Budgeting Tips for Life After Divorce

You may be getting divorced, but you’re not alone. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 34% of women and 33% of men in the United States are right there with you, having ended their unions.

Certainly, though, this life event can cause emotional turmoil, and it may trigger worries about money too. Take heart: The end of a marriage does not have to mean an end to financial security. If you keep calm and make a careful post-divorce budget, you are more likely to stay fiscally fit.

Why Is a Post-divorce Budget Critical?

A realistic budget after divorce is a must. It can often cost a lot more to run two households than one. Still, doing what’s right for your personal life path and well-being comes first; there’s no point staying unhappily wed simply to save money. It can be possible to find steady footing during this transition with the right basic living expenses budget.

Truth is, after the sometimes hefty expense of a divorce lawyer (if you hired one), you will possibly be solely responsible for housing, utilities, groceries, car maintenance, and more.

There are various ways to budget for this, including the 50/30/20 rule and the envelope system, among others. You’ll also likely encounter a variety of tools, including spreadsheets and apps. Take the time to review your options and find an approach that feels right for you.

Recommended: Am I Responsible for My Spouse’s Debt?

Lifestyle Pre-divorce and Post-divorce Will Be Different

Get ready for changes in your lifestyle and your cash management. Transitioning from couplehood to single status can take time, patience, and being kind to yourself.

You will likely need to set up your own bank account, for example, if you previously had a joint account with your ex. And you’ll need to put your place of residence, you car, and utility bills, among other things, in your name.

You may be responsible for more household chores now, as you may not be able to afford, say, the cleaning person or landscaper you used to employ. Trimming the leisure budget (dinners out, vacations, entertainment, fitness classes) might be necessary, but all is not lost. Prioritize what is most important to your self-care now. This can be a bump in the road, not the end of the line.

Newly Single Life Can Be Taxing Emotionally and Financially

Divorce can affect your spirit as well as your finances. If you’re struggling and don’t have a therapist, consider finding one and/or joining a support group in your community. We can’t always “adult” our way through rough times.

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Finances for Children May Be Difficult

Children are a hot-button topic for almost all parents, both married and divorced. Meeting their emotional and financial needs can lead to a tug-of-war, especially if you and your ex don’t communicate calmly and effectively.

As your divorce unfolds, pay close attention to what counts as child support. For instance, you may want to continue your child’s soccer league, guitar lessons, or art classes, but these activities may or may not be covered. Also, if you have a teen who is begging for a used car, that large expenditure may not be covered by child support either.

Knowing just what counts as a child support expense, along with careful record keeping, will be important as you develop with your divorce budget. After all, knowledge is power. It will help you negotiate and budget better as a single parent, as well as keep the peace as you co-parent.

Recognize You Can No Longer Rely on Two Incomes

It can be a huge learning curve: Relying on a single salary instead of two. This post-divorce situation can be especially complicated if your ex had the employee benefits, including family health and dental insurance, 401(k) contributions, and a flexible spending account (FSA), where payroll deductions cover everything from child care to eyeglasses.

Now is the time to investigate what options you have to gain self-sufficiency and stay on budget. For example, if you work, does your employer offer an affordable health insurance plan? If you are self-employed, what networking groups could advise you on good options? Do you perhaps qualify for a lower-cost health insurance plan on the marketplace? Explore ways to save money, too. For instance, perhaps a high-yield savings account might be right for you. Even if you contribute just $20 a week, the money can add up and earn interest over time. Invest some time in seeing what’s available that suits your needs and budget.

Potential Questions to Ask Yourself

As you move through your divorce process and onto your newly single life, ask and answer the big questions. These can help you both trouble-shoot and thrive.

•   How much is my income going to change? First, look at past bank statements. See how much your spouse and you have each contributed to the family income. In many cases, of course, alimony will come into play, but you need a realistic income-based expectation for that, too.

•   What do I need to let go of? This may take soul-searching. As you go from two incomes to one income, it’s likely that something’s got to give in terms of expenditures. Think creatively about where and how to economize. You might decide to plan and cook ahead for the week to minimize the temptation and expense of eating out. Or perhaps you decide to split an apartment with a friend for a while to save on rent while you get your bearings. It’s your call.

•   How should I supplement my income? If you need to get cash flowing your way, contemplate what’s in your toolbox of strengths and skills. One of the key benefits of a side hustle is that it can boost your income and fit your schedule. Maybe you’re a super-organized person who offers decluttering skills, a tech-savvy type who can build websites for others, or an animal lover who pet-sits or walks dogs. Other ideas: Fill free hours as an Instacart shopper, Amazon delivery person, or Uber driver.

•   How will we fairly work out financial support for the kids? Are the children dividing their time 50/50 between you and your ex? What will your child support agreement entail? What additional expenses may come up in the future (tutoring, college prep classes)? Think and work it through, possibly with professional guidance.

Post-Divorce Budgeting Tips

Once you have mulled over the issues relating to post-divorce life, keep these strategies in mind to help you optimize your finances.

Focusing On Current Income

Base your budget on your income now, after taxes. Do not base it on the projected income you hope to have. Don’t get caught up thinking about your former two-person income. Being pragmatic right now will likely pay off and help you stay out of debt.

Focusing On Most Important Monthly Expenses

For now, prioritize what it will take to get through daily life. Calculate costs of a roof over your head, a way to get to work, food, child care, healthcare, and other essentials. Take care of people first, starting with yourself; then deal with material things later.

Letting Go of Unnecessary Items

Go ahead and slash some items out of your budget. There are some easy ways to save money. Perhaps you can jettison a couple of streaming services, cut back on clothes shopping, and mow your own lawn instead of hiring someone else to do it. That feeling of opening up some room in your budget can be priceless.

Giving Yourself Safe and Budget-Friendly Fun

Find the right mood lifters. Avoid expensive, impulsive purchases when you are feeling emotionally hurt and raw. They can wreak havoc with your finances.

Instead, treat yourself to free or low-cost adventures and experiences. Fresh air can be healing and motivating; local parks and wildlife sanctuaries may offer free guided walks and birdwatching outings.

Considering Working With a Financial Advisor

As you sort out your finances as you approach a divorce, you may want to enlist a professional versed in the issues that can crop up. Child support, shared credit-card debt, and division of jointly owned real estate can require this kind of guidance. A certified divorce financial analyst (CDFA) is trained to assist with this and help you get the fairest possible deal. Explore the possibility and find out the CDFA fees to see if it’s a good option for you.

Post-divorce, you might also seek out an advisor who can help you set up a financial plan so that your spending and saving habits suit your new situation.

The Takeaway

Transitioning from pre-divorce to post-divorce life can stir up fears and insecurities, but you can take concrete steps to manage the unknown. Face facts about income, set a realistic budget, and find the right bank account. Prioritize your needs, and be willing to put unnecessary expenses on hold for now. Like so many others, you will find your footing and peace of mind, thanks to patience, flexibility, and wise budgeting.

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How do you budget after a divorce?

To budget for post-divorce life, assess and prioritize non-negotiable needs (such as housing, food, utilities, and child care), and phase out or reduce unnecessary extras. Pay attention to the details of your divorce agreement, as alimony and/or child support may impact your finances significantly.

How long does it take to financially recover from divorce?

The timeline for recovering financially from divorce varies tremendously, depending on the particulars of a person’s income, divorce agreement, and other factors. It may take around five years to fully regain your sense of control over your money, though that could happen much sooner (or take even longer) for some.

Will I be poor after divorce?

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that after a divorce, household income for women can drop considerably. This is all the more reason to budget carefully after divorce and seek professional advice. These steps could help you avoid costly mistakes that impact your financial wellness.

Photo credit: iStock/PeopleImages

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Visiting National Parks on a Budget

Traveling the National Parks on a Budget

America’s national parks are legendary: You can probably conjure up images of Old Faithful at Yellowstone, El Capitan at Yosemite, and the Great Smoky Mountains without too much trouble. But what you may not realize is that our country’s network of over 400 national parks can also be a terrific, budget-friendly vacation destination.

Planning a road trip to a national park with the family or your BFFs can be an amazing way to see the natural beauty of the U.S. And it’s a popular idea: In 2022, the parks welcomed 312 million visitors, up 5% from the previous year.

By doing some prep work, you can be among those travelers who revel in the iconic landscapes of the parks while having an environmentally friendly, low-cost adventure. Here, you’ll learn the ropes, from advice on destinations to ideas for keeping expenses down.

Cheap National Parks to Visit

Unlike other standard vacation destinations (theme parks, etc.), most national parks don’t charge an entrance fee. Over two-thirds of these sites, including the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on the border of Tennessee and North Carolina, are free to enter. So the vast majority of these destinations are indeed cheap national parks to visit!

Even if you choose one that does charge, you’ll most likely pay by the carload, like the 7-day pass for your group at Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado for $35. The ever-popular Yosemite and Acadia National Parks charge the same fee.

If you want to see which parks charge a fee, check out the National Park Service’s website .

Here’s an important warning, however: During peak times, you may need a reservation simply to drive into a park. You may gain admission if you have another kind of reservation (hotel room, say, or campsite), but double-check. Keep this top of mind if you are thinking you can just cruise on over and take selfies at, say, Half Dome for a day in August. Probably not going to happen without advance planning.

You can also take advantage of fee-free days. The National Park Service selects certain holidays and special occasions each year to offer admission-free entrance to everyone. So, you can visit over 400 sites at no cost in 2023, like on Great American Outdoors Day on August 4.

To find parks conveniently located near you, use the National Park Service’s “Find a Park ” tool online. Then you can compare options and see what type of landscape you’d most like to visit.

Setting a Budget for Visiting National Parks

If you have a vacation in mind, you might have already started budgeting for it. Saving money for a trip is an important step and allows you to explore the world guilt-free. But to make the most out of your visit to a national park, you need to know exactly what type of costs to expect. That way, you never have to worry about not having enough money on hand to enjoy yourself.

Here are some expenses you should account for in your national parks budget.

Food & Drink

Saving money on a road trip is often challenging since you don’t have all your basic necessities ready at your disposal. That includes food and drink, whether your style is more drive-through or sit-down dining or “I’m happy to cook for myself.” You’ll need to factor the cost of meals into your travel budget.

One budget-smart option is to rent a cabin with a kitchen. With that, you can pick up groceries once you arrive and cook your meals instead of ordering out. That’s a big savings right there!

You may not be the type to cook on vacation, though. If not, you can look for affordable options near you for meals. But keep in mind: You’ll need to budget for your three meals a day, plus you’ll probably want some water and a snack here and there, lots of liquids to fuel you on hikes, and perhaps to go out for a beer or two one evening. There will likely be taxes and possibly tips involved. See how it all adds up and what you can afford.

One very dollar-smart move to stay well-fed and not blow your budget: Use a backpack cooler. If you want to spend your days hiking and walking, you’re going to get thirsty and hungry pretty quickly. You can load a cooler up with protein bars, nuts, apples, and granola, preventing you from buying potentially pricey food throughout the day.

Gas & Travel

When it comes to the expense of traveling to national parks, the nice news is that a destination might be closer than you think. Many of us hear the phrase “national park” and think of large, sweeping spots in the West, like the Grand Canyon. But that’s just one iconic site. There are actually hundreds of places in the U.S. under the National Park Service’s care, from historic sites to scenic trails. So you may not have to plan out a cross-country trip to enjoy what this country has to offer.

However, if you have to travel a significant distance, why not whittle your transportation costs? For example, if you need to fly, it can pay to be flexible with your dates and look for the lowest possible fare. Sites like Expedia and Kayak can notify you when prices drop on flights you are interested in. Another smart move is to pack light so you won’t pay those ouch-inducing baggage fees.

Perhaps you’re driving to your destination, though. If you want to improve gas mileage and get the most out of your trip, try to choose a park that isn’t isolated. For example, there are multiple national parks near Las Vegas, such as Death Valley National Park and Zion National Park, which are about two and a quarter hours apart. Once you’re at Zion, you might decide to hop over to Bryce Canyon National Park, barely an hour and a half away, and see the incredible rock formations known as hoodoos.

You’ll be able to visit multiple parks without too much drive time, save money on gas, and see all the more spectacular sights. It may be the best way to travel around America on a budget.

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You know the law of supply and demand: When demand is high, supply gets scarce — and potentially pricey. With that in mind, note that the peak season for visiting national parks is summer. Kids are off from school, temperatures are warmer, and international travelers may visit our lovely landscapes. So that means bigger crowds, which impacts local lodging. It will be harder to find accommodations, and their prices will be higher, too.

Because of this, it’s best to book your lodging in advance so you don’t get shut out of affordable rooms. National Parks have a wide range of accommodations; during spring 2023 at Yosemite, for instance, rooms ranged from $101 to $500+ a night. A location farther out from the park will be cheaper as well. Those who accumulate points on a travel credit card or cash back rewards credit card may find lodging nearby at a discount.

Of course, that’s not your only option. You can also rent an RV or stay at a campground. If you choose to camp, check to see if you need a reservation. At national parks, the average price is around $20 per night, though prices can range from $5 to $30 or so. These sites usually offer electricity hookups, water, camp stores, and fire rings. Research what your campground offers to help plan out your packing needs. If you snag one of these spots at a free-admission park and already have tents and other gear on hand, congrats! You may have scored one of the cheapest national park visits to be found.

Activities and Entertainment

If you have never visited a national park before, you might not know what they offer. While part of their appeal is just being in the great outdoors and soaking in the views, you also have activities available to you. There may be anything from guided walks and museums to talks and films, and they all typically come at no extra cost. It can be a great way to learn about local wildlife, fossils, history, and more.

In addition to that, you might seek other activities. For instance, if you are visiting Florida’s Everglades National Park, perhaps you want to go on a kayak adventure with a guide. It can be a terrific way to see the mangroves and sawgrass marshes the area is famous for. That will be an additional cost to keep in mind.

There’s also every chance that you may pass all kinds of mini-golf, waterparks, multiplexes, and other attractions as you explore the area near a national park. If a vacation isn’t a vacation without indulging in these offerings, factor that into your budget, too.

Permits & Passes

Again, most parks are available to the public for free. But if you want to visit multiple national parks, consider opting for a National Park Annual Pass. It typically costs $80 ($20 for seniors) and gives you unlimited entrance to over 2,000 federal recreation areas, such as national parks.

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Saving for Your Travel

Saving up for your trip can be pretty straightforward. One way is to set up a dedicated travel fund. Separating your vacation money from your regular savings account will make your progress that much easier to track. You can also maximize your savings by setting up automatic contributions to your travel fund. That way, you never forget to put in a few dollars on payday.

If that sounds appealing, you need to pick the correct type of account. Some options, like a high yield bank account, promise higher interest rates than your standard version. However, your choice will depend on your timeline. For example, someone taking a trip in a year has more time to accrue interest than someone taking a trip within a few months.

Let’s say you don’t have much time, though. Even if you can’t build much in the way of interest, you can still find extra cash in your life. You might need to budget a bit differently. For example, if you have a streaming service membership, you can cancel that for a while. Or perhaps you can pick up a side hustle on the weekends, whether that means driving for a rideshare service or walking dogs.

The Takeaway

Vacations are a time to relax, enjoy yourself, and make memories with your loved ones. The last thing you need is for that time away to leave you deeply in debt and saddled with stress. That’s why a trip to a national park can be such a terrific destination: You’ll explore the great outdoors but can do so without breaking the bank, thanks to low fees, free activities, and the smart saving advice you learned here.

SoFi Travel has teamed up with Expedia to bring even more to your one-stop finance app, helping you book reservations — for flights, hotels, car rentals, and more — all in one place. SoFi Members also have exclusive access to premium savings, with 10% or more off on select hotels. Plus, earn unlimited 3%** cash back rewards when you book with your SoFi Unlimited 2% Credit Card through SoFi Travel.

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Is it expensive to visit national parks?

In many cases, it’s a more affordable vacation than other options. Over two-thirds of national parks offer free admission year-round. Plus, there are many throughout the country, meaning you can pick one that’s close and may not have to spend much on travel costs. The main expenses will come from your lodging, food, and additional activities.

How many days should you spend at a national park?

The length of your stay should depend on the type of itinerary you want to build and the size of the park you are visiting. There are many itineraries for Yosemite online that involve staying three to five days, but you could certainly spend much longer or shorter periods of time. Worth noting: Some smaller parks and historic sites may not be open every day. Larger parks may close due to weather events. Always check in with a park (either online or by calling) beforehand.

How much does it cost on average to visit a national park?

Most national parks are free. The National Park Service allows you to see the entrance rates for each fee-charging national park. Use their listings to see if the park you want to visit charges an entrance fee. The per-vehicle prices are often between $20 to $35 for seven days.

Photo credit: iStock/MargaretW
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