Credit Card Refunds: Everything You Need to Know

Getting a credit card refund is usually a straightforward process, whether you’re asking for one because a product is defective or you’ve simply changed your mind. When you get a refund on a credit card, you’ll receive a credit on your account for the amount you paid for returned goods that you’d charged to your card.

Although credit card refunds are routine, there are some important things to know about the process. Read on to learn more about how credit card refunds work.

What Is a Credit Card Refund?

A credit card refund is the money you get back when you return something that you’d paid for with your credit card. Rather than getting cash back for the full amount of the returned item, you’ll receive a credit to your credit card account for that amount. The process of a credit card refund is started when you go to return the item, and it can take a few days or longer to see the money credited to your account.

How Do Refunds on Credit Cards Work?

When using a credit card to make a purchase, there’s a third party involved in your transaction. The store or other merchant at which you swipe or tap your card to buy something requests their payment from the credit card issuer. When your credit card issuer pays the charge, it adds the amount of the purchase to your account balance. Then, you pay your credit card bill to pay back the credit card issuer for the purchase you made.

When you return a purchase, the merchant issues a refund to the credit card issuer, not directly to you. In turn, your credit card company posts the credit to your account. This process is why credit card refunds aren’t immediate like cash refunds.

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Types of Credit Card Refunds

There are two basic types of credit card refunds. It can be helpful to know the difference between the two and how a refund to a credit card works in each instance. It may not be something that you took note of when applying for a credit card.

Refund at the Point of Sale

This is when you return an item, either by going to the store in person or sending back an online purchase. The retailer then credits you for the return when the item is received.

Disputed Transaction

Disputed transactions are different from straightforward returns. With a disputed transaction, you’re making a complaint about the purchase as opposed to just making a return. For instance, you might dispute a credit card charge for an online purchase that never arrived. Or you might dispute a charge for a canceled event.

In most cases, you must file a dispute within 60 days of the transaction, providing details and perhaps documentation of the problem. From there, your credit card company has 90 days to investigate the issue and resolve the issue.

While it’s best to start with the merchant when you have an issue with the goods or services provided, you do have options if the merchant will not grant you a credit card refund. In this instance, you can request a credit card chargeback, which reverses your original charge after you have filed a claim with your credit card company.

With a chargeback, the refund process is initiated by the credit card company (often automatically once you dispute a charge), whereas with a credit card refund, the merchant initiates the process.

Recommended: What is a Charge Card

How Long Does a Credit Card Refund Typically Take?

The amount of time it takes to receive a credit card refund depends on the retailer and the type of refund you’re requesting. It typically takes about three to seven business days to see your refund from a routine return you make in person, and sometimes it’s even faster than that.

Online merchants may take a bit longer to issue a credit card refund because you need to allot time for shipping and processing the returned merchandise. As mentioned above, chargeback or disputed charge refunds can take much longer — sometimes as long as 90 days due to the time allowed to file and investigate a disputed charge.

Do Credit Card Refunds Count Toward Payments?

No, credit card refunds are not considered a payment or partial payment, and they do not automatically go toward that month’s minimum payment on your card.

Instead, you’ll see a credit in the amount of the refund in your account statement and, depending on where you are in the billing cycle, this could reduce the total amount you owe by the amount of the refund. You will still need to make your monthly minimum payment while you’re waiting for a refund credit to appear on your account. In fact, one of the cardinal credit card rules is to always make your minimum payment on time.

Keep in mind that interest will continue to accrue on your charge until the refund credit appears. Depending on how much the purchase is for and where you are in the billing cycle, this can affect your overall balance.

How Credit Card Refunds May Affect Your Credit Score

To understand how credit card refunds work when it comes to your credit score, it’s important to understand something called credit utilization ratio. This term refers to the percentage of your total credit limit that you are currently using. Credit utilization can be an important factor in calculating your credit score — the lower your credit utilization ratio, the better. Most financial experts suggest a credit utilization ratio of no more than 30%, with 10% being a good figure to aim for.

In some situations, a refund may build your credit score if the refund reduces your balance and lowers your credit utilization ratio. On the other hand, a delayed refund could lower your credit score if the amount of the purchase pushes your credit utilization higher during a certain billing period.

What to Do With a Negative Account Balance

Sometimes a refund will give you a negative balance on your credit card, meaning your available credit is more than the amount you owe on the card. This can often happen with cardholders who pay their balance in full each month.

If you have a negative balance, it’s usually not a problem. The negative balance will be applied to the next purchase you make on that card, eventually bringing your balance back to $0 or above. A negative balance will likely not affect your credit score because that’s something that credit card companies report to credit bureaus.

However, a negative balance can be problematic if you’re receiving a large refund and don’t often use that credit card. In these instances, you can ask your credit card company to issue a refund via check, money order, or direct deposit. Your credit card issuer may require this request in writing in order to issue the refund.

How Credit Card Refunds Affect Your Rewards

Any credit card rewards you earned on a purchase that was returned, such as cash back rewards or miles, will not be awarded after your refund is processed.

If you decide that it makes more sense to keep the rewards, you can ask the merchant or service to refund you in the form of a merchant credit or store credit. However, that means you will still have to pay for the purchase on your credit card.

The Takeaway

Knowing how credit card refunds work will help you manage both your budget and your credit score. Credit card refunds are usually straightforward transactions. But they can take longer than a purchase made with cash, and they can affect your credit score. Additionally, you usually won’t be able to hang onto the rewards you’d earned from the purchase you returned.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


Do credit card refunds affect your credit

Yes, refunds can affect your credit score. A refund can lower your credit utilization — or the total amount of credit you’ve used compared to your overall credit limit. Credit utilization is something credit rating agencies look at closely when determining your credit score. A delayed refund could hurt your credit score because if the charge stays on your account for a while, it may increase your credit utilization ratio, thus negatively impacting your store. On the other hand, when you receive a refund, that may lower your credit utilization, helping to build your credit score.

Do credit card refunds affect the rewards earned from a refunded purchase?

In most cases, you will not receive the rewards that you may have earned from a purchase you’ve returned. You may want to consider getting a store credit for your refund if you want to keep your rewards, but you will then have to pay for the full amount of the purchase on your credit card.

What happens if I have a negative balance after a credit card refund?

Sometimes you’ll get a refund credit, and it will exceed the balance you have on your card. This is usually not an issue, as the amount of the credit will be applied to the next purchase you make on the card. If the refund is quite large and you don’t use the card often, you may want to ask your credit card issuer for a refund via check or direct deposit.

Photo credit: iStock/Amax Photo

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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A Guide to How Credit Card Travel Insurance Works

A Guide to How Credit Card Travel Insurance Works

With flight disruptions, natural disasters, and other issues, travel insurance has become a popular option for travelers. While you can purchase travel insurance through third-party providers (and get specific insurance when booking flights, hotels, and rental cars), you may already have credit card travel insurance at your disposal.

So, should you choose a credit card specifically because it offers travel insurance? Below, we’ll take a closer look at what credit card travel insurance is, how it works, what it covers, and why you might want a credit card with travel insurance ahead of your next adventure.

What Is Travel Insurance?

Travel insurance protects consumers against financial losses when traveling domestically or internationally. It can cover everything from lost luggage to new hotel arrangements because of canceled flights to medical emergencies while on vacation.

Travel insurance can also protect you before your trip. If something changes, like a family emergency, that will keep you from traveling as planned, travel insurance might get you a refund for your expenses.

You can find travel insurance through insurance companies, travel agents, and insurance comparison sites. Your car insurance policy may insure you even in a rental car, and certain hotel booking sites may allow you to make refundable accommodations for a fee. But did you know that your credit card may also already cover portions of your trip?

How Does Credit Card Travel Insurance Work?

Credit card travel insurance is a set of coverages offered by select credit cards to protect you when traveling on qualified trips. How credit card travel insurance works varies by card, however. It’s important to read the fine print of your credit card to understand what may and may not be covered.

The main thing to remember is that you typically need to use the credit card when booking your major travel expenses (airfare, lodging, and transportation) for those costs to be covered should something happen.

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Types of Travel Covered by Travel Insurance

Each travel credit card will have its own inclusions and exclusions for travel insurance. But generally, credit cards with travel insurance may offer trip protection and coverage for unexpected medical expenses.

Trip Protection

Trip protection covers a wide range of potential insurances your credit card might offer when traveling:

•   Trip cancellation and interruption insurance: If you prepaid for a trip and have to cancel it, or are on a trip and need to end it early, your credit card may cover this. Read your credit card’s policy closely to understand how your credit card works and what qualifies as a covered trip cancellation or trip interruption. Unexpected injuries or illness, inclement weather, terrorist action, a change in military orders, and jury duty are examples of reasons a trip may be canceled or end early — and be covered by credit card travel insurance.

•   Trip delay insurance: If your flight, bus, cruise, or other transportation (called a common carrier) is delayed or canceled and you miss activities or lodgings that you’ve already paid for, your credit card may cover this. In addition, such policies might cover your expenses as you scramble to find new lodging, meals, and transportation.

•   Rental car insurance: Check with your car insurance provider before booking a rental to understand if your coverage extends to rentals. If it does not (or if you do not want to make a claim with your car insurance provider), your credit card might also serve as an insurance option in the event of an accident. Read the fine print carefully; many credit cards require that you decline the insurance from the rental company for the credit card travel insurance to apply. Some credit cards only offer secondary car insurance, meaning they require you to file a claim through your personal car insurance first.

•   Delayed or lost baggage insurance: If an airline loses or damages your baggage, you can make a claim for the (depreciated) contents of the bag. Some credit cards may even cover delayed baggage since it can put a dent in your plans. Just check your policy: You may have to put in a claim with the airline before your travel credit card will step in.

Medical Coverage

Travel insurance through credit cards may cover medical expenses as well, including:

•   Medical insurance: If your health insurance doesn’t cover medical costs incurred abroad, travel medical insurance might cover qualified expenses. In most cases, Medicare does not cover health costs incurred outside of the U.S., so travel insurance can be helpful for seniors relying on a government health plan.

•   Accident insurance: While we don’t want to assume the worst can happen, this insurance sometimes offered through credit cards offers a payout if you are killed or seriously injured (such as dismemberment or loss of sight, hearing, or speech). This applies while traveling on a common carrier or on a covered trip paid for with the card. In this way, accident insurance can operate like life insurance while traveling.

•   Emergency evacuation: If you fall ill or are injured while traveling and need to be evacuated, including through emergency airlift, this coverage will pay for associated expenses. This also may cover emergency evacuations due to extreme weather or political unrest.

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Benefits of Credit Card Travel Insurance

Credit cards offering travel insurance have multiple benefits. Not all credit cards offer travel insurance, however, so it’s a good idea for consumers to weigh these benefits against benefits of other credit cards to determine which card is right for them.

Among the benefits of credit card insurance are:

•   Financial security: Travel can be a big expense. When unplanned events cut trips short or leave you stranded, travel insurance can protect the money you have spent.

•   Emergency coverage: Whether you encounter dangerous weather, a terrorist incident, or a medical emergency during travel, having travel insurance can make it easier to deal with crises while on vacation.

•   A sense of comfort: Ultimately, insurance policies can ease consumers’ worries when traveling. Knowing that there is a Plan B when your best-laid travel plans go awry can be comforting, especially when facing an emergency in an unfamiliar place.

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Picking a Credit Card for Travel Insurance

When looking for a new credit card, you can search specifically for cards that offer travel insurance among ​​different credit card rewards. Note that many of these can have annual fees, so they might only be a good choice if you’re a frequent traveler.

Before applying for a credit card, check your credit score to ensure you can qualify.

If travel insurance is not your top priority for choosing a credit card, you can consider other incentives, like credit card bonuses for new customers or cash back rewards.

Recommended: What Is a Charge Card?

Filing a Travel Insurance Claim

If you experience an unexpected event, like a delayed flight, during your trip, calling your credit card company to ensure your emergency expenses will be covered can be a smart idea. This might keep you incurring credit card payments for meals or lodging that won’t actually be covered.

Look at the back of your credit card to find the phone number for a benefits administrator. They can help you as you begin your claim process.

As explained previously, certain credit cards may require you to file a claim with another entity before they get involved. For example, a credit card offering secondary auto insurance requires that you file with your personal car insurance company first. Likewise, if an airline loses your luggage, a credit card’s travel insurance policy may stipulate that you file first with the airline.

When you know you will be filing a claim, saving your receipts (and taking photos of them as you go) can be a smart way to stay organized. Filing as soon as you’re home (or even while still traveling) may expedite the process. In fact, some credit card insurance policies might have deadlines for filing claims.

The Takeaway

Some credit cards include travel insurance among their perks. Insurance coverage can vary, but it might cover delayed flights, trip cancellations, emergency medical expenses, and lost luggage. Travel cards with such coverage often have annual fees, so it’s a good idea for consumers to weigh multiple options when selecting a credit card and insurance policies.

Whether you’re looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it’s important to understand the options that are best for you.

SoFi Travel has teamed up with Expedia to bring even more to your one-stop finance app, helping you book reservations — for flights, hotels, car rentals, and more — all in one place. SoFi Members also have exclusive access to premium savings, with 10% or more off on select hotels. Plus, earn unlimited 3%** cash back rewards when you book with your SoFi Unlimited 2% Credit Card through SoFi Travel.

Wherever you’re going, get there with SoFi Travel.


How do I know if my trip is covered?

Not every credit card offers travel insurance. Always read the fine print of your credit card before making travel insurance decisions ahead of and during your trip. If the legal jargon is confusing, you can typically contact a benefits administrator for clarification. Look at the back of your credit card to find the number.

What does travel insurance cover?

Every credit card travel insurance policy is different. Common coverages include trip cancellation or interruption, accident and medical, lost luggage, and even rental car insurance. Research your card’s policy ahead of your next vacation.

Will the expenses not charged to my card be covered?

Some credit cards with travel insurance require that you use those cards on travel expenses for the insurance to apply. Others may automatically apply certain types of coverage, like medical coverage, regardless of what card you used to book your trip. Reach out to your card’s benefits administrator before travel if you need help interpreting the travel insurance policy.

Photo credit: iStock/Atstock Productions

**Terms, and conditions apply: The SoFi Travel Portal is operated by Expedia. To learn more about Expedia, click

When you use your SoFi Credit Card to make a purchase on the SoFi Travel Portal, you will earn a number of SoFi Member Rewards points equal to 3% of the total amount you spend on the SoFi Travel Portal. Members can save up to 10% or more on eligible bookings.

Eligibility: You must be a SoFi registered user.
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You must book the travel on SoFi’s Travel Portal reached directly through a link on the SoFi website or mobile application. Travel booked directly on Expedia's website or app, or any other site operated or powered by Expedia is not eligible.
You must pay using your SoFi Credit Card.

SoFi Member Rewards: All terms applicable to the use of SoFi Member Rewards apply. To learn more please see: and Terms applicable to Member Rewards.

Additional Terms: Changes to your bookings will affect the Rewards balance for the purchase. Any canceled bookings or fraud will cause Rewards to be rescinded. Rewards can be delayed by up to 7 business days after a transaction posts on Members’ SoFi Credit Card ledger. SoFi reserves the right to withhold Rewards points for suspected fraud, misuse, or suspicious activities.
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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Charge Card vs Credit Card: What’s the Difference?

Charge Card vs. Credit Card: Understanding the Key Differences

Though the terms may be used interchangeably, there are major differences: With a credit card, you can either pay your full monthly bill or a portion of it. With a charge card, no matter how much you owe, you’re expected to pay the monthly bill in full.

That’s not the only thing that sets these cards apart. The two also vary in their accessibility, flexibility, spending limits, and costs. If you’re wondering if a charge card vs. a credit card is a better fit for you, read on to understand their key differences, which can help you decide.

How Charge Cards Work

In some ways, a charge card is much like a regular credit card. When you use it to make a purchase, you’re borrowing money from the card issuer. And when you pay your bill, you’re paying the card issuer back.

But there are several things about the way charge cards work that make them very different from traditional credit cards. And because of the way they work, there are benefits and risks of charge cards to consider.

As mentioned above, a charge card holder’s obligation to pay the bill in full each month is probably the most important distinction. Because you don’t have the option of carrying forward a balance, you won’t pay any interest. But if you don’t pay the balance in full by the due date, you could be subject to a late fee and restrictions on your future card use.

Another thing that makes a charge card unique is that there’s no pre-set credit limit. This offers charge card holders some added flexibility, but it doesn’t mean you can go out and spend as much as you want any time you want — even if you’ve stayed current with your charge card payments.

A transaction still may be declined if it exceeds the amount the card issuer determines you can manage based on your spending habits, account history, credit record, and other financial factors. To avoid any confusion, card holders can contact their charge card issuer before making a major purchase to ask if the amount will be approved.

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How Credit Cards Work

Because they’re more common, you may be more familiar with how credit cards work than you are with charge cards. With a traditional credit card, card holders are given a preset credit limit that’s based on their income, debt-to-income ratio, credit history, and other factors.

Once your account application is approved and you receive a card with a unique credit card number, you can use your card as much or as little as you like — as long as you stay within that limit.

Each month when you receive your billing statement, you can decide if you want to repay the full amount you owe or make a partial payment, but you must make at least the minimum payment that’s due. And if you carry forward a balance, you can be charged interest on that amount. (Similar to your spending limit, interest rates are typically based on a cardholder’s creditworthiness.)

A credit card is classified as “revolving credit” because there’s no set date for when all the money you’ve borrowed must be repaid. As long as you make at least your minimum payments on time and stay within your credit limit, the account remains open, and you can use the available credit over and over again.

Differences Between a Charge Card and Credit Card

Here’s a side-by-side look at some key differences between charge cards and credit cards:

Charge Card vs. Credit Card
Charge Cards Credit Cards
Full payment required every billing cycle Can carry a balance, but must make minimum monthly payment
Can be difficult to find and qualify for Many options available, even for those with not-so-great credit
Accepted by most U.S. vendors (but less so overseas) Widely accepted in the U.S. and worldwide
No interest charged, but can expect a high annual fee May avoid annual fee, but interest accrues on unpaid balance
Known for prestigious rewards programs Many cards offer rewards, often without an annual fee
No hard spending limit Hard pre-set spending limit

Payment Obligations

With a charge card, you’re required to pay what you owe in full when you receive your monthly billing statement. With a credit card, on the other hand, you can make a full or partial payment, but you’re only required to make a minimum monthly payment.

Even if you’re waiting for a refund that hasn’t yet shown up as a credit on your statement, you’ll be expected to pay the full amount of your charge card bill. With a credit card refund, you’ll just have to make sure you pay at least the minimum amount on your current bill.


If you’re looking for a new card, you’ll find there are far more credit cards available than true charge cards these days. Even American Express, the only major card issuer that still offers charge cards, has gone with a more hybrid approach.

American Express still offers cards that don’t have a preset spending limit. But those cards now come with a feature that — for a fixed fee — allows a card holder to split up eligible large purchases into monthly installments.

There also are some fuel cards, typically geared toward businesses, that are true charge cards.

Credit cards also are generally easier to qualify for than the charge cards that are available. Even if you have a poor or limited credit history, you may be able to find a secured or unsecured credit card that suits your needs.


Whether you shop local most of the time or hope to use your card as you travel the world, you may want to look at the acceptance rates of charge cards vs. credit cards.

Your card may not do you much good if you can’t use it where you like. American Express says its cards can now be accepted by 99% of the vendors in the U.S. that accept credit cards. If you aren’t sure your favorite local boutique or grocer will accept a particular card, you may want to ask or look for the card’s network logo in the store window.

If you plan to use your card overseas, you may want to check ahead on the acceptance rate in that country and also find out if you’ll have to pay a foreign transaction fee. Charge cards tend to have a lower rate of acceptance overseas.


If you’re trying to decide between a charge card vs. a credit card, how much a credit card costs compared to a charge card — both in interest charges and fees — could be an important consideration.


You can find a full explanation of how your card issuer calculates interest in your card’s terms and conditions. But as noted above, if you carry forward a balance on your credit card, you can expect to pay interest on the outstanding amount.

According to the Federal Reserve, the average credit card’s annual percentage rate (APR) is currently around 22.8%. Your rate may be higher or lower, depending on your creditworthiness.

You may not have just one interest rate associated with your account either. Your account may have a different APR for purchases, for example, than for credit card cash advances or balance transfers. Or you might have a lower, introductory APR for the first few months after you get a new card. If, over time, you miss payments or make late payments, the card issuer also could decide to raise your APR.

Because you don’t carry a balance with a charge card, you don’t pay interest. But if you pay off your credit card balance by the due date every month, you also won’t have to worry about accruing interest on a credit card account.

Annual Fees

You won’t pay interest with a charge card, but you may end up paying a significant annual fee just to own the card. (The annual membership fee for an American Express Platinum Card, for example, is currently $695.)

Some credit cards also charge annual fees, but you can find many that don’t.

Rewards and Perks

You may decide it’s worth paying a higher annual fee to enjoy the extra benefits some charge cards offer. American Express, for example, has a reputation for offering its card holders prestigious perks, including travel and retail purchase protections, early access to tickets for concerts and other entertainment events, and special offers from partner merchants.

However, plenty of credit cards also come with special benefits, such as cash back rewards, travel rewards, retail discounts, and more. And many of those card issuers don’t charge an annual fee.

Both charge card and credit card issuers also occasionally offer generous welcome or sign-up bonuses to new card holders, so that might be another benefit worth looking at when you’re searching for a new card.

Before you sign up for any card to get the perks it offers, though, it can be a good idea to step back and assess whether it’s worth paying a higher annual fee (or accruing interest on a balance you can’t pay off) to reap those rewards.

Spending Limit

With a credit card vs. a charge card, you’ll know exactly how much you can spend, because your credit card will come with a pre-set limit. You can go online or use an app to check your credit card account at any time to see how much available credit you have.

Charge cards don’t have hard spending limits. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you can use your card to buy a car or take a trip around the world. Your card issuer may decline a charge if you’re spending more than it thinks you can afford.

How Card Choice Can Impact Your Credit Score

When it comes to what a charge vs. credit card can do for (or to) your credit score, there are few things you should know.


Whether you’re applying for a charge card or credit card, you can expect the card company to run a hard inquiry on your credit. This could temporarily lower your credit score, but usually only by about five points.


Whether you use a charge card or a credit card, paying your monthly bill on time is critical to building and maintaining a good credit record.

Payment history makes up 35% of your FICO® credit score, so consistency is key. If your payment is 30 days or more past due and your card issuer reports it to the credit bureaus, that negative news could remain on your credit report for up to seven years. And it could come back to haunt you when you try to borrow money to buy a car or house.


Credit utilization (the percentage of your available credit that you’re currently using) makes up 30% of your FICO score, so it’s important to keep your credit card balances well under the assigned limit.

To maintain or positively impact your credit score, the general rule is that you should try not to exceed a 30% credit card utilization rate. If you’re using up a big chunk of the pre-set limit on your credit card, it could have a negative effect on your score.

Because charge cards don’t have a pre-set credit limit, it can be difficult to determine if a card holder is at risk of overspending — so neither FICO or VantageScore include charge card information when calculating a person’s utilization rate.

This can have both pros and cons for charge card holders. The advantage, of course, is that you don’t have to worry about negative consequences for your credit score if you spend a lot in one month using your charge card. On the flip side, though, if you have a large amount of available credit that you aren’t using, it won’t do anything to help your score.

Choosing Between Credit Cards and Charge Cards

Deciding whether to apply for a credit card vs. a charge card may come down to evaluating the benefits you’re hoping to get from the card and assessing your own spending behavior. Here are some questions you might want to ask:

•   Does the card offer unique, valuable perks you think you’ll use?

•   If there’s a high annual fee for the card, does it fit your budget and are the card’s perks worth the cost?

•   Do you have enough money, discipline, and organization to ensure your bill is paid in full every month? Or could there be times when you’ll want to make a partial or minimum payment and carry forward a balance?

•   Is your credit score good or excellent? If not, you may have more options and a better chance of qualifying if you apply for a credit card instead of a charge card.

•   If you think you’ll pay off your card’s balance every month, would a credit card still be a better fit because of the rewards, low or no fees, and wider acceptance from vendors?

Also keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to choose. In fact, you could benefit from owning both a charge card and a credit card. You may find there are reasons to have both types of cards in your wallet.

Recommended: Charge Cards Advantages and Disadvantages

The Takeaway

The terms charge card and credit card are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. A charge card must be paid off every month, so there’s no interest to worry about — but there may be a high annual fee to pay. A credit card allows the user to make a minimum monthly payment and carry forward a balance, but the interest on that balance can add up quickly.

Each individual user must decide which is the better fit for their needs. And a card’s benefits vs. its costs may be a deciding factor.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


Is a credit card easier to get than a charge card?

Because these days there are more companies issuing credit cards, it may be easier to find one that suits your needs and has qualifications you can meet — even if you have a poor or limited credit history. There are very few charge cards available anymore.

Does a charge card build credit better than a credit card?

Both a credit card and a charge card can help or hurt your credit score, depending on how you use it.

When do credit cards charge interest?

Most credit cards come with a grace period, which means the credit card issuer won’t charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. If you fail to pay the entire amount on your statement balance, however, or if you make your payment after the due date, interest charges will likely appear on your next monthly statement.

Photo credit: iStock/9dreamstudio

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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Guide to Applying for a Credit Card With No Security Deposit

Guide to Applying for a Credit Card With No Security Deposit

Getting a credit card with no deposit can be easy if you have an established credit history with a good or excellent credit score. But if you’re just establishing your credit history or are trying to build your credit score, it can be much more challenging to apply for a credit card with no deposit.

For some, a secured credit card (one requiring a security deposit) might seem like the only option, but there are other paths to building your credit history. In this guide, we’ll cover how to find and apply for credit cards with no deposit — and what steps you can take to get closer to approval if you’re getting denied.

What Is a Credit Card Security Deposit?

Because of their established credit history and decent credit scores, many borrowers can open credit cards with no money down (or any other kind of collateral). This is called an unsecured credit card. However, if you don’t have any credit history or have a low credit score, you might find that credit card issuers will only offer you a secured credit card — meaning it requires a security deposit.

A credit card security deposit is refundable and often equal to the value of the credit limit on the card. Typically, the deposit amount ranges from $50 to $300.

While going this route can’t help you with unexpected expenses (as with a debit card, you are technically only able to spend money you already have), it can be a good way to build credit. However, you’ll want to ask the card issuer if they report to the credit bureaus, just to ensure they do.

Eventually, you may be able to graduate to an unsecured card if you consistently make on-time payments — one of the cardinal credit card rules.

Applying for a Credit Card With No Security Deposit

Applying for a secured credit card requiring a deposit might not be appealing to every potential borrower, especially because you need the money for the deposit upfront. These cards also typically have higher interest rates and fees. Fortunately, you have other options when shopping for a credit card.

Checking Your Approval for a Card

There’s no such thing as guaranteed credit card approval with no deposit. However, if you’re receiving emails or snail mail with credit card offers saying you’re preapproved, you might find success when you apply. You’ll still have to go through the formal application process and could ultimately get rejected, but getting a preapproved offer is a good start towards getting a credit card.

You can also proactively check your approval for a credit card online. Take a look at your credit score and then search online for offers for credit cards with no deposit that include your credit score in their target range.

Becoming an Authorized User

If you aren’t having success getting approved for a credit card on your own, ask a parent, family member, or trusted friend about being an authorized user on their credit card. As an authorized user, you’ll receive a credit card with your name on it and can use it like a traditional credit card, but you will not be the primary account holder.

The primary account holder is the one responsible for making on-time payments and monitoring credit usage. As an authorized user, you won’t have control over things like credit limit, and the primary cardholder can even set spending limits on your card.

However, if the primary cardholder uses the credit card responsibly — making regular, on-time payments and keeping credit utilization low — you will likely see a positive impact on your own credit score. Eventually, your score might improve enough for you to try applying for your own card again.

If someone makes you an authorized user on their card, however, it’s important to pay them what you owe each month. Never rack up credit card charges beyond what you’ve discussed with the cardholder. If you abuse your card privileges, it will affect your credit score and the score of the account holder — and the friend or family member will be solely liable for paying off your debts.

Getting a Student Credit Card or a Subprime Card

If the thought of affecting someone else’s credit score as an authorized user makes you uncomfortable, you aren’t out of options. You might be eligible to apply for a student card or a subprime card.

•   Student credit card: Most student cards do not require a security deposit and are designed for students who have no credit history. Some cards might even offer cash back rewards and no annual fees. However, as the name implies, you must be able to prove you are a student as part of the application process.

•   Subprime credit card: A subprime card is an unsecured card (i.e., no-deposit card) designed for borrowers with bad credit (generally a score below 580 in the FICO® score model). While subprime credit cards provide a way for bad-credit borrowers to get a credit card with no deposit, they often come with their own drawbacks. Typically, subprime cards charge an application fee; some might have annual or even monthly fees. Credit limits tend to be low.

Transitioning to an Unsecured Card

If you have no luck with a student or subprime card and can’t become an authorized user, you may need to consider applying for a secured credit with a deposit after all. Although it might not be ideal, it can be a good first step toward building your credit history.

If you make regular on-time payments, the credit card issuer might eventually transition you to an unsecured card. Alternatively, you can be proactive: After building your credit history and score over several months with a secured credit card, you can apply for a credit card with no deposit through another issuer. You might find that you’re more successful this time around.

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What to Know About the Effects of Your Credit Score

An unsecured credit card can potentially affect your credit score if the credit card issuer reports to the credit bureaus. Before opening a credit card with a security deposit, ask the issuer if they report to the bureaus.

If they do, regular on-time payment could build your score over time. On the flipside, late or missed payments could adversely affect your score.

Getting a No-Deposit Credit Card: What You Should Know

So, should you get a no-deposit credit card? In general, these unsecured cards offer greater flexibility at the start because you aren’t required to pay a security deposit.

However, opening a credit card of any type is a big decision — and not one to be taken lightly. It’s important to consider the potential effects of opening a credit card and to be aware of how much a credit card costs. For example, if you max out a credit card with a high interest rate, you might find yourself drowning in the fast-growing debt it creates.

Before opening a no-deposit credit card (or any credit card), think about the implications it can have on your finances. You might consider alternate ways of establishing credit, like credit-builder loans or even small personal loans.

However, these options don’t offer some of the same perks and protections that a credit card does, such as credit card chargebacks. If a credit card feels like the right step for you, begin your research process online.

Recommended: What is a Charge Card

The Takeaway

Credit cards without a security deposit, called unsecured credit cards, can be appealing because there is no money down at the start of the loan. However, borrowers without a credit history or who are struggling with bad credit may find it challenging to get approved for a no-deposit credit card. If applying for a secured credit card (i.e., one with a security deposit) is not ideal for your financial situation, you can ask to become an authorized user on someone else’s card or apply for a student or subprime credit card.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


Do all credit cards require a deposit?

Only secured credit cards require a security deposit. Those with no credit history or bad credit scores might only be eligible for secured credit cards. If you have a good credit score, you can apply for a credit card without a deposit.

Can I get a credit card if I have no credit history?

It is possible to get a credit card with no credit history. A secured credit card requires a security deposit but makes it easier for borrowers with no credit history to get approved. Students can also consider student credit cards, which are often issued to student borrowers without any credit history.

What credit score is required for approval?

While having a good to excellent credit score (typically 670+) is ideal for getting the best credit cards with the lowest rates, some credit card issuers do offer cards for borrowers with fair or even poor credit (meaning scores between 580 and 669). These cards might have higher fees and fewer perks and may require a security deposit.

Photo credit: iStock/Prostock-Studio

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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10 Advantages of Credit Card: Perks of Using It

10 Advantages of Credit Cards

You may already know that credit cards offer an easy and convenient way to make purchases, but that’s just one of many potential credit card benefits. From rewards offerings like cash back, travel points, and one-time bonuses, to financial benefits like payment security, the opportunity to build credit, and a grace period, there are a number of reasons to keep a credit card in your wallet.

Read on to learn 10 advantages of using a credit card, as well as some tips to ensure you use your card responsibly.

1. Cash Back

Many credit cards allow you to earn cash back on everyday purchases, such as gas or groceries, a reward introduced long ago in the history of credit cards. Essentially, with cash back, you get a small amount back in cash that’s a percentage of how much you spent.

With cash-back cards, you can usually put any cash you receive towards your credit card balance, or you can opt to receive the money through a direct deposit to your bank account, as a check or gift card, or put it towards other purchases.

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2. One-Time Bonuses

Credit cards sometimes will offer a one-time, introductory bonus that allows you to earn enhanced rewards as long as you spend a certain amount on your card within the first months your account is open. For instance, you might be able to earn a bonus of 75,000 reward points if you spend $4,000 within the first three months of opening your card. These rewards can be a great way to get something extra out of opening a new credit card.

3. Reward Points

Reward points are similar to cash-back rewards in that they offer an incentive for you to use your card. You’ll earn points for every dollar you spend on your card, such as one cent for every dollar spent. You can then redeem those points to put towards travel, gift cards, merchandise, charitable donations, or statement credits.

4. Safety

Another one of the many perks of how credit cards work is the built-in security and safety features they offer. Many major credit card issuers offer a zero-liability policy for fraud, meaning you won’t be responsible if any fraudulent purchases are charged to your account. Other credit card safety features include encryption and chip-and-pin technology, which keeps your account information safe when using your card for in-store transactions. Plus, many credit cards offer fraud and credit monitoring services to allow you to easily keep tabs on your account.

Compared to debit cards, credit card security tends to be much more robust and the protections against fraud are more consumer-friendly.

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5. Grace Period

This usually isn’t the first advantage of a credit card that comes to mind, but it’s a major one and a key part of what a credit card is. A credit card’s grace period between when your billing period ends and when your payment is due. During this grace period, no interest accrues. So if you are able to pay your balance in full during the grace period, you won’t owe any interest.

6. Insurance

Many credit cards come with insurance. For instance, travel credit cards might come with travel insurance, trip cancellation insurance, trip delay insurance, or rental car collision insurance. Cards may also offer price protection, extended warranties, purchase protection, or phone protection.

7. Universal Acceptance

Credit cards are pretty much accepted anywhere, and you can use one whether you’re paying a bill via snail mail or making a purchase in store, online, or over the phone. A credit card can be used to pay for most things, including paying taxes with a credit card.

Breaking it down by credit card network, Visa and Mastercard are accepted in over 200 countries, as are Discover cards; American Express cards are accepted in over 190 countries. This comes in handy when you’re traveling and don’t want to fret about converting your U.S. dollars into foreign currency.

If you’re running a business, accepting credit card payments can help prevent fraudulent activity, such as someone trying to pay with counterfeit bills. It can also make it easier to keep track of transactions and purchases related to your business.

8. Building Credit

Another major perk of using a credit card is that it can help you build credit. Credit card issuers report your activity to the three main credit card bureaus — Transunion®, Equifax®, and Experian® — which is then used to calculate your credit score.

If you maintain a continuous streak of on-time payments, it will help with your payment history, which makes up 35% of your credit score. Plus, the longer you keep a credit card open, the more it helps with your length of credit, which is 15% of your score. A credit card can also help you build credit because it helps with your credit mix, which makes up 10% of your score.

9. Increased Purchasing Power

Having a credit card can increase your purchasing power, as you’ll have access to a line of credit that can make it easier to buy big-ticket items. For instance, if you’re down to $1,000 in the bank, you won’t be able to purchase that new $2,000 laptop. But if you have a credit line of $3,000 (and know you have a paycheck en route), you can purchase that laptop you’ve been wanting when it’s on sale and then pay it off when the funds hit your bank account.

Take this credit card advantage with a grain of salt, though — using your credit card to cover more than you can immediately afford to pay off can lead you to get into credit card debt.

10. Keeping Vendors Honest

Unscrupulous behavior from vendors does happen, unfortunately. If you pay a vendor through another means, such as cash, Venmo, or by writing a check, the vendor will have an easier time getting away with not providing the goods or services they promised.

But if you pay a vendor using a credit card, the credit card issuer has an incentive to get to the bottom of the issue and prevent fraud. And if you dispute a credit card charge, the issuer will withhold funds from the vendor. In turn, the transaction won’t go through, and you may be able to get your money back.

What to Look for in a Credit Card

Before applying for a credit card, do some comparison shopping first. Think about what kind of credit card you might need. Depending on your needs, preferences, and lifestyle, a travel credit card or cash-back card might be the best fit for you. Or, if you’re after a card with a low APR and minimal fees, a solid everyday card might be a better fit. If you’re working to rebuild your credit, you might consider a secured card.

Besides any credit card perks, look at the card’s interest rate. Your annual percentage rate (APR) will vary depending on your creditworthiness and the type of card you’re applying for (top rewards cards tend to have higher APRs than more basic cards). In general, however, a good APR for a credit card is one that’s below the current average credit card interest rate, which is 22.8%, according to the Federal Reserve.

Additionally, it’s important to check whether a card has an annual fee. If it does, look at its perks and how much you anticipate putting on the card in a given year to see if that fee is worth it. Also take into consideration any other fees a credit card may charge, such as late payment fees, foreign transaction fees, and balance transfer fees. You may want to avoid as many credit card fees as possible.

Using a Credit Card Responsibly

To use a credit card responsibly, it’s crucial to make on-time payments of at least the minimum payment due each billing cycle. This ties in with not spending more than you can afford to pay back, or running up a high balance on multiple cards, both of which could lead you into credit card debt.

Another rule of thumb to use your credit card responsibly is to keep your credit utilization ratio — the total amount you owe divided by your total available credit — under 30%. The average credit card limit in the U.S. is currently just under $30,000. So, to maintain a 30% credit utilization ratio, you’d need to keep your balances below $10,000.

When Not to Use a Credit Card

If you’re spending more than you can afford to pay back (or pay back within a reasonable amount of time), then it’s best to avoid using a credit card. The advantages of a credit card aren’t worth it if using credit cards is causing you to get into debt.

You’ll rack up interest charges on any remaining balances each month, and those costs can start to add up fast. While there are options like credit card debt forgiveness, they aren’t necessarily easy to get, and you can damage your credit score in the process.

Recommended: Does Applying For a Credit Card Hurt Your Credit Score

The Takeaway

As you can see, there are a number of potential advantages of credit cards, from rewards to payment security to an interest-free grace period. Enjoying credit card benefits requires using your credit card responsibly though. If you’re racking up more charges than you can afford to pay back, the interest and other implications could quickly outweigh the credit card advantages.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


How secure are credit cards?

Credit cards come with many security features, such as pin-and-chip technology, fraud and credit monitoring, and zero-liability fraud protection. Plus, there are usually features like two-factor authentication or biometrics at login, and you can temporarily freeze your credit card if you suspect fraudulent activity.

How can I protect myself from credit card fraud?

You can protect yourself from credit card fraud by reviewing your credit card statement regularly, storing your cards safely, keeping your passwords protected, and being vigilant when using your credit card. You can also set security alerts for transactions over a certain dollar amount or for in-person, online, or phone purchases. If you suspect fraudulent activity, block your card, and report the suspicious activity immediately.

Do credit cards allow you to save more?

Credit cards usually enable you to spend more. However, if used smartly and responsibly, they can help you save through credit card rewards and other advantages, such as insurance and discounts. However, you’ll want to stay on top of payments and ideally pay your balance in full. Otherwise, the interest charges might outweigh any perks.

Should I use a credit card if I have a poor credit score?

If you have a poor credit score, it could be a good idea to use a credit card to build your score — as long as you can use it responsibly and manage on-time payments. Keep in mind that those with poor scores likely won’t get approved for the cards with the most competitive rewards, and they may face a higher APR and fees.

Photo credit: iStock/Suphansa Subruayying

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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