably want to report the amount as income, or contact a tax professional for advice.

Are Crypto Credit Card Rewards Taxable?

The IRS has generally given guidance that most credit card rewards are considered a rebate on spending, and therefore not taxable. However, any gain you realize from the cryptocurrency that you earn as crypto credit card rewards is taxable.

If you receive cryptocurrency as a credit card reward, typically your cost basis will be the fair market value of the coins on the date you earn them. That means if and when you sell them, you’ll have to pay tax on the full crypto redemption amount minus your cost basis.

Do You Have to Pay Taxes on Crypto Credit Card Rewards?

Whether or not you have to pay taxes on crypto credit card rewards depends on how you receive your rewards. While the IRS has not ruled definitively on crypto credit card rewards, you may want to consider how the IRS treats non-crypto credit card rewards, like cashback, points or miles.

Generally, one of the credit card rules that the IRS has held is that rewards earned as part of spending are considered a rebate against that spending, and therefore not taxable. However, if you receive a reward (like a sign-up bonus) without having to make any purchase, that may be considered taxable income.

When Are Crypto Rewards Taxed?

In some scenarios, crypto rewards are taxable, while in other cases they are not. If you’re not sure if or how your crypto rewards should be taxed, consult with a tax professional.

When Crypto Are Taxable

If you receive cryptocurrency as part of a sign-up bonus where you did not have to make any purchase to earn that bonus, the cryptocurrency you receive may be considered taxable income.

You also will have to pay capital gains tax when you sell any cryptocurrency, even if you got it as a reward from a crypto credit card. The crypto rewards that you receive from a credit card generally will have a cost basis of the fair market value of the cryptocurrency on the date you receive the rewards. That means that when you sell, you’ll pay tax on any increase in the value.

When Crypto Rewards Are Not Taxable

Generally speaking, any credit card rewards that you receive after making a purchase are considered a rebate against that purchase. That means that in most cases, you won’t need to pay income tax on these rewards. However, you would still need to pay tax on any gains you make when you sell the crypto you earned as a crypto credit card reward.

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Can You Protect Yourself from a Crypto Tax Audit?

While there’s no strategy that will completely eliminate the chance that you’ll be audited, there are a couple things you can do to help minimize your risk:

•   Make sure that you include any income or information that you receive via an official IRS form, like a 1099-MISC form.

•   Keep detailed and accurate records of all of your cryptocurrency transactions. That will minimize your chances of being audited as well as any interest or penalties you might have to pay if you are audited.

How to Know If You Owe Taxes on Crypto Credit Card Rewards

If you receive cryptocurrency as a bonus without a purchase as a credit card requirement, it will almost certainly be classified as taxable income.

Another indicator to know if you owe taxes will be if you receive an official IRS form like a 1099-MISC. Any income on such a form is reported to the IRS, so you’ll want to declare it on your return or indicate with your return why you are not declaring it.

Finally, remember that you will owe tax on any gains you make when selling cryptocurrency, including crypto that you got as a credit card reward.

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The Takeaway

Generally, the IRS has provided guidance that credit card rewards earned as part of a purchase are considered a rebate related to that purchase. Rebates on purchases generally are not considered taxable income. On the other hand, any cryptocurrency that you receive as a bonus without making a purchase in order to earn it may be considered taxable income. Consult your tax professional for advice if you’re not sure whether you should pay taxes on crypto credit card rewards.

If you’re looking for a new credit card, consider the SoFi credit card. You can earn unlimited cash-back rewards, which you can use to invest in fractional shares, redeem for a statement credit, or meet other financial goals you might have, like paying down eligible SoFi debt. Learn more and consider applying for a rewards credit card with SoFi today.

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Are crypto credit rewards payouts or rebates?

Whether or not crypto credit rewards are considered a payout or rebate depends on how you earn them. Generally, the IRS has held that credit card rewards received as a result of spending are considered rebates. On the other hand, if you receive crypto credit rewards or any other type of credit rewards without making a purchase, that may be considered income.

Are crypto credit rewards considered virtual currency?

IRS Notice 2014-21 does mention that cryptocurrency (such as Bitcoin) is considered a convertible virtual currency. There are certain tax laws and regulations that deal with virtual currencies, so you’ll want to be aware of that if you receive crypto credit rewards or purchase crypto with a credit card.

What will the IRS do if I do not get audited for my crypto credit card rewards?

The IRS manages tax compliance primarily through taxpayer audits. While the IRS does not publish the criteria it uses to determine who gets audited, there are a few things that you can do to minimize your chances of being audited. But even if you haven’t been audited yet, you may not be out of the woods — the IRS can go back several years in the past. The best thing to do is make sure you keep good records and fully record and report any income that you earn.

Photo credit: iStock/Delmaine Donson

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.


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What Happens If You Don’t Use Your Credit Card?

What Happens If You Don’t Use Your Credit Card?

There may come a time when you end up not using one of your credit cards anymore. This can happen because you’ve amassed multiple cards and now have one that offers better rewards, or maybe you have a retail card for a store you no longer frequent. Whatever the reason, it’s valid to wonder what happens if you don’t use your credit card.

In many cases, nothing will happen. However, there may be some instances where not using a credit card will carry consequences. That’s why it’s important to know what happens if you don’t use a credit card.

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Is It Bad to Have a Credit Card and Not Use It?

Typically, no, it’s not bad to have a credit card that you don’t use regularly. Not using a credit card for a few months is usually not that big of a deal as long as you keep making any necessary payments on any credit card charges you’ve made. However, there may be some unintended consequences of not using a credit card for a longer period of time.

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What Happens If You Don’t Use Your Credit Card?

If you’re wondering, ‘Is it bad to not use a credit card?,’ here’s a look at some of the potential consequences.

You Might Overlook Fraudulent Charges and Activities

If you don’t use your credit card, you may end up missing transactions that you otherwise would have noticed on your credit card statement. For instance, if your credit card information were to get stolen and used for unauthorized purchases, you might not spot that activity if you’ve stopped checking your statements. The longer the issue continues, the more damage that can be done, given what a credit card is.

You Might Miss Payments

Another possible consequence of an unused credit card that you’re not checking in on regularly is missed payments. If you need to pay an annual fee for the card, for instance, you could forget that you’ll be charged if you’re not often using the card. Missing a payment can have severe financial consequences, which is why making on-time payments is one of the cardinal credit card rules.

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Your Card Issuer May Close Your Account

If you don’t use a credit card for a long period of time — say, at least a year — your issuer may close your credit card. What’s more, credit card issuers don’t have to give you notice when they’re about to close your credit card, so you may only find out when you go to use it.

Exactly what counts as inactivity and the length of time before an account closes will be up to each credit card issuer. If you’re concerned about your card being closed due to inactivity, contact your issuer to find out when they may close your account.

Your Credit Score May Go Down

If your credit card issuer closes your credit card, your credit score could be negatively affected. This is due to a couple different reasons.

For one, the closure of your account will cause your overall credit limit to go down. This could drive up your credit utilization ratio — the percentage of the overall amount you use across the credit limit of your credit cards — which accounts for 30% of your credit score. The higher this ratio, the lower your score can go because creditors tend to take this as a sign you may have issues with handling debt. If the closed credit card had a high credit limit, it could affect your credit utilization even more.

Secondly, the closure of your credit card could impact the length of your credit history, which accounts for 15% of your credit score. Closing a credit card you’ve had for a while could result in a negative impact on your score, marking another way that not using a credit card can hurt your credit score.

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You May Lose Your Rewards

Depending on your credit card, any unused rewards will expire after a certain period of time. What’s more, if your issuer ends up closing your credit card due to inactivity, any rewards you’ve earned on your card up to that point could be lost.

How Long Can You Go Without Using a Credit Card?

How long you can go without using a credit card will depend on your issuer. Some may close your credit card after six months of inactivity, whereas others may only close the card after a year of inactivity or more.

Again, it’s important to check your credit card’s terms and conditions to learn more about how a credit card works. Or, you can contact your issuer to find out what can happen if you don’t use your credit card for a while.

Closing a Credit Card You Don’t Use: What to Know

If you have a credit card you no longer want to use, it might make sense to close it. While the previously mentioned consequences may happen — such as losing your rewards and facing impacts to your credit score — it is still possible to close a card.

Before doing so, determine whether your credit card has a high credit limit and consider how long you’ve had the card. Closing a credit card you’ve had for a while could have a negative impact on your score. Same goes for a credit card with a high limit, since it could significantly raise your credit utilization.

If neither of the above are of concern, then think carefully about whether you’ll likely use the card again in the future. Does this card not help you earn rewards, whereas other ones you own do? Or is this a secured credit card and you can now qualify for an unsecured card?

If there’s no potential major financial impact to closing the card, and you’re sure you won’t use it anymore, then you might consider moving forward with closing it.

Does Not Using a Credit Card Hurt Your Credit Score?

The effect that not using a credit card will have on your credit score depends on whether the issuer closes your account. If the credit card is still open and you’re otherwise responsible for credit that you do use, like making consistent on-time payments, then your credit score most likely won’t be affected.

Keeping Your Cards Active Without Hurting Your Credit Score

Keeping a credit card active is as simple as using the card every few months for regular, small purchases. You might consider using the card to cover a subscription to a streaming service, for example. Or, you could use it to cover another monthly bill.

If you’re worried about checking in frequently enough, you might set up autopay for that credit card. That way, you’ll ensure you’re paying on time.

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The Takeaway

It’s normal to not use a credit card if you have other ones that are a better fit. But before closing the card or letting it get shut down due to inactivity, consider making small purchases on it to keep it active. Otherwise, you’ll want to determine whether your credit score can handle potentially taking a dip.

Looking for a credit card with perks you won’t want to lose? Consider the SoFi credit card, where you can earn cash-back rewards on all qualifying purchases, and pay no foreign transaction fees. See what other benefits the card offers and apply for a credit card today with SoFi.

Learn more today about the SoFi credit card!


Will I be charged if I don’t use my credit card?

If your credit card typically charges an annual fee, that fee will still apply even if you don’t use your credit card.

What happens if I don’t use my credit card for a year?

Some credit card issuers may close your credit card, even without your knowledge, due to inactivity. This may occur if you don’t use your card for a year or more, though the exact length of time will vary depending on the issuer.

Should I get rid of my credit card if I don’t use it?

You can get rid of your credit card, but know that it may affect your credit score. It’s a good idea to research the potential consequences of closing a credit card before actually doing so.

Do unused credit cards affect your credit score?

Unused credit cards may affect your credit score if you or your credit card issuer closes the account. The account closure could result in an increased credit utilization ratio since your overall credit limit will go down across all of your cards. Plus, if the close credit card is one of your oldest ones, it could diminish the length of your credit history, therefore affecting your score.

Photo credit: iStock/kohei_hara

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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Getting a High-Limit Credit Card: How It Works

Getting a High-Limit Credit Card: How It Works

Having a high credit limit can be a good idea for a variety of reasons. First of all, if your credit limit is too low, it may make it hard to use your card for your regular monthly expenses. Having a high credit limit can positively impact your credit score as well. You’ll just make sure that having a credit card with a high limit doesn’t influence you to spend more than your budget allows.

Before you move forward with securing a high-limit credit card, you’ll want to know your options for how to get a high-limit credit card. If you’re worried about securing the highest credit card limit possible, there are a couple factors you’ll want to take into account, too.

What Is a High-Limit Credit Card?

For reference, the average credit card limit for Americans was $30,365 in 2020, according to data from the credit bureau Experian. So if you have a credit card with a limit above that average, you may consider that to be a high-limit credit card.

In general, however, there isn’t a specific dollar amount that makes a credit card a “high-limit” credit card. What’s considered a high credit card spending limit for some people may not be a high limit for others with a different financial situation. Keep in mind that higher credit limits generally require excellent credit to qualify for, meaning a score of 800 and up.

How Can a Higher Credit Limit Help You?

There are two ways that having a credit card with a higher credit limit can help your financial situation.

First, increasing your credit card limit can make it easier to manage your monthly finances. If your credit limit is at or below the amount of your average monthly expenses, you may find it difficult to manage your budget without having to make additional credit card payments.

Second, having a higher credit limit will decrease your credit utilization rate, which can have a positive impact on your credit score. Your credit utilization rate looks at how much of your available credit you’re using, and the less you’re using, the better it is for your credit score. If you increase your credit limit but don’t add to your current balances, you’ll end up using a lower percentage of your available limit.

Factors to Consider

There are a couple factors you’ll want to consider before attempting to get a high-limit credit card.

The Timing

First, make sure that the timing is right for you and your specific financial situation. Your credit card limit is determined by the financial information you provide on your credit card application, especially your income. If you’re in a situation where your income is about to increase (either due to an upcoming bonus, a change in job, or something else), you may want to wait until after your income increases before trying to get a high-limit credit card.

Your Credit Report

Credit card issuers also look at your credit report when choosing whether to issue you a credit card and how much of a credit line to extend. Make sure that you check your credit report before applying and ensure that there are no errors or discrepancies. If there are any errors, you can contact the credit bureaus to have them fixed.

Options for Getting a High-Limit Credit Card

If you think you’re well-positioned to ask for an increase, here are your potential options for how to get a credit card with a high limit — or at least a higher limit than what you currently have.

Contact Your Card Issuer

If you already have a credit card that you enjoy using and want to keep, you can try to contact your card issuer to request a higher limit. You may be able to do so by calling the number listed on the back of your credit card or sending a message online. Explain the credit limit you’re looking for and why you feel that it’s justified.

This approach may be a good idea if your financial situation has improved since you opened the card. This could be due to an increase in income, a new job, or paying down other debt.

Look Out for Automatic Increases

Many card issuers will regularly review the accounts of their cardholders. In some cases, they’ll automatically and proactively increase your credit limit if you’ve been using your credit card responsibly. This is especially common for cards with lower initial limits and cards designed for those with a less robust credit history.

If your issuer has not already increased your credit limit, you can contact them and ask for a higher limit.

Apply for a New Card

Another option is applying for a new card. If you’re not happy with your current credit card or if your current card issuer will not increase your credit limit, getting a new credit card can be another option.

Before applying, make sure that you have checked your credit report for any inaccuracies and paid down outstanding debt if possible. That will help improve your odds of getting a higher credit limit.

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How High Should Your Credit Limit Be?

There is not a set amount for how high your credit limit should be. Instead, it depends on your specific financial situation.

Aim for a credit limit that is at least twice the average amount you spend on your credit card each month. That will help keep your credit utilization percentage low. And remember that the absolute best thing you can do to help your credit score is to pay your statement off in full, each and every month.

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Choosing the Best High-Limit Credit Card

Many premium and luxury credit cards will offer relatively high credit limits, especially if you have a high credit score and a high income. So instead of looking for the credit card that gives you the absolute highest limit, you might instead consider the overall perks and benefits of each different card. When evaluating different cards, some things to look out for include:

•   Rewards: Take a look at whether a credit card offers rewards and if so, in what form. Perhaps you’d prefer to earn cash-back rewards for the simplicity over credit card points. From there, compare to see which card offers a more generous rewards rate and has better redemption options.

•   Annual fees: You’ll also want to look at whether a card charges an annual rate. If it does, do the math to see if the rewards you’ll earn can offset this cost.

•   Customer service: If you were ever to have an issue with your credit card, it’s important to have a reliable customer support team to turn to. When weighing which card to get, take into account the reputation of their customer support and general customer satisfaction.

•   Luxury or travel perks: Beyond rewards, many credit cards also offer an array of other benefits. This can include rental car insurance, travel insurance, discounts for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck, airport lounge access, hotel stays, and more.

•   Sign-up bonuses: A generous welcome bonus can also help you decide between two otherwise comparable cards. Some credit cards offer bonus cash-back rewards or points when cardholders spend a certain amount within a specific period of time after opening the card.

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Alternatives to High-Limit Credit Cards

If you’re not able to qualify for a high-limit credit card or simply aren’t sure it’s the right route for you, there are other options to explore instead.

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Home Equity Loan or Home Equity Line of Credit

Depending on what you’re using your credit card for and why you want a high credit limit, you might consider a home equity loan or home equity line of credit (HELOC). Both a home equity loan and a HELOC allow you to capture some of the equity in your home. You can then use that money for other expenses.

Business Line of Credit

If you have a business that’s looking for extra flexibility with accounts receivable and ongoing payments, you might consider a business line of credit. While there are business credit cards that offer high limits, you might be better off with an actual business line of credit. Business lines of credit often base their credit limits based on the monthly or annual gross or net income of the business.

Personal Loan

Another option to consider might be a personal loan, especially if you have good credit and/or a relatively high income. Qualifying for a personal loan can give you money upfront in exchange for regular monthly payments. You can then use that money for whatever projects or expenses make sense for your situation.

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The Takeaway

There can be advantages to having a high-limit credit card, like added flexibility in managing your monthly finances as well as the possibility of improving your credit score. Just make sure that you remain focused and diligent in paying off your statement in full, each and every month. You don’t want a higher credit limit on your credit card to encourage you to spend more.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


Can you get an unlimited credit limit?

Unless you are ultra-wealthy or have a very special relationship with your credit card issuer, you’re unlikely to get a credit card with no limit at all. There are, however, some credit cards (like the American Express Platinum card) that have no preset credit card spending limit. That means that instead of a standard credit limit, your limit is flexible and may go up and down as your spending habits change.

Should I get a credit card with a higher limit?

Before deciding to get a credit card with a higher limit, you should ask yourself why you want to increase your limit. Is it to better manage your monthly finances? Are you trying to lower your credit card utilization? These can both be good reasons to increase your credit limit. But if you’re just trying to increase it to use as a status symbol or “just because,” you may want to think twice before doing it.

What is the highest credit card limit?

There isn’t a definitive and published answer for the highest possible credit limit. Credit limits are issued to individuals and businesses based on their credit history and income. It’s not unreasonable to think that there are credit cards with a six- or even seven-figure limit. As a data point, the average credit card limit for Americans was $30,365 in 2020.

How can I get a higher credit limit?

The best way to see if you qualify for a higher credit limit is to contact your issuer. You can call the number on the back of your card or reach out via your online account. If you’ve been regularly using your card and paying your bill in full, your issuer may agree to increase your limit. If your income or other financial situation has changed, that’s another reason to contact your issuer and see if you can get a higher credit limit.

Photo credit: iStock/Prostock-Studio

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

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What Is Credit Card Arbitrage and Is It Worth It?

What Is Credit Card Arbitrage and Is It Worth It?

It can be tough to turn down an easy money opportunity — and that’s what credit card arbitrage seems to offer investors. But in reality, the strategy, which involves borrowing money with a 0% or low-interest credit card and then putting that money into an investment that earns a higher rate of return, does carry some risks. And it isn’t necessarily a good fit for average investors.

If you’ve heard of credit card arbitrage and wondered if it’s something you should try, read on for a rundown of the risks and rewards — and what this seemingly “free” strategy could ultimately end up costing you.

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What Is Credit Card Arbitrage?

Let’s say you’re a savvy kid with your eye on making a buck. You see a bicycle for sale at a price that seems too good to be true. So, you borrow some money from your big brother and promise to pay him back a little each week (without interest, because he’s a good guy), and you buy the bike at the bargain price.

You ride around on the bike for a while, and pay your brother every week. You then turn around and sell that bike for twice what you paid — you give your brother the amount you still owe him and pocket the difference.

With credit card arbitrage, or balance transfer arbitrage, the idea is basically the same. You sign up for a credit card with a low or 0% annual percentage rate (APR). Then, you use that credit card account to put money into an investment that will earn more than the interest rate you’re paying on the credit card balance you’re carrying.

You follow one of the basic credit card rules of making at least the minimum payment each month. When the card’s introductory rate expires, you take the money you need out of the investment, pay off the remaining balance on the card, and keep the difference as your profit.

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Credit Card Arbitrage Strategies

What you decide to invest in using a credit card may depend on a few different factors. This includes how much you can borrow, the length of your introductory rate (which is usually six to 18 months), and your tolerance for risk.

Some possible investments for your credit card arbitrage strategy include a high-yield savings account, a certificate of deposit, and short-term bond ETFs.

High-Yield Savings Account

A high-yield savings account may be a good option for risk-averse investors attempting credit card arbitrage. You can’t lose the money because it’s protected at banks by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and at credit unions by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). However, you may have to keep a minimum balance to avoid a monthly service fee.

An alternative to attempting credit arbitrage using a high-yield savings account might be to save using an online-only financial institution. Online banks tend to offer more competitive rates than brick-and-mortar banks.

Certificate of Deposit

Another investment with limited risk is a short-term (six months to a year) or no-penalty certificate of deposit, or CD. A CD may offer a higher interest rate than a savings account, and it also will be insured by the FDIC.

The benefit of a no-penalty CD over a short-term CD is that if you find a higher return elsewhere, you can withdraw your money and move it without paying a fee. Otherwise, you’ll face an early withdrawal penalty if you try to take your money out of a CD before the term is over.

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Short-Term Bond ETFs

A bond exchange-traded fund (ETF) that holds short-term bonds may be another low-risk option to consider. Bond ETFs are traded on the stock market, so they’re more liquid than other types of bonds and bond funds. And funds that have a shorter term are less exposed to changing interest rates.

Still, if you’re unfamiliar with bond ETFs, you may want to take some time to research the pros and cons of this investment — including the potential for loss and how to reduce trading costs.

Pros and Cons of Credit Card Arbitrage

As mentioned, there are definite downsides to credit card arbitrage. However, there’s the potential for gains, too. Here’s a quick rundown of the pros and cons of credit arbitrage:



May be an easy way to make money if you can find the right investment Difficult to find a safe investment that makes the strategy worth the effort and risk
A low-interest card with cash-back rewards or points could add to the strategy’s benefits Consequences for late payment could eat into expected profit
Making timely payments could help your credit score Taking out a card and using up your available credit could negatively affect your credit score

The upside to using credit card arbitrage is the potential to make some extra money with very little effort. If you’ve worked hard to earn and maintain a credit score that qualifies you for a credit card with a 0% or low-interest rate, you can use that card to fund an investment and, if all goes well, quickly pocket a profit.

If you choose a credit card that offers credit card rewards, such as cash back or points, that could be an added benefit. Further, by always making at least the minimum payments on the credit card and repaying the balance on time, you might help build your credit score. (Although if you qualify for a low-interest card, you probably already have good credit.)

Unfortunately, there are also plenty of downsides to credit card arbitrage — starting with finding an investment that works well with the strategy. Though in recent months the Federal Reserve has been bumping up its benchmark interest rate, it may take a while before those increases lead to noticeably higher yields on savings accounts and CDs.

Depending on how much you decide to borrow and how long your introductory period lasts, the small amount you might earn from your investment may not be worth the effort or risk of using your credit card.

And there are risks involved with credit arbitrage. For starters, you can expect to feel some effects if you make a late payment on your card. You might have to pay a late fee or, worse, the credit card company could cancel your promotional interest rate and immediately begin charging a substantially higher interest rate on the account. That could take a significant bite from your profits.

Your credit score also could suffer — even if you make timely payments. Just opening a new line of credit may temporarily lower your score. And if you borrow all or a large portion of your available credit, it could affect your credit card utilization ratio, which also can negatively affect your credit score.

You also can expect your credit score to go down if you do end up making a late payment (or payments). Payment history is the No. 1 factor in determining your FICO Score.

Considering Credit Card Arbitrage? What to Know

There’s an old saying in investing: Don’t risk more than you can afford to lose. Or, as your mom might put it: Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

Credit arbitrage may look like an easy and “free” way to make some extra money, but it’s a strategy that’s probably best left to investment professionals. If you do decide to attempt it, here are a few things you can do in advance to protect yourself:

•   Have a backup plan. What would happen if you suddenly lost your job or had unexpected expenses from an illness or accident? Unless you have a healthy emergency fund or your investment can be easily liquidated, you could quickly run into financial trouble.

•   Make sure you understand the terms of your credit card agreement. How long does the introductory period last? (The longer the better.) What happens if you miss a payment? What’s the rate when the promotional period expires?

•   Know yourself. This strategy requires using a credit card responsibly. If you aren’t clear on how credit cards work or think you’ll be tempted to use your card for a spending spree instead of investing, you may want to think twice before moving forward.

•   Don’t forget about fees. Run the numbers to be sure your investment will still pay off after you cover fees and other costs.

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Other Ways to Save and Make Money Using Your Credit Card

If the concept of credit card arbitrage is new to you, it may be because there are other popular ways to use a credit card to save and make money. Here are some other options to consider.

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Earning Cash Back

With a cash-back rewards card, cardholders can get back a percentage of the money they spent on purchases during a billing cycle. That percentage varies from one card to the next — and there also may be different ways you can receive your cash rewards. You may be able to apply the cash directly to your balance, put it toward gift cards or charitable giving, or have the money deposited directly into your checking account.

Getting cash-back rewards can be an especially effective strategy if you use your card for frequent and/or major purchases and pay down your balance every month.

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Earning Rewards Points

Some card issuers offer a rewards program based on credit card points. Cardholders may be able to put their points toward multiple purposes, including travel (flights, hotels, car rentals), statement credits, cash back, and more. The value of points may vary depending on the specific credit card as well as how you opt to redeem earned points.

Investing Your Rewards

You also may be able to invest with credit card rewards. For instance, if you earned cash-back rewards from your credit card spending, you could redeem your rewards as a direct deposit or check. Then, you could use that money to invest with credit card rewards basically — either in a literal investment, such as stocks or index funds, or even in yourself, through additional job training or classes.

Shopping Online to Earn Bonus Rewards

Some credit cards offer bonus rewards for shopping online or through an app. Card issuers may have different rules for their rewards (think goods instead of services, or certain brands only) so it’s a good idea to check out a rewards program’s requirements before signing up.

Using a Balance Transfer Card to Pay Down Debt

Another possibility is to use a no-interest balance transfer credit card to pay down debt. Once you move your balance from a high-interest card to the new card, you’ll have several months to pay down your debt without accruing any additional interest.

Just as with credit card arbitrage, it’s important to be sure you make your monthly payments on time, though, or you could see a big jump in your card’s interest rate. Also keep in mind that a balance transfer fee will apply, so be sure to factor that into the equation.

Using a 0% APR Card

Planning to take a dream trip or make a major purchase? A no-interest credit card could allow you to finance your big spend without accruing interest. You’ll just want to make sure you can pay off the balance within the promotional period, and make your payments on time.

The Takeaway

You may have heard credit card arbitrage, or balance transfer arbitrage, touted as an easy way to make some extra cash. But the process, which involves using a no- or low-interest credit card to finance an investment that earns a higher rate of return, isn’t as simple as it may seem. It can require careful planning, financial savvy, and some research to find the right investment for this strategy. And even if all goes well, the payoff may not be worth the time and effort.

There are other, more proven, ways to save or invest using a low-interest and/or rewards credit card. When you get a credit card through SoFi, for example, your cash-back rewards are worth more if you use them to pay down an eligible SoFi loan, deposit as cash in your SoFi Checking and Savings account, or add to your SoFi Invest account. And because SoFi is always working to keep costs low, members don’t have to worry about losing money to high fees.

Learn how you can spend, save, and invest with a SoFi credit card.


Are there risks involved in credit card arbitrage?

Yes. Even if your investment seems super safe and like it won’t lose money, if you don’t make your monthly payments on time, or if you can’t pay off the balance before the promotional period is up, you could find yourself in a financial bind.

Is credit card arbitrage legal?

Yes. But just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should. There are other more proven ways to save and invest using a credit card.

How much can you make with credit arbitrage?

The amount you can make using credit card arbitrage depends on several factors. This includes how much you choose to borrow and invest, your card’s interest rate, how much your investment pays, the length of your card’s promotional period, and the fees you might incur when investing.

Photo credit: iStock/Prostock-Studio

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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