How Much Is Renters Insurance? Average Cost in 2022

How Much Is Renters Insurance? Average Cost in 2024

The Insurance Information Institute cites that the average cost of renters insurance across the United States is about $173 per year, according to their most recent data. That said, renters insurance premiums can vary widely based on where you live, your claims history, and your chosen coverage limits, among other factors.

Let’s take a look at renters insurance and what factors go into its cost.

What Is Renters Insurance?

Renters insurance policies offer similar coverage to homeowners insurance. The goal is to reimburse you for any losses that you suffer in an emergency. Imagine if you were renting a house and a leak flooded your clothing closet, destroying your entire wardrobe. Or if a burglar broke in while you were out and made off with your laptop and other electronics. These losses would be one level of pain. Not having insurance that could help you afford replacements would only add a whole other level to that!

It’s generally a good idea to purchase a renters insurance policy if you’re renting a home, regardless of whether it’s an apartment or a house. This holds true even if you are renting an apartment in a private home rather than an apartment complex. Your landlord may have homeowners insurance that is designed to reimburse them in the event of say, damage or a robbery. This however generally does not cover your assets in the event of a loss.

💡 Quick Tip: Online renters insurance can cover your belongings not just at home but also in your car and on vacation.

Average Cost of Renters Insurance by State

We’ve included the average annual renters insurance premiums for each state in the table below. This data is based on the latest figures from the Insurance Information Institute, a nonprofit organization that collects and shares data related to the insurance industry.


Average annual premium

Alabama $225.00
Alaska $186.00
Arizona $164.00
Arkansas $210.00
California $171.00
Colorado $161.00
Connecticut $180.00
Delaware $151.00
D.C. $159.00
Florida $182.00
Georgia $212.00
Hawaii $176.00
Idaho $148.00
Illinois $157.00
Indiana $164.00
Iowa $136.00
Kansas $162.00
Kentucky $157.00
Louisiana $247.00
Maine $148.00
Maryland $160.00
Massachusetts $172.00
Michigan $181.00
Minnesota $134.00
Mississippi $256.00
Missouri $172.00
Montana $153.00
Nebraska $143.00
Nevada $179.00
New Hampshire $147.00
New Jersey $154.00
New Mexico $180.00
New York $173.00
North Carolina $160.00
North Dakota $116.00
Ohio $162.00
Oklahoma $226.00
Oregon $154.00
Pennsylvania $152.00
Rhode Island $183.00
South Carolina $186.00
South Dakota $118.00
Tennessee $187.00
Texas $216.00
Utah $147.00
Vermont $151.00
Virginia $152.00
Washington $158.00
West Virginia $179.00
Wisconsin $128.00
Wyoming $146.00
United States average $173.00

Top 5 Most Expensive States for Renters Insurance

According to data from the Insurance Information Institute, the most expensive state for renters insurance in the nation is Mississippi. Renters in the Magnolia State pay an average of $256 per year for renter’s insurance. Let’s look at the top five:


Average annual premium

State ranking by cost

Mississippi $256.00 1
Louisiana $236.00 2
Oklahoma $226.00 3
Alabama $225.00 4
Texas $216.00 5

Mississippi and Louisiana are expensive states in terms of renters insurance because of their proximity to the coast. Being right on the Gulf Coast means residents are often vulnerable since hurricanes may first make landfall in these areas. The risk of loss is higher than inland.

Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana all lie in the infamous “Tornado Alley,” which is a strip of states, bordered by the Dakotas to the north and Texas to the south, that is historically prone to fiercely damaging tornadoes. Combined, these factors have resulted in higher renters insurance premiums due to each location’s heightened susceptibility to wind and storm damage.

Top 5 Least Expensive States for Renters Insurance

North Dakota is the least expensive state for renters insurance in the United States, according to data gathered by the Insurance Information Institute. North Dakotans pay an average of $116 per year for renters insurance coverage.


Average annual premium

North Dakota $116.00
South Dakota $118.00
Wisconsin $128.00
Minnesota $134.00
Iowa $136.00

In general, renters policies are lower in areas that aren’t subject to extreme weather (like hurricanes and tornadoes) and that have low crime rates.

What Factors Determine Cost of Renters Insurance?

The cost of your renters insurance may be influenced by a multitude of factors, the most prominent being the following:

•   Coverage limits

•   Deductible

•   Claims history

•   Location

•   Pets

•   Added coverage

Understanding these variables can go a long way towards reducing your costs and helping you choose the renters insurance policy that best suits your needs.

Coverage Limits

This is one of the key factors impacting the costs that you can control. Most insurance companies will give you a choice between higher and lower limits on your renter’s insurance policy.

Coverage limits are the maximum amounts an insurer is willing to pay in the event of a covered claim. There are different kinds of coverage (more on that below), and the limits offered usually range from as low as $10,000 in personal property coverage (the items in your home that could be damaged or lost) to as high as $500,000 in liability coverage (this be tapped if someone got injured at your house).

Generally speaking, the more insurance coverage you need, the higher your costs.


The deductible is the other major component of your renter’s insurance costs that you can influence. In the event you file a claim, the deductible is the amount you agree to first pay out of pocket before renters insurance will kick in.

Your renters insurance deductible transfers risk from the insurer to you, when it comes to losses incurred in a covered claim. Consequently, insurers are willing to charge you a lower premium if you opt for a higher deductible, as this reduces how much they need to pay out. As you might guess, if you want a low deductible, so you would pay as little out of pocket as possible, your rates will be higher.

Depending on your insurance provider, your optional deductible will usually range anywhere from $0 to $2,000. In some instances, insurance providers will allow you to pick your deductible as a percentage of your total insurance limit, for example, if your policy limit is $10,000 and your deductible allotment is 10%, your deductible will effectively be $1,000 for each claim filed.

Claims History

Similar to your FICO score, insurance companies use what’s called a “CLUE” report (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) to track your history when it comes to filing insurance claims. This report contains information regarding all insurance claims filed within the past 5 to 7 years, regardless of whether you move or change insurer.

Repeated claims with hefty payouts can be a red flag for insurers and result in a hike to your insurance premiums. Beware that even claims filed under other types of insurance policies, like homeowners insurance, can impact your renters insurance premium.


You know that saying about the three most important things in real estate are location, location, location? Well, in terms of renters insurance, location isn’t the only thing, but it’s a major variable in terms of how much you will pay. Are you renting a cabin in the woods, in a low-crime rural area? Or are you moving into an apartment in the middle of a major city, where robberies are common? Or are you perhaps planning on signing a lease for the sweetest beach shack, just steps from the shore? The location of your rental will impact how expensive your premium is.

Behind the scenes, insurance actuaries rely on complex formulas to price your premium; these take many factors into account, including the risk of natural disasters, crime, and fire, among other factors.

Depending on how risky the insurer perceives your area to be, expect to be charged a higher premium if you live in an area that’s especially prone to crime or natural disasters.


While we all love our pet pals, it’s fairly commonplace for pet owners to be charged higher premiums if they live with a furry friend. Regardless of how sweet your pet may be, insurers deem pets a liability risk, particularly when it comes to things like bites, scratches, and damage to personal property. Your renters policy will potentially pay out if your critter bites a guest or even nips someone while you are walking it in the lobby of your apartment building.

In some instances, insurers may be unwilling to insure certain types of pets; these are typically certain breeds of dogs or exotic animals deemed “higher risk.” Check with your insurer to verify whether or not your pet is covered under your renters insurance policy.

Added Coverage

Your policy will likely include standard coverage for personal property, liability, and loss of use (meaning expenses incurred if you can’t live in your usual dwelling) offered through your standard rental insurance policy. In addition, many insurers offer a suite of optional coverages, riders, and endorsements that you can tack onto your renter’s insurance policy to best suit your needs.

Naturally, added coverage comes with added cost. However, as renters insurance is fairly affordable, it usually adds only a few dollars a month.

Depending on your personal assets, it may be worthwhile to consider some of these optional coverages. Some of the most common add-ons/endorsements/riders offered through insurers are as follows:

•   Scheduled personal property: This ups the coverage limit for a specific named item or items that would fail to be fully covered under the policy limits of your standard renters insurance.

•   Replacement cost: Typically, an insurance policy will reimburse you for the actual cash value of an item. So if your 5-year-old laptop is stolen or destroyed, you’d be paid the current value of it. With replacement cost coverage, the depreciation is eliminated from the calculation of your property’s value, resulting in a higher payout in a covered claim.

•   At-home business: This covers damages to any business equipment you have at home that isn’t covered under a standard renters policy.

•   Pet damage: This sometimes allows you to add coverage for property damage and liability caused by pets that isn’t covered under your standard renters policy. Exclusions may apply for specific breeds or types of pets.

•   Earthquake coverage: This covers damage to your property caused by an earthquake, which isn’t typically covered under renter’s insurance.

•   Identity theft: This covers costs incurred if you’re ever the victim of identity theft, as well as fees for expert assistance when it comes to restoring your identity and resolving any fraudulent activity.

What’s Covered by Renters Insurance

The majority of renters insurance policies provide the following standard coverages:

•   Personal property: This covers any loss or damage to your possessions due to a covered event, such as fire or theft.

•   Liability: This covers any property damage or bodily injury costs that you’re found liable for in the event of a covered claim.

•   Loss of use: Also known as “additional living expenses”, this covers the costs of temporary housing in the event your rental is rendered unlivable due to a covered loss.

•   Medical payments to others: This covers the medical costs of guests that are injured on your property. Unlike liability insurance, this does not require you to be legally liable for any injuries.

Most insurance providers will allow you to adjust the limits on these coverages to suit your needs. Keep in mind, this will likely impact your renters insurance costs; more coverage will probably mean higher premiums.

Recommended: What Does Renters Insurance Cover?

Do You Need Renters Insurance?

Legally, you are not required to purchase renters insurance. However it’s advisable for most individuals to purchase renters insurance, as your landlord’s homeowners insurance policy will not cover any losses or damage to your personal property; nor will it typically cover any liability for bodily injury or property damage that occurs while the property is under lease.

Certain rental properties will require you to purchase and maintain an adequate renters insurance policy as part of your lease agreement. Make sure to check with your landlord to fully understand what your contract requires.

💡 Quick Tip: Did you know that, in most states, landlords can require tenants to carry a renters insurance policy? Fortunately, the average monthly cost is just $15.

Are There Ways to Save on Renters Insurance?

There are a variety of ways you can save on your renters insurance costs, these include bundling your insurance policies under one insurer, increasing the size of your deductible, and generally staying safe and claim-free. Here’s a closer look:

•   Bundle your insurance policies: Most insurance companies offer discounts for purchasing multiple policies through the same company. Purchasing renters insurance in tandem with other policies, like life or auto insurance, can result in cumulative discounts across all your insurance policies.

•   Increase your deductible: Raising the amount of your deductible increases your share of the costs in the event of a covered claim and consequently can lower the cost of your premiums.

•   Pay your entire premium at once: Some insurance companies offer a discount for paying your entire premium upfront as one annual payment rather than in monthly or quarterly installments. Check with your provider to see if they offer lump sum payment discounts.

The Takeaway

Renters insurance is relatively inexpensive when compared to other types of coverage, like homeowners, auto, or health insurance. However, it can prove invaluable in the event of any emergency that occurs on your rental property.

It’s a good idea to purchase a renters insurance policy when renting a home. Remember that your landlord’s homeowners insurance policy typically only covers their interests and generally will not reimburse your costs in the event of any incidents. Imagine losing all your possessions, or even just all of your clothes, to a fire. Or having a burglar break in and steal your electronics. Renters insurance can help minimize the pain by helping pay for you to replace what you’ve lost. That kind of peace of mind is well worth the usually inexpensive premiums these policies charge.

The Takeaway

Renters insurance is relatively inexpensive when compared to other types of coverage, like homeowners, auto, or health insurance. However, it can prove invaluable in the event of any emergency that occurs on your rental property.

It’s a good idea to purchase a renters insurance policy when renting a home. Remember that your landlord’s homeowners insurance policy typically only covers their interests and generally will not reimburse your costs in the event of any incidents. Imagine losing all your possessions, or even just all of your clothes, to a fire. Or having a burglar break in and steal your electronics. Renters insurance can help minimize the pain by helping pay for you to replace what you’ve lost. That kind of peace of mind is well worth the usually inexpensive premiums these policies charge.

Looking to protect your belongings? SoFi has partnered with Lemonade to offer renters insurance. Policies are easy to understand and apply for, with instant quotes available. Prices start at just $5 per month.

Explore renters insurance options offered through SoFi via Experian.

Photo credit: iStock/dragana991

Insurance not available in all states.
Experian is a registered service mark of Experian Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
Social Finance, LLC ("SoFi") is compensated by Experian for each customer who purchases a policy through Experian from the site.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How to Write a Will Online in 8 Steps

How to Write a Will Online in 8 Steps

When you’re creating a will, you generally have two options: hire an attorney who specializes in estate planning or write a will online using software and templates. The second path is often used when someone has a more straightforward financial situation.

Either way, a will (or, more formally, a last will and testament) is an important legal document that makes clear how you’d like your assets to be distributed after you die. If there are minor children involved, it can also name the guardian.

If you think creating an online will is right for your situation, read on for a step-by-step guide for how to write a will online.

8 Steps to Writing a Will Online

To legally make a will, the testator (the person making the will) must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind — meaning they are generally aware of how much property and other assets they have and understand what they’re signing.

Assuming these conditions are met, here are the general steps to follow for writing a will online.

Step 1: Be Clear About Your State’s Laws

Each state has distinct laws when it comes to the number of people who must witness the will, whether the document needs to be notarized and more. Know what your state requires before you get started.

💡 Quick Tip: We all know it’s good to have a will in place, but who has the time? These days, you can create a complete and customized estate plan online in as little as 15 minutes.

Step 2: Choose the Software You’ll Use

A quick search of terms like “how to do a will online” will provide you with plenty of template options. You might also consider asking friends and family members if they’ve used a software that worked well for them.

Then, compare your options. Pay attention to factors such as:

•   Cost: Check pricing structures and fees. Some services will charge a flat fee for services rendered, while others may require a subscription to the site before you can make a will. What services are included in those fees? Which ones aren’t? Some sites have a yearly fee, which you may find worthwhile if the will is being reviewed one or more times a year by an estate planning attorney.

•   Ease of use: Just like with any other DIY service, some companies will guide you through how to make a will online more seamlessly than others. Find out how you can get answers to questions and if there’s any extra cost for this. Some sites may offer online support or provide a phone number to call. Check, too, to see if the company offers information on estate planning basics.

•   Company reputation: Only work with reputable companies. To investigate, you can read online reviews, search for news coverage of the company and check with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for any complaints about deceptive practices.

Recommended: How Much Does It Cost to Make a Will?

Step 3: Name an Executor

After selecting a software, you’ll need to choose an executor, which is the person who manages the estate after the testator dies. Assets (what you own) and liabilities (what you owe) typically go into the estate, and it’s up to you to decide which assets to include in your will.

When you die, the executor is responsible for paying off outstanding debts and then appropriately distributing remaining assets to the beneficiaries, which are the people who receive assets from your estate as set out in your will. This process will include overseeing probate, a court-supervised proceeding where a will is confirmed as authentic, debts are paid off, and assets get distributed.

Additionally, it is the executor’s duty to keep your assets safe before distribution and otherwise manage financial issues until the estate is closed.

You’ll typically want to pick someone you trust as your executor, such as a family member or even an attorney. You can also choose more than one person to serve as your executor.

Step 4: Decide How You Want to Distribute Assets

As part of writing a will online, you’ll list your beneficiaries and what they will receive. For example, you might leave 100% of your estate to a spouse or significant other. Or, you may leave one-third of your estate to each of your three children.

For each of your beneficiaries, list their full legal name, contact information, date of birth and what assets they should receive. Focus on who would inherit your house, cars, bank accounts, and any other significant asset.

You may also decide to list a secondary beneficiary. This person (or people) would inherit your assets if the primary beneficiaries were to pass away before you do or otherwise won’t inherit. The will making software may refer to secondary beneficiaries as contingent beneficiaries.

Also keep in mind that there are asset distributions that aren’t covered by a last will and testament — in other words, your non-probate assets. Accounts where you name beneficiaries outside of your will can include retirement or pension accounts, life insurance policies, and certain bank accounts, among others. Because you’ve already named beneficiaries here, you won’t need to include these accounts in your will.

Recommended: Types of Wills

Step 5: Name a Guardian for Minor Children

In a will, you can also list who would take in your minor children (if any) in the event you were to die. This is an important decision, and you should verify that the guardian you plan to name would be willing to serve in this role.

This is also the area of the will where you can list specific wishes about how your child would be brought up, whether that’s related to religion or their education, and so forth.

Step 6: Follow State Laws to Sign Your Will

To make your will legal and binding, you’ll need to sign it according to your state’s laws. Typically, this means that you must sign the document in the presence of two witnesses who are not beneficiaries or direct relatives.

Step 7: Let Key People Know Where Your Will Is Located

Knowing how to make a will online and appropriately completing the process is important — but the process doesn’t quite end there. You’ll also want to let the executor and other key people know where the document can be found. You can put it in a safe or store it electronically as two possibilities.

Step 8: Update Your Will As Necessary

Every few years, review your will to see if any updates should be made. Also review the document if you encounter any major life changes, including:

•   Having a child or grandchild

•   Getting married or divorced

•   Becoming widowed

•   Experiencing a substantial change in your finances (for better or worse)

•   Developing significant health issues

•   Moving to a different state

Also update your will if you want to change your beneficiaries or what they’ll inherit.

💡 Quick Tip: It’s recommended that you update your will every 3-5 years, and after any major life event. With online estate planning, changes can be made in just a few minutes — no attorney required.

The Takeaway

When wondering how to write a will online, these steps will take you through the process. Once you’ve chosen a software service that’s right for you and your will is created, make sure to store it somewhere safe (and that people know where that is) and that you continue to make updates to your will as your life continues to change and evolve.

When you want to make things easier on your loved ones in the future, SoFi can help. We partnered with Trust & Will, the leading online estate planning platform, to give our members 15% off their trust, will, or guardianship. The forms are fast, secure, and easy to use.

Create a complete and customized estate plan in as little as 15 minutes.

Photo credit: iStock/monkeybusinessimages

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Ladder Insurance Services, LLC (CA license # OK22568; AR license # 3000140372) distributes term life insurance products issued by multiple insurers- for further details see All insurance products are governed by the terms set forth in the applicable insurance policy. Each insurer has financial responsibility for its own products.
Ladder, SoFi and SoFi Agency are separate, independent entities and are not responsible for the financial condition, business, or legal obligations of the other, Social Finance, LLC (SoFi) and Social Finance Life Insurance Agency, LLC (SoFi Agency) do not issue, underwrite insurance or pay claims under Ladder Life™ policies. SoFi is compensated by Ladder for each issued term life policy.
SoFi Agency and its affiliates do not guarantee the services of any insurance company.
All services from Ladder Insurance Services, LLC are their own. Once you reach Ladder, SoFi is not involved and has no control over the products or services involved. The Ladder service is limited to documents and does not provide legal advice. Individual circumstances are unique and using documents provided is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice.

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Five Steps to Changing Your Homeowners Insurance

5 Steps to Changing Your Homeowners Insurance

Whether it’s a cozy micro-cabin or a rambling Colonial, your home is probably the single largest purchase you’ll ever make and your biggest physical asset. An investment like that is worth protecting.

That’s where homeowners insurance comes in; it gives you peace of mind that if you were to have major damage or get robbed, there would be funds to repair and restore your home. But what happens when you think it’s time to change your policy?

Here’s what you need to know about switching your homeowners insurance policy, as well as a step-by-step guide to getting it done as quickly as possible and with a minimum of hassles.

Can I Switch Homeowners Insurance at Any Time?

Good news: yes! No matter the reason, you’re allowed to change your homeowner’s insurance at any time. This is good, since shopping around for the right policy can save you a lot of money in some instances.

If you’re shopping for a new home as we speak, it can be a good idea to start looking at insurance before you sign the purchase agreement. And if you’re an existing homeowner looking to save money or simply find a new policy, you absolutely can do so whenever you like. But it’s important to follow the steps in order to ensure you don’t accidentally have a lapse in coverage.

💡 Quick Tip: Homeowners insurance covers three basic categories: the building itself, the belongings inside, and your liability if someone gets hurt on your property.

When Should I Change My Homeowners Insurance?

There are certain events that should also trigger a review of your insurance, including paying off your mortgage (your rates may well go down) and adding a pool (your rates may go up). Also, you may find you are offered deals if you bundle your homeowners insurance with, say, your car insurance; that might be a savings you want to consider.

You never know what options might be available out there to help you save some money. And since homeowners insurance can easily cost more than $1,800 per year, it can be well worth shopping around.

Recommended: Is Homeowners Insurance Required to Buy a Home?

How Often Should I Change My Homeowners Insurance?

You’re really the only person who can answer this one, but in general, it’s a good idea to at least review your coverage annually.

However, it does take time and effort. Sometimes, a cheaper policy means less coverage, so it’s not always a good deal. Be sure you’re able to thoroughly review all the fine print and make sure you know what you’re getting.

Ready to change your homeowners insurance? Follow these steps in order to ensure you don’t accidentally sustain a loss in coverage!

Step One: Check the Terms and Conditions of Your Existing Policy

The first step toward changing your homeowners insurance policy is ensuring that you actually want to change it in the first place!

Take a look at your existing policy and see what your coverage is like, and be sure to look closely to see if there are any specific terms about early termination. While you always have the right to change your homeowners insurance policy, there could be a fee involved. In many instances, you may have to wait a bit to receive a prorated refund for unused coverage.

Step Two: Think about Your Coverage Needs

Once you have a handle on what your current insurance covers, you can start shopping for new insurance in an informed way. You probably don’t want to “save money” by accidentally purchasing a less comprehensive plan. But do think about how your coverage needs may have shifted since you last purchased homeowners insurance.

For example, the value of your home may have changed (lucky you if your once “up and coming” neighborhood is not officially a hot market). Or perhaps you’ve added on additional structures or outbuildings and need to bump up your policy to cover those.

Step Three: Research Different Insurance Companies

Now comes the labor-intensive part: looking around at other available insurance policies to see what’s on offer. Keep your current premiums and deductibles in mind as you shop around. Saving money is likely one of the main objectives of this exercise, though sometimes, higher costs are worth it for better coverage.

Make sure you are carefully comparing coverage limits, deductibles, and premiums to get the best policy for your needs. Also consider whether the policy is providing actual cash value or replacement value. You may want to opt for a slightly pricier “replacement value” so you have funds to go out and buy new versions of any lost or damaged items, versus getting a lower, depreciated amount.

In addition to the theoretical coverage you encounter, it’s a good idea to stick with insurers with a good reputation. All the coverage in the world doesn’t matter if it’s only on paper; you need to be able to get through to customer service and file a claim when and if the time comes!

Fortunately, many online reviews are available that make this vetting process a lot easier. A few reputable sources for ratings: The Better Business Bureau and J.D. Power’s Customer Satisfaction Survey, and Property Claims Satisfaction Study. You can also do some of the footwork yourself by calling around to get quotes, though this is time-intensive and you might want to simply use an online comparison tool instead.

Step Four: Start Your New Policy, Then Cancel Your Old One

Found a new insurance plan that suits your needs better than your current one? Great news! But here’s the really important part: You want to get that new policy started before you cancel your old one.

That’s because even a short lapse in coverage could jeopardize your valuable investment, as well as drive up premiums in the future. Once you’ve made the new insurance purchase call and have your new declarations page in hand, you are ready to make the old insurance cancellation call. Be sure to verify the following with your old insurer:

•   The cancellation date is on or after the new insurance policy’s start date.

•   The old insurance policy won’t be automatically renewed and is fully canceled.

•   If you’re entitled to a prorated refund, find out how it will be issued and how long it will take to arrive.

Congratulations: You’ve got new homeowners insurance!

Recommended: Should I Sell My House Now or Wait

Step Five: Let Your Lender Know

The last step, but still a very important one, is to notify your mortgage lender about your homeowners insurance change. Most mortgage lenders require homeowners insurance, and they need to be kept up-to-date on who’s got your back should calamity strike. Additionally, if you still owe more than 80% the home value to your lender, they may still be paying the insurer for you through an escrow account — so you definitely want to make sure those payments are going to the right company.

💡 Quick Tip: A basic homeowners insurance plan doesn’t cover floods, earthquakes, or sinkholes. If you live in an area prone to natural disasters, you may want to look into supplemental coverage.

The Takeaway

Homeowners insurance is an important but often expensive form of financial protection. It can help you cover the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home if you undergo a covered loss or damage. Since our homes are such valuable investments, they’re worth safeguarding. Plus, most mortgage lenders require homeowners insurance.

Sometimes, changing your policy can help you save money for comparable or better coverage. Reviewing and possibly rethinking your homeowners insurance is an important process, especially as your needs and lifestyle evolve. If you’ve added on to your home, put in a pool, bought a prized piece of art, or are enduring more punishing weather, all are signals that you should take a fresh look at your policy and make sure you’re well protected.

If you’re a new homebuyer, SoFi Protect can help you look into your insurance options. SoFi and Lemonade offer homeowners insurance that requires no brokers and no paperwork. Secure the coverage that works best for you and your home.

Find affordable homeowners insurance options with SoFi Protect.

Photo credit: iStock/MonthiraYodtiwong

Insurance not available in all states.
Experian is a registered service mark of Experian Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
Social Finance, LLC ("SoFi") is compensated by Experian for each customer who purchases a policy through Experian from the site.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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woman holding smartphone

How Much Auto Insurance Do I Really Need?

Figuring out just how much car insurance you really need can be a challenge.

At minimum, you’ll want to make sure you have enough car insurance to meet the requirements of your state or the lender who’s financing your car. Beyond that, there’s coverage you might want to add to those required amounts. These policies will help ensure that you’re adequately protecting yourself, your family, and your assets. And then there’s the coverage that actually fits within your budget.

We know it may not be a fun topic to think about what would happen if you were involved in a car accident, but given that well over five million drivers are involved in one every year, it’s a priority to get coverage. Finding a car insurance policy that checks all those boxes may take a bit of research — and possibly some compromise. Here are some of the most important factors to consider.

How Much Car Insurance Is Required by Your State?

A good launching pad for researching how much car insurance you need is to check what your state requires by law. Only two states do not require a car owner to carry some amount of insurance: New Hampshire and Virginia. If you live elsewhere, find out how much and what types of coverage a policyholder must have. Typically, there are options available. Once you’ve found this information, consider it the bare minimum to purchase.

💡 Quick Tip: Saving money on your fixed costs isn’t always easy. One exception is auto insurance. Shopping around for a better deal really can pay off.

Types of Car Insurance Coverage

As you dig into the topic, you’ll hear a lot of different terms used to describe the various kinds of coverage that are offered. Let’s take a closer look here:

Liability Coverage

Most states require drivers to carry auto liability insurance. What it does: It helps pay the cost of damages to others involved in an accident if it’s determined you were at fault.

Let’s say you were to cause an accident, whether that means rear-ending a car or backing into your neighbor’s fence while pulling out of a shared driveway. Your insurance would pay for the other driver’s repairs, medical bills, lost wages, and other related costs. What it wouldn’t pay for: Your costs or the costs relating to passengers in your car.

Each state sets its own minimum requirements for this liability coverage. For example, in California, drivers must carry at least $15,000 in coverage for the injury/death of one person, $30,000 for injury/death to more than one person, and $5,000 for damage to property. The shorthand for this, in terms of shopping for car insurance, would be that you have 15/30/5 coverage.

But in Maryland, the amounts are much higher: $30,000 in bodily injury liability per person, $60,000 in bodily injury liability per accident (if there are multiple injuries), and $15,000 in property damage liability per accident. (That would be 30/60/15 coverage.)

And some may want to go beyond what the state requires. If you carry $15,000 worth of property damage liability coverage, for example, and you get in an accident that causes $25,000 worth of damage to someone else’s car, your insurance company will only pay the $15,000 policy limit. You’d be expected to come up with the remaining $10,000.

Generally, recommendations suggest you purchase as much as you could lose if a lawsuit were filed against you and you lost. In California, some say that you may want 250/500/100 in coverage – much more than the 15/30/5 mandated by law.

Recommended: What Does Liability Auto Insurance Typically Cover?

Collision Coverage

Collision insurance pays to repair or replace your vehicle if it’s damaged in an accident with another car that was your fault. It will also help pay for repairs if, say, you hit an inanimate object, be it a fence, tree, guardrail, building, dumpster, pothole, or anything else.

If you have a car loan or lease, you’ll need collision coverage. If, however, your car is paid off or isn’t worth much, you may decide you don’t need collision coverage. For instance, if your car is old and its value is quite low, is it worth paying for this kind of premium, which can certainly add up over the years?

But if you depend on your vehicle and you can’t afford to replace it, or you can’t afford to pay out of pocket for damages, collision coverage may well be worth having. You also may want to keep your personal risk tolerance in mind when considering collision coverage. If the cost of even a minor fender bender makes you nervous, this kind of insurance could help you feel a lot more comfortable when you get behind the wheel.

Comprehensive Coverage

When you drive, you know that unexpected events happen. A pebble can hit your windshield as you drive on the highway and cause a crack. A tree branch can go flying in a storm and put a major dent in your car. Comprehensive insurance covers these events and more. It’s a policy that pays for physical damage to your car that doesn’t happen in a collision, including theft, vandalism, a broken window, weather damage, or even hitting a deer or some other animal.

If you finance or lease your car, your lender will probably require it. But even if you own your car outright, you may want to consider comprehensive coverage. The cost of including it in your policy could be relatively small compared to what it would take to repair or replace your car if it’s damaged or stolen.

Personal Injury Protection and Medical Payments Coverage

Several states require Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or Medical Payments coverage (MedPay for short). This is typically part of the state’s no-fault auto insurance laws, which say that if a policyholder is injured in a crash, that person’s insurance pays for their medical care, regardless of who caused the accident.

While these two types of medical coverage help pay for medical expenses that you and any passengers in your car sustain in an accident, there is a difference. MedPay pays for medical expenses only, and is often available only in small increments, up to $5,000. PIP may also cover loss of income, funeral expenses, and other costs. The amount required varies hugely depending on where you live. For instance, in Utah, it’s $3,000 per person coverage; in New York, it’s $50,000 per person.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Despite the fact that the vast majority of states require car insurance, there are lots of uninsured drivers out there. The number of them on the road can range from one in eight to one in five! In addition, there are people on the road who have the bare minimum of coverage, which may not be adequate when accidents occur.

For these reasons, you may want to take out Uninsured Motorist (UM) or Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage. Many states require these policies, which are designed to protect you if you’re in an accident with a motorist who has little or no insurance. In states that require this type of coverage, the minimums are generally set at about $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. But the exact amounts vary from state to state. And you may choose to carry this coverage even if it isn’t required in your state.

If you’re seriously injured in an accident caused by a driver who doesn’t carry liability car insurance, uninsured motorist coverage could help you and your passengers avoid paying some scary-high medical bills.

Let’s take a quick look at some terms you may see if you shop for this kind of coverage:

Uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage (UMBI)

This kind of policy covers your medical bills, lost wages, as well as pain and suffering after an accident when the other driver is not insured. Additionally, it provides coverage for those costs if any passengers were in your vehicle when the accident occurred.

Uninsured motorist property damage coverage (UMPD)

With this kind of policy, your insurer will pay for repairs to your car plus other property if someone who doesn’t carry insurance is responsible for an accident. Some policies in certain states may also provide coverage if you’re involved in a hit-and-run incident.

Underinsured motorist coverage (UIM)

Let’s say you and a passenger get into an accident that’s the other driver’s fault, and the medical bills total $20,000…but the person responsible is only insured for $15,000. A UIM policy would step in and pay the difference to help you out.

Guaranteed Auto Protection (GAP) Insurance

Here’s another kind of insurance to consider: GAP insurance, which recognizes that cars can quickly depreciate in value and helps you manage that. For example, if your car were stolen or totaled in an accident (though we hope that never happens), GAP coverage will pay the difference between what its actual value is (say, $5,000) and what you still owe on your auto loan or lease (for example, $10,000).

GAP insurance is optional and generally requires that you add it onto a full coverage auto insurance policy. In some instances, this coverage may be rolled in with an auto lease.

Non-Owner Coverage

You may think you don’t need car insurance if you don’t own a car. (Maybe you take public transportation or ride your bike most of the time.) But if you still plan to drive occasionally — when you travel and rent a car, for example, or you sometimes borrow a friend’s car — a non-owner policy can provide liability coverage for any bodily injury or property damage you cause.

The insurance policy on the car you’re driving will probably be considered the “primary” coverage, which means it will kick in first. Then your non-owner policy could be used for costs that are over the limits of the primary policy.

Rideshare Coverage

If you drive for a ridesharing service like Uber or Lyft, you may want to consider adding rideshare coverage to your personal automobile policy.

Rideshare companies are required by law in some states to provide commercial insurance for drivers who are using their personal cars — but that coverage could be limited. (For example, it may not cover the time when a driver is waiting for a ride request but hasn’t actually picked up a passenger.) This coverage could fill the gaps between your personal insurance policy and any insurance provided by the ridesharing service. Whether you are behind the wheel occasionally or full-time, it’s probably worth exploring.

Recommended: Which Insurance Types Do You Really Need?

Why You Need Car Insurance

Car insurance is an important layer of protection; it helps safeguard your financial wellbeing in the case of an accident. Given how much most Americans drive – around 14,000 miles or more a year – it’s likely a valuable investment.

What If You Don’t Have Car Insurance?

There can be serious penalties for driving a car without valid insurance. Let’s take a look at a few scenarios: If an officer pulls you over and you can’t prove you have the minimum coverage required in your state, you could get a ticket. Your license could be suspended. What’s more, the officer might have your car towed away from the scene.

That’s a relatively minor inconvenience. Consider that if you’re in a car accident, the penalties for driving without insurance could be far more significant. If you caused the incident, you may be held personally responsible for paying any damages to others involved; one recent report found the average bodily injury claim totaled more than $24,000. And even if you didn’t cause the accident, the amount you can recover from the at-fault driver may be restricted.

If that convinces you of the value of auto insurance (and we hope it does), you may see big discrepancies in the amounts of coverage. For example, there may be a tremendous difference between the amount you have to have, how much you think you should have to feel secure, and what you can afford.

That’s why it can help to know what your state and your lender might require as a starting point. Keep in mind that having car insurance isn’t just about getting your car — or someone else’s — fixed or replaced. (Although that — and the fact that it’s illegal to not have insurance — may be motivation enough to at least get basic car insurance coverage.)

Having the appropriate levels of coverage can also help you protect all your other assets — your home, business, savings, etc. — if you’re in a catastrophic accident and the other parties involved decide to sue you to pay their bills. And let us emphasize: Your state’s minimum liability requirements may not be enough to cover those costs — and you could end up paying the difference out of pocket, which could have a huge impact on your finances.

Discover real-time vehicle values with Auto Tracker.¹

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Finding the Best Car Insurance for You

If you’re convinced of the value of getting car insurance, the next step is to decide on the right policy for you. Often, the question on people’s minds is, “How can I balance getting the right coverage at an affordable price?”

What’s the Right Amount of Car Insurance Coverage for You?

To get a ballpark figure in mind, consider these numbers:

Type of Coverage



Liability Your state’s minimum •   $100,000/person for bodily injury liability

◦   $300,000/ accident for bodily injury liability

◦   $100,000 for property damage

•   $250,000/person for bodily injury liability

◦   $500,000/ accident for bodily injury liability

◦   $250,000 for property damage

Collision Not required Recommended Recommended
Comprehensive Not required Recommended Recommended
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Your state’s minimum $40,000 Your state’s maximum
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist (UM, UIM) Coverage Your state’s minimum •   $100,000/person for bodily injury liability

◦   $300,000/ accident for bodily injury liability

•   $250,000/person for bodily injury liability

◦   $500,000/ accident for bodily injury liability

Here are some points to consider that will help you get the best policy for you.

Designing a Policy that Works for You

Your insurance company will probably offer several coverage options, and you may be able to build a policy around what you need based on your lifestyle. For example, if your car is paid off and worth only a few thousand dollars, you may choose to opt out of collision insurance in order to get more liability coverage.

Choosing a Deductible

Your deductible is the amount you might have to pay out personally before your insurance company begins paying any damages. Let’s say your car insurance policy has a $500 deductible, and you hit a guardrail on the highway when you swerve to avoid a collision. If the damage was $2,500, you would pay the $500 deductible and your insurer would pay for the other $2,000 in repairs. (Worth noting: You may have two different deductibles when you hold an auto insurance policy — one for comprehensive coverage and one for collision.)

Just as with your health insurance, your insurance company will likely offer you a lower premium if you choose to go with a higher deductible ($1,000 instead of $500, for example). Also, you typically pay this deductible every time you file a claim. It’s not like the situation with some health insurance policies, in which you satisfy a deductible once a year.

If you have savings or some other source of money you could use for repairs, you might be able to go with a higher deductible and save on your insurance payments. But if you aren’t sure where the money would come from in a pinch, it may make sense to opt for a lower deductible.

Checking the Costs of Added Coverage

As you assess how much coverage to get, here’s some good news: Buying twice as much liability coverage won’t necessarily double the price of your premium. You may be able to manage more coverage than you think. Before settling for a bare-bones policy, it can help to check on what it might cost to increase your coverage. This information is often easily available online, via calculator tools, rather than by spending time on the phone with a salesperson.

Finding Discounts that Could Help You Save

Some insurers (including SoFi Protect) reward safe drivers or “good drivers” with lower premiums. If you have a clean driving record, free of accidents and claims, you are a low risk for your insurer and they may extend you a discount.

Another way to save: Bundling car and home insurance is another way to cut costs. Look for any discounts or packages that would help you save.

💡 Quick Tip: If your car is paid off and worth only a few thousand dollars, consider updating your car insurance: You might choose to opt out of collision coverage and double down on liability.

The Takeaway

Buying car insurance is an important step in protecting yourself in case of an accident or theft. It’s not just about repairing or replacing your vehicle. It’s also about ensuring that medical fees and lost wages are protected – and securing your assets if there were ever a lawsuit filed against you.

These are potentially life-altering situations, so it’s worth spending a bit of time on the few key steps that will help you get the right coverage at the right price. It begins with knowing what your state or your car-loan lender requires. Then, you’ll review the different kinds of policies and premiums available. Put these pieces together, and you’ll find the insurance that best suits your needs and budget.

When you’re ready to shop for auto insurance, SoFi can help. Our online auto insurance comparison tool lets you see quotes from a network of top insurance providers within minutes, saving you time and hassle.

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¹SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc’s service. Vehicle Identification Number is confirmed by LexisNexis and car values are provided by J.D. Power. Auto Tracker is provided on an “as-is, as-available” basis with all faults and defects, with no warranty, express or implied. The values shown on this page are a rough estimate based on your car’s year, make, and model, but don’t take into account things such as your mileage, accident history, or car condition.

Insurance not available in all states.
Experian is a registered service mark of Experian Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
Social Finance, LLC ("SoFi") is compensated by Experian for each customer who purchases a policy through Experian from the site.

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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What to Do If You Can’t Get Home or Renters Insurance in Your State

What can you do if you’re buying or living in a home that’s considered “high risk” because of its location or other factors, and you can’t find the insurance protection you need? In some states, including Florida and California, where insurers are limiting their coverage or exiting the market altogether, it can be challenging to find a renters or homeowners policy. You may even find the insurer you’ve had for years is no longer willing to provide coverage.

There’s no need to panic just yet, or give up on your efforts to get the policy you want or need. There may be options you haven’t thought about that are just a few computer taps away.

What Makes a Home, Area, or State High Risk?

There are a few different factors that can make a home, neighborhood, region, or state high risk when it comes to getting insurance coverage. Some of these factors may affect homeowners only, while others can affect both homeowners and renters.

Sometimes a home is determined to be high risk because it’s fallen into a state of disrepair. The insurance company may say, for example, that the home needs a new roof, the foundation is unsafe, or the plumbing or electricity needs updating. If that’s the case, following through on those repairs may make it easier to keep or qualify for a traditional homeowners policy.

It’s also possible that the way the home is constructed — with certain types of building materials or a roof style that doesn’t meet the insurer’s underwriting standards — is making it harder to get insurance. Or it could be that the home is in an area that makes it more vulnerable to certain crimes, such as burglary or vandalism. Sometimes, a person’s own history (a criminal background, bankruptcy, or too many past claims) could lead an insurer to cancel a policy or say no to a new one.

Increasingly, it’s the propensity for serious, damaging weather that can cause an entire region or state to be considered high-risk. In California, wildfires are one reason insurers cite for pulling out. In Louisiana, it’s flooding. And in Florida, insurers are leaving the state because of the expensive damage hurricanes and tropical storms can cause.

💡 Quick Tip: A basic homeowners insurance plan doesn’t cover floods, earthquakes, or sinkholes. If you live in an area prone to natural disasters, you may want to look into supplemental coverage.

What Can You Do If You’re Denied Coverage?

Though homeowners and renters insurance policies aren’t mandated by any state or federal laws, mortgage lenders and landlords can and often do require a certain amount of coverage. Even if yours doesn’t, you may find it makes sense to get a policy to protect yourself, your home, and/or your belongings.

It can be frustrating and scary to find out you’ve been denied the insurance you want or need, or that the policy you have is being canceled. Here are a few things you can do to find protection:

Shop Around

There are many insurance companies out there, so don’t feel as though you have to give up just because the carrier you wanted won’t cover you. You may be able to find a similar or better policy online, or you could search the old-fashioned way and call around. While you’re looking, try not to limit your options based on brand names or because you have car insurance or another type of policy through a certain company.

If you’re buying homeowners insurance: Before you start shopping, consider how much and what types of coverage you need and what your lender requires. Depending on where you live, you may need to buy additional protection for flooding, earthquakes, sinkholes, etc. This coverage is usually not a part of a basic homeowners policy.

If you’re buying a home, you may want to ask the current homeowners or your new neighbors what coverage they think is necessary.

If you’re buying renters insurance: Keep in mind that even though your landlord might have insurance that covers the building you’re living in, that policy won’t cover your possessions should they be damaged or stolen. And the landlord’s policy probably won’t pay for additional living expenses if you need to move out while your unit undergoes repairs.

As you shop renters policies, it’s important to compare apples to apples, and to be sure you’re getting the renters insurance coverage you might need in a worst-case scenario. Remember: Most renters policies won’t cover damage from flooding. To be sure you’re protected, you’ll likely need to purchase a separate renters policy from the National Flood Insurance Program, which is managed by FEMA.

Use a Broker or Independent Insurance Agent

If you don’t have the time to shop for a policy yourself, you may want to hire an insurance broker or independent insurance agent to get quotes from multiple insurers for you. Before you get started in this process, it’s a good idea to be clear on how your insurance professional will be paid (fee, commission, or both), and how broad or limited the policy search will be.

Contact Your State Department of Insurance

The consumer division of your state insurance department can provide you with a list of insurers that are writing policies in your area. And they may be able to help you work with your current provider regarding a nonrenewal — that is, if the company isn’t pulling out of the state altogether.

Ask Your Current Insurance Professional for Advice

If your current insurance company is leaving your region or state and you need to change your homeowners insurance, your representative — who is familiar with your policy needs — may have suggestions for which companies you could try next.

Consider a FAIR Plan

Many states have Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) plans available for homeowners who can’t get a traditional homeowners policy. FAIR insurance coverage is different for each state, but generally, these are bare-bones policies provided by a pool of insurance companies. They often do not include personal liability coverage, and you may have to make upgrades to your property to get or keep your policy.

A FAIR plan may be your last resort if you can’t get a policy anywhere else. Still, it’s important to be clear on what you are getting — and what your premium will be — before moving forward.

Look into Beach and Windstorm Plans

If you live in a coastal state that is prone to wind and hail damage, you may want to look into getting a beach and windstorm insurance plan. These plans are similar to FAIR plans and can provide coverage to homeowners in areas that aren’t insured through the voluntary insurance market.

Recommended: Renters and Homeowners Insurance Definitions

Can You Go Without Insurance If You Can’t Get Coverage?

Although you aren’t legally required to purchase a renters or homeowners policy, you may not have a choice. If you’re renting, your landlord might say it’s a must. And if you’re buying or still owe money on your home, your mortgage company will let you know how much homeowners insurance you need.

If you can’t get a policy, or if the coverage is deemed insufficient, your mortgage company might buy “force-placed” insurance for your home. With force-placed insurance, the lender typically pays upfront for the insurance, then adds the premium cost to your monthly mortgage payment. You won’t have control over the type of coverage you get, or the policy limits, and it might be more expensive than the policy you would purchase for yourself.

You also may be required to have homeowners insurance if you live in a condominium or co-op.

Recommended: Is Homeowners Insurance Required to Buy a Home?

What Are the Downsides of Going Without Coverage?

Even if you don’t have to get insurance, you may want to seriously consider the downsides of going without coverage. You might discover that the security a policy can offer is worth the extra effort or cost involved with finding coverage.

If you’re a homeowner: It’s quite likely your home is your biggest asset, and insurance can help you protect that investment and your overall financial wellness. Your homeowners policy doesn’t just cover the structure you live in; it also insures your belongings and provides liability protection in case of an injury or property damage.

If you’re a renter: Your personal property (furniture, electronics, clothes, jewelry, etc.) may be worth more than you think, and renters insurance can help you pay to replace belongings that are damaged or stolen. Renters insurance also typically includes coverage for property damage, or if a guest is accidentally hurt, or if your pet bites someone.

Worried about how much renters insurance costs and if it’s worth it? Usually, renters insurance is much less expensive than homeowners insurance, so you may want to at least check the price before passing on coverage.

💡 Quick Tip: Next time you review your budget, consider making room for additional insurance coverage. Think of it as an investment that can help protect you from a major financial loss.

The Takeaway

It can be frustrating and stressful to learn that you can’t get the insurance coverage you need for your home and belongings, or that you’re losing the coverage you thought you could count on. But just because one company won’t offer you a policy doesn’t mean you don’t have other options. You may have to spend a little extra time searching for the right policy, though, or get a little help finding the appropriate amount of coverage at an affordable price.

When the unexpected happens, it’s good to know you have a plan to protect your loved ones and your finances. SoFi has teamed up with some of the best insurance companies in the industry to provide members with fast, easy, and reliable insurance.

Find affordable auto, life, homeowners, and renters insurance with SoFi Protect.


Is homeowners insurance required to buy a home?

While homeowners insurance isn’t required by state or federal laws, if you’re financing the home, your mortgage lender will likely require that you have a certain amount of coverage.

Is renters insurance required?

Renters insurance isn’t required by law, but your landlord or property management company may require that you purchase a renters policy.

How much renters insurance do I need?

To determine how much renters insurance you should purchase, you may want to do a quick inventory of what you own, including clothing, jewelry, electronics, artwork, furniture, etc. Then, using receipts if you have them, estimate how much it’s all worth.

How much homeowners insurance do I need?

If you’re financing your home, your mortgage lender will likely require a certain amount of insurance coverage. But you may want to purchase additional coverage based on your assets and the types of protection you want. Your insurance company can help you determine the appropriate amount of coverage.

Photo credit: iStock/svetikd

Insurance not available in all states.
Experian is a registered service mark of Experian Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
Social Finance, LLC ("SoFi") is compensated by Experian for each customer who purchases a policy through Experian from the site.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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