Guide to Checking Your Credit Card Approval Odds

Figuring out whether you will get approved for a credit card is seemingly simpler now with credit card approval odds calculators. These tools can offer guidance, highlighting credit cards with high approval odds in your favor. However, they are not always reliable.

Still, learning how to leverage the approval odds information that these tools provide can be helpful. You can use the insights to make yourself a more desirable borrower for credit card companies, thus increasing your future approval odds.

What Are Credit Card Approval Odds?

Credit card approval odds inform you of the likelihood that you’d get approved for a particular credit card. How these approval odds are determined, including which details are assessed, can vary between services and card issuers.

For example, a credit card approval odds calculator might suggest that, based on your credit score and income, you have an 80% chance of getting approved for a credit card. It might also offer you a few credit cards with high approval odds to explore.

Checking Your Credit Card Approval Odds

Using a credit card approval odds calculator offers a glimpse of your approval chances, but not a promise. That’s because a credit card company or credit card marketplace can’t provide a 100% assurance of your approval without going through a formal underwriting process.

Underwriting is the step where a lender or issuer evaluates your credit portfolio and application details (like existing debt and income) to calculate whether it would be a risk to loan credit to you. Since this process can only happen after an application is submitted, a tool that states you have high approval odds doesn’t mean your eventual approval is guaranteed.

Prequalifying for a Credit Card Approval

There are a couple of ways to obtain a pre-screened credit card to gauge your approval odds: Receiving a pre-qualification offer or requesting a pre-qualification from a credit card issuer.

Using a Prescreened Offer

Based on your general information from the credit bureaus, card issuers might send you an unsolicited prescreened offer stating that you might be qualified for its credit card.

At this step in the process, the card company has only looked at limited markers, like whether you’ve met its minimum credit score requirement. It hasn’t performed a hard credit check, nor evaluated your existing debt or income to base an approval on. However, if you receive a pre-qualification offer, this can be a positive sign that your approval odds are better than if you hadn’t received it.

Checking the Card Issuer’s Website

You don’t always have to cross your fingers in hopes that a card issuer will give you a prescreened offer. Some credit card issuers offer a pre-screening form that you can fill out to see if you’re pre-qualified for its card. If your preferred card doesn’t let you request a pre-qualification, you might find more insight on the issuer’s website about what’s required for approval.

While you’re on the card issuer’s site, it’s helpful to review its response timelines so you can track your pre-qualification or application progress. This includes the timeline for an application decision, as well as how long it takes to get a credit card if you’re approved.

What To Do if You Prequalify

If you prequalify for a credit card, you can choose to submit an application. Doing so will require a hard credit inquiry before a decision is made, which can temporarily have an effect on your credit score.

Additionally, you can continue shopping around for different cards to see if another product offers a lower interest rate or better incentives.

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What To Do if You Don’t Prequalify

If you don’t pre-qualify for a credit card, you can proceed in a few ways:

•   Hold off on getting a new card. Too many hard credit inquiries might flag you as a high-risk borrower who’s reliant on credit. If you’ve recently had multiple inquiries on your credit, consider waiting a couple of months before re-applying for a new card.

•   Work on your credit score. All card issuers look at your credit score to see if it meets its minimum requirement. A higher credit score is a positive indicator that you’re a responsible borrower.

•   Apply for a secured credit card. A secured credit card is a credit-building card in which you deposit money or collateral in a certain amount. This amount acts as your credit limit.

•   Appeal the decision. If you applied for a credit card and were denied, the issuer must legally inform you of the reason for the denial. If you can provide more information that might sway the issuer in your favor, you can ask them to reexamine your application.

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Tips for Improving the Likelihood of Approval

Whether you’re getting a credit card for the first time or adding a new card to your rotation, there are a few steps you can take to improve your approval odds.

Reviewing Your Credit Report

Your credit report gives credit card issuers a comprehensive view of your borrowing habits to date. Since it’s a highly scrutinized factor when approving applications, review your credit report before submitting an application.

Check that all accounts, their statuses, and the amounts are accurate. If you spot an account that looks outdated or incorrect, reach out to the credit bureaus immediately to dispute it.

Taking a Look at Your Credit Score

In addition to ensuring your credit report is accurate, evaluate where your credit score stands today. Credit scores are the most common credit card requirements that influence your approval odds. For instance, if a card issuer explicitly states that its minimum credit score required is 720, but your score is 650, your credit card approval odds might be low.

Recommended: Does Applying For a Credit Card Hurt Your Credit Score?

Minimizing Your Debt

Keep your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio as low as possible. Credit issuers use this ratio as a way to determine whether you can afford to pay back potential purchases made on the card. The ratio is based on your aggregate monthly debt amounts divided by your gross monthly income.

Stating All of Your Income

As mentioned above, your income is one of multiple factors used to determine your credit card approval odds. A higher income can reduce your DTI ratio, making you a less risky customer to extend credit to.

You can include various types of income sources on your application. This might include your salary from your full-time job, earnings from a side gig, Social Security benefit payouts, and alimony.

Managing Payment History and Credit Utilization

Staying on top of your existing loan and credit card payments keeps your credit score healthy. This means paying at least the minimum amount due, and making those payments on time every month.

Additionally, be aware of how much of your total credit limit you’re using, compared to how much credit you have access to. This ratio is called your credit utilization ratio. There’s no golden credit utilization ratio to keep in mind, according to FICO, but the lower it is, the better.

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Comparing Cards Carefully

With so many credit card products on the market, choosing a credit card that suits your borrowing needs and qualifications can help you find the right card.

Ensure you’re comparing credit cards with the same credit card features between different cards to accurately determine their pros and cons. Some considerations to make when comparing credit cards include:

•   APRs. The annual percentage rate, or APR, is how much you’ll pay in interest if you carry a balance on the card. The lower the interest rate, the better.

•   Balance transfer costs. Some issuers offer a zero-interest balance transfer promotion for a limited period, while others don’t. Similarly, some credit cards charge an additional balance transfer fee.

•   Penalty APRs. If your account becomes delinquent, some card issuers impose a higher penalty APR on your existing balances and future transactions. Make sure you understand how a credit card works and which rules apply.

•   Fees. Certain cards charge an annual fee just for the privilege of carrying the card. This fee is in addition to interest charges you might pay for rolling over a balance, month over month.

•   Rewards program. If you’re after credit card rewards, compare the details of each card’s program. For example, look at whether rewards points or miles are tiered or offered for specific categories, or if there’s a flat rewards rate for all purchases.

•   Incentives. You might encounter special promotions, like a welcome bonus or promotional 0% APR. These added perks should factor into your decision.

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The Takeaway

Although a credit card approval odds calculator or tool can offer broad guidance about whether you’ll be approved, it doesn’t replace a card issuer’s underwriting criteria. The credit card company relies on its own underwriting team to ultimately decide whether your application is approved. This decision is based on the specific information on your application and your creditworthiness.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


Does getting rejected for a credit card hurt my credit?

A credit card pre-approval rejection doesn’t hurt your credit since pre-approvals typically involve a soft credit check. However, if you move forward with a credit card application that involves a hard credit inquiry, your credit score might temporarily drop, regardless of whether you were approved or denied.

Are credit card approval odds accurate?

Generally, credit card approval odds calculators offer guidance toward credit cards with good approval odds. However, they don’t provide a 100% guarantee that you’ll be approved. There have been reported cases of tools claiming that a consumer has high approval odds with a card, only to get denied upon applying. The card issuer is the only entity that can accurately say whether you’re approved for a credit card.

How can I improve my credit card approval odds?

The best way to get good approval odds for credit cards is to minimize high-risk borrowing practices. One way to achieve this is by building your credit score. Keep your credit balances low, make timely monthly payments, maintain long-standing credit accounts, and avoid opening multiple new lines of credit in a short period.

How do you guarantee credit card approval?

There’s no way to absolutely guarantee credit card approval to any particular card. Card issuers base their decisions on a number of factors, like your credit history, credit score, income, credit utilization, debt-to-income ratio, and more.

Photo credit: iStock/akinbostanci

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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What Does Preapproved Mean for a Credit Card?

What Does Preapproved Mean for a Credit Card?

When you get preapproved for a credit card, this means you’ve met initial criteria to receive an offer to get a credit card. In other words, you’ve popped up on a list of consumers that fit the bill for a credit card company’s requirements and are being invited to sign up for a card.

In this piece, we’ll discuss exactly how preapproved credit card offers work, the difference between what preapproved for a credit card means vs. prequalifed, and the pros and cons of preapproved offers.

What Is a Preapproved Credit Card Offer?

As mentioned, a preapproved credit card offer is when a credit card company officially invites you to apply for a specific credit card. Credit card issuers usually use criteria pulled from credit reporting agencies to extend these offers. If you fall within the parameters of the credit card requirements set by the card issuer, then you may receive an offer — either via email, snail mail, or over the phone — to formally apply for approval for the card.

How Do Preapproved Credit Card Offers Work?

While it sounds promising, getting a preapproved credit card offer doesn’t necessarily mean you’re guaranteed to get approved for a credit card. Even if you’re preapproved, you’ll need to properly apply.

When you do, the credit card issuer will look over your application and usually request additional financial and personal information. The credit card company will also check your updated credit report to figure out if your credit still meets the criteria it referred to when it sent you the preapproved offer.

Preapproved vs Prequalified Credit Card Offers

The terms “preapproved” and “prequalified” often are used interchangeably when it comes to prescreened credit card offers. And within the realm of credit cards, they often are one and the same. But in other types of lending, they mean different things.

Prequalified offers are usually requested by you, the consumer. To get prequalified, you typically need to provide basic personal and financial information. During the screening process, the credit card issuer will check your credit. However, it will only conduct a soft pull, which won’t impact your credit score. After reviewing the info you submitted, the credit card company will let you know if you’re likely to get approved.

Preapproval, on the other hand, is when you’re prescreened for offers by the credit card company. These credit companies work with the three major credit reporting agencies — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion — to come up with a list of consumers that meet their lending criteria.

With both preapproval and prequalification, you’ll still have to submit to a hard credit inquiry and potentially provide additional financial information to actually get approved for the loan product. Keep in mind that unlike a soft inquiry, a hard credit inquiry will temporarily affect your score.

Benefits of a Preapproved Credit Card

Now that you know what preapproved means for a credit card, you may be wondering what the benefits are. In general, these are the upsides of preapproval, whether for a valuable rewards card or a virtual credit card.

Indicates Your Odds of Approval

Perhaps the most obvious benefit of getting preapproved for a credit card is that you’ll have a better sense of how likely you are to ultimately get approved for the card. Although preapproval is not a guarantee of eventual approval, if a credit card issuer has already selected you to apply and your financial situation hasn’t drastically changed, you’re likely within the required parameters to get the card.

Won’t Impact Your Credit Score

One of the major benefits of getting preapproved for a credit card is that it won’t impact your credit score. To get preapproved, the card issuer does a soft pull of your credit. Only if you decide to formally apply for the card will the credit card company do a hard pull of your credit.

Could Allow You To Secure More Competitive Terms

Getting preapproved for a credit card may allow you to secure a lower interest rate than you’d otherwise be able to get. This is because the lender is effectively advertising the card to you in order to get you to apply. Keep in mind, however, that your rates aren’t set until after you formally apply.

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May Provide Access to Better Intro Offers

Another advantage of a preapproved credit card is that it might come with more lucrative perks than what’s more widely advertised to the public. You might be privy to cards with more attractive sign-up bonuses or introductory earnings opportunities. For instance, a cash-back credit card might offer a higher initial earnings rate through preapproval offers.

Could Get a Longer Intro APR for Balance Transfers Cards

For balance transfer credit cards that allow you to transfer your existing debt over to the new card, you might be able to get a lower introductory annual percentage rate (APR) for longer through preapproved offers. This longer introductory period could make it easier to pay off your balance in full before the regular interest rate kicks in.

Easier for You

Because credit card companies have vetted you and know that you’ve passed its criteria, you don’t have to spend time researching cards. Instead, these offers are coming to you. Still, when choosing a credit card, it doesn’t hurt to take a look around to make sure this is truly the right fit for you.

Drawbacks of a Preapproved Credit Card

While there are benefits of preapproved credit card offers, there are drawbacks to them as well.

Might Not Be the Best Card for You

While you don’t have to jump through the same hoops as you would looking for a credit card on your own, the credit card you’re preapproved may not be the right one for you. It might be a good idea to spend some time doing your own research and understanding differences in how credit cards work even if you do get preapproved.

Could Get Flooded With Unwanted Offers

Preapproval offers may lead to getting a lot of unsolicited emails, mail, or phone calls. Especially if you’re not in the market for a new credit card, you could feel inundated with offers you don’t necessarily want or need.

Potential for Theft of Personal Information

There’s a chance that a would-be identity thief can intercept your prescreened offer and get ahold of your name and mailing address. The good news is that prescreened offers are one of the least likely forms of identity theft. Plus, an identity thief would likely need information beyond what’s included in a preapproval offer.

Data Privacy Issues

This is not very common, but there’s a chance that your name, address, and other personal information are stored in databases for consumers that qualify for prescreened offers. This means that in the instance of a data breach, your information could be accessed.

Temptation to Open More Cards

Receiving preapproved offers for credit cards may tempt you to open a new credit card you don’t necessarily need, especially if the preapproval offer includes a lucrative sign-up bonus or an extended introductory APR offer. Especially if you’re already set with your lineup of credit cards, this might entice you to take on more cards than you can comfortably manage.

When You May Need Credit Card Preapproval

You might want to receive a preapproved credit card offer if you’re in the market for a new credit card and would rather not go through the full process of researching credit cards. As you know you already meet certain lending criteria, the odds of getting approved for a card are improved.

Keep in mind, however, that you don’t need to get credit card preapproval in order to apply for a credit card. If you’re getting a credit card for the first time and have a limited credit history, for instance, you’re likely not going to get so many preapproval offers — but that doesn’t mean you can’t still try applying.

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Tips for Getting a Preapproved Credit Card Offer

If you’d like to get preapproved offers, you’ll want to opt in by visiting . From there, you can choose to get these offers through the mail, email, or via phone.

Instead of waiting for offers to come to you, you can also get preapproved by visiting a credit card issuer’s website and applying for prequalification. This typically requires providing basic personal and financial information.

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Tips for Improving Your Chances of Preapproval

While you can still get preapproved for offers with not-so-great credit, you’ll get offers with the most favorable terms and rates with a strong credit score. To keep your credit score game strong and thus improve your chances of improval, make sure to do the following:

•   Avoid late payments

•   Keep your credit utilization rate low

•   Aim to keep cards open

•   Don’t apply for too many new accounts

•   Maintain a diverse mix of different forms of credit

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How Does a Preapproved Credit Card Impact Your Credit Score?

A preapproved offer for a credit card doesn’t impact your credit score. As we talked about, lenders will do a soft pull of your score, which doesn’t affect your score.

But if you decide to apply for a card, the credit card issuer will do a hard pull of your credit. This will most likely ding your score, though generally only temporarily.

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Opting Out of Preapproved Credit Cards

If you don’t want to get flooded by preapproval offers, you can decide to opt out. Visit the website and follow the simple steps outlined on the website to do so. You then won’t be included on lists to get considered for preapproval for five years.

Recommended: Does Applying For a Credit Card Hurt Your Credit Score?

The Takeaway

A preapproved offer for a credit card means you’ve met certain lending criteria to most likely get approved for a specific card. You’ll still need to officially apply to secure approval though. But if your credit score and financial history are the same as when you initially received the offer, there’s a high likelihood you’ll get approved.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


How long does it take to get a credit card if you are preapproved?

It depends on the credit card and credit card company. If you’re preapproved for a card, you’ll still need to officially apply. If you do get approved for a card, it could take anywhere from five business days to two weeks for your card to arrive in the mail.

Can you get denied after preapproval?

In some cases, yes. For instance, if your credit or financial situation changed between the time you received a preapproved offer and when you applied, you might get denied.

Can I get a credit card if I am not preapproved or I don’t qualify for a credit card?

Yes, you don’t need to get preapproved for a credit card; it simply nixes a few steps and boosts your odds of getting a card. However, you will need to qualify for a credit card to get it. This happens if you meet the credit card company’s lending criteria. If you do, you’ll have a chance of getting a particular credit card.

Should I still apply if I am not preapproved for a credit card?

Just because you aren’t preapproved doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get a particular credit card. Spend some time doing your homework to figure out which cards are a good fit for your needs and financial situation. When choosing a credit card, it’s important to check the rates, credit limits, and fees.

Photo credit: iStock/akinbostanci

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.


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What Is a Black Credit Card? How It Works

Colloquial references to a black credit card typically refer to the American Express Centurion Card that launched in 1999. It quickly developed a reputation for being more than a credit card — rather, it became a status symbol of ultra-wealth and limitless spending power reserved only for the elite.

The rumored black card requirements — such as a steep minimum spending criteria — add more intrigue to this luxury card. Here’s a look at how to get a black credit card, as well as the black credit card’s benefits and drawbacks.

What Is a Black Credit Card?

A black credit card is an ultra-luxury private banking credit card product that’s designed to support the credit needs of the world’s upper-echelon, including A-list celebrities, professional athletes, and multi-millionaires..

Although the black credit card meaning was originally derived from the AmEx Centurion Card, it now includes other luxury cards that have since come to the market. The list of exclusive card products include the Dubai First Royale Mastercard and the J.P. Mortgage Reserve Card.

Although the Mastercard Black Card might have the phrase “black card” in its name, it’s more accessible and arguably not in the same caliber as the aforementioned cards. That’s because consumers can submit an application online for this card without first being invited, which is more in line with typical credit card rules.

How Black Credit Cards Work

Unlike other consumer credit cards, the most exclusive black credit cards aren’t available for online applications. Card issuers publish very limited details — if any at all — about how to apply for the card or what it takes to receive an invitation. All of the elusiveness only enhances the allure of black cards.

Aside from their exclusiveness, black cards are generally known for having no credit limit, allowing members to spend freely. However, credit card issuers have already determined who they feel is financially capable of wielding the black card’s limitless buying power.

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Requirements for Getting a Black Credit Card

Specific black credit card requirements and thresholds vary between black card products. However, they generally include the following factors:

•   Minimum annual spending

•   Income and/or net worth

•   Creditworthiness

If you believe that you meet the criteria for a black credit card, you can reach out to the card issuer directly to see if you’re eligible. American Express, for instance, offers an online form for its Centurion Card for those who want to request consideration.

What Kinds of Perks Do Black Credit Cards Offer?

Whether you’re still learning how credit cards work or are experienced with credit, you likely know that different cards offer varying benefits, including rewards, travel and shopping credits, and more. The perks of a black credit card also differ depending on the type of black card.

For example, the AmEx Centurion Card, offers the following black card benefits:

•   VIP airport lounges. Access to AmEx’s Global Lounge Collection, including the coveted The Centurion Lounge.

•   Travel accommodation enhancements. Upgraded bookings and credits through AmEx’s Fine Hotels and Resorts and The Hotel Collection programs.

•   Airline loyalty status. Complimentary top-tier status through airline partner loyalty programs.

•   Unique experiences. Access to one-of-a-kind travel experiences around the world.

•   Travel inconvenience credit. Up to a $250 credit per traveler for carrier-related inconveniences, like cancellations, delays, and more.

•   Travel insurance. Up to $100,000 in travel medical assistance, and up to $1 million in travel accident insurance.

•   Rental car insurance. Up to $75,000 in car rental loss and damage insurance.

•   Lost baggage insurance. Up to $1,200 per trip for lost checked baggage.

•   Saks Fifth Avenue credit. Quarterly $250 shopping credit, up to $1,000 per year.

•   Equinox fitness club membership. Access to clubs in multiple countries.

•   Additional buying protection. Purchase protection, return protection, and extended warranty for goods purchased on the card.

•   Personalized support. Access to personal shoppers and 24/7 personal concierge service.

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Pros and Cons of Using a Black Card

As a card that’s not intended for the masses, the card’s pros and cons highly depend on which side of the eligibility spectrum you fall under. Here’s a closer look at black credit card benefits and drawbacks:

Pros of Using a Black Card Cons of Using a Black Card
No credit limit Accessible by invitation only
Status symbol High initiation and annual fees
Luxury perks High spending requirement
Tailored service experience High income requirement

Is a Black Credit Card Worth It?

With a reputation of having excessively high annual fees and high minimum spending criteria, an important credit card consideration for a black card is ensuring that you can afford it — that is, assuming you’ve received an invitation in the first place.

Weigh the black card benefits, and consider if you’d actually be using a credit cardin such a way that it would be worth it for your needs.

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The Takeaway

Black cards are reserved for elite customers who have demonstrated the ability to spend thousands of dollars and repay that amount with ease. If you’re an everyday consumer or it’s your first time getting a credit card, a flashy black card probably isn’t a practical credit card solution.


What does it mean to have a black credit card?

Being invited as a black card member means that you’ve met the card issuer’s underwriting criteria in terms of having a high income, high net worth, high spending activity, and more. It’s perceived as being a card that’s only accessible to the ultra-wealthy and elite.

How much does a black credit card cost?

Black credit card fees vary between card products but often cost hundreds to thousands of dollars in annual fees each month. The AmEx Centurion Card, for example, has a $10,000 initiation fee and a $5,000 annual membership fee thereafter.

Are black credit cards actually black?

Generally, black credit cards are designed with a black color scheme. However, some elite private banking cards that fall into the exclusive black card circuit aren’t black. For example, the JP Morgan Reserve card is made of brass and palladium, and has a silver metal finish.

What is the difference between a black card and a platinum card?

The AmEx Platinum Card is more accessible to consumers than the AmEx Centurion Card, also dubbed the black credit card. Members who want to apply for a Platinum Card can do so on their own online, while the black card is offered by invitation only. The requirements and annual membership fees of both cards also vastly differ.

Photo credit: iStock/Lemon_tm

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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How Much Is Flood Insurance for Renters on Average in California

How Much Is Flood Insurance for Renters on Average in California

The average annual cost of flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is $850 for California homeowners. But renters, who would only be insuring their personal possessions and not the building they’re in, can expect to pay much less for their coverage.

The cost of insuring your rental home’s contents still can vary significantly, depending on several factors, including if you live in a high-risk area, the coverage amount you want, and the deductible you choose.

Read on to learn more about purchasing flood insurance as a California renter, including what it can cost and why you might choose to purchase a policy to protect your belongings.

What Is Flood Insurance?

While most renters insurance policies cover some types of water damage (from a burst pipe or an overflowed toilet, for example), a standard renters policy typically doesn’t cover flood damage that comes from outside the home or from underground sources.

To be sure your furniture, electronics, and other belongings are protected if waters rise and flooding affects your rental home, you may need to buy a separate flood policy that will help you repair or replace what you’ve lost.

How Can Renters Get Flood Insurance?

Most people get their flood coverage through the NFIP, which is managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The NFIP works with a network of insurance companies across the country to provide policies.

FEMA’s flood insurance for renters and others isn’t sold directly by the federal government. Instead, you can purchase an NFIP policy through an authorized insurance company, under what’s known as a Write Your Own (WYO) program. The NFIP works with more than 50 insurance companies, so if an agent or broker helped you purchase your renters or auto policy, you can probably work with that same person or organization. If not, you can get help finding an NFIP provider online at, or you can call the NFIP at 877-0336-2627.

You also may want to check into private, non-government-backed flood insurance policies that may be offered in your area. These policies have different coverage limits, premiums, and deductible amounts than what an NFIP policy offers and can be a good fit for some needs. Just be sure your quote is coming from a stable company that is capable of paying out claims in the event of a major flood.

What Is Covered by Flood Insurance?

The NFIP offers two types of flood coverage. You can get a policy that covers a building only, a policy that covers only the contents in the building, or you can get coverage for both a building and its contents.

It’s up to a building’s owner to decide whether to buy flood insurance for their structure. Renters only have to worry about getting coverage for the possessions they keep in their rental condo, apartment, or house.

What does flood insurance cover for renters? An NFIP contents-only policy can provide up to $100,000 in personal property damage and typically covers items like:

•   Personal belongings, including clothing, furniture, and electronic equipment (TVs, computers, etc.)

•   Valuables, such as original artwork (up to $2,500)

•   Portable and window air conditioners

•   Washer and dryer

•   Microwave or convection oven

•   Rugs

•   Curtains and other window coverings

What Isn’t Covered by Flood Insurance?

Most personal property kept in a basement — including money, furniture, clothing, and electronics — won’t be covered by NFIP flood insurance. So if you’re renting a basement apartment (even if it’s a walkout basement), you’ll want to be clear about what can and can’t be insured.

Items you keep outside the building also may not be covered under an NFIP policy, including your car, bicycle, or plants.

NFIP flood insurance also won’t cover the costs you may incur if you must move to temporary housing because of flooding damage. (If you have renters insurance with “loss of use coverage,” you may be out of luck there, too. Loss of use coverage typically pays out only when the reason you’ve been displaced is covered by your renters policy — and as noted above, the standard renters policy doesn’t cover flooding damage.)

Keep in mind that private flood policies may have different coverage exclusions.

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Is Flood Insurance Required for California Renters?

Flood insurance isn’t legally mandated for renters in California, or anywhere in the U.S. And though your landlord can require renters insurance, a landlord can’t make renters purchase a separate flood policy.

However, if you feel your personal property could be at risk, you may want to consider adding flood protection.

Residents may worry more about their risk from earthquakes and wildfires, but according to the Public Policy Institute of California, much of the state is vulnerable to flooding. The valleys are susceptible to overflowing rivers. Some coastal areas are unprotected from high tides and storm-driven waves. Deserts and areas burned by wildfires may be hit by flash flooding. And urban areas with poor drainage systems and lots of concrete are at risk of flooding from heavy rains.

FEMA says just one inch of floodwater can cause up to $25,000 in damage. And without a flood policy, the cost of replacing your ruined belongings would fall to you.

How Can You Assess Your Rental’s Risk?

Knowing your designated flood zone can help you decide if you want to prioritize purchasing flood insurance for your rental. You can find your zone by entering your address at the FEMA Flood Map Service Center at Buildings in zones A and V are at the highest risk for flooding, while those in zones B, C, and X are considered at moderate risk.

Even if you don’t live in a high-risk zone, you can still experience flood damage. More than 20% of all insurance claims come from moderate- to low-risk flood zones, according to NFIP data.

If you’re new to the state or your city — or even if you’ve just moved to a new building — you may want to speak with your neighbors or landlord about the history and potential for flooding.

How Much Is Flood Insurance for Renters?

The NFIP offers contents-only policies for as low as $100 annually. Your premium can vary based on several factors, including the items you plan to protect and their replacement cost.

Remember, with an NFIP contents-only policy, the maximum amount of coverage you can get is $100,000. If your needs go beyond that threshold, you may want to consider buying excess flood insurance through a private flood policy. Or you may find a private policy alone is a better fit for you.

If it seems as though adding a flood policy on top of the cost of renters insurance might be beyond your budget, you may be able to lower the premium by raising your deductible amount. And your insurance agent can probably make other suggestions to keep the cost down.

It might make sense to sit down and look at how renters insurance for flooding would fit — along with life, car, health, and standard renters insurance — as part of your overall personal insurance planning. Don’t put off the decision to purchase until forecasters are predicting a potential flood event, though. There is typically a 30-day waiting period for an NFIP flood insurance policy to go into effect.

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The Takeaway

FEMA offers flood insurance for renters, known as contents coverage, for as low as $100 a year through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). But the cost of an NFIP policy or a private (non-government-backed) flood policy can vary significantly depending on where you live and what you want to protect. Flood insurance is a standalone policy, so the premium would be on top of whatever you may be paying for renters insurance. (Most renters insurance policies don’t cover flood damage.)

While SoFi doesn’t offer flood insurance, the National Flood Insurance Program offers coverage that can protect you from expensive damage.

If it’s time to reevaluate your overall insurance plan, SoFi can help. SoFi teams with top carriers to help you get reliable coverage with the convenience of shopping for insurance online. With SoFi Protect, you can search for the coverage you need — for your home and belongings, life, and car — at a price you can afford.

Let SoFi help you build a plan that protects the people and things you love.


Is there flood insurance for renters?

Yes. Renters can get contents-only insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or a private (non-government-backed) flood policy.

Can my landlord require flood insurance?

No. Flood insurance is not legally mandated in any state, and landlords can’t require renters to carry it.

Will my bicycle, kids’ toys, and other things I store outside my apartment be covered by flood insurance?

An NFIP contents-only policy won’t cover items that are kept outside, and there are also limits on what an NFIP policy will cover in a basement.

Photo credit: iStock/Cunaplus_M.Faba

Insurance not available in all states.
Gabi is a registered service mark of Gabi Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
SoFi is compensated by Gabi for each customer who completes an application through the SoFi-Gabi partnership.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How Much More Is Car Insurance for a Sports Car?

How Much More Is Car Insurance for a Sports Car?

Insurance for a 2022 model sports car costs on average $2,152 annually. The cost difference between insuring a sports car and a standard vehicle can range from a couple hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. The average cost for a conventional car is $1,567.

To help you decide if purchasing a hot new ride makes sense, we’ll provide details about how much insurance costs for a sports car, and the factors that can raise or lower your premiums.

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What Is Sports Car Insurance?

“Sports car” is a common term used for small, low-built cars designed for performance at high speeds. Sports car insurance then refers to typical auto insurance for a sports model. Drivers generally have to pay more to insure a sports car because of the higher sticker price and greater perceived risk.

Sports cars usually have top-of-the-line engines that drivers can easily push to high speeds, upping the likelihood of an accident or speeding ticket. Sports cars tend to be more expensive to repair and replace because their parts are costly to manufacture. As a result, insurers charge drivers more to cover sports cars.

Need to brush up on your vehicular vocabulary? Check out our roundup of car insurance terms.

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How Much Does Insurance Cost for a Sports Car?

For a 30-year-old driver, sports car insurance can range from $1,857 for a Mazda MX-5 to $4,823 for a Maserati Quattroporte S GranSport. Keep in mind that these numbers are averages. Your costs will depend on many factors, such as your age and the age of the car, security features installed in the vehicle, the state you live in, and how much you drive.

Parents and teens alike may benefit from our insurance tips for first-time drivers.

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Average Cost of Insuring a Sports Car

See below for the average cost of insuring a sports car, by make and model:

Make and Model

National Average Rate

Maserati Quattroporte S GranSport $4,823
Maserati Ghibli S Q4 GranSport $4,208
BMW M8 xDrive $3,907
Audi R8 5.2L Spyder Quattro $3,863
Nissan GT-R Nismo $3,829
BMW M5 Competition xDrive $3,777
Tesla Model S $3,567
Porsche 911 $3,261
Dodge Charger $2,930
Jaguar F-Type $2,751
Dodge Challenger $2,317
Chevrolet Corvette $2,420
Mazda MX-5 Miata $1,857

What Do Insurance Companies Consider To Be Sports Cars?

While insurance companies don’t have a strict, universal definition for sports cars, they typically have powerful engines with more horsepower but weigh less than sedans. Sports cars get their name from the sport of racing, which inspires their engine specs and body shape. Manufacturers design sports cars to be small, fast, and maneuverable.

Car enthusiasts and connoisseurs appreciate the expertise and craft that go into making sports cars. But anyone can get behind the wheel of these thrilling and potentially dangerous vehicles. Those dangers have financial implications, so insurance companies charge increased premiums. Still, it’s possible to find affordable car insurance for many sports models.

What Coverage Do You Need for a Performance Car?

Because of a sports car’s higher value, drivers tend to choose maximum vehicle coverage over minimum car insurance. Full coverage can vary but tends to include the following:

Liability Insurance

If you’re at fault for an accident, liability insurance covers the cost of injuries and property damage to the other people involved. It can also cover legal fees and court costs if someone sues you after an at-fault accident. Most states require some level of liability insurance.

Comprehensive and Collision

This coverage provides complete damage coverage for your vehicle, whether it’s beat up by a storm or after an accident. If you lease or finance your sports car, your leasing agent or lender will likely require this coverage.

Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist

UM coverage protects you if you collide with someone with limited or no auto insurance. In an accident where someone else is at fault and they don’t have enough insurance, UM will cover your medical bills up to policy limits. Some states require UM coverage.

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Personal Injury Protection

PIP insurance covers medical bills, lost wages, and funeral expenses after an accident, no matter who caused it. Some states require this type of coverage.

Gap Insurance

When a newer car is totaled, standard insurance will reimburse you the car’s actual cash value (ACV), which may be less than the amount left on your loan or lease. Gap insurance covers the gap between the vehicle’s ACV and the amount you owe, minus the deductible.

Learn more about how gap insurance works.

New Car Replacement

New car replacement operates similarly to gap insurance by covering the cost of purchasing the same make and model vehicle that was damaged — after the deductible.

Recommended: How Much Does Insurance Go Up After an Accident?

Which Sports Car Has the Cheapest Insurance?

The sports car that’s cheapest to insure is the Mazda MX-5, with an $1,174 average premium, per Quadrant Information Services. That may be because Mazda is known as one of the safest car brands on the market, according to U.S. News.

For a deep dive into the process, read this take on how to get car insurance.

Which Sports Car Is the Most Expensive to Insure?

According to Kelley Blue Book, the Maserati Quattroporte S GranSport is one of the most expensive sports cars to insure, costing $4,823 annually on average. Maserati is a renowned exotic car manufacturer, whose vehicles are both expensive and exclusive. The Quattroporte is a supercharged luxury sports sedan.

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How Can You Save Money on Sports Car Insurance Rates?

Although sports cars are expensive to own, you can lower the cost of car insurance with the following tips:

Take Advantage of Discounts

Insurance companies reward drivers with discounts for various efforts, such as avoiding tickets and driving less. As a sports car driver, you can do the following to reduce insurance costs:

•   Install an anti-theft device.

•   Do the bulk of your driving with another car. For example, you could commute with an economy car and take your sports car out on weekends.

•   Keep a clean driving record free of accidents and tickets.

•   If you have multiple vehicles, insure both with the same company for a price reduction.

•   Purchase your homeowners or renter’s insurance from the same company providing your auto policy to receive a discount.

•   Pass a driver safety test.

•   Install a tracking device to record your driving habits.

Increase your Deductible

Deductibles and premiums have an inverse relationship. If you choose a high deductible (what you pay before your insurance covers the remaining costs), your monthly premiums fall. Therefore, you can change your policy to take on more of a financial burden if you get into an accident, making your policy more affordable on a monthly basis.

Shop Around

You don’t know what you don’t know, and that is very true of insurance costs. Requesting quotes from multiple insurance companies allows you to compare insurance packages and find the best price. Regular personal insurance planning sessions can make sure you’re saving money on all of your policies.

Switching car insurance may seem counterintuitive if you think you have an excellent price, but it doesn’t hurt to check. Bundling is often helpful in reducing insurance costs, but you might find an outstanding deal with an insurer that beats the discount your current insurance company offers. Specifically, online insurance may offer lower rates than traditional insurers.

The Takeaway

Sports cars are fast, fun vehicles that make driving exciting — and expensive. While their agility and speed are enjoyable, their insurance costs can be prohibitive, especially for younger drivers. However, you can reduce insurance costs by avoiding the most expensive sports cars, such as Maseratis and Audis, and driving more modestly priced models like the Mazda MX-5 or Chevrolet Corvette. Also, older “classic” sports cars don’t have the same insurance upcharge as newer models. And of course, it pays to keep a clean driving record.

Whether you’re considering a sports car, auto insurance, or other significant financial decision, shopping around is crucial. SoFi’s auto insurance tool allows you to compare rates from the top insurers to help you get the best deal. You’ll find rates in real time with no finagling.

SoFi streamlines your insurance shopping journey to make sure you arrive at a good price.


Is it more expensive to insure a sports car?

Sports car insurance costs about $1,850 to $4,800 annually, depending on the car model and age. Conversely, conventional cars cost about $1,728 to insure in the United States on average.

Does insurance go up when you buy a sports car?

Since sports cars tend to be faster than standard cars (which increases the probability of an accident), it usually costs more to insure one.

How can I lower my insurance on my sports car?

You can lower your insurance on your sports car by building a favorable credit score, maintaining a clean driving record, bundling multiple types of insurance, and fulfilling specific conditions from your insurance company. For example, you might install a car alarm or reduce your monthly miles driven to receive discounts on your premium. Also, shopping amongst insurance companies for the best deal can help you find a lower rate.

Photo credit: iStock/Arand

Insurance not available in all states.
Gabi is a registered service mark of Gabi Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
SoFi is compensated by Gabi for each customer who completes an application through the SoFi-Gabi partnership.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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