A Guide to Credit Card Grace Periods

A Guide to Credit Card Grace Periods

Your credit card’s grace period is the length of time that starts at the end of your billing cycle and ends when your payment is due. During this period, you may not have to pay interest on your balance — as long as you pay it off in full by your payment due date.

While a lot of credit cards have a grace period, not all of them do. Here’s a look at how grace periods on credit cards work and how you can take full advantage of them.

What Is the Grace Period on a Credit Card?

Credit cards allow you to borrow money over the course of a one-month billing cycle, during which you may not need to pay interest. The end of your credit card billing cycle is also called your statement date. That’s when your monthly credit card statement is sent to you in the mail or becomes available online. Credit card payments are due on the payment due date, about three weeks later. The time in between these dates is what’s known as the grace period.

During this time, you won’t be charged any interest on the purchases that you made during the billing cycle. However, because of how credit card payments work, you must pay off your credit card balance in full by your payment due date in order to avoid interest payments. At the very least, you must make your minimum payment, and you’ll then owe interest on whatever balance you carry into the next month.

Recommended: What Is a Charge Card?

How Credit Card Billing Cycles and Grace Periods Work

Grace periods on credit cards are different from the grace period for other loan products. For example, the grace period for a mortgage lasts about 15 days. If your payment is due on the first of the month, you’d have until mid-month to make your payment before it’s considered late and you’re charged potential late fees.

This is not how credit card grace periods work. The grace period for revolving credit — which is what a credit card is — comes before the payment due date. As such, credit card grace periods don’t protect you from late fees. Rather, they give you a period of time in which you can avoid interest payments.

If you miss the date when credit card payments are due, your payment is considered late. Late payments may trigger penalties, and they can have a negative effect on your credit score if they’re reported to the credit reporting bureaus.

Limits on Credit Card Grace Periods

Credit card companies are not required to offer their customers a grace period. However, many of them choose to do so.

Federal law requires credit card companies to send you a bill within 21 days of the payment due date, meaning you’ll get at least three weeks’ notice of how much you owe for your previous billing cycle (after the credit card closing date). However, the amount of time you’ll have for your grace period will vary by lender.

Credit card grace periods typically only apply to purchases. That means if you’ve used your credit card for a cash advance, for example, you’ll have to start paying interest on the date of the cash advance transaction.

Recommended: Tips for Using a Credit Card Responsibly

How Long Is the Typical Grace Period for a Credit Card?

Typically, grace periods last at least 21 days and up to 25 days.

You can find out how long your grace period is by checking your cardholder agreement. The length of your grace period should be listed alongside fees and your annual percentage rate (APR). You can also call your credit card company and ask them directly.

You may also have a longer grace period for special promotions. Those can be as long as 55 days.

What Types of Transactions Are Eligible for Credit Card Grace Periods?

As mentioned above, generally only purchase transactions are eligible for the credit card grace period. Cash advances — which allow you to borrow a certain amount of money against your line of credit — typically are not eligible. They will start accruing interest the day you make the transaction.

Similarly, if you transfer a balance from one credit card to another, you’ll start to accrue interest on that balance immediately. The only exception is if you have a balance transfer credit card with a 0% introductory rate for a period of time. If you pay off the balance during that period, you won’t owe interest. However, interest will accrue on whatever remains of your balance at the end of that period.

Taking Maximum Advantage of Your Credit Card’s Grace Period

If you pay off your credit card bill in full each month, you’ll avoid accruing credit card interest. Even carrying a small balance will disrupt your grace periods. If you do, you’ll owe interest on the remaining amount, and all of the new purchases that you make in the next billing cycle will accrue interest immediately as well.

To take full advantage of your credit card’s grace period, plan your purchases accordingly to ensure you’re able to pay your bills in full and on time. For example, if you’re going to make a large purchase, you may want to do so close to the first day of your billing cycle. That way, you’ll have the full cycle (about four weeks), plus your grace period (about three weeks), to pay off your purchase without owing any interest.

Can You Lose Your Credit Card’s Grace Period?

It is possible to lose your credit card grace period if you don’t make on-time payments in full each month by the payment due date. If you lose your grace period, you’ll be charged interest on the remaining portion of your balance. In the new billing cycle, you’ll also owe interest on any new purchases on the day the transaction takes place. This can lead to you falling into a debt cycle, which isn’t easy to get out of. (It’s wise to educate yourself on what happens to credit card debt when you die, too.)

Luckily, issuers usually restore grace periods once you’ve paid your outstanding balance and are back to making full on-time payments for a month or two.

The Takeaway

Your credit card grace period is an important tool that can save you money on interest if you pay off your balance in full each month. If you don’t pay your balance in full each month, you could lose this privilege temporarily. As such, you’d end up owing interest on your previous remaining balance and any new purchases.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


What is the grace period for credit card payments after the due date?

Credit card grace periods occur before the payment due date. Payments made after that date are considered late. After the due date, cardholders will owe interest on their balance. Further, they may lose their grace period until they can pay their balance off in full for one or two months.

What happens if you are one day late on a credit card payment?

Being one day late on a credit card payment can still trigger late fees, interest, and potentially the loss of your grace period. Late payments may also be reported to the credit reporting bureaus, which can have a negative impact on your credit score.

What is the typical grace period for a credit card?

Federal law requires that credit card companies provide your bill at least 21 days before your next payment due date. The length of the grace period can vary depending on the credit card issuer, though they typically last 21 to 25 days.

Photo credit: iStock/Moyo Studio

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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Guide to Lowering Your Credit Card Interest Rate (APR)

The annual percentage rate (APR) of a credit card represents how much someone pays in interest on an annual basis if they carry a balance on their credit card. The lower someone’s APR is, the less they would pay in interest. Because of this, it makes sense to try to secure the lowest APR possible.

Keep reading to learn how to lower the APR on a credit card.

What Is Credit Card APR?

A credit card’s APR represents the total cost of borrowing money using a credit card. The APR on a credit card is the interest rate charged to carry a balance, plus any fees. A credit card can have a fixed or variable interest rate, meaning the rate can either stay the same or change over time based on index rates.

Understanding what APR is can help credit card users know how much they’d need to pay in interest if they don’t pay off their credit card balance in full each month. If they don’t carry a balance, they can avoid paying credit card interest.

Recommended: What Is a Charge Card?

Ways a Lower Interest Rate Can Help

Having a good APR for credit cards is important for a number of reasons. A lower interest rate can save you money. In turn, this can make it easier and faster to pay off debt. Doing so is one way you can help build your credit score.

The higher your interest rate is, the harder it can be to chip away at your credit card balance, as the bulk of credit card payments will go toward interest. This is why achieving a lower credit card APR can make escaping high-interest credit card debt easier.

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How to Lower APR on a Credit Card

If you are interested in lowering your credit card APR, there are steps you can take to try to do so.

Apply for a Balance Transfer Card

If your card has a high APR, one option for how to get a better rate can be a balance transfer card with a lower interest rate. You can then transfer your balance from the high-interest credit card to the balance transfer card.

Usually, this new balance transfer credit card can’t be issued by the same company or any affiliates of the original card. Balance transfer cards may offer a 0% APR promotional period. During that period, you won’t pay any interest, which means all of your payments will go toward paying down the principal.

However, once the promotional period ends, a higher APR will kick in (this is one example of what can increase your credit card’s APR). Additionally, a balance transfer fee may apply to move over the existing credit card balance to the new card. It might make sense to calculate your credit card interest rate on your old card to ensure you’ll save money.

Negotiate With Your Credit Card Issuer

When it comes to figuring out how to get lower APR on a credit card, it’s possible to simply ask for an APR reduction with a credit card issuer. This strategy may be particularly effective if the cardholder has used their credit card responsibly and consistently paid their credit card bill on time — one of the cardinal credit card rules.

You can also provide a reason why you’re requesting a reduction. You may have experienced a job loss or have unexpected medical bills to pay. Maybe you got a raise and are really motivated to pay off your debt, and having a lower interest rate would help you do that. It’s also possible to leverage new credit card offers with lower interest rates to try to negotiate a current APR down.

Consumers can also ask for a temporary reprieve if the credit card issuer won’t offer a lower rate indefinitely. For example, it may be possible to request a one-year rate reduction of one to three percentage points.

Low-Interest Credit Cards

If you can’t quite figure out how to get a lower interest rate on a credit card with your current issuer, you could also step away from using that specific credit card. Instead, you might apply for a low-interest credit card to use in lieu of the card with the higher APR.

Cardholders who have consistently made on-time payments and taken other steps to build their credit score may be able to secure a new card with a lower interest rate. As an added bonus, doing so can make it easier to negotiate a lower APR with a current credit card.

Some different types of credit cards even reward cardholders for their good behavior by lowering their APR.

The Takeaway

If you pay off your credit card balance in full each month, you won’t have to worry about your APR too much. That being said, it’s always smart to try to secure the lowest APR possible in case it’s necessary to carry a balance from time to time.

Having a lower APR on a credit card means the cost of borrowing money is lower. More of your monthly payments can go toward paying down the principal balance instead of interest. In turn, this can help you pay off your debt faster, save money, and even build your credit score.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


How can I reduce my credit card interest rate?

You have a few options for lowering the interest rate on a credit card. You can try to negotiate a lower interest rate on any current credit cards by calling your issuer and trying to come to an agreement. If that doesn’t work, you can apply for a new credit card or a balance transfer card. If you can secure a lower interest rate on a new credit card, you can choose to use that credit card or take that offer back to your current lender to try to negotiate a lower APR.

Why do credit card issuers charge varying APRs?

Credit card issuers use a consumer’s credit score to help determine what the APR on a credit card should be for a specific consumer. The reason that APRs vary is because credit card issuers give a custom APR to each applicant based on their financial history. Generally, the lower someone’s credit score is, the higher their APR will be.

Photo credit: iStock/Charday Penn

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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Guide to Credit Card Annual Fees

A credit card annual fee is the price that some cardholders pay to use a certain credit card. While there are plenty of credit cards on the market that don’t come with an annual fee, the credit cards that charge an annual fee tend to have better cardholder perks that can outweigh the cost of the annual fee if the card is used optimally.

Keep reading for more insight into annual fee credit cards.

What Is a Credit Card Annual Fee?

Annual fees are costs charged by many (but not all) credit card issuers to help finance their service, including cardholder perks, such as travel credits and free checked luggage on flights.

The amount of an annual fee factors into how much a credit card costs overall, and it varies from card to card. Credit card annual fees can start as low as around $39 and go as high as thousands of dollars for luxury credit cards.

Usually how credit cards work is that cards with sky-high annual fees also offer a lot of extra perks to make the credit card worth the money. For instance, the cardholder may gain exclusive access to airport lounges, credits towards rideshares, or be able to tap into competitive introductory reward bonuses.

However, there are cases where an annual fee is charged for credit cards designed for consumers with low credit scores. These credit cards don’t offer great rewards, and instead give consumers with poor credit a chance to build their credit by using credit cards responsibly. Eventually, the goal is for the cardholder to positively impact their credit so they can qualify for credit cards with lower interest rates and better perks.

Recommended: Does Applying For a Credit Card Hurt Your Credit Score?

How Do Credit Card Annual Fees Work?

When you pay the annual fee on a credit card varies depending on your card issuer. Credit card issuers either charge annual fees on either a yearly basis, or they may divide the fee up into smaller monthly installments.

If your fee is charged once a year, then it usually will appear on your first statement after you open your account. You’ll then get charged every 12 months thereafter. In the instance an annual fee is divided into smaller monthly payments, these will get included on the monthly statement the cardholder receives.

You pay your credit card annual fee just like you’d pay any other credit card charges listed on your monthly statement.

Which Credit Cards Typically Have an Annual Fee?

There are three main types of annual fee credit cards you might consider.

Reward Cards

Credit cards that can offer a high-value rewards structure or that have a strong introductory bonus often come with an annual fee. If the card is used strategically, it’s possible to earn enough credit card rewards to cancel out the cost of the annual fee and other cardholder fees. You may earn rewards like cash back, travel points, or discounts on specialty purchases.

Premium Credit Cards

A premium credit card that offers luxe perks like private airport lounge access or a travel concierge is likely to charge an annual fee to use the card. If you’re considering one of these cards, make sure to crunch the numbers to make sure you’ll use enough of the perks to offset the cost of the annual fee.

Secured Credit Cards

A secured credit card is designed to help consumers with bad credit scores build their credit. These cards require a deposit to “secure” the card, and that amount also usually serves as the card’s credit limit. On top of the deposit, secured credit cards often carry an annual fee.

For some, the cost of a secured card may be worth it for the opportunity to build their credit score, which can make it easier to qualify for lending opportunities in the future. Still, make sure it’s within your budget.

Recommended: What Is the Average Credit Card Limit?

How Are Credit Card Annual Fees Charged?

As briefly mentioned above, some credit card issuers charge the annual fee once a year, while others split up the annual fee into smaller monthly installments.

The annual fee shows up on the credit card statement alongside normal credit card charges, and the cardholder pays the annual fee as part of that month’s credit card bill. Remember that even if you have an authorized user on a credit card, it’s still the primary cardholder’s responsibility to make payments, which includes any fees.

Avoiding Credit Card Annual Fees

If you’re trying to avoid credit card fees, it’s entirely possible to avoid paying annual fees. There are plenty of credit cards on the market that don’t charge an annual fee at all.

If someone is interested in a credit card with an annual fee, such as a premium rewards card, they can try to get the first year’s annual fee waived. Some credit card issuers offer to do this from the get-go. However, if someone is an existing cardmember with the issuer and their introductory offer doesn’t include waiving the first year’s fee, they can request a one-time waiver.

Before signing up for a credit card with an annual fee, it’s important to evaluate your spending habits. You want to ensure that you can comfortably afford to cover the annual fee for the credit card. Also investigate whether you’ll earn enough benefits from the card to justify the cost of the annual fee.

The Takeaway

Annual fees are often charged by credit card issuers to cover the cost of their services and perks. Fees can range from around $39 to thousands of dollars for ultra-premium cards, and it can be wise to review them carefully and make sure you are comfortable paying them. It may be possible to avoid these fees by negotiating with your card issuer or qualifying for this reward.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


How do you pay the annual fee on your credit card?

If someone has an annual fee credit card, the annual fee will appear on their credit card statement. The fee may appear every 12 months or in smaller increments on a monthly basis. The cardholder then pays this fee as a part of their monthly bill in addition to any other purchases they made with the credit card during that billing cycle.

How can I avoid paying annual fees on my credit card?

Alongside choosing a credit card that doesn’t charge an annual fee (there are plenty of options on the market), a consumer may be able to get the first year of an annual fee waived as a new cardholder incentive. It only makes sense to open a credit card with an annual fee if the account holder’s spending habits line up with the rewards structure of the credit card. That way, they can earn enough cash back, miles, or other perks to outweigh the cost of the annual fee.

Do all credit cards have annual fees?

There are tons of great credit cards on the market that don’t come with annual fees. There’s never a reason to pay an annual fee if someone decides that’s not a good use of their money.

Photo credit: iStock/Rudzhan Nagiev

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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What Is a Contactless Credit Card and How Does It Work?

What Is a Contactless Credit Card and How Does It Work?

Contactless credit cards are a method of payment that allows you to simply tap or hold your card on the card reader, as opposed to inserting or swiping it. This kind of card has grown in popularity over the past few years.

Here’s a look at the tech that enables contactless credit card payments, as well as the pros and cons of using this sort of card.

What Is a Contactless Credit Card?

Physically, a contactless credit card looks like a regular credit card, with the bank name and the account number on the front of the card and the ubiquitous magnetic stripe on the back of the card. However, contactless credit cards allow cardholders to “tap and pay” instead of inserting or swiping their card in a merchant payment machine.

This enables a consumer to make a purchase at a retail location without ever having to physically touch a payment device. This was one of the reasons contactless payments soared during the pandemic.

What Does Contactless Payment Mean?

The term contactless payment more broadly refers to a form of payment that involves no touch. You can make a contactless payment using a credit card as well as a debit card, gift card, mobile wallet, or wearable device.

Regardless of the form, contactless payments rely on the same technology to make a payment without needing to swipe, enter a debit or credit card PIN, or sign for a transaction.

How to Know If Your Credit Card Is Contactless

Major credit card providers like MasterCard and Visa offer contactless cards. You can determine if your credit card is contactless-capable by looking for a contactless card symbol on the back of your card. This symbol looks like a wifi symbol flipped on its side, with four curved lines that increase in length from left to right.

Even if your card has this symbol on it, you’ll also want to check that the merchant has contactless readers. You can figure this out by looking for that same symbol on the card reader or asking the merchant directly.

How Contactless Credit Cards Work

Like other credit cards, contactless credit cards have small chips embedded in them. But instead of requiring you to insert the card, this chip emits electromagnetic waves that transfer your payment information when you place the card close to a payment terminal that accepts contactless payments.

You don’t actually even need to tap your contactless credit card to pay — all you have to do is place your card within a few inches of the payment terminal. This will initiate payment.

You might then have to wait a few seconds while the transaction processes. The terminal may give a signal when the transaction is complete, such as by beeping or flashing a green light.

Technology That Enables Contactless Credit Card Payments

Instead of inserting a credit or debit card into a merchant payment terminal, contactless credit cards rely on radio frequency identification technology (RFID) and near-field communication to complete a retail transaction.

The “no touch” concept is driven by a contactless card’s short-range electromagnetic waves, which hold the cardholder’s personal data, including their credit card account number. This information is then transmitted to the merchant’s payment device. Once the device grabs the airborne card information, the transaction can be completed and the purchase confirmed.

Pros and Cons of Contactless Credit Cards

Like most consumer finance tools, contactless credit cards have their upsides and downsides. Here’s a snapshot of the pros and cons to note:



Convenient to use Not always available overseas
Secure Low transaction limits
Increasingly offered Not always reliable
Better for merchants


These are the main upsides of contactless credit cards:

•   Convenient to use: Contactless credit cards are extremely convenient to use once you get the hang of how credit cards work when they have this feature. All a user has to do is wave their contactless credit card in front of the card reader, and the deal is done in a matter of seconds. Plus, you can avoid touching any surfaces in the process.

•   Secure: With data thieves regularly on the prowl, “tap and pay” and “wave and pay” technologies are highly protective of a consumer’s personal data. All of the data is stored on a password-protected, fully-encrypted computer chip embedded inside the card, making it difficult for a financial fraudster to steal a user’s personal information.

•   Increasingly offered: The availability of contactless payments has increased in recent years, and many brand-name companies now offer the option. Companies may even offer discounts and loyalty point details that are immediately added to a consumer’s account at the point of sale.

•   Better for merchants: Companies that offer contactless credit/debit card payments also benefit from “no touch” card technology. Aside from superior operational capability and faster transactions, merchants get a better customer experience and formidable fraud protection from contactless payment technology, with no extra cost. That’s because merchants pay the same transaction processing fee with contactless payments as they do with regular credit card transactions.


Of course, there are downsides to contactless credit cards as well:

•   Not always available overseas: Contactless payments may not work abroad, given the recent expansion of a new card payment technology. Additionally, consumers may be charged foreign transaction fees when they do use contactless payments overseas, depending on the specific country’s credit card payment laws.

•   Low transaction limits: Contactless card users may find they can’t cover large transactions, like a laptop computer or king-size bed. That’s because merchants may issue those limits until they’re convinced contactless payments (like any new technology) are completely safe, secure and free of any fraud threats. In the meantime, contactless card-using consumers can always use the same credit card to make a big purchase by using “chip and sign” or “chip and swipe” card technologies.

•   Not always reliable: Contactless credit card transactions aren’t always reliable, as sometimes the payment won’t go through even though a reader indicates that it accepts contactless payments. This could cause someone to have to resort to swiping their card instead to complete the transaction.

Recommended: What Is a Charge Card?

Guide to Using a Contactless Credit Card

When using a contactless credit card, the transaction is enabled and completed in three key steps: look, tap, and go.

1.    Look. The consumer checks for a contactless symbol on a merchant’s payment device (this will look like a wifi signal tipped on its side).

2.    Tap. After being prompted by the payment device, the consumer will wave the credit card an inch or so over the payment device, or actually touch (tap) the credit card on the payment terminal. This is why the process is sometimes referred to as credit card tap to pay.

3.    Go. Once the wave or tap is executed, the payment device picks up the transaction, confirms the credit card payment, and completes the transaction.

Be mindful that if you carry multiple contactless credit cards, you may want to keep those cards away from a terminal that accepts contactless payments. This will help ensure the correct credit card is being charged. Instead of holding your wallet or purse over the payment terminal, take out the specific card you’d like to use instead.

Recommended: When Are Credit Card Payments Due?

Are Contactless Credit Cards Safe?

Contactless payment cards basically offer the same anti-fraud protections as any card that relies on a credit card chip.

This is because the chip in contactless credit cards creates a one-time code for each merchant transaction. Once the payment is confirmed and the transaction is approved, the code disappears for good. That makes it virtually impossible for a financial fraudster to steal a consumer’s personal data, as they can’t crack the complicated algorithmic codes financial institutions use with chip-based payment cards.

Additionally, a contactless card is equipped with electromagnetic (RFID) shielding, which helps keep card information from being “skimmed” by data thieves. In turn, this removes another data security threat from the credit card transaction experience.

The Takeaway

Contactless credit cards are emerging as an effective payment technology that’s gathering steam among consumers and retailers alike. Thanks to the tech that enables contactless credit card payment, these credit cards allow you to simply wave or tap the credit card within range of a payment terminal that accepts contactless payments. You can figure out if a payment terminal — and your credit card — offer contactless payment as an option by looking for the contactless payment symbol.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


Are there extra charges for using contactless credit cards?

No, there are no extra charges for using contactless credit cards. This is true for the consumer who’s tapping their card as well as for the merchant accepting contactless payments.

What are the risks with contactless credit cards?

While contactless credit cards generally offer enhanced security, there is the risk of a thief skimming cards in your wallet by using a smartphone to read it. However, the thief must be within very close range to do so. Perhaps the easiest way for a thief to get ahold of your information is by stealing your physical credit card, which is a risk with any type of credit card.

Where can I use my contactless credit card?

You can use your credit card at any retailer that has a terminal accepting contactless payments. You can determine if a card reader will take your contactless credit card by looking for the contactless payment symbol.

What happens if I lose my contactless credit card and someone else uses it?

If your card is stolen or lost, contact your credit card issuer immediately. Check your recent credit card transactions for any fraudulent activity, and make sure to report that information to your credit card issuer.

Photo credit: iStock/milan2099

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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Joint Credit Cards: What to Know and How to Apply

Joint Credit Cards: What to Know and How to Apply for One

A joint credit card account is a way for you and a spouse, partner, family member, or trusted friend to co-own a line of credit. A joint credit card is in both of your names, meaning both parties are equally responsible for the debt that the card accrues.

Joint credit cards can make sharing finances with a domestic partner easier, but if you’re not on the same page about using the card and paying off debt, it could mean trouble for your credit score and your relationship. Here, learn the full story on joint credit cards and their pros and cons.

What Is a Joint Credit Card Account?

A joint credit card allows two people to fully share in the responsibility of spending with a credit card and paying it off. Each cardholder receives a physical card to use, and each also has full access to credit card statements and payments.

Otherwise, a joint credit card operates just like a traditional credit card — with a credit limit and interest rate on borrowed funds. If you carry over a balance month to month, that balance will accrue interest, and both joint account owners are equally on the hook for paying it back, even if one person is doing most of the spending.

Because a joint credit card is in both owners’ names, it impacts both users’ credit scores. Making regular monthly payments in full and maintaining a low credit utilization could build both cardholders’ scores. On the other hand, late payments and accumulated debt might bring credit scores down.

Recommended: When Are Credit Card Payments Due?

Ways You Can Share a Credit Card

Joint credit card accounts are just one type of shared credit card. Before deciding to apply for a joint credit card, consider whether adding someone as an authorized user on a credit card might be a better option for your situation.

Authorized User

Instead of applying for a credit card with a co-owner, you can make someone an authorized user on an existing credit card. Unlike with a joint account credit card, only one person serves as the cardholder and bears the full responsibility of the card.

The authorized user, on the other hand, can get their own physical card and use it as they see fit. However, the authorized user cannot make larger changes to the card, like requesting an increase in credit limit.

Some, though not all, credit card issuers report authorized users’ activity to the three major credit bureaus. Assuming the main cardholder uses the card responsibly (meaning they make on-time payments and keep credit utilization low), this can reflect well on the authorized user and potentially improve their credit score.

Adding an authorized user can be a good solution for spouses or domestic partners with shared expenses. If one partner has a strong credit score but the other is struggling, the struggling partner might benefit from becoming an authorized user on the other’s card. Additionally, parents who want their children to learn about using a credit card or find comfort knowing their teenage kids have a spending option in emergencies might also benefit from a card with an authorized user.

A caveat: If the main credit cardholder mismanages their credit card and the card issuer reports authorized users to the credit bureaus, this could potentially lower the authorized user’s score rather than helping to build it.

Joint Cardholder

As previously mentioned, joint cardholders share equal responsibility for how the card is used and paid off. Just as there are pros and cons of joint bank accounts, this arrangement can have benefits and drawbacks. A joint credit card enables spouses and domestic partners to approach their finances on equal footing, but a poorly managed card can have major negative impacts on the other.

Sharing a joint credit card requires implicit trust between the co-owners. Partners who disagree about managing finances might not find a joint credit card a good option.

Differences Between Authorized Users and Joint Accounts

Here’s a closer look at the differences between authorized users and joint accounts.


Joint cardholders share the same level of privileges on a credit card. Authorized users, however, cannot increase the credit limit or add additional authorized users. On top of that, primary cardholders can sometimes impose spending limits on authorized users.

Number of Users

Two co-owners share a joint credit card account. With an authorized credit card, there is a single primary cardholder and one or more authorized users. The max number of permissible authorized users varies by card issuer. Some may let you add up to five.


Both co-owners share equal responsibility for a joint credit card account. Authorized users are not responsible for payments, but how the credit card is managed can impact the authorized user’s credit score.

Impact on Credit Score

Both joint credit cards and cards with authorized users can impact credit scores of everyone attached to the card. Authorized users just have less control over how the card is managed, so they must put their faith in the hands of the primary cardholder.

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Pros of a Joint Credit Card Account

What are the benefits of a joint credit card? Here are some potential perks of this setup:

•   Equal control: Spouses and domestic partners who want equal control of their finances can benefit from a joint credit card, which affords them equal access to spending, statements, and payments.

•   Convenience of one shared card: If you share finances with a partner, having one credit card with one payment date might be easier than juggling multiple cards and due dates.

•   Potential to boost credit score or get a better rate: If one co-owner lacks a credit history or has a lower credit score, being a co-owner on a well-managed joint credit card could build their score. The person with the lower score might even qualify for a card with a better rate by applying with a joint cardholder.

Cons of a Joint Credit Card Account

There are some drawbacks to joint credit cards, however:

•   Shared repercussions for mismanagement: If one co-owner maxes out the card or misses a payment they said they would make, both cardholders share the burden, which can include late fees, a credit score impact, or growing interest. And if your partner decides not to do anything about the growing credit card debt, you could be on your own in paying off their shopping spree.

•   Difficulty of removing someone: Removing someone from a joint credit card can be challenging. Your only option for getting out of a bad situation might be paying off and closing the card.

•   Possibility of damage to the relationship: If you and a partner do not share the same financial philosophy, entangling your debts might do more harm than good. Couples who already fight about making financial decisions may find that sharing a joint credit card is detrimental to their relationship.

Applying for a Joint Credit Card

Does a joint account sound right for your situation? Here’s how to apply for a joint credit card:

1.    Find a credit card issuer with a joint credit card option: Not every credit card issuer offers joint cards. Understand that your options will be more limited than if you applied for a credit card by yourself. Just as you would if you were choosing a joint bank account, take the time to compare a few options and find a joint credit card you’re both happy with.

2.    Understand the qualification requirements: Read the fine print to make sure you and your co-owner can qualify. It’s not just your own credit score and credit history you have to consider; credit card issuers will be reviewing both applicants to determine if you can get a joint credit card.

3.    Fill out the application: Have all of the necessary information for both applicants handy. It’s a good idea to apply together at a computer, if possible.

4.    Set the ground rules: Make sure both of you are on the same page about how you will use the card and who is responsible for making on-time payments. If you’re not sure where to start, check out these basic credit card rules, which can promote healthy card usage.

The Takeaway

Joint credit cards give both co-owners equal responsibility for credit card usage and payments. Using a joint credit card can be a good way to combine finances and help boost a partner’s credit score. However, applicants might benefit from going the authorized user route instead. Understanding the risks of both options is important before completing a joint credit card application or making someone an authorized user on an existing card.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


Do joint credit cards affect both credit scores?

Joint credit cards affect both users’ credit scores equally. A well-managed card that is paid off in full each month might build both users’ scores. On the other hand, regularly late payments and a high credit utilization could bring both scores down.

Can I add someone to my credit card as a joint account holder?

Not every credit card issuer offers joint account credit cards. However, most allow you to add authorized users to existing credit cards. Contact your credit card issuer to learn more.

What requirements are needed to get a joint credit card account?

Requirements for getting a joint credit card account will vary by credit card issuer. Credit card companies typically consider factors like age, credit score, and income to determine whether you can get a joint credit card.

Photo credit: iStock/gorodenkoff

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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