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How to Winterize a House

As winter approaches, it may make sense to prepare for the cold weather by sealing cracks and holes around doors and windows no matter where you live. Proactive steps like these may help cut down on your heating bills.

If you’re bracing for a big chill, or worse, a blizzard — predicted to become more intense in the coming years, despite shorter winters — you’ll be glad you protected or checked the pipes, roof, chimney, heating system, and water heater. Your wallet and physical well-being may benefit from the following ways to winterize a house and how to finance the projects.

Ways to Winterize a House

There are numerous ways to winterize a house beyond sealing cracks in doors and windows. And while the steps to winterize a home may differ in Alaska than in Texas, it still helps to get ahead of any issues that may arise.

You should also know that the timing of the first frost can vary from state to state. It may help to check the National Weather Service’s data that forecasts the first frost for each state to assist in your winterization preparation timeline.

The following tips to winterize a house may help you reduce future repair costs and heating bills. And figuring out ways to lower your heating bills is something to pay attention to due to the potential rise of the price of natural gas, which is often used to heat homes.

Protect Pipes or Pay the Piper

When deciding how to winterize a house, you may first consider how to address plumbing leaks and other issues.

Burst pipes can cause $5,000 or more in damage, according to Consumer Reports , citing information from the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety , which has a page of recommendations to help prevent frozen pipes.

Pipes in unheated places inside a home, including basements, attics, and garages, are among the most likely to sustain damage. But pipes running through exterior walls can also freeze in certain conditions, and so can those running through kitchen or bathroom cabinets.

Protecting the plumbing is clearly a situation where being proactive may save a homeowner money.

Pipe insulation can be as inexpensive as 50 cents per linear foot. Compare that to the $5,000 figure above, and the rewards of winterization can quickly become clear.

Adding insulation to attics, crawl spaces, and basements can help to keep those areas warmer, which can also help to keep pipes from freezing.

If sinks are located on exterior walls, it can help to keep the cabinet doors open during frigid temperatures (after removing any dangerous chemicals, including cleaners, if there are children or pets in the home).

Allowing cold water to drip can also help prevent pipes from freezing, making sense in frigid temperatures.

Address HVAC Maintenance and Repair

Nobody wants the heating system to perform poorly during the winter — much less have it break down.

It’s a good idea to schedule a professional maintenance appointment, including a filter change before freezing temperatures arrive. (Then it’s best to change the filter at least every 90 days.)

Additionally, maintenance and repairs to the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and cleaning out vents can improve airflow in your home.

It may be time to consider a new HVAC system for some people. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Star program provides tips to homeowners to decide if replacing an HVAC system makes sense.

Signs that it might be time to replace the unit include:

•   The heat pump is more than 10 years old.

•   The furnace or boiler is more than 15 years old.

•   The system needs frequent repairs, and energy bills are increasing.

•   Rooms in the home can be too hot or too cold.

•   The HVAC system is noisy.

If people in a home are away during reasonably regular times of the day, it can make sense to ask the HVAC professional about a programmable thermostat to save on energy costs.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Home Energy Yardstick can help a homeowner determine if replacing an HVAC system makes sense.

Check the Roof, Gutters, and Chimney

Before winter hits, clearing the roof and gutters of leaves and other debris will help prevent snow and ice from building up and damaging the gutters — or, worse, the roof.

If ice or snow gets beneath roof shingles, it can lead to leaks and interior water damage. You may want to ask yourself if you need to replace your gutters. Do any shingles need to be glued down or replaced? Do any small leaks need to be repaired before they become big ones?

Plus, a chimney inspection can make sense before winter arrives. A chimney could have an animal nest lodged within, and there can also be structural problems. If the home has a wood-burning fireplace, creosote buildup can create a fire hazard. With a gas fireplace, a blocked chimney could lead to carbon monoxide backup, which can be life-threatening.

Addressing all these issues before winter comes can help you prevent future damage, reduce future repair costs and energy bills, and avoid a potential accident.

Examine the Water Heater

You want to check your water heater before temperatures plunge to avoid a chilly shower during winter.

Are areas of the water heater rusting or corroding? If so, this can lead to a leak. A professional can examine it, bleed the system to remove trapped air and mineral deposits, clean the pipes, and recommend and do repairs.

Think About Outdoor Equipment and Plants

Preventive winterization isn’t just about your home. You want to winterize your outdoor equipment, like a lawn mower or other power tools, to protect them as well.

Draining the oil from the appropriate equipment and taking it to a local recycling or hazardous-waste site can be your first step.

You also want to take care of general maintenance on equipment, including replacing old parts. That way, when spring rolls around and you need to mow your lawn or trim your bushes, you should be ready to go.

Additionally, inspect gas caps to ensure O-rings are intact; if not, get replacements from the manufacturer. Also, replace filters and lubricate what needs lubricating.

You may need to bring in the plants you initially placed outside to enjoy the summer sun when temperatures drop. Before doing so, check the plants for mealybugs, aphids, and other insects. Remove them, so they don’t spread to other plants.

Some people prefer to prune plants before transitioning them back into the house. If so, prune no more than one-third of each, pruning an equal amount off the roots. When repotting, pick a container that’s two or more inches bigger than the current one.

Gradually transition your plants to the new environment, which has different light and humidity levels. For a few days, bring the plants inside at dusk and put them back outside in the morning.

Over a period of 14 days or so, increase the indoor time until the process is complete and they’ve become indoor plants again, finishing the transition before temperatures go down to 45 degrees.

What’s the Cost of Winterizing a Home?

Pipe insulation, as noted earlier, can be relatively cheap, perhaps 50 centers per linear foot.

If a homeowner decides to insulate further, perhaps an attic, costs can range between $1.50 and $7.00 per foot, or a total of $1,700 to $2,100.

On average, an attic insulation installer may charge $70 an hour. If electrical work needs to be done for safe insulation around cables or junction boxes, you may expect to pay $80 an hour.

To hire someone to clean gutters and downspouts, you may pay an average of $119 to $227. An HVAC inspection might cost $325 and up, while the cost to replace an HVAC system could run between $5,000 and $10,000, depending upon the size of the home, among other factors.

What each of these services costs will depend on the locale, what types of repairs or unusual circumstances exist, and so forth.

Additionally, there are websites that allow a homeowner to enter a ZIP code and get an estimate of what a winterizing activity may cost. It makes sense to get quotes from local professionals to get an exact price.

Financing Winterization Projects

Some people pay for their home winterization costs out of pocket, while others may decide to get a home improvement loan. If you’re leaning toward a loan, comparing a home equity line of credit (HELOC) and a personal loan can make sense.

Recommended: How Do Home Improvement Loans Work?

A HELOC uses your home as collateral; for this to be an option, there needs to be enough equity in the property to borrow against it. If there is, and the loan amount required is large, it could make sense to apply for a HELOC.

Interest rates may be lower than those for a personal loan. Also, you can typically take draws from a HELOC up to the loan’s limit.

So if winterizing is coupled with indoor projects done through the cold season, for example, this might be a practical solution. In some cases, interest payments could be tax-deductible.

Recommended: The Different Types Of Home Equity Loans

A personal loan can make sense for recent homebuyers who haven’t built enough equity or for people planning smaller projects. Home winterization often fits into this category.

Applying for and receiving money from an unsecured personal loan is typically much faster than with a HELOC, partly because no appraisal is required for the loan.

Having an excellent credit score and cash flow can help a borrower get approved or receive better loan terms.

The Takeaway

Preparing your home for the harsh weather of winter can be one step you take to protect your house and potentially reduce your energy bills. However, many homeowners don’t take steps to winterize a house due to the upfront costs. Fortunately, there are ways to finance any home improvement projects.

If taking out a home improvement loan for home winterization projects makes sense, then here’s more about the fixed-rate unsecured personal loans offered by SoFi:

•   Personal loans have no origination fees and no prepayment penalties.

•   Qualifying borrowers may be eligible for loans up to $100,000.

•   Applying online can be quick and easy.

•   Customer service is available to help seven days a week throughout the process.

Winterize and protect your home with SoFi home improvement loans.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Using Your 401(k) to Pay Down Debt

Let’s say you have debt from high-interest credit cards, a student loan, and a car loan. But you also have a stash of cash just sitting in your 401(k) plan. You might think that taking money out of your 401(k) is a smart way to pay down that debt or even pay it off completely.

But is using your 401(k) to pay off debt really a good idea? We’ll go over the rules around withdrawing money from your 401(k), the costs associated with loans, and how a loan can ultimately affect your retirement. Finally, we’ll offer some alternatives to 401(k) loans to pay off debt.

What Are Some Options for Taking Money Out of a 401(k)?

There are two basic options for taking money out of a 401(k): withdrawals and loans.

401(k) Withdrawal

A 401(k) withdrawal removes money from your account permanently — you don’t pay the money back. You should expect to pay taxes on the amount you withdraw. Depending on your age, you may have to pay an early withdrawal penalty as well.

401(k) Loan

A loan lets you borrow money from your 401(k) account and then pay it back to yourself over time. You’ll pay interest, but the interest and payments you make will go back into your retirement account.

There are pros and cons for each of these options. And the rules can vary depending on your age and what your employer’s plan allows. Here are some things to consider.

What Are the Rules for 401(k) Withdrawal?

Tax-deferred retirement accounts, such as 401(k) plans and 403(b) plans, were designed to encourage workers to save for retirement. So the rules aren’t super friendly when it comes to withdrawals before age 59 ½.

Depending on your financial situation, however, you may be able to request what the IRS calls a hardship distribution. Employer retirement plans aren’t required to provide hardship distribution options to employees, but many do. Check with your HR department or plan administrator for details on what your plan allows.

According to the IRS, to qualify as a hardship, a 401(k) distribution must be made because of an “immediate and heavy financial need,” and the amount must be only what is necessary to satisfy this financial need. Expenses the IRS will automatically accept include:

•   Certain medical costs.

•   Costs related to buying a principal residence.

•   Tuition and related educational fees and expenses.

•   Payments necessary to avoid eviction or foreclosure.

•   Burial or funeral expenses.

•   Certain expenses to repair casualty losses to a principal residence (such as losses from a fire, earthquake, or flood).

You still may not qualify for a hardship withdrawal, however, if you have other assets to draw on or insurance that could cover your needs. And your employer may require documentation to back up your request.

You probably noticed that credit card and auto loan payments aren’t included on the IRS list. And even the tuition requirements can be tricky. You can ask for a hardship distribution to pay for tuition, related educational fees, and room and board expenses “for up to the next 12 months of post-secondary education.” The student can be yourself, your spouse, your child, or another dependent. But you can’t use a hardship distribution to repay a student loan from when you attended college.

Recommended: How Does a 401(k) Hardship Withdrawal Work?

Are 401(k) Withdrawals Subject to Taxes and Penalties?

Even if you can qualify for a hardship distribution, plan on paying taxes on the distribution (which is generally treated as ordinary income). Unless you meet specific criteria to qualify for a waiver, you’ll also pay a 10% early withdrawal penalty if you’re younger than 59 ½.

Now let’s assume you’re 33 years old, and you have enough in your 401(k) to withdraw the $20,000 you need. Right off the top, unless you qualify for a waiver, you can expect to pay a $2,000 early withdrawal penalty. Then, when you file your income tax return, that 401(k) distribution will most likely be counted as ordinary income, so it will cost you another 25% or so. If the added income bumps you into another tax bracket, your tax bill could be higher.

But taxes and penalties aren’t the only costs to consider when you’re deciding whether to go the distribution route.

Compound interest creates the potential for your initial investment to grow significantly over time. So every dollar you take out now could mean several dollars less in retirement. Essentially, withdrawing from your 401(k) now is like borrowing money from your future self, because you’re losing long-term growth.

Recommended: 401(k) Early Withdrawal Penalties Explained

What Are the Costs Associated With 401(k) Loans?

You may be able to avoid paying an early withdrawal penalty and taxes if you borrow from your 401(k) instead of taking the money as a distribution. But 401(k) loans have their own set of rules and costs, so you should be sure you know what you’re getting into.

There are some appealing advantages to borrowing from a 401(k). For starters, if your plan offers loans (not all do), you might qualify based only on your participation in the plan. There won’t be a credit check or any impact to your credit score — even if you miss a payment. And borrowers generally have five years to pay back a 401(k) loan.

Another plus: Although you’ll have to pay interest (usually one or two points above the prime rate), the interest will go back into your own 401(k) account — not to a lender as it would with a typical loan.

You may have to pay an application fee and/or maintenance fee, however, which will reduce your account balance.

Of course, a potentially more impactful cost to consider is how borrowing a large sum from your 401(k) now could affect your lifestyle in retirement. Even though your outstanding balance will be earning interest, you’ll be the one paying that interest.

Until you pay the money back, you’ll lose out on any market gains you might have had — and you’ll miss out on increasing your savings with the power of compound interest. If you reduce your 401(k) contributions while you’re making loan payments, you’ll further diminish your account’s potential growth.

Another risk to consider is that you might decide to leave your job before the loan is repaid. According to IRS regulations, you must repay whatever you still owe on your 401(k) loan within 60 days of leaving your employer. If you fail to pay off the outstanding balance in that time, it will be considered a distribution from your plan. And when tax time rolls around, you’ll have to include that amount on your federal and state tax returns, where it will be considered ordinary income.

If you’re under age 59 ½ and the loan balance becomes a distribution, you may also have to pay a 10% early withdrawal penalty. There may be similar consequences if you default on a 401(k) loan.

Recommended: Pros & Cons of Using Retirement Funds to Pay for College

What Are Some Ways of Minimizing Risks to Your Retirement?

If you decide using a 401(k) to pay off debt is your best (or only) option, here are a few things that could help you lower your financial risk.

•   Stop using your high-interest credit cards. If you continue to use your credit cards, and then have credit cards and the 401(k) loan payments to make every month, you could end up in even more financial trouble.

•   Continue to make contributions to your 401(k) while you’re repaying the loan — at least enough to get your employer’s match.

•   Don’t overborrow. Creating a budget could help you determine how much you can comfortably pay each quarter while staying on track with other goals. And try to stick to taking only the amount you really need to dump your debt and no more.

Why Do People Use Their 401(k) To Pay Down Debt?

Although there are significant costs involved in taking money out of a 401(k) to pay debt, many people still do it. It can seem like a good option if you have high-interest debt like credit cards. If you have lower interest debt like student loans, personal loans, auto loans, or a home equity line of credit (HELOC), then the early withdrawal penalty and other consequences may be a deterrent.

But if you’re paying high interest on your current debt, or if you have debt payments due and no way to cover them, using your 401(k) might seem better than the risks of missing payments on those bills. Late payments can rack up fees, interest, and can ding your credit score.

And if you default on a debt, that can have even more dire consequences, potentially including court actions and wage garnishment — depending on the type of debt and the creditor or lender. You can’t exactly wait it out and count on winning the lottery or inheriting money from some long-lost relative.

If your credit score ends up damaged due to late payments, that, too, could have a huge impact on your finances. Having a low credit score can make it more difficult to get loans in the future. You might have to pay a higher interest rate or there might be limits on how much you can borrow.

Given the dire consequences of doing nothing, using your 401(k) to pay off debt might seem like an attractive choice. But before you contact your HR department or plan administrator to request a loan or withdrawal, you may want to take time to look at some other options that could help you repay your debts.

What Are Some Alternatives to Taking Money Out of Your 401(k)

When it comes to paying down debt, your 401(k) isn’t the first or only place you can look for relief. There are some solid alternatives.

For example, refinancing your debt might be an option. Refinancing your student loan or auto loan can mean getting a lower interest rate than you’re currently paying. This is especially true if your credit score or income has improved since you first took out your loan. If you took out educational loans when you were still a student, for example, you’re likely making more money now and might have built up a credit history that could make you eligible for a better deal.

If you have federal student loans and are still working toward that dream job (and salary), you could look into income-driven repayment plans that limit the amount that you pay each month to a certain percentage of your monthly discretionary income — which could help keep your monthly payments more manageable.

Many of these plans will also forgive any remaining balance on your federal student loans after 10, 20, or 25 years of qualifying, on-time payments — something that you won’t be able to take advantage of if you pay off your loans with your 401(k).

If you still need help, you could look into whether you qualify to have your federal student loans put into forbearance or deferment. (You’ll want to consider these programs carefully, as you may still be responsible for any interest that accrues).

If you have credit card debt or other high interest debt, you could look into a credit card consolidation loan. Debt consolidation loans are designed to pay off your current loans or credit cards, ideally at a lower interest rate or with more favorable terms.

You can get these loans from a bank, credit union, or online lender, often by filling out a quick form and sending a few scanned documents. But it’s important to remember that this is still taking on debt, even if it’s debt with different terms.

One critical thing to remember when using a personal loan to refinance or consolidate debt is that you may have the option to extend the length of your loan, which can reduce your monthly payments and free up some near-term cash flow.

While extending your loan term means you’ll likely pay more in interest over the life of your loan, it might be a worthwhile move to ensure you can cover your debt payments.

The Takeaway

While using your 401(k) to pay down debt is possible, it’s often not the best financial move you can make. That’s because 401(k) withdrawals often come with taxes and penalties that can eat up a third of your loan amount. Taking a loan from your 401(k) has its own disadvantages, including interest charges and strict repayment rules if you leave your job. But the most compelling reason is the effect that withdrawing retirement savings will have on your future lifestyle: Because of compounding interest, every dollar you withdraw results in several dollars of lost investment gains.

Before you use your 401(k) to pay off debt, consider other available alternatives. With a SoFi Personal Loan, for example, qualified applicants can get a low fixed interest rate. And there are no fees required. Check your rate in 60 seconds without affecting your credit score.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2022 winner for Best Online Personal Loan.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Student Loan Refinance
If you are a federal student loan borrower, you should consider all of your repayment opportunities including the opportunity to refinance your student loan debt at a lower APR or to extend your term to achieve a lower monthly payment. Please note that once you refinance federal student loans you will no longer be eligible for current or future flexible payment options available to federal loan borrowers, including but not limited to income-based repayment plans or extended repayment plans.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Checking Your Rates: To check the rates and terms you may qualify for, SoFi conducts a soft credit pull that will not affect your credit score. However, if you choose a product and continue your application, we will request your full credit report from one or more consumer reporting agencies, which is considered a hard credit pull and may affect your credit.


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Credit Card Statement Balance vs Current Balance

When you buy with credit, it’s easy to forget that you’re paying for that item with money that doesn’t belong to you. It’s like taking out a short-term loan to make a purchase. If you’re putting charges on your credit card throughout the month, the value of that loan — your “current balance” — fluctuates.

You may notice there are other numbers on your credit card statement, such as your statement balance. Wait a minute, you may ask, What’s the difference? Here we’ll discuss the meaning of statement balance and current balance, along with a few tips for paying down your credit cards.

Statement Balance vs Current Balance

Each credit card issuer may have a slightly different method of presenting and even calculating the numbers on your monthly statement and online portal. Still, you will likely see one number called the statement balance and another called the current balance.

The statement balance means all transactions during a designated period, called a billing cycle. If a billing cycle covers one month and starts on the 15th of each month, this statement balance will include all of the activity on an account between, say, January 15 and February 15, in addition to any previously unpaid balances. Until the close of the next billing cycle, the statement balance will remain unchanged.

Your current balance means the running total of all transactions on your account. It changes every time you swipe your card to pick up Chinese takeout or return a T-shirt that didn’t fit right.

To understand the interplay between the statement balance vs. the current balance, consider this. On February 15, the statement balance is $1,000, meaning that the total charges between January 15 and February 15 add up to $1,000. Two days later, you make a $50 charge to the card. Your current balance will reflect $1,050 while the statement balance remains the same.

In this case, the current balance is higher than the statement balance. The reverse can also be true, and the current balance can potentially reflect a smaller number than the statement balance.

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What to Know About Paying Off Your Credit Card

As each billing cycle closes, you will be provided with a statement balance. You will also likely be provided with a due date. At the time you make a payment, you may decide to pay off the statement balance, the current balance, the minimum payment, or some other amount of your choosing.

Recommended: Credit Card Closing Date vs Due Date

Paying the Statement Balance

If you regularly pay your statement balance in full, by its due date, you likely won’t be subject to any interest charges. Most credit card companies charge interest only on any amount of the statement balance that is not paid off in full.

The period between your statement date and the due date is called the grace period. During this period, you may not accumulate interest on any balances. It’s worth mentioning that not every credit card has a grace period. It’s also possible to lose a grace period by missing payments or making them late. If you have any questions about whether your card has a grace period, contact your credit card company.

Paying the Current Balance

If you’re using your credit card regularly, it is possible that you will use your card during the grace period. This will increase your current balance. At the time you make your payment, you will likely have the option to pay the full current balance.

If you have a grace period, paying the current balance is not necessary in order to avoid interest payments. But paying your current balance in full by the due date can have other benefits. For example, this move could improve your credit utilization ratio, which is factored into credit scores.

Paying the Minimum Monthly Payment

Next, you can pay just the minimum monthly payment. Generally, this is the lowest possible amount that you can pay each month while remaining in good standing with your credit card company — it is also the most expensive. Typically, the minimum payment will be an amount that covers the interest accrued during the billing cycle and some of the principal balance.

Making only the minimum payments is a slow and expensive way to pay down credit card debt. To understand how much you’re paying in interest, you can use a credit card interest calculator. Although minimum monthly payments are not a fast way to get rid of credit card debt, making them is important. Otherwise, you risk being dinged with late fees.

Missing or making a payment late can also have a negative impact on your credit score.
So, if the minimum payment is all you can swing right now, it’s okay. Just avoid additional charges on your card.

Making a Payment of Your Choice

Your last option is to make payments that are larger than the minimum monthly payment but are not equal to the statement balance or the current balance. That’s okay, too. You’ll potentially be charged interest on remaining balances, but you’re likely getting closer to paying them off. Keep working on getting those balances lowered. A good goal is to pay off your balance in full each month.

Your Credit Utilization Ratio

The balance you currently carry on your credit card can impact your credit utilization ratio. Credit utilization measures how much of your available credit you’re using at any given time. Credit utilization is one of a handful of measures that are used to determine your credit score — and it has a big impact. Credit utilization can make up 30% of your overall score, according to FICO® Score.

Not every credit card reports account balances to the consumer credit bureaus in the same way or on the same day. Also, the reported number is not necessarily the statement balance. It could be the current balance on your card, pulled at any time throughout the billing cycle. Again, it may be worth checking with your credit card issuer to find out more. If your issuer reports current balances instead of statement balances, asking them which day of the month they report on could be helpful.

Sometimes, the lower your credit card utilization is, the better your credit score. While you may feel in more control to know which day of the month that your credit balance is reported to the credit bureaus, it may be an even better move for your general financial health to practice maintaining low credit utilization all or most of the time.

If you are worried about your credit utilization rate being too high during any point throughout the month, you can make an additional payment. You don’t have to wait until your billing cycle due date to reduce the current balance on your card.

According to Experian, one of the credit reporting agencies, keeping your current balance below 30% of your total credit limit is ideal. For example, if you have two credit cards, each with a $5,000 limit, you have a total credit limit of $10,000. To keep your utilization below 30%, you’ll want to maintain a balance of less than $3,000.

Recommended: When Credit Card Companies Report to Credit Bureaus

3 Tips for Managing Your Credit Card Balance

If you’re struggling to juggle multiple credit cards and make all of your payments, here are some tips that may help.

1. Organizing Your Debt

A great first step to getting a handle on your debt is to organize it. Try listing each source of debt, along with the monthly payments, interest rates, and due dates. It may be helpful to keep this list readily available and updated. Another option is to use software that aggregates all of your finances, such as your credit card balances and payments, bank balances, and other monthly bills. Check out SoFi Relay if you haven’t already.

Whether you use existing software or your own calendar system, keep in mind that staying on top of your due dates and making all of your minimum payments on time is one of the best ways to stay on track.

You can also ask your credit card providers to change your due dates so that they’re all due on the same day. Pick something easy to remember, such as the first of the month.

2. Making All Minimum Payments, But Picking One Card to Focus On

While you’re making at least the minimum payments on all your cards, pick one to focus on first. There are two versions of this debt repayment plan: the Debt Avalanche and the Debt Snowball.

With the Avalanche method, you attack the card with the highest interest rate first. With the Snowball method, you go after the card with the lowest balance. The former strategy makes the most sense from a mathematical standpoint, but the latter may give you a better psychological boost.

If and when you can, apply extra payments to the card’s balance that you’re hoping to eliminate. Once you’ve paid off one card, you can move to the next. Ultimately, you’re trying to get to a place where you’re paying off your balance in full each month.

3. Cutting up Your Cards

Whether you do this literally or not, a moratorium on your credit card spending can be a great strategy. If you are consistently running a balance that you cannot pay off in full, you may want to consider ways to avoid adding on more debt.

A word of warning: Don’t be tempted to cancel all your cards. This can negatively affect your credit score. However, if you feel you really have too many credit cards to manage — say, more than three or four — cancel the newest credit card first. This will ensure your credit history length is unaffected.

The Takeaway

Your credit card statement balance is the sum of all your charges and refunds during a billing cycle (usually a month), plus any previous remaining balance. It changes monthly with each statement. Your current balance is updated almost immediately every time you make a purchase. It is the sum of all charges to date during a billing cycle, any previous remaining balance, and any charges during the grace period. Whenever you can, pay off the full statement balance to avoid interest charges.

Trying to pay off credit card debt? Taking out a personal loan can consolidate all of your credit card balances. You’ll have only one monthly payment to make, a low interest rate, and no fee options. Plus, there is an easy online application and access to live customer support seven days a week.

See if a SoFi Personal Loan can help you get on top of your credit card debt.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.


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7 Tips for Paying Off a Large Credit Card Bill

Credit card debt can go from zero to thousands with one quick swipe. Or it can build slowly like rising water — a nice dinner here, some retail therapy there. Before you know it, your balance is uncomfortably high. You’re not alone. Almost half of American households carry credit card debt. Of those consumers, the average balance is $5,315.

If you’ve vowed to pay off your credit card balance, you’re making a smart financial move. You’ll save money on interest, boost your credit history, and position yourself to achieve other financial goals. Here, we reveal the top tips and strategies for getting it done, from the Snowball strategy to hardship plans to the boring-but-effective debt-focused budget.

What Is a Realistic Payoff Schedule?

If you’ve been carrying a balance on one or more cards, it may take longer than you’d like to pay off the debt. Determine how long you need to become debt-free while still covering your monthly bills comfortably. A longer payoff term will allow you to continue to save and invest while paying down debt. But a shorter payoff term can save you a considerable amount in interest.

If there’s no scenario where you can cover your living expenses and pay off your credit card debt in five years, these strategies may not be enough. In that case, it may be time to consider applying for credit card debt forgiveness.

7 Credit Card Payoff Strategies and Tips

There are numerous ways to tackle debt and pay off credit cards. The approaches below will work best when you mix and match several to create your own custom debt-payoff plan.

1. Create a Debt-Focused Budget

Achieving financial goals always starts with a budget. This exercise is designed to help you discover extra cash you can put toward your credit card bill.

First, make a list of your monthly bills. Along with your rent payment, phone, gas, and other required living expenses, include your credit card payment. You can leave the amount blank for now. This is your “Needs” column.

Now look at your “Wants.” These are things that you can survive without — restaurants, new clothes, gym membership — but that often make life better. Which items can you do without temporarily so you can put their cost toward your credit card bill?

It’s OK if your budget isn’t the same from month to month — flexibility is good. While you’re at it, look ahead for unavoidable big purchases (that upcoming destination wedding) and leave room for unexpected expenses. Your credit card payment may be lower some months to accommodate these other costs. Just always pay at least the minimum payment.

Your new budget should prioritize your credit card payment on par with other bills, and above nonessential treats. One way to make budgeting easier on yourself is to download an app like SoFi Relay, which pulls all of your financial information into one place.

2. Zero Interest Credit Card

The frustrating thing about credit cards is how interest can take up more and more of your balance. Zero-interest credit cards, also known as 0% APR cards, allow card holders to make payments with no interest on transfers and purchases for a set period of time. The promotional period on a new credit card can last as long as 18 billing cycles, long enough to make a large dent in the card’s principal balance.

Consolidating your credit card debt on one zero-interest card serves to simplify your monthly bills while also saving you money on interest payments. The key here, of course, is to avoid racking up even more credit card debt.

One drawback to these cards is that you often need a FICO Score of 690 or above to qualify. And once the promo period expires, the interest rate can climb to 27% or higher. In an ideal world, you’ll want to achieve your payoff goal before the rate rises.

A credit card interest calculator can give you an idea of how much your current interest rate affects your total balance.

3. The Snowball, The Avalanche, and The Snowflake

The Snowball and Avalanche debt repayment strategies take slightly different approaches to paying down debt. Both involve maintaining the minimum payment on all but one card.

The Debt Snowball method focuses on the debt with the lowest balance first, regardless of interest rate, putting extra toward that payment each month until it’s paid off.

Then, that entire monthly payment is added to the next payment — on top of the minimum you were already paying. Rinse and repeat with the next card. It’s easy to see how this method can quickly get the snowball rolling.

The Debt Avalanche is based on the same philosophy but targets the highest-interest payment first. Getting out from under the highest debt can save a lot of money in the long run. Just like the Snowball method, applying that entire payment to the next-highest-interest debt can lead to quick results.

The third snow-related strategy, the Debt Snowflake, emphasizes putting every extra scrap of cash toward debt repayment. If you have extra money to throw at your debt, even $20, that can still make a difference in your overall amount owed.

4. Make More Money

Sure, increasing your income is easier said than done. But if you have the time to spare, it can make paying down debt a whole lot easier. Here are the top ways that people can bring in more cash:

•   Start a side hustle (or monetize and existing hobby)

•   Get a part-time job (on top of your current job). Two shifts a week can help you bring in another $500 to $1,000 per month.

•   Sell your stuff. It’s easier than ever to resell clothes, books, old electronics, and jewelry.

•   Negotiate a raise. Labor shortages have given workers extra leverage to ask for more.

5. Negotiate with Your Credit Card Company

If your large credit card balance is the result of unemployment, medical bills (yours or a loved one’s), or another financial setback, inform your credit card company. You may be able to negotiate a lower interest rate, lower fees and penalties, or a fixed payment schedule.

Hardship plans have no direct effect on your credit rating. However the credit card company may send a note to the credit bureaus informing them that you’re participating in the program. They may also close or suspend your credit card while you’re paying off the balance, which can ding your credit score.

6. Change Your Spending Habits

Changing how you spend your money is key to paying down debt — and to avoid racking up more in the future. You can approach this in two ways: as a temporary measure while you pay off your cards, or a permanent downsizing of your lifestyle.

The advantage of the temporary approach is that people are generally more willing to give things up when it’s for a limited time. For instance, can you suspend your gym membership during the warmer months when you can work out outdoors? Perhaps you can challenge yourself to cook at home for 30 days to save on restaurants. Imagine going without paid streaming services for six months.

String enough of those small sacrifices together to cover a year or two, and see how quickly your credit card payments grow. And your payoff term shrinks!

Downsizing your lifestyle has its own appeal, even for people who aren’t paying down debt. Living below your means is key to accumulating wealth. How exactly you accomplish that isn’t important. For instance, you can frequent cheaper restaurants, reduce the number of times you go out each month, or merely avoid ordering alcohol and dessert. The bottom line is to save money, avoid debt, and enjoy the financial freedom that results.

7. Personal Loan

Similar to a zero-interest credit card, a personal loan is a form of debt consolidation. Personal loans tend to have lower interest rates than credit cards, saving you money. And if you’re carrying a balance on multiple credit cards, a personal loan allows you to simplify your debt with one fixed monthly payment.

Personal loans are a great option for people with good to excellent credit. That’s because your interest rate is determined largely by your credit score and history. You can typically borrow between $1,000 and $100,000, and use the money for just about anything.

The Takeaway

Credit card debt can sneak up on you. If you’re carrying a balance on one or more cards, there are numerous ways to approach paying down your debt. Start with a new budget that prioritizes your credit card payment along with your other monthly bills, and trim your spending accordingly. Then combine a broad payoff strategy (the Snowball, the Avalanche) with other tips and tactics (zero-interest credit cards) to minimize your interest payments and shorten your payoff term. And remember: You’re not alone, and you can do this!

If you’re thinking about consolidating credit card or other debt, a SoFi Personal Loan is a strong option to consider. SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2022 winner for Best Personal Loan for Good and Excellent Credit, and Best Online Personal Loan overall.

Compared with high-interest credit cards, a SoFi Personal Loan is simply better debt.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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What are the Most Common Home Repair Costs_780x440

What Are the Most Common Home Repair Costs?

Thanks to high demand, inflation, and labor and material shortages, home repairs costs are rising. Last year, the average household spent $3,018 on maintenance costs and $2,321 on emergency repairs, according to Angi’s State of Home Spending Report. Homeowners in states that experience extreme weather spend even more.

The most common home repairs include the usual suspects: electrical, plumbing, HVAC, water damage, and termite damage. Keep reading to learn more about these issues and the cost of repair or replacement, so you can be prepared when reality bites.

Estimated Costs of the Most Common Home Repairs

Low-cost preventive measures — like cleaning your gutters or using storm windows — can help keep common home repair costs down. But when a pipe bursts and floods the bathroom, you can be on the hook for thousands of dollars. By evaluating your home’s weak spots, you can plan ahead and include certain repairs in your budget.

Below is a roundup of the most common home repairs and their cost.

Recommended: How To Pay for Emergency Home Repairs

Foundation Repair

Foundation damage affects houses when the weather swells the water table and contracts with drought. These kinds of shifts put the foundation at risk, and the extra moisture potentially makes the wood support beams an enticing target for termites. Since the foundation is the footprint of your home, repairs can be complicated and expensive. Foundation damage is also a common home repair needed after home inspection and can cost north of $10,000.

Average cost of foundation repair: $2,000–$7,500; up to $25,000

Electrical Issues

While DIY home repairs are fun to watch on before-and-after shows, electrical issues and wiring are best left to professional electricians. After all, mistakes can lead to electrocution or fire. Depending on what kind of electrical issues you’re facing, your bill could be anywhere between a few hundred to thousands of dollars.

Average cost of electrical repairs: $100–$400 for minor work; $2,500 for electrical panel replacement

Roof Repair

When there’s a problem with your roof, you need to fix it fast — or risk eventual water damage to your home’s interior. Key signs of roof damage are ceiling stains, leaks, and missing shingles. If you suspect something is wrong with your roof, call an expert right away, and be prepared to pay thousands of dollars for repairs.

Recommended: How to Get Your Personal Loan Approved

Average cost of roof repairs: $950; $8,000 for full roof replacement

Repair or Replace a Water Heater

Due to mineral buildup and the routine breakdown of components, water heaters do not last forever. Depending on how extensive the repairs your water heater requires, you can be on the hook for a new unit entirely. And if you’ve ever taken a cold shower in the middle of winter, you know this is one repair that is essential to your quality of life.

Average cost of water heater repairs: $600; $1,700 to replace

Water Damage

Water damage is fairly common. It can result from the smallest crack in an old pipe or an unusually strong storm. Water damage restoration can involve replacing wallboard, flooring, ceilings, and more — and ensuring that no mold spores are left behind to spread once the repairs are complete. Two important factors influencing price are the square footage affected and the type of water.

Average cost to fix water damage: $2,600

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Repair Pipes or Install New Pipes

Fixing older pipes is the kind of home repair often needed after a home inspection. Dated construction materials with a known problem in their manufacturing, ancient septic or sewage drain systems, and simple failures caused by the passage of time can all come into play. And because pipes run behind walls and underground, repair costs often include patching up interior holes and dug-up yards.

Average cost to install pipes: $600–$1,600 per fixture; $5,000 for a new sewer line

Septic System Repair

Replacing a septic system is far from glamorous work. Good plumbers deal with sewage on a regular basis, but it’s not their favorite home repair task. Expect to pay a premium for someone to do the dirty work of repairing your waste lines.

Average cost to repair a septic system: $1,750; $6,000 for new installation

Heating or Air Conditioning Repair or Installation

Whether running on gas, oil, or electric, a new heating or cooling unit is a costly but worthwhile investment, one that should last you 12 to 15 years. In the middle of a summer heatwave or winter coldsnap, this is one costly repair that you won’t want to put off until it fails completely.

The financial savings from having a newer, more energy-efficient AC unit are often worth the cost of replacement. Having the peace of mind that your family will remain comfortable in extreme conditions is also something to consider.

Average cost to fix a heating or air conditioning unit: $350 for AC repair; $4,500 for furnace installation

Mold Removal

Mold develops inside homes as a result of moisture and can lead to health problems. It’s potentially dangerous for all individuals, but especially for small children. If you discover mold in your home, you need to get it removed ASAP.

Removing minor mold growth can sometimes be achieved with a mold removal product, hot soapy water, or a bleach mixture. But if the growth is extensive, you’ll want to call in a professional.

Average cost of mold remediation: $2,350

Termite Damage

The problem with termites is that they literally eat your house. Figuratively, they can eat your money. According to Terminix, each year termites are responsible for $5 billion worth of damage in structures across the United States. An infestation can easily cause $3,000 of damage to your home.

The cost of treatment will depend on how long the pesky insects have been chewing away at your home’s structure. At the first sign of termite damage, you’ll want to call in a professional. It’s also wise to have a pest control expert take a look at your real estate before putting it on the market, to avert surprises at closing.

Average cost to repair termite damage: $575 for treatment; $3,000 to repair damage

Average Cost of Home Repairs

Even the experts say that trying to predict future home repairs is nigh impossible. However, there are several rules of thumb that can help homeowners:

•   The 1% Rule. Set aside at least 1% of your home’s value each year for maintenance and home-related emergencies. That means a $500,000 home requires $5K in savings annually or $416/month.

•   The Square Foot Rule. It makes sense that a larger home may cost more to maintain. Save $1 for every square foot of livable space each year. For instance, a 2,500-square-foot house requires a $2,500 repair budget or $208/month.

•   The 10% Rule. Budget an extra 10% of your monthly home expenses; that includes your mortgage, property taxes, and homeowners insurance. So a homeowner who has a $1,400 mortgage payment, $500 in prorated taxes, and $100 in prorated insurance should save $200/month.

If you’re still saving up when an emergency repair rears its head, you have options. You can borrow from friends and family, use a credit card or home equity line of credit (HELOC), or take out a personal loan. Home repairs and renovations are one of the most common uses of personal loans.

The Takeaway

It’s tough to predict the cost of home repairs. Different budgeting standards suggest putting aside 1% of your home’s value or $1 per square foot annually. Last year, the average household spent $3,018 on maintenance costs and $2,321 on emergency repairs — more in states experiencing extreme weather. Among the priciest home repairs are major foundation work (up to $7,500), roof replacement ($8,000), and new septic systems ($6,000).

Even expenses like fixing termite damage or replacing a broken water heater can all but consume your savings. Consider a SoFi Personal Loan to cover your repairs. Borrow from $5k to $100,000 at a low fixed rate, with no fees required. Our Personal Loan Calculator can show you how much you qualify for. And you can finally stop worrying about having to cut corners or postpone an important repair.

Compared with high-interest credit cards, a SoFi Personal Loan is simply better debt.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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