“Credit Enrollment Center Hardship Program”

16 Search Results

16 Search Results

How Do Student Loans Work? Guide to Student Loans

How Do Student Loans Work? Guide to Student Loans


With the cost of higher education at an all-time high, many students need financial assistance to pay for tuition, room and board, books, and more. In fact, in the U.S. alone, 43 million borrowers are carrying over $1.7 trillion in student loan debt. Taking out student loans may be the first major financial commitment you […]

Understanding Parent PLUS Loan Repayment Options

Understanding Parent PLUS Loan Repayment Options


If you took out a Direct PLUS Loan for Parents to help fund your child’s education, you’re going to eventually have to start paying the money back. Parent PLUS loans generally can’t be transferred to your child — even once they graduate and get a steady job — so you’re the one who’s on the […]

Using In-School Deferment as a Student

Using In-School Deferment as a Student


Undergraduate and graduate students in school at least half-time can put off making federal student loan payments, and possibly private student loan payments, with in-school deferment. The catch? Interest usually accrues. Loans are a fact of life for many students. In fact, a majority of them graduate with student loan debt. While some students choose […]

Choosing a Student Loan Lender Outside Your Bank

Choosing a Student Loan Lender Outside Your Bank


When outlining your plans for how to pay for college, student loans may be part of the financial picture. According to information published by the Pew Research Center, roughly one-third of adults under age 30 have some student loan debt as higher education costs continue to climb. If you’ve already qualified for federal student loans […]

Should You Take Advantage of Your Student Loan Grace Period?

Should You Take Advantage of Your Student Loan Grace Period?


With graduation comes a fair share of celebration and changes. From grad parties to finding your first job to possibly a major move, life moves pretty fast during that first year out of school. While you’re busy setting up a new life, you may not even have time to think about those student loans you […]

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