Roadside Assistance vs Emergency Towing Services: How They’re Different

Roadside Assistance vs Emergency Towing Services: How They’re Different

When something goes wrong with your car out on the road, most people have two options: Call an emergency towing service, or contact your roadside assistance program. Those two choices may sound like the same thing, but there are important differences.

Read on for a breakdown of what you can expect from each of these services, including pros and cons, and average costs.

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What Is Roadside Assistance?

Roadside assistance comes to your aid when your car breaks down or some other mishap keeps you from using your car. If you find yourself stranded, roadside assistance will send help (a mechanic, locksmith, tow truck) to get your car back on the road, to a repair shop, or back home.

Roadside assistance packages vary from one provider to the next, but most include the following:

•   Flat tire change

•   Battery jump-starts

•   Fuel delivery

•   Lockout assistance

•   Winching/extrication

•   Quick-fix services

Any benefits you receive on top of these basics are determined by the roadside assistance plan you sign up for. For example, some plans include trip interruption coverage or a guaranteed arrest bond if you’re charged with a traffic violation. Plans may also offer savings on car maintenance costs, car rentals, hotels, and other perks. Extra benefits may come at an extra cost, however, so it’s important to compare plans carefully.

There are a few different ways you can get a roadside assistance plan, including:

•   Many insurance companies offer some type of roadside assistance coverage, usually as an add-on to your auto insurance policy. If you’re concerned about cost, there are other ways to lower car insurance premiums.

•   Another option is to pay for an auto club membership that’s separate from your car insurance.

•   Your car manufacturer may include a roadside assistance package as part of your warranty or as a limited free trial for a service you can later purchase.

•   Some credit card companies offer access to roadside assistance as a perk to cardholders.

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What Can You Expect When Calling Roadside Assistance?

One of the benefits of participating in a roadside assistance program is that you’ll know exactly who to contact if you need help with your car. You can program the customer assistance number into your phone or download the program’s app, or you can tuck your membership card into your wallet or glove compartment.

Here’s what to expect when you call roadside assistance:

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Calling for Help

First things first: If your child is locked in the car or you’re in a situation where you feel unsafe, you may want to make your first call to 911. The 911 dispatcher will determine whether to send an officer to help.

If you feel safe, you can go straight to calling roadside assistance. You may be asked to verify that you have an account or that the car is yours; so it can help to be ready with your license and registration, proof of insurance, and your roadside assistance plan’s membership card.

Your roadside assistance dispatcher will send the appropriate help from a network of service providers to your location. A technician may try to fix your car onsite, but if that isn’t possible, you can have your vehicle towed to a repair shop or your home, if that’s your choice and it’s within your plan’s mileage limit.

Getting Home

If your car needs to be towed to a repair shop, you probably will be able to ride with the tow truck driver. Once you’re finished there, it’s up to the tow truck driver (or company policy) if you can get a ride home. During busy times, you may be responsible for getting home on your own.

If you’re out of town when your car breaks down, roadside assistance coverage will sometimes pay for an overnight stay in a hotel. (If you travel a lot, you may want to see if this benefit is available when you’re comparing plans.)

Wait Times

Many roadside assistance programs work with a network of providers, so when you call, there may be someone nearby who can get to you quickly and offer the services you need. Generally, you can expect help to arrive in less than an hour.

Several factors can impact your wait time, however. If there’s heavy rain, wind, or a snowstorm, for example, you may have a longer wait. It can also take a while to get help if you’re in a rural location that’s far from a locksmith, mechanic, or towing service — or if you’re in a busy city at rush hour.

Some plans provide updates through texts or an app, so callers can track their current wait time.


How the service provider who comes to your aid is paid depends on the plan you’re enrolled in. With some programs, if you use the toll-free number or an app, and the dispatcher sends a technician to help, you may not have to pay anything upfront for covered services. But if you contact a tow service, mechanic, or locksmith directly, you will likely pay out of pocket, then submit receipts to your plan for reimbursement.

Some plans don’t have a central dispatcher. In that case, you’d call a provider directly, pay for the services, and then file a reimbursement claim. No matter how your plan handles payments, it’s a good idea to keep a credit card on you when driving.

There is no deductible for roadside assistance. Most programs have very specific limits on what they will cover. For example, if a service technician delivers fuel to your car because you’ve run out of gas, the delivery may be free, but you may have to pay for the gas.

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What Is the Average Cost of Roadside Assistance?

The price of a roadside assistance plan varies based on several factors:

•   how many vehicles or drivers you want to cover

•   where you live

•   whether coverage is through your auto insurance or another source

•   the level of coverage you choose

Some plans charge less for annual coverage and more for services received, and vice-versa. It can be useful to compare online insurance benefits and quotes to get a sense of what’s available and at what cost.

Generally, you’ll pay less for a plan that’s an add-on to your auto policy versus a stand-alone membership. Allstate, for example, offers a roadside assistance insurance add-on for as little as $25 per year for one vehicle. Without an Allstate policy, the cost of a roadside assistance membership starts at $79 for the first year.

If your insurer doesn’t offer 24-hour roadside assistance, or you don’t like your insurer’s plan, you may want to check out what other insurance companies are offering.

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Pros and Cons of Roadside Assistance

One of the biggest pros of roadside assistance coverage is that you know you’ll have someone to contact any time you’re in need. You can call for advice or hands-on assistance, and someone will be there to help.

As noted above, some plans will post a bond if you’re charged with a traffic violation or reimburse you (within limits) if you need to stay in a hotel overnight. Plans may also include benefits that go beyond roadside breakdowns, such as discounts on travel and entertainment.

If you have to call roadside assistance even once, you may save enough on the services rendered to cover your cost for the year.

Still, no one likes the idea of paying for something they may never use. If you have a newish car that’s well-maintained or you seldom drive far from home, you may decide roadside assistance isn’t for you.

Coverage limits can also be disappointing. Enrolling in a roadside assistance plan doesn’t mean you’ve got a blank check that will cover any cost you incur. You may have to pay something for a tow if you go beyond the mileage limit, for example, or you may have to pay for a new battery or tire if yours needs replacing. There also may be an annual limit on the number of calls for service you can make.

Also, not all costs are covered upfront. Your plan may require you to submit receipts for reimbursement in some or all instances. If you’re averse to paperwork, that may be something to consider.

What Is an Emergency Towing Service?

The main purpose of emergency towing services is to move a vehicle when the driver can’t get back on the road without help. There are several circumstances that might require calling for an emergency tow, including:

•   When you’re in an accident, and either your car can’t be driven or you’re in no shape to drive

•   If your car isn’t running and it’s blocking traffic or putting you and other drivers in danger

•   If you’re pulled over by law enforcement and the officer determines you can’t drive

There are a couple of circumstances in which your car insurance may pay for a tow, even if you don’t have roadside assistance coverage:

•   After an accident and you have collision coverage

•   If your car is damaged — in a flood, fire, etc. — and you have comprehensive coverage

But in most cases, if you don’t have roadside assistance or “towing and labor” coverage through your auto insurance policy, an auto club membership, or a car warranty, you may be on your own when it comes to paying for your vehicle to be towed away.

What Can You Expect When Calling an Emergency Towing Service?

If your car breaks down close to home, you may be able to directly call a reliable repair shop or towing service you’ve worked with in the past. Having that connection can be a benefit if you want to choose the company that will come to your aid quickly.

But if you’re far from home and unfamiliar with the service providers available, you may have to cross your fingers and hope for the best when you call for a tow.

Here’s what you can expect when you call for emergency towing without a roadside assistance plan:

Calling for Help

If your regular mechanic or garage has the right equipment for your needs (a tow truck, a flatbed truck, a winch, etc.), you may be good to go. They can come pick up your car and get you the help you need.

But if you can’t call your favorite repair shop — because you’re out of town or it’s after hours — you may have to make a few calls before you find the appropriate help.

Some companies don’t require a subscription to use their towing and roadside assistance network, so you can try contacting them for help. But if their network doesn’t include services where you are, you may have to try your luck dialing local tow truck companies.

When a tow truck comes to your location, the driver may be able to offer onsite assistance with a flat tire, dead battery, or other problem — but you can’t necessarily count on getting the same help you’d get with a roadside assistance plan. The driver may be equipped only to tow your car back to your house or to a repair shop. And you can expect to pay in full for every service you receive if you don’t have roadside assistance coverage.

No matter who you call, it’s important to be clear about what you need. And of course, if you’re in an accident or feel as though you’re in danger, you should call 911 first.

Getting Home

You may be able to get a ride home from the tow truck driver after they take your car to the garage. But just as with a roadside assistance plan, it will likely be up to the individual driver’s discretion or company rules. If you aren’t sure if there will be a cost for the ride, you may want to ask before you get in the truck. And if you’re far from home, you also may want to ask for hotel recommendations.

Wait Times

Response times for tow trucks generally are determined by availability. If you call a tow company directly and there’s a truck close to your location, you may be able to get faster service than you would calling a roadside assistance plan because you’re eliminating the middleman.

But the same things that can hold up a truck coming through a roadside assistance dispatcher can slow down a company you call directly, including inclement weather, rush hour traffic, and distance.


If you call a tow truck directly, you can expect to pay the bill out of pocket. Depending on why you’re calling and the type of insurance coverage you have, you might be reimbursed for some costs. But if you’re calling about an overheated engine, dead battery, or flat tire, and you don’t have roadside assistance coverage, your insurance company typically won’t reimburse you for your costs.

What Is the Average Cost of Emergency Towing Services?

According to J.D. Power, towing rates in the U.S. can range between $2.50 and $7 per mile, and the average cost of a tow is about $109. But besides distance, several factors can affect the overall cost of a tow.

It may cost less to have your car towed after a breakdown than if you’ve been in an accident. And if the tow company needs to use special equipment — because your car is stuck in mud, snow, or a deep ditch, for example — that can also increase the price.

Many tow companies also include a base charge or “hook-up” fee that can range from $35 to $100. Some tow companies have a list of basic charges on their website, but if you can’t find pricing, you may want to ask so there aren’t any surprises.

Pros and Cons of Emergency Towing Services

One of the biggest upsides to using emergency towing service may be that you’re eliminating the middleman. You don’t have to wait for the dispatcher to find a network-approved provider to come and get you; you can call any company you like.

Of course, this can also be a drawback if you’re far from your favorite mechanic or repair shop. You may have to make multiple calls to find a tow truck that can come to your rescue.

Another plus to consider is that you won’t have to worry about paying for roadside assistance coverage every year whether you use it or not. You’ll only pay for services you actually use.

But if you do end up calling a tow truck even once and you don’t have coverage, it can mean a whack to the wallet. You can end up paying more for that one tow than you would for a year of roadside assistance coverage — and you won’t be getting the perks.

How To Decide Between Roadside Assistance and Emergency Towing Services

Because there are pros and cons to both roadside assistance coverage and emergency towing services, here are some things you may want to look at when you’re trying to decide between the two:

Your Comfort Level

Are you someone who likes having a plan when things go wrong, or are you OK with winging it? If you like the security of knowing you’ll have just one call to make if you need help on the road, you may prefer roadside assistance coverage.

Your Car

If your car is new or it’s well-maintained and the chances of a breakdown are slim, you may decide you don’t need to pay for roadside assistance coverage.

The cost of some roadside fixes may be covered if your car is still under warranty. And if you have collision or comprehensive coverage through your auto insurance policy, towing costs may be paid in some circumstances.

Your Family’s Needs

Maybe your car is an older model that isn’t exactly reliable. Or maybe you have some first-time drivers in the family, and you want to feel confident they’ll know who to call (besides you) if they run into trouble on the road. You might want to look into what it would take to get new drivers roadside assistance coverage for the whole family.


You may want to list side-by-side the costs of having a roadside assistance plan versus what you might end up paying for a tow or other services out of pocket. Can you afford a plan that fits your needs and budget? Can you afford to not have coverage? (Keep in mind that if you use your plan just once, it may pay for itself for the year.)

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The Takeaway

When the unexpected happens on the road, you can wing it and call for a tow truck. Or you can contact roadside assistance and feel confident that someone will come help you out ASAP. And some or all of the cost of getting your car back on the road could be covered under your plan. Many drivers consider roadside assistance a good deal for the money: The cost of just one tow is often more than the annual cost of roadside assistance. If you travel a lot, or have young children or new drivers in the family, roadside assistance may be what you need.

If roadside assistance sounds like something you could use, SoFi can make it easy and convenient to find the best auto insurance policy with the right benefits for your needs. SoFi can help you compare auto insurance policies today.


What is emergency roadside assistance good for?

Roadside assistance coverage can help you deal with and pay for a range of unexpected costs you might run into while on the road — from fixing a flat tire onsite to towing you to a repair shop for major repairs.

Is emergency roadside assistance worth it?

No one likes paying for something they may never use. But if your car breaks down just once, the convenience and savings you get through your roadside assistance plan may make it worth paying the annual cost.

What is the difference between emergency towing and roadside assistance?

Roadside assistance coverage is meant to help you get the service you need when you have car trouble — on the road or at a repair shop. Depending on the problem, roadside assistance may cover all or a portion of the costs. On the other hand, emergency towing is meant to get your car off the road and to a repair shop where it can be fixed. Generally, you can expect to pay for all the costs related to this service.

Photo credit: iStock/sefa ozel

Insurance not available in all states.
Gabi is a registered service mark of Gabi Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
SoFi is compensated by Gabi for each customer who completes an application through the SoFi-Gabi partnership.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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24-Hour Roadside Assistance for Cars and Trucks

24-Hour Roadside Assistance for Cars and Trucks

Think of 24-hour roadside assistance coverage for your truck or car like having another tool in your emergency kit. Roadside assistance can provide the services you need to get you back behind the wheel ASAP. Services include changing flat tires, fuel delivery, jump-starts, and lockout assistance. The national average cost for roadside assistance when added on to an auto insurance policy is $20/year.

Before you sign up for roadside assistance, it can be useful to know some basics. In this guide, we’ll look at what you can expect when you enroll in a roadside assistance program.

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What Is 24-Hour Roadside Assistance?

Roadside assistance plans cover a range of problems that commonly affect motorists. Whether you’re stuck on a busy highway or a lonely roadside, in a mall parking lot or your own driveway, you can ask for help with a dead battery, flat tire, being locked out, and more. These programs not only cover cars and trucks but also motorcycles, RVs, and boat trailers.

Since problems can happen at any time, roadside assistance programs make their services available around the clock. There is no deductible for service calls. Depending on your plan, any costs you incur in an emergency may even be reimbursed.

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What Are Some Benefits of 24-Hour Roadside Assistance?

Roadside assistance is designed to cover all drivers, but it can be especially useful for parents of young children, first-time drivers, and people with physical limitations. Probably the top benefit of having 24-hour roadside assistance coverage is that there’s a number to call any time you’re in need. You can keep that number programmed in your phone or put it in your wallet or glove compartment — or your provider may offer an app.

You can call for advice or hands-on assistance, and someone will help you get what you need. Some plans may even post bond if you’re charged with a traffic violation, or reimburse you if you need to stay in a hotel overnight because your car broke down. Some plans include other benefits, such as travel discounts and rewards points.

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What Does 24-Hour Roadside Assistance Cover?

Assistance programs vary significantly depending on the service provider, the coverage level, and what you’re willing to pay. So when you’re comparing roadside assistance for cars and trucks, it’s important to understand the details of what each plan covers. Roadside assistance is not intended for use after an accident. In that case, 911 will arrange for help to arrive.

Most companies that offer roadside assistance programs set limits on what they will and won’t pay for. A provider may offer to deliver fuel to your vehicle for free, for example, but you can expect to be charged for the gas you receive. Similarly, roadside assistance may offer free lockout assistance, but there may be a charge if you need to have a new key made. If your car needs a tow, there may be a limit on how many miles you can go for free. There may also be a limit on how many service calls you can make in a year.

Plans have different rules on whether a particular driver or vehicle qualifies for a service call. With some plans, you must be driving your own car when you call for assistance. Other plans will cover you even if you’re the passenger or driver in someone else’s car.

Programs generally include some type of coverage for:

Vehicle Towing

If your vehicle can’t be safely repaired or restarted onsite, roadside assistance can tow it to a nearby repair shop.

Battery Jump-Start or Replacement

Roadside assistance can give your dead battery a jump and, if that doesn’t work, install a new battery onsite or give you a tow.

Changing a Flat Tire

If you have a usable spare tire, your service provider likely can change a flat or blown-out tire onsite. If not, they can tow you somewhere for help.

Lockout Assistance

If you’ve locked your keys in your car, roadside assistance can get a locksmith to help. Even if you’ve lost your keys, the service may be able to get you back in your vehicle and back on the road.

Winching Service

Stuck in snow, mud, sand, or water? Your service provider may bring in a winch to extricate your car or truck.

Fuel Delivery

If you run out of gas, your provider can deliver fuel to your location. And if the battery in your electric car needs a charge, you can ask for a tow to the nearest charging station.

Quick Fix First-Aid

If you have a minor mechanical problem that can be fixed quickly, it may be possible to do so onsite. If not, the service can tow your car to a nearby repair shop.

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What Are Some Ways Drivers Can Get 24-Hour Roadside Protection?

There are few different ways you can get roadside assistance coverage for yourself and your family members. For individuals who set aside time for personal insurance planning, consider adding roadside assistance to your list.

Auto Club Membership

Probably the best-known way to get 24-hour roadside assistance is through an auto club like AAA (pronounced “triple A”). The company will issue you a membership card with numbers to call for service. You may also be able to download an app or send a text to get service.

Plans range from $50 to $160 per year. Your price will depend on how many family members are covered, your location, and the services you’ve selected.

Credit Card Company Benefits

You may be able to access roadside assistance through one of your credit cards. Again, the cost for your overall coverage or a specific service will vary depending on the plan. For example, one credit card provides the service for free to its members but charges $69.95 for a standard service call, including 5 miles of towing.

Vehicle Manufacturer

Some car and truck manufacturers also offer roadside assistance as a perk for new car buyers. Your vehicle may come with protection that lasts for a few years or the length of your limited warranty, or it may be available for only a few months as a free trial for a service you can later purchase. Your sales agreement should provide the details on what your plan covers, or you can ask the dealership.

Car Insurance Company

Many car insurance companies make some type of roadside assistance coverage available to their customers. Some plans provide only the basics, while others may offer two or three different levels of coverage. Costs range from $2 to $5 a month, or $15 to $60 a year.

When you’re considering cost, keep in mind that you may be able to lower your car insurance cost by bundling it with other types of insurance coverage.

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Which Insurance Companies Offer 24-Hour Roadside Assistance?

Insurance companies that provide 24-hour roadside assistance typically offer the service as an add-on to an auto policy. However, in some instances you may be able to access a roadside protection membership without being a policyholder.

If you aren’t sure if you already have roadside protection, contact your agent or log in to your account on your insurer’s website to get information about your coverage. You may also view benefits via online insurance comparison sites. The information also may appear on your insurance card.

Here are a few companies that offer roadside assistance:


Allstate offers its 24-hour roadside assistance programs to both policyholders and non-policyholders. Costs and limitations will vary based on the plan you choose.


Geico’s roadside assistance program is available to policyholders as an add-on, and it covers most of the basics other plans offer. The cost is determined by the number of vehicles you want to cover.

Liberty Mutual

To access Liberty Mutual’s 24-hour assistance program, which offers basic roadside services, you must purchase optional towing and labor coverage as an add-on to your policy.


Nationwide offers roadside assistance as an optional add-on for policyholders. The plan covers the same basic services offered by other insurers, but optional features and program details vary by state.


Emergency roadside assistance is available as an optional add-on for Progressive auto insurance policyholders. Progressive’s program covers service basics such as towing, jump-starts, lockout assistance, etc.

State Farm

State Farm’s roadside assistance program is an add-on for policyholders. If you have this coverage and need assistance, State Farm will be billed directly for any basic services you receive, so you won’t have to worry about waiting to be reimbursed.

(The above coverages are accurate as of the writing of this article but may differ in the future.)

What Is the Average Cost of 24-Hour Roadside Assistance for Cars?

When added to your car insurance policy, roadside assistance coverage costs an average of $20 per year. The price of a roadside assistance plan can vary based on how many vehicles you want to cover, where you live, whether your coverage is through your auto insurance or some other source, and the level of coverage you choose.

Some plans charge less for coverage and more for services, and vice-versa. It’s a good idea to compare several different plans and choose the one that works best for your individual needs and budget.

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What Is the Average Cost of 24-Hour Roadside Assistance for Trucks?

The cost of roadside assistance for a pickup truck is similar to the cost for a car. If you have an RV or another large vehicle, however, you’ll need to check out a plan tailored for the problems you might encounter.

How Much Does 24-Hour Roadside Assistance Cost Without Insurance?

The national average cost of a tow without roadside assistance coverage is $109, or between $2.50 and $7 per mile.

What Makes 24-Hour Roadside Assistance Different from Other Coverage?

Standard car insurance is designed to protect car owners against financial losses when they’re in an accident, or if their car is damaged, stolen, or vandalized. But a standard auto policy doesn’t typically include roadside assistance for something like a flat tire or running out of gas. That’s a different kind of coverage, and it usually costs extra to add it to a car insurance policy.

Another difference: In most states, you are required to carry minimum required car insurance. You aren’t required to carry roadside assistance coverage. It’s your choice.

How Do You Choose a 24-Hour Roadside Assistance Program?

There are a few points you should consider when you’re shopping for a roadside assistance program:

Do You Already Have Protection?

If you aren’t sure, check your car warranty, credit cards, and your car insurance policy. Even if you are covered, it can be a good idea to compare your coverage to what’s available to make sure you have everything you need.

What Are the Coverage Limits?

Read the fine print for details and coverage limits before you sign up for a plan. Be sure you’re getting the services you expect and want most.

What Will It Cost?

Plans are generally low-cost, ranging from $20 to $150 per year. Compare the costs of different plans and determine which works best with your budget.

Does the Provider Get Good Reviews?

Don’t forget to check the provider’s reputation. Reliability is important when you’re stuck on the side of the road waiting for a tow or jump-start. An important part of researching different plans includes reading customer reviews.

The Takeaway

A 24-hour roadside assistance plan provides drivers with whatever help they need to get back on the road as soon as possible. Drivers typically get roadside assistance through their auto insurance, but you can also find it via credit card benefits, car manufacturers, and auto clubs like AAA. Prices vary from $20/year as an auto insurance add-on, to $50-$150/year through an auto club. Considering that the cost of a single tow without coverage can be over $100, many people say the cost of roadside assistance is well worth it.

If you’d like to check out roadside assistance options, you can start by going online to compare your current auto insurance plan and benefits with other major companies. SoFi makes comparing auto insurance policies and rates quick and convenient, so you can get the coverage you need at a price that feels right.

Wondering if you have the car insurance coverage you need? Get started with SoFi Protect today.


Does using roadside assistance increase your premium?

If you make only one or two claims a year, utilizing roadside assistance is unlikely to affect your insurance premium. But if you make more than 4-5 roadside assistance claims in a year, your insurance company may want an explanation.

What does roadside assistance cover?

Every plan is different, but most include basic coverage for lockout assistance, changing a flat tire, jump-starting a battery, fuel delivery, using a winch to extract a stuck vehicle, minor engine fixes, and towing.

Photo credit: iStock/nopponpat

Insurance not available in all states.
Gabi is a registered service mark of Gabi Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
SoFi is compensated by Gabi for each customer who completes an application through the SoFi-Gabi partnership.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Most Affordable Renters Insurance for Apartments

Most Affordable Renters Insurance for Apartments

Renters insurance can cover your personal belongings against things like fire damage or theft when renting a home. In exchange for that protection, you pay a premium to the insurance company.

Finding affordable renters insurance might be a priority if you’re living on a tight budget. Numerous companies offer affordable renters insurance for apartments that can provide you with the coverage you need for less money.

What Is Renters Insurance and How Does It Work?

What is renters insurance? Simply put, renters insurance is a type of coverage that’s designed for people who rent, rather than own, their homes. If you live in an apartment, the rental property owner may have separate insurance for the structure itself. Renters insurance, meanwhile, offers protection to you as a tenant.

This type of insurance is also referred to as tenant insurance. You’re typically not obligated to purchase a renters policy unless your landlord requires renters insurance as part of your lease agreement. If you live with roommates, each of you can individually decide if you want to have this coverage.

Personal insurance planning is important for protecting yourself financially. Having renters insurance is a good idea if you’re concerned about your personal possessions being damaged or stolen, or about other situations that could result in financial losses.

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What’s Included in Renters Insurance Coverage?

If you’re paying for renters insurance, it’s important to know what’s covered and what’s not. What renters insurance covers varies depending on the insurer and your level of coverage. Generally, renters insurance is designed to offer three layers of protection:

•   Personal property

•   Liability

•   Additional expenses

The personal property coverage in a renters insurance policy is designed to protect your belongings against certain dangers. That can include things like wind damage, smoke or fire damage, vandalism, theft, explosions, and water damage relating to septic backups. You may need to purchase separate coverage for flood and earthquake damage.

Personal liability coverage protects you against lawsuits related to any injuries sustained on your property. So if you host a party at your apartment, for example, and someone trips and injures their ankle, your liability protection could pay for their medical bills.

Additional living expenses coverage can pay your costs if your apartment is damaged and becomes unlivable. Your policy can reimburse you for hotel expenses, meals, or temporary rentals until you can move back in.

Renters insurance can cover you at home and away. If you take personal belongings on a trip, for example, and they’re damaged by a covered danger, you can get reimbursed for them through your policy.

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How Much Does Renters Insurance Cost?

If you’re searching for affordable renters insurance for apartments, it’s important to understand the costs involved. But just how much is renters insurance?

There are two costs to consider: premiums and deductibles. Your renters insurance premium is the amount you pay to the insurance company, typically monthly, just for having coverage. Your premiums are based on the amount of coverage you have.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, the average renter pays $174 per year for renters insurance premiums. That works out to $14.50 per month. Costs can vary widely by state, with renters paying the most for coverage in Mississippi, averaging $252 per year, and the least in North Dakota, where premiums average $115 annually.

If you need to file a claim for damages, you’ll also pay a renters insurance deductible. That’s the amount you pay before the insurance company will pay anything toward your covered damages. In that sense, renters insurance is no different from auto insurance, health insurance, or homeowners insurance. There are different types of deductibles, in terms of how much they cost. Opting for a higher deductible typically results in a lower monthly premium.

For example, you might find a renters insurance policy that charges a $500 deductible while another has a $1,000 deductible. The deductible you choose should be easily affordable on your budget if you need to file a claim.

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Most Affordable Renters Insurance Policies

Some renters insurance policies are more budget-friendly than others. When evaluating affordability, it’s important to consider the premiums and deductibles, as well as the coverage you’re getting in return.

To help you in your search, we requested quotes from eight major insurers to find the most affordable renters policy. Companies were selected based on brand reputation, policy options, and ease of application.

Quotes are based on a single-family home located in central Virginia with fire alarms, no pets or children, and no bicycles or valuable jewelry. All quotes assume a $500 deductible and the minimum coverage amounts recommended by the insurer. Quotes are accurate as of August 24, 2022.

Monthly Premium

Coverage Details

Allstate $12 $15,000 in personal property coverage;
$100,000 in personal liability coverage;
$1,000 in medical payments coverage
Assurant $21.92 $20,000 in personal property coverage;
$100,000 in personal liability coverage;
$1,000 in medical payments coverage
Geico $15.84 $15,000 in personal property coverage;
$100,000 in personal liability coverage;
$3,000 for loss of use and medical payments to others
Lemonade $11.17 $40,000 in personal property coverage;
$100,000 in personal liability coverage;
$13,000 for loss of use and medical payments to others
Nationwide $15.44 $15,000 in personal property coverage;
$100,000 in personal liability coverage;
$1,000 in medical payments coverage
Progressive $27.40 upfront,
then 10 payments
of $15.70
$20,000 in personal property coverage;
$100,000 in personal liability coverage;
$1,000 in medical payments coverage
Travelers $10.42 $30,000 in personal property coverage;
$100,000 in personal liability coverage;
$10,000 in loss of use and medical payments coverage
State Farm $8.33 $20,000 in personal property coverage;
$100,000 in personal liability coverage;
$1,000 in medical payments coverage

As you can see, none of these policies cost more than $30 per month. There is some variation in the coverage amounts for personal property, medical payments, and loss of use, but $100,000 is usually the baseline for personal liability coverage.

Remember that these are baseline quotes generated using a hypothetical scenario. Your actual quotes will depend on where you live, who lives with you, if you have pets, the type of home you live in, and the individual coverage amounts you choose. Your insurance company may also consider your credit score when calculating your premiums. Adding optional coverage can raise your premium costs.

How Do You Find Affordable Renters Insurance?

Finding affordable renters insurance for apartments means doing some comparison shopping. You generally have two options for purchasing renters insurance: traditional insurers and online insurance companies.

Purchasing renters insurance through a traditional insurance company can work in your favor if you’re able to bundle it with other insurance. For example, you might be able to bundle it with your auto insurance policy in order to get a discount. If you’re insured through a company locally, you might appreciate being able to stop by their office with questions or to make a policy change.

Getting renters insurance coverage through an online insurance company can also yield some benefits. It may be easier to apply for renters insurance and purchase a policy online. And the amount you pay for coverage might be less than with a traditional insurer.

When comparing your options for affordable renters insurance, ask yourself these questions:

•   How much coverage do I need?

•   What kind of premiums and deductibles will fit my budget?

•   How easy would it be to file a claim if necessary?

•   What kind of customer support is available?

•   Are there any discounts or other incentives that could save me money?

•   What is the insurer’s overall reputation?

Reading online reviews of renters insurance companies can give you a better idea of what people do and don’t like about them. You can also get free quotes online to estimate your total costs before purchasing a policy.

The Takeaway

If you’re renting an apartment and something unexpected happens, having the right renters insurance coverage in place can give you peace of mind. Policies typically have three parts: property coverage in case of damage or theft, liability coverage in case someone is injured on your property, and loss of use in case you need to find housing elsewhere while repairs are made to your rental. The national average premium for renters insurance is $174 annually.

If you’re ready to purchase renters insurance, SoFi can help. We’re collaborating with Gabi to offer renters insurance policies with competitively low premiums, making it easy to get covered even if you’re on the tightest of budgets. It takes just minutes to sign up for renters insurance online and protect your most important belongings.

Get your free renters insurance quote with SoFi.

Photo credit: iStock/fizkes

Insurance not available in all states.
Gabi is a registered service mark of Gabi Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
SoFi is compensated by Gabi for each customer who completes an application through the SoFi-Gabi partnership.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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5 Ways to Get Affordable Life Insurance for Families

5 Ways to Get Affordable Life Insurance for Families

Life insurance can provide families peace of mind and financial support in the event that the policy holder dies. If you’re the primary breadwinner for your household, then a life insurance policy can help pay funeral expenses, survivors’ day-to-day living costs, and children’s college costs.

Finding affordable life insurance starts with understanding your needs and budget. There are plenty of options you can choose from when shopping for coverage.

Why Should Families Have Life Insurance?

Life insurance is designed to pay out a death benefit to beneficiaries after the insured person dies. Life insurance can provide reassurance that should something happen to you, your dependents will be taken care of.

A life insurance policy can be a key part of personal insurance planning, which also encompasses homeowners or renters, auto, health, and disability insurance. If you have a family, life insurance can help your loved ones meet the following needs:

•   Replace lost income. If the sole or main income-earner dies, life insurance can help to replace their lost income and cover day-to-day expenses.

•   Pay final expenses. Funeral and burial costs can be expensive, and cremation is not necessarily any cheaper. Proceeds from life insurance can pay all of the associated costs, relieving financial stress during an already trying time.

•   Clear outstanding debts. If you leave behind a mortgage, student loans, credit cards, or other debts, a life insurance policy can be used to pay them off so your loved ones aren’t stuck with overwhelming debt.

•   Pay college expenses. If you have children, your life insurance policy can help pay for their higher education costs or secondary education expenses if they attend private school.

•   Cover basic living expenses. Even if you leave no major debts behind, your loved ones may need money to pay for utilities, groceries, and other everyday bills.

•   Fund retirement for a surviving spouse. Life insurance can help to fill a retirement planning gap for couples when a surviving spouse is not left with a nest egg.

In short, life insurance can help with a variety of expenses. Having a death benefit can help your loved ones avoid having to tap into other financial resources, or it can create a cushion if they lack other resources.

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How Much Life Insurance Do Families Need?

How much life insurance you need usually depends on your income. A general rule of thumb is to purchase a policy that’s equivalent to seven to 10 times your annual income. So if you make $100,000 a year, you’d need a policy with a death benefit of $700,000 to $1 million.

Even if one person brings in most of the income, both partners can benefit from having life insurance, especially if you have kids. If one person is the primary caregiver and they pass away, that can create new costs for the one who’s left behind.

For example, if you worked while your partner stayed home, you might need to spend money on daycare or in-home care, cleaning services, lawn care services, and other expenses to cover household tasks that they might have handled so that you can continue to work. Or if you choose to take an extended bereavement leave to care for your children, then life insurance can ensure that you’re able to meet your expenses during that time.

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Types of Life Insurance for Families

There are two main types of life insurance: Term life and permanent coverage. Term life insurance is designed to cover you for a set term. For example, you might purchase a 20-year term policy. If you pass away within that term, the policy can pay out a death benefit to your family. Otherwise, the policy expires at the end of the term.

Permanent life insurance covers you for life, as long as the premiums are paid. One of the most common options for permanent life insurance is whole life. With whole life insurance, part of each premium payment is deposited into a cash value account. The account earns interest, and you can withdraw the cash you accumulate or borrow against it. When you die, the policy pays a death benefit to your loved ones, less any amounts you’ve withdrawn or borrowed against.

So which is better for families, term life vs. whole life insurance? The answer depends on your needs and budget. If you’re looking specifically for affordable life insurance for families, then term life is likely the better option. You don’t get lifetime protection or cash value accumulation, but generally, premiums for term life coverage tend to be lower than whole life.

By the way, you can typically convert term insurance to permanent insurance (such as whole life) at a higher premium if you want to keep your insurance longer than the term.

Making whole life insurance affordable is more challenging, as lifetime coverage means that your insurers are virtually guaranteed to have to pay out a claim. As such, they can charge higher premiums for the same death benefit. Age and health can also play a part in determining term life or whole insurance costs. Coverage is usually cheaper when you’re younger and healthier, so waiting to buy insurance could prove more expensive.

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How to Get Affordable Life Insurance for Families

If you’re on the hunt for an affordable life insurance policy, it’s important to do your research to know what options are available. You may have access to life insurance already without realizing it. It’s also good to consider exactly what you need a life insurance policy to do for you and whether it makes sense to purchase coverage for children or grandparents as well.

1. Review Your Workplace Insurance Benefits

It’s possible that you may already have some life insurance in place to protect your family if your employer offers group coverage as an employee benefit. That type of life insurance covers a group of employees up to a certain benefit amount. For example, you might have $50,000 in group life insurance that your employer pays for. You may have the option to purchase additional coverage and increase the death benefit, with premiums deducted from your paychecks.

Group life insurance may not provide the full amount of coverage you need. But it can be a good starting point for getting an affordable life insurance policy if your employer is picking up the tab for the premiums. Check with your HR department or benefits coordinator to see if group life is offered at your job and how to enroll in coverage.

2. Opt for Term Life, If Possible

As mentioned, term life insurance can be a cheaper option than whole life insurance. If you’re not interested in building cash value and you don’t necessarily need lifetime coverage, term life may be preferable to whole life.

When purchasing term life insurance, think carefully about how long you’d like to keep the coverage in place. If you’re 30 years old and have two kids, for example, you might want a 20-year term policy, which could help pay for their college costs if something were to happen to you before they reach adulthood.

On the other hand, if you’re in your 40s and don’t think you’ll need coverage that long, you might choose a 10-year term policy instead. The longer the term and the larger the death benefit, the more life insurance will cost you in premiums.

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3. Weigh the Benefits of Life Insurance for Children or Grandparents

Life insurance policies for children are typically permanent life policies. You pay in premiums and part of that money builds cash value. When your child reaches adulthood, they can take over the policy or withdraw the cash value and use the money to pay for college, buy a car, or fund other financial goals. (If their health has changed this could also be the only insurance they are able to get.)

Should you buy life insurance for children? It’s an important question to ask if you’re looking for life insurance for the entire family. You can purchase life insurance for kids at fairly low premiums, and your child can decide later if they’d like to keep the policy or cash it in. Another alternative: You might be able to grow that money by investing the premiums you would have paid to life insurance into a 529 college savings account or investment account for your kids instead.

Purchasing a burial insurance policy for your aging parents can make sense if you don’t want to be facing a large bill from the funeral home while you’re grieving. Burial coverage is generally the most affordable life insurance for seniors, since it has a low death benefit. You may be able to get coverage for as little as $50 a month.

4. Choose Guaranteed Renewal

If you’re purchasing term life and you think there’s a chance that you might need coverage for longer than the initial term, consider getting a policy with guaranteed automatic renewal. Having that benefit built in means that you can renew your policy once the initial term expires, without being subjected to an increase in premiums due to age or health. Just be aware that your new premiums will likely be much, much higher.

5. Be Selective About Riders

Life insurance riders can enhance your coverage. While some may be included at no charge, others can increase your premiums by a few dollars each. Some of the most commonly added riders include:

•   Accelerated death benefit

•   Accidental death

•   Guaranteed insurability

•   Waiver of premium

•   Child rider

•   Critical illness coverage

•   Disability coverage

Any of these riders can make your policy more comprehensive. But if affordable life insurance is the goal, then it’s important to consider whether they’re worth the added cost. Accelerated death benefit riders, for instance, pay out benefits while you’re still living to help with end of life care. That could be worth paying for if you’re concerned about developing a terminal illness. However, you won’t use that benefit if you die in an accident or from old age.

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Tips for Saving Money on Life Insurance

Finding affordable life insurance can be a challenge, but it helps to have a strategy. Do your homework so you’re not buying more coverage than you need or choosing the wrong kind of policy. Here are a few more tips for saving money on life insurance as a family:

•   Consider an online insurance company, which may charge lower premiums than a traditional insurer.

•   Buy sooner rather than later to get the best rates available for your age and health.

•   Ask your insurance company about any discounts you may qualify for.

•   Get multiple life insurance quotes to compare rates across companies.

•   Take care of yourself as much as possible, since staying healthy can influence your insurance rates.

With most life insurance policies, you may be asked to complete a medical exam. This exam is used to determine your health status and how much you’ll pay for premiums. You can, however, opt for a no exam policy if you’d like to get covered online without having to see a doctor.

The Takeaway

Finding affordable life insurance may seem a little overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by reviewing your workplace benefits for group coverage that might be subsidized by your employer. Then, given a choice between term life and whole life insurance, term life is the more affordable option. Also, the sooner you purchase a policy the better, since premiums are tied to your age and health. Last, shop around for the best deal, and ask if you qualify for discounts.

You can start your search for life insurance online with SoFi. We’ve partnered with Ladder to make it easy to find affordable life insurance plans with coverage ranging from $100,000 to $8 million. You can get a quote and apply online in minutes.

Get a free life insurance quote with SoFi.

Photo credit: iStock/gradyreese

Coverage and pricing is subject to eligibility and underwriting criteria.
Ladder Insurance Services, LLC (CA license # OK22568; AR license # 3000140372) distributes term life insurance products issued by multiple insurers- for further details see All insurance products are governed by the terms set forth in the applicable insurance policy. Each insurer has financial responsibility for its own products.
Ladder, SoFi and SoFi Agency are separate, independent entities and are not responsible for the financial condition, business, or legal obligations of the other, Social Finance, LLC (SoFi) and Social Finance Life Insurance Agency, LLC (SoFi Agency) do not issue, underwrite insurance or pay claims under Ladder Life™ policies. SoFi is compensated by Ladder for each issued term life policy.
SoFi Agency and its affiliates do not guarantee the services of any insurance company.
All services from Ladder Insurance Services, LLC are their own. Once you reach Ladder, SoFi is not involved and has no control over the products or services involved. The Ladder service is limited to documents and does not provide legal advice. Individual circumstances are unique and using documents provided is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How To Find Affordable Car Insurance for College Students

How To Find Affordable Car Insurance for College Students

If you’re the parent of a student driver, finding affordable car insurance is likely a top priority. Adding a college student to your insurance policy can drive up the cost of premiums, since they’re generally considered high-risk drivers. And students who purchase their own policies usually pay much more to get covered than when they’re added to a family policy. But there are ways to lower car insurance costs, from choosing a higher deductible to insuring your student based on mileage.

As you shop around, it’s important not to focus only on premiums. In case of an accident, coverage levels and deductibles can make an “affordable” policy suddenly seem quite pricey. We’ll walk you through the process so you can get the most for your money.

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What Is the Most Affordable Car Insurance?

There’s no one answer that applies to all drivers in all states, because insurers set different prices based on proprietary risk profiles and algorithms. But generally speaking, the cheapest affordable car insurance will be a policy with minimal coverage.

Finding affordable car insurance for college students can be especially challenging, since insurers tend to view them as being higher risk. A student doesn’t need to have accidents or tickets on their driving record to land in the high-risk category. They simply have a short driving history, which works against them.

A comprehensive policy will be more expensive than one that carries the minimum coverage required by the state. Although it can be cheaper to skip full coverage for a college student, keep in mind that they might incur higher out-of-pocket costs for repairs if they’re involved in an accident.

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Does a College Student Need Their Own Car Insurance Policy?

One of the most important questions to ask for personal insurance planning with kids is whether your student will stay on your policy or get their own. The answer depends on their living arrangements while they’re in school. If you have a student listed on your policy and your home is their permanent residence, they should be able to remain on your policy — even if they’re temporarily living in a dorm or off-campus apartment.

Parents’ coverage can still apply to a student’s vehicle if they’re taking it with them to school, even in another state. The insurance company may, however, adjust the premiums for the vehicle based on where it’s located and being used, not where it’s registered.

If a student moves out of their parents’ home and sets up their own permanent residence somewhere else, then they need to purchase their own car insurance policy. Car insurance is typically priced based on the vehicle the student drives, so if they have an older car they may still be able to find affordable car insurance on their own.

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How To Find Affordable Car Insurance for College Students

The best place to start is often with your current car insurance company. Your insurer can walk you through how much it might cost to keep your student on your policy versus having them purchase their own policy. They can also advise you on how much coverage is appropriate to have, based on your student’s driving history and habits, and the condition of their vehicle.

Next, you can shop online to compare car insurance options for students. Getting quotes from multiple insurers is helpful, since you can compare that to what you’re paying currently to see whether any cheaper options exist. You may find that it’s more cost-efficient to move your policy elsewhere so that your child can benefit from cheaper rates.

When weighing insurance carriers, don’t focus solely on the premiums. While that number is important, since it determines what you’ll pay monthly or annually for insurance, it’s not the only cost to consider. You’ll also need to weigh the deductible, which is an amount you or your student must pay before your coverage kicks in.

There are two basic types of deductibles: high or low. Choosing a higher deductible can reduce premiums but means you’ll pay more out-of-pocket if you need to file a claim. A lower deductible can be more manageable for a college student who doesn’t have much savings, but the trade-off is a higher monthly premium.

Even if you’re adding your student to an existing family policy, review the policy and costs with them in some detail. It’s a good opportunity for students to learn about car insurance terms, financial decision-making, and the price of living independently.

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Ways To Save Money on Car Insurance

Car insurance costs aren’t necessarily set in stone. There are several ways parents and students can make it more affordable. Here are some practical tips on how to lower car insurance:

•   Ask about discounts. Many car insurance companies offer discounts for students who earn good grades or complete driver education training. Safe driving discounts may also be an option for students with a good driving record.

•   Keep up with maintenance. Keeping your student’s car in good shape can help reduce the risk of an accident caused by a malfunction. You can try saving on car maintenance costs by doing basic things like oil changes or fluid top-ups yourself.

•   Get insured by mileage. Some car insurance companies base their policies on how many miles you drive. If your student is staying close to home and has a fairly short commute to school and work, then you can potentially find affordable car insurance that prices policies based on mileage.

•   Look for group discounts. If you belong to a professional or business association, or an alumni group, for example, you may be able to get a discount on insurance just for being a member. Warehouse clubs can also offer car insurance discounts to members as well.

•   Encourage safe driving. Accidents can make your premiums skyrocket, so it’s a good idea to go over the basics of safe driving with your student. You may also want to enroll them in a defensive driving class to help them feel more comfortable on the road.

•   Look online. You might start your search for good affordable car insurance with your brick-and-mortar insurer, but it’s also helpful to consider what online insurance companies have to offer. You may be able to find cheaper rates on car insurance for students online versus traditional insurance companies.

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Consider Bundling Insurance for College Students

Here’s one more thing to add to your list of insurance tips for first-time drivers: Try bundling. Bundling car insurance with other types of insurance is another opportunity for college students to save money. If your student is getting their own car insurance, they can help keep costs down by bundling it with renters insurance or life insurance.

Renters insurance covers personal belongings when you live in rental housing. It can also provide personal liability protection and pay your day-to-day living expenses if you have to seek temporary housing because your rental unit is damaged.

Life insurance can pay out a death benefit to beneficiaries after the insured dies. A young, healthy college student may not see an immediate need for life insurance, but it can come in handy if they’ve taken out student loans. Students who cosigned loans with a parent, for example, can take out a policy and name their cosigner as beneficiary. That way, parents aren’t left having to pay back the loans themselves.

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The Takeaway

Students who purchase their own policy usually pay much more than when they’re added to a family policy. Either way, you can offset higher premiums by considering less liability coverage, a higher deductible, or a policy based on your student’s mileage. And make sure to ask your insurer about discounts for good grades, defensive driving classes, and company affiliations.

You can simplify your search by getting a quote for auto insurance online with SoFi. We’ve teamed up with Experian to provide free car insurance quotes online so you can find a great deal. You can match up your current coverage to compare rates, pick the option that looks right, and buy coverage all in one sitting.

Get an auto insurance quote with SoFi in minutes!

Photo credit: iStock/pepifoto

Insurance not available in all states.
Experian is a registered service mark of Experian Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
Social Finance, LLC ("SoFi") is compensated by Experian for each customer who purchases a policy through Experian from the site.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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