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How to Pay Off Debt in 9 Steps

Being debt-free can be a terrific feeling of freedom. However, many of us don’t know that sensation. According to Experian, the average American is carrying $101,915 in debt. And paying off the amount that you owe — whether it’s credit card debt, student loans, or something else — can be a considerable challenge.

While each person’s finances are different, there are smart strategies to pay off debt effectively and quickly. That will not only likely reduce your money stress and improve your finances, it can also free up funds to help you achieve some big-picture goals, whether that means funding a wedding or growing your toddler’s college fund.

Here, you’ll learn why it’s important to pay off debt, the best how-tos, and tips for managing debt as you work to shake it off.

Why Is It Important to Pay Off Debt?

Granted, not all debt should necessarily be paid off ASAP. There’s “good debt,” which is typically lower interest and can have a positive impact on your financial status. For example, if you have a mortgage, that is likely low-interest and it is helping you build equity and, by extension, your net worth.

However, there is also “bad debt” of the high interest variety, like credit card debt, which can wind up having a negative effect on your finances and your life. Some examples of why this kind of debt can be problematic:

•  It takes up funds that could otherwise be put towards long-term goals like retirement or short-term goals, such as a vacation fund.

•  It gives you more bills to pay.

•  It can cause you stress.

•  It can have a negative impact on your credit score, which can have further ramifications, such as making it more expensive to open other lines of credit.

•  It means you are subject to the lender’s decisions (such as raising your interest rate).

When you are debt-free, you likely don’t have to deal with those issues any longer. So here are smart debt payoff strategies to help you take control of your money.

💡 Quick Tip: With low interest rates compared to credit cards, a debt consolidation loan can substantially lower your payments.

steps to paying off debt

1. Create a Budget

A budget can help you understand and create a plan for where your money is going. This is where you can start to figure out how to live within your means to avoid accumulating new or more debt in the future, such as credit card debt.

•  To start your budget, take an inventory of all of your after-tax income. If you have a job, simply look at your net paycheck and multiply the number by how many times you’re paid each month.

•  Next, tally up necessary expenses. These might already include debt payments such as your student loans or a car payment. They can also include rent, utilities, insurance payments, groceries, and so on.

•  Subtract this total from your income and what you have left represents the money available for discretionary spending. If the amount of money you’re spending on discretionary expenses exceeds the amount you have available, you’ll likely need to make some adjustments to how you spend.

•  To pay off debt, focus a portion of the available discretionary income on debt payments. One approach is known as the 20/10 rule, which says that you should put no more than 20% of your annual take-home pay or 10% of your monthly income towards consumer debt.

2. Set Realistic Goals

It takes a lot of discipline to get debt-free. Setting measurable and achievable goals can help you stay on track. Think carefully about how much money you actually are able to put toward your debts each month. Include factors like how much spending you can reasonably cut and how much you might be able to add to your income.

Don’t factor in extra income unless you’re sure you’ll be able to come up with it. Once you settle on your monthly amount, you can calculate how many months it will take you to pay your debt off.

For example, say you have $500 dollars per month to help you pay off $10,000 in credit card debt with a 19.99% interest. With an online credit card payoff calculator, you can determine that it will take you about 25 months to pay off your card. So, a reasonable goal might be two years to get out of debt, which even builds in a little wiggle room if you can’t come up with a full $500 in one of those months.

3. Try a Payoff Method

Once you’ve identified funds you can use to pay down debt, there are a number of strategies you can use to put that money to work towards different debts you’re shouldering.

The Snowball Method

Here’s how the snowball method of debt repayment works:

•  List your debts in order of smallest balance to largest. Look exclusively at the amount you owe, ignoring the interest rate.

•  Make minimum payments on all the debts to avoid penalties. Make all extra payments toward paying off the smallest debt.

•  Once the smallest debt is paid in full, move on to the next largest debt and so on. Use all of the money you were directing toward the previous debt, including minimum and extra payments, to pay off the next smallest. In this way, the amount you’re able to direct toward the larger debts should grow or “snowball.”

One downside to the snowball method is that while targeting your smaller debts first, you may be holding onto your higher interest debts for a longer period of time.

However, you should also theoretically get a psychological boost every time you pay off a debt that helps you build momentum toward paying all of your debts off. And if this extra push can help keep you motivated to continue eliminating debt, the benefits of this strategy might outweigh the extra costs.

The Avalanche Method

The avalanche method takes a slightly different approach:

•  List your debts in order of highest interest rate to lowest. Once again, commit to making minimum payments on all of your debts first.

•  Make any extra payments toward your highest interest rate debt. As you pay each debt off, move on to the next debt with the highest rate. The debt avalanche method minimizes the amount of interest you pay as you work to get debt-free, potentially saving you money in the long-term.

The Fireball Method

This is a hybrid approach to the snowball and avalanche methods:

•  Group your debts by good and bad debt. As noted above, good debts are those that help you build your future net worth, like a mortgage, business loan, or student loan, and typically have lower interest rates. Bad debts have high interest rates and work against your ability to save; think credit card debt. (Btw, credit card debt should always be characterized as bad debt even if you are taking advantage of a 0% interest promotion.)

•  Next, list your bad debts in order from smallest to largest based on balance size. Continue making minimum payments on all debts, but funnel extra cash toward paying off the smallest of the bad debts.

•  Work your way up the list until all your bad debts are paid off. You can pay off your good debts on a regular schedule while investing in your future. Once you’ve blazed through your bad debt, you may even have extra cash to help you accomplish your long-term goals.

Choose the strategy that fits your personality and financial situation to increase the chances for success.

4. Complete a Balance Transfer

A balance transfer allows you to pay off debt from one or more high-interest credit cards (or other high-interest debt) by using a card with a lower interest rate. This strategy has a number of benefits.

•  First, it helps you get organized. Staying on top of one credit card statement might be easier than keeping track of many cards.

•  This strategy also helps you free up the money you were paying toward higher interest rates, which you could use to accelerate your debt payments.

Research what’s available carefully. Some credit cards offer teaser rates as low as 0% for a set period of time, such as six months to a year or even longer. It may make sense to take advantage of one of these deals if you think you can pay down your debt within that time frame.

However, when these teaser rates expire, the card might jump to its regular rate, which could be higher than the rates you were previously paying.

5. Make More Than the Minimum Payment

Credit cards allow you to make minimum payments — small portions of the balance you owe — until your debt is paid off. While this might seem convenient on the surface, this system is stacked in the credit companies’ favor. Making minimum payments can cost more in the long run than making larger payments and paying down debt faster.

That’s because as you make minimum payments, the remaining balance continues to accrue interest. Consider a credit card balance of $5,000 with a 15% interest rate. According to this credit card interest calculator, if you only make minimum payments of $112.50 per month, it will take you 64 months (5 years and 4 months!) to pay off your debt of $7,344. And in that time you will have spent more than $2,344 on interest payments alone.

In an ideal world, you would pay your credit card balance off each month and wouldn’t owe any interest. But, if that’s not possible, consider paying as much as you can to minimize the cost of high interest rates.

6. Find Extra Cash

Finding the cash to pay off your debt can be tough, especially if you’re looking to accelerate your debt payments. The most obvious place to start is by cutting unnecessary expenses.

For example, you might save money on streaming services by dropping some or all of your subscriptions, or give up your gym membership while you’re getting your debt in check. You may also try negotiating lower rates for some necessary expenses such as phone or internet bills, or consider starting a side hustle that can boost your income.

You can also use any windfalls, such as extra cash from tax returns, bonuses at work, or generous birthday gifts, to help accelerate your debt payments.

7. Avoid Taking on More Debt

While you’re paying off debt, it’s important that you work hard to not add to your debt. If you’re trying to pay off a credit card, you might want to stop using it. You may not want to cancel your credit card, but consider putting it somewhere where it’s not easily accessible. That way you’ll be less tempted to use it for impulse buys.

It can also be helpful to track your spending with a free budget app to help understand where your money is going and how not to increase your debt.

8. Consolidate Debt

Consolidating is another strategy that makes use of lower interest rates to pay off debt.

•  When you take out a loan, it will come with a fixed interest rate and a set term. When you consolidate your debts, you are essentially taking out a new loan to pay off debts, hopefully with a better interest rate or term.

•  A new loan with a lower interest rate can save you money in the long run, especially if you’re carrying a sizable balance. You may also be able to lower your monthly payments to make a budget more manageable on a month to month basis — or you may be able to shorten your terms, which can let you pay off the loan faster. Do keep in mind extending the term of the loan could lead to lower monthly payments but you may end up paying more in interest over time.

•  You may want to consider consolidating if you’ve established your credit history since you took out your loan. That may mean banks are more willing to trust a borrower with a loan and will give them more favorable rates and terms.

•  Also, keep an eye on the prime interest rate set by the Federal Reserve. When the Fed lowers interest rates, banks often follow suit, providing you with a possible chance to find a loan with lower interest rates.

9. Reward Yourself

Paying off debt can be a challenging process. That’s why it’s so important to treat yourself as you reach debt milestones.

Tethering productive behavior to rewards is a process that Wharton business school professor Katherine Milkman calls “temptation bundling.” This process can help you boost your willpower and stick to your goals.

So, choose a reward and tie it to a debt milestone like paying off a credit card, or paying off 10% of your debt. Each of these steps puts you closer to being debt-free, and that’s worth celebrating. When you reach a goal, indulge in a free or budget-friendly reward.

Debt Payoff Tips

Paying off debt often requires patience and persistence. Here’s some smart advice to address common concerns and help keep you going as you whittle down that debt.

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid When Paying off Debt?

Some common mistakes when paying off debt are hiding from the situation (that is, not looking at how much you owe and creating a plan), taking out high interest payday loans, and, in some cases, taking out a home equity loan. Here’s a closer look at each:

•  It can be a common mistake to not dig in, review the full picture, and make a plan. Some people would rather be in denial and just keep paying a little bit here and there. Knowing your debt and developing a way to pay it off can be the best move.

•  Taking out a payday loan or other high-interest option to make a payment. This can make a tough situation worse by adding more money owed to your situation. A personal loan might be a better option with lower rates.

•  Tapping your home equity. Credit card debt is unsecured; you don’t put up anything as collateral. A home equity loan, however, uses your home as collateral. Yes, a home equity loan can be a helpful option in some situations, but if you use that equity to continue spending at a level your income can’t support, that can mean bigger problems lie ahead. You could wind up losing your home.

How Can I Balance Paying off Debt with Saving for Other Financial Goals?

To manage both debt repayment and saving, it’s important to make sure you keep current on paying what you owe. Next, you might want to create a budget, cut your spending, and automate your finances (which will send some money to savings) to help maintain a good balance. Here’s guidance:

•  Create a budget, keep paying off your debt, and work to create an emergency fund (even saving $20 or $25 a month is a good start).

•  Commit to cutting your spending. Some people like gamifying this: Say, one month, you vow to not eat dinner out; another month, you decide to forgo buying any new clothes.

•  Automate your finances. This can be as simple as setting up a recurring transfer from your checking account to savings just after payday. That whisks some money into savings (a small amount is fine), and you won’t see it sitting in checking, tempting you to spend it.

What Are My Debt Relief Options if I’m Struggling to Make Payments?

Some ways to get help with debt relief can include a balance transfer credit card, a personal loan, a debt management plan, and (if no other options are possible) considering declaring bankruptcy. If you are having a hard time with debt payoff, there are several options:

•  As mentioned above, you might take advantage of zero-percent balance transfer credit card offers.

•  You can contact your creditors and see if they will lower your interest rate or otherwise reduce your burden.

•  You might consider a personal loan (mentioned above) to pay off high-interest debt with a lower-interest loan.

•  You could participate in a debt management plan that consolidates your debt into one payment monthly that is then divvied up among those to whom you owe money. Look for a plan that is backed by a reputable organization such as the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) or the Financial Counseling Association of America.

•  You might decide to declare bankruptcy; the most common form is known as Chapter 7 liquidation, and can get rid of credit card debt, medical debt, and unsecured personal loans. Educate yourself carefully to see if you qualify, and be sure you understand the long-term impact it may have on your personal finances.

The Takeaway

Digging yourself out of debt can be a challenging process, but with a well-crafted plan and discipline, it can be achieved. Evaluate your spending habits, determine how you are going to prioritize your debts, and stick to your plan by setting small, measurable goals. One option people consider is consolidating multiple high-interest debts into a one personal loan with one payment. However, note that extending the loan term could lead to lower monthly payments, but you may end up paying more interest in the long run.

Think twice before turning to high-interest credit cards. Consider a SoFi personal loan instead. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.


Why is it important to have a plan to pay off debt?

It’s important to have a plan to pay off debt so you can be organized and strategic in this effort. Only by knowing the full extent of your debt and your resources can you make a plan. Whether you choose to use a method like the snowball or avalanche technique, take out a personal loan, or try a debt management program, it’s vital to know just where you stand.

What are some strategies for dealing with multiple sources of debt?

If you have multiple sources of debt, you may want to research the snowball, avalanche, and fireball methods of paying down what you owe. These consider such factors as how much you owe and the interest rate you are being charged and can help you prioritize how you repay the debt. These strategies can help focus your efforts and contribute to your success.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

This article is not intended to be legal advice. Please consult an attorney for advice.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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How Much Does a Surrogate Cost_780x440

How Much Does a Surrogate Cost?

Using a surrogate, also known as a gestational carrier, involves an arrangement in which a woman carries and gives birth to a child for another couple or individual.

Surrogacy can allow would-be parents an opportunity to have a baby with whom they have a biological link. But gestational carrying can also be complicated, with complex laws and medical procedures that can make the process expensive.

The cost of using a surrogate can run anywhere from $100,000 to $225,000, depending on where you live, whether you need an egg donor, and how many rounds of IVF your surrogate will go through before she conceives.

Read on to learn more about potential fees involved in using a surrogate, as well as some ways to make the process more affordable.

Why is Surrogacy so Expensive?

The lump sum of surrogacy can seem overwhelming. But it’s important to keep in mind that the estimated overall cost is based on averages.

Because surrogacy is unique for all families, your expenses may differ. But knowing the various elements of surrogacy can help you see how each cost plays into the overall price. Here are some typical surrogacy costs that aspiring parents should anticipate.

💡 Quick Tip: Need help covering the cost of a wedding, honeymoon, or new baby? A personal loan can help fund major life events — without the high interest rates of credit cards.

Agency Fee

Because fertility clinics do not find surrogates, would-be parents typically need to find a carrier through a personal connection or an agency. Surrogacy agencies, which have a network of surrogates who have met certain requirements, charge fees that can run $30,000-plus.

The fee covers all of the services provided by the agency, including background checks, screenings, support and education, advertising, marketing, and more.

Agency fees should remain fixed, regardless of how long it takes to complete the surrogacy process.

Recommended: Exploring IVF Financing Options

Surrogate Fee

Working with a gestational carrier can be expensive, running somewhere between $30,000 and $70,000. This fee is paid to the surrogate as compensation for undergoing tests and fertility treatments, carrying and delivering the child, taking on the medical risks involved, and putting themselves through the physical and emotional challenges that surrogacy and pregnancy can involve.

Fertility Clinic Fee

You will also need to work with a fertility clinic to produce embryos. In many cases, couples have already done this before pursuing surrogacy. This can range from $20,000 to $50,000.

Recommended: How Much Does IVF Cost?

Pregnancy Costs

The cost of carrying and delivering a baby can vary in the U.S., depending on location, type of birth, and whether there are any complications, but tends to average around $14,000. The surrogate’s insurance may or may not cover any of this cost. If the surrogate doesn’t have health insurance, the would-be parents may need to purchase a short-term or maternity-only policy for them.

Legal Fees

Surrogacy can involve several psychological, ethical, and legal complexities, and typically requires legal contracts that outline each parties’ responsibilities and compensation.

The intended parents and surrogate typically each need an attorney to negotiate and draft this contract, as well as complete other necessary services. The Intended parents typically pay for everyone’s legal expenses, which can cost from $7,000 to $15,000.

Other Potential Costs

Other expenses that can come up include travel, pregnancy clothing, lost wages, payment for breast milk, and counseling fees.

Recommended: How Much Does it Cost to Raise a Child to 18?

Is Surrogacy Covered by Insurance?

Surrogacy is not typically covered by health insurance, but the situation isn’t always cut and dry. Some health insurance plans include language that clearly specifies the plan does not cover costs for a woman for surrogacy, while a few plans state that they do provide coverage.

Many insurance plans, however, don’t make it entirely clear whether they do or don’t cover surrogacy. Surrogacy agencies, however, can often help intended parents evaluate the surrogate’s health insurance plan to determine whether or not the pregnancy will be covered.

In some cases, the would-be parents will need to purchase outside insurance for the surrogate from a comprehensive surrogacy insurance agency, which can run $12,000 to $30,000.

💡 Quick Tip: With lower fixed interest rates on loans of $5K to $100K, a SoFi personal loan for credit card debt can substantially decrease your monthly bills.

What To Know About Surrogacy Fees

Surrogacy fees are a large portion of the overall surrogacy price tag. But there are ways to possibly minimize these fees.

One common route is using what’s called a “compassionate” surrogate. This is someone — perhaps a friend or relative — who does not want a fee for surrogacy. While the would-be parents will be responsible for expenses, eliminating a carrying fee can make surrogacy much more affordable.

Another option is to search for a surrogate independently instead of going through an agency. This can minimize fees, but can also potentially be complicated because of the complexities involved in surrogacy.

Some families choose a surrogate who lives outside the United States as a way to save on potential costs. International surrogacy may be facilitated by an agency in the home country of the potential surrogate. This too, however, may come with risks including legal risks and travel complications.

Regardless of whether a family uses an agency, a connection, or pursues a surrogate through an independent channel, they will still likely need to use a reproductive lawyer to craft a legal agreement, as well as psychological counseling for all parties to make sure everyone has a place to explore the complex emotions that can come from surrogacy.

How to Pay for Surrogacy

Many people don’t have an extra six figures sitting around in a bank account that they can tap to pay for using a surrogate. But there are some ways that hopeful parents can find funds. Here are some options you may want to consider.

Employee benefits and health insurance. It’s not very common for companies to offer a surrogacy benefit, but it can’t hurt to inquire. There are some companies that offer a maximum family-planning benefit that could be used for processes such as surrogacy. It can also be worthwhile to check your own health insurance benefits. While it may not cover the surrogate’s pregnancy, it may cover procedures would-be parents need to undergo.

Saving up in advance. If you are planning surrogacy for some time in the future, you may want to start putting cash away every month into a savings account, ideally with an above-average interest rate, set up specifically for surrogacy. You can also automate savings by setting up a recurring monthly deposit into this account so it happens no matter what.

Considering financial resources. Some aspiring parents may want to reach out to their family for financial help, or even crowd-source funds through their social media networks. Others may tap into equity, such as a home equity line of credit (HELOC) or borrowing from their 401(k). Of course, it can be a good idea to explore the pros and cons of these types of loans, including a timeline to pay them back.

Taking out a personal loan. Taking out a personal loan, sometimes referred to as a family planning loan, can be a good option for some would-be parents. Unlike a credit card, a fixed-rate personal loan gives transparency over interest rate and exactly how much money you’ll need to pay back for the life of the loan.

Personal loans can also come with significantly lower interest rates than credit cards. Prior to applying for a loan, it can be a good idea to understand any fees and penalties. Surrogacy agencies and fertility centers also may have loans available.

Applying for a grant. There are some national, regional, and local grants available for some families pursuing surrogacy. Qualifying for a grant may depend on income, location, and personal situation.

Recommended: 5 Tips for Saving for a Baby

The Takeaway

Surrogacy is a process that can help would-be parents have a baby, but it typically comes with considerable costs. These expenses include the medical, legal, and insurance fees that come with contracting a surrogate.

While costs can vary widely based on your location and the type of surrogacy you choose, the total can run around between $100,000 and $225,000.

Because this family-building option is pricey, aspiring parents may want to try to save up in advance, tap certain financial resources, explore grants, and find ways to trim costs, such as asking a friend or family member to be their surrogate.

Another way to help pay for surrogacy is to take out a personal loan, which often comes with a lower interest rate than credit cards.

Think twice before turning to high-interest credit cards. Consider a SoFi personal loan instead. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

This article is not intended to be legal advice. Please consult an attorney for advice.


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How Do I Check My Credit Score Without Paying?

How Do I Check My Credit Score?

If you’ve ever wanted to check your credit score and do so without dinging your score or paying a cent, guess what? It’s possible. You can get that important three-digit number from a number of sources. In fact, your bank or credit card company may provide just what you are looking for.

Why is your credit report intel such a gift? Because keeping tabs on your credit scores can help you spot potentially fraudulent activities or discrepancies. It can also help you monitor your progress if you’re working hard to establish your credit or have a stellar financial profile. Higher scores may well unlock lower loan rates and other benefits.

Read this guide to learn:

•  What a credit score is and why you should check it

•  How and where to check your credit score for free

•  Whether checking can hurt your credit score

•  How often to check your credit score.

Check out our Money Management Guide.

This article is from SoFi’s guide on how to manage your money, where you can learn basic money management tips and strategies.

money management guide for beginners

What Is a Credit Score?

A credit score is a three-digit number that lenders and creditors use to assess your creditworthiness. In other words, it helps lenders decide the probability of you repaying a loan or a line of credit in a timely manner based on your past behavior.

Credit scores are usually broken down into two types: custom and generic scores, and this may explain why you have different credit scores depending on where you check.

While different algorithms are used, your credit score usually reflects such factors as how much money you have borrowed, whether you manage it well and pay it back on time, the length of time you’ve been borrowing money, and what kinds of credit lines you have used (you’ll learn more about this below).

•  What are known as generic credit scores are the ones reported by the three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax, and Transunion. They utilize Information from lenders and businesses to come up with their figures.

•  Conversely, individual lenders may create custom credit scores to determine your likelihood of repayment. These scores include credit reporting from the three credit bureaus and other data. This type of credit score is often meant to determine your creditworthiness with regard to a specific type of lending (like a mortgage) or a particular lender.

Examples of custom scores are FICO® scores and VantageScore®; these companies have their own guidelines to determine your credit score. Worth noting: FICO scores are the ones that many lenders and creditors use when they evaluate a candidate for credit.

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What Your Credit Score Means

fico ranges

Now, here’s how to understand the number itself. Credit scores typically range between 300 and 850. Usually, the higher your credit score, the less risky you are perceived in the eyes of lenders. That may mean you get a better (lower) interest rate on loans, among other perks.

A bad credit score can result in your paying more to borrow money or even being declined.

The FICO ranges look like this:

•  Poor: 300-579

•  Fair: 580-669

•  Good: 670-739

•  Very good: 740-799

•  Exceptional: 800-850.

Credit Score vs. Credit Report

Here’s one important distinction to be aware of: Your credit score and credit report are two very different things, even though they may sound similar.

•  Your credit score is the three-digit number that reflects your creditworthiness; that is, how likely you are to manage a line of credit or loan well and pay it back on time.

•  Your credit report, however, is a record of your credit activity and history. It will reflect how much you’ve borrowed, how promptly you have paid, and more details. Typically, negative information on your record can go back seven years.

Both of these sources of information can help lenders (say, for a mortgage, car loan, or new credit card) evaluate how well you have handled credit in the past and how well you might do so in the future.

How Do I Check My Credit Score for Free?

Next, here’s how to find out your credit score for free.

•  Check with your bank. Most banks provide customers with their FICO number or another credit score for free. Your bank is the hub for so many aspects of your financial life, it’s likely they will help you out by allowing you to view your score at no charge.

•  Ask Experian. You can get your free FICO score from Experian.

•  Ask your credit card company or lender. You might be able to view your credit score by logging into your account. If not, your creditor or lender can point you in the right direction to access your score.

•  Ask a credit counselor. Often, credit counselors can help you scratch that “How can I check my credit score for free?” itch. To find one in your neck of the woods, you can visit the nonprofit National Foundation for Credit Counseling, or NFCC.

•  Sign up for a free money management app. Lots of choices are out there if you are looking for a money tracker app that lets you view your accounts, budget, and optimize spending. Many offer a free credit score.

You can get free credit reports but not credit scores from AnnualCreditReport.com. It’s a good idea to check your credit reports at least once a year.

Recommended: Track your credit score for free with SoFi.

How Are Credit Scores Determined?

how credit scores are determined

Knowing what contributes to your credit score can help you get yours into the desired range. Here are some of the key factors that influence a FICO score:

•  35%: Payment history, or the timeliness of past payments

•  30%: Amounts owed, or how much credit you have used, especially vs. your available credit. (This can include your credit utilization ratio, which is the percentage of credit you’re using versus your limit. Ratios of 30% is often considered the limit of what you want to use, and many believe that 10% is a more financially prudent number.)

•  15%: Length of credit history; a longer credit history tends to be positive. How long you’ve had accounts and how frequently you have used them can matter.

•  10%: New credit, or whether you’ve opened a number of accounts recently. Doing so can make you look like more of a risk to a lender.

•  10%: Credit mix, or what kinds of accounts you’ve had, such as a home loan, retail accounts, car loans, and so forth. There isn’t a specific assortment you need, but this is a variable that will be factored into your score.

Learn more about credit here:

Can I Check My Own Credit Score Without Affecting It?

You may have heard that a credit score check can lower your number. In some cases, it can. Typically, this happens when what is known as a hard pull or hard inquiry happens, which is when a potential lender or other entity reviews your credit details.

But when you check your own credit score, it won’t affect those digits. Pulling your score is referred to as a soft inquiry, and you can do so without affecting your credit score. At the very least, you should review your numbers before applying for any financing like a home or auto loan or a new credit card.

💡 Quick Tip: When you overdraft your checking account, you’ll likely pay a non-sufficient fund fee of, say, $35. Look into linking a savings account to your checking account as a backup to avoid that, or shop around for a bank that doesn’t charge you for overdrafting.

What Credit Checks Can Hurt My Score?

You may wonder when credit checks can hurt your score. When you apply for new credit, the lender or creditor will conduct what’s known as a hard inquiry. This can indeed impact your score. For every new hard inquiry, your credit score may drop up to five points.

When a potential lender looks into your file, it indicates that you may plan to take on more debt. Hence, the score drops. If you have several hard inquiries back to back, your credit score may decrease more than a few points. Some hard inquiries that could affect your credit include:

•  Applying for a mortgage, auto loan, or personal loan

•  Submitting a new utility application

•  Applying for a new credit card

•  Requesting a credit limit increase

•  Renting an apartment.

Take note, though: Credit bureaus consider rate shopping a financially responsible move and treat it differently than a standard hard inquiry.

When you’re rate shopping, FICO considers all inquiries when applying for student loans, auto loans, or mortgages a single inquiry as long as applications are submitted within a 45-day window. However, some lenders use the older FICO model, which has only a 14-day window for application submissions. If you are looking for a loan, keep these time frames in mind so your research doesn’t wind up decreasing your credit score.

Recommended: How Student Loans Affect Your Credit Score

Why You Should Check Your Credit Scores

Monitoring your credit scores is important, and to do it for free is that much better. Here are some of the most important reasons to review your numbers:

•  You can spot discrepancies or potential fraud. Out-of-the-ordinary activities will reveal themselves when you keep tabs on your credit scores. You can immediately spot red flags when something seems unusual (say, a score drops 40 points for no reason). This way, you can act right away, work toward getting your score back on track, or file a dispute if you detect fraud.

•  You can gain insight into your financial situation. Understanding your credit scores can help you determine if you’ve been tracking your spending and debt vs. your income well.

It might also reveal if it could be a good time to purchase a home or refinance your mortgage. For example, if a score is less than ideal, you may want to hold off on making big moves until you work on your score. The delay may help you qualify for more favorable terms and interest rates.

•  You can better compare financial products. Lenders have different criteria and credit score requirements to qualify for specific products. So knowing your credit scores can help you determine if applying for a particular product is worth it or if you should explore other options.

•  You can pinpoint ways to positively impact your scores. If your score isn’t where you’d like it to be, don’t just assume the answer to “Am I bad with money?” is yes and stagnate. Instead, you might use it as motivation to build your financial literacy.

Having a handle on a credit score as well as the factors used to calculate it can help you optimize it. Some resources and websites may offer simulations so you can see how changing certain factors will alter your credit score. Then you can summon some financial discipline and work to improve your money habits as necessary.

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How Often Should You Check Your Credit Scores?

Financial experts usually recommend checking your credit score and credit report at least once a year. If you have reason to believe you are vulnerable to fraud (say, your credentials were involved in a data breach) or you are gearing up to apply for a loan, you may want to check more often.

The Takeaway

There are several free ways to access your credit scores, such as through your bank, a lender, a credit monitoring website, or a credit counselor. Accessing your score regularly can help you ensure there is no fraudulent activity while also making progress toward your financial goals. It can also help you optimize your scores so you can enjoy the best possible rates on credit as well as other benefits.

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What are some resources available to help me improve my financial literacy?

To improve your financial literacy, you might want to start with your bank. They likely have a library of content about financial topics and tools for improving your financial health. In addition, there are plenty of well-regarded books and podcasts on the topic.

How can I involve my family in developing good financial habits?

To involve your family in developing good financial habits, you might have family meetings and share information about the household budget and how you are managing the money. You could then set short-term goals they can have input on and participate in achieving, such as cutting the food or entertainment budget or finding ways to save for a family vacation.

How can I stay motivated to continue developing good financial habits over time?

There are several ways you can stay motivated and keep developing good money habits. Try surrounding yourself with like-minded people or those that share a specific goal, such as paying off student debt, to support one another and share ideas. Use apps to simplify your financial life and perhaps boost your financial health (say, with a roundup function). Reward yourself within reason when you do a good job meeting a financial goal, like adding to your emergency fund for several months.

Photo credit: iStock/Anchiy

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SoFi Bank shall, in its sole discretion, assess each account holder’s Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits throughout each 30-Day Evaluation Period to determine the applicability of rates and may request additional documentation for verification of eligibility. The 30-Day Evaluation Period refers to the “Start Date” and “End Date” set forth on the APY Details page of your account, which comprises a period of 30 calendar days (the “30-Day Evaluation Period”). You can access the APY Details page at any time by logging into your SoFi account on the SoFi mobile app or SoFi website and selecting either (i) Banking > Savings > Current APY or (ii) Banking > Checking > Current APY. Upon receiving a Direct Deposit or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits to your account, you will begin earning 4.60% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% on checking balances on or before the following calendar day. You will continue to earn these APYs for (i) the remainder of the current 30-Day Evaluation Period and through the end of the subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period and (ii) any following 30-day Evaluation Periods during which SoFi Bank determines you to have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits without interruption.

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Members without either Direct Deposit activity or Qualifying Deposits, as determined by SoFi Bank, during a 30-Day Evaluation Period and, if applicable, the grace period, will earn 1.20% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances.

Interest rates are variable and subject to change at any time. These rates are current as of 10/24/2023. There is no minimum balance requirement. Additional information can be found at https://www.sofi.com/legal/banking-rate-sheet.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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Engagement Ring Financing: Personal Loans & Other Ideas

Engagement Ring Financing Options

A ring can be a significant investment. And often it’s only the beginning of wedding expenses as you consider a future as a couple. That’s why it can be a good idea to consider your options if engagement ring financing is in your future.

Some people may save in advance and therefore won’t need wedding ring financing. But if you’re not among them, you might be looking at how to finance an engagement ring. There are definitely options, but an important thought to keep in mind is staying within an affordable — for you — range and not comparing how much other people may feel comfortable spending on an engagement ring.

Why Not Pay for an Engagement Ring Upfront?

If you’ve just begun browsing engagement rings, you will likely see they come at a variety of price points. The best price for an engagement ring? One you can actually afford.

In the past, there’s been a rule of thumb that an engagement ring should cost the equivalent of three months’ salary. But that “rule of thumb” is likely rooted in industry advertising from the 1930s and it doesn’t reflect the current reality.

In fact, Americans spend just a fraction of that amount on an engagement ring — $5,225 on average in 2022. Considering that the average monthly U.S. income is also about $4,880, abiding by the three-months rule would mean spending $14,640 on the ring. Increasingly, young Millennials and Gen Zers think engagement rings should cost no more than $2,500.

Can you finance an engagement ring? Yes, and there are several avenues available to you. But no matter what the average engagement ring cost is, it’s a good idea to buy a ring you can comfortably afford without financing. But even if you have cash ready to buy a ring, you may still consider financing options. People typically finance a ring because:

•   They want liquid cash available for upcoming wedding expenses.

•   They may not be able to pay cash for a ring without significantly dipping into their emergency savings, which could become problematic if an unexpected expense crops up.

•   They may want to spread the payment of an engagement ring across several pay cycles, or may be waiting for a large sum of cash to hit their account.

•   They may want to take advantage of purchase protection available on their credit card for a large purchase. However, purchase protection may not apply for a ring, as there are exclusions for certain categories of purchase, such as antiques or one-of-a-kind items.

•   They may want to take advantage of credit card points that come with a large purchase.

Recommended: Credit Card Rewards 101: Getting the Most Out of Your Credit Card

Engagement Ring Financing Options

There are multiple options for financing an engagement ring, and the best option for you may be as unique as the ring you choose for your partner.

These include:

•   Personal loans.

•   Credit card.

•   Buy now, pay later options.

•   Jeweler loan.

Here are some things to consider as you consider options for financing an engagement ring.

Financing an Engagement Ring with a Personal Loan

What is a personal loan? It’s a lump-sum loan that can be used to pay off other bills or to pay for an expense, like buying an engagement ring.

With a fixed interest rate and a payment end date, using a personal loan for engagement ring financing can be a good option if you have a budget for paying the ring off, or want to spread the payment through a longer period of time. That way, you can still have available emergency savings and not have to liquidate other assets.

But whether or not to get a personal loan is something that takes careful thought. You may be tempted to look at more expensive rings than you might have if you had been paying cash upfront. And that engagement ring loan includes paying interest in addition to the actual cost of the ring. It can also be a good idea to make sure that you can comfortably afford the loan payments and that it wouldn’t be an excessive burden if you were to lose income.

Financing an Engagement Ring With a Personal Loan: Pros and Cons



A fixed-interest rate and payment terms means you’ll know exactly what you owe each month Interest adds to the overall cost of the ring
A personal loan can give you more flexibility in where your money goes, especially as wedding expenses loom A personal loan may add to your overall debt and may make it easier to overextend yourself financially
A personal loan can spread the purchase through several months, minimizing the all-at-once financial burden of the purchase A personal loan may make you consider rings that you otherwise couldn’t comfortably afford in your budget, leading to feeling financially overextended

Financing an Engagement Ring With a Credit Card

Using a credit card for an engagement ring purchase may make sense if you have the cash to pay your bill at the end of the month. It also may make sense if you have a credit card with 0% APR and are confident you can pay off the ring before the promotional period ends.

Some people also may want to use a credit card to earn points or to take advantage of purchase protection. But before you pull out your card, consider a few things:

•   Does your jeweler offer a discount for cash purchases? If so, then that discount may be worth considering cash options rather than paying with a credit card.

•   Does purchase protection cover a ring? It may be worth calling your credit card company, since your ring may fall under exclusionary categories.

Financing an Engagement Ring With a Credit Card: Pros and Cons



Ability to earn points A high interest rate may minimize the value of those points; a variable interest rate may lead to you paying more for the ring over time
Ability to spread your payment over time You may have more large purchases in your future, and having a ring on your card may limit your purchasing power
Ability to take advantage of 0% APR offers A large purchase on one card may increase your credit utilization ratio, which could affect your credit score

Financing an Engagement Ring With a Buy Now, Pay Later Loan

A buy now, pay later loan (BNPL) works like it sounds — a purchase is spread out over time. Unlike different types of personal loans, a BNPL loan (also called a point-of-sale loan) may be done through a merchant or through a virtual card. These may have no interest if you pay in a set amount of time, but the repayment period may be short and there may be fees involved.

Financing an Engagement Ring With a Buy Now, Pay Later Loan: Pros and Cons



Purchase won’t affect your credit-utilization ratio There may be a purchase limit to a buy now, pay later loan, limiting your options
Possibly interest free Repayment periods may be relatively short. Plus, while there may not be interest, there may be fees affiliated with the loan
Ability to spread the purchase over several weeks or months No opportunity to earn rewards as you might be able to with a credit card

Financing an Engagement Ring With a Jeweler Loan

Some jewelers offer their own loan programs. These may have promotional periods where you can take advantage of a 0% interest rate, and may also come with additional perks, such as discounts for future purchases or a discount on future repairs. Jeweler loans also may have a fixed rate of interest.

But this interest rate may be higher than an interest rate you could get with a personal loan or on your credit card. You also may be required to put a down payment on the purchase.

Financing an Engagement Ring With a Jeweler Loan: Pros and Cons



May have a 0% interest period Interest rate may be high after a possibly short introductory period
Discounts and perks with the jewelry store You may miss opportunities to earn points elsewhere, like on your credit card
Ability to spread the purchase over several weeks or months May still require a down payment

Can You Finance an Engagement Ring With Bad Credit?

If you have bad credit, you may find it a challenge to qualify for engagement ring financing. That said, it’s not impossible.

Some jewelers offer financing plans for customers with less-than-stellar credit. which may come with a higher interest rate or require a co-signer. You may also want to look into whether the jeweler offers a layaway program, where you put down a percentage of the total amount due and make smaller payments over time. When the balance is paid off, you can bring the ring home.

Tips for Buying an Engagement Ring

Consider the pros and cons of engagement ring finance options, and remember that after the engagement ring comes wedding expenses. It may be a good idea to talk through engagement ring options with your partner prior to a proposal, especially if you’re already sharing your finances. While it may not feel as spontaneous, talking through big purchases that mutually affect you may be good practice for combining your lives.

Other tips for buying an engagement ring:

•   Ask your partner what they want. Also, talk to your family and their family: A relative may have heirloom jewelry they’d like to pass down.

•   Browse together. In addition to looking at jewelry stores, consider estate sales, antique stores, and browsing online to get a sense of styles and prices.

•   Negotiate. Some jewelers may offer a discount if you pay in cash.

•   Remember ring insurance. An engagement ring may not be covered under your homeowner’s policy without an added rider to the policy or may be covered only in specific circumstances. Research insurance policies before you buy the ring.

Looking for a Personal Loan? What to Consider

While there are many uses for a personal loan, it can also be an avenue that makes sense for engagement ring finance. Having a fixed interest rate and a finite loan term allows you to know exactly what you’re paying each month, and spreading the cost over time may mean the purchase fits within your monthly budget. Here are some things to consider when using a personal loan to buy an engagement ring:

•   What are the fees? Some loans may have fees, such as an origination fee (when you open the loan) or an early termination fee (if you pay off the loan early). Make sure you know any potential fees prior to applying for the loan.

•   Know your budget. Just because you can get approved for a certain size loan doesn’t mean that’s the best choice for you. Make sure you choose a loan size you’re comfortable with.

•   Know the loan terms. Some loans have hardship clauses that may help if you are at risk of falling behind on payments due to an unforeseen financial strain.

•   Shop around. Compare loan terms and interest rates for personal loan pricing. Comparing rates won’t affect your credit score. A hard credit check will only be done when you apply for the loan.

Recommended: Personal Loan Calculator

The Takeaway

With a big purchase like an engagement ring, there are several avenues for paying for the purchase. Considering the pros and cons of each option can help you decide on the best one for you. And remember: An engagement ring is only one expense in the future you are creating for you and your partner, so consider it the first of many financial steps in your future as a married couple.

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Photo credit: iStock/Delmaine Donson
SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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The Problems with Online Payday Loans and Fast Cash Lending

The Problems With Online Payday Loans and Fast Cash Lending

Whether you need to pay for an emergency root canal or have unexpected home repairs, sometimes life can’t wait for your next paycheck.

If you’ve researched how to access cash quickly, you might wonder if online payday loans are the answer. Lenders that offer payday loans typically promise you things like quick applications, no credit checks, and expedited approvals. They may say you’ll get the cold hard cash you need the very next day.

It’s an easy solution, right? Not so fast.

How Do Payday Loans Work?

Payday loans are called that because they’re meant to be paid back the next time you get a paycheck. They’re generally for small amounts, and usually don’t require collateral or even necessarily a credit check.

The catch? Payday loans come at a price — and a high one, at that. They can have interest rates of more than 600%, depending on the lender you choose and which state you’re in. (Some states have stronger protective laws, including rate caps.)

Such high-interest rates and other associated fees can quickly lead to situations where you end up getting behind on the loan. You may end up having to borrow more and more in order to pay back the money you borrowed, especially since the loan might come due in only two weeks or a month. Soon you may be in a hole so deep you might not know how to get out. It can be costly, greatly damage your credit, or even lead to bankruptcy.

Recommended: What Are Common Uses for Personal Loans?

How Much Does a Payday Loan Cost?

The short answer: a lot. But let’s look at an example.

Say you take out a $500 payday loan at an annual percentage rate (APR) of 300%. You would only pay that full 300% if you took a whole year to pay off the loan because the APR is what you would be charged in interest over 12 months.

However, even if you only borrow money for one month, you’d have to pay 1/12 of 300%, which translates to 25%. Here’s where the math gets ugly: 25% of $500 is $125, which means that when your loan comes due at the end of its very short term, you’ll owe $625. This amount might be tough to meet, especially if you’re in a situation where you needed a payday loan in the first place.

What Is a Direct Payday Loan?

Payday loans are offered by a wide variety of vendors, but for the most part, they break down into two categories: direct payday loans and those offered through a broker.

With direct payday loans, the entire loan process, from application to funding to repayment, is all managed by the same company. Although these can be slightly better than indirect loans — which may involve multiple fees, longer funding wait times, and harder-to-pin-down communication — they’re still generally considered a bad idea.

Why Is it Best To Avoid Payday Lending?

Other than the possibility that you can get money quickly if you have bad credit, there aren’t many benefits associated with payday loans. You’ll end up paying a significant amount in interest, and you’re usually expected to pay the money back in a very short period of time — usually within two weeks or so.

The interest on your loan can also compound daily, weekly, or monthly. This means that interest charges will start accumulating on the interest you already owe, which will inflate your loan balance even more.

Depending on how much you borrowed and your financial situation, compounding interest can make it incredibly difficult for you to pay back the loan. Many times borrowers end up taking out additional loans to pay off the payday loan, which can lock them into a seemingly endless cycle of debt.

You’re also unlikely to be able to borrow a large amount of money because payday and fast cash loan lenders typically have low maximum borrowing amounts.

What’s more, you won’t even be building your credit if you do manage to pay the loan back on time, because most of these lenders don’t report your behavior back to credit bureaus. In contrast, above-board lenders will report back to credit bureaus when you’re paying your bills on time and in full, and that can boost your credit score.

What Are Some Alternatives to Payday Loans?

In an ideal world, you’d avoid any kind of consumer debt. But sometimes it’s simply unavoidable. There are financially favorable alternatives to consider before you sign up for a risky payday loan.

Paycheck Advance

The best kind of money to borrow is money you’ve already earned. While not every employer offers it, a paycheck advance can be a relatively low-risk way to fund last-minute emergencies. An advance on your paycheck basically means getting paid earlier than you normally would, with the balance deducted from your future paycheck.

But tread carefully: Many employers offer paycheck advances through apps and platforms that may assess a one-time fee or even charge interest. While the rates may not be as astronomical as payday loan rates, it’s still worth taking a second look at the paperwork to ensure you understand what you’re signing up for ahead of time.

Recommended: What to Know About Credit Card Cash Advances

Debt Settlement

Another option is debt settlement, which is where you offer a creditor a lump sum payment on a delinquent debt — a lump sum that often ends up being far less than the original amount you owed.

However, doing this does require some negotiating, and sometimes even some legal know-how, which is why many people seek the help of professional debt settlement companies. This, too, is tricky, because scams abound, and some debt settlement companies may try to charge exorbitant fees to “eliminate your debt,” all without actually doing any work on your behalf. The Federal Trade Commission has more information on debt settlement and how to look for a reliable firm if you choose to go this route.

Personal Loans

Many types of personal loans are unsecured loans — meaning no collateral is involved — that can be used to pay for just about anything. And although they tend to have higher interest rates than secured loans, like mortgages or auto loans, those rates are still much lower than payday loans.

With its lower interest rate and longer-term, a personal loan will likely cost you less money than a payday loan in the long run. And some online personal loan lenders can process your application quickly and even get you the money you need in a matter of days.

Unlike payday loans, you have to go through a credit check to qualify and get approved for a personal loan. However, if you have a steady income and meet the lender’s eligibility requirements, you’re likely to qualify for a lower interest rate than you would if you used an online payday loan.

Your repayment timeline could also be less stressful if you opt for a personal loan rather than a payday loan. Personal loans come with the option of longer terms — a few years, for example, instead of a few months.

And because you can pay your loan off over a longer-term, your monthly payments might be more manageable than a payday loan. There also tend to be fewer fees attached to personal loans, and you might be able to borrow more because personal loans have higher loan maximums.

Personal loans aren’t much more difficult to apply for than payday or fast cash loans. You can typically get pre-qualified online by answering a few questions about your income, financial history, and occupation.

Recommended: Personal Loan Calculator

The Takeaway

When you need money quickly, payday loans — and their promise of fast money — can be tempting. But you’ll want to proceed with caution. These loans generally come with very high interest rates and associated fees, and you may only have a couple of weeks or so to pay back the money you borrowed. There are less-risky alternatives to consider, including paycheck advance, debt settlement, or a personal loan.

If you are thinking about taking out a loan to help you repay debts on time, a SoFi personal loan may be a good option for your unique financial situation. SoFi personal loans offer competitive, fixed rates and a variety of terms. Checking your rate won’t affect your credit score, and it takes just one minute.

See if a personal loan from SoFi is right for you.


What is a disadvantage of a payday loan?

Payday loans generally come with high interest rates and associated fees. What’s more, you typically have to pay back the money you borrowed on your next payday.

Are payday loans a good idea?

Payday loans are usually not the top choice when you need cash quickly. That’s because they often come with high interest rates and tight repayment timelines.

What is the catch to payday lending?

The catch to payday loans is that borrowers are typically charged very high fees and interest rates.

Are payday loans easy or hard to pay back?

With their high interest rates and fees and short repayment timelines, payday loans can be difficult for borrowers to pay back on time.

Can payday loans hurt your credit?

While payday loans are unlikely to help your credit score, they can hurt your credit if you don’t pay back your loan and your lender sends the debt to a debt collector.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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